The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1951, Image 1

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VOL. 51 No. 47
Tuesday, November 20, 1951
C8 J0
AjU UlfL
' I cr. 13
Dr. Gustavson Takes Part
In College Athletics Talks
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson is
following up his program for de-
emphasis of college athletics as
member of the ten-man commit
tee set up by the American Coun
Cil on Education.
The committee, studying col
lege athletics, began conferences
in Washington, D.C., Monday.
Raymbnd F. Howes, ACE mem
ber, said the committee probably
will consider such questions as:
What should be done about
NU Given
Because of its "active partici
pation in the student exchange
movement," the University has
been cited for "outstanding con
tribution to the advancement of
world understanding."
According to Chancellor R. G.
Gustavson, the citation, a spe
cial certificate, wis awarded for
'bettering the foreign relations
of the United States through the
medium of the international ex
change of persons." The Insti
tute of International Education,
headed by Kenneth Holland, i
made the award presentation.
The University is a member of
the Institute's "educational asso
ciates," a group of 120 American j
colleges and universities contrib-;
uting to the support of the 32-
year-old institute.
According to Holland, more
than 30 thousand foreign stu
dents are studying in American
universities. "In this time of
world crisis." he said, "the act
of bringing citizens of different
nations into personal relation
ships, if carefully planned and
skillfully executed, can be a
concrete step toward world
peace. The University, by wel
coming students from other
lands, has contributed immeas
urably to this international
movement. We are proud to cite
" the University for its leadership
in international education."
The Institute of International
Education is a private American
organization, administering ex
change programs between the
United States and more than
sixty countries of the world.
Presents Aims
Of CD Board
The purpose and objectives of
College Days as it is being
planned for April. 1952, have
been announced by Bob Reichen
bach, chairman of the College j Knobeli Joan Kaciemba, Jerry
Days governing board. iKrantz, Wayne Krepel, Carroll
College Days is designed, he Kreuscher Booker L. Livingston,
said to show Nebraska high Carmen uiteras.
school students and taspayers a wl .
program representative of life at Darr'" ,05;d' J"'
the University. He said that the J Ln. ,0IIM,"er'
emphasis will be placed on aca- Miller. Ron JvRaste!'s'
demic life although a dance, ath- "oren Maser, Kbe "rt n'
letic events, parade and a chance Magorian, Jo McDonald,
to see living facilities will be in- Marian Manenan, William Nel
cluded in the program. Evy? eUon. Chauncey
Reichenbach explained that any Nelson, Dick Neeley, Keith , Otto,
event proposed is now only tenta- - - Pearman, Charles Pimble.
tive except for the open houses. Rex Presley, Vernon Proper,
He said that it is the desire of Bernie Rosenquist, Alice Reese,
the board to present a complete, George Regan, Harold Sampson,
unified College Days program to Gerald Shandhult, Francis Swo
the people of the state. boda Ed Schmidt, Pat Schmidt,
"There are difficulties to over-
come in the organization of the
governing body for College Days,'
Reichenbach said. "No one is more
aware of these difficulties than
the present members of the gov
erning board. No one is more de
sirous of surmounting the diffi
culties than these same people."
"Therefore the College Days
governing board will gladly con
sider with open minds, any pro
posal for a constructive change in
its organization."
KAM Winning Photographs
Displayed In Union Lounge
First, second and third placel The three winners are, respec
winners in the annual Fall Salon tively, "Apples," by Ann Carlson,
sponsored by Kappa Alpha Mu, "Angels in the Sea" by Bud Reese
honorary journalism ph"o',pnkv'and "Abandoned" by Duane Niel
fraternity, are now on display in sen.
the showcase of the Uniou w.a.,
Ag YW To Sponsor
Mass Meet Nov. 27
A mass Ag YWCA membership
meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
Nov. 27, at 4 p.m. in the Home
Ec parlors.
The meeting will include a va
riety of interesting features, ac
cording to Alice Anderson, Ag YW
president. Miss Anderson said that
YW members are planning a ra
dio participation program, which
promises fun and information for
Mrs. Jackie Kernling, from the
Ag Student Center, will demon
strate old-fashioned candle-making
in a new fashioned way. An
opportunity will also be provided
f. .: -quainted with the
YW members.
