The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    -r- '
Thursday, November T 5, 1951
.Tom Rische.
This Is Worth Fighting For
Everybody needs a cause in which he can be
lieve. That is a basic axiom of human behavior.
To do a thing well, a person should be motivated
by a feeling that what he is doing is necessary
and right Otherwise, he cannot do as good a job
as he might otherwise,
America is fighting a war. Some people choose
to call it a "police action," but people are fighting
and dying in Korea in what seems to be a good
battle. From all appearances, it looks like a war.
America is inducting hundreds of thousands of
men into its armed forces. Young' men are being
drafted or enlisted into all major services. The air
forces are obtaining the most volunteers. For the
first time in history, the marine corps is using
the draft to obtain recruits. The nation's young
men are not as anxious to serve their country as
they were on Dec. 8, 1941.
Why? After talking with a number of students
and men in the armed forces, I think the answer is
quite simple. Most of them have only a hazy
idea what the United States and the United Na
tions are trying to accomplish in Korea. They are
sadly confused. They can plan on nothing. Stu
dents cannot plan what they will do after gradu
ation because a hitch in the service seems almost
certain. Men in the service cannot plan because
they are not sure that the term for which they
were enlisted or inducted is definite because of
unsettled world conditions.
In all of the nation's previous wars, the Ameri
can people have been fighting for some great
humanitarian ideal. They were ( fighting aggres
sion. Even when the clouds of war were darkest,
Abolish College Days
Little Man On Campus By Bibler
dered "what the hell we are doing in the service. "
They are training to defend their country and some
of them are being sent to Korea, while at home,
things go on as usual. One, who had been to
Korea, remarked that in this country, it seemed
almost as if there were no war going on. Many
service men aren't sure what they are fighting' for
And they are not as good soldiers for not knowing.
The current foreign policy debate is causing
no great amount of confidence among the Ameri
can public. What the people would like to hear
is a statement of policy and a statement of our to state for your information the
objectives in fighting in Korea. Most official ; purposes and objectives of Engi-
(This is the resolution pre
sented to the Student Council
by the Engineers Exec Board,
Wednesday night.)
To the Student Council:
As you know there is con
siderable discord between the
Engineers Executive board and
the College Days Board con
cerning the assimilation of
Engineers Open House into Col
lege Days. We have given this
i -matter careful thought and
would like to present our view
to the Student Council, with a
view in mind of a solution that
would be of mutual benefit to
all concerned.
To begin with, we would like
statements fall far short of giving this informa
tion. We learn that we must be patriotic and
support our government, but we are not sure
why we must do this. Our leadership is not in
spiring; therefore the people can ha-dly be ex
pected to be inspired.
The American public has been sitting on the
edge of its chair for over a year waiting for some
thing to happen a war, a settlement, a statement
of policy. Nothing has happened yet. As a result
the public is becoming infected with a disease
known as "I don't give a damnism." They are
sitting on the edge of their chairs waiting, but
they have been alternately frightened and encour
aepri sn often that thev are insensible to most
the American people fought and worked with a of what is going on about them They can.t plan
will because they felt they had to. If they fought flnvthine. are iost.
hard enough, they felt there would be a better
day after the war was over.
In the Korean action, no better day looms
once the war is done. The threat of Russian ag
gression still looms large on the horizon. Com
mentators, statesmen and military leaders peri
odically Issue gloomy statements tell how great
the danger is and that we must arm to the teeth
to met this threat. There is no feeling of hope
only despair.
If the nation ever had a period in which it
needed someone or something to cheer them up, it
It is about time they found themselves.
Occupational Hazard
News Item; BRAZIL, Ind. (UP) Clayton
Howard, bus driver, was bitten by a passenger
who objected when Howard awakened him at his
In keeping with its policy of bringing the best school,
in inspired journalism to the students of the,Uni-j However appearances do not
, , t i Tf always indicate the true state of
versity, The Daily Nebraskan prints this notice. Kaffairs and this is the case with
one were to study this item oi news ana try 10 College Days. Only a small part
neering Open House. The primary
purpose is to educate as much as
possible the people who attend
Engineering Open House. In ad
dition to this, we feel that fcngt
neering Open House renders in
valuable assistance to high school
students who are at that stage in
their lives where they are con
sidering various vocations for their
life's work, because it gives them
the opportunity to see in some
way what an eneineer does. Per
haps this is the most valuable
ramification of Engineers Open
House. At any rate, we feel that
this is highly desirable and intend
to carry it on to the best of our
College Days is an activity that
on tne surtace wouio appear io
have the same objectives as En
gineers Open House, and, as such,
would be desirable from our
standpiont of view as much as
from any other group. We feel
that such an activity carried on
by the other colleges would be
tremendous benefit to the student,
because it would give him the
opportunity to compare various
vocations whereas now he is ex
posed only to the engineering
would be in the purest phases of science.
