The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1951, Image 1

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) Yfin
. VOL. 51 No. 4
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iaiiimii mmm bmntmautmnwm
Miss Iowa, Nancy Norman, Returns
To NU After Miss America Pageant
Staff Reporter
"It was a marvelous produc-
tion! The girls were just wonder
ful and the audience was very re
ceptive!" Those were a few exclamations
made by Nancy Norman in an
interview Wednesday. Miss Nor
man was Iowa's representative at
the Miss America pagent in At
lantic City, N. J.
In Atlantic City she was com
peting: for her third beauty
title in two months. Blue eyed,
brown haired, Miss Norman was
first selected by the Shenan
doah Chamber of Commerce to
represent her hometown in the
contest for Miss Southwest Iowa.
After winning that crown she
was given a trip to Clear Lake
Where she competed for and
won the title of Miss Iowa of
Miss Norman and her mother
then made the, trip to Atlantic
City at the expense of the Clear
Lake Jr. Chamber of Commerce.
In addition to the free trip, she
received from her home town
backers, a fur cape, watch, three
formals, two bathing suits, a lug
gage set, jewelry, an original
dress, her crown, trophy and other
The Miss America contest was
divided into three parts, she ex
plained. A parade in formals, a
talent contest and a parade in
bathing suits. In order that the
audience at each of the three pre
liminary shows could see a por
tion of all three parts, the girls
Were divided into three groups of
seventeen girls each.
Miss Norman was in the group
from which the winner, Miss
Utah, was chosen. Three of the
five finalists were from this
group, she added.
"She was so tall," Miss Nor
man exclaimed, "I was abou't the
littlest in our group." Miss Nor
man is only five feet three inches
The selection of Miss Utah for
the title of Miss America was a
surprise to everyone, accord
ing to Miss Norman. Miss North
Carolina was the betting fa
vorite, she said. Miss Norman
complimented the winner as be
ing very poised and intelligent.
She thought the selection was
Wise however in that Miss Utah
could make good use of the schol
arship prize. She was highly tal
. ented, dazzling the crowd when
she appeared as Queen Elizabeth
in the talent show.
nr: T - . . :
sane "Romance" by Romberg as
her entry in the talent contest.
A great variety of skills and!
abilities were exhibited in the
show. One prize winner showed a
film of herself water skiing, she
Ag Union To Combine Open
He a With Reception Saturday1
A faculty-student reception at;
the college of agriculture is slated
ior oaiuraay eveiiHiK, och".. - -
8 o'clock in the College Activities
The affair is sponsored by the
nual open house at the same time.eacn m"en
The program, according to
Hollis Eggers, activities director
for the Ag Union, will begin
with the reception and be fol
lowed by an open air dance.
Dave Haun and his orchestra
will furnish the music.
Television, bingo, and card. Donald Leising, Glenn Vein
games will also furnish entertain-! meyer, and Fred Hosterman.
ment lor those attending, and re
freshments will be served to
Student organizations on the Ag C. W. Smith, Wayne C. Whitney,
campus will feature displays, and Prof. Clarence Miller, Prof. Garo
there will also be a display by the lyn Ruby, Dr. C. C. Minteer, Dr.
Ag Union craft shop. IL. R. Snyder and Cal Orr.
To Include NU Facu
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson has
been named as dedication speaker
for the annual Ak-Gar-Ben 4-H
show at Omaha Sept. 28 through
Oct. 7.
Prof. William J. Loeffel, super
intendent of the show, also said
there will be more hogs and sheep
than at last year's show and pos
sibly more dairy cattle. Prof.
Loeffel is chairman of the Univ
ersity animal husbandry depart
ment. About 125 dairy cattle, 1,100
beef animals, 100 sheep and 350
hogs are expected to be on ex
hibit at the show.
Robert A. Storz of Omaha will
be master of ceremonies at the
event which starts at 12:45 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 2.
Judges for the stock show in
clude A. J. Dyer of the Univers
ity of Missouri, on beef; Carrol
Plager of Auston,. Minn., on
swine; Ivan Laughary of the
University of Wyoming on dairy;
and M. A. Alexander of the
University of Nebraska on sheep.
Purple and blue ribbon winners
of the eight district dairy shows
held this summer in Nebraska and
Iowa are eligible to enter the Ak-Sar-Ben
One of the oucens which were
chosen at each of he district
events will be selected to reign at
th Ak-Sar-Ben rodeo.
i .. . 11
2 : f'mt mm
I Wm' van X
through the Miss Iowa contest to win the title for 1951. A junior
in the University, the beautiful Miss Norman was privileged to
enter the competition for Miss America.
