The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 15, 1951, Image 2
IT LINCOLN 8 NEBRASKA FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 19511 Second In Summer Artist Series Features Dancers All -University Clinics "Dances of Many Lands" will be re-enacted by La Meri and di Falco as they present the second In the Summer Artist Series, Wednesday, June 20, at eight o'clock in the Student Union Ball room. The series, sponsored by the summer sessions, is free to stu dents, faculty and guests of the University. La Meri, a figure on the dance horizon, has, through her intel lect, technique, and histrionic ability been called a "thousand women in one." La Meri has been twice around, the world collecting the dances which comprise the repertoire of the dance team. Three Continents In every country of three con tinents, she has studied the local dance art, and before leaving that country performed these same dances before a audience, thus earning her right to carry the art to other countries. She has studied, concertized, and lectured in thirty-three coun tries in Europe, Asia, Polynesia, South America. Central America, North America, and Africa and La Meri has written several books on the - dance including "Gesture Language of the Hindu Dance," "Principles of the Dance . . .. ..t, A 4 tMm ATI, uance as an m and "Spanish Dancing." ppari Ruck writes about her: "La Meri is doing a remarkable job and unique work in using dance as a means of interpreting nonnloe to nne another. In every country the dance is perhaps the most spontaneous ex pression of the spirit of the peo ple. To present dances from many countries as La Meri does, is to bring together in unison and in contrast the latenesses aim en ces in our world." Fiies East And West Always in the vanguard of dance movement, La Meri lends her inventive genius to the fusing of the East and West in many works (Bach-Bharata Suite, "Curor. T.akA" "Sheherazade ." etc.) and to the free application of traditional techniques to entiuc in terpretation ("Yaravi," "Passage Tnrtia " "Danzas Fantasticas.") La Meri is too well known in the world of art and theatre and dance to need introduction, ane has played in every great theatre of every great city in the world, A has returned to her own country to be acclaimed. Dr. Falco, American born Sicil- Men's Quartet Gives Concert For All-State The Songfellows Quartet, na tionally famous radio-recording quartet was in Lincoln, June 13, for the first summer arust series sponsored by the Union. At 3 p.m. the Songfellows gave a concert for All-State. They demonstrated the use of a micro phone to its best advantage, and other radio techniques. Following the demonstration, the quartet answered questions from the All Staters. All chorus singers were re quired to attend this demonstra tion, according to Lee Kjelson, supervisor of the music division of All-State. Wednesday evening. The Song fellows presented a formal con cert in the Union ballroom. They sang their usually varied program which includes classical music, spirituals, hymns, and swing. Members of the quartet are Stuart Steelman, first tenor and arranger; Kenneth Black, second tenor: Harris White, baritone, and Keith Booth, bass. Their pianist is Bill Austin, who also is one of their arrangers, . Each member of the group pos sesses a music decree and is a soloist in his own right, having done oratorio and concert singing in addition to his quartet work. ian, took his career after three years service in the European Theatre of Operations. He made his first stage appearance in New York in January 1946 in the ballet "Radha-Krishna" with Ted Shawn and La Meri. Since then he has appeared with such artists as Alexandra Danilova, Federic Franklin, Carola Goya, Federico Key, Rosell High- tower, Albia Kavan, Valerie Bet tis. Appeared As Soloist In June, 1946, he appeared as soloist with the Exotic Ballet Company and the Department of Opera (starring Marie Powers) at the Jacob's Pillor Theatre. Numerous New York perform ances in concert and television and dance movies occupied this young artist in 1947 and '48. He created the leading role in La Meri's ballet "Yaravi" and col laborated in the choreography of "Passage to India." During the summer of 1949, he taught at the Ruth St. Denis school, and since the fall of that year has been on the faculty of the Academy of Enthic Arts. To Improve Campuses Charles F. Fowler, iDirector of Division of Buildings and Grounds, has announced that the