The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Monday, October 8, 1951 .Tom Rsche- Atom Vs. Atom President "Truman last week announced that Russia had exploded a second atomic bomb. The fact vas confirmed at week's end by "Uncle Joe" Stalin, wht tured the world that peace-loving nations ha-?, nothing to fear from the U.S.S.E. James E. Lawrence, editor of the Lincoln Stari writing from -California, had this interesting com ment on the situation: "Actually these outdoor loving: millions here In California paid less attention to the news of Eusla's second atomic bomb explosion than the thunder of Bobby Thomson's bat in the closing; game of a classic pennant battle , . . An excited iriultitude of American baseball fans turned a deaf ear to Stalin's demonstration, re putedly before, the top brass of the Chinese com munists that Russia was going places in the field of atomio bomb developments. If Stalin and his buddies were atemptlng to score, Slugger Thom son over-shadowed the whole darned Kremlin pack." It seems to me that Lawrence himself scored a home run with his observation. The general re action to the news on campus was a polite "Oh Qjv bJovudsihiand how, some way would be found to avoid the use of all these new weapons. Perhaps 1 Is a go thing that the people had a baseball game to take their minds off the world situation. Most people have long since stopped worrying constantly about the world situation and taken each new development in stride. Perhaps it is all for the best. Probably the best that America's citizens could do is to keep informed on the latest issues. (I know some students who refuse to read the national news because, they say, it makes them sick to think of the mess that the world Is in.) TV Russia's progagandists are busy grinding out official reasons for her actions in the world situ- really?" The students, as well as the nation, seem ation. This is, at least in part, designed to convince to be rapidly becoming so numbed to news of new the Russian people that they have a cause to fight and terrifying weapons that they said little if the United States. American government leaders they felt the impact of the latest news. If any- have not succeeded in convincing the American thing, they shut their eyes a little tighter and people just what they are fighting for. It might crossed their fingers again and prayed that some- be well if they could do so. Star-Studded Week University students and Lincolnites may be Hollywood is beginning to recover from the a little puzzled over the reasons for the sudden slump in attendance presumably caused by tele' appearance of. a number of Hollywood personali ties in town. Announcement has been made that Richard Widmark. Benet Venta, Barbara Rulck and Jesse White, all stars; Jonathan Lattimore, writer of the scripts for Alan Ladd stories, and John Far ell, director, will be on campus Monday to aid the All University Fund drive. Marjorie Main, who was originally scheduled to appear, had to cancel the engagement since she is extremely busy Judging cake contests all over the nation. At the same time, a local theater announced that Jack Derek will be in town Tuesday afternoon in connection with the opening of the movie, "Saturday's Hero." Not long ago, Charles Laughton, Agnes Moore head, Charles Boyer and Sir Cedric Hardwicke appeared on the campus in Shaw's famous play, "Don Juan In Hell." Why all this talent'rushing to Lincoln, you ask? Time magazine has come up with an answer that sounds plausible. Here is Time's opinion on the matter: vision. These roving bands of movie stars are vis iting cities and towns throughout the country in an effort to publicize the fact that movies are here to stay. Their visit is cloaked under the guise of celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hollywood film productions. Why the slump in TV? Time comes up with this answer: "Television's existing market is already sat urated (look at the cut-rate sales of TV sets) . . . Television's shaggy old movies are already driving people back to the movie theaters (look at the box office figures). Said one spokesman, 'They're getting tired of watching Charles Laughton, as King Henry the Eighth, tossing a chicken bone over his shoulder smack into a shining bottle of 20th Century beer. " Time may or may not be right in its hypothe sis. But whatever the reason, Lincolnites are get ting to see more movie stars in the flesh in a shorter period of time than in recent history. (Dsuvl diioL... Reader Amazed . , . Dear Mr. Rische: A week or two ago in glancing through a copy of The Daily Ne- braskan I happened to glance at an editorial. It looked interesting and I read it through. Frankly, I was amazed. A day or two later I had the same experience Since then it has happened a time or two again. What caused my amazement? For approximately 15 years as an undergraduate, a graduate, and then as a faculty member I have been