PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Monday, October 29, 1951 Cornhuskers Keep Win Average Up With 23-Year-OId Trophy Tradition By Betty Dee Weaver j Staff Exporter j Will the Victory Bell again re- j sound through the "JT club loorai The campus question of the week concerns the 23-year-old traditional trophy of rivalry be tween the grid teams of Missouri and Nebraska. is ueertaia. Some people J Frank Knight, president of the claim that it was taken from a Missouri student body federation country ebarch near Seward, ion Oct. 27, 1923 to begin the Others say that it was the bell rivalry. which hmag in the old Uni- After the game bad ended in a Ttrsity halL Still others insist 24-0 Cornhusker victory, the that it was taken trmm a board- 1 Missouri captain carried the bell in- hoatse which atsed the bell over to the Nebraska team, to call its tenants te meals. II This year the bell was pre At an? rate, the bell was a sented to Nebraska during the! Sine 1S28 the bell has been source of conflict between the half-time of the game m recog-i presented to the winner of the fraternities for more than 30 ration of the 40-34 Husker victory Nebraska-Missouri football game, i rears. One or the other of the last vear. Since Missouri won the bell with two groups would forcibly take a 7-6 victory in 1928. Kebraska possession of the bell periodic- has won the bell 12 times, while ally. In the Spring of 1928, the Missouri has taken possession 10 two groups staged a hand-to- times. hand fight in a local hotel for The Huskers retained posses-! possession of the treasured saon of the bell on two occasions! troohv. because of a tie. 1 Henry F. Schulte. track coach The bell was originally stolen at Nebraska and formerly a coach in the lBSO's bv members of Phil at Missouri, saw in the bell a Delta The la and Delta Tau Delta ; possible symbol of football rival fraternities, who at that time nr between the two Big Seven Husker Fans Rally Memorial Service Set For Faculty shared the same boose. Tfee exact erxtia of the bell opponents. He suggested the mat-i Seventh University Memorial ter to the Innocents society, who service will be held at Love li- agreed to sponsor presentation of brary auditorium at 3 p.m. Sun- tiae ben. taay. who win or lose elorioosly. i Commerative citations will ce was inscribed on a plaje and "read for Edward Prevost Brown, placed the bell. The beU former resent, and for ten faculty itwtf mds mm u aak olatforiB. ''members. unicludMir Dean-emeri- m-hirh has the final scare ef !;tns Povn'er of the College of every Misaoori-Xebraska game Medicine. Deans of the respective since 1927 carved it. ilcollege will read the "citations.. FVita IfelT. Secretanr f the C3iancel3or R- G. Gustavson Nebraska Alumni association and ssi3 preside and the Rev. Dr. E. E. Free Handicraft Lessons Taught Twice Each Week Craft Shop for students in terested, in handicraft, meets from 7 to 9 pjn. every Tuesday ami Wednesday ia tiae basement of the; Union. i lasiractian is free and the only charge made is for tee materials, ti4t time p-sidejat Cf the In-.Simitb, pastor of the First Bap- rvvvunr nr&.