1 Jr. -Sr. $lls pen knuFsd? Sa.e.- 5 Liecuoa 01 junior and senior class officers will be held Thurs day, according to George Wilcox Student Council rice president Voting booths will be placed i the Ag Union, Ferguson hall an Union. Polls will be open fror. 8 a.m. to 5 pjn. Only junior, and senors are eligible and mus have IJX cards. Posters with a picture of each candidate will be in the Union Wednesday. Each candidate must give an 8 by t-inch pic ture of himself to Don Noble at i ! the Council office by noon Tuesday. Each candidate, or a group tonsoring him, may make an un united number of posters, hand .11s or similar campaign devices. individual house calls by the andidates are not restricted, Wil ox said. Senior candidates for president re: Nancy Button, president of iWS, Mortar Board, member of Jelta Omicron and Teachers col lege music major; Joe Gilford, College of Arts and Sciences, and golf team; John Lliteras, president fgineering, Engineering ExecjJoan Krueger, speech and jour-i dates: Bill Adams, College of oi comnusKer io-jp, vice presi- ttoara memoer ana secretary oi naiism major, vice president or Business Administration, treas Theta dent of American Institute of Ag ricultural Engineers. Engineers; Theodore Kratt, Col- Phi, Gamma Alpha Chi, assistant Senior vice president candi- llege ot Engtaeering. chairman of College Days, Build dates are: John Adams, College Senior treasurer candidates: r iJL1 . S of Engineering, member of Stu- f Sober Haight, College of Engin- 52,J!T JSftl,5 dent Council and member of ering and member of Sigma Tau; Inn It4 Engineering Exee Board; Leon- Hobert Swain, College of Engin-; ff? !'hll .i inck rn... ; assistant business manager of aa. f T ".-- Cornhusker, Arnold Air Society , Barbara Bredthauer, VTMra .nit rn.mi.Mi . i j Junior " president candidates:; and member of Corn Cobs; Philip Arts and Sciences, member of if- L.rS, A Marilyn HfT, CoUege of Busi-'Ostwald, College of Engineering Gamma Delta; Janice Fullerton, r,ness Administration, YWCA cab-j and assistant editor of Nebraska! Teachers college, Sigma Alpha; Senior secretary candidates:, inet, ; Coed Counselor. Alpha! Blue Print. 'Iota: John Marks. ColieEe of En- Richard Phelps, College of En-Lambda Delta and Phi Chi Theta;! Junior vice president eandi- .gineering; Amy Palmer, Teachers Sigma' urer of Kosmet Klub, Red Cross, member of Newman club; Joan Hansen, Teachers college, secre tary of A I F, member of Alpha Spsilon Kho, president of Red Cross; Darlene McQuistan, Teachers college. Junior secretary candidates: College of ollege, candid reporter for The )aily Nebraskan; Dan Tolman, ,'orn Cob, varsity track team, I club. Junior treasurer candidates: ohn Greer, Teachers college, Jollege Days board, member of swimming team and Union com mittee; Jack Savage, College o Engineering, director of AIA, Kosmet Klub member, and Ne braska Blue Print staff member; Shirley Schonberg, Teachers col lege, Tassels, YWCA member and member of the Religious welfare Council. n cLSJU.juiJLJ Ultu VOL 51 No. r 3X LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 30, 1951 Memorial Service For Faculty, Nov. 4 The seventh University Memor-r provide music before and after fal service will be held in Love the service. Memorial library Sunday, Nov. 4, 1 The program is scheduled for 3 in commemoration of staff mem- p.m. on the Sunday following bers who have died after a nura- homecoming for the benefit of ber of years of service for the alumni who wish to attend. University. jj Citations in memory of ten The service is limited to the members of the faculty are to be faculty and administrative staff of read by the deans of their respec the University and to the family,; live colleges. For the first time a close friends, and former students part of the service will be dedi of the deceased. it happened at nu... Military dignitaries and six senior women vying for the title of Honorary Commandant were present at the COA reception Thursday. Those who first drank their punch at the reception had the surprised look of an teetotaler who was slipped a Moscow male. They were wondering is this paneh-or is this punch? Answer: it was punch. But in stead of a sugar base, salt