The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Mondoyf December 3, 1951
"Professor, are men who cant compete In the
business world and protect their weakness in
academic freedom. Academic freedom to them
means freedom to sponre off the public and
freedom to think -crooked."
That is what Upton Close, columnist and author,
recently told a group of Ohio Klwanians. He went
on to say that professors have "mischievous" in
stincts and like to do sensational things.
"If you want to destroy our society completely,
Just invite anyone you want to talk to our chil
dren in schools -and colleges. Maybe ve should
bring in murderers and rapists and someone to
preach free love and a free world," he said.
Maybe Close has gone a little far in comparing
college prof essors tff murderers and rapists. Most
professors are pretty human. They represent all
shades of opinion,. Many professors are hopelessly
wrapped tip in heir subject, to the exclusion of
everything else.'S'ome are unreasonable; you meet,
such people in all walks of life. My English pro
fessor once remarked Jokingly that all English
Tom Ri$che
not nearly as numerous as some people would
have us believe. To my knowledge, there are
no reds on the University of Nebraska faculty.
There may be extreme "liberals," but not com
munists. tany American bigots would like to have the
public believe that colleges are dens of intrigue
and conspiracy against the government. They feel
that anyone who dares to disagree or try to look
at different sides of a situation are dangerous
people. They may charge that professors are
weak-minded, incompetents. If this is true, then
it seems odd that so much weight is giver, to a
college education by leading businessmen.
If professors are men who can't compete in the
business world, then how did it happe,. that much
of the planning for Roosevelt's "New Deal" was
done by leading college professors? How does it
happen that the atomic energy commission has en
trusted some of the work on atomic projects to
leading Universities, among them Nebraska? How
does it happen that much of the research on dis-
teachers are frustrated writers. This may or may eases, particularly cancer is being done at lead
not be true. But the fact remains that there are ing universities, Nebraska included? How does it
good instructors and bad instructors, tou cannot happen that a number of these "mischievous"
point a finger at all of them and say "This is what professors have been appointed to top Jobs else
all instructors are like." where? How docs it happen that President Tru-
Louis Undent recently wrote an article for the man appointed John u. uarK, former neaa 01 me
Chin A. tf lklj Little Man On Campus ByBibler
To the readers: Th society "If there are any new 'steadies,'
American Lesion magazine In which he charged
that communists controlled American colleges.
Such a charge, on its face, Is ridiculous. Un
doubtedly there are communist professors teach
ing In American colleges today. But they are
Which End Is Up?
University College of Business Administration, to
his council of economic advisers? The list is much
Upton Close Is all wet.
Filings for junior and senior class council posi- enthusiasm which they had in high school, junior
tions closed Friday with 25 junior and eight senior and senior class councils were something which
applicants. Six posTfitpns from ach class will be would be a natural outgrowth of the freshman and
fillect. sophomore councils. Had the whole plan been
This is a fjne step and may or may not serve adopted, the junior and senior councils would
the desired ends to increase class spirit. How- probably have been the least important and least
ever it is only half of the original plan which effective parts of the" plan. Under the proposed
would have provided for class officers or councils set-up, there will De more people io carry me ie
for the freshman and sophomore classes as well
It is probably the least important half of the plan.
Having junior" and senior class councils is rather
like shutting the door after the horse is gone.
The plan Jas designed to give freshmen and
sophomores a-voice ifi governing themselves and
to encourage them to retain some of the school
sponsibilities of class office, which may or may
not be good.
At any rate, the council will soon select the
class councils for junior and senior classes. The
addition of more people to class positions may im
prove the situation. But it looks as if the whole
thing is wrong end to the cart before the horse.
Nationalism Rises In Middle East;
British, French Control Threatened
-Charles Gomon-
eolumn has its bad days when it
comes to getting "new" news, so
instead of relating the "new"
business, we thought we'd let the
campus get wind of some of the
old." For Instance, we know
that Dick Claussen sees a lot of
Barb Turner, that Con Woolwine
dates almost no one But &naron
Fritzler, that Norma Lothrop has
been seeing lots of Steve Carveth,
that Rocky Yapo and Kay Som-
mers have been going together
"steadily," that Ted James sees
almost no one but Sue Brownlee,
that Mary-Anne Harris and Fred
Moshier have been going together
for a year and a half now, that
Dodie Elliott dates only Jim
Massey, that Sydna Fuchs and
Foster Woodruff seem to be see
ing lots of each other, that Bob
Pecka and Marsha Ireland get
along quite well, that Bobbie
Russell and Dick Spangler date
frequently, and that Joanie
L'Heurex and Ray Mladovich see
lots of each other.