-ited the bell to list church, will act as chaplain. .MUSIC Will e MUCj Universitv Simsers tinder tbe di- tection of Dr. Arthur Westbrookj and Mvron Roberts, rgansst. Tfoe Memonal service is neua to; honor deceased members of the faculty and Board of Regents. The first service was held in 1942. Nome was beM last- year. It teas been plamaed tor Honoe-i icoming weekend so that interested crowded . I NU BULLETIN BOARD Monday Union Activity Headquarters TWCA Alnm-racstty Xewslet- fUiAWA VrtT-l br nwminr t 2 n m airsn-.r rtvxm cf EDes Sxntb ball. Jane Jac&scaiu . , iaiw Tared 1 working m rcrrt fMi rDia craarters. tbe Union activities :T.. .,. K... wii, TOeeEng at 5 pin. in awtiwwamte asked I for a new ogj, for regents. j 1 -j t I ' M I jri l I I, I . V I I i! ROTC Commandant Firs. Chosen In 1922 Thursday night an Honorary Commandant was chosen for the thirtieth consecutive time. Her identity will be revealed at the Military Ball, Dec. 7. The ball traditionally opens the formal season at the University every year. The event startea in 1893 when the school poper, "ine Hesperian,' proposed the idea of the officers were tired of watch ing the colonel's lady monopolize the grand march and introduced the idea of presenting a coed as Honorary ColoneL The first to have the title f Honorary Colonel bestowed ap on her was Pearl Lucille Swan-son. Since then the Honorary Col- a military dance which "would jonel has been chosen at a fall rumish a lanamarK tor we ia--election, ana ner wenuiy uas oren dets to remember their military, kept a secret until the night of work." In 1895 the first military ban was introduced into the social scene. At that time it was sponsored by Company B. then considered the "crack ntfit" of the corps. During the early 1900s and even the teens, the dance was strictly a military department af fair. There were no surprises, few outsiders, no presentations and, as a result, very little cam pus interest. The balls were then like the ones now in only one respect the grand march. However, it was the regiment colonel and his best girl, who led the march. By 1922 1 $-'f,i.W "v continued with the exception of ta thre war neriod. 25 to 28. when the winning candidate was revealed immediately following the election. The ball was not held in the Coliseum until 1926. and then only 150 couples were present. In 1930 the military department for the first time engaged a big name band for the occasion. Many ingenious methods have been used in the presentation of the Honorary ColoneL In 1939, simulated machine m fire cot away the door of the stage revealing the Honorary Colonel. A sign then fell front the ceiling bearing her name. In 1946 the Honorary Colonel slowly descended from above in a godlen parachute to the amaze ment of 5,500 spectators. Another year a ramp was sil houted against a lighted inset All engineers are invited to at-; ffl ,PtJfL P tend a conference in Richards Lab iluh L, tl ZT auditorium Thursday Nov. 1, at tore castle, represented the eng.- nutrr-i iumj; was. facuSttT and the Dean of the All Engineers To Meet Nov. I Fctoer, leader. Tbe TJnioui board cf managers: EIEg tlae service ere Dr. C, G. Ta r a runnmiM gave tine octsnmittee Fenta5isacni to i-a nrofessor of classics: Dr. meKaug at 4 pun. in EEen SaiMtLh;;1' to 3ae gaoaoe twms a setxwid jAraujr Westbrook, director f the JaaH. Haime Kagawa. leader. jjEtaor f tJae Vrntm. SciKwal f Ftoe Arts: Dean J- B. rvrji Krawntativ Coaneil' Tbe ooniMiBitsee wSffl move as Burt CoEeoe f Pmarmairy; Dr. mutiny t 5 pun, in swiilibeast 's&nm. as passaljlles. Game rowan la-Hjoba S. Latta, proffessor f anat- ... - . il -n-.