was accidentally substituted. Saturday's 111 peels T oni giro 11"; sf rairadTSlfsir 1 1-.::! f f ; eir, Weon Chancellor K. G. Gustarson wQl preside over the program and the chaplain of the day will be Dr. Ernest E. Smith, pastor f the Second Baptist church. TneTJniversit Singers, under the direction e' . E. West brook, will pL JC "How Blest are They," "Sou J of the Kight eotts" and the "Sevenfold Amen." Organist Myron Roberts will Announced Union Holds Discussion Of - JL 1 . A .1 ! of regents. UMl The Ute Edward Provost 1 I Will" I II I IKS Brown of Arbor, member of tbe Board of Regents of the Univer sity for six years, will be hon ored in a citation to be read by a icuow roemoer oi we ooaro. Urtiversity R.O.T.C, march crown men Jiar. ii.isoo. ;ing band wiI1 lead off half-time Other faculty members to be ceremonies at the Kansas-Ne-I honored are: jbraska homecoming game Satur- Axel Louis Etatquist, associate; day prKf ?L 9? languages j j Wade 195 qDPPn, Jt"129' 1949' - . CbanccUor K. G. Gustavson and Esther Goodyear, assistant pro- tbe five ,51 queea candidates , - w w ""i wfll walk to the center of the Jan. o, isstj. Tonight, at 8 p.m., the University Theatre will present Othello, its first show of the '51-52 season, under the direction of Prof. Dallas S. Williams. The show is being staged in the Nebraska theater under the technical direction of Dan Tolch. Williams feels that this play is the most difficult of all the plays he has directed since coming to Nebraska eight years ago. What makes the play hard, he says, is the difficulty in arriving at an in terpretation of the play. The characterization in Shakespeare's Othello makes the play also very challenging to the actors. Williams felt that the presenta tion of Play the caliber of Othello was keeping within the tradi tion that the University Theatre has bnilt up in the past years. Wensirand, business manager for the University Theatre, said I that about 900 seats had been reserved for both Tuesday and Wednesday nights. There are about 200 seats left for each per formance. Tickets for the performances will be available at the Nebraska theater box office from 10 a.m. until curtain time both Tnesday and Wednesday. The leading roles in the show are played by Pat Loder as Desdemona, Jack Wenstrand as Othello, Hank Gibson as Iago and Marty Miller as Emilia. Supporting actors are Wes Jens by and Diane Downing. William Porter Haney, assistant professor of otorhimolaryngology, Emeritus, who died July 19, 1951. I Earl William Lantz, associate!1 m professor of secondary education, DIioiiam Emeritus, who died Dec 17. 1959. KellUiOn Charles William McCorkle Poyn- J iter, dean of the 'college of medi- A coffee hour discussion on re- cir.e. Emeritus, who died Oct. 25. liffion in oublic education titled; 1950. "God in the Schools" wiE be beldlj George Peyton Pratt, professor Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 pjtnJof clinical medicine. Emeritus, in the Uuicm Faculty Lounge. The , who died Dec 19, 1950. Rev. Rex Knowles will lead the Charles O'XeiO Rich, asse- disaatssioa. etale professor of sonrerr. playing field to the accompani ment of the University of Kan sas band. " DiseKHion topics will be: "Sboald the Classroom be Made a Relicions Experience?; "SnevM the Bible be S to died in the rablie Seno?" and "Are Reason Enough for Teachers to Avoid Religions Training?" Rev. Knowles, pastor for Pres byterian and Corilgregatkraal stu dents, has been known as a popu lar speaker on camipus tor four years. Dturircg OcL, lie made 43 ssseeeftes to faotlty groups, stu-; cetrtt groups and classes. that (Mi) of the major Emeritus, who died April IX 193. Clarence Kobendall, professor f otorbinolaryngolocy (chair man of the department), Emer itos, who died Jane , 13. - - Jerome Valentine Srb, super visor of agricultural short eonrses, assistant extension ag rienlt&rist, who died Sept. 22, 1919. Ella Celonia Wittse. assistant professor of pnblic school art, Emeritirs .who died July 2, 195L Others in the cast are Dick Carson, Ken Clement, Harry Stiver, D. K. Smith, Don Lewis, Milt Hoffman, Jack Lange, Dick Miller' Gale Randel, Richard Marrs, Denis Knapik. Frank Adamek Keith The Nebraska band win depict! Helm, Ormand Meyer, Dave Stsler, Chuck Huestis, John Wittock, the evolution of a band from the! Jim Weldon, Margin S'jommer, and James Ehret ancient lyre to the modern band 1 Action of the Iar revolves irnnnJ th. rni.i.. i.