During the contest entrants
were not allowed to speak to any
men. An appointed chaperon ac
companied each girl at all times.
Even mothers were not allowed
in charge of their daughters.
The one opportunity for so
cializing with males came at the
ball where the girls were es
corted by midshipmen from the
Naval Academy. Miss Norman
was paired with a Lt. Com
mander. "It was the first time
I'd ever date an officer!" she
.Ji! J?1
1tlT;nl. Mni.m.n nkn fnCc
fied to have had the "wonderful
Miss Norman is a junior in the
. ... . f r,;
University, is a member of Pi
-t "
'Beta Phi sorority, a
singer, University singer, Orchesis,
and Sigma Alpha Iota.
The entire evening will be free
0f charge to everyone, and it will
rJot only give the students a
. I x . . ,
chance to get acquainted with the;
faculty, but it will also give them
chance to t acquainted
Chairman of the affair is Dr.
P. A. Downs of the dairy hus
bandry department. Jo Meyer is
in charge of decoration and
Wayne White is in charge of
the dance.
Other students aiding in the
event include William Waldo.
Directing the various commit-
,tees on the faculty for the recep
tion are Prof. A..E. Barager, Prof.
One of the highlights of this
year's Ak-Sar-Ben show will be
the dedication of the Circle of
Champions. The Circle is a new
wall structure at the west end
of the main drive at Ak-Sar-Ben
field. It contains a large
dedication plaque and six
smaller ones on which are in
scribed the names of the 4-H
champions of the sheep, swine,
beef and dairy show since 1928.
In addition to the 4-H stock
event the National Shorthorn and
Polled Shorthorn show will
held Oct. 2-4.
G. A
T Inpwpavpr nf Amfs Ta ..
and Wesley M. Antes, state 4-H
club leader at the University of
Nebraska, will be assistant super
intendents at the 4-H show.
The dairy show will be held
Saturday. The swine and sheep
event is Monday and the beef
show will be held Tuesday through
Thursday. The sheep and auction
will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday
and the beef sule is at 9 a.m. Fri
day. Students who are interested
and who can operate a speed
exaphic camera are needed at
the Cornhusker o''ipe in the
Union basement any aftern'-on.
. . All equipment is furnished.
! in
Nancy Norman smiled her way
Sept. 28 Set
For Annual
Hello Dance
September 28th has been set as
the date for the annual BABW
Hello Girl dance.
tra have been hired to furnish the
l!s'cT J?r ba''- ?Li ...Yn.
the Hello Girl of 1951 will be
TT Ta u T T
didates nominated by mdepend-
i j :
tjons s
Lois Larsen is the present Hello
Girl. She was the Towne Club
representative in Inst year's con
test. The new "Girl" will be pre
sented by Miss Larson during the
All ticket buyers are eligible to
Candidates arc chosen on the basis'5
of beauty, scholarship and par-!
ticipation in activities.
rpUi : ,i TT -
This is the first all-University
dance of the season. Plans have
names of the girls will
V. ,-. 1 , ,J
but the
be an
nounced soon, according to BABW
president, Jo Hoff.
English students on Ag cam
pus! English B, section 25 at 8:20
a.m. on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday, and English 3, sec
tion 26 at 1 p.m. on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, both
meet in 103 Animal Husbandry
Hall instead of the place an
nounced In the printed class
TLTl dbnanac
This is one "old maid" story
that is different.
The story is told about the two
telephone repair men who were
working outside an old maid's
house. Suddenly, the lady heard
a solid stream of profanity coming
from outside her window. She
reported this fact to the telephone
company, who called the repair
men to give an account of the
Upon being asked, the burly
repairmen shyly looked up at each
other, and one finally stammered
out, "Well, boss, it's like this. Me
and Joe were standing there on
the working when my hand
slipped and I accidently poured
some white hot lead down his
back. Joe was rather taken aback
at this, so he gently looks up at
me and says, 'Really Mike, you
should be more careful in the
future.' And so I says to him,
, Joe, 1 ceriaiiuy win try lo no
better in the future."
Now for the weather story: The
high yesterday was near 75, with
a low of 61. There will be a high
today near 72, with a low tonight
near 50. There will be a fresh
N o r t h-W e s t e r 1 y breeze, and
temperatures will run somewhat
cooler than yesterday. This will
continue on tomorrow with the
high tomorrow near 70. Fair
weather is expected for today and
A sailor and his girl were out
riding in the country on horse
back. As they stopped for a
rest, the two horses rubbed
necks affectionately.