In our own opinion, Lincoln City Lines bus
tional nature: the rest is devoted
to such a variety of activities as
a parade; a dance, a football
game, a basketball game, etc. We
feel that this detracts immensely
is now. People wonder what the U.S. is doing in find SQme new trend of cannibalism, or an innate 'of the activities are of an educa-
Korea, but at the same time tney wonaer wnai desire -n bug passengers to chew on bus drivers,
would happen if we were to leave. They feel that The Daily Nebraskan js sure that such a search
their present policy is wrong, out mey are noi
sure what should replace it. When the United
States- sent troops to Korea, the public was con
vinced that such action was correct. Now they
are not so sure only confused.
Several service men I have talked with won-
drivers should not strike because of such minor fom tne educational vaiue oi me
U...1J a J Program. From the standpoint of
employers protect them from this new menace. We
are sure that the Amalgamated Transfer Punchers
will hear of this.
Voting Bad;Action Good
Sly remarks and some hurt feelings are al- reasons Student Council, which has the right to
most inevitable whenever an election is invali- supervise all campus elections not in departments
, , , , or organizations, refused to validate the election.
dated or questioned. But when grounds for invali- unfortunate irrgular election oc
dating an election are valid, as they certainly were curred The Councii should have taken steps to
in voting for Honorary Commandant, immediate check on election procedures before voting hap-
t; ,.,m nwvont a ereat deal of later critcism. pened. However, since the check was not made
The Candidate Officers association election of
the 1952 Commandant was not approved because
of four very authentic reasons. There was no
check on the number of COA officers attending
the tea with the number casting ballots; there
was no ballot listing the seven candidates' names;
there was no eligibility check, and ballot count
ing was not supervised bya faculty representa
tive or the Student Council. Because of these
before the election, the only thing left was invali
dating it later. The fact that the Council judiciary
committee waited until after the election to in
vestigate caused speculation and rumors that or
dinarily would not arise.
However, above all, the step taken by the
Council was one move forward toward eliminat
ing unfair voting and boosting integrity of cam
pus elections.
Dick Haymes May Face 'Black Ball'
By Student Union Association
Kathryn Radaker
view of the adult it has little ap
peal, but more important is the
standpoint of view of the high
school students.
We feel that is should not be
suggested that he take time from
his studies to come to Lincoln and
participate in the above outlined
program, because he simply does
not have the time. We feel that
he should only be invited to come
if he can be given something that
is of as much or more educational
value than he would have received
by attending classes at home, and
that College Days as it now exists
does not fall into that category.
Since there is such a divergence
of objectives, it is readily ap
parent why Engineers Open
House and College Days as it now
exists are incompatible.
In addition to the above re
marks, we would like to point out
that College Days is presented to
the public as an all-University
function. Yet it is not sponsored
by a group representative of the
University as a whole. The
nucleus of the board is self ap
pointed. In addition to this there
is no constitution, no set of rules
or regulations, that clearly re
fines the organization and pro
cedures of the College Days board
There is no concise statement of
objectives or purposes. In fact
since there is no constitution
filed with and approved by the
Student Council this group has no
right to carry on any activity
concerning the University of Ne
braska. This is according to
Article III, section I, paragraph
(a) and (b).
However we ieel that College
Days if properly organized could
provide a valuable service to the
University and to the public,
especially the high school student.
For that reason we are submitting
the following proposals.
1) The College Days Board
as it now exists be considered
defunct on the grounds that it
does not have a constitution
approved by the Student
2) Since there is no other
group on the campus that is
entirely representative of the
student body, we would like
to suggest that it become the
responsibility of the Student
Council to prpare a constitution
for an activity that is similar
in nature of Engineers Open
House, but which includes the
entire University.
In the event that the Student
Council organizes a function that
parallels Engineers Open House
"Men this is our last chance to win a game this season together."
in objectives and purposes, we
wish to assure you that we will
cooperate in all ways possible to
the fullest extent. If not .we will
be forced to continue Engineers
Open House on an entirely
separate- and individual basis.
Century Of Progress . . .
YMCA Celebrates 100th Anniversary;
University Branch Has Wide Program
you never can tell who you will find underneath
the tables."
"After studying for fifteen years, it is too
hard to concentrate with no noise."
