The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Friday, May 11, 1951
Norwegian Student Given
Five Dentistry Awards
A young man, once sought by
the Nazis for being a member
of the Norwegian underground
in World War II, won five of
eight of the University College
of Dentistry's top prizes for
is 29-year-old Thomas
Drangsholt of Oslo who came to
America and the University in
the fall of 1946, and will gradu
ate in June with a doctor of
dental surgery degree.
Thursday noon at the annual
awards luncheon of Omicron
Kappa Upsilon, honorary dental
society which selects its mem
bers from the upper one-tenth
scholastically in the senior class,
Drangsholt was:
(1) Named to membership in
Omicron Kappa Upsilon for
ranking in the upper tenth
scholastically of his class.
(2) One of two winners of
the George A. Grubb Award of
$25 given to students with the
highest grades in biological and
related courses.
(3) Recipient of the Alpha
Omega Scholarship Award given
the student winning the highest
scholarship average for four
years in the college.
(4J Recipient of the American
Society of Dentistry for Chil
dren Award a one year sub
scription to the Journal of
Dentistry for Children.
(5) The Woodbury Study club
Applications Due for Posts
On 'Rag 'Shucks,' Gornhusker
The student-faculty commltt
tee on student publication will
appoint the new members of the
publications staffs following in
terview to be held with appli
cants preceding finals.
Applications are due now for
cummer and fall staff positions
on the Daily Nebraskan and for
fall positions on the Cornhusker
yearbook and the Corn Shucks,
humor magazine.
Applications may be obtained
in the Administration annex and
must be turned in before finals.
The application blank requires
that the staff aspirant have the
registrar's' office fill in number
of hours earned, hours being car
ried, hours under 4, hours failed
and weighted average.
Rag Summer Staff
The 'Rag's' summer staff con
sists of an editor and business
manager. They receive a set sal
ary plus a bonus at the end of
the eight-week period.
Fall positions for The Daily
Nebraskan are: editor and busi
riess manager, news editor (5),
feature editor, Ag editor, sports
editor, staff photographer, society
editor, assistant business mana
gers, (3) and assistant sports ed
itor. Available Cornhusker positions
are: editor and business man
ager, assistant editor, managing
editor and assistant business
Corn Shucks Staff
Position on the Corn Shucks
fall staff are: editor, business
manager, assistant business man
ager and, managing editor.
The committee on student pub
lications who select the staffs is
composed of three students and
four faculty members.
Leon Pfeiffer, senior member,
Gerald Matzke, junior member,
and Norman Rasmussen, sopho
more member, are the student
members of the committee.
The committee is headed by
Boger V. Shumate, political sci
ence nrofessor. William C. Har
per, director of student affairs,
Wary E. Guthrie, home economics
'Life9 Takes Survey on Typical
Ranging From
What do college students talk
about on a sunny spring day?
... The May 14. issue of Life maga-
line answers the question by re
cording the idle spring chatter of
students on the University of
New Mexico campus.
According to the authors, the
conversation ranged from "the
oldest topic of all girls to
student politics, digging for
bones, MacArthur, religion and
then, inevitably, back to girls."
The contrariness and selfish
ness of women was discussed by
two boys. Excerpts from the
conversation are as follows:
"I should be home studying
. , . but somehow spring and
studies just don't seem to mix."
Crop Of Women
"Of course, it isn't such a ter
rific strain on a guy when you
look at the crop of women they've
got around here."
"You can say that again too.
Well, I don't know (as cute coeds
wander by) . . . There are ex
"Yeah. . . .The only trouble is
that the cute ones always get so
damned much attention that you
can't get a date with one unless
ypu get an appointment with her
.-' secretary three weeks ahead of
time." .
As the conversation continues,
the boys decide to import girls
from. Burrounding Universities.
The talk turns to costs of dating,
and one boy asserts the follow
ing: "That's another thing with the
girls around here. They say
that in the old days a girl was
" happy to go Just for a walk with
a guy If Bhe liked him. Or stay
at home with him and talk or
.... Just do something simple and' in
expensive." Good Old Days
"Yeah, give me the good old
days when women were home
loving individuals. . . .Money and
' a shiny new car are the prime
requisites for a college man these
days. Show them a roll of bills
. nH some irood-looking transpor
- tation, and some girls will put up
with anything. Most of them are
out for all they can get."
