The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1951, Image 1
o r gto l iLi usmm3 NEW ELECTION n yskeirs it m I - -i ' "i City Campus Voting On Eligible Bachelor Invalidated Friday Eligible Bachelor elections held on the city campus have been declared invalid by Sharon Fritsler, Mortar Board president said Friday, Mortar Board invalidated the city campus election, she said, be cause there was an error on the ballots. Bachelor elections held Thurs day on Ag campus were not effected by the error. The city campus election for the six eligible bachelors will be held again Wednesday in Ellen Smith hall. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Women must have their ID cards with them to vote. ' The six candidates chosen as 1951 Eligible Bachelors will be presented at the Black Masque ball, Dec. 14 in the Coliseum. Tex Beneke and his orchestra will play for the ball. Tickets for the ball may b e purchased from any Mor tar Board or Tassel for $3 per couple. The same groups are also selling black mask souvenirs for five cents apiece. In previous years, eight Eligible Bachelors were presented instead of six. I The candidates for Eligible 'Bachelors are: Pat Allen, junior. Rex Coff man, senior; Dick Huebner, sonhomore; Bill Knudsen, sen ior; Dean Llnscott, junior; Jack Literas, senior; Hod Meyers, senior; Jack Nichols, junior; Dick Regier, senior; Bart Roch aian, sophomore; Marv Sulval sky, senior; Dale Turner, soph omore; George Wilcox, senior; Dick Cordell, junior. Les Demm, junior; Pete Bergsten, sophomore; Jack Greer, junior; Gary Jones, sophomore; Dick Lander, sen- NU Art Galleries Display Photos Of Citty Planning An exhibition of enlarged photographs illustrating the prin ciples of city planning from the ancient cities of Greece and Italy to those of the future is currently ron display at the University art galeries in Morrill Hall. The exhibition, sponsored by the University chapter of the American Institute of Architects, will be on view through Dec. 17. i DAVIS AT NUCWA US Foreign Before Nation Grants Loan To Britain In discussing another loan to Britain, we must first discuss the foreign policy of the United States. This opinion was voiced by Clarence Davis, retiring president of the Nebraska bar association, during the NUCWA panel dis cussion Thursday evening. Union Sponsors Bridge Tournament Bridge enthusiasts will have the opportunity to enter the Union's Bridge tournament. Chairman Eldon Shaffer and his recreation committee are in charge of the competition which will be Saturday in the Union ballroom from 1 to 5 p.m. Only partners may enter the contest. Contestants may sign up for the contest in the Union ac- tivities office or in their respec tive organized houses this week. Winners of the bridge tourna ment last year were the Phi Delta Theta team, Jamie Curran and Jack Trumphy. Builders Elects Ting Lilly Meet, Convention Head Ting Lilly was elected to the Builders board. Miss Lilly is re placing Mary Lou Flahery who was in charge of mass meetings and conventions. She is a member of the All Uni versity Fund, Coed Counselors and Orchesis. f RED CROSS COLLEGE UNIT ENTERTAINS y aoeiiw A troupe of 16 entertainers, helpers and card players presented a talent show at Veteran's hospital Thursday evening. The show was sponsored by the Red Cross Col lege Unit Master of ceremonies was Henry Cech. Jan Harrison, accompanied P by Gladys Novotny, sang "Make Believe." Jeanne Schott played a piano solo, "Ritual Fire Dance," and Dave Hart sang "All the Things You Are." Ann Launer gave a reading, "Pigtail Tales." Marymaude Bed ford played a marimba solo, "Petite Waltz," accompanied by Shirley Ochsner. Janet Ickes cang "Beacuse of You." Delores Garrett and Marshall Christensen sang a duet, "Tea for Two." Bob LaShelle, chairman of the RCCU entertainment committee, coordinated the group. The mental hospital is the next spot on the entertaining agenda. Beveiley Bush, Pat Moran and Bruce Kennedy, members of the entertainment committee, accom panied the troupe. , The all-University caroling, party, Dec. 19, will be an RCCU .sponsored event. Busses will be c hartered to take all students in terested in caroling to places such lor; Max, Littleton, junior; George McQueen, senior; Jim Munger, junior; Mort Novak, senior; Tom Rische, senior. Jim Smith, senior: Jim Terry, senior; Wayne White, junior; Con Woolwine, senior; Joe Gif ford, senior. Sinfonia NURegional Host To 70 An estimated 70 men from nine colleges and universities attended the Province VI convention of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, men's pro fessional music organization, in Lincoln, Saturday and Sunday. The University chapter was host to delegates from Simpson College, Indianola, la.; Drake University, Des Moines; Iowa State College, Ames; Coe College, Cedar Rapids, la.: University of South Dakota, Vermillion; Morningside College, Sioux City; Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, and the Uni versity of Omaha. The program included registra tion and a business meeting Satur