The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1951, Image 1
K I nJoinni f0" . 16 VOL. 51 NO LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Monday, October 8, 1951 J q) mm Ag Royalty Includes 4 Attendants Joan Raun stepped from a wish ing well Friday night to be crowned queen of the Farmer's were Luulla Cooney, Jean Hargleroad, Jo Ann Skucius and Alice Anderson. The queen and her maids were chosen from a group of senior home economics majors in a election sponsored by the Ag Exec board. Results of the election were secret until the girls appeared to climax the annual cotton and denim dance. Miss Raun is a member of Mortar Board, Ag Exec board and two home ec honoraries, Phi Upsilon Omicron and Omi cron Nu. Built around a "wishing well" theme, the Farmer's formal had Eugene Robinson as master of ceremonies. Robinson led the formal goers in wishing for a queen and her royal court. Men dressed in jeans and plaid hurts and women dressed in cot tori dresses entered the dance through an archway of tree branches. A golden harvest moon and a false ceiling of autumn col ors completed the setting. Couples danced to the tunes of Mai Dunn and his orchestra. The musicians, along with their fea tured vocalist Evelyn Jansen, were! also dressed in the traditional cot ton and denim. Miss Raun succeeds Dorothy Bowman, who was chosen queen of the 1950 Farmer's Formal. A sizable number of city campus students joined the Ag students. A chance to climb in to jeans and cotton dresses was apparently welcomed by many. Those who planned the dance includedf "Decorations; ' Wayne White, Alice Anderson, Rex Crom and Jerry Johnson; publicity, Joan Raun; nresentation and election, Joyce Keuhland, Jan Ross; tickets. Gene Robinson. Chaperones for the evening of Ag festivities were Mr- and Mrs. Dave Sander, agronomy depart ment, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, animal husbandry department. FDroeirs IF Qyeon em vV f ity r dmm: if 1 1 ' imM it happened at nu... "And why in the devil didn't you wear your little beanie this morning?" the irate active asked. "Because, sir. I love mv Httle beanie," replied the pledge. "It was raining: out this morning, and I feared for my little beanie. I thought perhaps that when I wore it out in the rain, the colors would run and ruin it." "Hah!" replied the noble active. And so they took the little pledge's beanie, and soaked it with water. Sure enough, the colors ran. P.S. The little pledge not wearing his little beanie on rainy days. He didn't like red hair. AG ROYALTY Courtesy Lincoln Star Queen Joan Raun (center) steps from the wishing well at the College of Agriculture's annual Farmer's Formal. On her left are attendants Alice Anderson and Luella Cooney. On the right are Jean Hargleroad and Jo Ann Skucius. The queen and her attendants were chosen from a group of senior home economics majors. Talent Show Participants Announced Finalists Perform Sunday RCCU Needs More Helpers For First Aid Any university student with first aid training should report to Room 307 of the Union at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 9, if interested in putting his knowledge to work. Red Cross College Unit plans this mass meeting to inform stu dents about the new first aid program at football games. The project w! instigated at the Husker T.C.U. game and was termed "very successful," and frequently used by those work ing with it. Booths are set up in the east and west stadium to provide first air facilities. The students work ing in booths are trained. Anyone with junior high, high school or University first aid may apply to the University Red Cross Unit for work. Stretchers will be available for emergencies and a telephone sys tem has been installed to obtain immediate services of a doctor. Lancaster County Red Cross and of the year which will be held I Student Health center supply the m the coliseum Wednesday, medical equipment. Ten O'C locks Will Dismiss On Wednesday Ten o'clock classes will be dis missed for the first convocation Chancellor Gustavson will speak on "Here We Stand." His talk will include straight from the shoulder information on secret societies, fraternities, sororities and ath letics. He will also discuss the building program, budget problems, mili tary status of male students, and Schedules will be worked out at the mass meeting so students offering their services will work about an hour at a time and not miss much of the football game. Chairmen for the boys and girls groups will be chosen at the meeting Tuesday. The plans for I'rtt aid stations f-vtball games were designed the Independent btudentS As- hv rnllpfffi unit in rnninnrtinn with sociation. j uaiuel Fuenning, director of Chancellor Gustavson also.plans.Student Health center; George to point out a number of student