The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1951, Image 1

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Vol. 51,-No. 137
Friday, May 11, 1951'
Thompson Affirms
Council Backs Suspension; f
Decision Reversal Opposed
In today's Daily Nebraskan, in
an open letter to Rob Haun, pres
ident of the St.Hent Council, Dr.
T. J. Thompson, Dean of Student
Affairs, revetis - sample of his
opinions as regards TNE or Theta
Nu Epsilon.
Also in today's edition, stu
dents may read the views held
by members of the Student Coun
cil in relation to the "sub-rosa"
group. The Council's sentiments
are contained in an open letter
to Dr. Thompson.
After writing his letter, Dr.
Thompson made clear his intent
not to reverse any action previ
ously taken to suspend the four
students caught painting their
traditional signs around campus.
No Reinstatement
Stated Dr. Thompson: "There
has been no action through this
office, to reinstate the four men
suspended indefinitely for their
association with Theta Nu Ep
silon." The letter, echoing these senti
ments, said "As the By-Laws and
rules of the Board of Regents
make it mandatory to dismiss
students associated with organi
zations such as TNE, it was my
administrative duty to suspend
the four students found to be as-
Marshall . . .
World War
Risk of Mac's
Victory Plan
The United States is "not in a
position" to adopt Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's victory program in
Korea because it is not strong
enough to risk a third World war,
Gen. George C. Marshall said.
Marshall said he he is "very
frankly" not satisfied with the
progress of the U. 6. prepared
ness program.
In a time of crises, when speed
Is vital, Marshall said, "Our basic
plan" the military manpower
bill now stalled in a house-sen-at
conference committee "is
completely held up here in con
gress." The-70-year-old military chief
told senators investigating Mac
Arthur's dismissal that the ad
ministration's contained-war pro
gram is "the only practical one."
In testimony last week, Mac
Arthur asked for air and sea
blows against Chinese communist
bases and supply lines and for
use of Chinese nationalist troops
in battle. Administration refusal
to do this, lest it touch of World
War III was called "defeatism
by MacArtthur.
Other developments included:
1 President Truman said at his
news conference that Marshall is
giving the senators the truth
word for word. t
2. Marshall conceded that Mac- j
Arthur's personal "prestige wun
the Japanese" can't be duplicated
any time soon.
3 The defense secretary said
Ridgway did not clear with
Washington a statement in which
he said two months ago that the
United Nations would win a
"tremendous victory" if the war
ended with the United Nations
in control up to the 38th parallel.
4 Marshall denied a suggestion
by Smith that Lt. Gen. Albert C.
Wedemeyer was "banished from
Washington because he urged
more U. S. aid for the national
ists. 5. A senator reported that in
Wednesday's testimony Marshall
spoke of a "new weapon of great
destructive power" which might
be used in Korea. The weapon
was not identified.
Britain Bans Rubber
Shipments to Red China
Britain has announced it has
banned rubber shipment to com
munist China and will support
American demands for economic
sanctions against the Peiping re
gime. Sir Hartley Shawcross, presi
dent of the board of trade, said
that all shipments of rubber to
communist China from British
territory have been banned. Also,
he said, Britain is conferring with
the Hong Kong government on
establishing a complete embargo
exports "which might assist Chi
na tn any way at all to build up
the strength of the military po
tential of that country."
Altled Forces Roll
Back Communists
Allied forces continued Thurs
day night to roll back the hard
hit reds on the Korean front a
battle which Gen. Matthews B.
" Ridgway saTd may have started
the defeat of communism's grasp
lor world power.
Armored patrols stabbed into
Munsan, 21 miles northwest of
Seoul, after wiping out a Korean
red threat to flank the rubbeled
republican capital. Another tank
column punched within ten miles
of parallel 38, 19 miles north of
Seoul and eight miles north of
The Weather
Generally fair and warmer Fri
day. High 65 to 70 east. Saturday,
partly cloudy and scattered thun
dershowerg afternoon or night.