- 1111 n 1 n mf.j: . m,wr,jK roaant of ELlen SnaiSl ra'n KaSn Cl.irotes WiUl oe naeaa cue m cae-Mir. Cliiege i juiefflaomw, WJnere in the touMmg. ;!lr. 1WL C Latta, professor f eeo- Tbe activities caanmaltee wilH use the new clSce to plan anatSj carry out all Uaicm actDvitaes. AM cnammaittee meettsn will fce in tbe effice. Ktrmmsd. leader. TWCA TVorU Organisation xneeting st 4 pn. m ning rocm of Ellen Ssuata ham, K'lta Hete-1 aaadter. Seat9er. TWCA Fine Arts imeemcig at 4 pmL in jscivliaeaft roswn cf ESlen T9be activitiies cxssmiiiltee wMj SKffltfr haul, Anne Jane HalB, tanffld, no permanent faciillities ium leader. - iltlbe mew cst&ce. Bipwever, t2nej Ag SsBdcrs hoard fmeetaog at 'cssaaanssStee already tats imnwih f 4 pjra. in Ag Bsiuiders &. i'ttibe eujajprnent eitSaer in tsse or in: AG l rjo toard rawtasg at a storage. Caanor tinooto Soar XlSSOrU SEXD-OIT . . . Shown aoove are a few of tbe 250 stndento who rallied Thnrsday erening as the Tarwty football team left for Saturday's game at Colambia, Mo. Signs waved predicting the downfall of the Mnsonri Tiger. The pep band fnrntijhed ansic. Coach Bill Glassford said at the trainside rally. "I boe yoo are proad of the team when it comes back." Glassford sent his charges to bed at 9 buhl The train left Lincoln at mid-night Er.gineerir.g college will be at the meeting. S;- n Tau ts sponsorung, the conference. Engineer a ie expected to bring their "gripes, groans and sugges tions' said Cobel. Discussion of several topics has already been planned. The group will talk on "College Days vs. Engineer's Week." engineering fo ot the army, navy and air forces, tbe Honorary Colonel became tbe Honorary Com mandant. She sponsors not only the ROTC bat also XKOTC and AEOTC. Last year the tradition of the first Friday in December-theme was broken when it was switched to the first Saturday. The Hon orary Commandant. Eileen Derieg trr;, : -:?r s TZi Raum. was "resented by stepping S?6 ?J??t frcTa landing barge. c" 'lua" This year, lor the first time, cnanges. - ! HJnere are seven finalists instead of Cobel emphas.zed tljat this is s iis&u open meeting t "fists are Jackie Hoss. Jayne Wade, and all enEimeers are ursed to at- . , . k- jacaae aorenson, xjw, Xatiicy Button, Jo Raun and DeJores Irwin. One of these fi nalists will be presented in a Tpectaoilar way in accordance with this year's army theme. Ag TJnSniEL Ag Ma's Dsctaer at 6 pjn. TBWfday AdeJiL C jam , Uiiiiaa, far szigz- CSaaadt WiiSmakr. spcosar tibe 'Homecoming 195V Composite Of ldeost Traditions Developed By Nearly A Half-Century Of Cornhuskers N V Mo.vies eieuieu rut ECA Showing ;HEieaipmHiHig is a great event. Sigma Alpta Efsakm was" to get S25 to sffiHMi m them. awaraea erst pmze tor m$ oefflora-!! Ckm in nine fraternity &insMm, and per, bszEfoaess sseetixtg; wwrk to fce afJeraaDOtas. cffimMEffiMae. jsatM taat e tlwe: ceaBtmiirv a9 br faculty niliGamma PM Beta cottoned sawiity .JT v iKrvpir mw Eunme ; jubmjkdh aw w luuRce sum juttuac was aDctmraraaieffl ctwne a BmaeiMiniiims EtoaJ; oaem-j JVffl wui use nffiajiie nm Kuej . . rsfm aWwt and iar-$z'ii!l deciatik(. 'isbnulLi be resErved ihartng tfce'mffloey fr.i bera aaai! ftejges mpieeted to al- cSate ff Gesaeme GrDimani, aicttiviittaes to rjnmraitiytlMsiQse was Jsac&y, airod einravagamt," In 19ZS aawther idea was in troduced tawBccomtng specta tors saw the first Nebraska card section deotrting (he Cornhnsker twisting a tiger's taO. At this time decorations were getting better and kjgger. 'Ig PJ? Or How About A ChyT Hare ywa ordered a "3g pr":Jere!ral beers (rosft t&at it) and Jatrity? Qhamnw! are ywa fcave. It,1" GL K." (green riversi? letsJSa Greek axtd jDertoaps it, TAe fereaMait nueaam imdhHwiie tw is, tat tbe waiters in tie Ctflb j stomas (toncffli) and XT" (two seem to Jmow wbat beyre Vtwng. piecex f casmadaan ttiOaaHD. i, Tbe l fff" is taaEf2y itoBlfiified : Ssaumad tjoafi? -WeE, pwrAiwa tus wtoea fSseCraa -raQ!ters wrtoaiJwm! wMlle we vrnme m an tXJ.' .,, IUW JttC JtUA W HMIIIHPfcW. WJI "'-' ataasts invaded Oncosha to start tit trasfiiiSaoiii