day morning, and a visit to a Uni versity Singers rehearsal and an other business meeting in the aft ernoon. At a banquet in the eve ning each chapter presented a part of the program at a banquet in the evening. Denny Schneider of Lincoln is president of the local chapter and Carlton Chaffee of Simpson Col lege is province governor. Policy Must "Frankly, I'm quite disturbed because I can't find out quite what our foreign policy is' re marked Davis. In his opening argument Davis attempted to define the American foreign policy since he believes that the foreign policy ought to have as its pri mary purpose the protection of liberty for the people of the United States. The secondary aim of the for eign policy should be to protect the peace of the world, he said. "Peace may always be pur chased at some prices, but with out personal freedom it means nothing," he said. David said in his closing re marks that we must not over-ex tend ourselves in the present situ ation for we cannot back all of our promises up. Joining Davis In a discussion of another loan to Britain,. J. E. Lawrence, editor of The Lincoln Star, said he thought Mr. Davis was of the opinion: "My coun try, may she always be right, but my country, right or wrong." He went on to say that Amer ica has been giving loans not be' cause of love of humanity but be cause we thought we, must help Great Britain. ' "But have the loans and the Marshall Plan aid been good for America?" he asked. It was brought out that since the turn of the century the great nation of England has been steadily declining in prestige until by giving more and more loans we Delegates Stow TALENT PLUS . . . University students entertain at the Veterans hospital in the Red Cross spon sored Talent Show. Taking part are (1. to r.) Bob LaShelle, Ann Launer, Jeanne Shott, Jan Harrison, Jan Ickes. Dave Hart, Marshall Christensen, Gladys Novotny, Shirley Ochsener, De lores Garrett, Marymaude Bedford and Henry Ce ch, master of ceremonies, (back row) Pat Moran (hidden) and Beverly Bush. i . . as the mental hospital, Veteran's hospital, Orthopedic hospital and the two orphanages. Veteran's hospital receives music on Tuesday and Thursday afternons when Martha Hamil ton, Marilyn Loloff, Mary Fitter- VOL. 51 No. 51 MARIORIE DANLY 33 File For mmmmmmMmmmmmmm x Class Council Posts Twenty-five" juniors and eight seniors have filed for positions on junior and senior class councils. Names of the applicants will not be released until each can didate's average is checked by the office of student affairs. A weighted 4.5 average is required Applicants who are approved by the office will be inter viewed by the Student Council campus improvements commit tee and junior and senior class Be are only temporarily rebuilding a nation past its prime. Lawrence said, "We could not plan our futures without the strong Anglo-Saxon ties, how ever." E. N. Anderson, moderator for the discussion and professor of history at the University, asked several questions. For example: "Will another loan to Britain do any good?" British exports and imports were discussed, as was tsnusn economy since 1920. In closing Lawrence said, "Trust in kind providence to carry us through." Ned Conger introduced the panel of three members at 7:30 in Love library auditorium Thursday evening. The next NUCWA meeting will be Dec. 13. November Donors Wait Till February Because the county chapter of the Red Cross has an oversupply of blood donors, students who signed up to give blood in Novem ber were not called, Jane White, board member of the Red Cross College unit, said Thursday. . Lincoln donors, she said, will be asked to eive in December. Out- state students will not be called until February, she said, because final exams and the Christmas vacation period will conflict with the Lincoln schedule of the blood mobile. Donors are allowed to give blood only once every three months. :Kfr.;. t man and Betty Hansen play re quested records over the public address system. Card players who visit the hos pital tin Tuesday and Thursday evenings include: Sue Christensen, Jane Jordan, Barbara Findley, Discussed IsrutofaQGiis ( " X y.r.yi:-;-:-?. MARJORIE MURPHY Jr.-Sr. dfficefsr'Only Student Council members, however, will select the council members. The interviews will begin at 4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 10, m the Stu dent Council room of the Union. The newly-appointed class councils, six from the junior and six from the senior classes, will be announced following the in terviews. The class councils will be es tablished on a trial basis until next spring when the Student Council will evaluate the plan. Councils will work in conjunction with class officers to promote the annual . Junior-Senior prom and other class functions. The councils were estab lished in a plan introduced to Student Council by Aaron Schmidt, 1950 senior class presi dent. The two councils form the basis of a program designed to propagate class spirit in the University. Members of . the improvement committee are: Peggy