Aflpte Plho's Wddh 0 iMpow DTDeoitf up ft" I' f LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Thursday, November 8, 1951 VOL. 51 No; 39 Cobel; Wiley 'To. Represent NU At Big-Seven Convention George Cobel and Miriam Willey will represent the Univer- sity at the Big Seven Student Government association conven tion at Boulder, Colo., Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. The two delegates were elected Wednesday by Stu dent Council. The Council will try to obtain two University station wagons to provide transportation for as many Council members who can make the trip. Four committees have been set Up at Boulder on student aifairs. These committees rre the perma nent organization and student government committee, athletic committee, student life commit tee and academic committee. At the Big Seven convention at Kansas university last spring, Ne braska was assigntV to discuss the problem of finance at the Big Seven convention. Other Big Seven schools attend ing will be Iowa state, University of Missouri, Kansas state, Univer sity of Oklahoma, University of Colorado and University of Kansas. New Council representatives! are Joel Mead, Candidate Officers j association, and Ira Epstein, N-l club. These new members com plete the Council membership. The University symphony or The Council p-s?ed the cor- chestra will give its sixth annual rected Engineer Exec board constitution suo rittca Dy me judiciary committee. It is now referred to a faculty sub-corn- mittee on general organizations for final approval. The migration report submitted by migration committee chair- man Jack Cohen was approved. The report stated that a net profit of 5177.05 had oeen gamea irom j me saie 01 migration ui-kkia. It 26.F.nalists Vie For Roles In Idiot's -Delight Twenty-six finalists for "Idiot's . Delight" tried out Wednesday night at the Temple building.! Hopeful stars are: -Marvin Stromer, Don Lewis, Jack Chedester, George Hancock, Don Clifford, Richard Marrs, Milt Hoffman, Henry Gibson, Bill Burke, Charles Hogstis, D. K. Smith, Dave Sisler, Raymond Nasr, John Sinclair, Arnold Otto and Les Mathis. Diane Downing, Mary Sidner, Marian Uhe, Marty Miller, Mari Ivn Lehr, Betty Lester, Sue Neuenswander. Mary Kay Tolli- ver, Nancy Widener and Janet Peterson. "Idiot's Delight" is a comedy by Robert Sherwood, and ill be pre- sented bv the University Theater Dec. 20 and 21. Max Whittaker iAffw j nical director, crews will be com-1 bate at the Kansas State confer-Plav. Atlantic Monthly, New pleted by Friday evening and D ? -i In 111 ence for beginning college debaters Yorker, Colliers, Saturday Eve- those chosen will find the an-Mflff ICIDCHlTS LIUO U8C. IU at Manhattan, Kas, Saturday. ning Post, Better Homes and Gar nouncement posted on the Ex- Wl 1 1 I g Mi I WW SWW W Ten students cdmnrisimr five dens- Home JournaJ!' Es" perimental theater bulletin board AWS has notified WOm-mo scholastic delinquencies and be teams are: James Adam! andiS- HH!ayi Ame"CI Ebny' in the Temple building, xne newu,. that u-rints members will hold tneir ' ... ... a meeting on Saturday morning at a m. . Rex Knowles To Address Counselors "Friendship" will be tft theme of the Coed Counselor mass meet-j ing Thursday at 7 p.m. in union Parlors XYZ. Sneaking on the topic will be the Rev. Rex Knowles, pastor of through their little sisters, can ze the nucleus of a friendlier Univer-i sity. Aftw hU talk a forum consist- fnir at vpn Coed Counselors will discuss attitudes of counselors and ki i,fi e?irs Members of the forum are Beth, themes are turned in to AWS the Rowhers, Marilyn Irwin, Mollyjlist of participante and the can- McCoy, Pat Patterson, Imogene Vickers, Jo Legge and Norma Engle. Reception Line 7 A t ELEMENTARY ED BANQUET . . . Teachers College Inst-uctors and students are shown in the reception line at the elementary education banquet Tuesday night The official grteters are (left to right) Miriam Willey, president of elementary education club, Dean Frank E. Hemiik, of Teachers College, Virginia Nye, In strurtor Clara Evans, Dr. Madison Brewer and Pat Yearsley. was , also reported the 1951 migra tion ticket prices were the lowest in history and ticket sales sur passed those of previous years. Football ticket sales amounted to 259. Three hundred forty-nine train tickets were sold. Half-time entertainment dur ing basketball season was also discussed by the Council. Scheduled entertainment In cludes a square dance presented by the women's physical educa tion department, the gymnastic squad and play-offs in the ping pong tournament. Possible en tertainment discussed was the Pershing Rifle drill team and the winners of the 1951 Ivy Day sing. Rex Messersmith, chairman of the student activities committee, reported that the parking prob- Symphony To Present Fall Concert ifall concert Sunday, Nov. 18. at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom, ! Guest artist will be Samuel Sorin. I