Gates, St. Louis Red Cross repre activities which have made great sen tative, and Harold Hill, man contributions to the University, ager of the Lancaster" County Red Classes will be dismissed only for four convocations given dur ing the year. Dates of the remain ing three will be announced later. Cross. The project has been praised by letters from national and regional divisions of the Red Cross. Results of last week's Union talent show tryouts have been an nounced. Finalists will perform in the annual talent shoy scheduled for 7'30 p.m. Sunday, in the Union ballroom. Vocal soloists who were chosen are Nick Amos, Manny Dworkjri, David Hart, JackleOrr, Janet Ickes and Jan Harrison. Other finalists and their acts include: Stu Reynolds, trumpet solo: Bud Imig, accordian solo; Diane McDowell, piano solo; Jean Schott, piano solo; Barb Young, piano and vocal solo; Joe Bab cock, electric guitar solo; Charles Katz, toe-tap dance, and Ann Launer, humorous reading. Others whose acts were chosen for the show are Marilyn Lehr and Betty Barber, tap dance; Marshall Christenson and Delores Garrett, vocal duet, and the "Delt Combo. featuring David Hart as soloist, with Hal Mardis, Ed McClure, Marty Mathiesen, Hank Pedersen, Don Hodge and Fred Allen. Forty-three students com peted in the tryout. General en tertainment committee members, who acted as judges, said they felt that a high quality of talent was demonstrated by everyone who auditioned and that choice of the finalists was very diffi cult. mom bnyaer, cnairman or tne committee, stressed that "all those who tried out for the show, whether they made it or not, will be listed in the talent file for fu ture bookings in campus shows, benefit performances and profes sional entertainment." AUF Collects $1212.61 When the Carillon tower plays during the noon-hour, it will mean that the ' All University Fund has reached its goal of $5000. AUF has collected $1212.61 dur ing the first week of the 1951 drive which ends Oct. 26. A ther mometer in front of Love library is recording daily the up-to-date amount of contributions. Four sororities have so far reached 100 per cent goals or bet ter. The sororities and their AUF representatives are: Alpha Phi, Jo Ann Hinds; Kappa Delta, Chris tine Pivonka; Sigma Kappa, Norma Erickson; and Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phyllis Arm strong. Two denominations, P r e s b y house and Evangelical Covenant have contributed 100 per cent. Their AUF representatives are Wilda Weaver and Gretchen Geesen. Alpha Kappa Psi. national busi ness honorary: Phi Chi Theta, na tional commerce honorary for women; and Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalism fraternity, have contributed 100 per cent. All organteations' goals are based upon their membership. Foreign Film Series Starts October 12, 13 Doctors Say Scott Judd Improving' University freshman Scott Judd was reported "improving" Friday afternoon after returning to con sciousness for the first time since Wednesday evening. His doctor declared that the crisis had past by Friday and that the "next 24 to 48 hours" would determine what he called "the final outcome." A hospital attendant was quoted as saying that Judd was "doing well," and that the boy had rec ognized him early Friday after noon. Judd was found about 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in an unconscious state by a Delta Tau Delta pledge brother. Efforts to revive him failed and he was rushed to Lin coln General hospital. His condition there remained "quite acute" until Friday when he began to show signs of con sciousness. His parents, Dr. and Mrs. Del bert Judd, of KanKakee, 111., were notified late Wednesday and ar rived in Lincoln Thursday. Names In The News : By CHARLES ''ON Staff News Writer Communists Surrender From Cave SERGEANT WHITE of the 3rd division in Korea had' spent three days and nights in a captured enemy dugout when a boulder suddenly came away from one wall revealing another underground cave. Out of the opening stepped a Chinese red soldier who offered to surrender himself and the other eleven communists in the secret chamber to the allies. Investigation proved that the reds were liberally supplied with ammunition including hand grenades. Ask Political Asylum THE CZECH CONSUL in Montreal has joined the long list of officials who have decided they would rather live in this hemi sphere than return to their homes behind the iron curtain. The consul has asked for political asylum from the Canadian govern ment. More Than Capitol Hill Fights REP. PAT SUTTON of Tennessee knocked out a hold-up man who accosted him on the street in Washington late one evening, proving once and for all that all the Washington battles are not foungt on capitol hill. New Uranium Fields ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ENGINEERS, in