summer building program this year includes work on both city and As campuses. At Ag College construction bes begun on the new Agronomy building, which according to plans should be completed in January. Workmen have com pleted the basement of the new meat laboratory, which should enable completion of the build ing by the end of the summer. Other plans include remodeling the dairy barns and installing new refrigerator equipment in the Dairy Industry building. Campus plans are underway for landscape and sidewalk work at Mueller Tower and Ferguson Hall. Repaving "T" Street and grading the physical education field are the two other projects which will complete the summer construction plan. Three Members of Art Department Sell Works Works by three University art department members have been bought by the Nebraska Art As sociation an dthe Lincoln Artists' Guild, Prof. Duard Laging, chair man of the department, has an nounced. These include "Baltet Dancer" by Kay Nash, instructor in art education; and an etching, "The Cock," by Elizabeth Slaughter, student in the department. ' - ' J v A' i ,", . St , V V? SONGFELLOWS QUARTET AND PIANIST. They are from left to right: Harris White, Kenneth Black, Stuart Steelman, Keith Booth and Bill Austin. Set for Degree Seekers Need to Check Credits, Apply Any student who expects to re ceive a bachelors, masters, or as sociate degree, or any teaching certificate at the close of the summer session and who has not already done so, should apply for same at the senior checking of fice, Room 9, Administration building, by June 20, 1951. Office hours in the checking room are 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Mon day through Friday. Ed Conference June 18, 19, 20 A conference for the examina tion of mid-century problems in elementary education and parent teacher education sponsored by the department of elementary education and the Nebraska Con gress of Parents and Teachers will be held June 18, 19, and 20 at Love Memorial Library. The conference, open to stu dents, teachers, parents and ad ministratprs, will have as key speakers Dr. Harold G. Shane, Professor or Education, North western Univerity, Evanston, Illi nois, and A. C. Van Dusen, Asso ciation Professor of Psychology, and Director of summer sessions, also of Northwestern university. Dr. Sh, who will speak at two sessions, and Dr. van Dusen, who will speak at one, have been invited especially for this confer ence. The conference staff is com posed of 29 persons, 12 of whom are visiting personnel here to in struct the summer session. Registration for the conference will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, June 18 1951. The first general session, Clara Evans presiding, will begin at 2:00 p.m. Frank E. Henzlik, Dean of Teachers college, will give the address, "Elemen tary Education Looks Forward." The conference will begin Tues day at 9:00 a.m., and will end with a conference summary at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday. Former N.U. Instructor Dies in New Jersey Mrs. F. C. Harwood, Lawrence ville. N. J., former Lincolnite and faculty member of the University died recently. Mrs. Harwood was graduated from the University In 1924 and became an assistant in the Uni versity's classics department. She resigned when she married Mr. Harwood, a professor in the classics at the University. A &.: ft- nee and July State Department Officials To Be Principal Speakers "America's Role in a United Nations World" will be the theme of the first of three All-University Clinics to be held June 18 and 19. The clinic will feature speakers from the U. S. Department of State. Over a period of summers, the University has been engaged in r -pi One-Act- Plays Given June 22 Students in the All-State dra matics groups have been cast in six one-act plays. The first group of three, which will be given Fri-1 day, June 22, includes the follow-' ing: "Ladies in Retirement," by Ed ward Percy and Reginald Den ham, "has as its cast Aurelia May, Decatur; Shirley Nichols, Sidney, Iowa; Gail Speidell, Gibbon; Nancy Johnson, Bloomfield, and Mary Janicke, Giltner. "The Thrice-Promised Bride," by Cheng-Chin-Hsuing, includes in its cast Joyce Wiest, Chappell; Lyle Whitesel, Miller; Darlene Murphy, Nelson; Marilyn More house, Benkelman; Veronica Raw- ley, Wood River; Marilyn Kirk, Lincoln; Margaret Johnson, Ge nava; Nancy, Johnson Bloomfield; and Alberta Kasparek, Seward. "Through a Glass Darkly,"; by Stanley Richards,- includes