Admission to the concert will be by free ticket. The tickets 'are available in the Union ac- j tjvjtjes office. There will be oniy M many tickets given out as there are seats- Tickets will . De honored from 7:30 p.m. until 75 pln. At 7:50 p.m. the gen- rai nMi mrfn aiinwod t enter. sl'Ps to students. j c ." , n The downs system is a Univer- ' Sorin began studying piano at, -ervice to students Issued the age of six. Since then he has slty service to stuoents. issuea , won many prizes in music m. every six weks, the downs have eluding the Schubert Memorial sutheir P"rPose to warn students award. His first tour included 72;who. are incomplete failing or 'concerts in cities throughout the!nearmS tne fcllin borderline of jcountry. He has toured for three seasons and has appeared as solo ist with many symphony orches- tras. Before entering the army he played in Carnegie Hall with the' Philadelphia orchestra. After his release from the army, he - -devoted two mote ears to intensive study. He spent the next three years touring in over 60 cities each season with a piano-violin duo. The concert is under the direc tion of Emanuel Wishnow. The concert will be sponsored by the Union music committee. Sara De- vn is snonsnr of this committee and Barbara Reinecke is chair- man. Other members are Vireinia ICooper, Bonnalynn jKathy McMullen. Coed Follies t i . Eilers and ml Landladies, scripts, .flnH lists of nartirinants for Coed HIS wwuxr 'X Follies and didaUx for Typ- ical Nebraska Coed are to be turned in before Dec. 10. Although the final production is not scheduled until Feb. 26, the board has begun work early in j order to give every house a fair ! chance in tryouts, according to Jean Loudon, chairman of Coed ; Follies. ' In case two bouses have similar themes, the last house u nMd , Wea ve .hin to omnlze m new skit k-.I" i-V. before tryouts. The scripts must be censored a a r nf may be altered in time to com pete for a spot in the final per formance. for skits and jive mumim iui curtain acts. i At the same time that skit tuaaies ior iypiti are due Participants in acts must have A t f i ! lem has virtually been solved. He reported the crushed rock is going to be used to suriace the union narking lot and that motorcycles and scooters can be parked in lot C and m the corners of the tri angle lot George Cobel, Council presi dent, suggested that planning for future parking should be started. With the erection of new build ings in the next 10 or 15 years, the situation should be studied and the possibility of . under ground parking lots discussed. A WS Originates New Appeal Board For Hearings Activity women overpointed in activities may take their cases to Associated Women Student's new appeal board. The board will meet every Monday at 5 p.m. in Ellen Smith hall. The first meeting will be Nov. 19. AWS has been checking the ac tivity points of University wo men. Overpointed coeds will be contacted when the new system is announced Friday. Appeal application blanks Student Affairs Office Still Issuing Downs The office of the Dean of Stu- ident Affairs is still issuing down their courses. An "incomplete" means the student has missed too much work and should make it up immedi a'. :ly. A "failure" indicates that the student's work is below pass ing ana can not De maae up. "Condition" or "Satisfactory 'mum rather thaQ 20 but the ac gives the student a chance to rnrkeitivities have been evaluated to up ine worn, yuu xuru. "!meet .half. cuL smaUer effort. Although slips are sent to all down students, they are particu larly designed to help freshmen and sophomores. When a stu dent receives a down slip, he should contact the instructor who sent it and find out should do to remove what he ! the defi- ciency. All advisers are notified of their advisees' down slips. rarrvinff at least 12 hours. Miss' O Loudon urged skit directors to in - jclude the names of all girls who might possibly take part in the skits because no one may partic - jpate who is not on the advance isu . -mes re w in alphabetical order. Two candidates may be nomi nated by each house for TNC. The candidates must have a 5.5 average and be registered for at least 12 hours, and be a jnh abm abia nn I as 4fc MlllnP. IVSInX StolttvWat the conference, canaiaaies snouia ue cm vu Lists of skit personnel and TNC,"" - - ' Loudon at 7ie jno. itm sireeu 'Hello Hollywood' Stars . ID's, knotenis Jo Choose Royally Fmalhts Tonight For Ml Rewe civ finalieta for the title ofi Prince Kosmet and six finalists for Nebraska Sweetheart will be chosen Thursday by Mortar Boards and Innocents. Prince Kosmet nominees will be selected by members of Mor tar Board, while Nebraska Sweet- kn. (na will V.A i r tnr- viewed by Innocents. Results of selections will be announced In Monday's Daily Nebraskan with pictures of the finalists. a .riant nnrfpr in the Union' (lobby wiU identify the six final - ists for each title. The poster will be