The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Monday, October . 1 , 1 951
Horned Frogs Blast Nebraska;
Smith Sparks Scarlet O
F I Hi
Sports Staff Reporter
The Texas Christian Horned
Frogs put the chill on Nebraska
Saturday by a score of 28-7.
Paced by Fowler and Hallmark,
and given a few breaks on fumble
recoveries, the Frogs took off on
a roaring start and never slowed
down. . , , a ,
Their off-center delayed line
buck was the most effective
play, and they used it consist
ently to great advantage. Their
passing was effective, and their
pass defense was excellent since
they intercepted several times
and took advantage of the situa
tion to cash in for TD's against
As Coach Glassford had pre
dicted, Nebraska's offense was
overrated, and with the exception
of the touchdown scored by Nick
Adduci, the Scarlet and Cream
were definitely without the in
spiration that might have been
there if Bob Reynolds had been in
shape to play.
In spite of numerous fumbles
by both teams, the line bucking
demonstrated by frosh Bob Smith
was a standout performance, as
was the occasional break-away
running of Tom Carodine, indicat
ing that both of these boys have
a big potential for future touch
downs. , ...
Nebraska looked good the first
quarter, and after a give-away
TD to TCU in the first part of
the second quarter when it re
covered a Nebraska fumble, the
game got considerably more in
teresting. Suddenly the Frogs unleashed
a long-range passing attack that
was devastating to the NU de
fense. The second half saw a con
siderable tightening of the Ne
braska defense, with the for
ward wall of Bob Mullen and
Don Boll forming the backbone
of the line defense, enabling it
to smash many of the plays.
Carodine broke loose for a
couple of sparkling end run plays
in the final half, and Nick Adduci
was good for valuable yardage on
many running plays. The Husker
passing attack bogged down at this
point because the TCU backfield
defense was covering NU receivers
very handily. And on a couple of
occasions Glassford's boys could
not get a pass off, forcing them
to take a loss rather than risk an
interception or penalization for in
tentional grounding of the ball as
happened to TCU.
The Norris-Simon pass combo
paid off for a couple of nice
gains in the third quarter, but
the necessary yardage was lack
ing for a sustained drive to the
goal posts. Many fumbles in
the latter part of the game indi
cated the Huskers were tackling
rather high, and others were
missed completely as some of
the TCU backs went through the
line in a very swivel-hipped
manner which defied explana
tion. '
Again the Frog passes
Illlllllf JtteJ..Wl
llHIIIlk !
V , (, V"!, X- - .vy-s V', ' ' -
Sports Staff Columnist
some persons wui ao anytning ior inrms, ana someiimes me
uinna toiue su xosi, uiat yum iiearv iievtr geus out ox your viiiouu
Such was the case for me the first time We decided to go hunting
iYi a rvyQviA wlrAC envtAtitvt ac Irnum qc rrTftv an eirislonA
n . 1 . - l v j a. i . a . t
ii was several years ago, as i recall, ana m me aeaa 01 winter.
The snow was several inches deep on the ground when we decided
that conditions were about perfect for a big coyote hunt.
IT 1 i- J 1 1 s 1 . . i t
we lucaieu a man wno naa a nuraoer oi trained greynounos
which were very fast runners and he promised to meet us at a
i 1 : 4. ...;u lj- i j i i i j . rru:
teuuu jjuiiiu wiui ma jeep auu uogs at uie udc& ui uawii. xuu
depredations of this wily animal had been heaviest.
One rancnea baa lost several new-born calves to the sly
killers, and it was his idea that we join forces and, with the aid
of both ground equipment and aircraft, attempt to exterminate
a part of the local wolf population.
. j u.H i
xjawu wamc auuuiiipaiiieu kiie luai auciaii. engines, anu
ii : f i 1 j i J .' l a -
since me aiiciait iiau ueen equippeu wiin, it was uui a lew
minutes until we were sliding to a landing on the snow-drifts near
the ranch house. A quick breakfast of ham and eggs with steaming
cups of coffee gulped down and we had left the ranch.
vjur equipment, ior nuuuiig irum uie aupiaue was simple uui
automatic repeating shotgun, and plenty of ammunition.
Aii is xasi wuui aiiu inusb eAv;eiieiib tuning w vuniievi
up a speeding, dodging coyote with a charge of buckshot from an
airplane moving at speeds up to 100 miles an hour, without shooting
off the propellor or wing strut braces in the process.