coopera tion with local technicians, have discovered two new uranium fields in Chile. Officials have announced that the project of utilizing the a-bomb material will be rigidly controlled. -'Optimism From AEC Head GORDON DEAN, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, announced that the U. S. has atomic weapons of sufficient quan taity to offset any numerical advantage which an enemy might possess on the fied of batte. Dean asserted that it would be possible to use tactical atomic bombs, if the military situation warranted it, and infered that he had the Korean war in mind. Enterprising Texan SAM HEDRICK, postman in Tulsa, Okla., has solved the prob lem of his absence from his radio during world series broadcasts. This enterprising Texan has rigged himself a pocket size radio plete with earphones and an aerial. Rhodes Interviews Set For Saturday Applicants for Rhodes scholar ships will be interviewed by the University committee Saturday. Applications were due last Satur day. Dean C. H. Oldfather is chair man of the committee. Members are David Dow, Lane Lancsater and C. E. McNeill. The state committee of selec tion will meet Dec. 12 to interview candidates selected from Nebraska colleges and the University. Thirty-two scholarships are as signed annually to the United States. Scholars-elect will enter the University of Oxford in October, 1952. Appointments are made for two years. Ruy Bias", French film starring Danielle Darneux and Jan Marais, is to be shown Oct. 12 and 13 at Love library auditorium. This French film will begin an other season of foreign movies sponsored by the YMCA. A total of seven films, with the Y's pur pose of "adding more culture to students and furthering interna tional relations on the campus" will be shown this year. Tickets for the film series have gone on sale. Individual tickets are 65 cents and $4 is the price for season tickets. With the sale of the tickets is offered an opportunity for stu dents to see one of the films free of charge. Each person who sells five tickets to the series receives a free ducat. The first performances will be gin at 8 p.m., Friday and Satur day, Oct. 12 and 13. Chairman of the student for eign films committee is Wilfred Weare. Student Directory Sales Begin Student Directory sales open today. The 1951-52 directory will be sold by fraternity, sorority and organized house representatives. Sales booths will also be set up in the Union. New receipt books similar to those used by Cornhusker sales men will be used this year. The directories will cost 50 cents. Sales will last one month ac cording to Harriet Wenke, sales director. Directories will be avail able about Nov. 1. The Student Directory is pub lished by Builders. The 1951-52 book will be similar to last year's publication. It will con tain the name, year, college, home town, and Lincoln address and phone number of every University student. In addition the directory will include information about all faculty members. Membership lists of sororities, fraternities and organized houses will also be in the book. Lou Kennedy is editor of the Student Directory and Phyliss Loudon is business manager. bales committee members are Sally Hall, sororities; Eldon Park, fraternities; Nita fielmstadter, or ganized houses; Shirley Stehlek, campus and faculty; Lou Carnaby, downtown. A new member of the sales committee has also been an nounced. Chuck Kiffen will be in charge of booths and of mailing the directories. Sorority sales representatives are Joan Legge, Kappa Alpha Theta; Polly Stratton, Alpha Omicron Pi; Mary Ann Pasek, Chi Omega; Diane Hinman, Delta Delta Delta; Sue Brown lee, Delta Gamma; Pat Patter son, Gamma Phi Beta; Shirley Lysinger, Pi Beta Phi. Reva Gittleman, Sigma Delta Tau; Shirley Murphy, Sigma Kappa; Shirley Ledingham, Al pha Phi; Mary Ellen Single; Kappa Delta; Margery Delama ter, Alpha XI Delta; Donna Folmer, Alpha Chi Omega; Joy Nixon, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Conducting sales in the fratern ity houses will be Don Anderson, Ernie Bebb, Bill Beltzer, Dick Robinson, Dick Gerlack, John Gibbs, Jack Gillespie, Charley Haupt, Mike Kickey, Chuck Kif fen, Marty Mathiesen, Tom Miller, Ron Pilgrim, Sid Sweet, Dick Wells and Bob Berghel. Salesmen for organized houses are Don Anderson, Nancy Dahl- gren, Jack Gillespie, Darlene Gooding, Faye Graham, Pat Ann Carlson, treasurer; Marilyn Heebner, Georgia Hulac, Kathy Seiler, secretary, and Ethel Wood-, McMullen, Raymond Rider and ward, historian. John Wisby. I Jay hawks To Invade Nebraska Campus . Kansas Jayhawks will invade the campus Nov. 3. They will bat tle the Huskers on the gridiron and spotlight the annual Homecom ing decorations. House display rules were announced today by the Innocents So ciety, sponsors of