The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 17, 1951, Image 1

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! .
Record Clumber'
n 7 r7
Voters rciwEi
The proposed Student Council has received student ap
proval. In a record vote Tuesday, the constitution woa by 323
ballots. A total of 2,589 students cast their ballots at the
special all-University elections held on city and Ag cam
puses. Vol. 51, No. 141
Thursday, May 17, 1951
Bradley . . .
of Fast
End to War
Hopes that the administration
would have some magic formula
for ending the Korean war were
dampened by Gen. Omar N.
Bradley who testified before the
senate committee investigating
the MacArthur dismissal Wednes
day. Somewhat optimistic statements
by members of the senate com
mittees following Defense Secre-.
tary Marshall's testimony led to
the hope that something big
might be brewing.
Deletions in certain parts of
Marshall's testimony were
grounds for the hope that there
was a possible "secret" solution.
The defense secretary based his
belief that the war wasn't "end
less" on the "terrific casualties"
being Inflicted on the Chinese
He suggested that there is a
limit to the losses they can afford
in "trained manpower," as dis
tinguished from the great mass of
Chinese manpower.
Bradley followed Marshall to
the stand suggesting the punish
ment of the Chinese so severely
as to bring them to a point of
negotiation. Later when he was
questioned about the methods to
bring this about he said:
"Well, to get decisive results
raises many questions. I am not
too sure we will get them under
our present methods; I am not too
sure that we could get them by
expanding the war into Man
churia and China."
Bradley said that the United
States is not in military shape to
invite a showdown, "even if it
were the nation's desire to forfeit
the chances for peace by precipi
tating a total war."
Bradley has left himself open
to some inquiries in stating that
about a year and a half ago, the
joint chiefs of staffs recommen
dations on Formosa were over
ruled by political considerations.
Bradley also refused to disclose
the actual conversations between
himself and President Truman on
the day the decision was made to
relieve MacArthur.
It -was pointed out ' that Mac
Arthur, in his turn, refused to
discuss his talks with President
Truman at Wake Island on the
grounds that they were confiden
tial. Chiang: Asserts
Vallnnnllot StiwnirfVi
. , ,
L-niang &ai-sneK ioia me Ar ,
that his nationalist forces on For-
mosa by a body punch to the
mainland, could halt Chinese
communist aggression in Korea.
"Once a counter-offensive from
Formosa starts, then Chinese
communist aggression in Korea
will stop," the nationalist presi
dent told Frank King, AP execu
tive and expert on the Korean
"It will take six months to start
the large-scale counter-offensive
after necessary and adequate
equipment and supplies are avail
able in Formosa," he said.
"At this stage," he asserted,
"the objective of Russia is ex
pansion in Asia, not Europe."
Chinese Reds Continue
To Attack Allied Lines
All across Korea Chinese and
North Korean communists are at
tacking the allied lines and one
allied commander expects the
reds' all-out offensive sometime
Membership . . .
Union Activities Committee
Announces New Members
Student Union activities com-ger; program planning, Paula
mittee has announced nucleus Wlthey, Jim Tracy, Joan Legge;
committees for 1051-52. This is convocations, Jo Reifschneider,
noi a run list, as applications
may still be filed by members of
Just year's activities pool and a
committee members for commit
tee membership.
Department heads of the va
rious committees will be chosen
from these committee members.
Specific duties of each commit
tee will be listed in letters sent
to all new committee members.
New committee members are
asked to leave their summer ad
dresses in the Union activities
office as soon as possible.
The New Student Week pro
gram has made it necessary to
organize the committees early
this year. All Union activities
personnel will be requested to
assist the New Student Week
loaders when all incoming fresh
men register on Sunday, Sept. 9.
Fall Activities
They will also be asked to par
ticipate in planning the Chancel
lor's reception, the Union open
house, Friday, Sept. 14 and the
Frosh Hop, Saturday, Sept. 15,
to be co-sponsored with the In
nocent's Society.
General chairmen of the open
house will be Marilyn Moomey
ond Tom Larson. Jack Greer
will serve as co-chairman of the
Frosh Hop with a member of In
nocent's society.
Committee members are: house,
rhyllls Armstrong, Susan Rein
hnrdt, Beverly Beal; general en
tcrtuinmcnt, Mnry Ellen Single,
Janet Nuss, Jnnn L'Houioux,
Mury Ann Ptisek, Norman Guu-
Final Meeting .
