The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1951, Image 1

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    VOL. 51 No. 54
Wednesday, December 5, 1951
University Women
To Elect Six Eligible
Bachelors Today
Six University men will be
tabbed "eligible" by campus
women in the elections at Ellen
Smith hall from 9 a.m. to 5:30
p.m. today.
Eligible Bachelors will be pre
sented at the Black Masque Ball.
Members of Mortar Board
will conduct the elections for
which University women must
present their ID cards. Pictures of
the candidates will be displayed
at Ellen Smith hall.
Tickets are being sold for the
annual turn-about affair by all
Mortar Boards and Tassels. Black
mask souvenirs are also available
from the ticket sellers at five
cents each.
Saxophone artist, Tex Beneke,
and his orchestra has been en
gaged for the traditional affair.
Beneke played in Glenn Mil
ler's band before Miller was
killed in 1945. After the war
Beneke was offered the lead
ership of the old Miller band
along with permission from Mil
ler's wife to use all of his ar
NU Ecology
Is Praised
The University received praise
imb ween. iui uS tulm.UuUU., ,
trained men to range management
work in the United States. i
The praise came from the
Journal of the American Society
of Range Management. In an ed
itorial, the magazine said:
"Nearly all of the U.S. teach
ers of ranse management who
hold the Ih.D dstree have ob
tained that degicc in plant ec
ology. The major colleges giv
ing training to these teachers
include t'is University of Ne
braska, Uiivirsity of Minne
sota an:i (he University of Chi
cago. It seems then that the
teachers of range management
have had good training in the
fundamentals of the plant sci
ences from some of our better
known universities."
The University's plant ecology
teacher is Dr. John E. Weaver, a
recognized international authority
on prairie grasses and their
Eight of Dr. Weaver's Ph.D.
students hold prominent positions
on the faculties of several west
ern range management schools or
are in charge of field operations. 1
They are: Dr. F. W. Albert
son and Dr. Gerald Tomanek,
Kansas State College at Fort
Hays; Dr. Harold Biswell, Uni
versity of California; Dr. L. A.
Stoddart of Utah State College
who is the author of a book,
"Range Management"; Dr. Jo
seph Robertson, University of
Nevada; Dr. F. A. Branson,
Montana State College; and Dr.
Harold Heady, Texas A. and M.
College. Dr. Robert Coupland
teaches range management at
the University of Saskatche
wan, Canada.
Other students of Dr. Weaver
Include Dr. Edsco Dyksatehuis,
head of range management work
for the Soil Conservation Service
in Nebraska, the Dakotas, Mon
tana, Wyoming and Kansas; B. W.
All red, who has a similar position
with SCS for Texas, Louisiana
and Oklahoma and who is the au
thor of the widely used book,
"Practical Grassland Manage
ment"; Dr. Evan Flory, head of
range management for all U.S.
Indian reservations; and Dr. Ovi
dio Gracia, in charge of grassland
work for Puerto Rico.
EC 1
V y ' rv .-- :::, ty&? w'ZsW&ri
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Cmifly Lincoln Journal.
And many happy returns of the
Phi Beta Kappa, arts and science
scholastic honorary, ig celebrating
its 175th anniversary today.
Phi Beta Kappa's first chapter
was founded at William and
Mary's college, Dec. 5, 1776. Its
purpose, then as now, is to en
courage the liberal arts and
lii'letices. The society now boasts
some 120,000 members in 150
1'BK. was the first society In
this country to have a O eek
letter name. Phi Beta K .ppa
are the initials of the Greek
motto: "Philosophy Is the rulde
of life."
The first chapter introduced an
rangements. The present band
still maintains the traditional
Miller style with Beneke inno
vations added.
Presentation of the Bachelors
is one highlight of the annual
"turnabout" ball sponsored by
the campus senior women's hon
orary. Girls assume the roles of
fellows for one night -and pay
the bills, call for their dates, pro
vide crazy corsages and carry
"equipment" ranging from golf
clubs to electric razors.
