The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1951, Image 1

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(C(S) M
Student Council Defers
Action On Abolishing
Present Organization
A motion made by the Eneineers Executive hoard in ahiicV.
College Days "as it now exists" was tabled by the Student Council! VOL
The Engineers board submitted these proposals:
1. The College Days board as it now exists be considered defunct
on the grounds that it does not have a constitution approved by the
tfl$tft rri" fo) n roi rrT
51 No. 44
Thursday, November 15, 1951
Coeds May
File Appeal
2. Since there is no other group
on the campus that is entirely
representative of the student
body, we would like to suggest
that it become the responsibility
of the Council to prepare a con
stitution for an activity that is
similar in nature to Engineers
open house but which includes the
entire University.
women whose activity noints rnssoH unA it ,ac 4Kio
exceed the maximum number set -Council's adjournment.
Aro S m,ay aPPear before the John Adams, Engineer's Exec
AWb appeal board to request per-, board representative to the Coun
mission to continue in the acti- cil, read the board's letter and
ViueS. I nrPSPntAri itc nrnnncal irt tho fnrm
Requests to exceed the 11 point of a motion,
limit are to be filed in Ellen Smith ! It was brought up at the meet
hall by Friday. The appeal board ing that three students, one a
will hold its first meeting at 5 Council member, and Frank M
P - Monday. I Halgren, assistant dean of student
The following items will be con-; affairs, were in Ames, la., study-
sidered in granting a woman per- j ing the Iowa State equivalent of
mission xo exceed tne activitv i
1. Scholastic average, college,
hours being carried, hours com
pleted, major.
2. Employment, nature of
3. Participation in commu
nity organizations (church choir,
scout leader, etc.).
4. Participation in non-pointed
extra-curricular activities
without holding a pointed posi
tion; time spent on organiza
tions. 6. Membership in honoraries;
nature of each; official position
in each
KK Televises
Complete resolution to the
Student Council from the En
gineers Exec Board on page I.
College Days. The students were
Bob Reichenbach, College Days
chairman, Joan Krueger, assistant
chairman, and Don Noble, a mem
ber of the College Days board and
The Engineers said in their
letter "Only a small part of the
activities (of College Days) are
of an educational nature; the rest
is devoted to such a variety of
hours spent per week j activities as a parade, a dance, a
in each iioowaii game, a DasKeiDau game
7. Health (under doctor's etc... We feel that this detracts
care in last year and days of immensely from the educational
rlas:e missed due ta illness). value of the program.
!!.... high school students from Engi
m,"T .LBCltl ,?f: " uVJ? neers open house," Adams said
11U?U Willi UIC XI11U1 1IKXUU11 UKllJfY. ln 1 . . T7 :
T. , , , . . , .. . George Wilcox cited the fcngi-
It should include the nature of , . . c; )W. ic
work m each position held. . . a Hi ' nt nh,0K
lit is readily apparent why Engi
onv To Feature
TV CHANNEL SIGMA NU PRESENTS . . . Getting ready to "wow
'em" at the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue are some of the members of
the Sigma Nn KK skit. They are (1. to r.) Ted Woodward, Nick
Salyers, Ted Heeriman, Dale Gaeth, Erv Peterson, Marshall Chris
tensen (center).
If a woman feels that her work j -.
neers open house and College
is doubly pointed or that it is sea-
I J, 1 V IDays as it now exists are incom-
..m-.. ... Jpatible."
A copy oi ine requesuii s cii .tw ko tM f 'nr.
schedule must accompany the re-;gument Wilcox-said. "Engineers
quest blank.
Requests will be considered
by the AWS appeal board.
Members are Gertrude Knie
and Mary Guthrie. AWS fac
ulty sponsors; Nancy Button.
AWS president; Sharon Fritzler
' and Marilyn Moomey, senior
board members; Ginny Koeh
ler, chairman of activity point
system; and Jan Steffen, sopho
more board member.
open house is only one segment
-f College Days."
He also commented on the En
gineers' statement, "College Days
is an activity that on the surface
would appear to have the same
objectives as Engineers open
house and, as such, would be de
sirable from our standpoint as
i much as from any other group
(However appearances do not al
'ways indicate the true state of
Music Fraternities
To Present Concert
Four University m u s i
ine senior and sopnomore ; affairs nnH ihis is th raw with
members were elected by the College Days."
