The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Unpinned Students Polled
By Nebraskan Reporter
Stuff Kennrfer
The Daily Nebraskan has just
"men us iirsi pon or the year
and received some astounding
answers. Of course an astounding
question was asked.
The question for which we
were so diligently seeking an an
swer Was: If VOU Were ninnorf
and then got un-pinned, would
you want that information to be
in The Daily Nebraskan?
It was very noticeable that all
the male of the species questioned
m no in rawer definite terms.
One handsome lad answered very
stiffly, "I dont think it would be
Another quipped, "I don't
think there's any danger of my
setting un-plnned"; then for
effect, he flashed his wedding
Another pessimistic fellow
said, "it would be impossible
for me to get pinned in the
first place, but if I did I would
n't want anyone to know I
couldn't hold her."
Then there was the boy who
was very cagey about the whole
thing who started in, "Well, it
wuuia aepena upon the circum
stances, etc." That went on for
several minutes, but no definite
answer was ever given. The bash
lUl tyne. no rionht
Only a few men were definitely
in favor of it, and others said
wey didn't care either way.
Among the fairer sex, the
answers were predominately
yes. They sem to think that
such an announcement would
enable them to "get back into
circulation sooner."
On the other side of the fence
were the girls who said "News
like that gets around soon
enough anyway. If anybody
wants to know, they can find
out" They didn't mention how.
One young woman said she
would want the news in The
Daily Nebraskan but she knew
irom experience that first
everyone would want to
"What happened?"
Stanley R. Barnett, NU
Extension Instructor, Dies
Another sweet vouns thine took
an airy view of the whole situ
ation. "I don't see what difference
it makes. Pins are sort of like
going steady, and everybody
knows about it, I don't care."
Considering all the men who
answered the question with a
definite no, it might be safe to
drag out the psych books and
make an explanation. One
might think that it is the male
ego that makes them answer
like they do. They just hate to
admit that they can't hold their
girl. And they know they're in
dependent enough not to have
to worry about dating other
girls again.
On the cirls side, the uhnle
situation is different. They take
a mucn more philosophic view of
the situation and decide that
once it's over and done with, let
people know and get back into
Of course this is just the find
ing of a very small poll. If you
differ too much with the opin
ions given here, won't you let
us know?
Professor fitanlev P RnoK
i V . AJU41.tkf
university instructor for 15 years,
died at a local hosnital MnnHav
evening. Professor Barnett was
connected with the Universitv ev.
tension division of mathematics
and science.
Barnett. a native of T
England, came to the United
States as a child. Havind u uH in
Lincoln for about 20 vpars Pm
lessor Barnett previously was
superintendent of schools at Cedar! land.
iRapids, Dunning, Dwight, Taylor,
ana uarrison. He also taught
school in Beatrice.
He was a mpmhpr nf the Firet
Christian Ciiurch, a Mason and
chaplain of the Elks.
He is survived bv his wife. NpIHo
'Mae; two daughters, Mrs. Eunice
Everett and Mrs. Phylis Rednour,
Dotn or Lincoln; two granddaugh
ters of Lincoln: and a sister and
three brothers of London. Ene-
Summer Cruises, Vacation Jobs
Lose Glamour After Short Time
The Student Council has
asked that students stay out
or faculty parking lots.
The Council plans to check
the number of faculty places
being used during the rush
periods of each day. If the
spaces are not full, faculty lots
will be made smaller.
George Cobel. mesidint nf
the Council, stresses that an
accurate survey cannot be
made if students continue tn
park in faculty spaces.
The Council reports that the
parking lot cast of Bancroft
hall is, empty most of the day.
Roles In 'Othello'
Open To Students
Trvout for "Dt.hella" start nevt
wees in room zui at the Temple
Building. Thev will he held Mon
day through Wednesday from 3 to
5 p.m. and Wednesday from 7 to 9
All resularlv enrolled students
are invited to read for parts. There
win te parts for six women and
eigmeen men.
This is the first Universitv
ineatre nrodiirtinn whirh will he
given at the Nebraska Theater Oct.
30 and 31.
N U Spirit Takes Fire At Rally
of all
Home Ec picnic at 5:30 a.m.,
on lower campus. All girls inter
ested in home erconomics invtied
to attend.
AUF ioint hoard
- -- - "'vwniit a b i
p.m. at Union AUF office.
Agriculture Economics club at
7:30 p.m. in room 304, Dairy In
dustry building. Members and
interested undergraduate and
graduate students invited to
4-H meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
- V " Ls!( MsA a ? Q i ,
I wish I could have eiven you this vacation in
formation last spring before you all went on your
'glorious summer vacations; now, this news is not
news anymore because it's old; nevertheless, I hope
you will enjoy it.