The candidates for the title
of Eligible Bachelor this year
Pat Allen, Acacia; Pete Bergs-
ton, Alpha Tau Omega; Rex
Coffman, Ag men; Dick Cordell,
Sigma Chi; Les Demmel, Corn
husker; Joe Gifford, Sigma Al
pha Epsilon; Jack Greer, Beta
Theta Pi; Dick Huebner, Beta
Sigma Psi; Gary Jones, Tau
Kappa Ep,i!on; Bill Knudsen,
Sigma Nu.
Dick Landler. Delta Tau Delta:
Dean Linscott, Alpha Gamma Rho;
j Max Littleton, Pioneer House;
i Jack Lliteras, Men's dorm; George
ivicwueen, Brown Palace; Hod
Meyers, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Jim
Munger, Phi Delta Theta.
Jack Nichols, Theta Chi; Mort
Novak, Pi Kappa Phi; Dick Reg
ier, Phi Kappa Psi; Tom Rische,
Theta Xi; Bart Rochman, Sigma
Alpha Mu; Jim Smith, Independ
ent; Marv Suvalsky, Zeta Beta
Trill- Wotrna WViito TTv. U
X " ' c " . T'
WOoiwine, ir-hi Gamma Delta; Jim
Terry, Delta Upsilon.
All new candidates for
teaching positions for the
school year 1952-53 or for the
second semester of this year
are urged to meet with staff
members in charge of teacher
placement Thursday at 4 p.m.
in Love Library auditorium.
Students who have classes at
this period are asked to ar
range with instructors to per
mit attendance. This meeting is
very important to all who are
interested in teaching next
year. Please come prepared to
take notes.
Frank E. Sorenson, Chairman
Department of
Educational Services
TllA. Olmcuuu
Staff Writer
The three bears entered their
room upon returning from a long
walk one evening.
"Someone's been sleeping in
my bed," said the great big bear
in a great big voice.
"Someone s been sleeping in my
bed," said the middle sized bear
in a middle sized voice.
"Goodnight," said the little bear
in a little voice.
"He's a fraternity man."
"How do you know?"
"He answered
to four differ
ent names this
mornir.g when
the professor
called role."
Mild tem
peratures will
prevail today
n A fMirrKf
a ii u bviugu., .
with the day's
high near 50.
"Did you see
that donkey fall on O street yes
terday and break his leg?
"Did tney blame the driver?"
"No, they said it was the
'I t."
oath of secrecy, a badge, mottoes,
a code of laws, an elaborate initia
tion and a distinctive handclasp.
The main attention of the PBK's
was given to literary exercises,
particularly composition and de
bating. Fifty mea were admitted to
membership in the chapter's first
four years. Many of the fifty later
distinguished themselves in pub
lic life. Two Bushrod Washing
ton and John Marshall became
members of the Supreme Court of
the United States.
Three I m p o rt a n t changes
marked Phi Beta Kappa's first
century. They were removal of
the secrecy requirement, transi
tion from a literary society to
an honor society, and admission
of women to membership.
By 1883, here were 20 active
chapters which formed the Na
tional Council of the United Chap
ters of Phi Beta Kappa. Since the
organization of the united chap
ters, the society has recognized
three classes of members; under
graduates, alumni and honorary.
Under graduates are elected
from candidates for degrees in
liberal arts and sciences, usually
among the upper tenth of the
graduating class. Of some 5,000
members elected annually, about
90 percent are undergraduates.
By some sort of a coincidence,
the University chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa Is holding Its meet
ing tonight, 6:15 at the Union.
Guett speaker at the meeting
will be Dr. Louise Pound who
will discuss "American English
After Two World Wars."
Dr. Pound, a former member of
it happened at nu...
The enterprising Pharmarv
College senior had to stretch a
point, but he did have a topic
for a research paper for first
aid class.