.vh ., members are urged
to make an extra effort to attend
this meeting, according to Miss
Anderson. I
What about athletic scholar
Why are some athletes sus
ceptible to bribery?
Have academic standards
been dropped or ignored so that
star players can stay eligible?
Two conference commissioners
and three sports writers presented
their views to the committee
Commissioners were Tug Wil
son of the Big Ten and Asa Bush
nell of the eastern colleges.
"Sec" Taylor, sports editor of
the Des Moines Register and
president of the National Foot
ball Writers association; Hugh
Fullerton, Jr, sports columnist
for the Associated Press; and
Leo H. Petersen, United Press
sports editor, also met with the
Committee members, appointed
by the ACE. are: Dr. John A.
Hannah, Michigan State college,
chairman; Gustavson; Raymond
B. AHen ' University of Washine-
ton; Rev. Fr. John J. Cavanaugh,
Notre Dame; A.
wnuney uns-
wold, Yale; John S. Mills, West
ern Reserve; Umphrey Lee,
Southern Methodist; John L. Py-
ler, Furman; Albert Ray Olpin,
Utah; and John D. Williams, Mis
sissippi. 105 Student
Student who have paid for
Student Directories and not picked
them up may get them at a
booth in the Union lobby be
tween 2:30 and 5 p.m. Tuesday.
Phyllis Loudon, director
business manager, announced
that only students with receipts
should come to the booth be
cause the 2,000 directories have
been sold.
The 105 persons who have not
received their directories are:
Laurence Ackland, Fred Allen,
Wendel Anderson, Kendall Atkins,
Darrett Avers, Dale Babcock, Rich
Barnhardt, Richard Baumbach,
Calvin Bentz, Gene Bishop, Mari
lyn Bree. Bob Buelher, Jon Car
penter, Ted Coffie, George Cogan,
Charles Decker, Constance Deck
er, G. Pearson
Dennis Moskall, Douthit,
Mannis Edwards, Richard Eg
gert, Mary Ellerbroock, Ruth
Ellenwood, Elizabeth Emory,
Ruth Erlewine, Albert Flores,
John Forsyth, Rodney Jugate,
John Gibbons, Bob Grant, Bill
Greenfield, Peter Grosso, Elvis
Hunter, Cora Ann Hoshor.
Virginia Higgins, Dale Haun,
Wilma Haun, Herbert Hansen,
Max Hecht, Don Gunnoutot, Scott
Judd, Robert Kaufman, Junior
f'eier acnmim, mariene ocnuiiz,
joe bimecek, Larry tnyaer, Kob-
erts Snyder, Sobolik, Don
Ruth Sorenaon, Polly Souser,
Tom Spahn, Lee SUlemaker,
George Strausler, Jackie S wit
ter, Andrea Swoboda, Fay
Thoreson, Glenn Wall, Blaine
Ward, Kathy Welsch, Bob Wen
dell, James Weinburg, Jerry
White, Joe Whiteman, Oliver
Woeff, Darren Wood, OrviU
Wyers, Ben Zinecher.
Receiving honorable mention in
the contest were Nadine Moriar
ty's "Reticulated Glassware,"
"Entrance to Stadium" and "Mis
ter Sothan" snd Duane Nielsen's
"Holy Smoke" and "Choir Loft."
Forty-three prints were entered
in the contest and, through elimi-jtook
nauuu, 14 were selected ior imai
All 43 pictures will be displayed
in the lounge from Nov. 27 to
Dec. 4, according to Nielsen, KAM
Contest judges were Vernon
Pettet and Stan Anderson.
'Hanging Of Greens' Set
For Nov. 29, Ellen Smith
The traditional YWCA "Hang
ing Of The Greens" will take place
Nov. 29, 7 p.m., at Ellen Smith
Jane Jackson, YWCA cabinet
member, is heading the annual
Christmas ceremony.
