The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Thursday, November 1 1951
Precious Plasma Pours Plentifully;
Connie Calmly Contributes Corpuscles
Feature Editor
I did it find I'm glad!
Now that I've finally donated
my first pint of blood, I can look
back on the whole procedure and
' say there's relatively nothing to it.
had been considering parting
with my precious plasma for
quite a few months, but one ques
tion in my mind had always
stopped me: will it be painful?
One answer stood at its side: I
hope not!
But relatively undaunted, I
forced my way to the blood mo
bile to give and see what hap
pened. I was accompanied by
Bob Sherman, The Daily Nebras
kan photographer, who photo
graphed this event for posterity.
When I walked Into the blood
mobile room in the Temple, I
felt like a lamb going to slaugh
ter. I was seared. However, I
went through the first part of
the blood procedure like a
trooper I gave my name to the
I thought everything would
proceed fairly smoothly, and it
would have except for one seem
ingly unimportant detail: I was
under 21 and didn't have my par
ents written consent to give blood.
I was about to be told to keep
my blood. But one of the Red
Cross chairmen said that as long
as I lived in Lincoln, someone
could drive to my home and get
the needed signature. Bob was
While I was waiting for my
parent's signature, I continued
through the "line." I had my
temperature and pulse taken
and as a reward was given a
glass of orange juice. I later
learned that this was to increase
. the sugar in my blood.
The next step in the procedure
included questions about every
thing from diabetes to hazardous
occupations. It was the first time
in my University career that I got
a perfect test grade.
Now that everyone knew that
my hemoglobin could float to the
bottom of a blue solution and that
my blood pressure wasn't some
where in the 200 line, I was ready
to go.
I waited a few eternities before
a nurse finally gave me a "come
on" smile and ushered me into a
room surrounded by white sheets.
I didn't want to mix up all
my corpuscles so I jumped as
slowly as I could on the "oper-
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lIBiiliiiSlai!' fKiffillisplll
THE PRESSURE IS ON . . . There's more to being a Dlood donor
than just giving blood. Connie ooraon (r.j is navin nei dioou
pressure taken by nurse Mary Macarthy (1.) before the actual
blood donation.
ating" table. I was so nervous
I could have died, but the only
thing I could do at the time was
laugh. The nurses thought I
was crazy but proceeded as us
ual anyway.
After the vein in my arm had
been located, my arm was steril
ized. Now came the test, ine
nurse took my Diooa pressure
again and then gave me a shot of
For me, the worst part was over.
The needle was painless.
Now came the actual blood do
nation. A pint bottle attached to
long blue tube was turned up
side down and I was given a
sponge to hold in my right hand.
The nurse took a needle and in
serted into my right arm. I was
surprised. No pain. In fact, the
only pain experienced Dy any
one was the pain in the neck I
gave the nurses. I was too ner
vous. It took approximately five
minutes to give a pint Of blood.
After I had given the blood, I
"recuperated" for a few min
utes, and left for the Red Cross
lunch room.
All blood donors were given a
glass of water which they had to
drink. Milk, coffee, sandwiches
and cake were also served.
I think everyone who has given
blood will know exactly how I
feel. We are very proud to be
able to wear the little red pins.
I did it and believe me I'm glad.
Give and you'll see.
Get out and vote
Senior class officers.
for Junior-
Booklet Describes Citizenship
Programs In State Schools
Union To Show
NU-MU Films
Thursday Noon
"Campus Quarteback, films of
Nebraska-Missouri tilt will be
shown this noon ' in the main
lounge of the Union.
The films depict the Tigers
homecoming decorations and
celebrations as well as the de
fensive and offensive playing of
AU-American Bob Reynolds.
This will be the first chance
many students will have to see
"Ramblin Robert" in action. His
first home game of the season
will be this weekend.
Another feature of the game
which might prove to be the
spark the Husker's need this sea
son is the 91 yard run executed
by Bob Smith after Missouri's
kickoff in the last few minutes of
the game.
Football films are shown under
the auspices of the Union general
entertainment committee. Pro
cessing is done by the University's
photgraphic laboratory and
courtesy is extended to John
Bentley, publicity director of the
athletic department.
Public schools have often been
criticized for not preparing stu
dents for citizenship in a free
In answer to this criticism, Ne
braska was one of the three
"pilot" schools chosen by Colum
bia University to initiate a new
program designed to develop good
The citizenship education pro
gram, conceiveo Dy iormer
President Dwight Elsenhower of
Columbia, was financed by a
$21,400 grant from the Carnegie
The Nebraska citizenship pro
ject, directed by Dr. Koyce n.
Knapp, professor of secondary
education, and composed oi tweive
representatives throughout Ne
braska high schools, maae a sur
vey of the state to see what
schools are doing in democracy.
