The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 17, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, May 17, 1951 ,f if., V v -f X 3 fTv. ' it .1! ft I 1 . I. - v " . ' Oldest NU Alumnus, Alison Taylor, Reminises About Life in Young Lincoln By Ken Rystrom Thirteen may be an unlucky number, according to supersti tion, but Alison O. Taylor is cer tain it is not not by 68 years. It was just that long ago 68 years that the 13-member class of '83 was graduated from the University. Today Taylor is the only living member of the class and the oldest alumnus of the University living in Nebraska. Although he is 90 years old (born Oct 13, 1860), I would nave guessed his age at least 20 years younger as he spryly opened the door of 244 S. Cotner boulevard. He lives there with bis son. He is short but stands as straight as men half his age. His hair, a little thin, is snow white. As we talked in the living room, he told me that his hear ing is good and that he does not ordinarily wear his glasses even to read a newspaper, faculty included 10 to 15 instruc tors. Compares Prices In comparing prices of the '80's with those of 1951, he said that a dollar then was "as big as a wagon wheel," but it is now "only the size of a nickel." He estimated that University stu dents lived an entire school year for $200. Room and board cost about two dollars a week, and get this University tuition amounted to five dollars a year! I was amazed at his memory. He seems to remember more about 1880 than most students remember about 1948. Taylor was quite critical of modern men. Walking as much as he used to, he said, would "kill these young fellows." "Why, I can walk a mile right now," he said, "while these young men walk a block and then get into their cars." Population 12,000 ancoin, wnen he came, nad a He is extremely interested in i population of 12,000, he said. "O prices, land, the University and politics. But he still enjoys talk ing about Lincoln and Nebraska when they were young. Taylor came to Lincoln in 1879, after a year of college in Mich igan. He attended Agriculture college for two years and then completed his University educa tion on the downtown campus. In those days, he said, the University had only one building, University ball, located where Ferguson hall now stands. Ap proximately 400 students at- street was then a dirt road with no bridges over the draws. He remembers that in the middle of the intersection of 13th and "O," whenever it rained, there was a deep mud hole. At one time, someone stuck a boot in the mud and attached a sign to it saying that a man had been lost in the hole. On that corner, he said, was an old hotel, but it was so "far in the suburbs" of Lincoln that it had little business. The center of the town, instead tended the University, and the i of being on "O" street, was near 9th and "P," he said, and from where city hall now stands west to the old depot. As early as 1880, however, Lincoln was marked for great growth. Already there were the University, the state capitol, the insane asylum and the state peni tentiary. "So you can see," Taylor wisecracked, "the University graduate had three choices; he could enter the capitol, the asylum or the pen." Ran Grocery Store But, contrary to that, he started a grocery store in Lincoln, run ning it until he went to western Nebraska in 1896, following the drouth and the depression. Throughout his life, Taylor has been interested in business cycles and has seen the national econ omy rise and fall many times. However, as a good businessman, he has weathered the ups and downs and has now become a sort of business-prophet. Taylor has certainly remained faithful to the University, for not only his own children attended it, but also six of his grandchil dren (and undoubtedly it won't be long before some of his 17 great-grandchildren enter). As we finished our conversa tion, he told me that he expects to vote in the next presidential election "for the right man!" In fact, he said, "I ought to be good for four or five more years." Here's hoping that Taylor holds his title the oldest University alumnus in Nebraska for many more wonderful years. Little Man On Campu -v ... n,- V3X .O.fc m - V-X Hi . . U I fflT Summer Activities Workers May Sign Up at Union Booth Summer activities require stu dents who have "time on their hands," according to Barbara Bredthauer, chairman of the sum mer activities group. The summer