The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1951, Image 1

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VOL. 51 No. 33
Sigma Chis,
Kappa Delts
Win Again
Shirley Fries, Kappa Delta, and
Dan Tolman, Sigma Chi, are the
winners of the 1951 Honorary
Producer contest.
Second place sorority winners
Were Norma Erirkson. Sinma1
Kappa, and Mary Kay Tolliver,
Delta Delta Delta. Bill Adams,
Delta Tau Delta and Mac Bailey,
Alpha Tau Omega were runners
Up in the fraternity division.
The first place winners were
presented Honorary Producer tro
phies by Jerry Matzke, vice presi
dent (of Kosmet Klub. They also
receive permanently reserved seats
to all University Theatre produc
tions. The second place sorority
winners each received a bouquet
of roses.
The Honorary Producer trophies
were first presented during the
'47-'48 University Theatre season.
The award was not presented last
year because of the absence of any
University Theatre productions.
Trophies were last presented in
1949. Kappa Delta and Sigma Chi
won both producer trophies dur
ing that year.
Dallas Williams, University
Theatre director, expressed thanks
to all of those who helped make
the Honorary Producer competi
tion a success. He added that this
spirit is helping students to real-!
ize that the University Theatre is
their theatre. j
Build rs To Greet
Fi osh Coeds Nov. 7
FiVoh .10.1 ccods will be offici-j
ally welcomed into University ,
Builders work at the or.Taniza-j
tion's second mass meeting Wed-1
nesday, Nov. 7.
The meeting will begin "at 7
p.m. in Room 316, Union.
Couitety Lincoln Journal.
Button Gifford
2a Class fficeir Caeidlikfefes lleveaB Elecffloini SSafes
fP 'p Ti l v v ri irriP i 'r; .i. .
fv"V TP- L.
(The Daily Nebraskan regrets
that the pictures of John Llit
eras, senior class president can
didate, and John Marks, junior
secretary candidate, were un
i available at the time of publica
Candidates for the junior and
senior class offices have announced
. their platforms. The elections will
be held Thursday, Nov. 1 from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Senor President
Nancy Button, senior class
presidential candidate, had no
Joe Gifford, presidential aspir
ant, said:
"Let's make the class of '52
the strongest class to ever gradu
ate from the University of Ne
braska. By the strongest I
mean in spirit and in unity, not
the unity of organizations,
v cliques or colleges, but the un-
ity of Individuals as a whole.
Let each member of our senior
class look upon any other mem
t ber as an important cog in the
"Through the powers of class
officers at present are rather
limited, I believe that interest in
student affairs should be pro
. moted to such a degree that this
T interest will carry through to the
future when duties of class of
ficers will become much broader."
John Lliteras, senior presidential
candidate, was out of town and
unavailable for comment.
Senor Vice President
Of the senior vice-presidential
candidates, John Adams was un
available for comment.
Leonard Bush states: "The
University of Nebraska needs class
officers who have the interest,
ability and time to unify their
class, and build school spirit. The
decrease in the enrollment of the
University in the last few years
is not only due to the graduation
of the G. I. students and the new
draft cull, but also to the failure
of Nebraskan students to sell high
school graduates on the idea of
k attending -the University of Ne-
"The student here definitely
lacks the much needed enthusi-
pir r3 i
FINAL HOMECOMING PLANS . . . Tassel committee chairmen drawing up final plans for the
week-end homecoming festivities are (L to r.) Lois Gerelick, floats; Artie Westcott, dance; Shirley
Schonberg, halftime activities; Mary Ann Kellogg, tickets and Joan O'Brien, parade. Standing are
Cecelia Pinkerton, publicity (1.); and Elaine Gruntorad, dance decorations. (Courtesy of Lincoln
journal and Star.)
'Roaring 20s' Dance, Parade Color
NU Homecoming Week-end Festivities
Plans have been devised by Stu
dent Council representatives and
Lincoln Police Chief Joe Carron
to eliminate the confusion of
Homecoming traffic this year.
