The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, October 11, 1951
" o
i vv LJ
New names will be appearing
in tne lineup as Nebraska's Corn
huskers hope to annex their first
victory of the season from Penn
Coach Glassford announced Bob
Smith of Grand Island will start
t left halfback for the Huskers.
Smith has been doing a fine job
in weekly workouts and showed a
great deal of offenisve punch
against Kansas State.
Smith and Bob Vogt were bat
tling it out for the starting posi
tion. Vogt had started the Husk
ers' first two game at the Reyn
oldsless spot.
A ne -v face will be starting
at the right end position left
vacant by injured Georre Pay
nich. BUI Giles, sophomore
flash from Alliance, gained the
headmaster's nod over Dick
Regier, Kegier will probably see
action at both tackle and end.
Giles is a fine pass catching
end and will probably find him
self at the end of many a pass
come Saturday. But who is to
throw those passes.?
Johnny Bodogna is laboring
with his injured right paw and
Coach Glassford indicated that!
Don Norris will open at the quar
terback slot in his place. Norris
saw very little action against
Kansas State but completed sev
eral passes in the T.C.U. setback.
Tony Winey will also take a
starting berth on the scarlet squaa
Saturday. He will open at the
guard position in the place of
Clayton Curtiss, vho was shaken
Up against the Wildcats last week.
Teaming up with Giles at the
offensive end spot will be Frank
Simon. Simon has provided Glass
lord with the squad's top pass
catching talent thus far.
Wayne Handshy and George
Here Are
Your Picks
Your experts are back at it
again after a week s absence.
Pickers are Tom Rische, Shirley
X. '
-4 V.
Court y Lincoln Star
STILL A GRAND ISLAND BACK . . . Bob Smith, Grand Island
yearling, will take over at left half in place of injured Bob
Reynolds, also a Third City product.
Prochaska will start at the of
fensive tackles. Both started
against Kansas State and turned
in commendable performances.
Cliff Die of Falls City will as
sist Tony Winey in the guard
chores. Glassford indicated that
Verl Scott will get the center job
for the third straight week.
In the backneld, veteran Nick
Adduci will start at offensive full
back and Tom Carodine will take
the right halfback post. Carodine
was injured against Kansas State,
but is expected to be at full
strength Saturday.
On the defensive alignment,
Jim Jones presents the only
went through a light workout
without pads.
Jim Cederdahl will be sent in
for punting Saturday. Glassford
has been unable to put his finger
on a punter. He used Carodine
against TCU and Ray Novak
against Kansas State.
Reaction To
Sport Plan
rhaneo for the Htisker line.
Murphy, Arley Bonciarin, uaie Freshman Jim Yiesley will get
Reynolds, Marshrall Kushner, nis irst taste 0f varsity competi
Ron Gibson, Doug Wilcox, Donltion j,y starting at defensive half
Pieper, Jack Cohen, Arnie Stern back.
and Bob Banks. Dennis Emmanuel and Dick
WhPj3re: Colorado. Iowa ! l1 wiH at end Jerry Min-
State Villanova, SMU, Stan-jmcK.a t- t Juoon A CU practices, cut out freshman par
forJ'GeVr in varsity sports, enm-
j MV,,tm "t guards, George cirra ana mu - t nost-season howl camps ann1
MOUrtomT CWorlS,.Mx every athlete to make
Kansas State, Villanova, Note. J advancement toward grad
Dame, .Stanford, Georgia. Michi- f . take oniua ion.
Many different reactions result
ed from Chancellor R. G. Gustav
son's to de-emphasize college ath
letics. The Chancellor's program in
cluded eliminating all off-season
The Benehwarmer
Assistant Sports Editor
The prep parade continues and we were just wondering if stu
dents were gaining any enjoyment out of our weekly reports on
the high school football scene.
We found just the moral support we needed in Gregg McBride,
sports writer on the Omaha World Herald. McBride, the father of
Nebraska sports scribes, was whole-heartedly in favor of high
school news in university papers and encouraged us to continue
our rating of high school teams.
Gregg's ratings come after a great deal of scientific research
and a few other rather "unorthodox" rules set up by the dean of
Cornhusker sports writers.
McBride does not take into consideration the out-of-town
teams that our Nebraska squads come in contact with during
the season. He also ignores the actual team records of schools
in his ratings.
relative strength of these teams in their own states. Thus, if Boys
Town books an entire schedule of out-state teams, they will re
ceive no rating in Nebraska, even though they win them all.
a he explanation for the latter might be clearly pointed out
" iuv w a " Alio b TV llC J. OiinCU VI LI. LV-C UTCHCH Vl
ton Prep seventh and four time victors, Omaha Holy Name, tenth.