Iowa State .
states that Dick Haymes is facing a possible
"black ball' in all the student unions across the
The singer allegedly appeared on a "live" TV Princeton University . . .
show on one of the nights he was to sing at the sixty freshmen had the haircut problem sudden
Iowa State homecoming dance. If the sworn affi- ly solved for them their heads were shaved by
Aoviie ermine from TV viewers, prove that he was the sophomores. Here's how:
Hindus To Answer . . .
After Stalin,
What Will
All 11 a.m. classes will be dis- tjan outlook on life.
on the shows those nights, Haymes will face suit,
Harold O. Hegland, Ames attorney who is
handling the suit, said that the statements
haven't come Into his office yet. Until they do
arrive Hegland said he wouldn't start proceed
ings. The onion manager said that if the affidavits
do confirm the rumors about Haymes, he will
propose the banning of the radio and TV star In
the Student Union Association. The membership
of this association Is made up of representatives
from student onions throughout the United
Under union contracts, a performer who wishes
to break hla contract may do so within three weeks
During a riot staged by 400 freshmen in one
of those traditional class struggles, a large number
of frosh forced their way into Holder hall, a soph
omore stronghold. The invaders were promptly
drenched with buckets of water and led to a bar
bershop that had just been set up. Before the fresh
men knew what was happening. 60 had their
heads shaved.
Other events in the struggle were freshmen
tarred and feathered with chocolate syrup, con
fetti, firecrackers and wau-r-filled balloons em
ployed by both sides.
One enthusiastic freshman exclaimed after
wards, "What class spirit down here; boy, when
this is over, we ought to be great friends."
But a more mild-mannered individual witn a
of the time he is scheduled to appear. Haymes' cieanshaven head wandered about the campus
agent phoned his regrets three hours beiore we remarkmg) "Gentlemen, I'm a junior."
dance started. . ,
, , ... , University of Denver . . .
1niverSlfy Of Knoae ISiana . . . student senate voted unanimously recently to
Beacon threw a stock question at assorted stu- sever all relations with the National Student as
dents: What do you think about studying in the SOciation. They felt that NSA had little to offer the
Answers Included:
"The heavy reference books make good pants
"I go there because I like to meet people, and
student body,
Last spring Denver university voted to join
NSA on a temporary basis until December of this
year so that first-hand information on the inner
workings of NSA could be gathered.
JItsL (Daily. TMhasJian.
Intercollegiate Preas
-v. nahrm.kM BubrlefaeS by a ewaarne el iiw untvaraitt m Krnraaka ae exnntairtoii of tnd.nM' newe mni
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.ImU "tS, 6JI Hebmku are eeremiell, reepmielbl. for whM thr, a, do or eauer to be nrlntrd."
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......... Btaa Slppla. Arnold Stem. Pole ftercaten
,,,, ..Chora Rarmelater
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Life doesn't begin at 40 any
more. It begins at 100.
This statement is being proved
by the YMCA which is celebrating
its one hundredth anniversary as
a United States men's organization.
The YM was first organized by
George Williams in 1844 in Lon
don. Its main purpose at that time
was to provide a home-away-from-home
for English textile
workers. At the time of its or
ganization, England was under
going an industrial revolution. As
a result of this, many men had no
contact with any sort of spiritual
guidance or any feeling of "be
longing" to any certain group. The
YM was a partial answer to this
The erowth of the YM was very
rapid. Within ten years of its ori
ginal birth in England, other
YMCA groups had been organ
ized in Scotland, England, Canada,
Ireland and the United States. One
of the reasons for its tremendous
popularity can be explained par
tially by the fact that it came at
"just the right time." It fit in
with the social and spiritual needs
of the time.
The first University YM
group was organized seven
years after the YM had been
established in the United States.
Several students at the Univer
sity of Virginia organized a
men's student YM in 1858.
The YMCA on the University :
campus was organized in 1942
when it became a branch of the
Lincoln YMCA.
The University YM is a separ
ate organization, tied only with
the local and national YM organ
izations. It operates financially
from its own budget and from
funds received from the Com
munity chest.
The motto of the YMCA, "Spirit,
Mind, Body," is carried out in
the many varied activities spon
sored bv the campus YM. The
YM has two main divisions: Ag
campus and City campus. Though
the activities of the two divisions
vary, their goals and purposes are
one: to give students a more Chris-
Bible study groups. Students
participating in this group's ac
tivities choose a portion of the
Bible to read and discuss each
week. After the Bible study,
both the YM and YW sponsor a
program on current topics of
interest. Such problems as men
tal health have been discussed
by the group.