The results of the survey were
compiled in a publication entitled
"Learning the Ways of Democracy
in Nebraska's Schools:"
The publication presents glimp
ses into hundreds of classrooms
across the state to show how
teachers in all kinds of schools are
Dlanning and directing activities
aimed at promoting citizenship.
Included in the publication
are new teaching methods in
government and the United
Through these newly inaugur
ated activities students are en
couraged to put into practice the
facts taught to them about the
American heritage of freedom, the
United Nations and international
It is hoped by the Nebraska
citizenship education project com'
mittee and co-operative school
study council that the publication
will give suggestions and ideas
for improving citizenship in other
schools throughout the United
Coeds' First Story
Cut To Six Lines
Two beaming freshmen coeds
excitedly grabbed an issue of
the Daily Netfraskan. Today
their first story tyas to appear.
They had waited hours to see
the professor for the interview,
and their article was long and
As they hurriedly read each
article, their spirits dropped.
The staff had dared to leave it
out. i Each day the anxious
freshmen scanned ' the paper,
only to. find that their precious
article was not there.
Two weeks later they
chanced . upon a Isix line story
with every bit of their infor
mation contained in it. Yes,
their, masterpiece had finally
appeared with many revisions,
but it was their own "brain
child" and they were proud.
Gmtavsoa's Education Program Designed
lo Math Traditional Stale Isolationism
Nebraska people have often
been accused of being isolationists.
Geographic location and agricul
tural environment have contri
buted " to this condition, but the
University is the hub of a wheel
of activity designed to correct
this situation.
When Dr. R. G. Gustavson came
to Nebraska as the Univessity
Chancellor, he believed that edu
cation should do everything pos
sible to help Nebraskans under
stand their role in the new world
community. He was especially
conscious of this as a member of
the United States National Com
mission for UNESCO. '
, His first move was to estab
lish connections with the organ
ization . most directly involved
With the problem of education
along those lines the United
Nebraska's Dh t. E. Sorenson
was sent to the United Nations
educational Headquarters to be
come acquainted with persons
Minnesota Dean To Discuss
Science At Lecture Tonight
Tug To Settle Beanie Question
Freshmen and sophomores plan
ning to participate in the tug-of-war
should report to the 50 yard
line- bench on the east side of the
football field Saturday , at 1:30
Each organized house may fur
nish one freshman and one sopho
more to compete in the tug which
will decide whether freshmen
wear beanies until the first snow.
Should the freshmen win, beanies
may be discarded Immediately.
A rope marked in the middle
by a red flag will be stretched
across the 50 yard-line in the cen
ter of the field. With the frosh
force on one side and the sopho
mores resisting on the other, the
boys will attempt to pull the other
team across their respective ' 30
yard-line stripes. Freshmen are
required to wear their beanies in
the tug.
RC Hospital
'51 Program
The University Red Cross vet
erans' hospital committee, under
the chairmanshin of Pat Lindgren,
has announced its program for the
coming year.
The program for freshman girls
includes weekly trips to the Vet
erans' hospital every Tuesday at
7 p.m. At the hospital the girls
play cards wtih patients. If the
men do not wish to play cards
or if they are unable to do so,
the girls either write letters for
them or talk to them. The main
purpose of the visits is to enter
tain the patients.
Upper-class girls are divided
into two groups. Thursday aft
ernoons, five girls visit the vet
erans and Thursday evenings,
ten girls. This Thursday eve
nine's entertaminment will in
clude a girl who plays the piano
and sings.
On Tuesday and Thursday aft
ernoons, the uiversity Red Cross
unit is in charge of a disc jockey
program. The patients request
those, songs, which .they would
like to hear, and the girl in charge
of that afternoon's program does
the rest. The four girls alternat
ing this job ate Mary Pitterman,
Betty Hanson, Martha Hamilton
and Marilyn Loloff.
Mrs. Darby, the recreational
director, said the fellows look
forward to the afternoons and
evenings when the University
co-eds come out. Many times
they even wait to play cards in
preference to going to shows in
the auditorium.
The Red Cross station wagon
furnished transportation for
I workers to and from the hospital.
Dr. 'J. William Buchta of the
University of Minnesota will give
the third annual Avery Memorial
lecture at the University in Love
Library auditorium at 8 p.m.,
His topic will be "Science,
From the Cradle to the Grave."
Dr. Buchta is head of the
physics department and assist
ant dean of the Senior College
of Science, Literature and the
He received a B.S. degree in
electrical engineering in 1920 and
an M.A. degree in 1921 from the
University. He received the Ph.D.
degree at Minnesota in 1925 and
has been on the staff since 1925.