transferred to the Coli- 0.,m iMw th evenins of the I Kosmet Klub Fall Revue. tBkKSadie Hawkins "yH'Hw im SjOpens Male Hunting Season 'a "Hello Hollywood" theme. This lis the second year that a definite' ! theme has been chosen for the," . . ' sU.ateBy now for! I revue. Last year's subject was beller P'a" vour uategy now, ioi i"A Mythical Tour or tsroaaway. I Six fraternity skits will be se- lilected from a field of twenty! routines for the final competition in the 1951 revue. The candidates for Nebraska Sweetheart are: Mary Lost Fla herty. Alpha Chi Omega; Mari lyn McDonald. Alpha Orolrron PI; Norman Loth r op, Alpha Phi; it happened at riu... An instructor was recently late for class four days late, to be exact. I The blame, ht claims, restf with a young unirainea aog mat ac companied him on a pheasant- hunting trip in central Nebraska. In learning how to humVthe dog "pointed" at any and all game in the immediate vicinity. Suddenly the young hound stopped in front of a likely-looking bush and came to rigid atten tion. Hoping to flush the game, the hero instructor decided to in vestigate the bush and proceeded to walk up to it and kick it. . Strangely enough, the game didn't flush,. but the Instructor's face did a deep crimson red. The reason the Instructor was late for class is that it takes four days to get de-skunked. Of Overpointed Coeds may be picked up at Ellen Smith Hall. These blanks must be returned to the AWS drop box in Ellen Smith hall by Fri day, Nov. 16 for the applicant to appeal at the first hearing. No grade average is needed for appeal. The applicants will be judged upon health, scholarship and non-pointed extra-curricular activities. Members of the appeal board are Miss Gertrude Knie, AWS sponsor and assistant professor of commercial art; Mary Guthrie, AWS sponsor and assistant pro fessor of home economics; Nancy Button, AWS president; Marilyn Moomey and ' Sharon Fritzler, senior board members; Ginny Koehler, junior and point system chairman and Janet Steffen, sophomore. AWS discovered one big weakness in the system. Sea sonal work overlapped, in posi tions. For instance, a woman working in AUF may find the work concentrated in one sea son of the year and lax in an other. Because of the heavy seasonal work, the coed may have to drop other activities. The appeal board will hear such cases and try to find a fair solution. Point . distribution under the new system has not changed rad-ifor - n - m--, nointfi ls th ,:, (number of points will simplify record keeping for coeds and AWS board. Under the new system, organ izations will benefit by having Ten Debaters To Attend KS Conference Tpn momhpn rf 4 Via TTrnwvciir Ifreshmen debate squad will de-!me a n T r t:ii i i 1 ailUl liUUCl . LU1U HI 111 I L Tnvr. tqp- Jn Whitomon hI Kenny Philbreck; Jack Rogers and iff. tfJMS'S Charles Gomon; Paul Means andi.JSia.!r jDavid GradwohL wil, debate fouf roundsjhrra The question which is being de - bated by colleges throughout thejare au on the nook shelves. country win De: "Kesoived: mat the United States should adopt a permanent program of wage and price control." About 23 mid western schools cruce Acu4U Uc debate coach. . . Lou Kennedy, Alpha XI Delta; Marilyn Bamesberger, Chi Omega: Carole inured, ueua Delta Delta; Sue Ann Brown I lee, Delta Gamma; Jo Berry, Gamma Phi Beta; Mary Jean Neely, Kappa Alpha Theta; Amy Palmer, Kappa Delta. Adele Coryell, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Catherine Corp, Pi Betalan Wiederspan, Beta Theta Pi, Phi; Charney Taub, Sigma DelU Chuck Anderson, Delta Sigma Tau; Marian McCulloch, Sigma Phi; Louis Simon. Theta Xi; Kappa; Laura Lea Otley, Howards Wayne Handshy, Phi Gamma hall; Louis Kieckhafer, Love hall: Dclta; Marshall Kushner, Zeta Jean Nelson. Wilson hall; Jo Foil-! Beta Tau; Larry Anderson, Phi mer, Towne Club; and Margeappa Psi; Don Picner, Sigma Chi; Danley, Women's Residence halls.' Andy Bunten, Sigma Nu; Marty candidates lor rnnce nos- met are: Frank Sibert. Alpha Gamma Rho; Ray Mladovichilon. Fellas Sadie Hawkins 'day be - ina PrflllV ( gum-La?. You'd aa "ic """"" " girls as the pursuers this time Everyone can take advantage of the reverse situation. Some of the University boys think the idea is iiust "dandy." One said, "it's about time. It gripes me to take a date to the movies. I pay for two scats, to the Black Masque Ball. After bu' I only sit in one." jail, you flon't want to miss hear- A meek little freshman said,, ing Tex Beneke. h if The Elsie Ford Piper Achieve ment award was presented last night to Alpha Phi for "perfection in scholarship, cooperation,, social observances and good citizenship during the past year." President Shirley Ransdell ac cepted the cup for' her sorority from Miss Piper, Winning second and third were Chi Omega and Alpha Chi Omega, respectively. A new award, the Panhellenie Scholarship award, was given to Kappa Kappa Gamma. Marlene Mooberry accepted the