the campus wide decoration contest. Judging will be held from 7:30 p.m. until 9:45 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 2. Names of the three faculty judges will be announced at a later date, according to the Innocents. Rules governing participation are as follows: (1) . A sketch of the proposed house decoration must be sub mitted by noon, Oct. 16. (2) . A fee of five dollars for every group with a membership of twenty or more must be submitted by noon, Oct 16. (3). Decorations must be com- Ad el phi Names Pledge Class Adelphi pledged 14 girls at its recent meeting. The pledges are Barbara Call, Donna Donavon, Jean Jones, Charlene Jordan, Peggy Konegni, Donna Kruger, Carmen Lliteras, Joy Nelson, Gloria Peterson, Hope Robb, Marilyn Seiler, to Jo Ann Trikel, Betty Turner and Carlene Walker. The green and white ribbons were pinned on the girls after a week of rushing which featured a tea, coffee hour and coke dates. Events on the Adelphi agenda include a hayrack ride, television party and discussions of cosmetics application and hair styling. Eldean Breeze Kechely is presi dent of Adelphi. Others officers are Grace Jones, vice president; pleted by 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, if the display is to be consid ered by the judges. (4) . Expenses for the decorat ing must not exceed fifty dollars. An itemized expense account is to be submitted by 6 p.m., Nov. 2. (5) . Profession help of decorat ing is prohibited. The sketch, fee, and expense account should be turned in to Dick Billig, 1548 "S" street, or at the Cornhusker office. A judging form has betn printed this year listing the following judging points: Them, originality, attractiveness, and general relationship to home coming theme. Awards to the winners will be presented by Innocents presi dent, Jerry Johnson, at the Homecoming dance on Not. 3. Three traveling trophies will be presented to first, second, and third place winners in the wom en's division. In addition, the three houses which place will be presented with a permanent plaque in recognition of the honor. The three winners in the men's division will also be awarded the first, second, and third place traveling trophies and a per manent award plaque. Last year Beta Theta Pi and Chi Omega won first place in the men's and women's division re spectively. Sigma Nu and Phi Gamma Delta won second and third places. Pi Bete Phi and Kappa Alpha Theta copped sec ond and third place honors in the women's division. Honorable mention went to Sigma Chi, Theta XI, and Sigma Phi Epsilon. Beta Theta Pi's winning display pictured a Husker football player applying a shock to a roaring Tiger. First the player, then the electric flash and finally the Ti ger would light up. "Let's Shock the Tigers," was the winning slogan. A giant witch presided over the Chi Omega's winning entry. A tiger stewed in a giant pot while in the background was an eerie backdrop with the slogan "Be wich M.U. - u Judges for last year's contest were Professors James Porter, C. J. Frankforter and Don Lentz. Last year 42 organizations par ticipated in the display contest. Till almanac Ag Students To Elect Six To Exec Board Tuesday A man and a woman will be elected from each of the sopho more, junior and senior classes in the Agricultural Executive board election Tuesday. All Ag College students will be eligible to vote in the election. Only men will be eligible to vote for the sophomore and junior men candidates and only women will be eligible to vote for the sopho more and junior women candr dates. All voters will be eligible to vote for the senior men and women candidates. Sophomore women candidates are: Mildred Athey, Terry Barnes, Connie Clark, Clara Gregersen, Earlene Luff, Cathe rine Melvin, Mary Jean Niehaus, Marilyn Sehnert, Barbara Spilker, Margaret Rainforth, Barbara Raun and Sharon Reed. Junior women candidates are: Marilyn Bamesberger, Jean Holmes, Joyce Keuhl, Kamona Laun, Jo Meyer, Imogene Vickers and Bonnie Weakley. Senior women candidates are Marilyn Elseman, Betty Kelso and Jo Raun. 'University's Radio Program Unexcelled By Other Colleges' "No other university in America has a radio outlet comparable to that of the University of Ne braska," according to Ken Keller, assistant director of public rela tions at the University. Nebraska's own program, "Your University Speaks," is broadcast over a network of 17 stations, he continued. Although some univer sities have their own stations, no other university also has a pro gram broadcast over a large net work. "Your University Speaks" tells the people of Nebraska what is going on at their uni versity, Keller said. Interviews, concerts and transcriptions of University life are presented every Sunday. . , Keller said most stations ask for interviews with Chancellor R. G. Gustavson