. ,v..-:w',::-x-::o:::-::
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fcuiiii. m 'wif!?kSwr n-tmnrr-Kj
END OF YEAR WINDUP Members of the BABW wind up their
year's activities at this meeting. At the left is Jo Hoff, president
of the organization. Other members, from left to right, are:
Phyllis Heaton, Eldean Breese and Gertrude Carey.
Council Gains Membership
On Five Faculty Committee
Members of the Student Coun
cil will have non-voting mem
bership on five faculty com
mittees for the first time in Uni
versity history.
The faculty senate approved a
request by the Council which
would allow members of the
Council to serve on faculty com-
'Crib Sheets4
Offer Help
In Draft Test
Collegiates are burning the
midnight oil as draft deferment
testing dates draw near.
And according to a University
bookstore, a new type of best
sellers, commercialized "crib
sheets" are helping them.
Most college bookstores
throughout the nation are now
displaying books to help draft
eligibles before testing dates.
Draft tests will be given May 26,
June 16, June 30 and July 12.
"How to Prepare for Your
Draft Tesf'-Is" no longer a "prob
lem for a New York firm which
produced the first official "crib
sheet." The book contains 500
sample questions and answers
and climaxes with an hour-and-a-ha)f
practice examination.
Another book, "Practice for the
'Army Tests." includes
fiona and answers in the fol-.
n fl w Arithmetic compu.
j ,0o)r, nK,,inrv
reading and paragraph inter
pretation, graph and chart an
alysis, and pattern analysis, which
includes questions involving
cubes, parts, and figures.
Both books are available at
University book stores.
IVCF Plans Survey
Of Year's Activities
'A student participation pro
gram, under the direction of Ron
Meyers, vice-president, will be
presented tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 315. The program will be
held in co
Dnjunction with the In-
ter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Members will give the reports
of the outstanding IVCF activi
ties of the year, including the
retreat at Fremont which many
attended this past week-end.
unaries swingle. Beezie Sm th:
dance und folk dance, Betty
Hearn, Phyllis Heaton, John
Gibbs, Helen Ann Lee.
Committees, Members
Other committees and their
members are: hospitality, Diune
Hinmnn, Norma Lothrop, Don
Warnke, Bob Meehun; recreation,
Dale Turner, Phyllis Schock.
Wayne Hunt; music, Ginny
Cooper, Donna Folmer, Kathy
McMullen; public relations,
Rockford Yapp, Joy Waehel,
Connie Gordon; office, Betty
Stratton, Jo Dosek; personnel,
Marlene Stroh, Virginia Poppe,
John Fuller.
Many sponsors and chairmen
of the Union activities commit
tees have been named. They are
listed respectively with the com
mittee. They are: dance, Jack
Greer, Peggy Wood; folk danc
ing, Jack Greer, Joan La Shelle;
convocations, Bob La Shelle,
Carolyn Kunkcl; recreation,
Nancy Weir, Eldon Schafer; gen
eral entertuinment, Betty Roess
elr, Thompson Snyder; mu
sic, Sara Dcvoe, Barbara Reln
ecke. Other committees and their
sponsors are: house, Marilyn
Moomey, Bever!y Mann; pro
gram evaluation, Charles Wid
meier, Ernie Bebb; personnel,
Charles Widmeier, Sue Holmes;
artW scries, Margaret McCoy,
chairman; hospitality, Marilyn
Moomey, Tom Larson; public re
lations, Al Ross, Stan Sipple; of
fice and secretary to the activi
ties committee, Anita Luwson.
mittees for a three year experi
mental period. Such representa
tion will begin in September,
At the end of the three year
period, student representation
will again be considered.
The resolution passed by the
faculty senate said:
"Such representation by re
sponsible students should mate
rially assist these committees in
their deliberations and give both
faculty and students a better
understanding of that educa
tional enterprise in which they
are jointly engaged."
Committee Representation
Representation of committees
will be as follows:
Calendar committee, two stu
dents. Committee on semester ex
aminations, two students.
Committee on student affairs,
four students. Two of these will
serve with the subcommittee on
social affairs and the other two
with the subcommittee on gen
eral organizations. The subcom
mittee on Student Publications
already includes three students
with full membership.