AWS board. The other members "This is a very serious charge,"
were automatically on the appeal j yvilcox said. "Last year's College
board by nature of their official-Days is fog ridiculed by the
positions. implication that it was merely
a social event." "
Wilcox said that many mistakes
were made in last year's College
.Days, the first such event pre
jsented on this campus. "E-Week,
which is an annual affair, is al-
fratermties Delta Omicron, Mu ways successful. However, it was
Phi Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Iota and probably no more successful in its
Phi Mu Epsilon will present a first year than College Days was
joint concert at 8 p.m. Thursday(last year."
in the Union ballroom. j George Cobel, Council president
The program wiH include a and a member of the Engineers'
brass trio, a string quartet and, Exec board, said, "College Days
a piano duet; a harp solo, a piano, should-be a function primarily to
solo and a vocal solo; and two. sell the University to high school
numbers by Sinfonia chorus. j students. We feel that College
Numbers on the program willjDays did not do that. We feel
vary from "Dancing in the Dark" (College Days is not working pri
by Jerome Kern to Liszt's "Etude Imarily on open houses, but on
in D Flat," and from "Rumba" by sports days and social events."
Chagrin to a Poulenc instrmental "We feel it should be an educa
onata. , tional event and that other things
No admission will be charged i should be in the background," he
for the concert. added.
it happened at nu...
Send in r out to tea a bottle
containing a note to its finder
has a new twist a balloon in
the air.
Attending the Nebraska-Minnesota
game, a University coed.
Mary Cripe, released a heliunv
filled balloon from the Gopher's
stadium in Minneapolis. At
tached to the balloon's string
was a self-addressed postcard.
The following week the post
card was delivered to the coed.
It was postmarked Cambridge,
MiniL 5 miles from where it
was released.
P.M. Headlines
Staff News Writer
Korean Reds Charged With Murder
PUSAN, Korea The U. N.
command in Korea charged that
Chinese and North Korean
communists murdered ail esti
mated 12,790 U.N. prisoners of
Britons, 5 Belgians, and 75
other men of various national
ities. It is reported that 200
American marines were
slaughtered in one mass execu-
war since the beginning . "of tion., in the vicinity of Hung-
hostilities there a year and
four months ago. In this total
are 5,563 Americans.
These astounding figures
come from Col. James Hanley,
judge advocate of the eighth
army. The colonel stated that
the figures were not complete,
but that they show a record
"for killing and barbarism
unique even in the communist
Included in the butcher's bill
ara last Dec. 10. Not included
in Col. Hanley's figures was
the number of Korean civilians
who have been executed by the
reds, which is estimated at
25,500 men, women and chil
dren. United Press Correspondent
William Chapman, who visited
the scenes of several execu
tions after these areas were re
taken by allied units, said that
the UN esimate of communist
amassed by the Chinese reds" murders seems extremely con
alone are 2.563 Americans, servative. It couldn't be high
7,000 Koreans, 40 Turks, 10 enough."
Warren Announces Candidacy
SACRAMENTO, California
Earl Warren, republican
governor of California, an
nounced his candidacy for the
presidential nomination. Gov.
Warren stated that "with all
humility, I have concluded to
becomf a candidate. -
the 60-year old warren is
serving his third term as gover
nor, and holds the distinction
of having been nominated on
one occasion by both the states'
Republican and Democratic
rgyptians Demonstrate In Cairo
CAIRO One million march
ers silently paraded through
the streets of Cairo in what
was termed a "remarkable
disciplined demonstration
against the British." The
three-mile long parade was led
by Egyptian Premier Nahas
Police took extra precautions
against violence, but the crowd
stared rigidly ahead and
walked so quietly that the
rustling of women's robes was
distinctly audible above the
rhythmic padding of the pass
ing feet.
Agents Await Warrant For Reno
DENVER Law enforcement
agents are awaiting a bench
warrant issued in a New Jer
sey court before arresting
Frank Reno on charges of fail
ing to disclose former com
munist activities to a loyalty
board. Reno, 40-year old
mathematician and astronomer,
was iormerly employed as a
weapon expert at the army's
Aberdeen Proving Ground in
Maryland. As such, he had
access to many of the defense
department's secret informa
tion on new weapons.
