The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 15, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 4
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1951 DAILY NEBRASKAM PAGE 3 News and Views by George Wilcox The purpose of this column is not to "second guess" the experts nor attempt to gaze into crystal oan ana predict future news I his column will attempt to state the news of the day and in terpret the" news into meaning for an iieDrasKans. Iron Triangle Shattered During the week the top story was tne scattering by United Na tions forces of the communist "iron triangle" in central Korea with twin drives through Chor won and Kumhwa in pursuit of neemg red armies. , Beaten Chinese reds streamed north toward Pyonggang and Kumsong in an effort to regroup and strengthen defenses. Also, a Chinese attack was imminent on tt.e western flank of the United Nations armies. " The question In most minds is what happens next? If the Chi nese reds are forced to retreat still further backward what will be the next step. Will the United Nations form a "buffer zone" in which there will be no further ad vance by the United Nations or will the Chinese throw still more manpower against the United Na tions forces in an attempt to save that very important "face." It is the opinion of not too many experts that China will con tinue their attack. Most .observers believe that the internal troubles of China will curb the Chinese red attack in Korea and force them to negotiate for peace. Unfortunately, in my opinion, these experts do not realize that China is throwing all its resources into the Korean war even more than before and must be in a more - favorable position to negotiate in order to hold the prestige of the Chinese people. My theory is that China will never negotiate above the 38th parallel and its peace terms will be the same terms as before. 1. Admission into the United Nations. 1 1 2. Handing over of Formosa to the Reds. " 3. Recognition by the world that Red China is the legitimate government in China. There are probably other fac tors but the above three state their case in brief. However, the news of the shat tering of the "iron triangle" is a great victory for the Unitei Na tions forces. One must remember that the "iron triangle" defenses were prepared in 1946 when Rus sian officers were attached to the North Korean army as ad visors and were teaching them the modern rudiments of war. Meanwhile, in South Korea the best we could do was to teach the South Korean "Constabulary" the basic movements of drill and light arms. Meat Controls Price Administrator DiSalle has stated that "price controls will be won or lost on the issue of meat controls." At this writing nothing is defi nite but it looks like genial Mike Union Shows Second Movie Sunday Night The second in the SummTSun day film series will be "Street With No Name" to be shown June 17 at 7:30 in the air-conditioned Student Union Ballroom. Ad mission Is free. The film "Street With No Name" stars Mark Stevens, Bar bara Lawrence, and Richard Wid mark, and is a factual movie. The action-packed story is told of the FBI's counter-attack against gangdom's theatre of a new era in crime. Other films to be shown dur ing the 1951 summer sessions include: June 24 "Destry Rides Again." July I "Quartet." July 8 "My Little Chickadee." July 15 "David Harum." July 22 "Captain January.'" Because of the large demand for film classics, the Union de cided to bring back some of the older and better remembered actors and actresses on their screen. Shirley Temple and Guy Kibbee star In "Captain Janu ary" while "David ilarum" Is played by the immortal Will Rogers. "Quartet" is an English classic, and Mae West and W. C. Fields may be seen In "My Little Chicadee." "Destiny Rides Again" stars Marlene Dietrich and James Stewart DiSalle has performed a miracle. Price controls on meat look like they are here to stay. Joe "Judge" Montague, a rep resentative of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Producers association, said he had no hope that the government would can eel or modify orders rolling back beef prices President Truman has indi cated that he will go to the peo pie in order to sell the price con trol idea. In that argument he is bound to win. With the price of most commodities soaring, Presi dent Truman can make political hay of this issue. MacArthur versus Acheson " The return of General MacAr thur and the subsequent speech before Congress has been men tioned many times in radio and press. The viewpoint of the State Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been fully described. What is the long run result? Do the republicans have a for eign policy boner to tag on the Democrats? Do the Democrats have the "poor military planner" tag on General MacArthur? It would seem to me that that kind of thinking is indicative of the United States too many times, ambitious persons trying to make political capital out of issues and facts that should be stated and then forgotten. . ; Whether you agree or not, the return of MacArthur has been re freshing. He has clarified the is sue, stated his platform, and whether his methods are right or not, has pointed the question. The release of the;Wedemeyer report is long overdue. The testi mony of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has rvealed the lack of liaison be tween the services.. The administration has been made to realize that a, poor policy is better than no policy. The average American is sober- lives have heen lost in Korea. TV, ma thii n rrr tai nntuwitfhe rrr . . . the bad. Every day we learn that our most precious secrets nave been known to the Russians for years so ohe more slip can't seem to make much more difference. Whether MacArthur or Ache- son is right, the American people have been educated in tne past few months. Thus, an enlightened United States is a strengthened United States. 