The society editor and assist
ants suggest that these couples
and others In the same predica
ment, could change the "old"
news to "new" news by "dating
the field," which we think would
be too drastic, or announcing
their "steady deal," which we
heartily would approve of.
And now to more "old" news
last weekend.
Just a few of the dates to the
annual Sigma Chi pledge sweet
heart dance Friday night were
Rex Hogan and Sally Bartling,
Bob DeBord and Shirley Williams,
Bill Hollor&n and Nancy Odum,
Jim Miller and Barbara Witte,
Paul Ely and Muriel Pickett, Pete
Kelloway and Kay Barton, Bruce
Ackerman and Carol Else, and Ben
Leonard and Janice Fullerton.
The Kappa Sigs had a novel
idea for helping us get a list of
dates. On the bulletin board they
pinned a sign reading, "Please
sign your name below if you were
at Peony Park with a date Satur
day night. If your date was from
another school please name the
Some of the couples on the list
were Dick Mead and Bev Brown,
Darrel Moreland and Marilyn
Post, Bob White and Pat Savage.
Don Oden and Valera Jepson,
John Bailey and Scampy Quigley,
Jack Davis and Jan Wagner, and
John Montgomery and Mareia
Waeher, from Omaha.
Another request on the list was,
please sign." The only names
listed were those of Stan Grohl
mghorst and Jane Farnum.
Theta Xi actives found them
selves with dates Friday night,1
but no place to go. The pledges
had announced that they were!
putting on a masquerade party,
but went on a sneak schortly be
fore the affair was scheduled to
begin. Several people in assorted
costumes stood around wondering
where to go.
At the Sigma Nu Saturday night
"Circus Party" were Springer
Jones and Barb Cell, Don Rauh
and Robin Rauch, Herm Dinklage
and Penny Sloan, Marlene Rees
and Bud Johns, Shirley Nash and
Larry Hickey, Marianne Kuns and
Gary Martin, and Sherry Clover
ana Howard Hanson.
The Kappa Delta pledge party
Saturday night was a gala affair
according to Donna Krotter and
Doug Rossman. Katherine Mclvin
and Jim Haggart, Earlene Luff
and Bob Acheson, ara Stephen
son and Chuck Marshall, Marilyn
Matthews and Leon Kriener. and
Kay Burcum and George Madsen.
more dates over the weekend
to Kings, Cotner Terrace,
Omaha and other places were
John Dick and Jo Ann Swanson,
Katy Coad and Paul Olson, Jo
Mellen and Don Bock, GInny
Franks and Pete rfergsten, Ann
McKamie and Bob Johnson, Ray
Friteler and Don Lehmkuhl,
Helen Schaberg and Paul Cook,
and Marilyn Stanley and John
oi vet
"Well Dean, for th' last few days we've been discussing theories
of revolution an' then about ten minutes after class took up today
Better Living Series, Dancing Lessons
On Aggies Schedule This Week
Dale Reynolds9
Like symptoms of a case of international meas- Although the population of the -Middle East is
les, pinpoints otintense nationalism are appearing wretchedly poor in most cases, and therefore
throughout "the "ooverty-ridden, sun-baked coun- mainly potential in its capabilities, those natives
tries of the Middle East. In countries which for who have received an education are proving them
i-pnturiea have lee3T pawns between great powers selves to be a force to be reckoned with.
. mofomnmhatic i akine place which cannot be Morocco in French North Africa is serving as
nested but which must be delicately channeled the strategic air anchor for the defense of western
toward real soctaVeconomic, and political advance- Europe. Three of five gigantic US air bases have
mpnt After all - it was a wise application of an been completed m Morocco, ine ievensn activity
intense nationaliixt, which won us our independ- going on has convinced the Arabs in the vicinity
ence from Great -Britain. that they hold bargaining power over tne iTencn.
