The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1951, Image 1

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VOL 49 NO. 1
SEPTEMBER 17, 1951
K A fP KnT3
S UN UNiVi-y L3
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Rische, Billig Named Editors
Of University Publications
Frosh, Forms Cash
x ft i ; '..4
j il. , :U ;:i3
Billig Johnson I
'Names In The News
News Events during week of Sept 10-17
GEN. GEORGE C. MARSHALL, regarded by President Tru
man as "the greatest living American," resigned his cabinet post
of secretary of defense for "personal reasons." Deputy Defense
Secretary Robert A. Lovett succeeded him.
CHINESE REDS virtually slammed the door on resumption
of Korean cease-fire talks by refusing to change the conference
site and by refusing to accept the UN's apology for the accidental
strafing of Kaesong. However the Reds with radio Peiping as
unofficial spokesman declared they would open the truce talks
if the UN would take the blame for all neutrality violations the
Reds have charged The price appeared too high.
SUGAR RAF ROBINSON recaptured his world middleweight
crown by TKO'ing Britain's Randy Turpin. Robinson thus ended
Turpin's 64-day title reign the shortest in middleweight history.
C. S. SENATE passed the largest single military spending
bill in history voting nearly 60 billion dollars for America "s
armed forces. Before passage, an amendment cut the giant to'al
by 22 per cent saving the tax payers about S 1,500.000.000.
Eisenhower the go-ahead to create a unified European army that
would include German forces. The ministers then began work on
the "peace contract" foi the West German republic.
KENNETH KITTS "the Houdim of the bank robbers'
caped custody in Omaha and seemed to defy capture. Kitts. serv
ing a 12-year sentence at the state prison, was testifying in
Omaha in a federal jewelry theft trial.
UN FORCES in Korea saw the full moon come and go
without the expected attack by Chinese Reds In addition to slow,
bitter fighting along an 80-miJe front, skirmishes included tank
and air bottles.
DEFENSE DEPARTMENT assured college men lhat it will
continue deferring the draft of students diinrig the coming
academic year. However, the department added that the program
may have to be "tightened up' when military manpower nears
"the bottom of the barrel.
PRESIDENT TRUMAN attributed the bjlk of government
spending -Ji its. "mighty program for seteyu" n,?:! dismissed
charges of waste and extravagance as a "pack of lies. ' As was
expected. Sen Kenneth Wherry counters! tacked with a isua!
remark about "sound fiscal policies and "Trumanssm.
Tom Rische and Dick Billig will
serve as editors of The Daily Ne
braskan and Cornhusker year
book, respectively.
. Rische, senior jpurnalismmajor,
is entering his third year on The
Daily Nebraskan staff. Billig,
business administration senior and
secretary of Innocents, has been
a Cornhusker staff member for
three years.
The business staff of The Daily
Nebraskan is headed by Jack Co
hen, former assistant business!
manager. Charles Burma Aer is
circulation manager anrPflpr
Bergston assistant manager.
Gene Johnson, former assis
tant business manager, directs
the Cornhusker business staff
aided by Don Noble and Martin
Joan Krueger was named asso-'l 1
kan. Miss Krueger, junior jour
nalism major, was managing edi
tor last year and one of the four
recipients of the journalism gold
" Ai
; V. .
V . ;.v V V"L- v.- I
i' i ; :
Registration Shows
Population Decrease
University population will total approximately 6500
students by the time all registrations are completed, Dr. G.
VV. Rosenlof, director of admissions, stated Friday.
This figure is considerably lower than the number en
rolled in the past few years. A year ago, 7600 students regis
tered in the University and in 1949 the population totaled
Anyone Interested in taking I
NU Judging
Team Cops
First Place
First place livestock judging
honors were won by the Univer
sity team at the Intercollegiate
national barrow show in Austin,
IS IT WORTH IT? . . . Typical freshman spirit seems to be all
that keeps William Beltter from becomin? mired down in forms,
exams, reports and red tape. Here he examines his placement
examination scores with his adviser. Instructor Thoman. If he is
like 1500 other new Students, Bill will be pretty exasperated
before he has gone throush a dozen lines, visited eighteen or
nineteen different offices and talked and argned with countless
office ffirls, doormen and teachers. Sometimes he will wondrr fT
this business of going to college is worth it.
pictures for the 1952 Corn
husker please contact the Corn
husker office any afternoon aft
er Tuesday this week.
