The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 17, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, May 17, 1951'
'A Memorable Day . .
Wednesday was an election day which will
long be remembered in the history of campus
politics. A record breaking number of votes were
cast on the question of a proposed Student Coun
cil constitution.
The majority of those voters, by a margin of
325, voted yes, and in so doing approved efforts
of interim councils for more than two years.
The majority was probably justified in ac
cepting the constitution. The most important is
sue to remember, however, is the great amount
of interest shown by students in campus politics.
Students have shown by their interest and ac
tive campaigning that a healthful multi-party
system will function well at the University.
The Student Council itself campaigned vigor
ously to appeal to the majority and pass the
constitution. The campaign was primarily against
the Faction or All University Party. The Council
appealed to the majority to approve a statute
It May Take Time . . .
It will be a long time before members of the
1951-1952 AWS board forget the women's point
system. This was evidenced Monday afternoon
t the board's open meeting when studnts pre
sented ideas for revision, modification and im
provement of the existing activity point system.
The tremendous task facing board members and
the amount of study and time necessary to de
vise a system which will merit approval of the
majority of students was Well realized by all.
Several proposals were offered to revise the
system for evaluating points. In order to elim
inate as many as possible discrepancies in point
ing, one student suggested that each AWS board
member take one organization study its pur
pose, attend meetings and become familiar with
all phases of its work. After this step has been
taken, AWS could more fairly evaluate the points.
Another suggestion was that AWS ask the top
woman office holder in every activity to form
a board to evaluate points. These women would
be familiar with the amount of work and re
sponsibility connected with each position in her
organization and would be able to evaluate points
correctly. Each woman on this board probably
would be familiar with at least one other or
ganization and be able to add her knowledge to
the report given by other board members. Only
drawback to this method, would be the possibility
that the board would overpoint or underpoint
offices to the advantage of the organization. This,
however, would be a weakness of any group that
helps point activities. Actually, this proposal is
fashioned after the men's old point system when
a similar board pointed men's activities. Basic
difference is that enforcement policies and ac
tions would remain in hands of AWS.
Perhaps a combination of methods suggested to
AWS could be used to evaluate points. Above
all, when points are finally decided, students
making the table must be familiar with each
office they point and the work connected with
it. Points must be based entirely on the amount
Well, this is it . . . the last KNUS column of
the semester. We hate to sign off, 'cuz it's been
so much fun working on KNUS . . . covering the
campus with music, news, fashions, and sports.
But there's one consolation for this end-of-the-year
leave-taking; and that's the fact that we'll
be back to start the 1951-1952 fall semester with
lots of vim and vigor (after a summer's recuper
ation from the excitement of a campus radio
Yep, the KNUS staff members who aren't
leaving us because of graduation, or Uncle Sam,
will be rushin' back to campus next Septem
ber (old soldiers never die, ya' know) to report
on summer activities . . . and to put into prac
tice all of the know-how nuggets they've picked
up during three months of actual practice. Ya'
see, many radio-majors plan to work at com
mercial broadcasting stations throughout June,
July, and August ... in order to continue the
practical, and realistic training, that KNUS has
given them.
But don't let the comments about "radio ma
jors" throw yon off the beam . . . because KNUS
Is looking for lots of active participants for the
next semester . . . and you don't have to be
enrolled In any radio courses at all. It just takes
a lot of Interest, a little time, and a love of hard
work, fun, and excitement.
If you think now that you'd like to give KNUS
a chance to use your writing, announcing, act
ing, or promoting abilities, come down to the
station studios in the basement of the Temple
building. Let the staff members who are In the
office know that you're interested, so they can
give 'you a ring when operation begins again next
Jim. (Dmhf ThhhaiJwu'L
Intercollegiate Press
I'm daily Netrakaa la publiinec ay tni students w the university ot Ne
braska a min of etadenta rw and opinion only. According to article II
f tne By torerolnc student publications and administered Dy th Board
i publications, "It Is tin declared policy of ttie Board that publication!, under
Ita iurlsdletton ttnUl be fraa from adttorlej eenaortmp on tha part of tha Hoard,
or on tha put of any member ol tha faculty ot th Onrrenrity bat BieaKxri ef
th staff of Tha Dally Nanraskan ara Bersomui reerwnslble for What the ay
w do or aanaa to fee printed.