Prayer Of Thanks
We thank thee, God,
for the brightness of sun-filled
for gray skies and coldness
for the laughter of children
for the tears that cleanse
grief of others;
for the right to condemn what we dislike and to shout to the
skies the praise of that which we admire, and
for the mature judgment of others which helps us to moderate
our own and guides us to values of worth and truth;
for the praise and reward we receive when our task is well done,
for the punishment given us
for the church of our choice,
our needs, and
for all the other churches which cause us to realize our views
are not all that exist;
for the beauty of a mountain
our spirits rise to meet them, and
for the stench of a city dump, which symbolizes the ugliness
oi some oi our works;
for the peace and contentment
foJd and Peasant talk, and
for the confusion and turmoil,
torce us to seeK spiritual haven
for travel and faraway lands, where we find excitement, and
for the same surroundings, year upon year, which us find our
for the miracle of birth, and
for the blessing of death;
"for the means of grace, and
we thank thee, God.
Home Ec Club Smorgasbord
To Feature Foreign Recipes
r l j i
Smorgasbord, yumpin' yiminy!
Guests at the third annual
Home Economics club Smorgas
bord may eat as much as they
please. The Smorgasbord will be
Thursday, Nov. 29 from 5:30 to
7:30 p.m. in the Food and Nutri
tion building on Ag Campus.
Tickets are $1.3
Home Ec club members plan!
and prepare the Smorgasbord I
ic TTnito
: v,' . ,
out the world. The dishes will be
adapted to American methods of
cooking and ingredients.
Tickets for the dinner go on sale
Monday, Nov. 26 in city and Ag
Unions. Home Ec club members
will be selling tickets, too. Only
250 are available.
Joan Sharp and Joyce Kuehl
are chairman and assistant chair
man of the event. Elizabeth Gass
and Marilyn Bamesburger are in
charge of food preparation. Ticket
chairmen are Romona Laun and
Dorothy Cappell. Mary Ann
Grundman and Jean Holmes will
handle publicity.
Rose Ann Stiffler and Betty
Hrabik are decorations chairmen
jviary Lreiseker will supervise
serving. Room arrangements will
be handled by Virginia West. Bar
bara West is hostess chairman.
Delores Estermann and Sharon
Reed will supervise the clean-up
committee while Alene Ochsner
and Maxine Peterson handle
kitchen preparations.
Faculty advisers helping with
the dinner arrangements are Mrs.
Helen Sulek, home economics in-
Alary A. Buck Receives
$300 Borden Scholarship
Mary Ann Buck, senior in the
College of Agriculture, Friday was
awarded the $300 Borden scholar
ship. The scholarship is the highest
honor that a University home eco
nomics student can receive, ac
cording to University officials.
Miss Buck won the award for
having the highest grade average
in her class.
This is the last issue of The
Daily Nebraskan until Thanks
giving vacation is over. The
next copies of The Daily Ne
braskan will appear Tuesday,
Nov. 27.
Military Department Organized In 1876;
Present Program Devekpsd Gradually
Staff Writer
Although the emphasis on the
ROTC program is relatively new,
me roots oi me oi gumztiuon are
almost as old as the University
The sounds of cadence count
and military commands were first
hpnrr) nt th TTnivprsitv in thA fall
0f 1876 when Lt. Edgar S. Dudley
command of University mili-
tary affairs
The Regents of the Univer
sity set the pattern for the fu
ture in tbe spring of 1877 when
military science became compul
sory for all male students. This
reneral rule still stands today.
However, it Is now compulsory
only for freshmen and sopho
mores who are physically fit.
Lt. John J. Pershing established
a much improved program during
his four year tour of duty at Ne
braska starting in 1891. The or
ganization of Pershing Rifles was
another result of his leadership.