Committee on commencement
and honorary degrees, two stu
dents. They will be concerned
only with commencement -ar
Committee on student conduct,
two students. They will not sit
in on hearings of individual
Year's Discussion
Student and faculty represent
atives have been discussing such
action during the past year. Rob
Raun, Gene Berg and Miriam
Willey represented the students,
Students requested the action be
cause they felt they had a right
to know about faculty actions
which affected students directly.
"This action is definitely to
the advantage of students and
faculty alike, "said Berg. "Stu
dents will be given a chance to
learn the reasons for faculty ac
tion. It will be a chance for both
sides to air their view points.
Students definitely have a part
in such deliberations."
Summer Travel
iP.w.;C! AvrnilnWIn
Local draft boards are author
ized to issue permission to leave
the U. S. to men of draft age who
wish to go abroad this summer,
according to the Washington
headquarters of selective service.
The regulation enables young
men, as well as young women, to
take advantage of low student
fares to Europe offered this sum
mer by the Council on Student
Travel. Round-trip fares to Le
Havre are as little as $230.
Student ships accommodating
1300 students each will leave for
Europe June 8, June 25 and July
6. West-bound sailing dates are
Aug. 25 and Sept. 7.
During the nine-day trans
Atlantic voyages, a shipboard
orientation program will be of
fered to student passengers con
sisting of movies, language
classes, lectures and discussions
of European culture and prob
lems. Most of the program will be
conducted by professors of col
leges and universities.
Sellers Receives
"EV-iit Pnel
: IliXCCllUVt 1 tSi
Dr. James L. Sellers, Univer
sity history professor, was elected
vice-president of the Mississippi
Valley Historical association at its
annual meeting in Cincinnati this
month. He formerly was member
of the organization's executive
Sellers will succeed to the
presidency next year according to
the by-laws of the association.
This is the first time the high
honor has come to a resident Ne
braskan. However, Dr. Merle
Curti, professor of history at the
University of Wisconsin, who is
president this year, is a native of
Mrs. C. S. Paine of Lincoln Was
re-elected secretary-treasurer of
the association.
The Weather
Mostly cloudy with occasional
showers and scattered thunder
showers today; no decided change
in temperature; Mirh: 60 to 65,
west, 65 tit 70, east
Four students and one faculty
members are the last to be nomi
nated for the Outstanding Ne
braskan award.
They are: Bruce Kennedy.
Dick Kuska, Nancy Porter, Henry
Cech and Prof. E. F. Schramm.
Winners will be announced in
Friday's Daily Nebraskan. Oth
ers previously 'nominated are:
Susan Reed, Rob Raun, Mary
Mielenz, Col. C J. Frankforter,
Donald Lentz, Dr, Sumner J.
House, Don Cooper and Dr.
George Rosenlof.
Former "Rax" Editor
Kennedy, former editor of The
Daily Nebraskan, was praised for
active participation in all phases
of University life. The letter no
minating him pointed out that
Kennedy has "manifested a true
intent to better the University
through his campus responsibili
ties." Former secretary of Corn Cobs,
Kennedy is a member of Student
Council, Innocent society and
Sigma Delta Chi. He was recently
selected as outstanding journal
ism graduating senior.
Editor of the 1951 Cornhusker,
Kuska was praised because of
loyalty to the University. As edi
tor, the letter reads, Kuska has
proved himself to be a "very able
executive as well as an efficient
and capable leader."
Kuska has given campus pep
organizations a "shot in the arm"
with his new ideas and long
working hours, the letter reads.
Recognized as an outstanding
Corn Cob worker, he was then
chosen vice president of the or
ganization and was in charge of
pep queen presentation and
helped organize freshman pep
sters. His leadership ability has been
recognized by other groups, the
letter continues. As a junior he
edited the Scarlet and Cream. He
has worked on AUF solicitations,
was an officer of Block and Bri
dle and last year was photogra
phy editor of the Cornhusker.
He is a member of Sigma Delta
Chi, Kappa Tau Alpha and Inno
cents society and has served as
president of Phi Kappa Psi.
Cech was nominated because
of support of all University func
tions, programs and new plans
"with no desire for recognition."
TDnion Emcee
"Hank," the letter reads, "has
emceed every Union open house
and has popularized Union talent
shows through participation in
the "John and Marcia" acts. He
entertains in many Red Cross
shows and has promoted the Uni
versity to prospective students
during high school conventions
and tournaments.