The Avery Memorial Lecture is
a new tow .weight!
a new look!
sport shirts
of Galey &
Main Features Start
Varsity: "Come Fill the Cup,"
1:00, 3:14, 5:21, 7:28, 9:42.
Esquire: "The Bicycle Thief,"
7:24 9:02.
State: ffhe Sea Hornet" 1:00
3:53, 6:59, 9:52. "Honeychile," 2:24,
5:17, 8:23.
I too Uttk. v"-
1 Piet er Ct-tte Hold!-throw ft
I away, wifttlte nicotine, juloM, flakes
I r-ni tart it fcss trapped. Insert frwsh
1 f titer for eotttf cleaner, 4tyet
v,...t4.,r tmnttimf. Imported Brier.
I twt!n-'$ tl Kirk tttgunJIf llniih.
I M arlr r 4 tint.
IKi tm rig
Judy Canova
Adele Mara
2nd Hit
Bod Cameron
Plus News
Lord's I
sponsored by the alumni associa
tion of the Palladian Literary So
ciety, oldest student group on the
campus. The association has es
tablished a fund with the Univer
sity Foundation to endow lectures
which memorialize the late Chan
cellor Samuel Avery.
Officers of the Palladian
alumni group in charge of the
80th anniversary banquet are:
Mrs. Mary Strickland, president;
Glenn H. Johnston, vice-president;
Mrs. Marjorii. Marlotte,
secretary; and R. W. McDer
man'1 treasurer.
Toastmaster will be "Prof.
Chauncey W. Smith of the Uni
versity. Mr. Seymour is chairman
of the group's Aver;' Memorial
Fund committee.
William Buchta To Address
Physics Colloquium Thursday
Dean J. William Buchta of the
University of Minnesota will speak
to University organisations Thurs
He will address a physics de
partment colloquium at 4:10 p.m.
in Brace laboratory. At 7:30 p.m.
he will give the Avery Memorial
lecture at Love Library auditorium.
A native of Osceola, Buchta
received a B.S. degree in elec
trical engineering: and a M. A
degree from Nebraska. He has
been on the staff at Minnesota
since he received his Ph.D. de
gree there in 1925.
At Minnesota he currently is
chairman of the department of
physics and assistant dean of the
Senior College of Science, Litera
ture and the Arts.
Since 1948 Buchta has been
editor of Reviews of Modern
Physics, one of the two large
physics journals of the nation. He
was co-editor of the Physical
Review, for many years.
At the colloquium Buchta will
discuss recent research at the
University of Minnesota.
The physics department pre
sents colloquium speakers the
first and third Thursdays of
every mohth and serves tea at
Brace laboratory at 3:50 p.m.
before the lectures.
"Science, from the Cradle to the
Grave" is Buchta's topic for his
evening talk. He is the third Avery
lecturer presented at the Univer
sity by the Palladian alumni as
sociation. The lecture fund was
set up two years ago to honor the
memory of the late Chancellor
Samuel Avery.
Buchta spoke here' last April at
the dedication of Ferguson hall.
working with education, to gather
materials and to make plans for
close co-operation.
There was an immediate and
very favorable reaction to hta
visit. Dr. Sorenson was told, "Wt
will think of Nebraska as an ex
perimental center on United Na
tions education."
As a result of this visit, there
is a very close, unofficial working
relation between the University
and the United Nations Depart
ment of Public Information. There
is a constant exchange of people
such as the photographer now on
campus. - Nebraska personnel,
teachers and students are also vis
iting the United Nations.
Everything that Nebraska
does along the lines of UN ed
cation is noted with interest.
Other states writing to the UN
Department of Public Informa
ation for help are referred to
Dr. Sorenson, Nebraska is
looked to as an example. For In
stance a , letter was sent this
summer to an International
Conference of Public Education
held in Switserland, outlining
our efforts.
The University is the hub of
an extensive program of educa
tion which includes many phases
of Nebraska life. Spokes of this
wheel are such activities as the
State Department of Public In
struction, State Education associ
ation, newspapers, radio, civic
clubs, high schools, other colleges
in the state and businesses.
Perry Anderson has made a
special study of newspaper, radio,
and library coverage of the UN
and world affairs at two different
times. The first period preceded
the experiment; the second was
two years after its inauguration.
They were also concerned with
the amount of attention schools
and civic organizations gave to
teaching about the United Nations.
Anderson's study revealed
some startling changes in at
titudes in favor of international
co-operation and interest in the
UN. It seems reasonable to be
lieve that the special experi
mental program of United Na
tions education was responsible
for this change.
The special University function
in this program is typified by its
collegiate section, the Nebraska
University Council for World af
fairs. The model UN meetings,
the discussions and all other
phases are designed to continue
and expand Nebraska's unique
role as the leader in United Na
tions education.
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