But his problems were only
beginning he didn't know any
thing about his subject.
Any less enterprising a stu
dent would have changed the
topic, but not this fellow. He
decided the only way to success
was to ask someone' who knew
about it and he figured he
might learn a little on the side.
So he simply called a soror
ity house and interviewed a
coed who, he knew, was on the
The subject of his paper was
"How to Remove a Girdle in
Case of an Emergency."
To Present
"To promote the progress of
science," the National Science
Foundation this year is offering
a number of predoctoral and post
doctoral graduate fellowships.
The awards, ranging from $1,
400 to $3,000 per year, will be
granted to graduate students in
the fields of biological, engi
neering, mathematical, medical
and physical sciences.
National Science Foundation
Act of 1950 authorized the fel
lowships. Selection of persons will
be made from among citizens of
the United States solely on the
basis of ability.
Appointments are for one year
and the closing date for receipt of
applications for 1952-1953 will be
Jan. 7, 1952. Awards will be made
about April 1, 1952.
j Application forms for the
University are available in the
graduate office, Social Sciences
III. The National Science Foun
dation requires that each appli
cant for a predoctoral fellow
ship take a Fellowship Record
examination. Applications will
be evaluated by the National
Research Council.
Information may be obtained
by writing to the Fellowship
Office, National Research Coun
cil, 2101 Constitution Avenue,
Washington 25, D. C.
Delta Sigma Pi Initiates
Twenty New Members
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
business administration fraternity,
initiated 20 men Sunday, Dec. 2.
New members are: John An
drews, Ernest Arrigo, Bert Bo
quet, Scott Brown, Bob Bruner
Jim Faferta, Cliff Harmatta, Jerry
Kessel, Jim Matson, Jack Meis
inger, Bob Mooney, Bernard
Nealy, Jim Nelson, William Nich
elason, Rex Rubeck, Tony Rasmus
sen, Jim Runyan, Don Switzer,
Arthur Taylor, Lyle Young.
'Miss Snowflake' Candidates
Deadline Thursday In Union
Names of "Miss Snowflake"
candidates must be submitted to
the Union activities office by 5
p.m. Thursday.
Candidates are nominated by
organized houses, Towne club
and women's residence halls.
"Miss SnowHake" must be a
freshman coed and eligible un
der University rules. This is the
only University title restricted
to freshman women.
The titlist will be presented at
the Union Christmas open house,
7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Dec. 18. Fresh
man women will have late per
mission until 10:30 p.m. that eve
Open house guests will vote
for "Miss Snowflake" as they
come in the door. The winner will
receive a gift when she is pre
..Ml.. , '
if'.mirUM Lincoln Journal.
the University English staff, is a
member of more than 30 educa
tional and linguistic organiza
tions. She has held important of
fices in many of them and has
been editor of various well-known
literary publications, among them
"American Speech," "American
Literature," und University studies
in luiiKuage, literature and crili
cimi. Dr. Pound wan ulnu one of the
first members of the Nebraska
thupler of Phi Beta Kappa which
was organized at Nebraska in
I Dr. Boyd Carter of the romance
I language department is president
iof the Nebraska chapter of Phi
lieu Kappa.
Af Cfnivcafini Today
Gov. Val Peterson will discuss
j United States foreign policy at an
all -University convocation at 11
a.m. Wednesday in the Union
The convocation was arranged
by NUCWA. Classes will not be
Peterson will base his talk
on his tour of active duty with
the air force in Europe this
summer. A colonel in the air
Coed Follies Skit, TNC
Nominees Due Monday
Scripts and lists of participants
for the Coed Follies show, Feb. 26,
must be submitted to the chair
man, Jean Loudon, 716 North 16th,
by Monday. Candidates for Typ
ical Nebraska Coed are also due
at that time.
The Associated Women Stu
dents board will assume that
any organized house which fails
NU Students
To Perform
In Recital
Four students will participate
in a University School of Fine
Arts recital Wednesday at 4 p.m.,
in Social Science auditorium.
