The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Friday, November 16, 1951
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Tom Riscks.
Of Work Or Play
Wednesday night, the Engineering Executive
Board presented a resolution to the Student Coun
cil which criticized the present set-up of College
Days very severely. The resolution proposed that
the prsent organization be declared defunct be
cause it has no constitution and that a new organi
zation with similar purpose be set up to succeed it
The engineers do not like the present set-up
of College Days because:
1. They feel that it Is being made a "carni
val' instead of an educational exhibit
2. They feel that the time spent on the "car
nival" could be better spent on open houses of
the individual colleges.
S. They feel that College Days board mem
bers are self-appointed and self perpetuating;
that the group has nothing in writing which
Justifies its existence.
4. The faculty has too much control over Col
lege' Days, which is "not necessary or good."
5. The financial losses suffered by College
Days last year were unnecessary
6. College Days is too "commercialized.'' There
Is too much in the way of selling pop, candy,
or refreshments and programs. One representa
tive of the group told me "At Engineers Open
House, everything is free. We have nothing to
sell but the University."
On the other hand, representatives of College
Days feel that & certain amount of "carnival"
atmosphere and commercialism is necessary to
assure sucess of the venture. They say that since
College Days is only a year old, it is bound to
make mistakes. They say that certain mistakes
were inevitable "and that the loss of money was
due to inexperience. They hope to be able to cor
rect these mistakes in years to come. They deny
that the faculty has too much control over Col
lege Days policies.
The tone of their resolution is that they wish
to destroy the College Days board now set up and
replace it with a completely new organization. For
all practical purposes, this would estroy or cripple
any College Days in 1952 because there simply is
not enough time to start completely afresh. A
representative of the engineers assured me how
ever, that such was not their intentions. He said
that they merely desired to correct the direction
In which College Days was drifting.
At any rate, the resolution happened to be
presented at a time when the chairman, vice
chairman, publicity director and faculty adviser
were at Iowa State getting ideas from that col
lege's annual Teishea Days celebration. The en
gineers say this is mere coincidence. Whatever
the truth, the timing is unfortunate.
The engineers letter is rather nationalistic in
(jiv (xJojvdsidand
I your fm
favor of their own system. They have been running
open house for some 40 years, and have worked
out a good system. They are a little impatient
perhaps with an organization that has not yet
celebrated its first birthday.
The solution they offer does not seem to be
the answer to the problem. An organization's faults
cannot be corrected by demolishing it and start
ing with something new. The fight seems so
personal as to cloud the issues at stake. . , .
The issue as stated by the engineers is mainly
"College Days is too commercial. The real
educational value of such a celebration is being
lost We feel that College Days is failing to ful
fill its purpase by holding such things as all
sports day, football games, dances, etc Let these
things be secondary. In engineers college, we
are going to hold an educational exhibit which
we believe high school students want If College
Days is what we consider educational, we will
go along with it If not, we will have nothing
to do with it"
The real roots of the problem may lie some
what deeper. Admittedly attendance at the En
gineers Open House fell off somewhat last year.
This, the engineers felt, was due to the "carnival"
atmosphere of College Days. There was a good
deal of friction, then and since, between the en
gineers and College Days board members. College
Days workers claimed that engineers refused to
cooperate. Engineers claimed that College Days
workers were going at the problem incorrectly. It
is natural that engineers were not too anxious to
share their show with anyone else, and thus could
be expected to resist They were rather impatient
with the trial and error methods of College Days
The engineers may have some legitimate gripes.
They may have a point in saying tht College Days
is too commercialized. They have a formula which
has been successful for years. But the formula
which has worked for engineers may not work for
the college as a whole. Many displays could not
possibly be. as interesting and educational as the
engineering, displays. And, as a sidelight, Uni
versity life is not all work and no play. I think
there is room for compromise, if both sides will
look as the problem from a college-wide viewpoint
Ruth Raymond.
The More The Merrier
"With all humility Republican Gov. Earl War
ren of California threw his hat int the presidential
ting this week by announcing his candadicy for
President of the United States. Sen. Robert A.
Taft of Ohio, first republican to file for the party's
presidential nomination, welcomed Warren and
added, "The more the merrier, as far as I'm con
cerned. Warren's political background as far as the
GOP is concerned, is commendable and open
to criticism. In the eyes of his more conserva
tive party-mates, his liberalism is condemned.
However, his record of saving the republican
party from defeat in California evens up the
-California history, Warren is the only man to
win the governorship three times in succession.