Hlertptlwi rates an is.n0 per aemeetar, KM per eemeetet mailed, or tH.M tor
mtHrm year, 4.U rmMlad. Mingle nry . Published dally daring the school
war iil Pntnmta.r and InnrtKj'a, vftnattons and examination periods and m
fcMue dnriAe. the month 0 ftagnst by the University of Nebraska under the aaper
Mon of fn Commit on BrnrtMtt PntllMirlm. Knterrd at Mernnd Class Matter at
tie r"o Offlm ft) I.fnrora. Mebmeka, tmdr AM of Onrwrme, Mart I, III7, and
at erxwfal rt of rmf(r pmrMrd fnr to Hertlon 110. Aet ot Coae-reea of Oetolmr
a. IIII, otfcorhMid ttoptembar IB. im.
F'WNw , Jerry Warrm
f-":ttnf rlditnr Joan Krneirer, Torn RImiIm
( fntra, Knth Raymond, Kent Avtell, Hoe Garten, Don Pieper and Jeanne lnr
ftrntrea Mttnr ,. Bill Mimdell
ftt Mortiv Editor . Beh Ranka
Cwhin .mor. Jane Handall
etnrtAty pfittAt. .IMnna frmirotl
trotorapar fteto Sherwood
novae 'ttanaror 1d Randntpn
Hiiirvr Mnnarare. Jark Cohen, Ghnek Bnrmelater, Bob Rvlrhenharh
rnmrion Momteer. ' Kaani
tsae Mewe Editor.. Ruth Kamon
Editorial Comment
Right Direction . . .
The recent action of the faculty senate in ap
proving student representation on faculty com
mittees is a step in the right direction.
Although not holding voting membership on
faculty committees, students will have an op
portunity to learn the reasons for faculty ac
tion. By the same token, the faculty will have a
chance to obtain student viewpoints on ques
tions affecting both groups.
When there is no chance for mutual discus
sion, students and faculty alike sometimes get
the idea that the other side is being unreasonable.
There is, at times, mutual misunderstanding.
Students certainly are vitally concerned with
semester examinations, social affairs, commence
ment and student conduct. A great deal can be
gained through mutual discussion of such prob
lems. The plan will be tried for three years. Let
us hope that it is successful. t.r.
'KNUS News'
Campus Radio Station
To Sign Off Until Next Fall
By Nancy Porter
Enuf of that . , . here's a little news about this
year. Tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 p. m., "Great
Short Stories" is relinquishing its usual quarter
hour for a unique program! It's the University
of Nebraska's Speech choir, presenting the popu
lar "Manhattan Tower" . . . that saga of the
world's greatest adventure center, the metro
politan heart of our country , . . New York City.
If you've never heard the pulsing rhythms of
choral presentation, you won't want to miss the
speech department's one-and-only Speech choir!
And if you're already familiar with the spine
tingling effect of human voices, blended in a
rhythm more thrilling than a full-piece orches
tra .. . well, then, we don't liave to tell you
about it. Whatever you do, twist that radio dial
to 710, at 4:30 p.m., tomorrow afternoon, for
your University's Speech choir and "Manhattan
Now one final word ... a word of thanks and
gratitude to Paul Bogen, director of radio,
KNUS manager, and a grand person! Mr. Bogen
put KNUS on its feet and achieved an all
campus radio station, while at the same time,
and no one knows how he found the time he
taught classes and held open house in his office
for the myriad students who constantly wandered
in and out to consult him about their profes
sional, and personal, problems. Never too busy
to see anyone . . . never too busy to help all of
us out . . . Mr. Bogen's departure in June is go
ing to be hard for all of us to take. We hope
you'll be back, Mr. Bogen . . . and until you are,
lots of luck and happiness!
This is the KNUS sign-off till September. 'See
ya' then . . .
which virtually refuses any one party a dominant
hold on the Student Council.
The Faction, or any other group or individual
who opposed the constitution still has a great
responsibility. They should strive to reach by
amendment some agreement as to the compro
mise they want in student government.
Time and machinery are available for op
ponents and there are 1130 to work with next
year's interim council to find a middle road on
highly controversial Issues.