'Money Matters' Topic of Forum The Forum Series "Money Matters" will be offered on an in formal basis at the University 1951 summer sessions by the Stu dent Union, University YM and YWCA. The discussions are being presented by the First National Bank and the First Trust Com pany of Lincoln. Moderator of the series will be Samuel C. Waugh, President of the First Trust Company of Lin coln ,and the meetings will be as follows: Thursday, June 14, "You and Your Budget," Burnham Yates, President First National Bank. Thursday, June 21, "You Can't Take It With You," Personal Trusts and Taxes, John C. Whit ten Vice-President First Trust Company. Thursday, June 28, "Money at Work," Investments, Evert M. Hunt, Vice-President Investment Department, First Trust Co. The discussions will be held in Parlors ABC of the Student Un ion from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Time will be allowed for questions from the audience. Tickets, at no charge, may be secured at, the Student Union Activities Office. Registra tion is limited. NU Grad Gets G-E Certificate Daryl E. Davidson, Palmyra. was recently graduated with the 1951 class of General Electric engineers. Davidson was gradu ated from the University of Ne braska in 1943. He received his bachelor of science degree in me chanical engineering. A total of 40 graduates of the advanced engineering program received certificates. They spent three years developing the appli cation of theoretical material to highly-complex engineering prob lems. In the final two years of the course they specialized in fields of electronics, mechanics, electro mechanics, or fluid mechanics. ins ; to the 'lJll Workers Gain Many Benefits Are you interested in working on activities this summer? If you are, leave your name in the Student Council box in the basement of the Union or call Barbara Bredthauer at the girls dorm. Miss Bredthauer said that the purposes of summer activities are to pool workers who will work to gether on activities in full swing during the year, such as AUF, Builders, Coed Counselors YWCA, Red Cross, etc. i ne workers are pooled since each organization does not have a full staff working during the summer session. Miss Bred'hauer also stated three benefits which workers gain by Working in summer activities. They are: "1. You have a summer activity. 2. You gain knowledge and interest in activities on the campus which is beneficial now and will be beneficial in the fall. 3. Activities are a good way to get acquainted with other students on the campus." The summer activities office is the Cornhusker office in the base ment of the Union. All workers must be signed up before the picnic, if they wish to attend, Miss Bredthauer stated. Art Department- Work Chosen For Exhibition Works by five University art department faculty members and nine students have been selected for the Six State Sculpture exhi bition sponsored by the Walker Art Center of Minneapolis. University faculty members 7,"l "viuoeyier, i-eier worm ann jrnv Kurirat lVTo . J teriais used include wood, cast stone and welded metal. Student sculptors whose work will be included are Donald West, Douglas,Wyo.; Janet Beran, Lex ington; reith Kennedy, Crete; Mary Mary Hartman, Omaha; Leo Manke,"Tom Schmltt, Jane Trap hagen arj Ruby Caha, all of Lin coln. All the student work is cur rently on view in the University I ; Galleries in Morrill Hall as part or tne annual exhibition of stu dent work. Text Books Oh Display Textbooks for elementary, jun ior and senior high schools will be on display in Room 108 Bur nett hall June 18 through 22, Monday to Friday. The occasion is the annual Textbook Exhibit sponsored an nually by approximately 25 text book companies for the benefit of teachers and superintendents at tending the summer session. According to Dr. Frank E. Sor enson, director of the summer session, the University sponsors the exhibit because it "gives teachers an opportunity to study teaching aids while they are on the campus attending the sum mer, session classes." This is the largest display of its Kind to be shown in the state, though smaller exhibits are dis played around the state during the year. Campus Line Cafeteria Closes Saturday Nights Beginning Saturday, June 15, the Campus Line cafeteria in the Union will be closed on Satur day nights. The main dining room will be open Monday through Friday from 11 am. until 1 p.m. The main dining room, on second floor of the Union, is open to any stu dent or faculty member and his friends. Summer School Registration Is Almost 3,4 Registration for the summer session of the University is ex pected to top 3,000 persons, al most 900 of whom are veterans, according to Dr. Frank E. Sor enson, Director of the summer Theophil Hichner, Swiss Teacher, Visits Lincoln Theophil Richner, member of the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO and secondary school teacher, Zurich, Switzerland, ar rived in Lincoln June 13 for a four day stay. Mr. Richner is especially in terested in studying American citizenship and leadership pro grams, both those sponsored by the schools and by private or ganizations. He considers it important to see as much of the land and the peo ple of the United States, and of American family life as time per mits. He has been in Washington, D. C, to consult with officials of federal and privately-sponsored educational organizations. He is