f liwciaeBCirmiiiing , Axtd now, 29 years later, fie ahms are still leserring one week end daring football sea son to retwn to their alasa mater. Sine IStS the growth and faaee of Nebraska fewnwosBing has Rallies To Sacrifice KU Jayhawk Wednesday Jkokowm ats "raxie 1 Ttoe ahmnmi nnptsdinr fa ISII. As wart e limtscEedi h? tbe Kmster-Jay mr iWm rf mvfl . , . i w ranBgramo am masannmai uam-, - Z.,v - WT .Tlw-.rTiw KPmftVn f IrTlnwne eut was JbeM after tflae Eantsas- "Ram toe Jayfcawk- win be tbmfi; tbe K" 3ias ,i ., !: tiTT iTf esmfl. fSs renMBs-aJ ff, tosratiowtf uEid ek a-. hfisiarotf" bai bencae a cmnnrwat, 5, KSral 12. Taae Tit Buomuft-j ttopiie mi eaatagsuaE, TTsue USsiiiUry j.ieowiMiis asace waa. imesho am wae una yaaiar ranter 4ar a targe Eflam;;caamaoE2y cusaae." jjlMioe.'" Off esstcTie, bey fcirve tJhe fire ! aaistngry taenes icae Bain;. - r "Tbe CrSb- or towswtije aaa- IHVOIVeS rOIIOWInq 11 uetanea Procedure ! In 1S21. the depfesa,isn hit and,; ;toim&iMitig decratiiija disap-ji peaiedT o campus until 1934. In IS2S tine Id standards were again'' n item. j, raraseins a!W!i agricwlfeura&ts By jikw Cmrmcwbs asmdl Tassels; around the wjrld are gotms to see toad been ffiwnused. Rallies and a' bow Kebraska farmers irrigate, pep and alsw entered into ttee,j xfee Unaversity has been noti-cek-bralliffijm. Tbe bmamiinig f the fjed feT the IX&. Departaseint f effigy f tbe opposing team be- state "that its itwtiiom pkture, canaie an ammuial boniecoitniinig, .lyjjiQ m Nebraska," was event, and Tassets wemt to eTrjelected for distobutBon in foreign rateirmty booue it Friday mMicmiBtries by the Eciwwwiic Co to sing sfinsgs and impire spirit. (potion AdjnMistratism. 'J1 rapt were prcM-ntcd yj. t-, tocBUDeutary will be to tbehonsej iwrth the best dee- 5. and re-recorded Mo orations, and in 193 classes ,3 foreign languages, were Ctsmmiie for a raQy. fc -r. 4,3-. made tstafirible b- to isoat tomecoming dasMe"t!w Kbts f Ak-Sar-Ben f Or bov a4iat tbe "1braB, after A3 M&fi's Club To Hear Universlfy AsroiKmist pairisaiit rmllfis to be flawed fa 'alj! saiKioaBdled to druEim Tbe Kantms Jaybart is inn ffGffttoss year. Latst year's plasm were a miery resepBfflm ewaesasj. saiowfuigeii wltaeni an af'itaiMwrm j!nigM. igmwuip ff imidivMiuaIlia,:3iJed tihe ffirit bameammt was A naowcallAg&t rally mill lkitfc-ffff Mhmmi Tiger bsUe the fiery 'was held in the Cliaeum firwm rwlriX frraiited 3WS by George W. KHinie,: BomattMniMiag Jeittviljeff teSii wil rites cmM be perJarmied. j.4(9 to6 pa, bust even tbe early; Jri L'nrrersity' f Nebraska :: Ttue raCIy u sDaued to begm at cw 11 " fflampen tae r(0)mR)datjfOPinL The tOm was writnea a pm. at tbe Coliiwum. EalEiers of tbe crowd, tor a rcrand and jKjd by Mercer, !WTll parade east to WM swA VButV;"" afSMili' .JpirwttlOT supmisor the Uni- rawufli to USb anri B. west to tbe: to IWMw"? ?lmjty aipd; inltruclt8oi !LnmiapmaMtibmtolm;retcr 7 Umrvermtv's ph(0- ,;fflMiuiaD grffliwsMii. 'f-?1 ctfom.; mtmr ftoli!iW ;: Maur Scbcr- Fram&fcn f Ttot wa the tot jEarge. tor m'" A ,mtmi fcdNrworr D M'ifeer cmbimg wtS will 11 war t$m and (Bonne wf ltafff neraben f Vsuc its use aaamiDikwii rmzet. .... . ijms4-rrars Arkw!toiral t- as a eetebratMtt as tbe modeni- generatHMi can orMioce. the siogaa tr Hedaetday's rally when J-i.ta cltecrleadcTfc, Pepcters, Coratwbs, Tawelt, aad stadects eMmrt (he bjckless bird to a fsoDettil Sfre where fee mUl he ntduutd to a smogldermg pile of actteK Tbe ralUy crowd will be Jed by!'