L. F. Klein, director of con
cessions, has announced that all
athletes who plan to work on
concessions at football games
must be n-esent at a conces
sion meet Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. on the indoor track lay
The drop in veteran enrollment;""""- c""."uaJ'- t t
,,,nnt fr nart of the decrease' DarreU Heiss and Clayton Yeut-
lii University population. From
r It-
Others on the editorial staff are
Ruth Raymond and Don Pieper,
managing editors; Sue Gorton,
Jan Steffen, Shirley Murphy, Sal-
y Adams and Kenneth Rystrom,
news editors: Jane Randall, fea
ture editor; Ann Gilligan, society
editor; Dale Reynolds. Ag editor;
Bob Banks, sports editor and
Marshall Kushner, assistant sports
Jackie Sorenson. former man
aging editor, was appointed Corn
husker ' assistant editor. Julie Kappa Kappa Gamma and 6.93. Their scholarship chairman
Johnson, Adele Coryell and Mary Farm House placed first in the was George Johnson.
Lou Flahery are managing edi-organized houses relative scholas- The sorority and fraternity
tors. tic averages for both the 1950-51 rankings follow.
Kappas, farm Mi
cbokslk Ikmrs
;300 to 1.000 veterans have reg
istered this fall as compared to
the 1.200 G. I. students attend
ing University last fall.
I Dr. Floyd W. Hoover, assist
ant director of admissions, an
I nounced that 2,200 new students
have enrolled in University by
Friday, Sept. 14. Of this num
ber, approximately 1,550 are
freshmen. Students who failed
to register last spring and trans
fer students account for the re-
ter received the trophy for being
high individuals out of forty con
testants. Frank Sibert and Russell
Schelkoph placed seventh and
Others on the judging team
were Rex Messersmith, Steve
Eberhart and Ralph Hild. Prof.
M. A. Alexander coached the
Two NU cars were used for the
800 mile trip. They stopped at
iAmes, la., where they surveyed
the facilities of Iowa State college.
The team was credited with
2,679' points out of a possible
Other positions include Jackie semesters.
Hoss. panel editor; Mary Jean j Kappa Kappa Gamma s ovei
Neely, assistant panel editor; averages were 6.43 and 6 26
Pat Bechan. layout editor; and respectively. Ann was
Dorris Newman, assistant lay- .their scholarship chairman,
out editor. Farm House's first semester av
Section heads are Mike Lawlor, : ersge was 7.01; second semester .
Ca!viaKuaka Barbara Adams,
I Snr HoirnSTTerry Barnes, Nancy
Pumphrey. Sue Browi
1 stmo-'.f
J ...
bill. G -v'
A ft ihi Om.i3 6
I": lien I'hi t
Kar.- Air-.ti Tbtfa 6
,;r. i , i
IS i
Sales Begin
Campusline Contest...
Union Seeks Name For
Redecorated Cafeteria
rine Haskell. Hariett
Calkoun, Mary Ann Pasek, Joyce
Johnson. Nora Devore, Barbara
Bell, Diane, Barbara
Hemphill and Beth Rohwer.
ihrary Cards
Now Availahk
At Loan Desk
iiic-ant oy
cj'nic once
"college bred means a wad of
with plenty of crust and
crUmbs satherf! together
vJ loaf."
i.T.e person 'probably tes
t the three Ji's of college
stand for "rah, rah rah."
people have a higher oo.'n-
col k'2e su dents especial; v
I.-f!a .. .a it i
Tiua Xt ... ,
I': K a . . ", .'