Above all, we must preserve in the future
interest that was shown in this election. To do
this, students must be informed of negotiations
toward realization of any proposal and the dif
fering views concerning the negotiations.
Students themselves have decided what kind
of government they want to rule them, and they
must continue to make their wishes known
openly and continually. j.w.
of work and responsibility of the job with no
regard to prestige.
In addition to methods of evaluating points,
AWS is considering the idea of a flexible point
system based on scholastic average. If started at
a reasonable average 6.0 or 6.5 this would
probably gain approval of most women students.
Points would increase gradually as a student's
grade average was higher.
Whatever the action taken by AWS it should
be detailed and extensive and open to student
hearings and opinion. The organization is in
capable hands and formation of a permanent
system which is fair would certainly relieve AWS
of criticism and also please students. A mere
summer's work, however, is insufficient time to
devise such a permanent time.
So long as we must tolerate a women's activity
point system, let it be fair, effective and flexible.
AWS can not do it alone; campus leaders must
help. j.k.
Kady Faulkner
Exhibits Work
At Joslyn
Xady Faulkner, former Univer
sity art instructor, is exhibiting
her paintings and drawings in
Gallery A of Joslyn Art Museum
in Omaha during May.
A special exhibition is also be
ing held in the Parish house of
Trinity Cathedral on Mondays,
Tuesdays, and Wednesdays dur
ing May.
Miss Faulkner is now head of
the art department at Kemper
hall in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
She studied at the University
of Syranuse for her B.F.A. and
M.F.A. Later she studied at the
Art Students league in New York
city. .
Miss Faulkner has exhibited
her work In many national art
centers and has paintings in the
collections of International Busi
ness Machine, Hamline university,
and Miller & Paine's store.
K-Stalc Slated
As Destination
Of Migration
Next year's migration train
will carry University students to
the Kansas State-Nebraska foot
ball game at Manhattan, Kans.
The migration committee, ap
pointed by the Student Council,
has announced that about 300
students will take the special
train to Kansas on Oct. 8, 1951.
The train will leave Lincoln on
Saturday morning around 8 a.m.
and arrive at Manhattan in time
for lunch before the Cornhusker
Wildcat game. It will begin its
return trip at 10 p.m. that night
and arrive in Lincoln about 2
a.m. Sunday morning.
$10 Trip
The K-State trip will cost about
$10, according to the committee.
This price includes train fare,
game licket and rally equipment.
The game tickets are for "ex
cellent" seats. Kansas Staters
have assured the committee that
Nebraska students will get seats
around the 35 and 40 yard lines.
No meals will be served on the
train, but there will be a baggage
car in which refreshments may
be bought. The Council will see
that refreshment prices are rea
sonable. The University ROTC band,
under the direction of Don Lentz,
will accompany the migration
Cobs, Tassels Sell
Cobs and Tassels will sell tick
ets for the migration at the be
ginning of the fall term.
The annual migration, spon
sored by the Student Council, is
being planned by a committee
representing several campus or
ganizations. George Cobel, new president of
the Council, has been chairman
of the planning committee. Be
cause of his new duties, Cobel
will appoint another Council
The treasurer of the Council,
member to serve in his place,
to be elected next fall, will also
be a member of the migration
Other committee members in
clude the following:
Barbara Hershberger, Tassel
representative; Gene Johnson,
Corn Cob representative; Charles
Curtis, band representative; Don
Pieper, The Daily Nebraskan rep
resentative. Foreign Affairs
Positions Open1
Mr. Clyde B. Sargeant of the
Department of State will be on
the campus May 21-22 to inter
view candidates for positions as
intelligence research specialists
and foreign affairs officers.
Only students who have a mas
ter's degree Or the equivalent in
the social sciences, or some spe
cialized study of or residence in
a foreign country would be con
sidered for positions with the De
partment of State, according to
Dean Oldfather's office.
Appointments for the inter
views which will be held Mav 22
in Burnett hall, B 13c, may be
made by telephoning Dean Old
father's office.
Students preparing themselves
for work with the State Depart
ment may avail themselves of the
opportunity to meet a representa
tive of the Department also.
