The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Monday, October 8 1951
Union Side Of The Story . . ,
Crib Waiters Gripe Back
At Complaining Clients
Complaints, complaints and a
lot of windy stories are coming
from clients in the Crib.
They yell about the slow serv
ice, inefficient waiters, a limited
menu and the manpower situa
tion. They sit and sulk while
Waiting for their order to be taken
and then spend the rest of their
free time griping.
This article is to present the
other side of the sad story of the
Crib. The lament of the men who
take "the orders.
From the waiters comes this
tad Story: "First of all, every-
l Lech lite r
Given Post
As Counsel
Courtesy Lincoln Star
A -University graduate, Irvin
LecMiter, has been appointed as
sistant general counsel of the In
stitute Of Inter-American Affairs,
Leehliter, a native of Auburn,
was formerly regional director for
the institute, which operates in the
field tf Point four co-operative
assistance in the other American
Before working with the insti
tute, he was executive secretary
of the law division of the Library
of Congress, chief administrative
attorney for the marketing laws
survey, legal counsel for the
United States federal trade com
mission, regional attorney for the
attorney for the U.S. public hous
ing administration.
Lechliter holds a juris doctor's
degree from George Washington
University law school. He was
fraduated from the University in
NU Galleries
Art, Sculpture
In Union
Fifteen art pieces owned by the
University Art galleries have
been placed in the Union lounge
as the first of several art exhibits
sponsored by the Union house
The present crop of pictures
will be in the lounge until Oct. 15.
A list of the paintings and sculp
tures includes: "Hands Upreach
ing" by Abraham Ratter, "Roost
er" by B. J. O. Nordfelt, "The
Park Bench" by Reginald Marsh,
"Apples in a Wooden Boat" by
Walt Kuhn, "The Stairway to No
where" by Keith Martin, "The
Heifer" by Boris Lee, "Lonesome
Road" by Thomas Hart Benton,
"Winter, Pittsburgh" by Ernest
Fiene, "Opera House" by Terence
Duren, "Inner Harbor, East Glou
cester" by James Lechay, "Moon-i
light over Silberton" by Otisj
Dozier, "Marine Fantasy" by Gail
Butt, "Birds in Flight" by Kath-j
erine Nash, "Venezia" by Rudy
Fozzatii, "Eighteen Seckel Pears"
by Walter Meigs.
Many of these pieces were done
by Nebraska artists.
D. Nielsen Elected
President Of KAM
Duanfi Nielsen was elected
president of Kappa Alpha Mu,
photo-journalism honorary, Thurs
day." Other officers are Nadine Mor
larty, secretary; Pat Peck, treas
urer,. anJ A John Luebs, photographer,-
Nielsen, a junior in Arts and
Science, is former KAM vice
president and photography editor
of the "1S51 Cornhusker.
KAM "Will hold its first regular
meeting Thursday, Union, Parlor
C -wt 6:30 "p.m. Following the
dinner -new members will be in
itiated: - -
V X : I Vi
. Dewey Is gretted by President Truman at the White
'. wcy called to confer with the President on far-eastern
be conference marked the first time that Dewey, twice
..I COP presidential candidate, has been in the White
p t'uring the six years of Mr. Truman's administration. The
v Tork governor had just returned from a trip to the Orient.
body is in too much of a hurry.
Sure, they have to wait but
where do they have to go after
they are through eating. They
sit and mess up the booth with
cigarette butts and break the
juke boxes. There just aren't
enough waiters to roll out the
velvet rug for each customer,
but everyone does eventually
get waited on."
The barmen also have a few
words to say. The complaints in
order of importance are: new in
ventions thought up by the gour
mands who blame us for what
they feel afterwards, mixed things
with marshmellow and butter
scotch. Novel orders include cribs with
strawberry ice cream and nine
apple syrup, butterscotch malts,
and every other combination of
phosphates that is possible with
the resources at hand.
The cashier also has his prob
lems and the biggest one is sev
eral people paying: one check.