He has "maintained at a high
scholastic average throughout his
college career" the letter contin
ues, and is "an ideal Corn
husker." A member of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Cech has been
nominated as outstanding Sig
Alph of the United States.
Because of exceptional work in
activities and frequent giving up
of personal interest for better
ment of the University, Miss Por
ter has been nominated for the
President of Mortar Boards last
year, Miss Porter devoted a great
deal of time into formation and
promoting of the new radio sta
tion, KNUS, and served as pro
gram director. She was one of
the originators of College Days
and served as assistant general
chairman, at which project she
"shared the responsibility for the
over-all plans plus working out
minute details."
rhi Beta Kappa
Even though Miss Porter's ac
tivities take much of her time,
the letter reads, she still places
a special emphasis on grades as
shown by her election to the
freshman honorary, Alpha Lamb
da Delta, and Phi Beta Kappa at
ihe end of first semester this
This Year , . .
15 University Debate Teams
Boast .621 Batting Average
By Jan Steffen
The University debate squad
has a .621 batting average for the
The squad, composed of 15
teams or 30 persons, has taken
part in some 236 debates during
the year. One hundred eighty
five of these were decision de
bates. Of these 185, the teams
won a total of 115.
The other 51 debates were
nondecision or audience debates.
15 Participant
According to Don Olson and
Bruce Kendall, directors of de
bate, the 236 debates divided
among 15 teams is a good rec
ord of participation. Most col
leges and universities, say the
coaches, use only three or four
teams in intercollegiate debating.
This year's squad has been
comparatively young. Only two
seniors were members of the
squad; one debater was a junior;
there were seven sophomores and
the other 20 debaters were fresh
men. Review Debate
Olson and Kendall, In review
ing the season's debates, observe
the following:
"When you consider the lack
of experience of the members
and how young the squad is, the
season has been most successful."
Fifteen superior rating were
Total Eleven
She has been awarded an Eng-1
lish scholarship and is a member
of Alpha Epsilon Rho, radio hon
orary In addition to her campus
activities and scholarship record,
she has held several positions in
her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta.
"Her many friends," the letter
reads, "respect her particularly
for her objective views and fair
ness to all, her sympathetic in
terest in activities of others,
pleasing attitude and extreme
modesty." Miss Porter has been
vice president of Builders, a
member of YWCA, AUF, a Coed
Counselor and managing editor
of the Cornhusker.
Professor Schramm, who was
the last faculty member nomi
nated for outstanding Nebraskan,
is now retiring from the Univer
sity after teaching in the depart
ment of geology since 1908. Dur
ing that time Professor Schramm
has trained hundreds of native
Nebraskans who now are scat
tered throughout the world doing
geological work.
The letter pointed out that
Professor Schramm "not only
presented scientific facts neces
sary for a geologist to know, but
also a philosophy of sound living
which has contributed most im
portantly to the outstanding suc
cess of Nebraska trained geolo
gists." Nebraska Loyalty
"He also has instilled in many
students a loyalty for Nebraska,"
continues the letter, "which
probably has no equal in any
comparable group." This loyalty
is manifested daily in letters and
visits by former students.
He has been active in campus
projects, particularly those in
volving students. He has served
as Kosmet Klub faculty advisor,
Union board president, Sigma
Gamma Epsilon faculty advisor,
Interfraternity council member,
Interfraternity alumni board of
control and the student affairs
one iacuity member and one
student will be chosen by Daily
Nebraskan staff members as the
two outstanding Nebraskans of
the semester.
Wesley Party
Offers Final
Exam Preview
Want a sneak preview of your
final exams?
Advance copies of finals will
be used for decorations at the
open house "Cram Session" given
by Wesley Foundation Friday
night. The party will last from
8 p.m. to 12 at the Methodist Stu
dent house, 1417 R.
Glen Carter, chairman of the
decoration committee has begged,
borrowed or stolen enough copies
of instructor's little gems to keep
you busy for the whole evening.
When you need a break from
the cramming side of the party,
there will be games and refresh
Jim Rodgers is chairman of the
"Cram Session" committee. Other
committee members are Jo Hoff,
Arnold Trautman, Dave Keene,
and Glenn Carter. Rev. Richard
Nutt is the sponsor.