I" - mmiu s" m m vmmumm'i
' m-r-rrrrzi
sociated with this nefarious or
ganization. "In doing so, I was in the clos
est possible touch with the ad
ministration. Any reversal of
this action is against my best
The Dean mentioned the fact
that due to differences with the
Senate Committee on Conduct
Appeals "over the philosophy
that surrounds student discipline
and the authority of my office"
he asked to resign the responsi
bility for the suspension of stu
dents for conduct.
This request followed action
through his office, suspending in
definitely three students for their
participation in an attack upon a
University student Dec. 14, 1950.
Later the three students were re
admitted to the University
The Council's action was mo
tivated due to the recent subver
sive activities which prompted
the suspension of four Universi
ty students by the Administra
tion. Council's Decision
The Council voted unanimous
ly Wednesday to urge the Board
of Regents, Chancellor, Dean of
Student Affairs and other faculty
and administrative officials to rid
"once and for all" the campus of
TNE's influences.
The recent demands for "clean
ing up" the situa' i paralleled
somewhat the fight against the
organization promulgated by Dr.
Thompson, The Daily Nebraskan
and Lincoln., newspapers .jeleven
years ago this month.
On May 14, 1940, The Nebras
kan mentioned that the adminis
tration felt it couldn't allow the
organization to continue in its
present ways unchecked."
City newspapers had coined
the slogan to the effect that TNE
Continued on Page 4
To Begin at Military Armory Monday
Registration for both the sum
mer session and fall semester will
begin at 9 a.m. Monday, May 14
at the Armory of the Military and
Naval Science building.
It will continue through Thurs
day, May 17.
Students who have not yet
contacted their advisors are urged
to see them immediately to make
out their work sheets. Work
sheets for the summer session
will be made out at the same
time as those for the fall semes
ter. Schedules for both summer and
fall may be obtained at the Mili
tary and Naval Science building
and at the registrar's office in
the Administration building. Ag
students may obtain class sched
ules from Dr. Ephriam Hixon,
Room 206, Plant Industry hall .
A new registration system will
be inaugurated this year. The as
signment committee considers the
number of hours recorded as of
Feb. 1, 1951, as the basis for
admission to the registration
room in the Military and Naval
Science building. No registration
numbers will be given out prior
to the registration date.
Present Grade Report
In place of the numbers used
previously, the student will pres
ent his grade report for the first
semester. Notices will be posted
every hour stating the number
of hours necessary to register
during that period. Students with
125 hours or more will have first
chance to register.
In the event that the grade re
ports have been lost, students
are to bring their I. D. eards and
work sheets for identification.
The assignment committee will
have records of the total hours
earned by all students.
Special Ag Provision
Because Ag college students
cannot be kept informed of the
numbers posted, special provi
sions have been made for them.
They will report to the assign
ment committee as follows:
89-plus hours Monday, May
53-88 hours Tuesday, May 15.
27-52 hours Wednesday, May
All others Wednesday after
noon, May 16 and Thursday
morning, May 17.
For students interested in reg
istering in summer school, tuition
is $40 for the regular 8 semester
hour load. A student may not
Council's Letter
Dr. T. J. Thompson
Dean of Student. Affairs
Dr. Thompson:
The Student Council of the University of Nebraska!
unanimously voted Wednesday, May 9, to urge the Board
of Regents, Chancellor, dean of student affairs and other
faculty and administrative officials to do Wl within their
power to rid the campus of Theta Nu Epsilon's corruptive
and destructive influences.
The Council reiterates the sentiments expressed in a
letter last winter which condemned that subversive campus
organization and heartily endorsed the strongest type of
action by administrative officials to .root out TNE
Again, we urge you, for the good of the student body and
the future of this University as a decent institution, to
ignore pressures within and without the college which
seek to coddle Theta Nu Epsilon, to protect their members,
and to belittle their violations of acceptable conduct.