On the program will be Carol
Henry, soprano, Virginia Cum
mings, mezzo soprano, Peggy
Neville, soprano and Jim Mc
Coy, pianist.
First on the program will be
Miss Henry, accompanied by
Kathryn Newhouse. She will sing
"Pur dicesti, O bocca bella" by
Lotti; "Shepherd! Thy Demeanour
Vary" by Brown; "The Chatter
box" by Prokofieff ; and "Gavotte
Manon" by Massenet.
Next in the recital will be Miss
Cummings, accompanied by Rob
erta Lewis. Her selections in
clude "Apres un reve" by Faure;
"The Statue at Czarskae" by
Selo-Cui; "Velvet Shoes" by
Thompson; "The Lonesome Grove"
by Bacon; and "Home" by Tay
lor. Final vocal numbers will be
sung 4y Miss Neville -accompanied
by Audrey Schuller. She
will sing: "Der Nussbaum" by
-chuman; "Mandoline" by De
bussy; "On Wings of Music" by
Mendelssohn; and "The Mer
maids Sing" by Haydn.
McCoy will close with "Con
certo in E flat" by Liszt.
sented at dance intermission.
"Miss Snowflake" will be kept
secret, and all candidates must be
at the dance.
Theme of the Union open
honse is "Santa's Workshop."
The contest is sponsored by the
Union hospitality committee.
Marilyn Moomey is committee
sponsor and Tom Larsen is
Committee members are Bob
Meehan, Don Warnke, Diane Hin
man, Norma Lothrup, Kathy Ra
daker and Jan Hepperly.
P.M. Headlines
Staff News Writer
Reds Make New Demands
"gimmicks" showed up in the
latest communist peace pro
posal as the reds made clari
fication statements to the
U.N. cease-fire delegates.
Reds demanded that the
U.S. stop its troop rotation
program, but at the same time
demanded the .ight to build
air fields in North Korea dur
ing the truce. The reds stated
that it would be all right for
U.S. troops to go to Japan for
short rests, but that no fresh
troops could replace them.
The communists also pro-
posed that the inspection teams
Atomic Knowledge Doubled Graves
LAS VEGAS, Nev. Dr. was doubled by recent tests at
Allen C. Graves, noted atomic Frenchman's Flat. Dr. Graves
scientist, announced that our was the scientist in charge of
knowledge of atomic weapons the tests.
British Alert After Suez Violence
CAIRO British bren gun parliament building in the
carriers guarded strategic
posts throughout Suez follow
ing fresh out-breaks of vio
lence. Twenty-nine persons
were killed and 32 wounded in
clashes between Egyptians and
British Tommies.
In both Cairo and Alex
andria student mobs were
dispersed by police. A huge
crowd gathered outside the
Marines Stage
KOREA American and
Britinh marines staged a dar
ing commando-style raid 170
miles north of the 38th paral
lel deep in enemy country. The
leathernecks temporarily cut
the reds' supply and communi
cations route from the eastern
Griswold Likely
LINCOLN Although he
personally declined to com
ment, it is likely that former
Gov. Dwight Griswold will be
a candidate for the ui, expired
term of the late Sen. Kenneth
Wherry in next April's pri
force reserve, he toured bases
in England, Germany, North
Africa, Newfoundland and the
Azores with an inspection team
of the Strategic Air command.
He had an hour's talk with Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower at his
headquarters near Paris.
The governor will answer
questions and lead discussion by
the audience after his speech.
Peterson spent 44 months in
to submit the above informa
tion by Monday will not par
ticipate in the show, according
to Miss Loudon?
A maximum of five curtain acts
and five skits will be selected by
AWS board members. Tryouts
will be held Feb. 6 and 7. En
tries will be judged on originality,
cleverness, audience appeal, ap
propriateness and length.