Invitations have been sent to
all student houses, Canterbury
Club, Newman Club, Intervarsity
Christian Fellowship, YM and
The "Cram Session" offer a
"last ditch" relaxation before fi
nals begin in earnest.
Ag Union Will Show
Rodeo, Parade Films
Movies taken at 1951 Farmers
Fair rodeo and the College Days
parade will be shown at the Ag
Union Thursday noon.
won by members of the -squad
during the year for participation
in debate, discussion and extem
poraneous speaking.
Among the major conferences
attended during the year were
tournaments at the University of
Iowa and the University of Wis
consin, the Missouri Valley tour
nament at the University of Okla
homa, the conference at Cedar
Falls, Ia and the St. Thomas
tournament at St. Paul, Minn.
Four Divisions
Members of the squad entered
four divisions of competition
oratory, discussion, extempora
neous speaking and debate.
During the year, the Univer
sity debate squad has argued the
pros and cons of some eight de
bate questions. The squad has a
standing invitation to debate be
fore Lincoln clubs. With two
weeks notice, speakers on the
squad will debate any question
which the club wishes to hear.
The policy of the department
of debate, say the coaches, is to
allow anyone to debate who is
interested and capable, regardless
of their experience,
Olson and Kendall predict that
with returning talent and new
debaters, the University will
have an even stronger and more
successful debate squad next
Registration is all over now but
the shouting and the tuition!
The new procedure, requiring
grade reports for admittance to
the registration room, has been
very successful, according to
members of the assignment com
mittee. Students who expected to reg
ister early were stopped cold by
a row of sinister-looking files
and several competent detectives
behind them. No, sir, it wasn't
so easy this semester.
A number of enterprising
young students even found the
back door blocked by an ever
watchful sentry.
It was discouraging, to be sure,
but it called students to use their
wits instead of someone else's
number. And they came up with
answers although most of them
were negative.
However, a few got a hold of
athletic admittance slips, and
others, by hook and crook, man
aged to add a few hours to their
But the most succersful way
to crash the gate was left to be
discovered by a 'Rag' reporter.
He managed to be assigned the
beat of covering the registration
proceedings day by day. He
even talked with Dr. Hoover and
with several of the Women be
hind the desks.
Oh, it was slick! All he did
to enter was say he was a re
porter. And the whole room was
then his.
Of course, there was only one
flaw in the system the reporter
forget his work sheet.
Oh, well, he can register some
time Friday morning.
- .
To Sponsor
Award Fete
The seventh annual University
theater award dinner, sponsored
by the Nebraska Masquers, will
be held Friday, May 18 at 6:30
in the Terrace room of the Lin
coln hotel.
The acting award will be pre
sented to the best actress in a
major role, best actress in a sup
porting role, and to the actors
selected as producing the best
major roles and supporting roles
in University theater productions.
At the end of the dramatic
season all actresses and actors in
each group of productions are
ranked by members of the faculty
committee. The actress and actor
in each group ranked first will
be awarded the "Oscar," with
those ranked second being cited
by honorable mention.
Other Awards
Other awards to be presented
Four awards in Experimental
theater acting, judged on the
basis of the best characterization;
Nebraska Masquers senior award,
an annual award presented by
seniors to the outstanding fresh
man in theatre activities.
Laboratory theater directing
award, .reserited to the man or
woman achieving most outstand
ing success in play directing.
Laboratory theater acting
award to the best actor and
actress (irrespective of the size
of role) performing in Laboratory
theater productions; Laboratory
theater scene design award pre
sented for the most outstanding
success in scene design for a pro
duction; and the Nebraska
Masquers service award to the
man and woman who have ren
dered the most outstanding serv
ice in the University theater.
Initiation will be held for new
members of Nebraska Masquers,
local chapter of the National col
legiate players, and national dra
matic honorary fraternity. New
members of the Purple Masque,
dramatic honor bestowed upon
students achieving highest attain
ments in fields of dramatic art,
will e announced.
Ag Men's Social Club
Initiates Eight
Ag Men's Social club initiated
eight new members this week.
They are Don Behle, P. D.
Dcremiah, Oscar Olson, Eldon
Larson, Gordon Quick, Willis
Vogel, Dale Bals and
Clothing Drive
The camDus YWCA is issuing
lts last call for old clothes!