award which was presented to the officers with sufficient time to fulfill their duties. Activity of fices will be distributed among many students capable of handl ing responsibility. Individuals will have a check to protect their health and scholastic responsibili ty. AWS compiled its point sheet with the recommendations of an organization's president and member. The board held com mittee hearings to judge the time and work needed for the activity. Activity heads were consulted in approving the new point system. Other members of AWS board are Marilyn Bamesberger, Sue Holmes, Marilyn Clark, Mary Jane Barnell, Pat Wiedman, Poochie Rediger, Jean Loudon, Hester Morrison, Harriett Wenke, Gertrude Carey, Phyllis Kort and Sally Hall. New Books Add 'New Look' To Book Nook The Union Book Nook has been supplemented and enlarged with new magazines and books selected purely recreational reading. Situated directly behind the Corn Crib the nook is maintained by the Union House committee, according to Bev Mann, chair man. The committee keeps a con stant check on the book and magazine suggestion sheet hung in the room. Approximately 2000 books and 25 selected magazines are avail able for reading. The publications may not be checked out They are to be read in the nook and must not be removed. As a result of a poll the sub scription list was broadened this fall to include the following maga zines: Newsweek, Look. New York Times, Popular Science, Theatre Arts, Metronome, Etude (kept in Music room), Vogue, Photo- ana neaaers The collection of books is kept addition to the club releases the Ln hinanhies and antholoevs Junior and senior class officer candidates who turned in pic tures to Don Noble may now pick them up at the Corn husker business office in the Union. llosmeiKlub Delta Tan Delta; Tony Winey, Phi Delta Theta; George Proc haska, Pi Kappa Phi; Jim Bu chanan, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Dale Link. Theta Chi; Verl ScoU, Alpha Tan Omega; Rich ard Buls, Beta Sigma Psi; Wayne White, Farm House. Jack Davis, Kappa Sigma; Har- ;i - ewis, oigma nu cumiuu, i.u Don Lemkuhl, Tau Kappa Ep- Day' 'Officially' "I think I'll just sit home and ;wait for the phone to ring.'' The girls seem eager about the approacning day, too. Some are planning w iuk a uuj w a , movie and then "speed him home, .hungry, by 12:30 a.m., when the fun begins." A member of Mortar Board had a timely suggestion for the coeds. "Now's your chance to get a date R r .... house attaining the highest average during the past year. Mrs. Julia Fuqua Ober, na tional president of Kappa Delta, an officer of Sigma Alpha Iota and president of the Board of Directors of the National Fed eration of Music Clubs, was the main speaker. Mrs. Ober stressed the fact that there is a reason for everything in sororities. Each is a small de mocracy where members exchange ideas, live together and learn teamwork and sharing. Fraternities were the first stu dent groups on any campus and Panhellenie was the first inter student group. So sound were their ideals that colleges now imitate them by having deans, personnel consultants, scholarships and even rushing. Mrs. Ober went on to say that a sorority woman owes her first responsibility to her community. The , University and then her sorority must be her other loyali ties. She also brought out the fact that Greek women have a duty as well as a right They learn to give to others through philan thropies and live a kind and considerate life without snob bishness. Only in a democratic country are fraternities, of any nature, 7111 dlmawt By MARLTN BREE Staff Writer "What's the hurry?" 'I just bought a new textbook, and I'm trying to get to class be fore the next edition comes out" "Do you notice anything diferent about me this evening?" asked the shapely blonde. "You've got on a new pair of nylons," replied the boy friend. "No that's not it" "That's a different skirt" "No that's not it" "Must be the sweater. Is it new?" "No, you silly, I've dyed my hair black and I'm wearing glasses." -. -. - - "I think that fraternity man in 2345 is regaining conscious ness doctor," said the nurse. "He just tried to blow the foam off his medicine." There are three classes of women: the intellectual, the beautiful, and the majority. Generally fair weather will prevail today with a high of near 55. Light to moderate we sternly winds. "Darling, I could sit here and do nothing but look at you forever." ."That's what Windy I'm beginning to think." P.M. Headlines By CHARLES GOMON Staff News Writer Russia To Consider Proposal PARIS In his first personal appearenceatthe current Paris general assembly ses sion, Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky announced that his government would give serious study to proposals for a meeting between Marshal Stalin and western chiefs of state to discuss settling the Truman Makes Peace Hid WASHINGTON President Truman fired the opening