"Well, things should look up
from here on out, though, with
fo;yiilil; villi
"t- v t ill
Drangsholt and Patien'
award for proficiency in oper
ative dentistry.
Drangsholt will return to Nor
way in July to practice. Three
brothers are practicing dentistry,
and his father, a dentist, died
two years ago from privation
suffered from two years in a
Nazi concentration camp in Ger
many. His mother and two sis
ters also live in Norway.
The society presented an
honorary membership to Dr.
professor, and William J. Arnold,
professor of psychology, are the
faculty members of the board.
Faculty Members
The faculty members are ap
pointe to the committee by the
faculty Senate and the student
members are selected by the Stu
dent Council.
Bruce Nicoll, of the University
public relations department, acts
as liason officer for the commit
tee. He works between the mem
bers of student publications and
the committee on publications.
Dean T. J. Thompson is an ex
officio member of the committee.
The preceding board will con
vene to interview applicants for
publications positions and to de
cide upon the staffs for summer
and fall student publications.
Casts for Six One-Act Plays
Slated for May
The six one-act plays which
will be performed May 21 and
22 in the Laboratory theater now
have their complete casts.
"Summer Fury," a melodrama
by James Broughton, has a cast
consisting of Gwen Wisner,
Maryanne Lebsack, Betty Lester,
Mildred Gardman, Mailyn Leder,
Ken Clements and Wayne Jas
tes. Louis Meyers is director and
Mary Sigler is production mana
ger. "Hello Out There"
Charles Rossow, Dorothy
Paunte and Rasouna Locke will
take the Darts in the play "Hel
lo Out There." It will be directed
by Marilyn Morgan, produced by
Emmane bhramek ana super
vised by Jack Wenstrand. The
tragedy is the story of the search
of two lonely people for love
and a normal life.
The cast of "A Little More
than Kin" will be Janice Ringle,
Mary Mackie, Pat Loder, Shirley
Women to Politics to Women
so many of the guys going off
into the service again. When the
ranks start thinning out on the
campus, some of the gals will
start getting down off their high
horses and come back to earth
"Well, next year I may have
my Michigan gal here and the
women problem will be solved."
"Brother, if you solve the wo
men problem, you'll be the first
man in history who did."
"Aw, well, you know what I
"You gonna marry the girl?"
Too Young
"Hey, I'm only 19. Give me
time will you?"
"Heck, I'll give you all the
time you want but will she?"
Another conversation recorded
in Life between a girl and a boy
Dean Affirms
Continued from Page 1
would have to "pay up, clean up,
and shut up."
'A Drinking Fraternity'
According to a Daily Nebras
kan editorial, the secret society
"caused the University much em
barrasment and concern." Con
tinued the editorial, "TNE is com
monly known as a drinking fra
ternity and as such is in dis
credit. When it appears that the
University of Nebraska shelters
such a group and is indeed dom
inated by it, then the institution
shares in that discredit until it
makes evident its desire to stop
such sub-rosa activities. That is
what is evidently happening
Investigation to Continue
Recently Dr. Thompson stated,
following the students' ouster,
that an investigation of TNE
would continue until a complete
list of the membership was sub
mitted to the Office of Student
Affairs or a sizable bond posted
to Insure the abolition of TNE
and its destructive practices. .
In 1940, the administration
came near exposing TNE in much
the same situation as now.
Clyde A. Nelson, who graduated
from the University dental col
lege in 1918 and is now a vice
president and director of the
L. D. Caijlk Co. of Milford,
Del. He served on the college
faculty until 1923 including one
year, 1922, as Acting Dean of
the college.
Notable Contributions
He joined the Caulk Co. re
search staff in 1923, and later
as director of research made
many notable contributions to
the advancement of dentistry.
Among these are his studies with
Admiral Byrd's Antartic Ex
peditions on the effect of ex
treme living conditions upon the
mouth tissues of the expedition's
Omicron Kappa Upsilon
awards: Charles A. Jarratt,
Herbert K. Weisel, and Norris
E. Axthelm.
George A. Grubb award:
Herbert K. Weisel.
American Academy of Dental
Medicine award:. Theodore A.
American Society of Dentistry
for Children award Ward C.