University men and women are
being asked to contribute any old
dresses, jackets, shoes, trousers,
sweaters, coats, shirts, blouses!
and headgear to the YW's annual
clothing drive.
Each year the YW sponsors -a
clothing drive, the proceeds from
which are contributed to some
charity organization. The specific
group that Is to receive the
clothes has not boon decided.
The drive has been carried on
in the women's organized houses
this year through the representa
tive council. Each woman's resi
dence house has a box in which
all old clothes may bo placed
All groups contacted liivn
Following is a breakdown of
the election results:
Voted For (Yes) 1,455
Voted Against (No) 1,130
Total Validated Votes .... 2,585
Invalidated Votes 4
Grand Total 2,589
Nearly 40 Percent Vote
Approximately 40 percent of
the student body "got out the
vote," if an estimate of the total
enrollment by the Registrar's of
fice is correct.
In order to be established as
final law, the constitution now
must receive a final okay from
the Board of Regents.
The constitution already has re
ceived the necessary approval
from the Student Council and the
faculty Student Affairs commit
tee. Representation Provisions
The revised constitution would
embody articles providing for stu
dent representation to the Stu
dent Council by delegates from
the colleges and organizations or
groups. Fourteen members would
represent the various colleges,
while 13 would represent the
groups or organizations desig
nated. Under the old constitution, rep
resentation was provided only
through the colleges.
Hold-Over Members
Five hold-over members would
be elected from the junior mem
bers of the Council. Under the
old constitution, eight hold-overs
were named.
The greatest change in revising
of the old document has been in
the system of representation.
Also, Article 5 of the proposed
Constitution provides for equal
publicity for all candidates for
membership in the Council. Pub
licity other than that prescribed
in the constitution would not be
Article 12 providing for revi
sions and amendments to the con
stitution, stipulates that proposals
for such shall be voted on at the
general election and that any
amendment would require a rati
fication vote by a majority of 30
per cent of eligible student vote.
Document's Drafters
The revised constitution was
drafted by members of the 1949
50 Student Council and members
of the 1950-51 Council. Hearings
open to all interested students
were provided to air student
viewpoints regarding representa
tion, the subject which drew
most debate.
Pioneering work was done by
, hold-over members of each of the
Cap, Gown Rental
Deadline Soon
Seniors must order caps and
gowns at least ten days before
graduation in order for them to
get here, according to Nebraska
Book store and Peden Co-op Book
The caps and gowns may be
rented for $2.75 plus a dollar in
surance deposit which will be re
funded when the gown is
"The caps and gowns which
have already been ordered will be
here May 22," according to
Aaron Schmidt, senior class presi
dent. Deadlines for ordering an
nouncements are the same as for
caps and gowns. Leather-covered
announcements are 70 cents each.
Bristol board cards are 40 cents
Both types include names of all
students receiving degrees, vari
ous campus scenes and a picture
of Ferguson hall which was dedi-
I cated during College Days.
Plain announcements, without
pictures and names of the grad
uating class are priced at $1.50 a
Sinfonia to Give
Concert May 17
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, men's
professional music organization,
will present its annual public
concert at 7 p.m. Thursday in the
Union ballroom.
The Sinfonia chorus will sing
several selections. Helmut Sien
knecht, tenor, and Kent Phillips,
tympsmist, will be featured in
two of the chorus members.
Included on the program Is a
clarinet composed of Vaughn
Jaenike, Frank Jones, Wesley
Reist, and Robert Zanger.
The string trio features James
Stevenson, violin; James Chrls
tensen, cello; and Lewis Forney,
The brass quartet will play
several selections. Members of
the quartet are Denny Schneider,
trumpet; Walter Cole, French
horn; Lewis Forney, trumpet:
Gailord j and Robert Van Voorhis, trom
' bone.
Ends Friday
airreed to bring thier boxes of
clothing to the YW oince in fci
len Smith hall by Friday, May 18.
The clothes will be packed for
shipment to a charity on Satur-
day, May 19.
University men have also been
asked to contribute their old
clothes. No special method of col
lection has been set up for the
men's residence houses.
Consequently the YW has asked
that students bring old clothing
to the YW office before May IB.
The results of the drive, so far,
according to Ruth Shlnn, YW
director, have been quite ffood.
However, more contributions are
requested before completion of
the drive.