University authorities in 1901
established a graduation require
ment of completion of two years
of military training. Ten years
later the military department en
days that make us want to sing,
that send us to sit in warmth beside
and youth that gladdens our hearts,
our souls and help us to share the
when we fail to do our best:
where we can worship as best suits
meadow, so close to the skies that
that comes after a table of eood
always present in our lives, which
from material things;
for the hope of glory,"
structor and Mary Rose Gram, as
sistant professor of home econom
ics. Joan Raun is Home Ec presi
dent. Maj. Crutsinger To Speak
To Advanced Air ROTC's
MaJ- w- J- Crutsinger of the
Pf futt. force base will speak
tO junior aftd Senior arivnnoori
fow ct,,T,. rp j "-- -"
r;xr" cT or Re Miutary
Ma i tSnSSSS. Tng- Main sPeaker fOT the conference
gTS tal r11 Hwffl be"he Rev. Richard Gary,
pnasize "How Flying Snfetv AfL vi-, irJl
.1 n - .
we mission and tJrtraniro-
tionof Strateeic Ail Command "
ine Arnold Air Society, headed
tL ST ef.Downey. will be host at!
P.M. Headlines
Staff News
Acheson, Moch
PARIS Secretary of State
Dean Acheson and French De
fense Minister Jules Moch is
sued stern warning at the Paris
general assembly session that
world tension had built to the
preaking point, and urged that
the west's disarmament plan
be adopted so that the atomic
bomb "would not boom any
where in the world."
Russian Foreign Minister
Andrei Vishinsky is expected
to categorically reject the
west's Plan, but he apparently
North Korean Minister Offers Proposals
North Korean foreign minister,
Pak Hon Yong, broadcast a
four point proposal for ending
the Korean war along the
present battle line and in
cluded the "punishment of war
Pak said: (1) The fighting
should stop immediately as
the first step in negotiations;
(2) a four kilometer buffer
British Move Toward Ismailia
EGYPT British troops
moved to seize control of the
city of Ismailia in the Suez
canal zone following clashes
with Egyptian authorities over
the weekend. At least 12 per
sons were killed on both sides
in running gun-fights between
the two groups.
tered the social field when the
first Military ball was held
The present ROTC program
stems from the National Defense
Act of 1916 which set up the or
ganization. However, in IB 17 a
Student Army Training Corps
was established, which differed
slightly from ROTC. For a time
it replaced the ROTC program.
The SATC devoted more time to
drill and other military subjects.
During World War I the So
cial Science building, although
uncompleted, was used as a
barracks for troops under the
new Student Army Training
Corps program. A total of 1730
cadets enrolled under this pro
gram in the fall of 1917. At tbe
end of the first semester of
1918 the Student Army Training
Corps was disbanded.
The first summer camp under
ROTC regulations was held at
camp Funston, Kans., in 1919.
A material change was made in
the organization of the University
ROTC unit in the fall of 193C.
Before that time the organization
had consisted of an infantry unit
only. Two new units were added
field artillery and engineers
and a corresponding decrease took
The Korean war has been a dis
aster to Stalin, Maurice Hindus,
all-University convocation
speaker, told 2,300 persons in the
Union ballroom Monday.
Speaking on the subject, "After
it "A
Hindus Discusses Debts,
Policies At Coffee Hour
"What are the weaknesses of
the United States foreign policy?"
This was one of the many ques
tions asked of Maurice Hindus,
convocation speaker, at the in
formal discussion hour, 2 p.m.
Monday in the Union ballroom.
In discussing the question of
weaknesses in United States
foreign policy, Hindus stated
that "Jealousies of the American
political parties are having a
harmful effect on the vigor of
our foreign policy."
He added that much of this
weakness comes from the Com
munist name-calling in Ameri
can politics today. He com
mented on one of the strong as
pects of U. S. government which
YM, YW Members
To Attend District
Meet At Hastings
All Y members interested i
going to Hastings for the Y dis
trict conference should contact
Donna Tinkham or Dick Monson
as soon as possible.
The theme of the conference is
"Search for Freedom." It will be
held Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2. Registra
tion is due before Thanksgiving
Cost of the conference will be
less than five dollars plus mini
mum transportation expenses, it
to go, a
mum transportation expenses. If
bus will be chartered.
ou wajaiiuiaau wuu atteuucu Idle
iw-owih, J J- -
with Cotner House. Other speakers
include Earl Dyer, city editor of
the Star and faculty members of
several colleges,
Issue Warnings
was not prepared to reply im
mediately. Last week Vish
insky laughed when the co
sponsors of the plan (Britain,
France and the United States)
introduced their resolution,
and he is expected to reply
the same way to the latest re
visions. The Russians themselves of
fered their own disarmament
plan but western diplomats
have charged that it lacks en
forcement powers.
zone should be established im
mediately and along the pres
ent lines; (3) all foreign troops
must withdraw and (4) war
criminals responsible for ex
tending the Korean war and
for "barbarous deeds" against
civilians should be punished.