C. V. Mosby Co. awards:
Karl E. Carson, Edwin D. Hib
bard, Robert S. Junge, and
Verle C. Van Cleave.
Dr. C. Vin White, pastor of
the Lincoln First Presbyterian
church, spoke. Dr. W. I. Rotton,
president of the society, presided.
T C Board Elects
Coupe As Prexy
Marilyn Coupe is the new pres
ident of the Teachers College Ad
visory board.
Miss Coupe, a Teachers Col
lege junior, is a member of
Tassels, Coed Counselors, Alpha
Phi, NUCWA executive board
and Mortar Board. She is also
president of the Builders Board.
She succeeds Susie Koehler.
Other members of the board
are Joan Miller, Shirley Rans
dell, Delores Irwin, Jean Loudon,
Jack Greer and Barbara Gil
more. Each member of the board
represents a different phase of
study in Teachers College. They
act as student adivers to Dean
Frank I. Henzlick on matters
concerning Teachers College. .
Mary E. Mielenz, honorary
member of Mortar Board and
English supervisor of English in
Teachers College High School, is
the adviser for the group.
21, 22 Shows
Fries, Donna Foln Ed Prado
and Jerry Young. This is a
comedy directed by Dave Hillis
and Dave Sisler is production
Original Play
An original play, "Strongest
Wants We Cry, will be directed
by its author, Cyra Renwick.
Taking parts will be Joe Carson,
Marty Miller, Marion Ohe, Joann
Jeffers and Mary Lou Rips.
John Buorklun is production
Jan Klove, Nancy Klein, Diane
Smith and Faye Graham will
take the parts in "Tomorrow is
the Day," a modern tragedy. Di
rector is John Farley and pro
duction manager is Dick Garret
"Twenty-seven Wagons Full
of Cotton" is a character study
on southern life by Tennessee
Williams. Joanne Curter, Don
Lewis and Jenaby Granke are
cast members of this play. Wes
Jensby will be the director,
College 'Chats'
includes the following item about
campus elecions:
"One good thing for the Inde
pendents is the way the fraterni
ties have split on their candidates.
I wonder who controls campus
elections, anyway?"
"They seem to be mainly con
trolled by lack of interest."
"Yes, that's all too true."
U. S. Politics
A New Mexican student gives
the following view of the Mac
Arthur situation:
"MacArthur? Don't even
mention that jerk's name. The
Marines might like him in this
war, but in World War II we
hated his guts. You know that
old song, don't you? 'With the
help of God and a few Marines,
MacArthur returned to the
Philippines.' Truman should have
fired that egghead a long time
TNE Action . .
At that time, a letter was sent
by the Dean to every member of
Letter Statements
"In order that members of the
organization of TNE may enjoy
the privileges of education of
fered by the University of Ne
braska beyond noon on Satur
day, May 25, 1940, it is neces
sary: "1. That the entire list of
names of all of the present ac
tive group be submitted to this
office on or before noon, Wednes
day." Other points of the ultimatum
demanded, In effect, that the
Dean's office should receive a
certified statement and affirma
tion from each member when the
group was disbanded on this '
campus. i
That all insignia, stencils,
plaques, electrical signs should
be turned over to the University
police chief.
That the members of the dis
banded group must deposit in
I the office of the Comptroller the
sum of $300 to remove paint
from premises in and about Lin
coln from University property.
Tri-K Slates
Crop Contest
On Saturday
A crops judging contest is sched
uled to begin at 8 a.m. Saturday,
May 12, in the Ag College activi
ties building.
Sponsored by the Tri-K club,
agronomy departmental, the con
test is the final Aggie judging
competition of the spring semes
ter. Competition is divided into
three groups to assure fair compe
tition. Students who have not had
Agronomy 1 compete in the fresh
man division, those having com
pleted Agronomy 1 and 3 compete
in the junior division and those
who have had more agronomy
than 1 and 3 compete in the sen
ior division.
Members of the crops judging
contest and the highest ranking
individuals in previous crops con
tests may not compete this year.
Awards will be made at the
Tri-K banquet Saturday night at
7:30 p.m. in the College activities
The high individual of the con
test receives a trophy, medals go
to the top three places of each di
vision and ribbons are to be
awarded to the ten highest indi
viduals of each division.