Mulvaney, chairman; Jack Cohen, Dean Lin scott, Mary . Lou Flaherty, Wayne White, Nanci DeBord, Lanny Easch, Ira Epstein, John Adams and Georgia Hulac. Commandant To Receive Traditional COA Insignia Presentation of the Honorary Commandant will be the high spot in a succession of a ten-part preliminary ceremony at the Mill' tary Ball Friday. At 8 n.m. the ROTC band will begin a short concert before the Vet 7 !!: Janet Campbell, Gwen Wisner, Svlvia Leland, Jackie GrIZiiths, Barbara Dunn, Louise Nelson, Kay Barton, Jo Wallace, Peggy Wells, Barbara Wiltse. Mary Belle Bald. win, Phyllis Colbert, Mimi DuTeau and Nancy Widner. LINCOLN, N6ftA$KA I A university faculty member and three students will be soloists (in the University Choral Union's presentation of Handel's oratorio, "The Messiah," at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9, in the coliseum. The four soloists are: Earl Jenkins, instructor in voice; Mar jorie Murphy, graduate student; Marjorie Danly, junior, and Jack Anderson, junior. ! Sinrlnr the tenor solos will be Jenkins, who has sung in per formances of "The Messiah" at Scottsbluff and Ogallala. Besides giving private voice lessons, he directs a chorus and madrigal group. He is also director of the First Christian church choir. Miss Danly, alto, has been a soloist with the University Sing ers, the Madrigal Singers and the spring oratorio. She is a student of David Foltz, professor of voice at the university. She is also gov ernor of the Residence Halls for Women, vice president of Delta umicron, proressionai music so rority, and a member of the Coed Counselor board. Miss Murphy, soprano, is a graduate of Texas Wesleyan col lege, where she was a "Messiah" soloist and also appeared with the college orchestra. She has studied privately at the Juilliard School of Music with Rene Maison and in a class with Maggie Teyte. Anderson will be singing the baritone solos. He is regular soloist at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, and snng some of the solos in the University Choral Union's 1940 presenta tion of "The Messiah." He also appeared in '.'The Chocolate Sol dier" in New York and several other cities, and made an ap pearance as soloist at the Easter sunrise service in Ventura Bowl in California. He has studied with William Brady in New York and is a pupil of Alma Wagner at the university. The five Choral union groups and their directors are: Agricul tural college chorus, Altinas Tullis; University Singers, Arthur West brook; University chorus I, David Foltz; University chorus II, Earl Jenkins; Grieg male chorus, Sam uel Wall, and Lincoln male chorus, John Whaley. Dr. Westbrook, director of the school of fine arts, will conduct the 600-voice chorus, while Emanuel Wishnow will direct the university orchestra. Student oratorio accompanists are Marilyn Paul, Audrey Schul ler and Roberta Lewis. . The performance is free and open to the public. color guard appears The audience will salute the colors with the singing of the National Anthem. Senior members of the COA and their ladies will form a grand march later In the eve ning. When officers are in their places, the crack squad will per form followed by the sabre guard. Members of Pershing Rifles compose the crack squad while junior officers make up the sabre guard. The Honorary Commandant will be presented at approximately 8:30 p.m. Identity of the HC is kept secret until the time of her presentation. She, will wear the traditional in signia of the Honorary Comman dant It represents all three ser vice branches of the University. Although the details of her dress are a secret according to Darwin McAfee, she will wear regalia similar to that of past Honorary Commandants. The HC is elected by the COA from a list of seven finalists chosen by an all-University election. Competing for the title this year are Carole De Witt, Jo Eaun, Nancy Button, Jackie Sorensen, Jackie Hose, Dee Irwin and Jay ne Wade. George Hancock will serve as master of ceremonies and present the Honorary Commandant. COA president McAfee will give the new HC a bouquet of roses. When the Honorary Comman dant has been presented, the sen ior officers will continue their grand march. As the march fin ishes, McAfee will walti with the HC. All candidate officers will then join in the first waltz. This concludes the preliminary cere monies, and the public is invited to dance to Lionel Hampton and his orchestra. , A in) die rs on t i ' I v I' $ I l .