- plot to bring revenge on Othello. The story briefly is a boot a Moorah noble, Othello, who causes Iago to plot against him and Cassio. Othello has chosen Cassio as his lientenant. not Iago. Con- I UJ a boIrt brine the nifan of the two. He does this by leading Othello to believe that hie ir h - . ; n Cass.o. Othello, overcome by the passionate belief that his wife Desdemona has destroyed herself spiritually by doing web. an act, kills her. Then Emilia, realizing the trickery her hus band has used, reveals the situation, upon which Iago kills her In a mood or remorse Othello kills himir rA - . - -swmmrr ma aiiuwiuiru while tr.e '30 Queen remains seated on her throne in the center; of tbe field. Mortar Boards and Innocents will then escort Miss Wade to the speaker's platform, where Chancellor Gsstavsen, after welcoming the alumni, will pre sent flowers to the Queen. Dick Carson, master of cere niontes, will introduce the five candidates for the '51 Queen to' the toonrtecomimg crowd. Till CUnumm By MARLIV BEEE Staff Writer St. Peter and the devil were having a hot argument over the "-- "- ;ments about a may be garnered leader and Iago is tried and sent to his "reward." T1- time OtheKo was staged by the University Theatre was about 25 years ago. OTHELLO STARS . . . Appearing tonight in the leading roles of Shakespeare's Othello will be (r.) Jack Wenstrand, Othello, and (L) Pat Loder, Desdomona. The play is being presented in the Nebraska theatre. (Courtesy of Daily Nebraskan.) Committee Announces Before Curtain Time iHomecm'ng Traffic Plan W 'Mil I A definite plan to eliminate the ' win then head sooth on 16th places. Now the bridge Another person playmg his fht te been decided by Student representatives Elaine and Doni In keeping with the old adage that the most interesting com-; vi--xc t . . ; stase crodurtion ' 3 -uy, casi as councu represeniauv was Vu. 4. k- .h. I v-assio. He echoed Williams' w!Esch. Barbara Young street and merge with the main traffic at the corner of 16th and R streets. All traffic will be oneway witk rcKwim ... ikc . ..., ...,.jr v. ,.sf.ir rhe lading chararf- nf oy mjw "It is a wondwfiil urn. i,ujiS, iouj ih. eictntion 6r a )rinir an f problems of fee service is composed of J. B. awe to a?ree on who was to do rrhv ti .-K-.'t., . ,t; ,-. . J: . .! committeeman Ira Epstein and'nxith hrmA u- wth ,t oi rei- ,uri, j. st. xjtna, m. w. Lauia. u w reixuiuiie. t..- r mm,. .ifi w - liinrora r-ouce iniet joe irron. hoHci ntk - . of the Univeriity is lack gion in our edsjeatkro. Rev.lG. Lowe, chairman. Knowleff is vntallly interested in 1 ertbrook. the srabiiect to be PisiLseL !' rartieipattng fn the fwoeraas. In addition to Rev. Knosrles. will be representattres from tbe different religions booses, and convocation committee mem bersBob LaSbeRe. Lynn K an te el. Charles Swingle, Ksth Sor enson, Jeaa Davis and Jo Eetf sekneider. Charies Swingle will be in charge of tbe disewssira. The coavosamion c o m m i 1 1 ee TMiwieT tlroe chairniafflshiip of Lynn KuBikftl, and tlse d8.nj.ion spfw- sor. Bob LaShiette, invite all stu dents and tofintlty mwsmsifoers to at test and take part in the discern sum. Coffee will be m-3L and A. E. vanetv ot ommons ai. i-eter oecamie angry oecause respective roles. the devil claimed to be too busy to do any such work, so he; threatened to sue. ' ii "You can't," said the devftj. "You ha vent got any lawyers." j St. Peter thought for a minute,' and said: Forget the bodge then, you College Days Board Announces 4 New Representatives Kaswcs of four college repre-on't have any engineers.' sentatives appointed to the Col-li lege Days board were announced Now I lay me Friday by Joan Krueger, assistant ! down to sleep, ehairroaai of College Days board.!' The prof is Others who applied for these ? lec COfit5oinis. 