The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 22, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 15. 1951
Marjorie Shanafelt Discusses
Puppeteering Monday Evening
stringing, and many kinds of
control sticks, Miss Shanafelt
Miss Shanafelt believes that in
order to be a good puppeteer, you
must have a gift for it ""Out of
every 500 persons who think they
can work puppets, there's just
about one who has all the re
quirements for making a good
puppeteer, she said.
A good puppeteer must have
mechanical ability, appreciation
of theatrical affect in costumes
which she
many engagements,
the National Scalla
calls the "epitome of professional
people." If you are allowed to
appear in the National Scalla you
never have to try out anywhere
else in Europe, Miss Shanafelt
Making puppets is not an art
which can be learned overnight,
according to Miss Marjorie Shan
afelt, well-known Lincoln puppe
teer. "The work and the know
how must be assimilated bit by
bit, Miss Shanafelt stated.
Miss Shanafelt. who will pre
sent the second show in the
Summer Artist Series Wednesday
evening, June 27, at 8 p.m. is a
charter member of Puppeteers of
America. She started her work
with puppets 20 years ago.
"Puppets are an avocation, not
a vocation," she stated, "because
my principal work is here in
Morrill Hall.
In her collection. Miss Shana
felt has 225 string puppets, mari-
orette Jtrwl mint fVww chniB
J" " V" a.F " " K W t -C
puppets. puppets. " " mwi t ,.- , j v s
Her -story book puppets" are Miss Shanafelt as written 23 "e puppets perform. -Wttfred -I )f
. i t.j l . the Clown tMS53Pe ni)v 3nH Mr J" f .1 It f
" "-" i pia"s i or ner puppets ana is now , j
ae the cuonets she uses on a moi;nr rin i ,k arenes 10 tne guests, and often
puppet stare with everrthine onliihoH a mhw mraWMn mav . klsscs them, much to the embar-
the stage built in perfect proper- us them. - rassment of the men, Miss Shan-
tion to the tmtnet in order to I r; o.ifi,i mwsontin jatel1 Slated.
create an illusion. turned to the University from her In this puppetorium, the only J
i tr imw sikjw pu(ijtris ixr eigni momn leave 01 aosence. one v"-vji vu , mc puppets wuicii
made to be used with the opera- Jwent to California where she en-jnav been made by famous per
tor in full view. These are the terUined for private parties. !sons from various parts of the
puppets which are used for en- From there, she went to Den-. world.
tertamment in night clubs, dance .mark where she appeared inj My most famous puppet, Miss
onanaieii siaiea.
Her engagement at the National
Scalla resulted in an invitation 1
to remain in Copenhagen and be-1
come part of the famous Tivoli
Gardens, "an entertainment park
in Whieh th firn bntArfflm
J i - .1 I. ' - ninriuiuins
. 1 "r lur in Denmark appear each season,
daintiest of manipulation, and "j accord inn to the Dunoeteer.
wry flexible voice for carrying
three or four characters through
a play, she stated.
according to the puppeteer.
Miss Shanafelt not only works
with puppets, but lives with them
too. Her home is made into
Besides aU of this, she added, n SLJJitV a i
a good puppeteer must be ableifJ1 "er Puppetorium, I
to write his own script for his'? herf her ests
! a
1 1 A-- ,
1 .
o US?
1 s
halls, banquet programs and on
the regular stage, according to rr n
Miss Shanafelt. Her floor shaw KnOH tlf"VIPVT
puppets will be demonstrated j-' Ai.v?AvtT
Wednesday evening. Tf 1 1 if J
Miss Shanafelt makes all of her ,fjLClll 1'iOIlQil V
n puppets. She dresses them, J
Points them and strings them. In BoswelTs London Journal'
addition to this, she makes all of reviewed bv Miss Mary fess5ona1' added, because she
, wviAi m uie inieresi 01 Rooa
is a portrait
: puppet of Mark Twain which is
j four feet tall." This was the last
i famous puppet made in the stu-!
jdios of Tony Sarg. !
J Three-fourths of Miss Shana-
felt's work is educational, she'
j stated. She has never gone pro-!
her own stage settings.
To be a good puppeteer you
must make your own puppets, be
cause the puppet must be made
so it will do the things you want
it to do. This involves many
kinds of joints, many ways of
Miehele Morgan, .
Rainiu In Movie
A French film. The Heart of
Paris, with English subtitles
si airing Miehele Morgan and the
French star Raima will Toe shown
in Union Parlors ABC, Friday,
June 22, at a 3:00 p.m. matinee
aTd a 7:30 p.m., evening show
ing. According to Don Anderson, co
chairman of te Displaced Stu
dents committee, this film is a
delightful French comedy drama
with a finely sensitive portrayal
of a Parisian family in its every
day Ttife.
Admission foe this film will
help to create educational ppor-
Mielem, Prof, of education, Mon-J """ , 's " Ir;' STri
day, June 25 at 4 p.m. in lxve Eff
never seen good puppets.