gun of a new peace offensive sponsored by the western countries when he addressed the nation Wednesday night The president offered a three point program in an efort to take the initiative from the Russian propaganda machine. The new peace bid included an international census of Negotiators Reject Latest Offers KOREA Communist and U.N. negotiators at Panmun jom rejected each other's latest offers for a cease-fire line. The Reds want the line where the front is now, . and the allies want it to . be established where ever the front happens to be at the time the actual armistice is signed. American Maj. Gen. Henry Hodes stated that the "de facto" cease-fire proposal made by the Reds is unsatis factory because' it made no provision for the thousands of allied prisoners In communist hands. If the Reds were cer tain that we would advance no Republicans Gain WASHINGTON Republi cans gained one congressional seal in Tuesday's bye-election and maintained their incum bents in two other contests. Democrats elected a mayor in Philadelphia for the first time since 1884, while a republican soundly beat the democratic candidate for mayor in India-' napolis, home town of the democratic national chairman, Frank McKinney. Rudolph Halle y, chief Iphqfhrs d, Tkfad allowed to exist Our constitu tion grants the right to hold secret meetings and each Greek must help guard this possession, she said. Mrs. Ober mentioned that the Nebraska Panhellenie association is as "near ideal as v can reach." She said that other Panhellenie groups throughput America watch Nebraska. She ' also urged every sorority member to reread and live the vows she took when she was initiated. "You must remember that you are the leaders of tomor row and life goes the way that youth finally takes," she said. juizaoein uass, toastmistress, introduced Mrs. Ober to the 640 guests. Bus Lines Quit Lincoln Lincoln City Lines Wednesday notified the city council that it will discontinue operation of the intra-city bus system in 90 days. The Company's move was a surprise to the council and pre sented three possible solution to the problem. According to D. W. Barrett of Salt Lake City, district manager of National City Lines, parent of the local lines, the possibilities are: 1. Purchase and operation of present system by the city. 2. Arrangement by the city for purchase and operation by an other private agency. 3. Municipal ownership with private operation. City Lines be ing in a position to continue oper ation on that basis should the city purchase it and desire this con tinuance. The next move is up to the city council. A meeting is expected later in the week. Acting Mayor Fern Hubbard Orme remarked that he thought "something not involving muni cipal ownership" could be worked out German Club Holds First Meeting Today Featured at the meeting of the German club Thursday, will be an address by Achim von Dombois, German teacher trainee. The meeting will take place in Ellen Smith hall at 7:15 p.m. Election of officers will be first on the program. Following will be two short humorous sketches, a talk by von Dombois, and the showing of colored slides of the Rhine. Singing and refreshments will end the program. The German club is an extra curricular organization for stu dents who take German. It is also intended to promote an interest in the language, literature and cul ture of the German peoples. Faculty sponsor of the group is Dr. Paul Schach. cold war. Vishinsky denied that Stalin had agreed to come to Paris for a meeting of this type, and chief Russian Uitf. delegate Jacob Malik spiked rumors that his delegation and the Americans had been holding secret preliminary meetings in Paris. arms Including atomic wea pons; inspection of land, sea and air installations by teams of U.N. investigators: and a percentage limitations of armies, navies, air forces and armament industries. It is expected trat the Rus sians will balk at the in spection clause in that it would result in a virtual lift ing of the iron curtains. farther than our present posi tions, they might stall Indefi nitely on the question of ex change of prisoners On the front itself the com munist attacks launched last Sunday had apparently fiz zled, and U.N. units staged several successful counter-attacks to regain much of the ground lost in the inlUal phises of the red attack. Over northwest Korea 114 communist jets and 30 Ameri can planes toyed with each other's formations, but ceiiher ' side, according to eighth army headquarters, scored any cits. Seat In Congress counsel for the Kefauver crime investigation in New York, was overwhelmingly elected president of . the New York city council. Running as an ln dependant, H alley made an issue of corruption in govern ment His election, taken with similar campaigns in Indiana's large population centers, in dicates that crime and cor ruption will play an important part in the 1952 elections. , Sv fc7 i v ... -. .