Traffic will be one-way except
for 14th street. It will begin at
17th and R streets, proceed down
R street, turn north on 14th and
continue down 14th to Vine street,
where it will turn east. The traffic
will then head south on 16th
(Continued on Page 4)
J. Adams
asm and spirit that should be
found on a campus. I have the
interest, ability and time to plan
more class functions that will
unify the senior class and build
school spirit I think I have
proved my interest and ability
in furthering the University by
taking part in several campus
Senor Secretary
Of the two ranHIHatcc fnr conini-
class secretary, Richard Phelps
was unavaiiame ror comment,
and Theodore Kratt had no com
ment Senor Treasurer
Robert Haipht. ranriiriato ' tnr
senior class treasurer says, "I am
interested in truly representative
student government. My interest
lies primarily in the welfare of
the entire senior class and not in
any particular group composing
me ciass.
Robert Swain, senior treasurer
candidate's five-point program en
titled -The Platform lor Pro
gress" includes:
I. More senior activities with
special emphasis on the junior-
fleninr mntn
- . ------.
2. Senior influence in general
university affairs. Seniors (as a
class) would take a stand on
controversial issues.
v. v muuiui-unuci si uu-
atS rHon iiWlth reK,uUr'y
3. Better alumni-underrradu
eons" ,u"v"
4. More individual class spirit
with freshmen and sonhomore
class officers. .
5. "I believe we should all
pay more taxes." "Give, give,
give 'til It hurts."
Junior President
Junior candidate for class nrpqi-
dent, Marilyn Housel states her
piauorm as tne ionowing:
"1. As president of the Junior
class, I would endeavor to perform
the duties and responsibilities of
my office to the best of my ability.
"2. I Would work for more rn-
operation between university stu-
aems in support or university
luncuons, traditions, ana activities.
"3. I would strive' to stimulate
'more interest in class spirit and
aat.:;.,E.. jsr j
The suspense of Homecoming
competition will draw to a climax
at the Homecoming dance in the
Coliseum Saturday evening.
The 1951 Pep Queen will be
presented by Yell King Don
Devries,' master of ceremonies.
Winners in the house decora
tions contest will be announced.
Trophies will be presented to ren-
resentatives of the winning groups.
mi Mcintyre and his orchestra
(Continued on Page 4)
Kratt ' Phelps
class activities promoting a well
udieuiijcu program.
"4. T will parrv nut th wichae
of the Junior class in organizing
stronger ciass ties lor tne re
mainder of our collefiate and nur
aiumm days.
Joan Krueger, junior president
iai candidate, sairi-
"1. There is nothing startling
or unique a pout my iaeas ex
cept possiory tne intention to
promote them whether elected
or not
"2. Regarding the much dis
cussed class spirit, I favor an
all University, poll to determine
the sentiment of the students
whether they want officers to
hold strong positions and
whether freshman and sopho
more officers are needed or
"3. If class officers ar to hA
strong, I would suggest: action as
a class be taken on school prob
lems; a class council composed of
independents and Greeks selected
bv the Student Council: class pro
jects such as senior farewell
breakfast; seniors handling all
matters nprtaininer tn uraHiintinn
such as announcements, class day
ana contests, sopnomores selling
beanies and helping with the
Frosh Hon: encournffi ramnin aa
well as class traditions such as
the Victory Bell competition with
Missouri. Classes could take
stands on issues such as favor
ing Sunday library hours.
"4. If students want merely
figureheads for officers I nrnmisp
to water the ivy daily and assure
tnem tnat it will grow."
Tomorrow, the juniors and seniors of thp Uni- timps place nfrinorc mar. moil,, r J
versitV will on to the nnllc tn clorf
1 " o r w ov.w. hjui uuii.ti i.iiaix any uiijig cise.
jThese are the students who will guide the desti- In today's issue of The Daily Nebraskan, all
mes 01 tnese two classes for the coming year. 24 candidates are pictured, with their platforms
They wil1 decide whether or not any progress will which is their basis of running for office. Read
be made in making this a better University or these platforms carefnllv Spp hir-h ctnHont.,
whether things will continue as in
whether thines will continue as in
Some efforts have been made
icers to do something concrete
. . . .
officers to do something concrete
Some have honestly put forth effort to do somer
thing for the school for instance the Junior-
Senior prom of last year. But too
officers have merely been the
planted the ivy on Ivy Day.