It's pilfered from the Iowa State Daily column,
"Ballyrot", by Plato.
He wrote, and I quote:
"Manv Iowa State students are now sriendinir
their vacations at clubs and resorts suggested by
the college. We thought we might mention a few:
The geology students are now spending eight
weeks in Colorado taking a 6-month rock course
formerly offered at Alcatraz. They are staying
at a picturesque hotel and auto graveyard located
far back in Damnation Gulch. Student rooms in
the resort have hot and cold running water, de
pending on the temperature of the rain. The
quaint outdoor plumbing is discreetly located
uphill from the drinking-water supply."
"The NROTC students are now on their sum
mer cruise. They will learn to operate secret
weapons, such as the Mechanical Boat-sinker
J67k, and the folding' deck chair.
The Mechanical Boat-sinker J67k is a secret
weapon resembling an ordinary brace and bit. The
loperator swims beneath the enemy ship and uses
the J67k to drill a hole in the bottom. He then rapid
ly swims away so that the ship won't sink on top
of him."
"Other students are vacationing in the Citv nf
Frolic, the City of Extravagant Night Life, the
city of Ames.
Ames is one of the obstacles they dclhrht in
threading Highway 30 through. They don't want
the tourists to miss anything, for example, stu
dents. Also, the continual muffled thunder of
trucks past th campus keeps the place looking
alive. That's why students seldom die of bore
dom; they get run over."
Want some tips on studying? Even if you don't
here they are! '
Professor James D. Weinland in a booklet entitled
"How to Study" stated that students should ar
range their study schedule by the speed with
which they forget if they wish to get the "most
out of studying".
He stated that "Different kinds of mental work
require different applications of time. You will
memorize much more by working ten minutes
each day for a week than by . working seventy
minutes at one spell."
He added that an important factor in concentra
tion is interest in the subject. "To become interested
in your studies," he says, "find their connection
to yourself and to your future. You must see how
your work now will be a part of you and your
equipment ten years hence."
I still can't see where in my future biology
equipment will do me any good!
Ag Addition
University cheerleaders boost Cornhusker spirits at a pep rally. Leading
i. io r.i oeorsre nancocK. veil Kins- nnn
Students in a veil fnr the fnntholl lam orn. T, i , . 1 7 j, v v' lu r-; erge tiancocK, ieu King Uon
Devries, Ira Epstein; botton row (1. to r.) Jack Chedester, Judy Wiebe, Jane Calhoun, and Jo Berry
room 304, Agricultural hall. Elec
tion of vice president and trea
surer to be held.
Eager Pepsters Forfeit
50 Yard Line Seats
Downey Elected To Cob Office
Tiw. lITuni- cnMAM TT.'.., .W.. 1. . . , . r. .
I "
Jim Downey, senior University : hierarchy of thV Cnhs was neei
student has . been elected to the j tated when Del Kopf, president
vice presidency of Corn
men's pep organization.
Whai has happened to the 50
yard line?
Is it losing its popularity?
The Corn Cobs, in charge of
seating for the freshman pepsters,
were beginning to wonder.
When the time came up for
the freshies to turn in their ID
cards to be punched, thereby
i ecurying places for them in the
I show card section oop! Some
' thing happened.
Many of the cards showed up
with neat little punches in them.
It looked like an army of mice
had gone on a gnawing party and
jumped the gun.
Instead of the blocks busting up.
Jt looked for awhile as though marred little
mcr ""a mown up me pepsters l cardboards?
all over the University rationing
program that limits each student
one punch in the "athletic" section
on his ID card.
This all comes from a law
someplace somewhere that no
University student can have
more than one football ticket.
Insurance they call it.
Kemember nensters rer-mito
havejust two qualifications.
Better still have two things in
their Possession a red heanie
with a white "55" marked plainly
on ine iront, plus an unpunched
ID card.
By the wav anvone know how
10 get noia oi one of those un
pieces of orange
Cobs I lor xms scnol year, went into the
'armed forces.
Downev was chosen for this no- Wav !inm oi(. u
... 4 i -c. "7 c " j tjcn uic vice picai-
who has taken over the presi- Completing the pep group's of
dency and suDervision nf the fiVer Hct tv., v, i
- iwi 1,111.3 jJVJlUUl ici ill die
fepsters. secretary Georee Srhantz anH
This change in the official i treasurer Gene Johnson.