These proposals are, in ef
fect, the same as the red dele
gates have been recently de
manding at Panmunjom.
The Egyptian government in
Cairo announced that the move
by British troops was an act
of war.
Several hundred British de
pendents were being moved
from Ismailia to a heavily de
fended R.A.F. base nearby.
place in the number of men in the
infantry unit.
During World War II an Army
Specialized Training Program was
substituted for the ROTC organ-1 candles from old ones, sell them
basically similar to people living near Ag college
to the Student Army Training and then carol to these people
Corps of World War L jthat have the candles burning in
The Social Science building was! their windows,
spared the honor of being trans- All YW members are to bring
formed into a barracks for thelback all the old candles they can
troops of the program. Instead,
Love library served that purpose
This temporary, program lasted
until 1945.
lar the same year a Naval
ROTC unit was added to the
University's military program.
The Army ROTC added an air
corps unit and military police
unit in 1946. An ordinance unit
on the Lincoln campus was es
tablished at the same time as
the medical unit ln Omaha In
The military department moved
into its present quarters in 1B48.
The building was constructed to
accomodate the Army and Navy
ROTC. In 1949 the Air Force es
tablished its separate branch at
the University in the same quar-
Stalin, Who and What?, the
Russian-born author explained
that Stalin had expected to over
run South Korea in a few days,
adding another government to his
string of totalitarian states.
includes Washington's recogni
tion of Russia's chief sourse of
weakness which is the agricul
tural instability of Russia and
many of her satellites.
Hindus compared the national
debt of Russia to that of the
United States. He said that in Rus
sia, national debt means nothing.
Hindus explained that when a
Russian buys a government bond,
"he doesn't look upon it as an
investment, but as merely some
thing he must do."
Hindus stated that "One bright
day, the internal debt of Russia
will be wiped out merely because
the Politburo will decide that it
doesn't want to pay."
Hindus explained that the
only thing Russia has to do
when she does not want to pay
the national debt is to send a
representative from the Polit
buro to some factory. This rep
resentative tells the factory
workers that "great prosperity
has been reached by the peoples
in the country."
He adds that the gov
ernment would be richer with
out the national debt and all
workers can be a means to
this end by turning in all their
government bonds. Hindus
stated that this form of verbal
persuasion occurred in many
places during World war II.
Hindus noted that even though
the Russian people abhor war,
the. would probably fight if they
were made to believe they were
"The Russian are so peace-lov
ing that they will never go to
war, he said. Throughout Russia's
history, whenever there was a
war, the people as a whole fought
if they believed that they were
on the defensive, not offensive."
He added that this same state
ment held true in the case of the
Finnish "attack" against Russia
and the "attack of the United
States against Korea. j
In discussing the Yugoslavian
situation, Hindus '-om pared Tito
to a Martin Luther who has es
tablished a church of his own.
This, be explained, was because
He added that Tito's break
away from Russia was not the
beginning of a sei ien of schisms
in the Communist movement.
Russia's other satellete countries
have a common border which
Yugoslavia does not have, there
fore, Russia cannot provoke a
border incident that could he
blamed on the Tito government.
Such an incident could start
war if there were a common
Hindus said that if Russian con
trolled countries disagreed with
their "mother" country, the per
sons in disagreement would "just
disappear." Hindus added that
disagreement with Russian poli
cies was considered a form . of
Hindus stated that the Polit
buro, theoretically is "a child of
a central committee." However,
ine central committee acts as
nothing but a "yes man" to the
wishes of Stalin's concerning the
selection of Politburo members, at
the present time.
Lynn Kunkel, convocation
chairman, was in charge of the
coffee hour. Student hostesses
were Ruth Sorenson and Jean
Ag YWCA To Sell
Christmas Candles
Ag YWCA is planning to sell
cancues to residents in the Ag
campus vicinity as a Christmas
project, according to Alice An
derson, president.