A - 1 1 i 1. Ik... .11 41 4 : rr 4 a 41 4 V. A M 'ml a MA
A suvu ptivir ia uusjr mil uie .uiic just) -'& w nj uc ijiaiv
into a position so that his gunner can get a decent shot, much less
attempting to keep track of the trees, sandhills, haystacks and
numerous other obstacles that are constantly showing up in the
field of vision. It is not a game for the novice to try and it
requires special licenses by the proper authorities before a person
can participate in the sport.
Scooting over the snow-covered sandhills at high speeds at an
approximate altitude of 50 feet is great fun, and all of a sudden
vou nick ud a dark shadow moving in the distance against the
;a. and ...j . .
. r-. are euuany as uiuuu ui men uii-
you dick up a uai. suauuw moving in uic ui-ion 6i " , -v " " , , " .'isprine. une nunarea live peopie
W141VC X4. A VJ V . V1V u ... . . " - . .
,1. - .1 . J a :4. H PA..AfA ..tKv or Kaam pfQi-tl4w4 I nrlIA firA
GEL BARTOSH . . . Flashy Horned Frog quarterback lived up to
his press clippings Saturday as he helped spark his mates to
victory. Despite his impressive performance, Bartosh was forced
to share the sportlight with colleague Don Flowers.
that direction and, of course, it is Mr. Coyote, who has been startled
.1, 1. J . l J 1 A 1. . A41 4-Ka A ic V t
irum ms nigiib auuue uy uie duuuu ui uic ciiguic, ouu - w-r .vv-
footing it into a safer country.
A quick call on the two-way radio informs the ground crew
of our find and approximate location of the quarry. We then make
a large circle around the moving animal and drive him toward the
dogs, who are being held on leashes in the back of the jeep-truck,
which is bouncing crazily through the sandhills hammering tlirough
w :v i - i H 4.-..- A.!- oAm OlA Jam-b 4a o-aI urS41tk
ranre of the running coyotes, so it is up to the gunner in the
aircraft to dispatch the animal without further ado.
f -amnrac AftnsirtpmMo nraptioe. since
liua is a tut tiiaii a i a ' '
most coyotes are very difficult to hit, and after they have been
nvor Out Imp The I owier-io-
Hallmark passing attack was re
sponsible for another iu in xne
last quarter, making the score
Frosh Bob Smith turned in a
good average for his line plunging
in the last half, and from all ap
nearances he and Carodine can
hcrnmp a real tnreat
Comment from the players'
rooms "The Texas Christian boys
nlair a fast-heads-UD brand of
football all the time."
Sig Nusf Sig Alphs,
Presbys Victorious
clicking and they made several
?at gains on snort passes oiremy
Sports Staff Reporter
f oref eits
were in store for Thursday intra
mural squads as the tmra aay 01
the footbaU season got under way.
The first game ot trie aay was,
the tilt between the lMeDrassa
Coop and the boys of the Metho
dist house. .
Because of an insufficient num
ber of players from both teams,
the squads postponed the game,
until another time. These squads
have been rescheduled in tne
league and will play at a iater
f j ' m 'mm wummmummmmt J
it w A ilk ' I fT,"
D..J.1KU CaLaaaJ.. . I T f 1tflnnl4V
XfmX 43 1T1 Jl UUI ... lYUUUIftlll nillUCUCI 4. 41 V. 4L. 4. 4i...M"v
huddle together at the Dad's Day luncheon to discuss Husker foot-
Dan in general ana weir looioan-piayins sons, ivcu muiucum
and Gerry Minnick, in particular.
Dad's Day Features
First Husker Game
Sports Staff Reporter
That's my boy! Two mighty
proud fathers are T. J. Minrack
of Cambridge. Nebraska, and
first year of varsity ball. If
pre-season reports are any indi
cation, he will be an outstand
ing defensive lineman.
Nebraska s other football fathers
i spring, une nunarea live peopie
4 J 4V,A 4-,a;1 Tl Flow
..iJa oav 4Ui- c Tom, Mi, r" " " ". T
,;","";v"' luncheon at the Union Saturday,
nick and Ken Schroeder, both ofiDr. c.eorce E. Condra addressed
- - - o- ,
The proud papas were in town
Saturday for the Nebraska-Texas
Christian football game. Both
men were glad to accommodate
the Daily Nebraskan with an interview.