They come up with a dollar for
a nickel check. The next group
wants seven cents out of a ten
dollar bill, and so on. It's very
discouraging, but the only thing
that keeps the moneyman from
going 'off his rocker' is that
one thing worse can happen.
That's getting marshmellow on
the bill. They have to keep
them in neat little piles and it's
rather difficult when they're all
stuck together with syrup.
So now you know the whole sad
tale. You know yours and this
one is about the crib workers.
They're humand, you know and
have their problems.
The biggest one is you, the im
patient customer.
Swim Tryouts
Open Oct. 16
For NU Coeds
Tryouts for Aquaquettes will
be held Oct. 16 and 18 at the
Coliseum pool. All University
women including freshmen are
eligible for membership in the
swimming club.
Women who plan to try out
must attend at least one practice
session to be eligible for the try
outs. Practices will be held Tues
day, Oct. 9, and Thursday, Oct. 1 1,
at 7:15 p.m. Coeds may attend
both session.
Former Aquaquette members
will be there to help the new girls
with" rhythmic swimming, aqua
stunts, simple diving, and the
fundamental swimming strokes.
Aquaquettes is sponsored by
Mary Jean Mulvany. Jo Ra
bin is president of the organiza
tion. The club meets every Thurs
day evening at 7:15 p.m. Through
out the year they will sponsor
the WAA intramural swimming
meet on Dec. 6 and a water page
ant in the spring.
First Recital Given
By Music Students
Three music students appeared
in the first student recital of the
year, Oct. 3 at 4 p.m. in Social
Science auditorium.
"Roberta Lewis, pianist, pre
sented four members. Violinist
Irene Roberst, completed the pro
gram with three selections. Her
accompanist was Ferne Epperson.
The piano numbers included
"Prelude," bv Debussy, "Valse
Caprice" by Schubert-Liszt, "Im
provisation" by rouienc ana ioc
cata" by Ravel. ,
Violin selections were "Air ior
the G String" by Fionllo-Vidas,
"Piece en forme de Habanera" by
Ravel, "Concerto in . Minor,
Allegro Molto Vivace - Dy men
delssohn. Ag Union Plans
Of Committee
The Ag Union is planning a
mass meeting of its committee
workers today at 5 p.m.
The meeting is not only for
students who are on eommittees
but also for anyone interested in
working for the Ag Union.
A short get-acquainted ses
sion will be held at the begin
ning of the meeting, and later
the various committees will
meet separately to plan for
coming events.
The four Ag Union committees
,c .J"U1
are public relations, aance, Keu-
eral entertainment and arts and
The Ag Union plans to expand
and improve its activities this
year. To accomplish this aim, stu-
dent help is needed from those
who are interested in helping with
its full schedule of events.
The nublic relations committee
includes hospitality ana puDiicuy.
Trank Sibert is sponsor. Glenn
Veihmeyer, Don Leising and Fred
fciiAKS HANDS . . . New York Governor
I rmmmmtmm , t -Vi4i
I wmmmmf hk$ . -
illiliyf' a 4 "
KANSAS-BOUND . . . Maybe the spelling: Isnt
just right, but Jim Pettijohn shows his feelings
as the migration train pulls out of the station.
Jenny Shilhan looks on. These students are part
Medicine Creek Diggings
Staff Reporter
Anthropologists are constantly
looking for differences and simi
larities in the litter found in an
cient campsites.
E. Mott Davis, University Mu
seum antnropoiogist, says tnai
blades found this summer in the
Medicine Creek diggings provide
science with another bit of evi
dence in tracing migrations and
living habits of its ancient people.
Similar tools were found re
cently in Texas, Colorado, and
elsewhere in Nebraska. These tools
appear to be characteristic of a
group of people living 8,000 to
10,000 years ago.
On the subject of tools, Davis
NUCWA Speakers Maintain Crisis In Iran
Stems From Britain's 'Selfish Imperialism'
The present crisis in Iran is due
directly to the British policy of
selfish imperialism-
This view was expressed by
Amir Khosrow Khodayar, an
Iranian lawTer in the United
States to study political science,
at the Nebraska Council of World
Affairs meeting Thursday evening.