In the 1950 election, he decisively defeated a great
political name, and democrat, James Roosevelt,
to head again the west coast state. In 1948 Warren
was Gov. Dewey's running mate for the presi
dential position. Warren ran with Dewey on the
condition that if elected, his vice presidential
duties entail more than presiding over the Senate.
Perhaps the two most interesting remarks that
Warren has given the press since his decision to
join the nomination race concern, one, the repub
lican party, and two, the democratic party. He
has publicly announced his intention of seeking
the nomination not on the basis of a "divisive
campaign." Reason for this, according to the gov
ernor, stems from the necessities of the republican
situation which cannot be underestimated.
In regard to his opposition party. Warren
told the press, "We cannot hope to win solely
on the mistakes of the present 20-year admin
istration, many though they are." This statement
per se, may indicate that Gov. Warren does not
intend to follow the usual line of mud-slinging
and evasion of pertinent, not political issues,
if nominated. The recent battle of the British
Laborites and Conservatives might make this
policy more meaningful to the United States
From this point of view, Gov. Warren is a wel
come addition to the republican race. Whether
his popularity stems from his large family, his
liberalism, his personal convictions or his well
received GOP record, he's in the running against
Taft and possibly Gen. Eisenhower. He has some
new ideas for the republican party.
Staff Writer
Baptist Student house, 315 north
15th, C. B. Howells, pastor. Fri
day 7:45 p.m.," graduate and mar-
ripri students fnnim with Tzrael
Portugali discussing the Arabic-
lsraeu coniiict. baturaay open
house following the Colorado
game. Sunday regular church
school and morning worship in
city churches; 5 p.m., fellowship
supper; 6 p.m., Thanksgiving ser
vice with Dr. E. E. Smith, pastor
of Second Bantist rhurph. sAeakine
on "Toward a Worthy Thanksgiv
Lutheran Student service, Alvin
M. Petersen, nnstnr. Friday 8
p.m., roller-skating party; meet at
1440 Q street; no jeans. Saturday
coffee hour after game at 1440
y. sunaay Bible study at :io
a.m., 1200 No. 37th and 1440 Q.
City campus LSA, 5 p.m., First
Lutheran church, 14th and A. cost
supper, Dr. Harold Floreen, Divi
sion of Amprirnn Missions. Na
tional Lutheran council, will speak
on "Christian Approach to the
Jewish People in America." Ag
T.SA 6:30 o.m 1200 No. 37th. cost
supper and Dr. Floreen, speaker.
Presby houses Rex Knowles,
pastor. Sunday 5:30 p.m., forum
with Rex Knowles. Pat Wall and
Mary Lou Hawk leading a panel
on "What We Believe." Monoay
6:45 a.m., Monday group session
on personal philosophy.
Wesley Foundation, 1417 R
street Richard W. Nutt, pastor.
Friday 8 p.m., visit Tifereth Is
rael Svnacrnriio fmeet at student
house at 7:30 p.m.) Saturday-
open house after game. &unaay
5:30 p.m., Wesley Fireside with
tjoKKi Tnchi,a Rtomnfer. steaker.
Mondav throuch Friday 3:30 to
5 p.m., "Do-Drop-In" hour.
University Episcopal chapel,
15th and R streets. J. Sweigart,
chaplain. Thursday 5 p.m., even
ing prayer. Friday 7 a.m., Holy
Communion; 5 p.m., evening pray
er. Saturday 5 p.m., evening
prayer. Sunday 9 a.m., Holy
Communion with breakfast down
stairs following; 11 a.m., t-norai
Eucharist and sermon; 4:30 p.m.,
5t Vinrenfs Guild: 5 p.m.. Can
terbury club supper with program
following. Monaay o p.m., even
ing prayer. Tuesday 5 p.m., even
ing prayer; 7:30 p.m., choir re
hearsal. Wednesday 7 a.m., Holy
Communion; 5 p.m., evening
Religious Society of Friends, 302
cnnth 9Rth street: Sunday 9:45
a.m., meeting for worship; 10:30
a.m., discussion oi meaning aim
techniques of silent worship led
hv Olivia Pound.
Christian Student reiiowsrup,
First Christian, 16th and K street;
Sunday 5 p.m., president of Cot
ner college, P. R. Stevens wOl
speak on, "An Examination of the
Doctrine of the Christian Church.