Miss Anderson said that the
YWCA members will make new
find at home during Thanksgly-
ing vacation.
The goal for the YW is 2,000
candles. The goal for each mem
ber is 50 candles. Members bring'
ing the most candles will be re
warded and those who do not get
any will be given a booby prize.
Sigma Theta Epsilon
Holds Fall Banquet
Sigma Theta Epsilon heid their
Fall Banquet Saturday, Nov. 17,
at the Trinity Methodist church.
Eighty members and guests at
tended. Guests included the mem
bers of the Advisory Coai-cil and
their wives and members of Kap
pa Fht, National Methodist girl's
But he miscalculated American
psychological and technological
reactions to the invasian, Hindus
said. And instead of bleeding the
United States in men and equip
ment, Stalin is wasting his own
industrial output, he said.
Hindus predicted that war
would result immediately:
1. It Stalin attempts to take
over another European govern
ment as he did Chechoslovakia;
2. If Stalin makes war on
Tito, who, according to Hindus,
is responsible for Stalin's great
est politicardefeat to dite;
3. If Stalin Invades Iran or
attempts to take control of the
4. If Stalin starts another
"Korea" in Asia.
He would "be a maniac" to in
vite war on himself," Hindus said,
for the very strength of his power
Soviet industry would quickly
be demolished by American atomic
However, Hindus predicted that
Russia must either maneuver ex
tremely carefully to get out of the
present mess or blunder into
Answering the question posed
by the subject of bis speech,
Hindus explained that, while the
man who might succeed Stalin
will undoubtedly continue his
plans and policies, "no man can
ever fill Stalin's shoes, for there
can be only one god."
Russians, he said, are taught'
that Stalin is the greatest and most
infallible man in the world; he is
the father of all the peoples of the
world, the father of Russia and
the father of all young Russian
While he might be called the
greatest tyrant and the bloodiest
beast in the world, Hindus also re
called that he is the world's great
est industrialist.
Accounting for Stalin's strength.
Hindus'cited four sources:
1. The advantage of a dic
tator in international diplomacy.
He has no opposition and can
change his mind overnight if he
2. Russia's industrial machine.
Hindus called the industrial
might of the nation Stalin's
greatest achievement and
3. The Russian youth. Provid
in games and sports, Stalin has
wone the respect and admiration
of his nation's young people.
4. The Russian army with its
militarized schools.
However. Hindus also cited four
of Russia's greatest weaknesses:
1. The record of one calamity
after another since 1901. Russia,
he said, has continually been in
war, famine, revolution, counter
revolution, civil war or purges
since that time.
2. The low standard of living.
Hindus pointed the shortage of
animal lats, shoes, dresses and
everyday conveniences taken for
granted m American life.
3. Stalin's fight with Tito. He
is afraid to attack little Yugo
slavia, Hindus said, because he
knows the western world will
answer with its atomic bombs on
Russian industries.
4. The Korean war, which
backfired and is now bleeding
Russia of its industrial output far
faster than it is the United States.
Instead of continuing his
ever-expanding- program of ag
gression, Hindus said, Stalin has
touched off the first peacetime
military-preparedness program
the United State has ever
known and has thai lessened
his chances in a sudden war.
TLIL Ghnaiwx.
Staff Writer
Arriving home earlier than
usual, the young husband found
his wife in the arms of his best
"I love your wife," said the in
terloper, "and she loves me."
"IH play you a game of cards for
her. If I win, you divorce her,
and if you win, 111 never see her
again. Will you play gin rummy
with me?"
"All right," eagerly agreed the
husband, "and how about a nennv
a point to make it interesting?"
"Why did you turn out the
lights. John?"
"un, t just wanted to
U my pipe was lighted."
"I dont think that the man un.
stairs likes Johnny to play h;
"WelL this afternoon
Johnny a knife and asked him ii
he knew what was inside the
TV weather
report for to
day Indicated
sad con
tinued warm
The fclgl; -tn
fee near 2,
wICh light
and vari&wk
"Where did you get that black
"In the war."
"What war?"
r -
X .
!?- ...