Youth Meeting
Set for Friday;
100 Expected
About 100 young people from
four states are expected at Curtis
TPirlr... U A J ir-i
i nuaj jui me uiree-uay western
Regional conference of the Rural '
xoutn ot the U.S.A.
The sessions will be held on
the University school of agricul
ture campus. Registration begins
at 10 a.m. on Friday. The dele
gates will be welcomed to the
campus by Superintendent H. K.
Douthit at the opening of the aft
ernoon session.
There will be discussions on
the general theme of "The Fine
Art of Rural Living," led by the
Rev. Adrian Edgar of Cozad. The
delegates will be divided into
groups for the session. Work
shops on various activities of
Rural Youth work will be held
later in the afternoon.
rouowing dinner in tne eve-
ning there will be an address by I
Robert Wise who is president of
.he national Rural Youth organi-
zation. A square dance also is
scheduled with Paul Kemling,
assistant state Rural Youth
leader, and Charles MacLean in
' Micro Wave. Demonstration
Saturday's program will fea
ture a micro waves demonstra
tion by Forest Francisco of the
Northwestern Bell Telephone
company of Omaha. There will
be a panel discussion led by
Kathleen Flom of St. Paul. Par
ticipants will include Carlysle De
La Croix ot the American Farm
Bureau Federation at Chicago;
Bill Frye, Julie Crom, assistant
state Rural Youth leader and
Marie Curry.
Ivan Wood, Denver, of the Soil
Conservation Service will talk on
the "Art of Public Speaking."
Another featured Bpeaker of the
day will be Oskar Hummel, farm
youth exchange student from
Germuny. Roy Owens of the
state game and parks commission
will give a firearms dernonstra.
Election of Officers
Other activities of the day will
Include an election of officers.
Following an evening dinner
there will be a talk on "The Fine
Art of American Living" by Mrs.
Raymond Raskins. At 11:30 p.m.
there will be a candle lighting
service led by Miss Dorothy Mac
Lean, president of the Western
Regional conference.
The Sunday morning service
will feature Ralph Brooks, presi
dent of the McCook Junior col
lege, as speaker. Robert Pinches,
a Rurau Youth agent, will give a
summary of the conference. The
meeting closes following lunch.
By Donna Prescott
The semester is drawing to a
close and the society editor and
her idle babble are "fading
away!" Here lies the last "Comedy
of Errors:"
Last Sunday found on the beach
at Linoma were: Micky Sisley and
Shirley Herman, Rusty Parmen
ter and Dixie Reynolds, Dick
Smith and Arleen Abbot, Mel
Reed and Pat Clapp, Chuck Ham
mond and Norma Erlckson, Carl
Hayward and Carol Farmer.
During final weeks when you
have lots of time on your hands
there will be a new place to go.
Namely the horse races in Om-
ana "Please send some more
money, Pop, I need it badly for
The Alpha Phi's will have a
dinner party Saturday evening.
The Mother's club will furnish
the dinner which will be served
outside. If the weather is favor
able dancing will be under the
stars to the music of Jimmy Phil
lips and his combo. Dates: Janelle
Mohr and Dick Skop, Nita Hclm
stadter and Ted Barker, Joyce
Hays and Tom Tolen, Sylvia Le-
land and Howard Dennis, Elaine
Cadwaliader and Norm Rassmus
sen. The Sig Eps will have a date
dinner Sunday eve. Dates will be:
.layne Wade and Bill Anderson,
Bob tngTem and Paula Withey,
Anne Lear and Lewie Stewart,
Norm Gauffer and Pat Loder, Bob
Russell and Jean Smith, Jerry
Malloy and Jackie Peters, Hod
Meyers and Adele Coryell, Bob
Krumwiede and Jean Walker.
Pinnings: Bud Wenk and Mar
sha Ireland, Micky Sisley and
Shirley Herman, Tina WosteT and
Jerry Collins, Donna Burley and
Fiffg Flaps, Claire Evans and Paul
Engaged: Lee Alexander and
Jan Austin.
The perfect come back!
"Hello Joan, what are you do
ing next Saturday night?"
"Sorry. I have a date."
"What about the following Sat
urday?" "Gotta a date."
"Gad, woman, don't you ever
take a bath?"
Week-end parties:
Masquers banquet, Lincoln
Alpha Phi house party.