Dr. M. D. Weldon, soils special
ist at the college, is scheduled as
The doctor will address the
group on "Problems of Soil Con
servation and Fertility."
Patrick O'Dea
To Head AIEE
Officers of the AIEE-IRE
were chosen at a meeting of the
joint unit Wednesday night.
Patrick L. O'Dea was elected
president of the American Insti
tute of Electrical Engineers.
Other officers of the organiza
tion are: Bert Wartchow, vice
president; Don Nelson, secretary;
Lynn Gilmore, treasurer.
Jim Weldon will serve as secretary-treasurer
for the Institute
of Radio Engineers.
A certificate of award was pre
sented to Nolan T. Jones. The
award from the national organ-i
zation of AIEE is granted to
the most outstanding worker in
hte local chapter. The recipient
was chosen by the University
faculty members.
A Delco-Remy motor film was
shown after the final business
Ernest J. Ballard, professor of
electrical engineering, is faculty,
sponsor of the AIEE-IRE.
Civil Service Job
Applications Open
The U.S. Civil Service com
mission has announced an ex
amination to fill physical science
and engineering aid positions in
Washington, D. C., and vicinity.
To qualify for these positions,
which have salaries ranging
from $2,650 to $3,825 a year,
applicants must have had ap
propriate education or expe
rience, or a combination of edu
cation and experience.
Applications will be accepted
from students who expect to
complete their courses of study
within six months after filing
their applications.
Further information and appli
cation forms may be secured at
most first- and second- class
post oifices, irom civil service,
regional offices, or direct from
the U.S. civil service commission,
Washington 25, D. C.
Applications will be accepted
by the commission's Washington
office until further notice.
RCCU Interviews
To Start Friday
Male students who are in the
positions of treasurer, peniten
tiary chairman, mental hospital
chairman, on the Red Cross Col
lege Unit Board next semester
should contact Gladys Novotny,
2-3587, for interview appoint
ments. The interviews for these posi
tions will be held Friday, May
11, from 4 to 6 p.m. in Room
305 at the Union. If anyone is
unable to come at this time, an
other appointment may be made.
The position of penitentiary
chairman, will consist of provid
ing entertainment and programs
each month. The Mental Hos
pital chairman will plan pro
grams and entertainment for the
W. f On j T, ThrM
Far ri
Dcya ! Dit
l .4 MA M . M ll.f
I .M M .M
. I M I
' fl.M I
l.4 1.7 I
tl-M I
Include iricfrrMrt when
Ins root.
Bring adi to Daily Nebraskan
builneii office. Student Union,
or mall with correct amount
and Insertions desired.
Mmlc Jimmy Phillips combo fof firifiali,
noun parui. -ni7 veningft-
KOR'saLK 194Tii"flliin ilniile motorcycle.
Inquire j)nni HolclrKt Or 6-0034.
TOUR EUROPK, hy" bicycle. ' Yiiung men
ml women, 70 to SO (lv. 148.'' " H7r,
cull Betty Mitchell,, 4-:HHl.
Know Your University . . .
Self-Supporting Printing
Charge of All
Bv Amy Palmer
The University Printing shop Is
a little known, but hard working
industry run for the University.
Students know little about it ex
cept at exam time when the rush
to get copies of exams begins.
The shop was started in 1927
and is now managed by Ralph B.
Scott. He supervises all the work
that is done there which includes
printing all bulletins and period
icals used by the University.
Weather to Govern Location
Of Ag Union Starlight Ball
Entertainment on Ag campus
tonight will be governed by the
weather man. If he allows fair
Major to Teach
In Air ROTC.
Major Henry M. Furst, for
merly wih the Air Force Re
serve Training center at Offutt
Field, has been assigned to the
University Air ROTC, Lt. Col.
Alex C. Jamieson, professor of
air science and tactics an
nounced. Major Furst will have the
rank of assistant professor of
air science and tactics. He suc
ceeds Capt. Woodrow Wilson.
A native of Fremont, Major
Furst enlisted in the service in
1942 and was commissioned a
2nd lieutenant in the Air Force
the same year. After tours of
duty in the U.S. he served with
the Far East Air Service Com
mand for 13 months. He was
discharged in 1946.