activities board is sponsoring a booth in the Union Thursday and Friday from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. All summer school students and other students who will be in Lincoln for the summer may sign up for the summer activities pool. These people will assist the various campus organizations in their summer projects. Since many workers are gone for the summer, these organiza tions pool their workers so that all may operate efficiently. Be coming a member of the pool, ac cording to Miss Bredthauer, gives students an apportunity to be come acquainted with activities at the University. One of the prejects is sponsor ing programs at the Veterans hospital. This is done by the Red Cross. Other questions which students may have will be answered by the activities board representa tives working in the booth. Members of the board are Sarah Fulton, Julie Johnson, Bar bara Bell, AUF; Marilyn Coupe, Dean Linscott, Builders; Peggy Mulvaney, Jean Loudon, Coed Counselors; Mariam Willey, De lores Lovegrove, YWCA; and Joan Hanson, Susie Stahl, Joyce Johnson, Red Cross. "Like I say, Worthal when you come in late you disturb the whole class." Construction Work Will Start On Lutheran Student Center Construction on a new Luther an Student center at 529-35 No. 16th will begin June 1, Pastor Alvin M. Petersen has announced. Groundbreaking ceremonies for the modern $75,000 structure were held recently with Pastor Accuracy of Student Directory fPen Depends on Registration Cards JtSlJL To have an earlier and better j to speed up the printing pro- cmcsens is paying on wen. 1951 Student Directory, said cedure. ! As a result of investigations ; jy j--m Louise Kennedy, editor, the Di- Miss Kennedy said that after j by the U. S. Department of Ag- f LOlI! r I fill 11 PU uu iuj mi w uucu, iu , LTr riculture and state poultry de-. out accurately and completely. jthey must be alphabetized, I ...... Ji j IT TTI I The special Directory cards will checked by the Lincoln Telephone ! partments, they say three pounds Ji qj. 1 If fCf J Y be filled out during the summer company if necessary, typed into! of feed is now producing the, J at the time students pay their a complete and accurate list, and J same amount of meat that four registration fees. New students proofread after the Journal hasiolinj. avA tn will fill out the cards next fall, I made the galleys. The Student Di- Z? S , T - Correct Listin. rectory is then ready to be' iue .i-uts , u.e uc- An all Ag campus picnic is The information on the cards printed. j velopment of new feed ingredients ' scheduled to begin today at 5:30 must be answered completely for Home Addresses and new economical sources of I p.m. It will be held on lower all University records. The cards The new Directory will contain ; feed There also has been j camPus if weather permits. u.u. ce d ana legio e u!. sl uoa Piu id bl Droeress in breed- Free food and entertainment if one desires a correct listing in home addresses of all students, a eonsiaeraoie progress in Dreea-. wiu srxmsoreJ Dv tn- A complete schedule of the year's jing ior rapid growing meat-type i Union activities committee events, all organization's presi- chickens and high egg producers Wiener roastine on onen hon. wteneS12atlOnS0f,Ce those feeds to the best fires wS bafoudT and phone number. I . t Prform- f 11(.ai-i.. Gamma Rho, Love Hall and Farm House Ivy Day sings are sched- I By Ag Union the Directory, Students now knowing their Lincoln address at the time they fill in the cards should give this information to the registrar in September, said Miss Kennedy. If the cards are clearly legible, they will not have to be retyped by hired typists. This is the first year this pro cess has been used in an attempt! Th niiwtnr- staff inrlnH- aavaniage. business manager, Phyllis Lou- Much of the research has found don; student lists, Susan Rein- prompt application through the hardt; faculty lists, Vernita Helm- national poultry improvement steader; proof reading, Betty plan in hatcheries and breeding Brinkman; organizations chair- flocks. Pullorum, they say, has man. Norma Lothrop. J been cut down four-fifths. Petersen and Dr. Donald Heiges of Chicago, executive secretary of the division of student services of the National Lutheran council, of ficiating at the ceremonies. The center will be used by ap proximately 700 students repre sented by the National Lutheran council. The student center will include two