The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 15, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1951
Jefferson's Ideas ...
"The influence over government must be shared among all
the people. If every individual which composes their mass par
ticipates of the ultimate authority, the government will be safe,"
Thomas Jefferson. Every American who believes in democratic
government will readily recognize the wisdom of these words.
And the words are not just words that were once uttered and
then forgotten. The idea which they express has been adopted
and carried out in many ways since the establishment of our na
tion. One method of carrying out this idea found in Nebraska is
the program of Cornhusker Boys and Girls State. This program
annually gives Nebraska high school juniors a week's oppor
tunity to study and practice the functions of government. Through
this program these students learn how to work with each other
in handling the various duties of government and in solving the
various problems of government. Thus, both the technical details
of operation of a government and the spirit to co-operation neces
sary to make a democratic government a success are gained from
this program.
And what better method of teaching could have been adopted
than that of the age old method of learning by doing? The
knowledge gained through this program will help give these
students ah opportunity to become future leaders of our gov
ernments. And if they do not become leaders then certainly they
will be better prepared to cast an "intelligent" ballot.
Every citizen of our state and nation should thank those
persons who conceived the idea of this program. Thanks should
also be given to those who, by their tireless efforts, have made
this program a success. Few persons realize the numerous small
details and endless jobs that must be handled to make a program
such ai this a success.
But with persons ever willing to make opportunities such
as this available there should be no fear that "influence over
government" will not be "shared among all the people."
It's Your Rag . . .
This is the first issue of your summer Daily Nebraskan. Dur
ing the summer session, your RAG will be published once a
week, every Friday, for six weeks.
The Daily Nebraskan is a student operated newspaper, and
though we may strive for perfection, it is doubtful that perfec
tion will be obtained.
The "Letterip" column is the place for you to air your pet
peeves, gripes, praises, or whatever you have, but the letters must
be signed. Our columns are always open to any who wish to
Editorial columns are clearly defined as such, and such col
umns represent the opinions of the writer, and not necessarily
those of the rest of the staff, or of the school.
We hope that you will like the summer RAG, and we hope
that you will bring complaints that you may have to the RAG
office in the Student Union. This will help us to give you the type
of a newspaper you want.
Suffering Liberties . . .
There is more in a cold war than the danger of international
tension or an outbreak. Some of our liberties are suffering.
We in college have seen this happening for some time. The
New York Times recently printed a verification that it was hap
pening at many colleges in the nation.
We have suffered home front casualties already in the , con
flict with Russia. These home front casualties are freedom of
thought and freedom of speech. Although they may not be fa
talities, they are casualties which are serious.
The dread of being labeled a "Communist" has put a re
straint on class discussions and on lectures. Statements that are
ambiguous pose a threat to instructors. They may be accused of
teaching red or pink dostrines. We have all heard an instructor
say the same thing in two ways to make sure he is not misun
derstood. Is this a healthy situation?
Will it lead to Joe College discussing campus happenings only?
Will it lead to our instructors deleting any personal opinion?
If it does if is not a healthy situation.
We hope this is a temporary situation like the hatred of the
German people during the first world war. That hatred has died
and perhaps this will die too. But in the meantime, we will live
with hobbles on speech freedom.
When the Communists are either corralled or defeated, let's
hope that complete freedom returns to our country and our col
leges. Freedom of speech must remain on the casualty list, for the
minute it is transferred to the fatality list, the results will be
The Dully Nehraakan In puhliahed by the etudenta of the TJnlverilty of Ne
braska nn expreeelon of student' ncwi and opinion! only. According to ArtlcU II
of the By Law governing etudent publication! and admlnletered by tba Board
of Publication!, 'It la th declared policy of tha Board that publication!, tinder
Ita Jurimllctlon aball ba free from editorial cenaorehip on the part ot tne Hoard
th. nmrt I anv member t the faculty f the Uhlvernftv but member!
the ataff of The Dally Nebraakan are personally reanonalble for what tbey gay
or do or cauae to be printed.
for the college year. $4.00 mailed Single eople Be. Puttllihed dally during the
a. .k . mr 17 00 Dr aemeiter. 12.60 ser aemeiter Dialled, or S3. 00
cchool year except Monday and Saturday!, vacation and examination period by
h tJnlveraltv I Nebranka under the aupervlnlon of the Publication Board. En
tered ai Second Clam Matter at the pn.t Office In Lincoln, Nehraaka under Aot
of Congrea. Maren V,.,"v';.
tion 1108, Act oi wwm , "i.HfoMA, " """ ,
tai,. ...