H.: Tia . :,.',:: T,
4 -
1V f!M
those who are trying to fie; them
Library cards may be obtained Mind dates. One Husker w as r
or validated at the loan desk on heard the other day saying "I i '
second floor of Love library, know a girl that's just eying to T!uu i
Charles H. Miller, public service tneH you. She's beautiful she's . . . .
horarian, announced Saturdav. rich she's a honey srhe's . . . ina.rttOk" C"Ki4i tl
a ..At i,-Kr,r He was stumped when-the other liSU Si J.neUUI
card by bringing his student ask Thcn why don 1 -v.ou wanl
idcTit'diezi'sdn card in the loan
c-....t.-i i ,.. On the other hnri ni ksvp iht-
aiuucnut wis'j suii uavir . - ----- - ... .,-,;- .p ir
lrrifn unrt fm nt-rr(
maining 650 new students
One hundred and fifty foreign 3,000. Wisconsin placed second;
students will be found on the -Minnesota third; Mississippi state,
campus this fall. Although newish; IUfnois. fifth; and South
students from abroad have en-;L)a,cota state, sixth.
roiled, the number is comparable
with last year.
Graduate registration will con
tinue until Sept. 22 since it can
"extend over a longer period of
Final time than regular registration.
Enrollment figures for the Col-
f,r-: lege of Medicine and the Grad
!!:t'uate College will be completed
6 ai mat urne. saie oi idz iornnusKers opens
All students except graduates this week and will continue until
who register after Sept. 15 will be Dec. 1.
required to pay a late fee of Gene Johnson, business man
$3.00. 'ager, announced that the price of
jthe yearbooks will be five dollars
. . ii ! an( wi" De so' DV members of
Vet HosDifal Needs Corn Cobs and Tasseis.
, w.i iiwiimi iww Comhuskers will be
more colorful than previous edi
tions of the yearbook, said Dick
The blood bank at the Veterans BU1'2. editor. Organization includ
Hospital is in dire need of blood inS the arrangement of individual
do'iors according to Dr. H A. Pictures will be the same as in the
Scott, manager of the hospital. iai uornnusKer.
ocneuuung oi jncuviauai pic-
begin Sept.
hich will iyc
t . 1 . . 1 1 . .: i r ... i : -ii
tercsted in offering their blood, lv!' ttuu,u w,u
please call 2-7C91 Remember "l1-
too. that the hospital is prepared "SLa .k o a I i.
.' r.,., con nn snn v nounced that students who have
lAore Blood Donors
Th.e hospital would like to re-' ,chuJ'"gm nff '"
picnish i'i blood bank through "reomtmen w, 1
nors in this area. Anyone in- J
The Ur.i'.crii'y
yc-iars Kj.'ictiv.ty,
not received their 1951 Comhusk
ers may pick them up at the
Cornhusker office.
re, after a
The Theatre will present thiee KODinSOtl KeplOCeS KODf
school year. Director Dallas Wi!-
v.iJl be revived stage plays during the 1951-52 it. n a-L n
. . .. ... . . . -. . , . . i: naivt irffnmn s,mr i.nmn r..YL.rt
If you're looun lor we om no iiso aetor-wa we torn uo ye-r cara niu ux - - L vi be t Us,ms has announced.
CU&muiine. you may ce in ir a jew yr "-- . i -... ........ ' T Ummmao m , With the nnoti n r.f tirlrrt sal
big iuiprtee. You'll get a lot of ideas for at." a 'er student has lost. v-uviuyca Itiuue III thc Jfr"
The camousline exists no longer good name if you go to the cafe- S" v" ' , ' ' ... If local wttw tWtA. --r. f2v 4 DrxH.rt..-.. .'iToductrs will be revived.
" . orjp iinn:?arflff nis i.ii:vt-: -,;v . . , , . . 1 1 .-j i . I . 1 1 i I 1 1 1 I .. ,i -,, , ..
at least as the name oi we niwn u. ai irc wesi erja oi me urin r," j e ..correct, todav will be rk'hi ft,r. iwusc cnoose a can
cainerut. " - '' , .v., ,.. ,t,-. v .wnaicver vou are ooma nurmnff.' -iw. r..- .j ."juvv.