' The crises in Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, Kashmir Here, as in Iran and Egypt, the nationalists play
and Morocco have served to illustrate the grow- their cards like nervous, but arrogant, newcomers
ing inclination of-4he people of the Moslem worm to the game
toward Independence. The pattern in eacn case
is the same; onljrthe local details differ.
The British have been driven ot of Iran by
nothing more than nationalism manifested in
fanatical prime minister and an insignificant army.
It has been said that the Iranian army could be
beaten by the New York City police force.
In Egypt a British division and much British
browbeating are currently required to hold the
Sues canal from nationalist fanatics.
The Moroccans hurl bricks at their French
overlords while. Pakistan is threatened by neigh
bors on both sides. The Afghans want to annex
a northern Pakistan province and the Indians
are zealously disputing Moslem claims to Kash
mir. It is no coincidence that most of the disorder
Is centered in the Arab-Moslem Middle East. The
self-styled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (Moslem
equivalent of bishop) is believed by many to be
master-minding much of the agitation. The mufti
holds tremendous personal influence throughout
It would be a mis-statement to say that the
powers which have controlled the Middle East
have done nothing for the host countries. The much
lanpooned Anglo-Iranian Oil company was em
ploying 93 per cent Iranians including one-third of
the top salaried staff when it was nationalized. The
Arabian-American Oil company of Saudi Arabia
splits profits 50-50 with King Ibn Saud. However,
it is almost universally true that the older colonial
powers have done less than they were capable of
A common fallacy of many western observers
Is the branding of the nationalistic movement as
communist. In every case the communists have
worked with unexcelled zeal to associate them-
selves with native nationalism, sometimes to the
Intense disgust of local leaders. In many cases
Western suffiness, disinterest, and selfishness
have driven the nationalists into the waiting
arms of the reds.
An example of this is the statement made by
Muad Saleem, one of the more than 50,000 Arabs
the Middle East, and is known to have visited each driven out of Palestine by the Israeli army three
of the trouble spots. In recent months. years ago. Muad said, "It is the Americans who
Strategically the Jvliddle East is as vital to the have brought us to this. The British and Americans
western powers as any area on the globe. The are forcing us to communism." A glance at the
principal factors which emphasize the importance living conditions of these forced emigrants is
of this area are geography, oil and population. enough to appreciate the reasons for native bitter-
Geographically, the rectangle stretching from ness. This does not excuse the Arabs, but it should
Irai ' 5 Turkey and Egypt lies at the cross-roads be realized if we are to prevent the entire Moslem
of intcr-contlnental trade routes; land, sea and air. world from slipping through our fingers into the
The discovery f the Midd'e Eastern oil de- Soviet orbit.
posits set the stage -for 5D years of exploitation
by foreign Interests. These deposits are now
yleldlnr 17 per eent of the world's petroleum
production and are ever 45 per cent American
controlled. The oil Is responsible in large mea
sure for the development of an Intense natlonal
teile pride which accompanied the technical advances
The problem Is nearly out of hand but the
Middle East must be made to temper Its demands
for the sake of world security while we and the
older colonial powers must face the reality of
an ever growing nationalistic philosophy. It Is up
to us to keep the people of the Middle East from
accepting a red patent medicine as a cure for
the epidemic of measles.
Art Galleries
Plan Second
Film Showing
The second showing of the film,
"Lascaux, Cradle of Man's Art,"
will be presented by the state
museum and the University -art
galleries at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Gallery B, Morrill hall.
The first showing of the film
depicting " prehistoric paintings
found in French caves was pre
sented Sunday afternoon.
The paintings were discovered
in 1940 by two French boys try
ing to rescue their dog from a
deep hole into which it had fallen
during a hunting expedition. The
caves with their magnificent
decorations are among the most
important monuments of prehis
toric art.
Protected from drafts, moisture
and vandalism, the pictures are
as brilliant as though painted
yesterday, according to art -authorities.
The subjects depicted by the
prehistoric artist include bison,
ibex, deer, wild . horses and cat
tle. In addition io a thorough ex
amination of the cave and its
paintings, the film also shows
other important sites in the neigh
borhood and tells briefly the story
of prehistoric man.