Hospital Plane Missing In Europe
GERMANY An American saille. It is feared that the air-flying-boxear
hospital plane is craft is down in the mountain
missing and feared lost on a ous country around Lyon,
trip from Frankfort to Mar- France.
Nine Killed In Philippines
MANILA Nine persons bring the total killed since
were killed and many injured mid-September to 104, as elec-
in pre-election violence in the tion disturbances rocked the
Philippines. The latest victims capital almost continuously.
i -
PiQnisf Bn
Samuel Sorin, internationally
famous pianist, will appear as
guest artist with the University
symphony orchestra in its first
performance of the year Sunday
evening. The concert will begin
at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom.
The 70-piece orchestra will be
under the direction of Prof.
Emanuel Wishnow, who doubles
as conductor of the Omaha sym
phony orchestra. It will accom
pany Sorin and present several
of its own selections.
The orchestra will present the
overture to "Oberon" by von
Weber, Schubert's Symphony
No. 5 in B Flat and "Matinees
Musicales," an arrangement by
the contemporary English com
poser Benjamin Britten
Samuel Sorin's playing has
brought him high praises from
listeners and requests for return
engagements in many cities
throughout the country.
A reviewer of the Columbus
citizen wrote, "You feel a little a grand Diano in the Greater De-
punch drunk with the effect of;troit competition, and went on to ,v
Mr. bonn s dextentv." After alwin the Mirhican stnto nnntost i i
. - , !., : ' tJmmer series uiuugiu uie unusudi
Pf. forman w,th theithe $1,000 biennial prize to the distinction of a re-engagement for
Vnrif'c Pri CheSlra m Ne,atinal JF!der,atl0nl. ofo vMuslc the same series only three weeks
Yorks Carnegie hall. Vireil Clubs and. f nallv. the Schubertii
Tl,, XI 1J m;i ." i. . , ' . . IJOICI.
iiiuiiipsuii, xieraiu-inoune critic, Memorial award. scnoiarsnips
commented, "His are a master's! carried him from his hometown of
technique and a first class tone, i Detroit to Chicago and then to
Beyond this technical excellence,! New York's Juilliard School of
which is tops, I found his music1 Music.
completely interesting to listen to." His career was launched when
bonn began studying piano at the American Federation of Mu
the age of six. At twelve he won ' sic clubs sponsored his first tour
.; ' .
i I
r 1 1 1 $
Y) 1 I
J v f
f' V; " I
throughout the country. On this
tour he was received enthusias
tically in 72 cities. For three
seasons he toured with increas
ing prestige appearing in recital
and as soloist with the Detroit
symphony orchestra, Seattle
symphony, Columbus symphony
and other orchestras.
A high point in his career was
his appearance with Eugene Or
mandy and the Philadelphia Or
chestra, both in its home city and
in Carnegie hall. Immediately
after this success, Sorin entered
the army and gave the next three
years to wartime military duties.
Upon his release from the ser
vice, th3 young pianist studied
for two years. He returned to the
concert stage with a tour of Cen
tral America and the Caribbean
area. For three seasons he toured
as a member of a popular piano
violin duo. Since then he has ap-
for solo recitals and orchestra ap
pearances. His first performance
with the Carnegie Pops orchestra
in New York during the 19o0
YL1L t Filings For
Rv Af ART TV DPrr !
Eligible Men
Close Today
Staff Writer
"Are you a college student,
"Nope. A horse stepped on
my hat."
"Are you hettttn on this ex
amination, young man?"
"No sir, I was only telling him
that his nose was dripping on
muh paper."
"What's the difference be
tween a horse and a girl?"
"I dunno."
"Boy, I'll bet you've had some
swell dates."
"Daddy, sing me a lullaby."
"Hold this can of beer for me,
and I'll try to get one on the
"Do you like it up here at the
"You must
have had one
heck of a
home life."
Partly clou
dy today and
with a high in
the upper 40's.