-.V EARL JENKINS One In A Million . . . Traffic Death Watch that light before you cross the street or, statistically speaking, you may be one in a million. There may be safety in num bers but not when the numbers are indications of the ever--increasing number of traffic deaths that occur every year. The National Safety council reported that by the end of 1951, over 40, 000 people will be killed on American roads. One of this group will be recorded as the millionth traffic fatality in a half a century. The first traffic fatality on record occurred in New York City on Sept. 13, 1899 when a Till CUmcuuK By MARLIN BREE Staff Writer "Have you prepared for this class?" "Yes, sir." "Brushed my hair and put on my lipstick." "Did you hear about the Scotch man who got on the trolley car and it said 'pay as you leave'?" "No." "He's still riding." The weather report for to day is as fol lows: Cooler tem peratures, with a low of 30 and a high of 50. Also windy. with few light showers. Women, generally speaking, are generally speaking. .Names In Windy u HOWARD McGRATH. attorney general, expressed "de light at the prospect of appearing before house tax probers. He said he was disappointed that he had not been called bti before now. McGrath insisted, however, that he would go before the house ways and means subcommittee only at a public hearing GEN. MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY announced that the Korean air war took on a new light as UN fighters were attacked by 12 communist bombers under heavy fighter escort, American sabrejets destroyed seven red bombers, damaged three more and shot down four escorting fighters. e LAMAR CAUDLE, former assistant U.S. attorney general, admitted that he got three cars at a discount through a taxicab operator in Charlotte, N. C. Testifying before a house ways and means subcommittee, Caudle claimed he saw nothing wrong with accepting the cars. SEN. KENNETH WHERRY, 59, died in Washingtoir Thurs day. Among those mentioned to succeed the Nebraska republican are C. Petrus Peterson, Lincoln attorney; Mrs. Arthur Bowring, Merriman housewife and vice chairman of the republican state eommittee; Earl J. Lee, Fremont attorney, and J. Francis McDer mott, senior vice-president of the First National Bank of Omaha and present king of Ak-Sar-Ben. fc & 9 9 WINNIE RUTH JUDD, Arizona's "tiger woman,"was" cap tured by Phoenix police Friday night. The trunk murderess had escaped from the Arizona state hospital for the insane Thursday. The fading, red-haired tiger woman of two decades ago offered no resistance and went quietly to the police station with two officers. The escape was Mrs. Judd's fourth from the state hos pital. , MA J. GEN. HENRY I. HODES, member of the allied truce delegation in Korea and deputy commander of the Eighth army, has been given command of a combat division in Korea Maj. Gen. Claude B. Ferenbaugh, commander of the Seventh division in Korea, will succeed Hodes on the armistice delegation. His job as deputy Eighth army oommander will go to Maj; Gen William K. Harrison Jr. ' J Z'l'Z' GUSTAV E. FRAZER, only survivor of a maritime tragedy which took eight lives, was found adrift in a lifeboat off the coast of Charleston. Also in the boat were the bodies of the yachi owner and his wife. Their 13-year-old son died shortly sftei the four were found by a navy minesweeper. Upon being res cued, Frazer sobbed, "I've been here for five days. Give me some water." WINSTON CHURCHILL has sent word that fee does not intend to seek financial aid for Britain when he confers with President Truman here early in January, The prime minister also told an American official in London that he has no par ticular set of subjects la mind for his talks with Truman-. . JAMES M. McINERNEY, assistant attorney general in charge of the criminal division of the department of justice, announced that federal grand juries vill convene across the country early next year to probe underworld conditions in a follow-up -of the senate crime committee's work. . , . f Monday, December 3, 1951 1 1 1 .- ; ' I " ' JACK ANDERSON Total Climb; bachelor real-estate man was knocked down and run over by an electric taxicab in Central park. A horse drawn ambulance rushed him to the hospital, but he died soon after his arrival. The headline printed the next day in The New York Times might well have been left stand ing. It would be needed approxi mately 922,000 times in the next 50 years. To quote J. C. Furnas in a recent article in Collier's magazine, "What war had taken 176 years to accomplish, irre sponsibly operated . automobiles have done in little more than half a century!" National Safety Council re- ' ports state -ihat 17 -per 'cent of all drivers involved In fatal 1950 accidents had been drink ing. They added that in that same year, seven out of every 100 drivers in 1950 "disregarded traffic control device. Most people are under the il lusion that the majority of traf fice accidents occur in rain, fog or snow. The Council's statistics show that only one in six fatal traffic accidents last year occured under these conditions. It is usu ally under these poor weather condition that drivers and pedes trians go out of their way to obey safety laws carelessness. Careless inhibitions usually go go down along with the weather. No one can tell just where the millionth traffic accident will occur. It may be on the highway; it may be at a traffic intersection; or, as impossible as it may seem, It comlsl easily occur here at the University. Being Miss or Mr. Million is an honor that no one wants. Through safe and sane driving and walking, we can all live a lit tlelonger. The News.