Eight minutes will be allowed
for each skit and five minutes for
each curtain act. Scripts will be
censored by the AWS board.
Participants in the Coed Fol
lies show must have no scholastic
delinquency and must be carry
ing at least 12 hours. Those not
included on the advance list may
not participate in the show.
Names must be arranged alpha
betically. Two candidates for TNC may
be nominated by each organ
ized house. Each candidate must
have a 5.5 average, must be
carrying 12 hours and have
sphomore, junior or senior
The Typical Nebraska Coed
will be chosen on the basis of
scholarship, personality, appear
ance and interest in school activi
ties. This year, for the first time, fac
ulty members will assist AWS
board members judge skits and
the Typical Nebraska Coed.
Racial Congress
To Speak On Discrimination
George Houser, executive
secretary of the Congress of Racial
Equality, Will speak On the SUb-
ject, "Techniques of F
enrmnauon, inursaay, m ixjve
Library auditorium at 8 p.m.
Desiues nems executive seoic
tary of CORE,
Houser is also
co-secretary of
the Racial-In-
Union To Hold
Bridge Contest
The Union recreation commit
tee, Eldon Schafer chairman, will
sponsor a bridge tournament Sat
urday, Dec. 8 from 1 to 5 p.m. in
parlors XY of the Union.
Anyone may enter the tourna
ment, but students are urged to
sign up with a partner. Entrance
sheets will be posted in all or
ganized houses and in the activi
ties room of the Union. Registra
tion will end Friday afternoon.
The Phi Delta Theta team com
posed of Jamie Curran and Jack
Trumpy were the winners of last
year's tournament.
Prizes of double-deck playing
cards will be awarded to the win
ners. for the truce be drawn from
four or five neutral nations
which would be mutually ac
ceptable to both sides. It was
not clear whether the reds
expected to have the right to
restrict the activities of the
Allied negotiators also won
dered who would have charge
of the inspection teams and
whether the neutral super
visors would be under the
truce-talk organization or en
tirely independent. The reds
were expected to give their
answers at the next talks ses
sion. capital shouting anti-foreign
and anti-government slogans.
Rioters in Alexandria shouted,
"Give us arms!" and "Blood
for Blood!" Reports were that
the 7,000 students were led by
their instructors.
The Egyptian government
proclaimed a state of national
Commando Raid
front to the Russian frontier
155 miles farther north.
The raid was apparently
successful despite the fact that
the raiders had to brave a
"hail of communist machine
gun fire and grenades."
To Run For Senate
The Lincoln Journal uuoleti
sources close to Griswold as
saying the Gering banker has
made up his mind to run.
Griswold is now on the Univ
ersity Board of Regents.
the air force during World War II.
He was chief of the plans and
operations division of the North
ern Air Service command in the
China-Burma-India theater for 24
months. He deployed troops and
supplies to support the tenth air
force in Burma and took part in
supervising the movement of sup
plies over the hump into China.
Upon returning from service he
was elected governor of Nebraska
in 1946 and re-elected in 1948 and
He is now chairman of the
Governors' conference and was
a member of the executive
committee of that group in 1951.
He is chairman of the Missouri
River States committee, repre
senting ten states, and a mem
ber of the Missouri Basin
Inter-Agency committee.
A native of Oakland, Peterson
obtained his B. A. degree at
Wayne college and an M. A. de
gree with a major in government
from the University. He did addi
tional graduate work in this field
of government.
Peterson was a grade school
and high school teacher and ath
letic coach. He taught government
at the University and was super
intendent of schools at Elgin.
He published the Elgin Re
view for a number of years.
He now has an interest in the
Madison Star Mail, which his
brother, Fred Peterson, operates.
Peterson became active in po
litical affairs in 1934 when he
participated in the late Congress
man Karl Stefan's first campaign.
He managed Hugh Butler's suc
All senior ROTC students
practice for the grand march
for the Military Ball will be
Wednesday: 7:30 to 9 p.m.;
couples, drill hall, Armory.