He has been in this country
only eight months and was as
sisted in the talk by another stu
dent from Iran, Davoud Rafat,
who has been here two years.
Britain, they agreed, not only
took the major portion of Iran's
oil revenues but attempted to run
the country politically.
Are you aware that a Student, form provided. Emergency cases
Health service has been provided are seen immediately and other
lor your health needs during tnei
time you are attending the Uni
versity of Nebraska?
This health program has not
only been designed to help you
maintain your present health
condition, but to improve any
fnuctional health disability. Clinic
hours are: 8 to 2 a.m., 1 to 5
p.m. and 8 to 12 a.m. on Satur
day. If you desire to see a physician,
present your identification card
to the receptionist and state or
write briefly your need on the
Mass Meet
Workers Today
Hosterman are committee chair
men for the various phases of the
General entertainment In
cludes movies, ping pong and
other competitive games. Jean
Holmes is sponsor and Bill
Waldo Is chairman.
The dance committee is in
charge of dances at the Ag
Union. Jean Vierk is sponsor
and Wayne White is chairman.
Included under arts and hob-
mit or tho craft shOD.
- rrr
hobby show and decorations Dick
Walsh is sponsor and Joan Meyer
is committee chairman.
Union Releases
c i i I Af Cwft-,c
5CnGClUi& VJl CVeriTS
12:15 p.m. Nebraska-K-State
football movie, Ag Union lounge.
4 p.m. Ac Builders Board
meeting, Ac Builders office.
5 p.m. Ac Union committee
members mass meeting, lounge.
6 p.m. Ac Men's club meet
ing, recreation room.
Travel In Europe-A Dream Comes True For Phyliss Moyer
Staff Reporter
A two-inch article in the Daily
Nebraskan pointed towards Paris,
Rome, Munich, London ana otner
European locales for Phyllis
Moyer, junior art major from Fre
mont at the University.
Miss Mover saw the possibilities
of a dream coming true as the
article described a European tour.
Her parents joined in the plans.
On June 27, 1951, she sailed from
New York City on the first day of
a six week tour.
The ship arrived in LeHavre,
July 6. and the group boarded the
boat train for Paris. "Of all the
places we saw in Europe," Miss
Moyer says, "Paris is the place to
have fun.
The confusion of Parte was
heightened, she said, by the
constant babble of a language
which she eould not understand, j
Sign Painter
said that the host tracer or
"diagnostic tool" is pottery. It is
the most variable evidence from
place to place and from time to
time. Thus, similarities between
pottery of two groups provide a
good link between those groups.
Davis termed the Medicine
Creek diggings "a joint attack by
'several sciences." Anthropology
the study of man made things,
palenotology the study of ani
mals of the past, and geology
the study of earth structure, all
united on the Medicine Creek pro
ject. For instance, the site was dis
covered originally by museum
workers searching for Ice Age ani
mals. Although the ice cap did not
Before the present nationaliza
tion, there was a government in
Iran, they said, that was content
to let the British exploit the oil
concessions if government officials
were properly reimbursed.
Although Iran is a poor country,
the rich returns possible from the
oil, they said, were not used for
social improvement.
Now that the oil industry has
been nationalized, the Iranian
government will receive all the
revenue from the refineries.
According to the two students,
the new government has made
valid promises to use the money
to build up the country.
They emphasized that if this
cases are seen as soon as possible.
Students of the College of Ag
riculture are encouraged to use
the Student Health Center on
the city campus.
Emergency medical care is
provided after clinic hours at
Student Health Center, includ
ing the weekend. Students are
urged not to abuse this service.
In order to gain admission after
clinic hours, use the door bell
to call the nurse on duty.
If you become ill while attend
ing the University, you may be
hospitalized upon authorization
of, one of the staff physicians.
The second floor of the Student
Health Center is equipped to
handle most of the ordinary ill
nesses including contagious dis
eases. For major surgical conditions,
and other conditions that the
health center is not equipped to
handle, you will be referred to
one of the city hospitals of your
There is no charge for the
majority of the services given
at the student health center.