Major Furst was on the fac
ulties of the Newark, N. J., en
gineering college and Simpson
college, Indianola, la., before
being called into the service last
Rag Awards . . .
Continued from Page 1
quality of work offered to each.
Under guidance of Raun, the Stu
dent Council this year has carried
on several important investiga
tions of campus problems and
drawn up and approved a consti
tution to be submitted to stu
dents May 16.
On Both Campuses
His activities are concentrated
not on one campus, but on both
Ag and city campuses.
Nominations will be accepted
in The Daily Nebraskan office
until 5 p.m., Wednesday. Only re
striction is that nominees may not
be staff members of The Daily
You'll Moke a Very Pretty
Splash In a New Swim Suit
from Our Collection
o Catalina
You're sure to find the ' moat flattering swim
suit in our collection of popular on and two
piece styles. Most can be worn strapless, if
you desire. ' Nylon, cotton and rayon . . . and
in every color of the rainbow. Sizes 32 to 40.
Select yours today!
Suim Suit . . . MAKERS Fir$t Floor , "V
Bulletins, Periodicals
Among the better known works
published are the Blue rrini,
Alumnus magazine, Prairie
Schooner, Cornhusker Country
man, Ag Extension News and all
University Press Books.
Regular Staff
All this takes place in the base
ment of the West stadium where a
regular staff of workers are kept
busy during the entire year. They
work with presses of all sizes to
turn out all the bulletins, station-
skies and shining stars, me Ag
Union-snonsored Starlight Ter-
race ball will utilize them both.
If it rains, dancing will be un-
der artificial stars in the Ag
Union activities building gymna
sium. '
The time is 9 to 12 p.m., tick
ets 50 cents each and music by
Bob Russel, his orchestra and his
Featured intermission enter
tainment, according to Tom
Hruza, in charge of the 10:30 p.m.
half-time, consists of selected
numbers by Marion McCullough
If fair weather reigns, sport
coats or suits will rate as men's
wear. Attire should be planned
according to the varied May tem
perature. Chairman of the dance, Waywe
White, said an informal "beer
garden" kind of atmosphere will
be carried out, with tables placed
along the blocked off street in
front of the' Ag Union building.
A flower and trellis entrance to
the Ag Union is being constructed.
Free punch and cookies will be
The cement terrace in front of
the Union is scheduled for a
smoothing operation this after
noon, with committee members
using water glass and corn meal
in the process. They promise a
glass-like dancing floor.
Blight Prevalent
Botrytis blight, destroyer of
the peony plant and bloom alike,
is now prevalent over the state,
according to Wayne C. Whitney,
Ag college horticulturist. Bor
deaux mixture may prevent
Mothers Day
CflrHs'RaUy '
VUlUa Nice Selection
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
0 Jantzen
h 'J ........ , A
8",. '25 k 2T
" , VJVV " ''' 'Jf '''''
Shop Takes
ery. circulars ana tuuui a--NIGHT
signs that are ordered by
the various departments.
The printing shop is on a defi
nite basis and has been self-supporting
since its beginning. Any
department that has work to be
done receives an estimate before
the printing is begun. If they can
squeeze the cost out of their
budget, the presses start to roll.
Mr. Scott explained that all work
is done as cheaply as possible and
that, because of the continual flow
of work, their overhead is lower.
Propaganda Mixture
The shop itself is an interesting
mixture of presses, type, and pa
per all being used to turn out the
propaganda we know as bulletins
or circulars.
Scattered in the rooms are large
cupboards which hold all the type
of past material or . for future
printing. Each is catalogued into
separate rows according to col
leges. Holding a berth all its owrt
is Ag college. They have the larg
est bulk of material to be printed.
A copy of all material is kept in
the office (quite a collection) and
all type is kept for a minimum pe
riod to await news of a re-edition.
Busiest Stare
Right now the printing depart
ment is at its busiest stage. Be
ing finished are program and tick
ets for Commencement, honorary
awards and all the bulletins and
promotion materials that are used
by the University during the sum
mer months.
Also running through the aisles
are students from Teacher's High
who are busy putting together
their yearbook. , Even though
there are facilities for cutting,
binding punching holes, these eco
nomical students find it mom
practical to help do the work
70th and South
Saturday, May 12
Tony Bradley
Adm. $1.00 Tax Incl.'