-f no uvaviiigo i-4 vi 11 vjiucuia iuiui, will etna i
Central and Fremont. All three of these teams rank above the Jays
in his standings. While Omaha Holy Name has defeated only one'
class A school, that being compartively weak Northeast.
vvt wn- fenwv.i Qb vui ULLl ftClCV-
tions. It's been three weeks now since we wrote that article crystal!
ball in l? how the hi Ph srhnftl tMms wrtulH finicK in 4hA r'o 1
Lincoln high stHl paces the pack with a 26-0 shellacking of
arch-rival Lincoln Northeast In last week's column, we predicted
the Links to win by a 20-13 count. The outcome amazed us and
gave ns added confidence in the Links to pluck off state honors.
Omaha North tvmnrlfH Stilt fin imnrnccnra 1 QA nrin A.'Ml.
ton Prep. Coach Carol Gast's crew faces a rough schedule this year
""v r mC . iimiga me juuis.iug wnn eager eyes Toward a
certain October 19th . date when they meet Lincoln high here in
Omaha Holy Name won its fourth straight game as they dropped
IOWa Deaf 35-0. We niokoH th PamHor. tv. mi j
Lincoln high in our prep ratings.
Fremont continues to Hawla as thsv iimnn . j
- - - - - j "'"cptu a muie aiiu more
down trodden Omaha Benson team 13-0. Dmaha Central was picked
to finish eiehth this season Tiiev toir toiV 4.u.-
- r . j ...v.! scvuiw ims season
when an out-of-state foe, Sioux City Central, dropped them 21-7
.a tuiv cn i iaiin. oindgdt; top DiacKet nopes and also anv
.uvoo oku. n"io.iiuS in ivussouu vauey conierence monev
ui me ween was a i6-t victory by Alliance
over a previously unbeaten North Platte team. Alliance hardly
figured into our high school picture plans, while the Platters
were given the seventh place berth.
Scottsbluff and McCook.
in our predictions are doing their darndest to retain popular poll
favoritism. Scottsbluff dropped Norfolk 6-0 last week and can
Drinff their record to 3-2 with n nncot
Lincoln high Links this Friday: '"en "amg
we've Deen laboring with an idea to have students send in
their own ratinPQ nnd nnmnila iatyi at tVi AnH if tK j
" cy-' wv ..v vi wit; oazHJU til 111
compare them with our own pickings at the first of the season. I'm
hesitating for the simple reason that it "might incriminate me!"
LBianipro, rg.-, imc..-,- , . take on
gan, VanderhUt and isonnwest- rP:nonsibilitv.
Kushner Oklahoma, Colorado,
Iowa State, Villanova, Notre
Dame, Stanford, Georgia, Michi
gan, Mississippi and Northwest
ern. Gibson Texas, Colorado,
low tSate, Villanova, Notre
Dame, UCLA, Maryland, Mis
sissippi, Northwestern.
Reynolds Oklahoma, Colo
rado, Kansas State, Villanova,
Notre Dame, UCLA, Georgia,
Michigan, Mississippi, Northwestern.
Stern Texas, Colorado, Iowa
Cliff Hopp is reported as be
ing fully recovered from his
shoulder injury, but Coach
Glassford failed to comment
whether he would see action
against the Nittany Lions.
Ken Moore has been sent back
down ot the freshman team and
Dan Brown has been brought up.
A former Nebraska letterman
said he "figured Chancellor Gus
tavson would be making a state
ment of that sort sooner or later."
A member of Bill Glassford's
coaching staff did not want to see
spring practice eliminated.
"Soring practice is no fun but
it is especially necessary for the EpKaamiiHBB
freshman and freshman players to
get acquainted with the offensive
Thefa Xis, Sig Eps,
Delts, Tekes Win
By DOUG WILCOX , Another interception of a Sig
Sports Staff Reporter Chi pass by Lander set up the sec
Another sunny day was in store 'ond touchdown for the Delt sauad.
for the intramural squads as they In the touchdown play which fol
played out at the Ag College play-1 lowed Skalla again passed to
ing fields Wednesday night. Mladovich and then finished Up
To start the games off Sigma the first half scoring by passing to
Phi Epsilon tried their abilities Mladovich for the extra point.
against rai Kappa Fsi and won Late m the third quarter the
in a tilt filled with fumbles and hard rushing of the Delt squad
passing. The final score was 13 forced the Sig Chi's into a safety
to 6 in favor of the Sig Ep's.
The first touchdown of the
game was made when center
Bill Anderson of the Sig Ep's
picked up a fumbled lateral of
the Phi Ps's and ran 10 yards
for the goal.
The try for the conversion
was successful as Ted Kratt
passed to Ar.-ierson.
Kratt again helped in scoring as
he passed 20 yards into the Wait
ing arms of Bob Swanda for an
other touchdown. The try for the
extra point was unsuccessful, so
and 2 more points.
The final points of the game
came on a 15 yard pass from the
hands of Skalla to Mladovich.