3,ttS Krawn- vrM-mn OSXp. be asked to serve on committes' under the newly appyjinted rep-rv(Utives. Those appointed are: If I should before I wake i Someone kick Bid' Adams. CoUege of Bostocw Ad-, .e miintstrafrun rnvresentative, treas-1 ' Mwr of Red Cross, metfriber of r a d d v Delta Tatu Delta; Jean Loudon. s.vli Teacbeirs Co1!e repreaeotarive. t,. - n. Phil Spicer Wins First In Crystal Ball Contest amid inUiirtLmr ra i'I m-, n rr-rr, lire t-x ,s.ik" . . m., wit fLWBOJ (tfPM VBUUHyHI MVIffl ftm pick'mx s perffttrt slate, Uege of Arts and Sattmes repre-l Ptel Spkwr, 17 1 E street, re-f.entativ, nmember of BufMers on" eeiived lirst pr'iztt in the comtalt,'Stodmt Direstory staff and mem-i! S. To tMmtirate tfc tooortafiice her of Alpha Phi: Janelle MohrJ! " cnwDRSi, jvjwcct- was aiuso octdwoi. oi iiuljc twreaeentatlve, ! Mnta iJht JkAm WiilUkmck, Ma,fiifjn," Alois Phi. awarrfW swoiwxl prize In ttuel! potitions still to be iUd. ifkit light Winds "Shut up and ririr.k your beer." Mostly elondr today, with the temperatores taming slightly cooler as the day digresses into bower by afternoon or evening. Light to moderate winds becoming fresh northerly this afternoon. - w iwmeger saiia, are those of ljswi , iM g'o college of Dftnttetry: Col- Who was that lady I saw you Third rmm A went to Boto. If of rktrmMy and nsiUtory with Ust fdghtr T MCA M. Ito.-: departowmt. These po:it5ons, she 1 wasn't oe'L I was just resting mumr m. ' llsaiid, will be tilled at a later date. W eye. Dallas IVUliams expressed bis Optimistic viewpoint by saying, "I feel that the play is going to be a success and the east is doing fine work. It is the most difficult play ever pot on here bat should be effective from tbe theatrical point of view." Williams emphasised that the aadtenee should enjoy the pro duction and. that they wfll re ceive "their money's worth." Jack Wenstrand, graduate stu dent carrying the leading role of Othello, said, "It is a wonderful experience for anybody to attempt and it makes one feel quite in adequate. . Pat Loder, playing her first lead role in the part of Desdemona, ad mitted that she is "a little scared about the part but I feel that it is a honor since I am only a sopho more." Miss Loier said that the lines have been easy to memorize since they rhyme and that, "although it has been a lot of work, 1 feel it has been worth ft." Taking the role of fago's wife, Emilia, will be Marty Miller, Miss Miller said this part has been a (challenging role and the death scene is one of the hard rut she has ever done. Mm Miller added "Naturally ft has been lot of fun working on the proportion and the play has everything that anyone conld ask for." enjoy Jesosby concluded by remarking "I am looking forward very much ! jo our lursi penonnance tonight" ii f Opening performance of Othello .will be presented at the Nebraska Theatre at & o'clock this evening. The plan is as follows: Traffic will enter tbe proposed route at 17th and R streets. It will then proceed down R street taming north on 14th street and con tinning down 14th nntil turning east on Tine street. The traffic highway. No parking wfll be permitted on the proposed route with one ex ception, the west side of 14th street. In general, three lanes cf one way traffic will be permitted on each street. The following streets will be Senior Students In College Oi Engineering Tahe Tours To Inspect Power Plants, Industries, Public Buildings P.M. Headlines By CHARLES GOMON Staff News Writer B-29 Drops Latest A-Bomb LAS VEGAS, Nev, The sec ond atomic-bomb test of the series now being tested at Frenchman Flats proving ground sent a cloud of purple smoke 20,000 feet into the air, following a bright green flash. Observers were curious as to the reason why no shock wave accompanied the blast. The shock wave accompanying last spring's tests broke windows in Las Vegas. The latest bomb More than 180 senior stadmUt Wednesday evening, the group will,; and W. E. Uirtlard accompanied iroro sax epanmnts or wse Col- have toured Loup River Public lege oi ufneCTwt are taxing rower district and Behln mano two and three-day inspection factoring company at Columbus, tow this wwik. The engineering' Lincoln Water Treatment plant at tows Include visits to power j Ashland, Omaha Sewage Treat pi&nts, ffianw'aetwrtmje twrnpwniesrmfint plant, Omaha Steel com nd pwbtw building in low'oany, Omaha flood control