"Ah, me," said the sailor,
that's what I'd like to do."
"Well, go ahead," answered
the girl, "It's your horse."
Mystery Evening
Something will begin the
evening of Sept. 29th, an in
formed source told The Daily
Ncbraskan Wednesday.
The source added that what
ever it was that would take
place should remind 13th and O
of the Fourth of July.
According to the report, there
will be plenty of noise and mu
sic. But eyen persistent ques
tioning would not force further
information out of the myste
rious authority.
At the end of the interview,
he promised more information
in tomorrow's Daily Nebraskan.
NU Women
Invited To
Annual Tea
Women students and house
chaperons are invited to the an
nual tea given by the Dean of
Women, Marjorie Johnston, and
her staff in Ellen Smith hall on
Friday, Sept. 21 from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. j
Freshman ; women and new
students are particularly urged
to come. Mrs. R. G. Gustavson,
Helen Snyder, assistant dean of
women, and Mary Augustine,
assistant to the dean of women,
will form the receiving line.
Sharon Frizzier, president of
Mortar Board, and Nancy Button,
president of A.W.S., will greet the
guests. Assisting in the drawing
room and court will be Ruth
Shirin, executive director of
Y.W.C.A.; Madeline Girard, sec
retary of Panhellenic Council;
Miss Katherine Parks, director of
counseling and activities at Wom
en's Residence halls; Mrs. R. H.
Hastain, Mrs. Verne Huff, and
Mrs. Adele Hurley, head residents
of freshmen halls; and members
of Mortar Board.
Presiding at the tea tables
will be Mrs. Arthur Westbrook,
Mrs. Frank Henzlik, Mrs. Ar
thur Hitchcock, Mrs. G. W.
Rosenlof, Mrs. Carl Borgmann,
Doretta Schlaphoff, Mabel Lee
and Mrs. T. J. Thompson.
Members of Delta Omicron, Mu
Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Iota
music sororities will furnish the
musical background for the tea.
Presidents of the women's organ
ized houses arid student organiza
tions will assist with the serving.
16 Ag Seniors
Attend Omaha
Market School
t Sixteen senior animal
Danary students irom tne
lege of Agriculture atttended a
marketing school
at Omaha last
It was the 10th annual school.
I Expenses were paid by the
nrntiViQ T ?,.icf rtnlr VvfiVianffo li7P-
ctA- n-,! firms' anH
Thoe wh attended include
? wo r t aw
an! G. Frey, Wayne Frost, Law
rence R. Fuchs, Vernon A. Gar
wood, Leland E. George, Ward
Hansen, Ralph Hansen, Ted B.
Jeary, Phillip Olsen, Sterling Ol
sen, Harley Richardson, Richard
i Russell, William J. &enneiaer, ana
'Dean Wunderlick.
Nebraska Style Of English Taught
To Foreign
When in Nebraska, speak as
Nebraskans do. Foreign students
at the University are learning to
do just that through two special
classes offered by the department
of speech.
The courses, which are taken
for credit, include instruction in
the English language, American
social habits, and listening and
speech training. Miss Lucile
Cypreansen, instructor of the
course, is assisted by several sen
iors majoring in special speech
If foreign students have diffi
culty with other courses because
of language trouble, they are
Iranian Lawyer Learns English
S .... .' .:
LAW IN FOUR LANGUAGES . . . Amir Khoday ar. right, of Teheran. Iran, is an attorney in nw own
country and knew Persian, Arabic and French bot no English when lie arrived at the University
last January. He is now registered in regular University courses and is being helped to speak a more
proficient English by Miss Lucile Cypreansen, foreign students' speech instructor,
AUF Dance Plans Unanimously
OK'd In Year's First Action
'Pop' Klein Needs Girls
For Concession Stands
"Pop" Klein urges that all girls
interested in working at conces
sion stands during University foot
ball games attend a meeting at 5
p.m. Monday in the N club room
of the Coliseum.
The girls will receive 75 cents
an hour.
Burmeister To Settle Mix-up
Distribution of Daily Nebras- tion of students in reporting
kan will be equalized as soon as where extra papers are being left,
possible, according to Circulation He also asked that students take
Manager Chuck Burmeister. just one copy of each issue.