Lutheran (Missouri synod), Un
Pvim 31S; Sunday 10:45
a.m., sermon, "A Student's
Thanksgiving"; o:sv p.m., supi
meeting of Gamma Delta m YM
CA lounge. Temple.
t, ..:. ( . l.wlnnt linns. Friday
DIUl.". '
7:30 p.m., graduate and married
students torum; spedKci w.
Israel Portugoli on "Palestine
nc- xiooc and Problems." Satur
dayopen house following Colo
rado-Nebraska game ai uucUi
house. Sunday 9:45 a.m., Sunday ii am, mornine worshfp;
5 p.m., fellowship dinner; 6 p.m..
worship and lorum, uyeanci
E. E. Smith on "Toward a Worthy
"Detective Story" is playing at
the Nebraska theater this week.
The picture chronicles a busy
day in the detective squad room
of a Manhattan station house. The
detectives, unlike tnose in Holly
wood's endlessly filmed games of
cops and robbers, Jook liKe real
cops under the strain of a tough,
often nasty, grind; they grumble,
sweat and suffer.
The one who suffers most is
Detective McLeod (Kirk Doug
las), a stickler for justice untem
pered by mercy, who bears down
on a confused first offender as
sadistically as he hounds a crim
inal abortionist.
McLeod's life is dedicated in
about equal parts to the re
morseless pursuit of wrong-doers
and to the love of his young
wife (Eleanor Parker). Then he
learns that she was one of the
abortionist's patients before he
married her.
The movie is a direct echo of
Sidney Kingsley's 1949 Broadway
hit, "Detective Story."
The rest of "Detective Story's"
large cast featuring William Ben-
dix in a straight role as McLeod's
older detective-partner, rounds
out a lively gallery of Manhattan,
squad-room characters.
"When Worlds Collide," an am
bitious raid into the thin air of
science-fiction, is now playing at
the Varsity.
Producer George Pal pictures
the end of the world in Techni
color and the escape by rocket
of 40-odd humans and an ark
load of animals, seeds and gadg
ets to begin life anew on an
other world.
Technically, the film offers a
Weekly handsome rocket with
plenty of dials and levers, a few
glimpses into the problem of
transplanting life from one planet
o another and trick shots of
earthly landmarks in a catas
trophe ,of fire and water.
The movie's main line of sus
pense is: Will the scientist-heroes
build and equip their rocket be-
Council Acts
On Activity
The Student Council yesterday
referred the setting up of junior
and senior class councils to its
campus improvements committee.
The Council's action followed
recommendations made Satur
day at the Council-sponsored
Activities Workshop. Other
recommendations made at the
workshop were referred to com
mittees. George Wilcox, Don Noble,
Wayne White and Nanci DeBord
were elected to go to Boulder,
Colo., with the official delegates,
George Cobel and Miriam Willey,
to the Big Seven Student Govern
ment association convention Nov.
30 and Dec. 1. The Nebraska
delegates will discuss the problem
of finance.
It was announced that the
1951 Ivy Day sing winners,
Alpha Chi Omega and Sigma
Chi, will present half-time en
tertainment at basketball games.
Other half-time activities pre
viously arranged include a square
dance by the women's physical
education department, a perform
ance by the gymnastic squad and
ping-pong tournament playoffs.
On The Air
3:00 Music from. Everywhere
3:15 Song in Their Hearts
3:30 Sports Parade
3:45 U. S. Campus Round Up
4:00 This Week on Campus
4:15 Harold Norris
4:30 From the World of Wax
4:45 Sweet and Lowdown
5:00 Sign off
Saturday Night Cabaret
At Ag Union To Feature
Student Entertainment
Tomorrow night is student
night at the Saturday Night Cab
aret in the Ag union.
A vocal duet by Delores Garett
and Marshall Christiansen, a solo
by Janice Harrison, a singing act
from Wesleyan university ana a
niann snlo bv Joel Waddill will be
the feature of the Cabaret accord
ing to Bill Waldo, who is in cnarge
of entertainment
Sales Job Registration
On Ag Ends Tomorrow
Saturday is the last day that
Colleee of Agriculture seniors may
register for sales job interviews
with a representative or awni ana
company. Interested students are
to contact Ephriam Hixson, 206
Agricultural halL
A Missouri Valley feeds depart
ment representative of the com
pany will be at the College of
Aerinulture Dec. 13 to interview
applicants for sales positions.
fore the star Bellus hits the eartht
"Behave xourseu, nl,1
Shelley Winters and Farley
Granger, is being shown at the
Stuart this weekend.