In one of the afternoon tilts
Tan Kappa Epsilon took to the
field with Pi Kappa Phi and de
feated it to 0. The TKE score
was made late in the last quar
ter as Cfark Nobel, right half,
went over on a three yard buck.
Outstanding on the TKE squad
were Ronald Sterkel and Bruce
The Farm House, yet to be
scored on, defeated Alpha Gam-
The Lutheran Student Asso
ciation will hold an ice-cream
social immediately after the
Penn State game. .It will be
held on the site of the new
Lutheran student house, across
from the women's dorm.
Brown-will be used on defense as formations and defenses,' he said.
a halfback.
Rav Prochaska will be sent to
Minneapolis to witness the Min
nesota - Northwestern feud and
University Regent Charles Y.
Thompson of West Point said he
agreed with all four of the Chan
cellor's points, but that he believed
ct tv.,. tho Hncirors Pete .Ta-every school must adopt it before
siaie, Aiaoams, Noire inn, !netos, who scouted the Villanova- wouia De successiui.
Stanford, Georgia, Michigan, jpenn state game observed that J- Leroy Welsh of Omaha, also
Vancierbilt, Northwestern. the NjUany Lions gained almost!3 Regent, agreed with Thompson
Bondarin Oklahoma, Colo-400 yards by rushing and picked that "it's a very good idea." But
rado, Iowa State, Villanova, No-!un few throueh the air. That ,he said he wanted to be sure every
rvirtria 1 r .i i, rz riPr cpnnnl ecrwiolltr t r i
Georgia, Lr,11T,H. -neon rapine for the weak'ther school especially
Vanderbilt, North-; Tr k j Seven joined the mover
Do we look better than last
week at this time? Coach Glass
ford gave forth a foxy smile
and took a deep breath, "Only
time will tell."
The squad has been working
on pass defense during the week
and running through Penn State
plays Thursday the Huskers
tre Dame,
Cohen Texas, Colorado, Iowa
State, Villanova, Notre Dame,
Stanford, Georgia, tie between
Michigan and Indiana, Missis
sippi, Northwestern.
Pieper Oklahoma, Colorado,
Iowa State, Villanova, SMU,
UCLA, Georgia, Michigan, Mis
simnrppi. Northwestern.
Banks Texas, Colorado, Iowa
State, Villanova, Notre Dame,
Stanford, Maryland, Michigan,
Vanderbilt, Northwestern.
Wilcox Oklahoma, Missouri,
Kansas State, Villanova, Notre
Dame, Stanford, Georgia, Michi
gan, Mississippi, Northwestern.
darber snoi
223 N. 14
One and one-half blocks
South of Student Union
111 North 11th
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OCT. 20 TH
Dick Mango
the final Sip V.n soor was IS.
The Phi Psi's were not to be,ma "no
left without any scores for they The final score was 20 to 0 in
scored on a 40 yard second quar-'favor of the Farm House as Rol
ter desperation pass from Bob lie Reynolds stole the show.
Bachman to Jerry Anderson. The Reynolds passed to Ray Vlasin
conversion try was unsuccessful for the first TD.
for the Phi Psi squad. On another play Reynolds again
The outstanding players on the passed to Darrell Heiss for
part of the Sig Ep squad were Bill; touchdown,
Not to be outdone by Heiss,
Vlasin caught another pass and
racked up 6 more points lor the
Anderson on offense and Al Han
sen on defense.
Delta Tan Delta, who were
last year 'a all university IFarm House.
champs, showed some of their Eldon Wesely added the other
last year's football talent as they I two points by downing an AGR
beat first place holders in ! player behind the end-zone.
league 2 with an impressive 22
to A score.
The Delts scored on a pass
play stimulated on an intercep
tion by Dick Lander. Kieth
The Theta continued their
winning streak in beating Beta
Theta Pi 6 to 0. This final
score was the climax of a fourth
quarter sustained drive on the
Skalla passed 18 yards to Ray part of the Theta I team,
Mladovich for a T.D. The try
for the conversion was success
ful as Skalla passed to Mladovich.
Scoring for the Theta Xi's waa
Andy Boris who caught a 15
yard pass thrown from passer
Bob Bale.
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I era's our wU-rwak collocj comnU!. Truthitillv. tids pichir wot taken eotrly Saturday morning after a rafewr lrwnuoit
Friday nlaht o the tired ones are forgiven. Front row Celt to right): Bey Smith, Ann GilUgan, Trish Moyer, Alice St&hty end
Mary Robinson. Back tow: Ron Hardt Dick Lander, Gene Bruenlna, Irr Thode, Tim Snyder, Lee DemzaeL Charley Talbot
Bob Masher and Mark Crawford. Dewey Davis, our legal eagle, is not pictured. Bring your clothing problem to ilx ccng . . .
they're at Magee'e to help you!