Jim Murphy, Walthill; Gail, Katskee, Lincoln; Jams Munn, Lincon, Bill Walton, Lincoln; and Vernon Grady, Wavely. The second group of three plays will be presented on Monday, June 25, for the entire All-State group. "Far-Away Princes," by Her mann Suderman, has as its" cast Zella Mae Zuver, Western; Do lores K a e 1 b e r ; VernonHall, Sharon Mangold, Bennington; Pat Baker, Omaha; and Joyce Miller, Lincoln. "Exchange," by Althea Thurs ton, includes George Wolcott, Lincoln; Richard Dudley, Geneva; Sharon Mangold, Bennington; Anne Palmer, Lincoln; Jackie Ramsey, Shubert. "Sunday Costs Five Pesos," by Joseph Niggli, includes in its cast Marvin Stromer, Hastings; Wil berta Voss, Waterbury; Jane Laase, Lincoln; Sheralee Hill, Polk, and Margie Morehouse, Benkelman. The students will also build scenehry and act as production crews for the plays. The plays, which are free and open to the public, will be pre sented in the Union ballroom. Editor Issues Plea for Help The Rag staff needs help. Anyone who likes to write is urged to come down to the Daily Nebraskan office in the basement of the Student Union and help write the paper. You don't have to work every afternoon, in fact, just one after noon a week would help, accord ing to the editor. Anyone who in interested should contact the Rag office or call Ann Mockett at 3-4227. Bikes Available For Students Going to summer school? Need some recreation? Rent a bicycle at the W. A. A. office in Grant Memorial. Ginnie Noble will be in the office every morning, Monday through Friday, from 11 to 12, to rent the bi cycles. The rent on the bicycles is 25 cents for the first hour and 15 cents for each additional hour. If a study of world affairs. During the previous two summers the summer clinics have been planned and implemented with the De parment of Information, United Nations. This summer, the clinics are being held to help the stu dents and faculty gain a better understanding of the work of the Department of State. P. B. Taylor to Speak Paul Bennett Taylor, officer in charge of the General Assembly Affairs Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, De partment of State, will be the speaker for the first clinic. The clinic includes a news con fence June 18 at 9:30 a.m. At a noon luncheon, Mr. Taylor will speak on "Behind the Scenes at the American Mission to the U. N." Reservations for the luncheon which will be in Room 315 Stu dent Union, must be in Dr. Frank Sorenson's office by Friday eve ning. Tickets are 85 cents. 7:30 Lecture "Examinging World Relation ships with the Department of State" will be his lecture topic at 7:30 p.m., June 18. The lec ture will be held in Love Library auditorium. Dr. A. T. Anderson, Miss Flor ence Jenkins, teacher at Lincoln high school, Dr. Royce Knapp, Dr. Maurice Latta, and Mr. Taylor will conduct a panel discussion on "Is the U. N. Helping or Hin dering the U. S. in its World Relationships?" at 11 a.m., June 19 in Love Library auditorium. Following the discussion, a ques tion period will be held. Some Classes Dismissed Some summer school classes will be dismissed for this discus sion, according to Dr. Frank Sor enson. Mr. Taylor was born in Ne- ligh, Nebr. He received his A. B. degree from Doane college in 1927. In 1931, he received his A. M. degree from Columbia uni versity and in 1951 received his Ph. D. from Columbia."He served on the faculty at the University at Kiel, Germany in 1931 and 1932. From 1939-41 he was an in structor in government and in ternational relations at Wesleyan university. Mr. Taylor served as an adviser to the United States delegation to several sessions of the United Nations General As sembly. The other All-University clinics will be July 2-3 and July 16-17. "Millions Await the Voice of America" and "What Next in For eign Policy?" will be the topics under discussion at the last two clinics. Bridge Expert Offers Series of Six Lessons Bridge lessons are being offered in the Student Union each Thurs day from four until six p.m., in Room ?13 The lessons are ayned toward beginning bridge, however; stu dents, faculty and staff who need "brush-up" lessons are welcome. The series will close with a tour nament. The series of six lessons will Include bidding, counting, scor ing, playing hands, and many special pointers for better bridge. Instructor will be James Porter, Union Bridge Expert, the bicycles are being used for picnics, the rates are 15 cents for the first hour and 5 cents for eercli additional hour. -I h