Library's staff room.
"The publication, a Book-of-the-Month
Club selection in Jan
uary of this year, marks a mile
stone in the history f English
Lter&ture. The author of the
greatest biography in the English
language. The Life of Samuel
Johnson, kept a private and
often indiscreet journal. It was
not published in his lifetime and
after his death his family sup
pressed it so well that it remained
hidden for almost two centuries.
Why it was suppressed will toe
apparent to delighted readers of 1 g
this generation. For here is per- tj
haps the frankest document of
self -revelation ever written by a j g
yearns man," according to the!
Book-of-the-Month Club news.
"Bagwell's London Journal" jl
has been edited by Frederick A. ;
Pottle and prefaced by Christo-jj
pher Morley. if
Miss MieVwiz, besides being a '
professor in Teachers college, is m
Miss Marjorie Shanafelt and two of her puppets.
who nlavs a fine composition." nine. Miss Shanafelt will answer
"I consider good puppetry on she said. i Questions from the audience
the same level with an artist who j After her performance in the1 about making puppets or any
paints a ojcture or a musician ; Union ballroom Wednesday eve- thing regarding puppeteering.
tuniiiec for six more DisDlaced also a supervisor of English m
Students who will arrive on our Teachers college high school. Her
Campus from Europe next fall ; interests are campus wide, as she
Admission is sixty cents with ; serves as sponsor 01 sucn campus
organizations as tstaiaers, jscuaent
'Council, and Mortar Board. She
was masked as an honorary mem
ber of Nebraska's chapter of Mor
tar Board at Ivy Day ceremonies
'in May. Miss MieTeni appeared
ion the 3S50 summer sessions pro
' gram, reviewing Tharp's "The
I Peabody Sisters of Salem.'"
Union Presents
tickets on sale at the door.
4U.S. Support
Greatest Hope
For U.iSV
One of the greatest hopes lor,
the United Nations is that the , l?5I.,
United States has supported it to j t OS I C 111 T II 111
Starter Set
1 i
ill TIM1
li 11 II! I! lll
such a great extent, Mr. Paul Tay
lor, officer is charge of the Gen
eral Assembly Affairs office of
the United Nations Political and
Security Affairs, Department of
State, said at a press conference
Mr. Taylor feels that aH phases
the United Nations have had
us much success as could be ex
pected under the present world
conditions. If we ever get rid of
the threat of war " he added, ""the
economic and social aspects of the
U.N. will dominate. Until that
time, the political aspect will con
tinue o he the main topic of in
terest." The United States in the United
Niitions i6 working toward a long
range plan, he stated, because the
people of the U.S. like those of
oilier countries like to feel as if
they are gaining benefits.
Beyond war, he said, we will
consider welfare first. In order to
avoid war, he added, we must
have honest instead -of phony ex
istences. By phony, the official
said, 1 mean subversion, . . .
which some of the nations in the
world have turned to."
"'The U.N. constantly works for
the stabilization and security of
the indeoenoence of free coun
tries. Mr. Tavlor stated. When
this is done the U.N. wil be Jible
to enter 'upon a fruitful measure
of collaboration with other countries.
Destrv Rides AganV a
starrinE Marlene Dietrich
James Stewart, wiB be shown in
the Student Union air-conditioned
ballroom, Sunday, June 24, at
7:30 p.m. Admission is free.
The story of Destry Rides
Again involves a fuiet, lanky
sheriff i James Stewart) who tries jf
in vain to reform a corrupt town
without the use of his "'shootin
iron. The memorable Marlene
Dietrich sines "little Joe the
Wrangler" and "See What the
Boys in the Back Room Will
Have" in this thrilling spectacle
of the old West.
Subsequent films will be:
July 1 "Quartet
July ""My Little Chickadee"
July IS '"David Harum"
July 22 "Captain January
Thorp Receives
Honorary Degree
James Thorp, a leading author
ity on soil in the United States
and lecturer in geography at Che
University has received an hon
orary doctor of science degree
from Earlham College, Richmond,
Mr. Thorp is principal ooD cor
relator for tine Great Plains states
in the Division of Soil Survey of
the V. S. Department of Agriculture-
iff - - tS' n ll
Jimer flmte if pmnimni
Wt,jlmHim ; at Wnm "-mm
California l7 t r tu yrt pert? t
iMme witk yor proin-ul fraeoec tt Jd timrtm jtn4 rw-
m will ImJ buut vceatvitms for ct e. lf
will n pnm iwfratJUng m ywr rrtrnlw wltk, Iwrt ytmH
mjrr Mnf si far tsm nJ yor ju'- A cine ge
ay mat mm vaar V-alilomu iy i vpem
Ctrm mJ mem this loi? pttuem rnmi mil it
fifth FIxr
iDiLLER I PA i fit