' . .'"k" -
4... ....... An Moekett
Weeks Nevis
Rain was the main news on the
Nebraska front this week. Floods
raged through Ashland, Beatrice,
Crete and Wilber. The water
reached its all time high at Wil
ber. Rain also hindered the GIs in
Korea. In spite of the mud, the
United Nations forces forced their
Red adversaries back to the "iron
triangle," around Chorwon and
Kumhwa in Central Korea.
Meanwhile, United States' of
ficials were in hopes that the
British covernment would send
qualified representatives to
Teheran to settle the oil dispute.
Acheson Testifies
Secretary of State Dean Ache
son again was in the spotlight, by
testifying before the Senate com
mittee which is investigating the
dismissal of Gen. MacArthur.
Although he admittedly ap
proved of MacArthur's dismissal,
Acheson stated that he had no
part in initiating the removal..
He denied that there is, or has
been, Red influence on State De
partment policy decisions. Con
cessions were made to Russia at
Yalta, he said, because we weren't
certain.then, that we had a atmoic
During his speech, Acheson said
that the U.N. should decide the
fate of Formosa. Formosa will
not be allowed to fall into Chi
nese hands, "by force," he added.
Although military chiefs told
Builder Award
Given Sweet
At Graduation
J. Hyde. Sweet, young man of
71 years and an elder statesman
of Nebraska politics, received the
Nebraska Builder Award from
the University at the eightieth
annual Commencement eYercises.
The award, highest non-academic
honor of the University,
was bestowed on Mr. Sweet in
recognition of his career as the
courageous and vigorous pub
lisher of the Nebraska City
News-Press, and as a dis
tinguished Nebraska ciW&en.
A native oi new xorK, wir.
Rwppt came to Nebraska as an
infant with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs C. A. Sweet. Sr. His father,
now 96, lives in Nebraska City.
In 1909 he bougnt an interest
in th Nebraska Dailv Press, and
later became principal owner.
In 1926 ' he purchased the Ne
braska City News, and consoli
dated the two as the Nebraska
City News-Press.
The News, descended from Ne
braska's first newspaper estab
lished at Bellevue in November,
18554. will celebrate its 100 an
niversary in 1954.
It is the oldest paper in con
tinuous poublication in the state.
Mr. Sweet has served his com
munity in many ways: Securing
the Missouri river bridge at Ne
braska City, securing -municipal
purchase of the gas, water and
electric utility; and promoting
fund drives which resulted in
construction of St. Mary's Hos
pital and municipal building
which stands as a memorial to
veterans of World War I.
Mr. Sweet served in the 76th
Congress, serving as secretary
to Rev. George Heinke and fill-
Contest Offers
Week-end Trip
Are you interested in an ex
pense paid trip to St. Louis and
Yes? Just try writing "I have
the best dad (or son) in the
world because" . . . and give your
reasons in 25 words or less.
No entry blanks are required.
You don't have to buy anything.
Just finish the sentence and send
it to Radio station WOW or to
the Nebraska Clotihng Co.
Three figures in the local ath
letic scene will act as Judges for
the contest. They are Bill Glass
ford. Skin Palrang, Athletic Di
rector at Boy's Town and George
KisselL Manager ol the umana
Top prize In both the fathers
and sons' division of the contest
will be an all-expense trip for
the winners and their father or
son to St. Louis and Chicago on a
forthcoming WOW Weekend
Baseball Tour.
The contest closes on Father's
Day, June 17.
in Review
the Senators that Russia could
stop the war, Acheson said that
he wondered if this were possi
ble. The Secretary was the recipient
of several uncomplimentary re
marks from Congressmen, but re
ceived praise from President Tru
man for what the President called
a splendid job of telling ;he truth.
U.M.T. Bill
The White House received a bill
laying the foundation for the first
universal military training bill in
the nation's history. It will lower
the draft age to 18 years, re
quire 2-year induction, and ex
tend the current draft to 1955.
At Landsberg Prison in Ger
many, seven Nazi war criminals
lost all hope of escaping death,
when the U.S. Supreme Court up
held their conviction.
The Supreme Court also upheld
the conviction of 11 American Red
Chiefs for seeking the overthrow
of our Government.
Price Rollbacks
Back in the United States, Price
Director Michael DiSalle received
approval from President Truman
to put further meat price rollbacks
into effect August 1 and October 1
Missing Diplomats
The hunt for the two American
diplomats who disappeared in
Britain is still going on. Washing
ton officials don't know whteher
they were kidnapped or whether
they escaped to behind the iron
curtain. . .
ing his unexpired term when Mr.
Heinke was killed in an accident.
Mr. Sweet declined to run for
another term.
In 1948, he was appointed a
member of the State Normal
Board of which he was president
last year. He is a member of the
Board of the Nebraska State His
torical Society.