reading college newspapers, and for the first time in those IS years, I found an editor who had the ability to think and even more the courage to write what he was thinking, despite the fact that it might run counter to certain trends of thought which were popular, and which might have the effect of arousing some of the powers that be. In reading yesterday's paper I saw the letter from the student who did not agree with you. would certainly be willing to hazard the conjecture that the in dividual who wrote the letter and who did not have the guts to give his name was an individual who found that "the shoes fit"i and probably pinched plenty too. will you kindly accept my sincerest congratulations for the splendid job that you are do ing. I sincerely hope that you will continue to write the edi torials of the type that you have written thus far, and I sincerely pray that if one of your edi torials runs counter to some of my pet ideas, or pinches hard and makes me realize that after all I'm still a pretty small boy in many respects, that I can still feel that you're doing a mighty fine Job. Sincerely, 1800 Miqrate To Kansas State Game minimum -.pi i - i s V ' ' I . r r n f 9 I ..-n i-- - BOUND FOR MANHATTAN . . . Shown leaving Friday for the Nebraska-Kansas State game at Manhattan, Kas., are (1. to r.) Howard Herbst, Joanne Yeager, Dick Smith, Diane Smith and Don Rauh. The five, leaving from in front of the Sigmu Nu fraternity house, were among 1800 University stude who went to K-State Courtesy Lincoln Star for the annual football migration. Of the 1800, more than 360 went by way of the chartered migration train, which left at 6:15 a.m. Satur day and returned Sunday at 1 a.m. The entire University ROTC marching band, which includes more than 100 members, also took the train. .Charles Gomon. A Student Views The News For over 3 centuries the name "Persia" has vincc of Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. In these areas been synonogicrus with mystery and intrigue,, peasants were greatly impressed with the land, gleaming mosques and swirling sands, veiled worn- education and government reforms attempted by en and daggers. Ever since the first invasion by Russian puppets, and were bewildered by the Alexander the Great, armies have surged across terrorism employed by the Iranian army of libera- Iran. While armies are not now fighting in Iran, tion which threw out the reds. One of the great the threat ofrjust such an eventuality is keeping mistakes of the Iranian central government was the world on edge. in failing to follow up the communist propa- The latest disturbance, the British-Iranian oil ganda victory with, a better campaign of its own. dispute, had its beginning about the turn of the One of Iran's bitterest charges is leveled century when William D'Arcy concluded negotia- against' British imperialism in general. This ra tions for a 617-year lease with the Iranian govern ment giving the British concessions in the newly proved oil fields on the Persian Gulf. Winston,, Churchill, then an admiralty offi cial, saw the possibilities of using Iranian oil in British ships and persuaded his government to assume ar controlling interest in the Anglo Iranian Oil Company. In 1933, with 22 years still to go on D'Arcy's lease, the British suc ceeded in getting a new 60 year lease giving them the right to deevlop 16 per cent of Iranian land. sentment boiled over soon after the U. S. agreed to split profits "rom oil concessions in Saudi Arabia and Venezuela on a 50-50 basis with these governments. The AOIC has been accused of paying more to the British government in taxes than is left in Iran for payrolls. Britain's prestige did not rise when Patrick Hurley, special envoy for President Roosevelt during the war, reported from Iran in 1943 that the British were using American lend lease goods to srtengthen their position in Iran. In recent weeks the British have made sev- During this"perlod of British exploitation, the eral attractive offers to Iran, but it seems that AIOC wells became the largest producers in the the fire of nationalization has been allowed 'to Middle East, Britain's largest single overseas in- get beyond control. The blind fury with which vestment, the main source of oil for European some elements of the Iranian population fan these markets, and the only producing oil properties in flames indicates that they considere nationaliza- a country that is known to have 10 per cent of tion a panacea for all the ills of their economy, the world's petroleum supplies. It Is not strange, and in a country where a sizeable portion of the under these circumstances, that the British in- people must be nomads because of the desert vestors became alarmed when the Iranians began to talk of nationalization early last summer. In order to understand the reasoning of the Iranians on "the question of nationalization of British oil holdings, it will be necessary