Too Often class offices havA
people who wanted the glory and
rtffipp withnnt anv rtt thp umrV A
"-. - iumi, uuui- i6uv. nre mese. iacis gooa, or are tney oaa:
ing was done. Perhaps they became discouraged Have the ranHiriatps tolH vnu thp ctnlont knlv
because of the apathy of the classes. But some- where they stand?
Final plans for the annual
Homecoming parade were re
leased Tuesday by Jo O'Brien and
Jerry Stone, co-chairmen of the
Homecoming parade committee.
The time has been established
as 10:15 a.m. instead of 10:30 a.m.
by the request or the city council.
In the past parades held at 10:30
a.m. caused an acute traffic prob
lem in the downtown areas dur-
(Continued on Page 4)
"More workable unity among
students by the class officers
working with the student coun
cil" is Martin Lewis platform
for junior class president.
Philip Ostwald, candidate for
Mnninr nioco nreiiV Vi L- ariene Mcyuistan, vice-presi-punior
class president states hisWntial candidate tatpc hor niat
tentative social program fn, ,n.l?. cnm-aa.te s.tates her Plat"
w " JM"
"1. Class unification
ah r,roTr,c i iisuieiieaas, dui eniorce me plans
tiviSef iuntoSS, ITZldr the University and
ring, class picnic, others.
i XCeUrun Si
an executive group for detailing
ana laison between the officers
and organizations and students.
Tho ,,rk.,iA i -j
KuScla il8 b3Ck t0
'a. Naur antiiritiAo OA
. . t
Ago A
ovinuc I
aance. Ollicers of nrpvinns
classes would be invited.
"Before finals party."
Ostwald savs -that, hp urniil1 Hp
impartial to all crronns trpatintr
everyone as an equal individual.
Junior Vice President
Vice-nresidential candiriatp Wil
liam Ariame had nn pnmmpnt
v.. .
Joan Hansen, candidatp for
1. I will strive to carry nut all
the duties of the office to the
best of my ability.
"2. I will help to organize a
junior-senior prom so that it is
one of the best dances of the
"3. I will help to build uni
fication of the junior class.
"4. I will strive to make the
class ' office worth something
Tom Rische.
'TcrT";r;."""d'f"ithe.cliss should participate.
Where They Sf
wv.h v..
iUav r.fac hi iv: . .1
the nnt atnnAintr fm cAmorhin ,rv.;nu
the past. standing for Rompthinff anH ,hiV, 4ct mn.
X- w uvhivmiuij auu w iiiii aic j uoi x uiiiiiiit;
by past class for office- See which of them use glittering gen-
for the school. eralltie- and pious words, instead of concrete pro-
rtAnlln w. nl.i.M i-U S - 1 1 1 1
for the school.
posals for making
often, the class Tho Dailv Nebraskan Is not supporting any
individuals who
candidate for class office. We believe that fhe
, .
student body is a
students. We believe that the student body, onoe'sereV
if. j - . w. . . .. 'school
u, ton
hepn fillH hv havn nut ftu ,,n;.in
i" " v. ut iui hi vauuuD LdllUlUd ICS ill III Lb ClcCVlOH.
prestige of the Some have been forthright, others not so forth-
r - o ai.H ; -v. t a 1 1 . a i .. .
Wednesday, October 31, 1951
Of Othello
Staff Writer
Tuesday's presentation of Othe
llo by the University Theatre
was truly a credit to the students
and instructors of the University.
Professor Dallas Williams has
produced what I believe to be
one of the finest shows that has
been seen by an audience of stu
dents. The acting in the play was just
short of miraculous as each pre-
former seemed to be molded into
the play. .
Jack Wenstrand played an
Othello which must be com
pared to a professional. The
part of Iago could not have been
Portrayed anv mora plparlv nr
' realistically, and Hank Gibson,
wno played the part, will be re
membered by many people for
his- excellent work. Pat Loder
in her first major role and a
most difficult one at that, did
a tremendous jo.
As for supportine actors Mar
ty Miller as Emilia cannot be too
highly praised. Equally effective
was Wes Jensby in his portrayal
ot cassio.
The other actors who should
receive mention, although each
performer in the play did a
creditable job, are Dick Carson
in the role of Rodrigo and Di
ane Downing as Bianca.