Y Filings Due
Friday Noon
Deadline for applications for
YWCA cabinet and commission
groups is Friday noon.
Students interested in applying
who have not yet obtained appli
cation blanks may secure the
blanks at the YW office in Ellen
Smith hall.
A list of commission groups
will be posted in the office. As
yet the exact group which will
be open has not been determined
and there are several positions
open in the cabinet.
Application blanks will con
tain the following information:
Discussion groups they have been
a member of, if they have ever
been a chairman and what type
of discussion group they are in
terested in.
They should have at least three
hours a week to work if they are
applying for a cabinet position.
What activities they are now
participating in should be given
and students applying must have
a 5.5 scholastic average.
tstttt t
IS U IrrftU UUtlOTl
Open to Public
Commencement exercises will
be open to the general public at
9:45 a.m. on Monday, June 4.
Each senior will receive three
courtesy tickets for parents, rela
tives or friends planning to at
tend graduation ceremonies.
These tickets will be honored
only until 9:45 a.m.
The tickets will be enclosed
with the letter mailed to each
University senior. No additional
tickets may be obtained from the
registrar's office.
The p-ocessional of graduates
will start nt ID am Cnrnmpni-p-
mpnt PvprrWK niii hnp-in at iri:3o
XSf A A InATitAr
r T T 1
lilCyCJC ItCIltai
Going to summer school?
Need some recreation?
Rent a bicycle from the
Womens Athletic association of
fice in Grant Memorial.
Virginia Noble will be in the
WAA office from 11 a.m. until 12
noon, Monday through Friday
during the summer school session.
Anyone wishing to rent a bi
cycle should make arrangements
with Miss Noble for taking and
returning the bikes.
Each bicycle coBts 25 cents for
the first hour and 15 cents for
each additional hour.
Fully Jteeredltod
An Outatandlnir College In
Splendid Profession
Entrance requirement thirty
semester hours of credits in
specified courses. Advanced
standing granted for addi
tional L. A. credits in speci
fied courses.
Registration Now Open
Excellent clinical facilities.
Recreational and athletic
activities. Dormitories on
campus Approved for Vet
erans. 1845-K LarebM Bt.
Songs Cited to Characterize
Various Campus Personalities
By Claire Ralsh and
Barbara Wylie
Now that the end of school is
in sight there seems to be an air
of singing going around campus.
Here are a few campus person
alities and the songs that seem
to suit them best.
Marilyn Coup, Little Small
Town Girl.
Jim Massey, Be My Love.
Dick Lander, Old Soldirs
Never Die.
Ginny Guhin, I'm Just A Girl
Who Can't Say No.
George Wilcox, Busybody.
Bob Phelps, I'm In Love With
At AUF Meet
AUF will hold its first mass
meeting for the 1951-52 drive to
night at 7 p.m. in Room 108 Bur
nett hall.
All AUF board members,
workers and anyone interested in
the organization are invited to at
tend the mass meeting, said Sarah
Fulton president.
Elsworth DuTeau, University
alumnus, will speak at the meet
ing on the benefits University
students receive from the Lincoln
Community Chest. AUF gave
$2000 to the Community Chest
this year.
Adele Coryell, vice president in
charge of solicitations, and Anne
Barger, vice president in charge
of publicity, will give the reports
of their respective divisions.
Gene Johnson, treasurer, will
announce the organization that
AUF will contribute funds to dur
ing the 1951-52 drive.
Harriett Wenke is in charge of
the meeting.
Society Chiefs'
Duties Cause
Bv Donna Prescott
y uonna rrescoH
Have you ever stopped to think , chairmen of the committees and
what other duties the society edi- voted upon by the board
tor has besides writing xip the' They arc: Eddie Kutileic, Marv
pertinent week-end scoop? . Hancock, Donna Pilcher. Marcia
Here's some of the things your , Stransky, Rita Schmidt, Bill Hof
editor has gone through to make j gard, Mary Jane Weir, Bruce
the Comedy of Errors readable ; Perrin, Velita Brown, Joyce
and printable! . ; Moore, and Peggy Jensen.
While she spends many hours
collecting the news from the so
cial chairmen of the various or
ganizations she hears numerous
conversations in the background:
"Put my name in." 1 don't want
my name in the column, I wasn't
supposed to go out that night."