Thursday: 7:30 to 9 p.m.;
couples, Coliseum.
Senior ROTC students are
asked to attend at least two of
these practices if they wish to
participate in the grand march.
dustrial department of the Fel
lowship of Reconciliation.
Hnnsor hac Wn rpsnnnsihl f re
numerous interracial
workshops in various cities. The
: purpose of the workshops is to
acquaint people further with the
nonviolent direct action approach
to tthe problem of racial tension,
both through discussion and
through experimentation. He has
planned and directed summer
workshops in Chicago, Washing
ton and Los Angeles.
Houser has also written the
booklet, "Erasing the Color
Line," and was co-author of the
pamphlet, "We Challenged Jim
Crow." He has contributed
articles to magazines on prob
lems of race relations, labor
and prisons.
Houser was born in Cleveland,
the son of a Methodist minister.
He spent his sophomore year of
college as an exchange , student
at Lingnan University in Canton,
China. He was graduated from the
University of Denver after which
he attended Union and Chicago
Theological seminaries and was
ordained a Methodist minister in
Houser's talk is being sponsored
by Alpha Phi Alpha, national
Negro men's fraternity.
The University convocations
committee will also hold a coffee
discussion hour for Houser from
4:15 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday in
Room 313 of the Union.
. .!.X.v.Ullll)lllllll.'ll';fr-.-1"
'I '
f 'otiriiw I.lmnln Journal.
LATE HALLOWEEN? . . . This sign, and several others like It,
were iminted on the northeast wall of Memorial stadium. They
were also seen on the walks leading to the fieldbouse on tho
tlnivM-sity campus late (Sunday night. The work, done by unidenti
fied vandals, was done for no apparent reason and did not follow
the general trend of feelinr on the campus according to student
spokesmen. Coach Bill Glassford. to whom the signs refer
will not get to see tbcm for he will remain In Miami, Fla., for
another week. Workmen begsn removing tho signs lat Monday
afternoon. (Lincoln Journal Photo.)
cessful senatorial campaign :
1940. He was secretary to Go
Dwiht Griswold from Januar
1941, until he entered the armeo
services in the spring of 1942.
r l
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
9 Coeds Vie
For Activity
Queen Title
Candidates for the Activity
Queen to be presented at the AUF
auction Dec. 12, in the Union
ballroom have been chosen by the
organizations they will represent.
Nominees and their organiza
tion are:
Womens Athletic Association,
Georgia Hulac; Union activities
Sue Holmes; Red Cross, Jo Berry;
Builders, Phyllis Loudon; Tas
sels, Norma Lothro; Associ
ated Women Students, Janet
Steffen; Cornhusker; Barbara
Adams; Coed Counselors, Siw
Gorton; The Daily Nebraskan,
Shirley Murphy.
Each candidate was inter
viewed Tuesday evening by th
AUF executive board and six fi
nalists were selected. The finalist
were determined on the basis c
their interest and participation n
activities and their scholarship
Emphasis this year is placed. o:
the quality of work done in th
organization, according to Juli
Johnson, AUF special , even'
chairman. v . '
Tickets which are 25 cents
will go on sale Friday. They
may be purchased from AUF
board members and from rep
resentatives of the organizations
represented. Tickets also will
be sold in a Union booth. The
ballot for voting of the Activity
Queen will be on the ticket
18 Prizes Totaling $5,000
To Be Given By Writers
Service In Thesis Contest
The most interesting thesis
written each year will receive a
prize of $1,000.
Writers Service is inaugurating
a contest in which 18 awards
totaling $5,000 will be granted
each year. The prizes will be:
five for second place, $500 each;
two for third place, $250 each;
and ten for fourth place, $100
There are no entry fees for the
contest which will close Dec. 31,
Further information can be se
cured from Writers Service, 7
East 42nd street, New York 17,
N. Y.
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