Cost charges are made for ex
pensive laboratory procedures,
X-rayi, casts .special dressings
and medications.
The cost of hospitalization is
covered for the most part by
funds from fees allotted to the
Student Health Center, except
for a small additional charge
per day which aids in meeting
the cost of meals and laundry.
The health center on our cam
pus is associated with the College
of Medicine in Omaha; is ap
proved by the American Hospital
Association and American Med
ical Association end is licensed by
the Nebraska State Department
of Health.
It is your responsibility to fol
low the doctor's advice. If you
are not satisfied with any of the
services offered see the director
of the Student Health Center.
Miss Moyer was not im
pressed with the French women
who, she said, did not live up
to their reputation for style and
beauty. The croup did not see
the really wealthy French, how
ever, as anyone who can leaves
for the country in the summer.
After a round of the Paris
night clubs, Miss Moyer, a tour
companion, and two Turkish
students, had coffee at Paris'
famous Pigalle. This was really
getting "down among 'em," says
Miss Moyer.
The trip to Rome, says Miss
Moyer, was reminiscent of a Re
naissance painting. The country
side was very primitive and carts
drawn by oxen were the only evi
dent means of transportation other
than the train.
The party arrived in Rome dur
ing a big rain storm. There, the
visitors saw St, Peters Cathedral
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
of a group of S80 who made the trip via special
train. All migrators held a special pre-game
Uncover Ancient Fossils
reach Medicine Creek, the climate
"was cool and getting colder" at
the time of these people, Davis
The significance of the Medicine
Creek findings may be better
wJW?1 thiMact:!the general museum field work
95 per cent of the plains anthro
pology is confined to the period
from 1,000 A.D. to the "present.
Medicine Creek represents an
earlier period which is Davis'
'The longest and hardest Dart of
the work starts now i nthe lab," !
Davis said.
Medicine Creek is but one part
of the river basin salvage pro
ject which must be completed
before the various reservoirs of
new regime did not treat the
people better than its predecessors,
the country probably would be
come communist.
There is a very great possibility
that the reds might take the trend
toward nationalism and mold it
into communism, they added.
The chief objection to British
policy in the oil crisis was their
insistence that only British tech
nicians be allowed to run the re
finery. In "the proposal to the Iranian
government, Britain suggested
that the refineries be managed
by a British board and all
British employes be under a
blanket contract with Iran.
This would allow Britain to stall
'production at any time by having
I the Britons strike on order of their
Since the oil industry is so
closely tied to the national econ
omy, the British proposal would
give them almost complete power
over the country.
Iran would not accept this proposal.
University Uses Complex
System Of Bookkeeping
(This is the third in a series of
articles explaining the budget
system of the University.)
As it was pointed out in the
Thursday article all University
funds are deposited in a singlej
treasury from which every ex
penditure is made.
When a department begins to
use up the money alloted in the
TInivprsitv HnrfuAt it ttiiic nnnlv
Hpr funds to be withdrawn from its
account in the treasury or bank.
If a department needed sup
plies totaling $300, the head of
the department would send a re
quest that $200 dollars worth be
withdrawn. This appears on the
records as money spent. Actu
ally the amount is still in the
treasury until the supplies are
paid for.
This system known as encum
brance is used so that a depart
ment will not overdraw its bud
get. If the goods arrive and cost
only $190 the account is credited
with ten dollars. Thus at the end
of the year the records will show
total expenditures and the funds
encumbered for transactions not
yet completed.
Extensive bookkeeping appar
ently is involved in carrying out
this system. It is true that the
keeping of records for an institu
tion of the University's type is
tremendously complicated.
Through the use of an IBM the
work is done quickly and more ac
curately than persons could ever
do the job.
IBM stands for International
Business Machine. The machine
occupies an entire room in the
and the Vatican, and heard a
Beethoven concert in the ruins of
St. John's Basilica. Miss Moyer
says that Rome is a city of ancient
treasures nnd ruins under the
bluest sky she has ever seen.