Mr. Sweet actively serves as
publisher and business manager
of the News-Press. His daily
column, "The Kick Kolumn," is
familiar to many Nebraskans.
He also contributes editorials
to each issue of the paper. He
is a past-president of the Ne
braska Press Association.
Mr. Sweet is registered as a
Republican, but his writings are
characterized by a high degree
of independence.
The veteran publisher and Mrs.
Sweet usually spend two months
each winter In Arizona. They
have one son, Arthur R. Sweet,
managing editor of the News-
Summer Daily
Changes Size
With the appearance of summer
and all of the other changes, the
Daily Nebraskan has changed.
Regular students will notice
that the "King" size Rag has been
abandoned for the summer school
session, in favor of a tabloid.
During the summer session, the
Daily Nebraskan will reach stu
dents once a week, Friday morn
ing, for six weeks.
Dates of issues are June 15, 22,
29, July 6, 13, and 20. Anyone
wishing news in tthe paper should
contact the Rag office or leave a
letter in the mail box outside the
Rag office.
Folders Present
Campus Events
The Union activities office has
published a calendar of all events
on campus thfs summer. The
folders, "Summertime at N. U."
may be obtained in the Union
activities office.
Listed are the dates of the
movies to be shown, the summer
artist series, the various work'
shops, the All-Mate programs,
and au oi tne other activities.
Everyone is welocme to a
folder, according to Genene Grim,
Union activities director.
Book Matches
Tell Activities
Like to know what's going on
around campus all of the time?
Carry a package of book
matches from the Union.
The book matches have a com
plete schedule of all activities
which have been scheduled for
the campus.
Since they take up so little
space, everyone should be able
to carry a package around In his
purse or pocket.
ft3U Profs
Courteey Lincoln Journal-Star
Two University of Nebraska
professors will help two of Amer
ia's largest industrial corpora
tions appraise the effective of
their management policies this
The nrofessors are Clifford M.
Hicks, head of the University's
Department of Business Organi
zation and Management, and
Richard Bourne, economist and
labor relations expert.
Professor Hicks is one of 30
irrArtja from American colleges
and universities invited to attend
the second annual management
institute of the E. I. Du Pont de
Tfomnnra comDanv. to be held
June 18-27 at Wilmington, Del.
Du Pont has asked Professor
Hicks and his colleagues to assist
in a critical appraisal oi its op
erating plan and policy including
administration, labor relations.
foreign affairs, research, technol
ogy, finance, sales, monopoly ana
scope of operation. Professor
Hicks is the author of two books,
"Introduction to Business," and
"Corporation Finance," both used
in colleges and universities across
the nation. His special fields are
business law and business finance.
Dr. Bourne is one of twelve pro
fessors in the United States asked
to take part in the third annual
Industrial Relations Forum of the
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.,
to be held in Akron June 12-22.
The Forum aims at (1) ac
quainting authorities in their field
with its industrial relations pro
gram; and (2) getting animpar
tial review of its program from
outside experts. Dr. Bourne will
make a special study of Good
year's wage and salary admin
istration program.
Two Boys, Girls
Get Scholarships
Four Nebraska eighth graders
have been awarded scholarships
of $50 each to help them attend
the University of Nebraska All
State Course in Fine Arts to be
held on the campus in June.
The scholarship winners were
selected on the basis of the
quality of drawin; 3 submitted in
the recent Nebraska Elementary
Art Exhibit held in Lincoln
under the auspices of the Uni
versity"s art department and ex
tension division.
Winners of the awards, donated
by the Miller & Paine department
store of Lincoln: Joseph Lempka,
16, son of Mr. and Mrs. August
Lempka of Burchard, whose
teacher is Mrs. Paul Fieselman;
James Shaw, 12, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene W. Shaw of Mc
Cook, whose teacher is Miss
Emma Imm; Janet Wolf 13,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Wolf of Scottsbluff, whose teacher
is Miss Nancy Glynn; and Anita
Lackey, 14, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Lackey of Gering,
whose teacher Is Mrs. Wayne
Alternates are: Carol Sue May
born, Scottsbluff; Jean Dabro
volry, Rosewater school, Omaha;
Marilyn Habel, Eagle; and Con
nie Haury, Kearney.
Union Picture
Library Open '
Famous paintings are now
available to students, faculty, and
staff members to decorate their
homes, rooms, and offices. The
Union Picture Lending Library
has over 33 contemporary and
old masters' prints in its loan
Pictures may be checked out,
free-of-charge from the Union
Activities Office during this
week; and will be returned be
fore the close of the summer
sessions the last of July. Works
of Homer, Grant Wood, Egdar
Degas, Pablo Picasso, and Jan
Vermeer ar but a few included
in the collection.