Technical Dirprtnr flan Tnlf-h
should be congratulated for his
fine reproduction of a Shakes
pearian set. The lighting and sound
unaer tne supervision of Dick
Garatson should also he rnm-
mended. ,
more than just a name.
"5. I will favor a junior class
council and strive to see that it
has true representation of our
iorm as me in nwincr
. . n .
"1. Class nffivr shnnlri nrvt Ko
figureheads; but enforce the plans
,nS. m
- Pnted on the student coun-
"3. Class
officers should be
for contacting, in-
eP""s"Jie ior coniacnng, in-
Arming, and creating interest in
acLiviues anti rnnpions in wnirh
. . .
r-i.jc nrtim 1
ceptive and constructive concern
.t ..... .
inff criticism and sneepstinns nf
the class members and act as in-
termediatp aipnt: hpfwppn ctn
dents and such bodies as the fac
ulty, the administration and the
Student Council.
'5. Support Junior aotivitipc
such as Ivy Day, the junior-sen
ior ram. ann .innior navtn in
sure that these functions "be sue
JUl V- LllUb U1C3C UC BUU-
viop-'rpssf ul na unifipH r-iace oMitrtHan
Junior Secretary
Barbara Bredthauer, who b
running for junior secretary
says, "I feel that the secretary
of the junior class should do
all possible to improve class
spirit. This might be done, I
think by more class projects.
This might include greater stress
on the class projects we have
now, such as junior-senior prom.
- .f "tit iVOAJJ ft
this a better school.
competent judge of their fellow
"wnt a ucv-isiuu. muuus parlies nf
You are the judge.
Junior and senior class elec
tions will be held Thursday from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Voting booths
will be located in the A Union,
Ferguson hall and the Union.
"It is imperative," George
Wilcox, Student Council vice
president, stressed, "that every
junior and senior realize his
responsibility to the class by
"Class activities and class
spirit can only be attained
through active interest of the
students," said Wilcox.
Only junior and senior students
are eligible to vote. Identification
cards must be presented at voting
Each class will elect a presi
dent, vice president, secretary and
Burn Tonight
At NU Rally
The burning of the Kansas Jay
hawk at the rally tonight will of
ficially open Homecoming festivi
ties. Cornhusker rooters, Tassels,
Corn Cobs and Pepsters will re
duce the Jayhawk to ashes in the
traditional ceremony at a secret
funeral ground.
Two new attractions will be
added to the rally. Bobby Rey
nolds, AU-American halfback,
will make his first appearance
this year at a pep rally. Corn
Cobs and Tassels will present a
ikit pertaining to the Homecom
ing dance Saturday night.
"Preacher" Franklin, Nebraska
end coach, will be the featured
speaker. "Any student boy can
cneer lor its football team while
it is winning," Ira Epstein, rally
committee member, stresses. "But
the true test of student spirit
comes when the home team Is suf
fering with a losing streak.
"Instead of constantly criticiz'
ing the boys while the chips are
down, let's get out and show our
classmates that we are still be
hind them win or lose. Without
utmost support I'm sure it will
be the former and not the latter."
The rally will begin at 7 p.m.
at the Coliseum. It will proceed
east to 16th and vine streets,
south to 16th and R, west to the
Union and will end at the grounds
to burn the Jayhawk.
The University football squad
and 1951 Pep Queen candidates
will be presented at the rally Fri-
aay at t:43 p.m.
Tolman Greer
and begin a new program of
camnus beautification."
"To promote class spirit and
unity especially and to encourage
participation in the junior-senior
prom" is the platform of Janice
FuIIerton, candidate for junior
Aspirant for junior class secre
tary. John Marks savu "If eWtpH
my endeavor while in office shall
be to fulfill the duties of my of
fice to the best of mv ahilitv anH
to represent the views of the stu
dent body whenever necessary.
"The records of the mpptinffc
shall not only include accurate
data, but useiul advice resulting
from experience arnnirpri whilp
pnpacinff in mattpr unrlprfalrnn
by the junior class," Marks said.
y the junior class," Marks said. I
Experience eained anH rprorHprf
: ' & -V V. , . Till II :. X K - ':. X v 2
is an invaluable aid to the ue.i2.ltna c,ass members themselves.
cessive administrations. This is
. . . i i
of utmost importance in order to
promote expediency and efficiency
in any undertaking."