"Venice is the most unique
city in all the world." says Miss
There are no cars on the few
streets. Gondolas are used for
cars or taxis and big barges
serve as busses. The men on the
Gondolas actually sing to you
too, she said.
Two German youths took she
and her companion to the beer
gardens where an assassination at
tempt was made on Hitler. There,
they enjoyed the beer, cheese, and
sausage which the Germans are
noted for. All three items were
far different from their American
counterparts, she said.
Miss Moyer found the Gorman
Circulation problems have been
bothering The Daily Nebraskan,
as many students know.
Chuck Burmeister, circulation
manager, explained many of the
difficulties the department is try
ing to overcome as soon as pos
sible. The publishing company
printing The Daily Nebraskan
also prints a morning daily.
This keeps the University paper
from hitting the press until
about 9 a.m. or later. The dis
tributors do not receive the pa
pers until 16:S0 .m.
The workers then begin the
rounds of the University build
ings, leaving varying amounts of
papers according to the approxi
mate number of students in the
building at the time the Daily
Nebraskan is distributed.
This varies from day to day,
too, and the department is doing
its best to discover the approxi
mate amounts to distribute at the
different hours and days.
The idea that organized
houses have about two papers
apiece is rather erroneous, said
Burmeister, when students
l realise that organized houses
the Missouri basin are flooded.
Accordingly, the National Park
Service is financing the work in
Dr. C. B. Schultz, museum
director in general charge of
said the campsites contained fos
silized remains of many animals
which provided the tribesmen
food. Some of these animals are
now extinct.
AFCW Meets
At University
For Convention
Members of the American Fed
eration of College Women, which
is composed of local Women's
Athletic associations, met at the
University Friday and Saturday.
They held a convention at the
Union Friday afternoon, where
they discussed tournament plan
ning, membership and promotion,
finances and WAA sponsored so
cial activities.
Friday evening a banquet was
held in Parlors B and C of the
Union. The theme was "Things
Are Popping."
Saturday morning the delegates
moved to Grant Memorial to stage
their "Play Day." They played
scoccer baseball, soffball, tennis,
Nebraska-ball, badminton, duck
pins and had a swimming exhibi
tion. The AFCW is a national organ
ization composed of individual
WAA groups. The Nebraska group
is headed by Dee Irwin. Alice
Frampton was in charge of the
convention, Ginny Noble planned
the banquet arrangements and
Marli Moobray had charge of Plav
Forty girls attended the conven
tion and 90 participated in Play
Administration annex. Only
figures are submitted to the
equipment.! Highly complex
mechanisms compute and re
cord the entries in the correct
accounts and print them on
When the sheets come out of the
IBM they are placed in covers so
that the financial status of any de
partment or branch of the Univer
sity can be checked in a few sec
onds. In a future article the expan
sion plans for the city campus will
be discussed.
YW Leadership Commission
Schedules Year's Activities
A visit to a Lincoln city council ( The commission group wJJ visit
procedure and a number of group
discussions are to be included in
this year's program of the leader
ship training group of the YWCA.
The croup, under the leader
ship of YWCA secretary Doris
Carlson, will be taught the
"theory of group dynamics and
the techniques of leading a
group." Miss Carlson said that
participation in the croup will
be "a valuable experience in
learning the democratic croup
Anyone interested in leadership
may come to the meetings, which
are held each Thursday at 3 p.m.,
at Ellen Smith Hall. One need not
be a member of YWCA to join
the group, said Miss Carlson.
people more like Americans in
their culture and ideas than any
other Europeans. In all of Ger
many or Austria, there was no
country or city which was willing
to claim Hitler, she said. Far from
remaining an idol, he seems to
have become a symbol of evil and
defeat in the German mind, the
tourists agreed.
The visitors had a four day
stay in London during the Festi
val of Britain which resembles
the World's Fair. London is
very dignified, old, and con
servative, according to Miss
Moyer. -
"It has none of the caety of
Paris or the restfulness of Sals
burg," Miss Moyer said. In
London, she saw the Changing
of the Guards, Westminster
Abbey, the Crown Jewels, and
the Tower of London.