planning to spend the remainder of his four-month visit in the United States observing school systems and the work of youth or ganizations throughout the United States. He hopes to attend the meeting of the World Assembly of Youth which will be held in Ithaca, New York in August. His visit to the United States is being made under the Department of State's pro gram for the exchange of per sons. On his arrival in Lincoln, Mr. M -Courteay Lincoln Journal-Star DR. CARLSON N. C. Carlson New President Of UN Alumni Dr. Norman C. Carlson, "Lin coln, is the new president of the University of Nebraska Alumni association. He succeeds John F. Lawlor, Lincoln. His election was announced at the Association's annual Round Up luncheon Saturday noon, at tended by more than 400 former students in the Student Union ballroom. Mrs. Maurice Hevelone, Bea trice, is the new vice-president. Robert A. Dobson, Lincoln, was elected to a three-year term as the new member-at-large of the Executive committee. He suc ceeds John E. Curtiss, Lincoln. Announcement of the election results and introduction of the new officers was made by Mrs. John Riddell, York, vice-president of the Association the past year. Holdover members of the Ex ecutive Committee are Maynard Brosshans, York; Mrs. Robert G. Simmons, Lincoln; Mr. Lawlor and Mrs. Nye, the immediate past president and vice-president. Five prominent alumni were awarded the Association's highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award, for service of distinction to their University and In profes sional and public life, at the luncheon. Honored were: L. R.Blanch ard, Rochester, N. Y.; Percy C. Spencer, New York City; Mary Ann Rokahr, Washington, D. C; Daniel Gutleben, San Francisco, and Samuel C. Waugh, Lincoln. session. Dr. Sorenson also announced that the number of registrants and veterans is higher than an ticipated this year. The number of graduate students in the group is greater than it has been in past years. This summer the number of classes has been increased and additional sections of courses are being used, owing to the large group of graduate students. No new courses have been added, according to Dr. Sorenson. Richner was oriented to the Uni versity by Dr. Frank Sorenson, and spent his time visiting various parts of Lincoln. Dr. Wesley C. Meierhenry, Di rector of Workshop Seminar in Education, directed him through the workshop program. William Bogar, principal of Lincoln high school, acquainted him with the Lincoln Public Schools. Mr. Richner visited the Capitol Building, State Superintendent of Public Instruction's office, and observed city recreation with Jim Lewis of the City Recreation de partment. He conferred with the geology staff and other Teachers college faculty members. In addition to his membership in the Swiss National Commis sion for UNESCO, Mr. Richner is President of the Swiss sub-commission for youth activities and President of the National Council of the Supervisory Commission of the Cantonal Colleges of Zu rich. From 1941 until 1945 Mr. Rich ner was editor of the Swiss Scout Masters' monthly magazine, and is currently a member of the Boy Scout Committee of Zurich. Mr. Richner is a native of Bern, Switzerland, and a graduate of the University of Zurich. Girls', Boys' Staters Have Busy Schedule After more than a week of electioneering, law-passing, eat ing, tour-making, speech-hearing and entertainment, five hundred and seventy-four high school Boy's . and Girl's Staters turned homeward, inspired and ex hausted. The energetic state government studiers had managed in their short stay to pass many mock legislature bills, asserting the be liefs of future Nebraska voters. Working on an intelligent dupli cate of state government, the vis itors first formed political par ties and platforms, publishing the views of candidates and parties on long sheets of paper. After hearing addresses on cor rect voting and legislative proced ure, the voters elected officers. Undoubtedly with harmonious government in mind, the boys and girls elected Jim Cooper and Bon nie Best, both of North Platte and "steadies," as governors of their governments. Other Girl's State officers were: Joyce Jensen, Omaha, lieutenant governor; Shirley Rosenberg, York, secretary; Carole Galen Townsend, Sutherland, state treasurer; Nancy Hall, Geneva, supreme court chief justice; and Pat Carlson, Omaha, attorney general. Serving as lieutenant governor of Boy's State was Michael Yan ney, Kearney. Joe Poynter, Kearney, was secretary of state; Gary Eaves, North Platte, state treasurer; Don Ackerman, Goth enburg, chief justice; and Don Imming, Beatrice, attorney gen eral. The girls' six-day visit included talent shows, visits around the campus and city, banquets, panel discussions, county board meet ings and district court sessions. The group visited the capitol building where inaugural cere monies took place. The real Ne braska governor, Val Peterson, gave an address. As a climax to the session, graduation exercises were held ut Love Library auditorium, where Mr. John Curtiss, National Com mitteeman of the Nebraska Amer ican Legion, gave an address, "Where Do We Go From Here?" Boy's Staters formed their own band and choir, learned legisla tive procedure, presented a talent night, and held governmental meetings. Coach Bill Glassford spoke briefly to the boys, after which movies of Nebraska ath letic activities were shown. During their stay on the cam pus, the girls lived in the wo mens' dorms and in sorority houses, while the boys lived on the Ag. campus. Friday after noon both groups attended Boys-Girls State dance at the Sta dent Union on the campus.