Although neither the elder
Minnick or Schroeder played
football in high school, they
participated in athletics. Both
men played baseball, and Min
the parents of the Nebraska grid
ders. The banquet was under the
direction of the Innocents. The
Inn rV pah trac oH in tni fnrri.
husker fashion, with the parents
singing ".uear uia XNeDrasica."
most coyotes are very aiiiicuit to nit, ana aiiei- uicy uavc tojui men ptsycu ukuUi hu
ishot at once by an airplane, they duck and dodge around every nick was a track star at Cam-
snoi k once uy an aupimic, mcjr onu v.6v- '
conceivable object to get away from the sudden death on wings
ally the coyote down a flat-canyon section of the ranch,
and then he really goes into high gear. The plane is behind and
mate altitude of 10-15 feet and at a speed of slightly more than fathers attended N.U.,
twice the speed of the coyote. The door opens on the aircrart ana reai Cornhusker fans.
the 12-gauge gun Darrei wmsues in me wma stream.
Wham, a miss, the coyote has dodged behind a convenient
haystack, and the aircraft sails past the target and starts to circle
bridee. Son Jerry got his shot
putting ability from his Dad,
who was outstanding in this
Even though neither of the
they are
You can
ho sure thev will be nulline for
the Scarlet and Cream throughout
the season. Messrs. Minmcn ana
haystack, ana tne aircran sans pasi uie wigci um o.i.o kj .t. lne season, jviessrs. mumitu m
for a repeat performance. Again the coyote throws on a burst of Schroeder are pleased with Ne
cnuui dnvm th ranvon. and the aimlane is fast overtaking him braska's 1951 team.
Loss Fails
To Dim NU
Fans' Spirit
Sports Staff Reporter
Nebraska rooters used every
thing but the two-platoon system
v.r.;na in ihc Huskers last
ill i ll, lil(S v 1
Saturday when TCU downed the
Scarlet and cream, o-.
In a concerted effort to cheer
v, fnthaii tiam on to victory,
over 400 pepsters, Tassels, and
Corn Cobs made the rafters ring.
Whenever the Cornhuskers were
threatening, which was not often,
cries of "we want a touchdown
filled the air." The rooters were
Aaii0-f linrtn more often to echo
uwo -
The scarlet-and-cream clad
Husker supporters were led in
their losing fight by the Yell
Squad. A welcome addition to
the Yell Squad were three NU
coeds. After a year of absence
from the Yell Squad, the distaff
side ig again represented. Al
though the three girls did I not
perform any unusual tumbling
feats, no one seemed to mind.
During timeouts, the University
JtOTC Band played, to the ac
companiment of vigorous pompom
waving by Corn Cobs, Tassels and
Pepsters. But all the shouting
couldn't stop the Horned Frogs.
Apparently, the horned frog is an
animal which isn't bothered by
loud noises. S .
At halftlme, the ROTC Band,
Directed by Don Lentz, went
through a series of tricky
marching maneuvers. Using the
theme "Startlme for the Husk
ers," the musicians gave birth
with Stardust," "Stars and
Stripes Forever," and "Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star." The band
formed a huge star on the field
for these numbers. Then, switch
ing to a crescent moon, it plays
"Rin Mmn." In honor of Dads
day, the band played an ia
favorite, "The Man I Love."
The card section, a popular fea
ture at Cornhusker games, hon
ored TCU and also the Dads.
But in spite of the valiant ef
forts of all these University pep
groups, the Huskers came out on
the short end of the score.
Lcplcy Calls
For Mermen
Swimming Coach Hollie Lepley
issued a call for swimmers today.
Anyone interested in sould con
tact Lepley at his office In the
Physical Education building at the
earliest possible time.
He will be there any time from
S a.m. to 4 p.m. After 4 pm., he
can be reached at the swimming
pool in the Coliseum.
Lepley urges anyone interested
to contact him Immediately, as he
wants to get the necessary physi
cal examinations out of the way.
rhin sotond came scheduled
for Thursday was the fray be
tween Sigma Alpha Epsilon and
Alpha Tau Omega.
After the final whistle of the
game had been blown the score
was Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 22.
iini,. Tan Ompra. 6.
nu 4-..- " . -- -
The first toucnaown was mauc
nlflv from Joe
Gifford, the Sig Alph's Fran Nagle,
to Gus Lebsock.
fm nnA tniirhfiown came
1 I1C BCVV"" v -
when Bob Babcock recovered an
ATOs fumble. Babcock picked up
the fumble and sped 15 yards for
a T.D.