One of the many requests she
receives is to put someone's name i
m and the date she had Saturday
night to make some other boy
friend jealous.
Problems as to what to print
aiia wnai nui, 10 piun arc u ueau-
ache. Seems that some of the re-
porters turn in material that has
no ground to stand on.
DsciDherinc the news bv elimi-
nation, the society editor discov
ers that a joke is being played. A
name is turned in that no one
ever heard of, or two people that
have never seen each other.
Other trials and tribulations
are the spelling of names. After
using the well-worn Bible, the
Student Directory, she finds that
some aren't listed and then again
some after corrected from the
copy are still printed wrong.
WANTED Lady to help drive mother
and children to San Diego June 1 in
return for transportation. Phone 6-5519.
Any typing done theses, term papers,
reports, etc. experienced. 2-8253.
Wualc Jimmy Phillips eomho for XormaiiT
houae partial. 6-7717. evenings.
WANTED 2 or 3 rldeni to Georgia via
Kansan City. Leave May 25 morning.
Call Prancle Jlmenei, 6-8416 after
6 p.m.
WANTED Part time atenographer every
afternoon. Bhorthand not required.
Dictaphone. Apply in person. Penney'a
iourth tloor
APPLICATIONS for men'e Oo-opBoardlnK
Club now being received at Bnptlet Stu
dent Howie, 316 North 15th. Board ev
eragee (26.00 month. Term beginning in
imp u a 1 .it na....J -A. ....1 rrjzn
(Llnguaphone fUG. Keeord player L Koyal Deluxe portHble type-:(
writer, 65. OlrPe bicycle, 35. . Lorene
kfi rfci ri sir
l V .
? 1
' I. . :
' 1 WW
A Wonderful Guy.
Julie Johnson, Stay As Sweet
As You Are.
Shorty Pierce, How High The
Verl Scott, Lucky In Love.
Nancy Widner, Too Young.
Frank Jacobs, Don't Blame Me.
Don Dutton, Cool Water.
Pat O'Brien, Never Been
Final Grades, It's Too Late
Seniors, So Long.
Fritz Pickard I Don't Want
To Set the World on Fire.
Gene Berg Old Soldiers Never
Joanie Krueger I'll Get By.
Dutch Meyers Friendship.
George Cobel There's Yes Yes
in Your Eyes.
Sara Fulton Yessir. She's My
Bob Russell Five Foot Two.
The Faction Now is the Hour,
RCCU Honors
3 Founders
At Banquet
Gene Berg, Audrey Rosen
baum, and Bob Mosher were
honored Wednesday evening at
the first Red Cross college activi
ties unit banquet held on this
These founders, also past presi
dents of the unit, were presented
college unit certificates and also
received national recognition pins
for outstanding work.
Also honored were board mem
bers from the last four years. All
of them were honored this year
because this is the first year that
any recognition of this type has
been given.
Board members who were
honored are: Jan Lindquist,
Dorothy Nordgren, Pat Nolan,
Jean Fenster, Betty Dee Weaver,
George Wilcox, Bill Duean, Sha
ron Fritzler, Miriam Willey and
Frank Jacobs.
One member from each comit-
4 - j mi
lcc WJS i.-uem;a. ir.em ptr-
rpfwmmprd(rl hv the
Bsrg spoke on the Red Cross
convention which he attended
last summer in Cleveland. Miss
Rosenbaum gave the history ot
the college unit. Harold Hill,
manager of the Lancaster county
chapter also spoke.
Music was presented by Jack
Vant and Gladys Novotny.
Main Features Start
State: "New Mexico," 1:20, 4:25,
7:30, 10:50. 'Cuban Fireball," 2:47.
5:52, 8:57.
Varsity: "Pavment on Ttemnnrl
3:3a, S:3H, 7:3a, 9:40.
I Husker: 'Ridin' the Outlaw
Trail',' 1:00, 3:23, 5:46, 8:09, 10:28.
I "Rookie Fireman," 2:16, 4:39, 7:02,
I 9:25.
tt MI'lf MH I IVIM
npmi mail
' aJ-
starts TODAY
.JMrtrt..'e. -aaaj j. s f
Hobart Hwtien
Mi? -A
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