"If elected, my term In office
shall surely be an example of
alertness and progressive think
ing." "The junior-senior class days
and prom are two functions that
I hope will become traditional
at the University through co
operation of the respective
classes with the class officers
and it can be done," according
to Amy Palmer, junior class
secretary candidate.
"More class spirit, unification
of iunior class to back student
government is what we need,"
said Dan Tolman. junior class
'said Dan Tolman
JSif when 1 am
HT lU-l. 4-L. MM! Jt
"I feel that the nffirp of sptp
tary of the junior class should be
hnlri bv someone with pvnorionpp
along this line," Tolman said. I
am serving my second semester as
secretary of Sigma Chi and had
secretarial experience in hitrh
I also feel that because
varied activities on the
campus. I represent the innior
class as a whole and not just one
college or organization."
Junior Treasurer
Aspirant for junior class treas-
Students must vote for nil fmir
officers and must indicate each
choice by placing an "X" by the
candidate's name. Rallot uhifh
do not conform to regulations will
be void.
No campaigning will he allnwF."
at election polls,. Wilcox sale.
This regulation and indivirin-
voting booths will provide privac
tor eacn stuaent casting a banc
Posters with pictures of the
candidates will be in the Union
today. Each candidate may
make an unlimited number of
posters, hand bills or similar
campaign devices. Individual
house calls are not restricted.
Class officers are ' rpsnnnsihlo
for planning the junior-senior
prom, class picnica and for de
veloping class spirit among . stu
dents, Wilcox said. The degree
tnese auties are developed de
pends on the individual officers,
he added. -. .
Till almanac
Staff Writer.
"How did you puncture your
"Ran over a bottle."
"Didn't see it, hur?"
"Naw. the darn kid had It un
der his coat."
"How far were you from the
correct answer?"
"Only about three seats, sir."
"I knew I'd love you the min
ute I heard about you," he slyly
stated. '
"How did you know?" she
"One of my .
f rat b r o t h ers
was out with
you last week."
The weather
for today is go
ing to be partly
cloudy and
cold, with a
high of near 38.
It will turn
colder tonight
with thirl
freeze. Low
"What's the matter with you
guys," asked the young football
coach, "ya look: like a bunch of
A special Tri-K meeting will
be held today to select new
members for the club. The
meeting will be held at 5 p.m.
in the Crops Laboratory. Rob
ert Sand, president, urged that
all members be present.
B. Adams
f -
urer, John Greer includes the fol-
lowing in his program:
"1. To unify the junior class.
"2. To initiate, plan and co
ordinate successful class func
tions such as the junior-senior
"3. To help gain recognition
for the University of Nebraska
throughout the state and nation.
"4. To handle ail funds of the
class carefully, eonsclentlosuly
and cautiously."
John Savage, candidate . for
treasurer of th iuninr ia
1. Attomnt tn hrlnir in IK 4,,r .
ior class resources that have not
been previously utilized, so that
evems given ior ine class will not
7"; "A " ' "ol
? J.ust . dra,n n th pocketbooks
nreA cocAiirAB j l
come from direct action of the
class since there is no financial
allotment to the class from the
factor. The solution would be a
POlicvof the rlaca in
ous all-University activities (par
ities, sales, publications, etc) and
use the income from. these to put
on the all-junior affairs.
i. work for a class with spirit,
whose activities wouM h
appeal to a greater per cent of
the members for the following
A. Greater unification nrin
suit from juniors working to
gether on various committees,
which Will plan their nwn nf fairs
or those sponsored by them;
B. More juniors will take part
in class activities if their cost is
lowered. By reducing levies on
the juniors during the year, a
class ring sale would have a bet
ter chance for success; and
C. With more of th plaea tirnrlr-
ing for class activities, the Junior
senior prom would have a better
chance for success, and also a bet
ter chance for making a profit.
Shirley Schonberg, junior class
treasurer candidate advocates: ?
"1. To establish a scowns 'fai ,
anclal program.
"2. T promote class spirit
and cooperation.
"3. To perform my duties to
the best of my abilities." '
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