The newspaper's business office! Burmeister has been distribut-
receiveci several complaints
day and Wednesday concerning
a shortage of papers in many
buildings on campus and has be
gun an investigation to deter
mine how the limited number of
Daily Nebraskans can best be dis
tributed. This investigation, Burmeister
said, depends upon the co-opera-
'P.M. Headlines-
By Charles Gomon
Staff News Writer
Gross Claims 'Too III' To Testify
The plot of the latest chapter
in the serial that is organized
crime in America took a new
twist when the government's
star witness walked off the stand
and declared that he would not
testify further.
Assistant District Attorney
Julius Helfand assured news
men that Harry Gross, onetime
king of Brooklyn's underworld
bookies, was ill but would re
turn again to testify. Gross had
UN Foursome Violate Neutral Zone
In Korea the Communists four were unarmed members of
have Charged that the neutral L Rm,tv, Korean He-lonsinff team
iuue auiruuuuing me iruce cuy
of Kaesong has been violated by
four UN soldiers. Eighth Army
headquarters admitted that for
once the basis of the charges
was true.
However, the UN command
hastened to explain that the
. Ji . X t J ...
Europe Insists
Europe will rearm
will rearm if the
United States pays most of the
That seems to, be the attitude
3f several of the 'delegates to the
Atlantic Pact Council in Ottawa.
Although the official commu
niques have reflected an attitude
Df general agreement among the
nations represented, off-the-record
chatter seems to point to
some more basic differences.
U. S. Secretary of the Treasury
Snyder has been insisting that
Iran Has West Puzzled
Prime Minister Mohamed
Mossadegh's ultra-nationalistic
government in Iran has decided
to go the limit of international
politics, and the western nations
are trying to figure out if it is
bluff or fact. The Iranian gov
ernment has announced that
Russia will be invited to sign a
trade agreement. Mossadegh is
obviously playing Britain and
the United States against the
Soviets in hopes of obtaining tre
mendous concessions from one
group or the other. The west
Students In Speech Class
counseled by their individual
Each student takes part in
group work, which includes
phonetics, singing, choral speak
ing, play reading, group discus
sions and speech making.
Miss Cypreansen believes that
"speech is learned faster when it
is fun." She scheduled a number
of social functions during the
semester such as dinners, dances,
box suppers and picnics. The
clinicians-in-training of the speech
department also take part in the
social events.
Dr. John Wiley, director of the
speech and hearing laboratories,
Student Council opened its
year's activities Wednesday by
unanimously approving a policy
report submitted by the All Uni
versity Fund. President George
Cobel conducted the meeting.
The report, read to the Council
by AUF president Sara Fulton,
included plans for a charity dance
to be held at King's Ballroom in
late October. The dance is to cul-
the papers between 10 a.m
and noon to all buildings and
houses on campus.
To facilitate rapid circulation
he will need several assistants.
Any University student interest
ed in working with him should
contact Burmeister in the busi
ness office of The Daily Nebras
kan. been the prosecution's outstand
ing witness in the trial of 18
police officers accused of taking
graft from bookies.
Gross had already charged
that he had paid $1,000,000 a
year to certain of the officers
for protection. The witness'
abrupt about face came as a
complete surprise to the court,
and the speculation is that with
out Gross the state's chance of
winning the case is slim.
I . i - o
tvho wandered into the area by
mistake. Since the Red pro
test was worded in compar
atively mild language, it may be
that the Communists actually
want to resume the truce talks
is soon as possible.
On U. S. Aid
ithe Europeans shoulder more of
the rearmament program, argu
ing that the U. S. economy can
only stand so much strain. Gen.
Eisenhower had previously sug
gested from Europe that the na
tions in his North Atlantic army
take a more active part in equip
ping their own troops. These na
tions assert that their own
economies have not recovered
sufficiently from World War II
to accept the added drain of the
arms program.
has so far been standing pat in
defense of its oil interests, much
to'ie disgust of the Iranians.
Although the Iranians are sup
posed to be anti-Communist, it
is possible that they will find
themselves beaten at their own
game. Remembering the Soviet
reparations mission in Germany
and Austria, it is a fair guess
that it will be much easier for
the Russians to enter Iran than
for the Iranians to get them and
their influence out again.
says about the course, "We all i$lk
about going to Europe 'some day.'
Now Europe has come to us. Na
tive Nebraskans should get ac
quainted with our foreign visitors,
It is stimulating experience."
The beginning class in speech
for foreign students meets at
11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thurs
days. The advanced class meets
at 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Individual work is
Special clinic work without
credit may be arranged for those
students who wish to help but
cannot register for the courses be
cause of class conflicts.