Dean Rosenlof
Attends Spbrts
Rules Meeting
Dr. G. W. Rosenlof. dean of
admissions and inter-institutional
relationships, attended an invita
tional conference on intercollegi
ate athletics in Chicago Saturday.
ine conference was called bv
the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools
to discuss ways to help colleges
and universities continue inter
collegiate athletics by eliminating
dishonest practices and encour
aging high standards of sports
manship. Dean Rosenlof, president of the
association, said repreesntatives of
the American Council on Educa
tion, the U.S. Office of Education,
the National Collegiate Athletic
Association and various schools
will attend.
The conference is concerned
primarily with enforcing rules
governing athletics which may be
drawn up by other educational
groups, Dean Rosenlof said.
"Thanks a Million" is the theme for this week's bers. The public as well as students and faculty
Better Living Series discussion in the Ag Union of both Ag and city campuses Is invited,
at 5 p.m, on Tuesday and Wednesday. The topic ot A new twist to dances was added last week
discussion, and a very timely one with the formal with the "backward" dance in the Ag Union. And
season opening this week, is corsages and gifts, from the comments of some of the "backwarding"
A representative of Danielson's florists will be
on hand Tuesday with a display of corsages and
will be ready to answer any questions that stu
dents have. He 'will have rose, gardenia, orchid,
carnation and combination corsages. Also, he will
have some wrist corsages and flowers for the
hair. Following his talk, an open discussion will
be held on any problems or questions that may
come up.
' The Christmas season has arrived at Ag col
lege with the planning of the annual Christmas
program, sponsored by the Ag Exec board.
Scheduled for Dec. 18 In the College Activities
building, it is one of the oldest traditions at Ag,
and also is one of its biggest events. One of the
main features of the program is the Ag college
chorus- singing a few selected Christmas tium-
couples, it was a success.
The last Ag Union dancing lessons of the sea
son will be held Thursday night One of the
dances taught by the Arthur Murray Instructors
last week was the tango. So, if you want to learn
any new steps, Thursday night is your last
chance in the Ag Union. '
Although the livestock judging team didn't fare
so well as a whole in the inter-collegiate judging
contest in Chicago, one of the members of the team
received a great honor. Russell Schelkopf, Af
college senior, was awarded the distinction of be
ing the high individual in the contest. This is such
an honor because he had to win over 170 student!
from 34 universities. This honor comes to an in
stitution perhaps once every 15 years, so Russell
Schelkopf 'should indeed be congratulated?
-IMdjv 'VI 1L
Bridge Tourney Heads Union Agenda;
All University Students Eligible
'Hal Hassmlbalth
Headlining the Union calendar this week is the club will be formed which will sponsor a touma
bridge tournament Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. in ment that will tie in the Bie Seven chess, famnn
J Jul (Daih 7MiaAhcuv
PCM wows
Intercollegiate Press
Tbm ftnilT Nehrwikaa to pntiHah by the tudnt ml lite Unlvoralty of NoSraaka a axpm1on of indent' new and
piLlTfi MI ta th deelered pnlloy af Ine Board that pnbtKwtiont, ander itm jurisdiction !l a irao from editorial
nM.hio on th art of th Board, Of oa tba oart of out member of tb faeattr of tb UnlTonlty, bat tha member of
Z i.u rf T Oailr Nobrankaa or penoaall fooponelol for what they my or do or aaa to oa printed."
JUt darlnc tb hol roar opt Saturday and Monday, vsoallon and xinlntalon period On lain nnbliihed
wrn( th oinnth of Avot by tb tJnlrentitT of Nbraka ondcr tba saparvttloa f th Commltto on Stodnt Pobliotalano.
Lnfnrad oa Snosnd Vlutm MuttrT at th Pout Offte la Llnsola. Nebraska, andor Ant of Cenrren, Mareb t. 1818, and at
woual rata aorta aravUod for la SaoMoa tiw, Aet of Co arret of October S. mi. aatbvrbod September la. IKS.
Tb fttsfltte
-v'i: fcprr
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.... B Gvrton, Jm Stofftn Kan Rystrom, Shblcy Ua-'phr, Bully Adm
DUO Htnll
Msnfaall Rnahnar
.OoHnl Gordon
Vk Kevtinldg
fi a -.(.toft '-
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tit) fttUtn . - .uaeaaaa aaraM ) feae . a a ) a
I y VJItOat ' IIMltIMaetflMlinIHMIri a GMHfTMa
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. ' tjjeu uonen
,. ,. S4aa Slppio. Arnold ftera, Feto Bergetea
.Cbook Barmeleter
Dal KeyaoM
the ballroom. A Phi Delt team, Jamie Curran and
Jack Trumphy won the contest last year.