pro Mmmri, Kansas and Nebraska, beet supervised by the US corps. i ne sows group Z, which left for Seward iMonday morning. After visiting Hughes Brothers plant the group traveled to Grand Island to our the Amerkan Crystal Sugar com pany plant and then the Kearney Hydro plant. Monday evening tr.e group ncering teniors began their tour in Omaha Monday morning by visiting Omaha Steel company. World Publishing company and other Omaha plants. Tuesday and Wednesday they planned trips to Wahoo, Fremont, Seward and Co lumbus to visit manufacturing companies, construction com report of lore b cm graduate. Nine agrknltoral engineering seniors and John T. oehrnnk, facalty sponsor, left fla-nday morning for Charles City, fa ft hem Monday morning they visited the Oliver manofaetoT tg plants. They were to visit tbe John Deere Tractor Wrs at Water to, ia Ag engineering department at lows &U eol let at Ames, John Deere Trac tor Work. sod f'freston Tire sod Kafcber tompany at De Motoes. 11 Civil engineering seniors left' for Columbus Monday morninst with ittctMy sponsor E, B, Meier,1 It.. t McMaster and C. O, En! Iwi. Apptoximatety 32 senior? are makinjE the trip. n Rfor teturning in Lincoln, must be taken by ot : engineer and BelU t&n"J: ""'Vm& JSTzi'z JT ? " n ' ' S" seniors as tmuirmM for grad- over the Missouri. " ''JT Central Nebra ka C P P ition. Each student mart write a Two crouM of electrieal enri- TUtL JL XttJfL ... - .. the motion trip be- neerfmr seniors, which incJudwl 44 :2ZtZ"iZ. 1 estudMttc. Ka iftMvyu-ftM. tM,- "" wre tt. m , accompwucu itj ivcuuy sponsors. Mondav. Grouo l. 'nT 7 f!" ristian,IL E. Westgato and by,Quentin Urnnd and tientotit JJ22Z Kobison, first toured the Kmh- mxn Motor works and Western Electric company in lincoln. Thev alo witnessed an IZW ir.ttaltation Hydro plant, Good-AJl Electric manufacturing company at Ogal lala. Kng!cy Dm and McCon- sugtiy lake of Central Nebraska at Central Llectrlc and Gas com-j1"1 Power and Irrigation ois- pany. Tuesday the 2 seniors fn the first gronp planned to vWt llogbe.s Rroihers plant in How ard and lonp River Pa bit Power dioiritt at Colombns, Wednesday they will towr iones (ret plant of Omaha Public Power district, Kf'AB transmit ter at Papiitlon, Northwestern fseft Telephone company at Omaha and WOW-TV transmit ter. O, . Ellison, Ernest Ballard trict, and Ogallala Diesel Engine Power Plant of Consumers Public Power dktrte-L Wednesday's trip Is to Include visits to Johnson No. 2 Ifrdro plant and Johnson No, 1 Hydro plant of the Central Nebraska FoMic Power and Irrigation dis trict, AHmand Brothers mann faerlng company at IfoMrege and load dispatchers offlee of PnMle Power system at Has tings, W. F. Wefland; chairman of the four committee, A trip to Kansas City, Mo began Monday for ZZ seniors from the department of arcbl teetnrat enrtneerine. Philip A. Cork ill and Ifedy . Nevmann were f aenUy sponsors. Among Kansas City building to be toured were several chut.- .Hes. Jewish Home for. Aged, Plaza shopping center, apartments and art galleries. Chemical engineers Iftfl Monday corning for a two-day tour of Kansas City, Mo. The group of "NMit 14 seniors plans to spend Wednesday in Omaha. Faculty oonsors are Dr. ii, T. Bates and Forty-nine mechanical engi-iDr, Merk Hobson, LONDON Winston Church ill, now holding a majority of 18 parliamentary seats under his control, was disappointed by the liberal party when he asked their participation in a coalition government liberal leaders said they will support Churchill on most policy mat ters, btu want no strings at tached, liberal support in the cabinet would have assured the Conservative of seven more votes which they could use to bolster their none-too-secttre position. Churchill has pledged not to alter tbe cradle to grave bene fits of the British social se curity program, an to continue the rearmament This second plan will meet with mixed re actions from Britons who are tired of continued austerity Churchill Disappointed was apparently dropped from a B-29, as one was reported over the area Just prior to the explosion. In Philadelphia Secretary of the air force Finletter stated in a public speech that nuclear weapons we soon will have will