! braaassaaa as piabilMiMig sA'eral iina-ilArjimoiry to ISIS, and sSamtoDtt arodijllait the Jajiii1k will be tjeJ faMurai, Jaliy Wlebe, Dkik Oauss-;! Albert Batman. aEHMffitafit am mm afiiwim clatus srifips. Jllo2S ff cMar. Farewioeto ssn& lnrm Mnne Tn VI or A tbe VmwerBSy" axmusrsj -; tSmSessl msM baw a baad csBwert were atoo added IS jasitaoect StaX will speak to ffiheffoe reaownea pmiuafcBy bw that year, amd abisast 2M aOtwm Modern DanceorOUO -BiesSaisg MaosJiaj Biitgbt. ;'tttffll frwn wbat be mast do to A OBuanuiwn. cm use nte ama jawsie tiae Aim " Drning Chat Wiawng aeriod jftt&ra&Kas EaoOT.:! Tllaeim fikke stefiemtt aaminflt sue iifesjit ' prKs3,acls vil be tibe mum. tcjoiic Dtaoo off Stantant Affairs to tbe ff tbe ta3t. Sanjies ami sliiCkee Aifimdmrtristaam braalfiiiiB. via be fibpsm taUg tbe !kHCut- G-iarlls asaaut also baw ifSue mt- ifi'ereft otgaadcatiom; on -aa-sn ewetrtawted to tbe eeleora tMi by fvesentnig etertaia- aneitt and nw'rtnl vrocraass for sutaao. tbe iTxilimf aboH. HEiOTal rtitiooiittifi by tbe lAtaa c3 bo 123 the nient txMnH&A tbraSi- :,Lk K. W:aiu jaet Oft. 24 and iekwtei 3';::rs ftw tbiw yesur, !! OH'fkwf Ijoue Maiues. iwssii- ident; J.(i3 y:sji-. jwreiUiiry- tow i.iteiMwsn sersiice was (wsmnpwwed ff: i D. L Gmcffi, M. F. WeJwt JsAiih sem. jacfc cjnedes-ter. 42-T?1" "."".Tl M " iGMm ami Cwi BmwL Kaiaferoer. George Kamwrifc, Ger- rlJ""-" j; The pnrwtert:,om crew travelled aid ToM Ira Ejaieun aMd yell , eftwj. M)JWj fa teg Dora Dew. The tots OT the pe, raa7( fe to Members of tfce rafly com- i wTZ!l.:.Tr.,. rf., tbe fitau Latifiws 4iwlo. I'jjageamill, the bswoeeawasaig dance,! gya&bwd fncBtude aureas near Mir- mitten are: Tais. Joan Orteo. Jane lacwson; Com- , "ZZ Z,ZZ,t TT AlManee. Scattfbhtff, tMH, Ira Canaeiav Larry Aarfer- I'fJ r.T" Krr.y ; fete,teadrs, Don Derrtes. fjf! Gibtom. Wcd River. Mnfe Han. tbe Fsk1 a&tffl KMrastiami Tbe aJbroxwe stejai; aane -wery Snt-.daBsiraltiaiBis cat toteraiitty amid,; ' J"a"a'KJ n"""?. Itxuilitrcg sQvsue tine ratl ad mstmA ami mmt be toOlMrad to 'scvnidity bnwMX. It was tm IMs, pum, atocurticc ts j&ex Cuimaaa,!oi'ifcir to anube reaaatwaJ! cS ttt b'watnimtos that Heammwiial sjV1 fiiwiDtt as. m,i r as jurat chw. neiuwim insiuum vxt caiauiiiieiai.. . J.TtottoMd Wil Pen CM '7T, uuratlikce aonii ff.uaai for asa nmJiwma iill be ainimiiwaffl)cd aJt a raJfliy Fn-, 1ZT "-f ZtTTr m """ jiiitosll;lllJ'tJhae and am todeftoiite; Which One Is Honorary Commandant? Nebraska-Missouri Tradition limMHiiiber td fber iwsalL tmkniwi pMU will mke what has be- oowise "etsraukas gjeatest tjadi-toow. W, 'V7 IXXlilAXY Tni4E tlMALMTS . . CMC of taese oe -m rftfKed to be Ummnn Cmm mm&sA Tbe vwitee wic ftene CuBmr&er be COA iea Tbarsday etwS)ii. Tbe txAm tmA to Ua tSe sr3 t CL to r.) Jwxa Baata, layse Wade, iatie iorcsnwa, ijuiftie Hose Carole j O" , 1 1' if ih't- 1 imm.uij.i.nniiiwiwTTriuia urnn mi it- ih.i minmnnwiwinwii 1 I , I r 7 si! WANT ADS Ds coyr girls (U)uiitf!. DAILY riEBHISIA!! VAIIT AOS CASH KATES . o ( r 11 ram i I'M OXLT TO lUbTLX , , , Tbe IraAUMwal XeMata-MMwrl rtrtory 0 Is take to KiOMwrl It (L to r- feo Rir.tkinitaMt, Gowrre Wifcwx and Al BenjUndau Tte UU at retr4 to Ike IItrs davtssf tbe gaum bamiawr. (Daffy ferfcaa rboio.) f ayi ftHaM.JMiHff. ".' !". ri "t f vhd tddrM arbm fixw- . ads to aly Kcbraokao offfee, f todest rittoft. or ma mm emmet twmmm mmS hmettlmm dwsKredl ? a vr auvliiwft. ftwnM Jiwww OtnAw.. twiu st. ilwnlW. TMl IHllt7 j itov nnvw 'wwnMf, fr-mii. f. Gt votir toov IckIov V .'iro' "aueiu c. II wt"--!. frm4,f,rt,ii.. sVjttW Snnnlt vi. BE IN YOUR YEAR BOOK! STOJ23U UHI0N SASEMniT yr " '-" x c ti HAVE YOUR PICTUEE TAKEN NOW! Appomfrasnts of Cornhusker Office 1952 Cornhusker Individual C0LVIN-HEYN STUDIO 212 SO. 13TH ST.