. .. . ... . .., If k-.i-rf l-j."ivv ..: k 0 ir.t loan uta. . . . t. r, t-.ti. ,.t a k -.H a K,i';intK ir.inawr a coll ii
To tell thc truth, me caiew-na "-' w ----.. .v; ivav the lihrarv win psaiin? oasemaji even - -
h4! jTrLmfJl all modeling has iricreawd the wat-. b L 7 4a i J . o-in for your fsm clas, The e'ir ir '-r regiraijrn prcdure, Pnxiucers will be chosen
no name -t -JL . , .., .. . be open from 7.50 a.m. until 9.20 ' - --" --:-r- , . ... . .,, . ,.' .v aBl .k. ,,
cui u m-ui-iu. oMn - - p.m. on Mondays, Tuesaayi. v. ea- . . -; ' -,.., tA r.r,,.n X... i-oun folWx-ini. the r.f
4"" jiT5-J.s on j '"; j .v- i.... ,,,... ..-.- .t...... ! 1 !.r.r.i..,n.'! .val'r Vt. fi H';hr-ft uhx will
mufriA or itie retit-ntiy Ana wat nuzftt not rx? anv too i hin m'l v. '""V ' me ww nray ...w. ---- -- ---
i,f.M-ia much room when coJJee time . j -f . m i-r.n r. m
Like to help choose the nanje corn around every moriiins arsd The same hours were in effect 48 1 ' - '"Kn i"'""
and possibly win a prize? Here's afternoon. During that time cof- during Jur;c and Jaly. In Au- ,
bow. fee and pastries will l served to gust the horary was open only A current magazine sv8gt5
Simply thirjk of a naote arid supplement service in the Crib on Monday, Wednesday and Fri- lt?t " a rl . quarrels with h'rr
submit it m the contef.! spun- without the fountain. Jday mornings. p,".a'l he l1''''1 , cartful oi
tails will be artnounced in Tues
day's edition of The DajJy Ke-
XTZZ.. f,' .slynt who wi.h to drop or tee to clear your program.
w . " , . .'Jd course may do son Monday fee . assessed on adds and drops
Corn Cobs has a new president.
Del Kopf, former president, has
Honorary enlisted in the air force. Gene
Each ivJ""""J", vice-presiaeni, nas oeen
eievaiea w tne top position.
A MA,if ..inn ...Ml 1
'.net 1 nt-w ILC- H CSJUCIU Will De
tr,.ta elected by the Corn Cobs at their
from' meeting Tuesday, Sept. 18. Gene
Johnson, treasurer, and Georee
ticket Sh&nt?. secretary, will retain of-
ijces in me organizauon.
Drop, Add Method Announced
low temperature was 49 and 64
what she cai's ham.
never forgive ;y-.;.g called a
"homely ape" or J "!o," but
"brute" or "rjea;:l" rrav ai-Uvil'v
Tr.e be g'ssf; they stinwlale htx ego.
isiuc v.'orKsr.eeu, ',r:ui:V.y u.
i'i the reeis' r;,.o:i of tra'ijate
jrtuaents, will not be ued this opening of the first play,
-r; oe:i:rii!iue inc winners, l ne J'ro- t .
i :"-rs will lx- presented at the rOInCQI JCeflCe OfOUD
-st play. CI-4- J . rW.
As a fim i'.ep in repi.'ation . .'-ptare's tragedy, "Otheilo," will Dr. Lane W. Lancaster, chair--h
e,rh!iutfe tf.ww.l w i I be er- be presented Oct 30 and 31 at the man of thc University department
&etted t- ea;l at the "r:. j .'.e oi- Xebraska theater. In December of political science, was elected
Jj'-e. Social Sders '-s III, or. on the the Theater will give "Idiot's De- vice president of the American
College of Agrieu:tt,-re mnM, at light," by Rotiert Sherwood. The Political Science association.