The conversion was accom
plished when Joe Gifford threw
k pass to Bill Shainholtz.
With the score standing at 13-
in favor of the Sig Alph's John
Leach threw a long passto Bill
Shainholtz for another TD. and
six points.
At the try for an extra point
. , . r. t r? ...A.. ci ivpccf ui as Gii-
0VE4S "1 AJA-A.A-W -
Gifford again passed to Shainholtz
for the score.
...,,1ai think that the Sig
Alph's had gotten enough scores
for the aay, dui muu. -
Jack Cady of the ATO's behind
the end zone for a safety and two
more points. .
But the A1U5 weicuuiw"
Coeds Not Only Ones To Diet
Football Players Do It Too
. .. . a V...
denied . In the last few seconds
nf the farm? Al BlessinK passed to
Dave Jones for the only ATO
Next on the roster was a game
between the University YMCA
and the Presbyterian house
Due to a lack of players the
University YMCA boys had to
forefeit to the Presbyterian
house. The final score was 1-6
in favor of Presbyterian.
.The final game of the day was
the tilt between the Beta Sigma
Psi and the Sigma Nu.
In this game the Sigma iu
squad beat the Beta Sigs 26 to 0.
With the assistance of Howard
Herbst's able passing arm and
running ability, the S.N's were
able to score quit heavily.
Worhct nasspfl1 to Stan Sinple for
6 points and also to Larry Ether-
ton for a T.U. But tnis was not an
for Herbst as he ran 20 yards for
another touchdown.
The Sigma Nu squad naa an
other able passer in Bob Roeser,
who passed to Rod Smith for a
touchdown and 6 points.
To end the scoring of the day.
Herbst again passed to . Tom
sinnii fnr tht ovtra. point.
Th mnct valuable Tilaver of the
game other than Hemst was cmy
Best who intercepted three Beta
Cl4 nnfwae
Since your reporter was una uie
to contact players oi eimer me
Warriors or Tridents teams, the
a, ,-,f thpea nmes will be pre-
.. - o M a;
sented in a later eaition ui
The games ior jsaonaay
Field 1 Alpha Gamma RHO
vs. Thet Xi A.
Field 2 Tau Kappa Epsilon vs
Beta Theta Pi A.
Field Zeta Beta Tau vs Delta
Sima Phi. .
Field 4 Sigma Alpha Mu vs.
Delta Sigma Ft
Field 5 Theta Chi vs. Acacia.
ispeed down the canyon, and the airplane is fast overtaking him
a. rTAl ' . . J 1 J .Wa3 4Vaaa 4V,,nTA T C- C1140Ccf,ll
ITOin lilt? 1CCU. 14I4S VUUC LilV. UISV4. V4W.B w O
. .As 4.- 4V. A....AA4-AA . . rA ir 4 cnrtwHrift pnmnlptpl V
UI IllS CllUi l, bU UlC tUJUtC 1U4U W 04yV4 V.aa- " ' "I .
void of life and energy, never again to know the privilege of howling
ax the rising moon on tne loue piamc
Another brute has been spotted in the meantime by the ground
crew and the whine of auto-engines straining at high speeds
through the snow drifts increases to a crescendo as me uogs spo
the fleeing quarry and are released from their leashes. The chase
4 ... n . tl,.. iinnr trainiTir clirhtlv an the nnvnte.
IS on ftna in wusuc nnj . aaa , rt " . .
W 4-4a. a..aa1aa nnnATinil 4"f tA flriCTS VlPffin? tf tPll flnfl
X uianji tne aupci iul wiavaili-jiaaai, v - ""n" o -
the gap between pursuers and pursued becomes smaller, the lead
dog finally draging the coyote down and the big fight begins.
weight of numbers, of course, is the major item and it tips the scales
in iavor oi tne aogs. ou uie vuj'uic ia ucoujcu, a,v. .v . .e
severely damaged his assailants.
Such IS the Dig tnriU 01 coyote nunung in uie lancu couuu.jr
1 1
oi iNeDrbKci.
soft touch in washable
sport shirts
Feature Editor
t.H.:. .trnndW than OOSChed
eggs before game time drink no
Football players shouldn't be
treated like this but they are.
Coaches say it's ior -n
j is., tnnxt neonle think
EOOU UUV 4A.AA-.-- M . , . ,
that football players are healthy
because they're born that way.