Moderate to
fresh west to
n o rthwest
"Wer dar die Dame mit der
fch Dich gestern abend gesehen
Admission to the concert is
by ticket only. These are free
and may be obtained at the
Union Activities office. There
will be only as many tickets
given ont as there are seats.
Tickets will be honored from
7:30 to 7:50 p.m. At 7:50 the
general public will be allowed to
The concert will be sponsored
by the Union music committee.
SaraDevoe is committee sponsor
and Barbara Reinecke is commit
tee chairman. Other committee
members are Virginia Cooper,
Bonnalyn Eilers and Kathy Mc-Mullen.
To Warm
Last Rally
3 j j
"Das war keine
war meine Frau."
Dame, das
: Filings for Eligible Bachelors,
to be presented at the Black!
; Masque Ball, close Thursday at
5 p.m.
i To be a candidate for Eligible
Bachelor a man must be spon-l
i sored by his organized . house or
file in the student affairs office,
Room 209, Administration build-
ng- I A giant bonfire will highligh.
! The first 20 filings will be j the last big rally of the year
placed on the ballots. The all-1 Thursday night.
,coed election to determine the six ... . . . , .
I winners will be held Nov. 30. Th raly wlU 1x5 .he,d to warm
,'Names of the candidates will be!"pL cornhusker spirits for the
announced Nov. 27. Campaigning; weorasKa-coioraao game aatur
may begin Nov. 28. jday-
Black Masque Ball tickets are Ed H u s m a n n, Dick Regier,
now on sale and may be purchased backfield coach Bob Davis and
from any Tassel. The price is $3. Fran Nagle will talk briefly to
The annual affair will be held in the ralliers. Cheerleaders, pep
the Coliseum on Dec. 14. Tex band, Com Cobs, Tassels and
Beneke and his orchestra will pro-i Pepsters will also take part in the
vide the music. j festivities.
The rally will begin at the
Union at 7 p.m. Ralliers will pro
ceed from there to 16th street,
down 1 6th to Vine street and down
Vine to the parade grounds west
of the Coliseum.
The bonfire will be built on the
parade grounds.
The festivities have been
planned by the rally committee
Ira Epstein, Don DeVries, George
Hancock, Larry Anderson, Jane
Jackson and Jo O'Brien.
Ag Union Points
Ag Union board chairman
points have been changed to
three instead of four. AWS ac
tivity point system committee
announced the change.
Union board chairman on
city campus will continue to
be pointed at four.
Importance Of Military . . .
War Increases ROTC Membership
College Unit Entertains . . .
Red Cross Gives Thanksgiving Party
Workers from the University!
Red Cross unit entertained chil
dren at the Orthopedic hospital
Tuesday evening with a Thanks
giving party.
Cake, ice cream, pop and other
favors were distributed through
out the wards as the students cir-j
culated about the hospital talking!
and mingling with the young
The 11 Red Cro workers
who participated in the Tuesday
visit are: Shirley Sukstorf,
Marilyn Pederson. Joan Vech,
Janet Wecker, Kay Burenm,
Betty Pepler, Sue Anderson,
Marlene Corn, Ann Workman,
Khirley Lane bus and Beverly
Trips to the Orthopedic hospital
are only one of the activities car
ried on by the college unit. On
campus and in the surrounding
community, the Red Cross serves
in various ways.
Swimming, life-saving, swim
ming instructor and first aid
courses are sponsored by the col
lage unit. Last year the unit initi
ared a program to assist higl
st.hool students in Lincoln forr
Red Cross groups at junior art
senior high schools.
Any student may assist In Ret
Cross projects. Entertainers,
persons who like to work in firs
aid and people who want t
share any talent they possest
are utilized by the Red Cross.
On their visits to mental hos
pitals, the penitentiary, Veteran
! ' (
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Staff Writer
One sign of the times is the In
creasing importance of an old as
pect of campus life the military.
When the little brown men of
North Korea swept across the 38th
national' paraue1, a new emphasis was
Slowly perhaps, the non-ROTC
juniors and seniors are decreasing
in number. The rearmament pro
gram requires that a high priority
be eivon in iho ROTY" r,nm....