and head football Bunche, Emily Kimbrough and many of the convocation speakers. Keller reported that the re cent interview with Dr. and Mrs. Martin Muma proved to be one of the most unusual shows he has broadcast Dr. Muma, formerly an associate professor of entomology at the University, is one of the na tion's few experts on spiders. Another unique program broad cast the sounds of a beating hu man heart and a moving muscle. The program was born during the war when the Nebraska Broadcasters association formed the Nebraska Network association to do a week'v show of aptriotic importance. the war's end, the association turned the show coach Bill Glassford. Other guests j have been Ogden Nash, Dr. Ralph over to the University to continue the public service. Participants in the "Your Uni versity Speaks" program do not prtend to be professional radio performers, Keller said. He be lieves that the people of Ne braska, having been pelted with neat crisp perfection In pro grams, like to lean back and hear people talk naturally. Guests on this week's show, broadcast Sunday at 2:30 p.m., over KFOR, will be football coach Bill Glassford, athletic news di rector John Bentley, and Tom Rische and Sue Gorton of The Daily Nebraskan staff. A tran scribed portion of a recent speech by Chancellor Gustavson in which he presents his "equation for suc cess" will also be included. , Sophomore men candidates are Joe Edwards and Dale Ol son. Junior men candidates are Art Becker and Bill Waldo. Senior men candidates are Rex Coffman and Jerry John son. The Ag Exec board is the gov erning body of the College of Agriculture. It is composed of student members and two faculty members, Mary E. Guthrie, as sistant professor of home eco nomics, and David Sander, as sistant professor of agronomy. Membership on the board con sists of five students in addition to the six being elected Tuesday. ...One member is chosen from, .the senior Farmer's Fair board,, .one. from. the. Coil-Agri-Fun. .board, and two hold-over mem .bers, one man and one woman.. ...One member is the Student. .Council representative from the. .College, of .Agriculture.. This, .representative is elected in the. .spring of his sophomore year Members who will remain on the Ag Exec board for the fol lowing year are Wayne White. Student council Representative, Jan Ross, Farmer's Fair board. and Gene Robinson and Alice Anderson, hold-over members. By MARL1N BREE Staff Reporter A tip to the wise. For the latest in recommended procedures for gettinr back at your enemies, do as thousands of others do. At precisely midnight, in the light of a full moon, go to the nearest cemetery and find an old tree stump. You may pro ceed to sit down upon It. Then build a small bonfire a short distance to ne side of it. . The fire must built up in the shape of a funeral pyre, and must be fairly large. Upon the stroke of one o'clock, remove from your left coat pocket a small lump of wax. Then proceed to make a small wax figurine resembling your enemy. While doing this, you must mutter small incarna tions, which may vary to your own personal tastes. Sample in carnations, however, I am not permitted to print When the figurine is finished, remove a small pin from your pocket. Stick this pin in the figurine. This according to latest Voodoo methods, should do him immeasurable harm. This method comes to me highly recommended. Another tip to the wise. If your friend In anger should kick you, do not be dismayed or become angry. Do as the good Samaritan would do turn the other cheek. The weather report for day indicates some cloudiness, but otherwise fair and warmer, clearing over the whole state by tomorrow. High temperature to day is 50 in the east and CO-65 in the west. "May I kiss you?" "Darn, another amateur." Richard Widmark Will Speak At Union Movie Stars To Arrive At NU This Afternoon You won't have to wait for evening on Monday to see stars, Stars Hollywood style will be at the Union Monday at 2:30 p.m. Members of the troupe, headed by Richard Widmark, leading per former in "Frogmen," will speak to students from Union steps as a part of a nation-wide celebration of motion picture's "Movietime, U.SA" Others among the movie per sonnel include Jesse White. de- John Farrell. A parade around campus with a pep band will accompany the ar rival. Gaylord Marr, radio and speech in structor, is master of ceremonies for the program. From Lincoln the caravan will travel to Wahoo to continue its Nebraska lour. A torch light parade is scheduled for the visit in Omaha. Similar programs are being con- tective in "Francis Goes to the' Creen personalities Darticioatin. traces, .Denny veneia, BarDarai me union ana AUF are co Ruick, Johnathan Latimore. waiter of Alan Ladd stories, and director sponsoring the campus visit of the company. .. '