rtittm 2W, Agnew'ty?;l h-J!. t ot- la.t production of the season,' Thc association whose membcr
tain hi o?.V j;.1 r-;.;: Tdjon t'rmn Elrner H ice's Pulitzer prize win- ship roll includes 5,600 elected
and in i na tions for regi-vtratw.. ner, "Street Scene," will be pre- Dr. Lancaiter at its recent con-
i";-' iatxiunmtfril cHwrmllf will
photoitraphf on the walls. (Owe w h Mj)j!Ury Science build ir
a picture ft Jk'oliblulf Rational; aire r( ,,v.p)t b
Twy-, 17 : t in tt , h --.'( t.... raoj,ne lorms ar;.'i mwruc- Mrnneo in warcn. vennon in san rrancisco.
decwating of the ralctena. It Dofi. thftM! twf & the adds and drops be cleared with women have gone, in!, bunc I,"r' '''re '?'51 tM in" .W' tickets will be sold at er. who hold e-
tniSht owicern the four llor immtmi mmHU will be in the agnwer.t committee in or- deiiverine caJces to college y-' "'ijon rre ik at the Co.eum the If.ea re . Ux ofice in the gree from Ohio Wesleyan, the
int. l-r that the rTfnaent wrti rfents. They had notjeed th;,t " :XJ' "n JV"jE' ',8n'i "ti Jernpie ouiioing ana py nouse ..... ... i itnn ana a 1'n.D.
Tj If- lUlTfr K..! (nrl1 i irt.m .,,,rr.,. .r.n ......... - i- .mi m... n.iiri m..- viinilltiiy U I ..Illj.-.J g
Moriumefjt i.nd the oth?r torw are j timming vtatr rvvtuiir. K.wi v.h .-.h i. -K;.r..-A .L ,.,.... ... f..i ... , .'.a K'-v.uUr reij.. '.ration for the 700 .M, tax included. vania, has been a staff member
typwal JieUauJca raneh and farm . See your adviser for perrwi- from or.e settion of a .oure to rot as fre--h as auM So nw" 1 1 ":i" l-' ''V- ''" i"',Tl2 . Sfn'!f a'""'n ticket c)ling at Nebraska amce 1S30 and chair,
cene.) ion and with his help Ml oat the another may mt so by seeing thc jev iend I-Mr to ''he prey.t't ' fr "" r"m ' "''X 32 ,'-r',ws:n f,r $1 5" W1" V8,,aUc, before;man of the political science de-
Thc name might take into con- aM and drop worksheet. ehirman of the deoartmenl. A eolle-'e t?jJ.-r.i ir, "ih lhc rrftcntation of each play. partment since 1939.
sioerauoa me wumoiu wtr. . sec your oean or u you are Muoer.t who v. i n to cnangc Union ar and take orders for
murals in the serving department a freshman tee the dirertor of courses after Sept. 1 need the in or 12-iii'h cakes Trie ner-
sonallywJeliverea -aes arrive:
of the cafeteria. (They were. the Junior Counesbr, Serviee. .written tiermmitm of the imtrtiC'
painted by Betty Aaxen Kjelson,! 3. See the .alignment commit-itor on their worksheets.
Jfrexh and in one pierre.
Gusfavson Gives Out Greeting . . .
sssn f? JfJ a imi'w r3! f-f lid sk pyic sn iic:.!
Thc new fchoit hai ut prompt
ed one witty Cornhiicer to r.tty of
his sorority friend, "She reminds
me of a hum; painted in front.
(shingled in back and no attic."
A new parking system, giving often. From this information, the f Efforts are underway, he said. i! 'owning it as a r-, a stiKnt
faculty members separate par-prewmt distribution of spaces was ta put ernsMd rock an the two o" f" iwiuesss in
tag space, nas txcen UaUiaiea toy oenved. i lots in the center cf the mall j answer to bis a i in the Lniverity
a joint-student-facsjJty commJttec.ii Dean Borrnan emphasized Just north of the library. If this H California daily newtpaoer:
Afir an intonstve investigation. : thouith. that the arrangement is works, all at the wmA&v IaU !"Wanted; freshman with liTht
the committee has reserved 4Z7 of entsrely flexible, and if it does not will be fixed In this way.