"Skid Row" is at the Lincoln
theater this week,
r :n. tx?; j,r.,- lendlnff sonrano
of the Rome Royal Opera, will be
. .. . 1 .V. nnfA. ,- Ana
at the jseDrasiui ucoi..
night only, Monday, Nov. 19. The
concert will begin at 8:30 p.m.
Pi Lambda Theta
To Hold Tea Friday
All junior and senior women
majoring in education are invited
to a tea given by Pi JLmbd
Theta Friday from 3 to 4:30 pjn.
at Ellen Smith halL
Dean Marjorie Johnston, assis
tant professor Sue Arbuthnot, as
sistant professor Gertrude Mc-
Eacnen ana ------
Elsie Jevons will preside at the
tables. , , . . .
Elizabeth Moody is president ot
n utmoaa aiicw -----orary
and professional associa-
. n adulation.
lion lor women "
s.i -m nn.. e.A Ann LAieder
vice president; Shirley Ransdell,
corresponaing seticiaij, - -
Marilyn Clark, recording secre
tary. June Stewart is sponsor of
the honorary.
and his orchestra
Dancing 9 until 12
Couples Only
Adm. 1.70 per couple
Tax Included
Attention Hen!
If it's a Card for a Girl.
Wife or your Mother it's
GolJenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
'pCTtf l?f If? i
What We Will Be
Upon What We
Tomorrow Depends
Are Doing Today
J. Alfred Johnson-
''Many shall purify themselves, and make
themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked
shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall
understand; but they that are wise shall under
stand . . . . But go thou thy way till the end be;
for thou shalt rest, and shalt stand in thy lot, at
the end of the days." (Daniel 12:10, 13.)
Life is continuous. What we will be tomorrow"
depends on what course we pursue today, and
what we are today was decided by what course
we pursued yesterday. We make character by
our attitudes and continued actions. This is a
terrible reality for people who pursue the way of
sin. "Judas by transgression fell that he might go
to his own place." (Acts 1:25.) His own place was
the place for which be prepared himself by his
daily attitude and actions of sin and wrong.
Let no one say: I do this sinful act and there
hall be no evil consequences Impressed upon
sny life as the results from it Too know better
than that We shall tomorrow be more of every
thing than we are today. If our course is down
ward in sin, the speed increases as we travel,
ur character accruing to itself mass and weight
of sin and wrong. Many lives are like that I
appeal to every sinner to repent and by the
grace of God break the fatal continuity of sin,
and make a new beginning in the direction that
God and conscience approve.
If our lives run in the direction of God's will,
then we can take comfort from God's word. We
may be perplexed concerning the possible issues
of the troublous times in which we live, but then
there comes this message from God: Keep right
on in the direction you are going, the way of
obedience to my word. You have chosen my will
as the way of life. Keep right on to the end of
life. The wicked shall do wickedly. "But go thou
thy way till the end be, for thou shalt rest, and
shalt stand in thy lot, at the end of the days."
Our lot at the end of the days will be that
for which our course in life has fitted us. We
shall stand in our lot The righteous will stand
in their lot and the wicked in their lot, and there
will be a fixed impassible gulf between them.
(Luke 16.-26.) The lot of each of the wicked will
be intolerable according to his wickedness in
life, and the -lot of each of the righteous will be
glorious according to his righteousness in life
by the grace of God. Each one goes to his own
place. Each shall stand in his lot at the end of
the days. What will your lot be? What will my
lot be?
Ag Square Dance Club 7:30-9:30
p.m, in College Activities build
ing. Union: Kosmet Klub review at 8
Cornhusker pictures at West
Stadium: Sigma Alpha Iota at
12:30 p.m.
Palladian Literary society meet
ing at 8 p.m. 301 Temple build
ing. Union: Square dance at 8:30 p.m.
Newman Club initiation at the
Kniehts of Columbus HalL 1431 M
street at 7 p.m.
Union: Coffee hour for orches
tra personnel at 2 p.m.; University
orchestra concert at 8 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 24
Corn Cobs and Tassels will meet
af iYu ucnai time in the east stadi
um to put out the card section for
the Oklahoma game.
Special Student Offer
To oil Girl Students: Effective immediately, all girl students may
obtain through the Begents Book Store, and Nebraaka Book Store,
the special student rate on Harpers Bazaar. This student offer
makes available to you Harpers Bazaar at 25c per month, mailed
to any address you deiire. The single copy price of Harpers
Bazaar incorporating Junior Bazaar is 60c
Thit offer u for I, 2 and 3 year tubtcriptiont only.