.' II
minate the AUF drive for funds
which will begin Oct. 1.
This would be the first off-campus
dance sanctioned by the Stu
dent Council. Approval still must
be secured from the Faculty Com
mittee on Student Affairs.
The final vote for Ugliest Man
on the Campus will be taken at
the door and the UMOC will be
presented later in the evening.
All profits from the dance
will go to AUF since the mana
ger of Kings will donate the
ballroom for the event. After ft
short discussion of AUF plans,
George Wilcox's motion to ac
cept the report was passed.
Plans for this year's migration
to the Nebraska-Kansas State
football game at Manhttan Oct.
6 were discussed by the Council.
This will be the first trip to Kan
sas State since before 1940. Ac
companying the migrators will be
a pep band of approximately 40
The campus parking situation
was another item on the Council's
agenda. It was stressed that, due
to future Investigation, students
should refrain from parking in
faculty parking lots. If it is dis
covered that too much space is
being devoted to the faculty, the
situation may be adjusted.
Leo Hill, Lincoln business
man, has donated a 10th Street
lot with more than 50 spaces
to be used for student parking.
This new lot will make up for
some of the 150 parking placet
lost during the summer through
University building plans.
Members of the Council dis
cussed further expansion of vot
ing booths for University elec
tions. Last spring's constitution
balloting at which 40 percent of
the student population voted was
cited as an example of the ex
pansion program.
Officers of the Student Council
are George Cobel, president;
George Wilcox, vice-president
and chairman of the election
committee; Miriam Willey, vice
president and chairman of the
judiciary committee. Other offi
cers will be elected at next
week's meeting. , ,
Faculty advisors for the
Council are Henry F. HoRs--claw,
assistant professor of
chemistry, and Mary Mielens,
supervisor of English in Teach
ers College high school.
Council members and organiza.
tions they represent are as fol
lows: Cobel, Engineering Executive
board; Wilcox, military depart
ment; Willey, YWCA; Kent Ax
tell, publications; Sharon Fritzler,
AWS; Rex Messersmith, YMCA;
James De Marco, Cosmopolitan
club; Wayne White, Ag Exec
board; Dee Gade. Tassels; Peggy
Mulvaney, Mortar Board; Jack
Cohen, Innocents; Don Noble,
Corn Cobs; Dean Linscott, Build
ers; Nanci DeBord, Coed Counsel
ors; Dave Cargo, Religious Wel
fare Council.
Organizations who have not
elected their representatives are
WAA, ISA,, BABW, Panhellenic,
Interfraternity Council, N-Club
and Law College.
New Workers
Selected By
Kosmet Klub
Thirty-three workers have been
selected by Kosmet Klub.
The boys are: Charles Klasek,
Mike Lawlor, Sigma Chi; Ray
Pred, David Cohen, Sigma Alpha
Mu; Dick Huebner, Dick Pearson,
Beta Sigma Psi; Bob Young, Ken
Clement, Alpha Gamma Rho; Dick
Mead, Jack Gardner, Kappa
- Tom Larsen, Jim Hoover, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon; Dale Turner, Bob
Fike, Delta Sigma Phi; Larry
Ozenberger, Phi Delta Theta; Jack
Fitzgerald, Tom MiDer, Phi Kappa
Psi; Rod Smith, Wayne Hunt,
Sigma Nu.
Murl Maupin, Jack Chedester,
Phi Gamma Delta; Dave Brand
son, Jay Benedict, Sigma Phi
Epsilon; Pete Bergsten, Mac
Bailey, Alpha Tau Omega; Rocky
Yapp, Beta Theta Pi; Don Leon
ard, Charles Waymire, Pi Kappa
Phi; Gary Jones, Tau Kappa
Erisilon; Vaden Miller. Paul Lasse,
Theta XI; Bob Hasebrock, Delta
Tau Delta and Marshall Kushner,
Zeta Beta Tau.
The workers' first job will be
to sell season tickets for the Uni
versity theater. Kosmet Klub co
operates fully with, the theater in
its sales and in return receive
technical help for their spring
NU Football Tickets
Available Thursday
University athletic ticket office
opened for students to pick up
their football tickets this morning
at 8 a.m. and will stay open till 5
p.m. All students must present
their ID cards and their lottery
! numbers in order to obtain their
For students who have not al
ready bought their tickets, sales
will start at 9 a.m., Saturday.
Lewandowski still estimates the
sales to reach the seven thousand
TV .
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