The tea i will be held in Ellen for the procurement of officers for,
Ed Honorary
To Hold Tea
PI Lambda Theta. ne
honorary and professional
sociation for women in education,
will hold a tea Friday for all
junior and senior women majoring
in education.
(ED CROSS PARTY TIME . . . It's a parly, for both the members
if this Red Cross committee and the children at the Lincoln Ortho
pedic hoxpltaL Marlene Corn (r.) is seeing to it that the little
oy doesn't eat too much, while Janet Wecker (I.) looks on.
nit needs students who can
Ing, dance, clown, tumble or
ntertain in any way.
The college unit cooperates with
ie Lancaster county Red Cross
mit for many activities in time
pus volunteers are equipped with yi8m
amun nan irom 3 to 4:30 p.m.
I'ounng the lea will be: Dean
Marjorie Johnston, assistant oro-
lessor sue ArDutnnot. assistant
professor Gertrude McEachen and
assistant professor Elsie Jevons.
Elizabeth Moody is serving as
tne nonorary's president this year
Other officers are Ann Lueder,
vice president: Shirley Ransdell.
corresponding secretary an-i
Marilyn Clark, recording secre
tary. June Stewart is sponsor of
the honorary.
Robert Sorenson Speaks
On McCarthyism Tonight
"Are the techniques used by
McCarthy and his followers to
oust communism justified?" is the
question presented by Robert
Sorenson who will speak before
members of NUCWA at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday in Room 316 of the Un
ion. Sorenson ,a law college profes
sor, has chosen the topic "Your
Reputation May Be Next." He will
present several of his views and
contradictory ideas about Mc-
a station wagon.
Arrangements for blood dona
tions by students arc made by the
college unit. Each month a new
hospital , and orphanages, . the of flood, fire or any disaster.! drive is made for blood donors.
Butch Palmer will introduce
Sorenson following a business
meeting which begins at 7 p.m.
The discussion is open to the
the larger army.
"More emphasis has been
placed on the ROTC program
by the army department since
the Korean incident," said the
professor of military science and
tactics, Monday.
"This new emphasis," he said,
"eventually means more and
better equipment and training
aids which will permit more
realistic instruction in the de
partment will produce bet
ter trained officers."
"Subject schedules are being
revised to meet current demands
of the army. Some veterans of the
Korean conflict have already
joined the instructional staff and
more may be expected."
In the old days, (pre-Korea),
male students tended to regard,
HUTU as just another graduation
requirement. It appealed to some,
but riot to others.
x - , ' ' v
THE FINER POINTS OF ROTC . . . ROTC isn't all marching. The
fundamentals of military work are being told to these ROTC stu
dents as a basis for military fundamentals and service.
ierest in the course of study and
the incentive provided by the
probability of early entry to ac
tive service.
"Men eligible for ROTC train
ing now see the advantage of
such study more than they did
before the Korean conflict."
One Buruose of the ROTC nro-
However. ROTC has rauidlv be-'irram is to sunrjlv th nfetls of iho
come the lifesaver of that fic-! procurement program that West
tional character, Joe CoIIokc.
Completion of college work in
Point, officer's candidate schools
and the organized reserve cannot
creasingly demands some type of meet. In times of national emer
draft deferment. ROTC offers th;it gency, reserve programs such as
"More students," the profes
sor noted, "are applying for ad
van ed ROTC. There has also
been a pronounced improve
ment in the ' quality of work
done in ROTC courses. This Is
1 dua in part to iht Increased la
the Reserve Officers Training
Corps actually have furnished the
bulk of the army's officer strength.
The program is divided into
two courses: basic and advanced.
The regents of the University
require that all regularly en
rolled mala student who are
physically fit receive four hours
credit In the two year basic
course. Those who have served
three months or more ta the
armed forces or bona fide con
scientious objectors may waive
thl requirement.
The first year basic course pre
sents the beginner in ROTC with
a general knowledge of the ariny
ana n-: techniques. In his sopho
more year the basic student be
gins to specialize in the branch of
his choice. Here he also qualifies
for advanced work.
The advanced ROTC courses
are primarily more specialized in
a given branch. These courses are
more extensive and intensive than
basic work. Advanced students
are selected from applicants for
the advanced course who. have
completed basic work.