the 1.412 available parking spaces work, may be changed. ;! The areas asiened to the fae-
(rhidvl frvr faculty ua. A survey will be made to see u'lv are: bps-iia
There are nine areas for fac- if all the faculty spruces are kept Area A Behind the School otptfinv.':, MJ , saw red and boy- p ,
ulty parkins and each staff mem- full, and if they are not, changes Music. hotted the college cafeteria whon a i ,
ber tftmt drives to scnooi oiien win oc maoe 10 give me sui- Areas ti and j t street from:4-"5''. I"-'v"-e imijwu
lOth to 12th. or mm me catsup.
j"wanled; rreshroao with Ii'ht
jvhedule to work as a cadaver. No t g
previous experience necessary." i
j Upsala cft"icsie students tn lwt
enough, to warrant it is given a dent more room.
Darkinz sticker giving him per- The committee welcomes.
mission to park in one of these: ian Brman said, any ton- L.
areas. If any area tvU tve iret.e comments on the new Area
one airejjjncd U used, a Univer- system. health,
say uafJic ticket wiJI be issued. Any University student with a Area V
This iwram lhat faeolty physical handicap who wihe a 15th. Student football tickets will be
member may not o'rk In parking; space reservefl for him Area C IM north of Bancroft. old Sept. 17 and 18 at the Cob
areas iesigiwted for uuatni snouja see uean uorjjrnan. Area H Marked stalls in thc seum, A. J. Lcw&nriowski an-
Mrkinc, or stadents oark in the 1 The campus police will begin street north of Bessy hall, noonccd. At that time seat num-
faealtr lot. 8tt John Furrow, giving tickets to violator of the Area I An area on the mal! will be drawn, f.tudems
Attn C Lot east of temporary
E Lot behind student
-H street from Hth to
NU Football Ticket
Sales Begin Today
of the eamou oolice. has as- new arranrment beginning next south of Military Science
ur4 The Dailr N'braka week. i The committee which on-
that there will be no discrlmiiu- j The spaces will be reserved or? dueled the ifivrsti cation on the
lUn in enforcing the new ruling, unlit l:2flf pro. Monday through probl and devlvd the alan
Dean Carl W. BoTzman. dean of Friday, and until 11:30 on Satur-' is composed of;
fieultks and chairman of the Jays. After these time anyone Dean Borgman. chairman: Jesse !of their marriige. Group wh'. I
j'int comrrsittee, said thai the new with a University parking sticker E. Living-ton, asvriate professor wish to buy. a bfrxk of tif kets wi!
j?Um came only after the com- may park anywhere on the cam- of plant pathology; Leslie 1 (ewes, need an ID card for each reserve'
r-.-it tee ha'J invesigawa inc pro.)-pu. protestor oi geograpny; liaroid c. scat.
must pick Up their tickets Thum
'J,y, .Sept., 20.
To buy ticket. &tuicnU rou
present their ID cards and mar- I
r'w student rnut present prw.f I
I ;'i- : V-''- g'rx:.-,. f 5,.,; ::' : ,;.: mim'Tj
'A fS::. ? i :TV''"' 1
Chancfllor R. O. Guitarson grrfts Charles Watson at the Union
km "verr thoroughly.'" Ia Borgman alM gave those Wise, assistant dean, graduate! &fcrt football tickets will sell Mll,f.K AM hit UETH
I A q'jestionnalre was sent to who are diseontented with the college; and student member for five dollars. The ticket office Pn house and reception at the Union Friday evening. Sharon Friteler, president of Mortar Board.
ejch factiJSy mfmUr asking if be rondHion of the present parking Georfe Coll. Hex Mesisersmith in the Coliseum will tt open Irom l abont to wl';rn Ban Bittrirnan to this year's plans and Dean SchinseL far right, la Just b-
ivt to achool, and if so, how; lots a war a ai enconragetneni. and Miriam Willey. 9 a.m. to p.m. tinning t meet the University leaders.