to look into some of the background of this explosive country. Justice William O. Douglas of the U.S. Su preme Court recently returned from an extended visit to Iran. He reported that four basic prob lems face the. country: First, with the exception of the Shah, who Is progressive but bound by tradition and frus trated by Incompetence, the central government of Iran Is hostile to the Interests of the people. .Second, officials throughout the country are notoriously corrupt. Third, the army has proved to be a brutal, ravishing force on many occasions. Fourth, millions of people live In extreme poverty. , According to Justice Douglas, there will be rawest until these grievances are righted. Despite their poverty and illiteracy, the Iran ians are a proud people and their nationaism is climate, this position might .well be foolish, if not suicidal. Unfortunately, American interest in Iran has ben almost nil. Promises of aid made dur ing the war by President Roosevelt and since the war by President Truman have been whit tled down by the International Bank and our own Import-Export Bank to trifling sums com pared to what is being spent in other sections of the world. Iran long looked to the U.S. for understanding, and was disappointed at our seeming lack of interest in her problems. The Shah recently said that his people could not understand why we gave billions to former ene mies but had nothing fo ra former ally. The actual outcome of the oil dispute may not be known for months or years, or it could bring us to World War III in a matter of hours. If Russian influence becomes sufficient in Iran to take over the government, we may once more find ourselves on the outside looking in, as we do even now in China. Should this happen, the Russians could afford to discount the difficulty of transporting Iran's P.S. This letter is written to you personally and not for pur poses of publication. If you desire to let the readers of your paper know how some people feel about your editorials, you are welcome to use the letter, but will you kindly exclude the name. Thanks. (Editor's note: We did so desire, and are complying with the re quest of the reader). 'One Too Man . . . An open letter to Vance Han sen: After reading of your rather uncomfortable position concern ing the disbursement of our co veted campus publication, namely The Daily Nebraskan, I felt com-1 pelled to take some sort of definite action on the matter. This I have done. After taking careful count of the members of our house. (68). and then conducting an equally cautious survey on the number of Daily Nebraskans delivered to our door (69), I find that through a simple process of substraction, easily understood by you I'm sure, that we have been allotted one paper too many. , This extra copy undoubtedly is yours, and as such, we of Phi Gamma Delta hold no claim to it. n you wouia De so kind as to drop by and see me some after noon at 1425 R St.. I'm certain that we can work out something to our mutual satisfaction. Respectfully yours, JOHN W. SINCLAIR. . Connie Gordon . Lots Of Work For Lots Of Workers In Student Union Activities Pool NU BULLETIN BOARD Monday YW World organisation group meets p.m., tuen Smith dining room; topic World Student Service fund; Susan Rienhardt, leader; wua neimstaater, group leader. Tuesday Ag students interested in Civil Service appointments meet in Room 301, Dairy Industry building i p.m. Thursday Scabbard and Blade will meet all interests juniors and seniors in advanced army, navy and air force ROTC at 7:30 p.m., Naval Science building lounge. Cartoon Contest Ends Friday r naay is the last day Univer sity students may cartoon their way to fame and aid AUF at the same time. Until then pen and ink artists may submit 3 by 9 drawings in the AUF's cartoon contest and compete for the erand prize. The winning drawing will appear on posters during next years fund drive. Attention all workers! The Union needs you! Students Interested in the Union activities pool can sign up today in the Union activities of fice. Students in the pool have the opportunity of participating in the activities and plans of the different committees. Duties of the various Union committees are listed below: The house committee, headed by Marilyn Moomey, is in charge of all art exhibits and programs in the main lounge and supervises book reviews and craft lessons held during the year. The committee also handles the picture lending library and enforces house rules. The program committee, headed by Charles Widmaier, is in charge of facility and program evaluation, activities reports and evaluations of new ideas. Activities accounting is also under its direction. The activities pool and orientation program plans are included in the duties of the personnel committee, also headed by Charles Widmaier. The artist series committee is the planning board for all major fine arts. This committee also arranges coming