They may have Dem u
good health-true. However, it
takes a little doing in oro ,
keep up and maintain the stand
ard condition that coaches de
mand and fans expect.
Exercise alone cant do the
trick. Their diet must be watched
carefully. ,,
So, coeds, when your football
t.- 4u vim he's on a diet
don't laugh! He's perfectly seri
ous. .. .
If you don't ueueve mm,
in at the Union one of these
evenings around 5:30 or so and
take a gander at the crowd in
the basement. The big thrill,
however, is to wait around un
til seven. That's when the var
sHy members make their ap
pearance. . ,
m k(. Vfcximv vllection also
luu, um i.4""j
.nnooatii there at noon, ur, n
youfre an early bird, take a peek
in the union caieija
ping off to class say 7:30 or
Now from all this unionology,
don't get tne iaea mai mick -Aini.
ara nil lnunee lizards
and TV vipers. They aren't.
They're merely adhering to aiet,
as outlined by the University atn-
letic department,
m,-. 4. aii tvio muscle-7 crea
tures are required to t at Ihe
tTnion morning, noon and night.
That's how important it Is.
Think they give up the ki
bitzing and college-boy P".nks
they pull if ney were m
their own devices at respective
organized house.
However, their meals are paid
for by the University athletic de
partment. It's part of a contract
called an athletic scholarship.
All this may sound insignifi
Tit vnit it's -iust another one of
the things which is done a type
nt (nciirnnra that is taken out
to help produce the best of foot-
ball squads ior vwvvmiy iai.
Girls Prepare
For IM Slate
University coeds don ther sports
togs for the opening oi tne m
tramurals program today at Grant
The soccer, baseball tourney,
and tennis doubles are the first
competitive sports to challenge
the girls.
Tournaments will be on a single
elimination basis. If the partici
nants lose the game, they are cut
of the tournaments.
Soccer baseball tournaments
will run for three or four weeks,
depending on the weather, ac
cording to Alice Frampton, vice
president of the Women's Athletic
The schedules for the tennis
and soccer baseball are posted on
the bulletin board at Grant
Any University coed with a
health permit may take part in
WAA activities. Team members
nuat v.avp nermlts to be eligible
to play. Any organized house or
group may enter in the events.
Nancy Klein is WAA intramural
mzr- p if l
..-iTi""-" 'M '' f r
f - " ' s
y ii
1 A Ev
Sons Ken and Jerry played
football in high school. Schroed
er, a center came to Nebraska in
1949. He was injured last year
at Curtis and was unable to
play. This year, however, he is
one of the Huskers outstanding
center prospects. Minnick is a
sophomore and is playing his
IStk o
SUrUag at 1 P.M.
There neoer ha been
a motion picture ?3
Anton Walbrmk
doctors warn smokers about throats.
Kaywoodie Pipes have Three Throat-Guards
to give extra throat protection.
A :
FIRST THROAT -GUARD: "Wider-opening" bit.
Spreads out smoke, helps cool it No hot
smoke to irritate throat or "bite" tongue.
1EC0ND THR0AT-SUAR0: Exclusive, patented
'ORINKLESS" device. Cuts down irritating
keeps every pipeful lit longer.
THIRD THROAT-GUARD: World's best im
ported briar. It's specially heat-resistant and
porous. Makes smoke coolerless irritating.
Fine cotton with a touch of rayon, gives
Rifleclub the soft feel of fine French
flannel. But because it's Sanforized and
vat-dyed it's a washable whiz won't
shrink, won't fade. The sparkling colors
in plaids, checks, and stripes are in
for keeps.
Ask for them at your favorite
men's wear, department or
specialty store.
Galey & Lord inc. oW Burlington Mills
Eesidual shrinkage less than 1 .
Only KAYWOOD1E pipes have these Three
Throat-Guards for extra throat protection!
Doa't gamble with your throat! Kaywoodie has three
Throat-Guards working for you, protecting your throat at no
other smoke can. They reduce tars and make smoke cooler.
And just hold that Kaywoodie! Feel the satin-smooth
briar. It's the world's best Admire it as you would the finest
piece of sculpture. .
And what a real smoke a Kaywoodie gives yon... what a
man's smoke! Plus so much extra throat protection!
Kaywoodie imports the finest briarand then
throws 90h oj it away. Keeps only the finest
10, the very heart, for cool, sweet smoking.
Kaywoodie Pipes ore avoiicbte in a wide
voriefy of shapes and Rtthhef. $4 to $25
i- .khf a J