Only teams may enter the tourney. They may
officially register at the activities office or on lists
provided in organized houses.
Speaking: of the activities office, it has been
moved this week. Tuesday, Union activities of
fice will be found in the old game room. Genene
Grimm uses the present office. The new ar
rangements will give both the director and stu
dents plenty of room to work.
Another new addition to the Union agenda is
chess lessons. Dick Kelly instigated the program
which will be 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday. Eldon
Shafer and Kelly will lecture and give individual
help to beginning chess enthusiasts. Later a chess
As the Tuletide approaches, the handcraft
shop gains in popularity. From 7 to 9 p.m. on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays the shop will be open
for the manufacture of Christmas gifts. Instruc
tion and tools are free.
. Following the Messiah concert Sunday, the
Union is serving coffee in the lounge, from 4:30 to
6 p.m. This traditional get-together features carol
singing and soft music for pre-vacation socializing.
Although all details have not yet been
worked out the Union plans to make flight
demonstration trips available to student! soon.
The excursion will inolude a tour of the Lincoln
airport with a 40 mile plane ride. Lectures about
the field and planes will also be given la the
20 minute lonr demonstration.
All students who have not
picked up their Cornhusker
proofs of individual pictures
at Colvin-Heyn studio, 222
So. 13th, are requested to do
so immediately. Students who
have not returned their
proofs must also do so Immediately.
Peterson To Speak
At NU Convocation
Tnited States foreign policy
will be discussed by Gov. Val
Peterson at the University convo
cation Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 11
a.m. in the Union ballroom.
Governor Peterson will relate
facts concerning his trip to Eu
rope last summer with the air
force in relation to U.S. foreign
This Is an all-university convo
cation, however classes will not
be dismissed in order to attend.
Dean Lambert To Speak
At Meeting Of Ag Men
Dean W. V. Lambert of the Col
lege of Agriculture will speak at
Ag Men's club meeting Monday,
Dec. 3, at 8 p.m. in the Food and
Nutrition building on the sub
ject "Agriculture in Africa."
Lambert spent three months in
Africa studying the habits and
assisting in a setup for better
4 p.m.
TWCA: Alum newsletter, 3 p.m.;
world organization, 4 p.m.: fine
arts, 4 p.m.; freshman commission,
o p.m.; rresnman commission 4
p.m.; human rights, 5 p.m.; repre
sentative council, 5 p.m.
AdclphI meeting; Supper, 8 p.m.;
Dusmess meeting, e:30 p.m.
Students Perform
At State Hospital
.Eight University students nre-
sented a musical program for
mental patients at the Lincoln
State hospital, Tuesday evening.
The program was given in coop
eration with the Lincoln Red
Cross Gray Ladies, with Mrs.
Hermine Ham in charge.
OTE3 m LtilES
Id note accepting m limited num
ber of application for tha po
sition of ,
Sueeauful candidate will be
given five meefcd' training at
our expert of our Training
Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
They mutt po$ei the follow
ing minimum qualifications
Attractive appearance and
21-26 yean of age
P 2n to T in height
Be able to pan rigid phyiical
examination, with at lean
20-30 vision in each eye,
without gUes.
Fleate contact your Placement
Office for details, or write tot
Unitsdf Air Lines, Inc.,
5959 South Cicere Avenue,
Chicafo, Illinois
319 N. 12th St
To Have Christmas Cards
All Alike or Assorted.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
See opinions of
10 college presidents
on page 68
(I VU.n, it
: rn
Getyour copy today lU
iMtade address when flgw.
i"l eot
Erin .d t Dally Nehmfc,.
bnsInM Mee, student ItaSaa.
or with aorrM
and Insertion hi
gractlo Wano-tin.on. Bob Kutl;
Tailor. ySSS " Thompoo.
Sc'amUn1P"M,nt "nd IwPtof room"
mpu.. Oonelder child
Gnt... mi .
-iorai arrantemmt. -
evening and Buadev.
JOUlle. b-2872. ' " v"""
Cjmgl of didtinntlrm. .'..I.
yrreu, Flower. ,.5T. uaVS."
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