revolutionize warfare. He also said that their cost would not be any less than contem porary armaments, and that our military budget would be large for some years to come. under the labor government, but who realize the importance of global resistance to com munism. Britain is once again on the verge of economic chaos as the result of the SI 3 billion arma ment program which she can not afford, added to the rising cost of raw materials and food stuffs which must be imported to keep the country producing. Sources in the U.S. govern ment have already stated that Britain cannot expect any more aid from us in the near future. Under the current cir cumstances in Britain, how ever, tt will be a miracle, as UP correspondent Lyle Wilson puts It, if Churchill docs not have to ask the U.S. for aid of some kind. UMT Program Recommended WASHINGTON The na tional security training com mission, a group appointed by congress to investigate the manpower situation in relation to defense needs, recommended in a 110 page report that all 13-year olds be subject to 8 months of universal military training and that such a pro gram be instituted "without delay,'' In addition to the 6 months, the men would be ex pected to serve seveti and one half more years in the national guard or reserves. Under the proposed plan the army would get 50 percent of the 18-year olds and the re mainder would be split be tween the air force, the navy, and the marine corps. Some of the objectives of the program would be to establish a trained pool of men who could free the regular forces ordinarily stationed in the U. S. for over seas duty in time of war, and to impress American youth with its obligations to democ- cracy. Egypt Orders Drafting The Egyptian gov- ministration of the Sudan. Neither country is welcomed by the Sudanese, Meanwhile Lebanon a&ked the Arab League countries to urge Egypt to reconsider her rejection of an international defense pact for the Suez canal tone. EGYPT ernmcnt ordered the drafting of all men between IS and 50 to implement the mobilization program. The Sudanese legis lature decided to ask the U. N. to investigate- a threat to the peace in the dispute between Egypt and Britain over the ad- I blocked off enurely: 15th from Vine to S, U from 16th to 14th, S from 16th to 14th, and 15th from Q to R. In case of an emergency any oi tnese streets may be made available for immediate use. The Student Council will tend letters to tbe organized houses in the restricted area asking their cooperation by not park ing their cars in those streets after S w.m Nov. 2, Permission, has been granted by Elmer Jars, general manager of the Elgin Watch company, for the ase of the Elgin narking lot daring the evening of Nov. 2, With the various parking lots on campus and the additional space at Elgin, the committee be lieves that occupants of the houses will be able to find plenty of parking space. Homecoming Dance Skit Added To Rally n new attraction win be added at Wednesday's rally. Cora Cobs and Tassels will ore- sent a skit pertainlne to Satur day night's Homecoming dance. The bamlng ef tbe Jaybawk will also take place. Led by Tassels, Corn Co:s and Pen sters, rooters 'rill reduce the bird to ashes m a funeral pyre at a secret ceremonial ground. The rally will bedn at 7 n.m. at the coliseum. It will proceed east to jstn and Vine, south to 16th and R, west to the Union and then to the grounds to burn the Jayhawk, Friday evening's rHy will feature the University football squad and 1951 Pep Qaeen candidates. Members of the rally committee are: Tissels, Joan O'Brien and Jane Jackson; Corncobs, Ira Ep stein and Larry Anderson; cheer leaders, Don Devries and George Hanrock. Union To Hold Post-Rc'Iy Homecoming Pep Dar.m What may one do en Home coming eve? The Union dance committee has the answer. A pep dance will be held in the ballroom at 0 p.m. Fritiay following the rally. Jean Moycr's combo will fur nish the music. Tickets are 44 cents a couple. The Union wi.l choose University talent to enter tain at intermission. The Student Council and po lice have worked out the prob lm of Homecoming traffic, s,-:1 the Union has tried to do its part by giving the right-scer "some thing to da"