$3.00 . $6.00 . $9.00
Deadline December 25th
gives you so MUCH
for so l77Xco
More schedules, more comfort,
more convenience are rrexnM
tudents prefer Greyhound, the
friendly war to trmrml! Go Grey,
bound oa mil your tripe . . . hoi.
idays home, week eodi, big
games. Fare are amejeingiy low
Wee thoae below.
CHEYENNE, WTC. . . $10.0$
(M Tart
320 Sooth 13
to herald your
arrival at the
Military Ball and
the "Black Mask ball!
JIvl (Daily TbibiaAlucuv
Intercollegiate Press
Tht Oallf Nnferulwa li vakil fey Ihe iliiMli ef i M VBtvmilt NfOrMfcs M cipmito vl rttulente' mwi WJ
HttmtM Wttlf. MWOWI " Anwil u Df-w. OTOTQIDI nilt peBIIMMWIW uninuHrH F mmm pnn vi
.kikttau. -It m ttoa iiMlsraa aollat ml U Aaari thai eablloailana anaar ita tartaaletlea ahall ba fra Irani Mtartal
ttr. M the part ef la a HaaiS. M laa put ef Mr amber mt lb a faaaitf ef tba Ualaarallf. feat tba aaambara af
ba ton art rM Pail KeOraMiaa turn enaaaiaaiir raapamutna lr armu inrf aajr w a mr raaaa lo m onnuw.
akwartitaa rata asa amaaar tt.M "aJlar af Si. fr the aaJltra rasr. awilaS. Sinrle a ta rah
ttoibMl tfaMv ttartaa ta aebaai raat Hataraara aaS Saaeaya. vaaaMant Mia aaamlnlalaa parlada Una lain a ablliha
a tba eraaib at Aaaaal b tba UaHraratlt af Mabraaka aaaar tba aaparalataa af tba CamialUea an Stadanl rabllautaaa.
attara M SaraaS "laa Mattel at tba fat Office la Uaaela. Mabraaka. aadar AM af Centra. Marob A ISW, an at
aeaaJ rat af aactsae arenae1 far la SeaUea lie. Aat af Cnrra af Orteaar a 111. Seteraber I. IK.
' .... feat BUebt
. . .... . .. ................... .... ........... . .... . .aaa Kraeeer
t'utsin Ultsra ... .Balh Baymeaa. Dea fleaar
an tdftera ..m, Se Garten, Jaa Steffaa. Kaa Brttretn, Sblrtey Harpby. Sallf Aaana
ti.or't koiter ................-... . ....... . .. Beb Banka
ut Rjterta taJler. ...... .................... ...... Manhall Kaahner
baaiore Salter .Cennl Garden
a 4 aer .... ....... ................., ........ ...................... ............ ....... ...... Deb Beyneld
.(... I Diet .................................................. Ana CHIMrae
taetMiiirapbar m. .M.... ... ...Beb Sbaraaaa
'"ae SfaiMtr . . ...... ..v iaek Caben
Am. Ktawn Maxasera ... m ........................ Staa Slppl, Areola Starab Pete Brraaten
rr-wltfea Manag-eir Cbaek Barmalater
b..ut Jhaari Aduter Kaa Aratrem
V f
He. af I Oae Twe Three I Fear rive
Wt4 i Par Dri Day Dar I Dar
1-1 $ M Mf M 11. 11.M
IMS -be J te M VU
t I M I ! tba ' Vt
n-u .7 l.i i. vn mi
et-ie I . I I I. I z. I t.t
Include addresses when figur
ing cost
Bring sds ta Daily Nebrasatan
business office, Stndent Union,
or mall with correct amount
and Insertions desired.
Don't aait . . . till left to can for
jimmy rniinpi tomog wt uw
Formal. 3-6841, 4-7717.
H -T- .ssL 1
lift At
II Mtititi Alt. it
rfff '
' V . ... J a fi 'i
."h i
LORT Kappa Alpha Thai pin.
2-3287. Joann Jaffar.
LOST Pol. Scl. 1, Bu. Or. S and 21
Dooae iioteDOOK. waat ane vt aiaii.
2-BS. Oene Steele.
WANTED: TyplnjT In my home. Not,
oooka, paper, tl?. 6-77 eveoini.
Out buyers have just
returned from
New York with a
whole new shipment of
glamorous forauls,
from 29.9J to 69.9J
Just come See!
Sketched, a bouffant,
short, flame red net
formal bare-shoulder,
with a shirred top
and flying stole.
Form aft Second Floor