units, a two-story building with a basement and an audi torium. Construction of the audi torium will begin as soon as money is available. The first floor of the center will include a lounge, library, kitchen, student council room, counselor's room and pastor's study. The second floor will contain a chapel, class room and living fa cilities for a counselor. The basement will contain a recreation room and room for storage. The old buildings on the site are being razed in preparation for the construction work. At the present time, the Lu- Student Foundation has Many Confusing Cries Arise Over Council Constitution Issue uled as part of the program. Miss A tin us Tullis will direct com- theran Jmunity singing for the entire rented student houses on Ag and group attending. jcity campuses. If it doesn't rain, equipment: will be handy for playing soft- n I I - baLL Two or three Softball games HubLlCatWnS ran rk n ii.kaj . .1. . , eral bluegrass sod fields avail able on the campus. Tables have been closed at the! lour organized houses their members to "Vote 'No"" ; too welL I'm no better off than I change MY mind. I'VE already "Vote 'Yes'" you are.'' voted:" Confusing cries came from all "Shucks! Throw away your ID i And so it went. Words that had sides yesterday as the students cards and forget about it:" was started out as innocent mudballs planning for more than 200 stu Hocied in streams to the polls. I the forceful suggestion of still an-1 gradually froze into hard stones. ; dents attending. She said that College Men Vital to U.S. -Hechinger Higher education in the Unit ed States is doomed unless Con gress accepts the belief that col leges are the "lifeline" to the physical and spiritual arsenal of the world. This opinion was expressed by Fred M. Hechinger in The Re porter magazine. Mr. Hechinger, education edi tor of the New York Herald Tri bune declares that Congress must be made to see the necessity of higher education for creating strength to defend freedom. Higher Education Changes There will be changes in higher education next year, although the rush into the Armed Forces has been slowed by the deferment of some college students. Enrollment will drop. Coeducational schools will recruit as many women as possible. The numbers in ROTC will be more than doubled. Mr. Hechinger says the best ar- I gument for deferment of college siuucms is me laci inai nussia is threatening to overtake us in the field of technically trained manpower. The enrollment in Russian technical schools and colleges and universities is ris ing rapidly. Engineering Enrollment Drops In comparison, H e c h i n ger points out the drop in enrollment in engineering in the United States. He says our best hope for the future is the exploitation of our superiority in quality through education and the constant im provement of that quality. He believes the future of high er education in this country is al- Frank Sibert Named Farmers Fair Head Frank Sibert was named Tues day at chairman of the 1952 Farmers Fair board. Rex Messersmith, another sen ior member, will serve as as sistant chairman. . The six senior board members elected their successors last week. Senior members are: Frank Sibert, Rex Messersmith, Rex Coffman, Mary Ann Grundman, Lois Larson and Janet Ross. Other officers named are: Mary Ann Grundman, treasurer; Lois Larson, secretary; and Janet Ross, Ag Exec board representative. Palmer Notes Boom in State's Construction Nebraska is experiencing a "wild boom" in construction pro pelled by a desire to "get every thing built" before wartime con trols are clamped on. This is the opinion of Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer who is active in busi ness research for the College of Business Administration.. Building activity, which ex cludes such items as roads, power lines and pipelines, shows a jump of nearly 62 per cent from 1949 through 1950. Building activity in cities alone shows an increase of over 75 per cent, and a 110 per cent increase in contracts. A similar spiral is noted in residen tial building with the value index in 1950 of new homes over 126 per cent above 1949. ready in doubt. There is a trend toward the dismissal and non reappointment of faculty mem bers. He says there is the dan ger of a faculty shortage a few years from now. "outdoor frolic." ' Chairman in charge of Dlan- ning the picnic, Jean Holmes, is Appointments 'JSlSlated May 17 A seriMs issue was at slak