The Ag YM also has a basket-
groups are non-denominational
and are open to members of all
The YMCA meets the physical,
spiritual and mental needs of
every ae group. Gra-Y groups
are designed for grade school boys.
Hi-Y caters to the interests cf
high school boys. Phalanx is one
of YM's University men's organ
izations. It is in reality a social
ball team that participates in in- fraternity.
tramural activities. The YMCA not only provide
Various commission groups are spiritual guidance, but physical
sponsored by the YM on the Ag guidance as well. The Lincoln YM
campus. Some of the subjects dis- j has many sports facilities, includ
cussed by this group are "Knowjing a swimming pool and a gym
Your Community" and "Social asium. Sports classes are also
Problems on Ag Campus." ipart of the YM physical guidance
The City campus YM sponsors program,
a noon discussion group. This dis-j The proof 0f the good in an
cussion group -gives students the, organization is Its growth and
cnance to Dotn eai ana 10 aiscussj
current problems of campus, na-j
tional and world interest. The
group is run on a cooperative!
basis and is popular with both:
Lincoln and dorm students alike.
The City campus is also in
the process of beginning a radio
workshop. This workshop would
include a program once a week
on which drama and a Chris
tian interpretation of the news
would be featured.
YM and YW are co-sponsors
of the annual city campus
Christmas vespers.
Though the Ag and city campus
YMCA groups are two separate
divisions, they are governed by
the same body. This governing
body is composed of five faculty
members, five student officers
from each campus YM and two
city representatives. All YM
popularity. From a small or
ganization with only 15 mem
bers, YMCA now has branches
in 77 countries. There are 1,651
branches in the United States
serving over 3,692,500 members
in 2,983 cities and .towns.
The YM has proved that life
does begin at 100 and that the
good don't die young. In the
YMCA's case, the good will live
missed Monday for the second all
University ronvocation featuring
Maurice Hindus.
Hindus, author of many books
conecrnht! Russia and the Middle
East, will speak on the subjert
"What Will Happen to Jlussia
When Stalin Dies?" The convo
cation will be held in the Union
Following his speech, Hindu
will lunch with students and
answer questions in an informal
confab in the Union music room.
The discussion is scheduled to
begin at 2 p.m.
During World War II Hindus
was the New York Herald-Tribune
correspondent in Moscow.
Since the war he has been trav
eling in the Middle East.
A native Russian, Hindus came
to the United States when he was
14. He has heard Stalin lecture
many times.
Hindus will tell what he thinks
will happen in Russia after Stalin
dies. He has met members of the
Politburo and is familiar with the
life and problems facing the Mid
dle Eastern population.
He will discuss Russian purges
and troubles Stalin has had with
political dissenters. Hindus will
give first-hand story of Stalin,
his character, his powers, his
Ideas, his victories and defeats
and his struggle of Marshall
Hindus will attempt to name
candidates for Stalin's place as
Russian dictator. Hindus will
show how Stalin's death could af
fect international affairs.
Hindus attended Colgate uni
versity and Harvard. He ha?; car
ried on a lecture series since hts
return from the East. His four
years as foreign correspondent
and his travels after the war fur
nish the background for his lec
tures and books. Three of his
years as correspondent were spent
reporting from Moscow.
At 10 a.m. Hindus will hold a
press conference In the faculty
lounge, Union.
Lynn KunkeL as chairman of
the Union convocations commit
tee, will Introduce Hindus at the
convocation and luncheon. Bob
LaShelle and Miss Kunkcl are
handling the press conference
Jenn Davis and Ruth Sorenson
will conduct the 2 p.m. coffee
In attempting to achieve this
goal, the Ag campus division
sponsors weekly Tuesday night
On The Air
3:00 Concert Time
3:15 Concert Time
3:30 Image: The Poet's Work
3:45 Sylvia Glokenspiel
4:00 Student Union
4:15 Curtain Call
4:30 Curtain Call
4:45 Story of Jazs
4:45 Story of Jazz
5:00 Sign Off
Network To Televise
CU-NU Football Tilt
Television fans will be able to
view the Nebraska-Colorado game
on TV sets Saturday.
The game will .be broadcast
from a Rochester, N. Y., network
by Bill Stern of NBC radio and
television. A Denver theater will
also screen the event.
The half-time ceremonies, lea
turing both the Nebraska and
Colorado bands will also be tele
vised. Sen. Andrew F. Schoeppel
of Kansas, former University
football star, will appear on the
The TV show is one of the ten
game series being telecast by NBC
this fall. Each participating sta
tion carries seven of the games
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