campus attractions, from bands to speakers. The public relations committee handles all Union publicity. Its duties include weekly events posters, pamphlets and newspaper and radio re leases. Keeping the Union office in order is one of the duties of the office committee under the direction of Anita Lawson. Other responsibilities of the committee include assignments to the ac tivities pool, all mimeographing and keeping the Union scrapbook up to date. The social dancing committee, under the di rection of Jack Greer, sponsors all ballroom dancing lessons. It also plans the large orchestra dances, which include the Pep Dance and the Shenanigans dance. The folk dancing committee under Jack Greer plans all square dance lessons. Exhibitions of national and foreign dances are also included in the duties of , this committee. The convocations committee under the direc tion of Bob La Shelle serves as a member of the University convocations committee. Its duties in clude plannig and publicizing all University convo cations, discussions and coffee forums. The recreation committee plans table tennis tournaments, bridge lessons and tournaments, game exhibitions and chess lessons. The committee is headed by Nancy Weir. The general entertainment committee is under the chairmanship of Betty Roessler. Duties of committee include pigskin parties, TV pro gramming, Sunday night movies and flicker nights. The talent show and talent file are also Included in this committee. The music committee headed by Sara Devoe plans faculty recitals, the fall symphony concert and various concerts during the year. Providing records for the Crib is also included in its duties. Workers can sign up as Union pool workers until Oct. 22. Your Union needs you! Parliamentary Lectures Open To Students Two one-hour lectures on par liamentary procedure will be of' fered by the speech department during these next two weeks. The sessions will be held Tuesday, Oct. 9 and Oct. 16, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 203, Temple. Bruce Kendall, director of de bate, explains that "during the past year the department of speech has had many requests for meet ings dealing with parliamentary procedure for officers of student organizations." At the two lectures, duties of of ficers will be discussed as well as general rule of parlimentary procedure. While the meetings are designed primarily for officers of organ' ized houses and campus organize' tions, anyone interested may attend. Arnold Air Society To Meet Tuesday Night Arnold Air society will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the lounge of the Military and Naval Science building. Lt. Col. Alex C. Jamieson will present a short talk at the meet' ing. All advanced students in air science are urged to attend. Steers 3 true course mlh 1hc pipe, intense. The Russians appreciated this and took vital oil over the mountains to the Soviet Union, advantage of it in the disturbances of 1946-47 and could chuckle into their collective beards over when they instigated revolts In the northern pro- another communist victory by western . default. Ji, (Baihf Tbzbha&katv ' FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member ' 1 Intercollegiate Press 7h Sly Kebraskai to poMMl by the otudenta of 11,0 University oi Nebraska as expression of students' news and - awy. mnni ij-ww i"rmn (indent paoiiostions na administered y in Board ef ii.i,kMM. M It the declared pelley ( th Brd that publications. andr It jurisdiction (hull be free from editorial tn erMji part tb Baud. on th mtt al aay m amber M tha faeaity af ibe Univenity, bat the nemben ef tin f r I'lw fowl Notrkiui are ennmaally rmipnnstble for what the eaj a do or ranee hi be printed." iiior!MB ntn ere U.d a nitcr, mailer or Ix.fto for the eollere year. 14.00 nailed. Slnrle eon Be. Fub Ph94 d-iU' Avtin the .obeol JW except Satnrdare and Snodajrr, vaeatlono and examintaion perlode. One leeno pnbliahed -ii tij mmiiti of T the Uolvernltj of Nebraoka and? the supervision ef the Committee an Student PnbUotaiona. ' 'is Matter at ibe Post Office io Mnaoln. Nebraska, ander Aot of Confrese, March t. 1879, and at vsM rata of pmitace prevaad tar In SeoUea im, Aot ? C'oHCteni of October S. mi, authorised September 10. UKS. ED1TOE1AL STAFF r-""t , . , Tom Meoha e '. , Joan Krnrr ...............-.......... .... . Roth aaymoad. Den Pleper sor ton, Jan Btoffaa, Ken Kystrom, Shirley- Murphy, Sally Adams bob Banks .Marshall Knshner Jane Randall DaU Reynolds Ann CHillfsa ... Hoi. ou. KlUdLNCSS OlAtf Meneirw . ... Jaek Cohen 'we ,., '......'.'..'. Stan Blpple. Arnold Stern',' Pete Benrsten ' ' ' ' ' C3JXCZ P.G.A.I fwmf i WITH 7fte PtP WHOSE -5 '""M I I l . ' WT that rm5-wwi jy I I l 1.50, 2. 2 JO j j i Ve All Imported ror jr' Light up your Vello-Bole for red ;'n-Hrth .ailing. All style... aJl V And don t forgot, Yello-Bole pipe I I mke miguty welcome gifts 1 mJm--. -Cfl!;:.! , Obnek Barmelster Dale Reynolds