--i, .... 'it
i-. Mtwi.iE, . . onsirucuon is u-siiaped, and contains three stories When it U
neanng completion on the new Agronomy build- omplcted it will house the University', amnnmv
ing which is expected to be completed in time, fo department and U. S. Depar ment 0f AirTtL
r second semester classes. The $175,000 structure is e personnel. "epariment ot Agncultur
A9 i Engineering Course Nearly Full I
The Universitv acrricultnral en
gineering department can accept
only 20 more neonle at the irrain
and hay drying short course Sept.
Ellen Smith Gets
Mew Decorations
Ellen Smith hall is receiving a
face lifting. All rooms have been
repapered in green, rose, and blue
color schemes. All the redecorat
ing is in keeping with the Victor
ian style of architecture.
27 and 28 on the collppe nf acrri,
culture campus.
The course is designed for grain
dealers, machinery and equipment
manufacturers, electric power dis
tributors, farm managers, bank
ers and others interested on crops
drying. Kegistration has been
limited to 60.
Tonics to be discussed at
two-day meeting will include re
quirements for safe storage ofl
grain, selection of equipment and
planning tne air distribution sys-
. mu 1 1 i . ,
icm. mere wim np aemnnsiratinnd
or drying equipement also.
Zipper Note Book Covers ($2
up) and all Sheaffer pens or
pencils ($1.50 up), personal
ized in gold at no extra cost
to you.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
Madrigal Tryouts Close
Today is the last dav for trv.
ing out for University Singers
and Madrigal Singers, Dr. Ar
thur E. Westbrook announced.
Students may try out for the mu
sical groups between 4 and 5
p. m. today in the Music build
ing. Tryouts were also held Monday.
University Singers includes
about 100 students who are most
ly upperclassmen. The group is
cureciea Dy ur. Westbrook and
First Fall
Meet Called
The first meeting nf iha t to-
Varsity Christian Fellowship will
we ueiu nexi mursaay at 7:30
p.m. Room 315 at the Union.
Guest speaker will be Rev. Ord
Morrow of the Christian Mission
ary Alliance church of Havelock.
The Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship is an international or
ganizationwith about 500 chapters
over the. United States. It empha
sizes, an interdenominational and
evangelical Christian fellowship
among college students.
Many social fcctivlti ec are
planned for the coming year in
cluding parties, week-end re
treats, and Bible study groups in
addition to the regular meetings
on Thursday.
Warren Jones, IVCF president,
extends a cordial urelonma oil
itudents who are interested in
tryouts are to be held in his of
fice, Room 104 of the Music
David Foltz directs the Madri
gal group, which contains about
su singers. Tryouts will be held
in Foltz's office in .Room 112 of
tne music building.
Sometime during this week re-
suns oi tne tryouts will be posted
on tne ouuetin board at the Mu
sic building
Any student may try out for
the music groups but the direc
tors preier upperclassmen. Fresh
men are asked to spend a year
in one or tne university chorus
New Technical Director
Wants Theater Workers
Are you interested in technical
theater work?
If so, report to John Tolch, new
technical director at the Univer
tity theater, in Room 153 of the
Temple building anytime after 1
lolch asks that students inter
ested in work on stage crews,
make-up, properties, or those with
any artistic abilities volunteer
their services.
Tolch directed and participated
in lecnnicai wearer worK at Minot
KM Teachers College at Minot,
N.D., last, year. He has just fin
ished undergraduate work at
Michigan State College.
Law Schools
Announce Tests
For Aspirants
The Law School Admission
Test required of applicants for
admission to a number of leading
law schools, will be given at more
than 100 Pentero on the mnminn.
Of November 17. 1QS1,,
OO A il nn i . ' - . "
o, nV.u zo, ana August , 1952.
During 1950-51 over 6,700 appli-
i cams iook tnis test.
! A candidate must mnlrn a
rate application for admission to
eacn law school of his choice.
Many law schools select their
freshman classes in ' the spring.
Candidates for .admission to next
year's classes are advised to take
either the Novemher nr the Febru
ary tests.
The Law School Admission
Test, prepared and administered
by Fducational Testing Service,
features objective questions meas-
urine verhal nntitnrl
ing ability. Samnle
information regarding registration-
iur ana administration oi the test
are given in a hniietin of infor
Bulletin- unci flnnllpoHnne
snuuia De obtained four to six
weeks in advance of the desired
testing date from Educational
Testing Service.
Daily Nebraskan want ads
ret results. They may not be the
most expensive form of adver
tising, but thev find the Inst
doss. Ask the man who has lost
his and found it arain thanks
to want adi, '
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