the fata of the newly drafted Stu dent Crai"!! constitution. Campaign signs engulfed the campus in propaganda. Black and white bulletins urged the campus population to support the newly drafted document, while red and white announcements, declaring that the attitude toward the matter should be negative, cropped up all over the place Wednesday morning. What U De "What are you going to do?" Inquired one confused student of another. I don't know" the other re turned, "my eyes aren't too good other student who had stopped As the campaign grew more - enough food to. feed well into the to listen in on trie conversation, fierce, the stony words began to jws nas been purchased. For . great per cent of those chip a little. Gradually they took j able to vote, this probably would the form of arrowheads, evolv- TTYr jr , i j. i have been a good idea. ing in the end as tiny darts aimed I M HiStClOllSflCS ' - - - - v flwui ii, 5'j r and I cant read that fine print tack someone else. You can't 'Well Informed' People On other parts of the campus, however, there were a few "well informed' people. Wherever they happened to be, crowds seemed to J congregate, j&iost oi tne gauier ings turned out to be broiling ses sions. Nine times out of ten, the "au thority- when the argumentation P" T ."rV ""L - T rrzrh ,h um Lit v.m smoke-fiUed lungs from inhaling get up and stalk out in a buff with, "You guys wanted to know my opinion. Now you have it. If you wart to fight about it, go at- Ag 'Lost, Found9 Interviews for positions on The Daily Nebraskan will begin at 8 a.m., Saturday, May 19, in the Union faculty lounge. Interviews for Cornhusker positions will follow the "Rag" interviews. The Committee on Student Publications choose the summer and fall staffs of The Daily Ne braskan, and 1951-52 staff of the Cornhusker. Rag" summer positions tn STUDENT DIRECTORY CARD please print name- last first middle - year fr so jr sr college Lincoln address phone number Home Address city street state Alpha Lambda Delta Elects Holden President at Initiation Joan Holden is the new presi-: Judith Pollock, Nancy Pumphrey, dt of Alpha Lambda Delta, j Susan Bernhardt, Barbara SpiZker, freshman scholarship honorary, i Janet Steffen, May Van Home, She was elected after the initia- j Shirley Wer. Harriett Wenke. tSon of the 31 new members in ! Clementine Woster Marr Ann jjn anm nan, may ia. ims is imrnerman. at the back of every voter no uwiKl n .,ai ins vpuuuu , o. Arrnmn Kir Cin - , - vuva The arguments raged on. As <nized a rentraI ,ost founr elude the editor and business J mLmOUE smoke department for Ag campus. manager. The paper is published rf z3eZrZ' Many books, gloves. Notebooks, tw'ce weekly during the nine-v-wL.n tnTmrHn'Pens- keys, scsrfs and other ar-'week summer session. Non-smokers began to compUin ucles have bce found. The fall Daily Nebraskan staff oi sore tnroats irom talking ana AU , . ;ilM.iules th i arucies lumea mto " " -Z... ine kuii irom me eiecmcauy j - --"Vjjr tr the YW ture a or' sports edi- atmosphere. IreJive . assistant sports .tor. When the air of excitement 'photographer, three assistant swept in, dampness and muggi- -Rd found agency business managers and circula- ness came with it. Politicians! I1 Vf terrranly located at tion manager. sweated it out In the heat of the i fve Students wishing to j The circulation manager will campaign, yes's and no's slith-; c,'m ' ,ost t.,- 030 do s? byAbe appointed by the committee ered every whach way. j calling for YW officers or cabinet for the fim is year. Ap- lutaniAi b plications for this oost will be According to Ag YW treasurer,' received through Thursday, May -We're supposed to vote someone put forth. no: ww- rv.K;- i Artie Westcott, the lost and found " J - VIL B-V Ul AVUlMUK I'll . ..... the largest cumber of girl to be Initiated in Alpha Lambda Delta t Nebraska. Lura Ana Harden is the vice president; Sharon Cook, secretary; Phyllis Lyons, treasurer; and May Van Horn, historian. Jane Foster is the new faculty adviser- Senior adviser is Kiri-m Willey. Alpha Lambda Delta certificale winners were announced at the inserting. These girls have main tained their Alpha Lambda Delta scholarship during tour years of coOegs. Maria Leipelt Bade is winner of tbe National Award for E-s5tiie &e highest average. Olher winners are Audrey Flood, Joyce Hunscote, Janette Elwxe Johnson, Kancy llae Porter and Jean Raie Smith. New IntHttes The sew miliatei are Barbara Adanss, Barbara Berggren. Ge neva Bern, Deioris Brown, Jane CaJhoun, Connie Clark, Sharon Cock, Nancy Dark, Jean Davis, Sue Gorton, Lura Ann Harden, Irj Hinman. Joan Holden, VUnljn tiouseL Mary Elirabeth Kiimnger. Betty Lester, Phyllis Lyons, Xtlary Xiackie, Gbariotte Mason, Thomas. -Because the "Rag" said so! It was in the paper this morning," the first defended. It did not! It said to vote v?" one ardent nnnort- chmit. jjed out defiantly. 