Miss Moyer and a companion
receive only H papers apiece.
All of the campus dorms and
ora-anlzed houses receive papers
If they are of the required she,
Burmeister and his crew deliver
papers to 40 buildings and houses.
This means that the paper is dis
tributed to 80 or 85 different
places on city campus, 10 places
on Ag campus and a mailing list
of approximately 80.
Burmeister stated that persons
in buildings consistently not re
ceiving editions of The Daily Ne
braskan should call him and re
port the incident to the business
Posts Open
For Aggies
Students interested in Civil
Service appointments will meet in
room SOI, Dairy Industry build
ing, Tuesday evening, Oct 9, at
7:80 p.n..
O. W. Greene, Civil Service per
sonnel director, will explain op
portunities in the United States
department of agriculture and
answer questions. Announce
ments will also be made regard
ing the next dates and places of
A new examination for junior
agricultural assistant has been
announced by the United States
Civil Service Commission,
To qualify, students must pass
a written test, and, in addition,
must have completed a 4 -year
college course leading to a
bachelor's degree.
Applications must be received
in the Commission's Washing
ton office not later than Oct. 23.
Competitors for 11 options will
take a test of verbal abilities, a
test of quantitative abilities, and
a test of abstract reasoning. These
three tests will onstitute the en
tire written examination for the
following options: agronomist, en
tomologist, fishery biologist, for
ester, soil scientist, statistician,
wildlife biologist, and zoologist.
An additional test of spatial
percention will be required for
the following options: agricul
tural economist, animal hus
bandman, botanist, geneticist,
home economist, horticulturist,
plant pathologist, plant quaran
tine Inspector and poultry hus
bandman. Three Students
Receive Posts
In Red Cross
Three new members 'were
elected to the Red Cross College
Unit at the meeting Thursday
Nancy Whitmore is the new sec
retary. She replaces Kathy
Swingle. Jack Davis was elected
chairman of special projects and
Pat Lindgren is the new veterans
Miss Whitmore's other activities
include Coed Counselors, YWCA
and Builders. She is a member of
Alpha Omicon Pi sorority.
Miss lindgren is a member of
the YW membership committee,
AUF board and Gamma Phi Beta
sorority. Her duties as vets chair
man include taking workers to the
Veterans hospital on Thursday
evening to play cards with the pa
tients and present talent shows for
them in the wards. Girls go out on
Tuesday and Thursday to teach
handicrafts. Red Cross also helps
with Tequest Tadio shows and the
radio set up.
Davis duties on the Board in
clude the organization of floats
and booths for the Red Cross unit.
His other activities include Build
ers chairman of the new state area
committee, band, Gamma Lambda,
music honorary, and Kappa Sigma
the city council to study the par
liamentary techniques used. At
another time, Bruce Kendall, as
sociate director of debate, will
talk to the coeds afeut parliamen
tary procedure.
According to Miss Carlson,
other topics of discussion during
the year will include the fol
lowing: "Group as a Team Unit," a
discussion of parts of the leader,
the member, the recorder and
the observer; "How to Handle
Different Types of Persons In a
Discussion," "Choosing Topics
for Discussion."
At the last few meetings, said
Miss Carlson, members of the
commission group will lead dis
cussions. from Philadelphia again met
two British actors whom they "
had met in Rome. The foursome
went to the theater where Lau
rence Olivier and Vivian Leib
were starring in "Caesar and
Cleopatro." The actors took the
Cirls back stage to meet many
members of the cast.
Miss Moyer said she certainly
hated to see the trip end but New
York Harbor looked good any
way. 'You immediately knew you
were home," she said. "The easy
comfort of European living was
replaced by the hustle end bustle
of America's New York City."
"That trip was an education
which could never be replaced,"'
she said, "although the cost was
comparable ot the expense of one
year ot -college." Miss Moyer
would like very much to study
art In either Paris or Rome.