17. Cornhusker posts to be filled time, a booth will be maintained are: editor, business manager. m trie nion. it wui specific hours each week. opn assistant editor, managing editor, i ana assistant business manager. The outgoing officers are Bar bara Bredthauer, president; Madge Gady Tegproefer, vice president; Cecelia PjrJserton, secretary, Hester Morrison, treasurer: and Diane Downing, historian. Nancy Porter is retiring senior adviser. These officers serve for one year at a time. Faculty A-vber Faculty adviser's terra is for three years. Miss Fonter succeed Gertrude Knie. Tbe old officers and Marioiie Johnston, dean of women, par-, tjdpaled in the iniliatton ,ce. Rrr entreated their Where fa 'Eat' "Will someone please show me WHERE in the -Rag 'you guys found that?" pleaded the middle man, still on the fence between the two. The two opponents snatched up their issues. "It says here . .," they start ed together. They stopped and looked at each other. Both of them were pointing to the sme ence article. On and on St went. Campus 'Y' Estes Conference Scheduled June 7-16 V.xryortm llamn, Mary Mulligan, l Board tea. Bunny Haddix and Bonnie Eilers were initaation assistants. Jean Loudon was in charge of refresh ments. Alpha Lambda Delta sponsors a program on scholarship and how to study every fall at the girls d'rm. Members who have had subjects that may be bother ing some freshman woman, help her in the course The honorary has a fall and spring initiation- This year. Al pha Lambda Delta held an anni versary banquet for their TirJi year at the University. The new initiates serve at the Mortar Pinmates talked girl things The lorty-ihird annual Estes a special fond for foreign stu Suident conference held in the i dents has been laid aside for such Rocky Mountain region will be purposes. bi-H th; yeir June 7 to June 15. Duricg lu te d t the YMCA and the YWCA. Ev- ;WU have Iresjde dij(cussioni eryone may attend this confer- hikwi anrf 4am ' whether he is a Y-member - ' . or not. " irom may uies A legktratiion fee of $10 should Speakers for the conference be sent as soon as possible to Ina : ''3' he from rrany different Spark, Registrar. 1269 Topeka ! -tales. Rev. E. Russell Lyn, Kan avenue, Topeka. Kans. Deadline w51 speak on worship and for registration is May 25. This meditation. Dr. W. Burnet East, fee includes accident instance j Wisconsin, will speak on platform I addresses. A hiKlo itiH rt if Kk asked you to ,afto?u Board and r(m wttl be $31; thii N by Dr. Floyd L. Sampson don't want to but t would be fec win Yye duc m arrivaU from Colorado. Jil?,?" ZfnH vok JpmUticn Arranged For Speaker, from the University tor me just this once and vote J Transportalion for students will are Kenneth L. Cannon, assistant mjr way' be arranged for by the "Y". A professor of home economics, who Despite all the debating, voters fee will be charged, the amount will speak on seminar marriage, flocked to and from the polls will depend on the type of trans-1 Bernard W Fuhr, guidance con well over 2,000 of them. Lots of portation and the number of sty- suitant for the Junior Division. dents desiring transportation. will speak on seminar personal Foreign students are not growth, charged a registration fee. Also More information concerning the cost of transportation will be j the Estes conference may be ob lowered. This is possible because' tained at the YW office. GOLD'S . SPECIAL PURCHASE! friends. over. As the lellow said to his girl, "Of course, honey, I haven't them voted "yes. Lots of them voted "no." Calm your nerves, people! It's all over. It's up to the vote counters now! ifl Cotton meth and rayons Short Sleett u Another ahipment of those popular short sleeve port hiria! Now Ls the time to get several of these fine sheer ahirU at thi very special price. A large assortment of colors in small, medium and large sizes. COLO'S Hen's Store. . .Street Fleer 1951 DISTRIBUTION BAY AFTERNOON, 'MAY 31. ANB BJMY AFTERNOON TE3EREAFTER TORiyjKI JtJN THyRSBAY