We earnestly hope you
and take those steps which
University a reeling of trust in and respect tor the con
victions of its leaders.
We are students of this University. It is we who must
bear the evil groups like TNE. It is we who are the vic
tims of any weakness by administrative officials in deal
ing with that organization, and who will bear collectively
the brunt of its underhanded force on this campus.
TNE must not defeat University law and justice at
this or any other time. All that is decent, self-respecting,
fair and open must win. Any other result can only con
tribute to the wave of immorality and hypocrisy that has
already made grave inroads m our national lite. Any other
result can only make University law a mockery.
This is a real opportunity for decisive, thoughtful and
inspiring action by administrative off icials..; We have faith
that those who believe in this University and its life will
not fail us.
Mr. Robert Raun
President, Student Council
Dear Rob:
May I thank the Student
of support in my suspension oi certain memDers oi iinhi.
This is very much appreciated.
At the reauest of the Editor of The. Daily Nebraskan
'and the president of the Student Council and for the bene-
- . . 4 V . 1 JP - J
fit of the student-,body l wisn to maite my position -actually
clear as regards this immediate situation and certain
phases of student discipline as of the present time. Last
February 17 I found myself very much at variance with
the Senate Committee on Conduct Appeals over the philoso
phy that surrounds student discipline and the autnonty or
mv office. Finding myself in this position, I requested im-
TAriiQtA rliff from the resnonsibilitv for the suspension
of any student from the University for conduct, me ad
ministration at that time granted my request.
- - "As the By-laws - and Rules" tjfnhe Board of Regents
make it mandatory to dismiss
ganizations sucn as tjni, it
siisncnded the four students
organization. In doing so I was
with the administration. Any
against my best judgment.
for Summer, Fall Sessions
register for more than nine hours
without the permission of the
dean of his college.
By June 8
Registration and payment of
fees for the four weeks session of
summer school must be com
pleted on June 8. June 11 is the
last day on which registration
and payments will be accepted
for the six weeks session and
June 14 is the last day that reg
istration and payment of fees can
be accepted, approved or changed.
Residence halls for women,
dormitories, sorority houses and
student houses are available to
coeds for summer housing. Wom
en should contact Miss Snyder,
assistant dean of women, to make
housing arrangements for the
summer school session.
Residences open to both under
graduate and graduate students
include Wilson hall, Howard hall,
International house, Raymond
hall and Rosa Bouton. Hepner
hall will be open for graduate
Chi Omega and Sigma Delta
Tau sorority houses and Mrs.
An Editorial
Students Must Demand Administration
Actively Continue Fight Against TNE's
By Jerry Warren
Dean T. J. Thompson's letter to the Student
Council appearing in this paper, is the first of
ficial statement from the administration con
cerning Theta Nu Epsilon or the four suspended
students since the announcement of their dismissal
In reply to a letter from the Student Council
urging a firm administration stand of the four sus
pended students Dr. Thompson wrote that he was
determined in his action and any reversal of that
action would be against his "personal judgment."
The Council has always stood pat on its op
position to TNE and expresses general student
opinion in its letter. But just a letter from the
Council is not enough. Each and every member
of the University family has right to demand
administrative action which would expose TNE.
In a case such as this the administration will be
forced to "deal" with TNE. Students also have
a right to demand that negotiations, if there are
any, with TNE must be made public. The Uni
versity, as a body, has aii earnest desire and a
deiinite right to know what progress is being
Oil YM
will withstand such influences,
can give the students of this
Council for its kind letter
students associated witn or-
was my administrative auty tu
found to be associated with this
in the closest possible touch
reversal of this action is
T. J. Thompson, Dean
Cox's and Rundle's Student
houses will also be available.
Ag College Elects Members
Of Fun Board, Farmers Fair
Ag students went to the polls
yesterday and voted for students
to represent them next year as
junior members to the Coll-Agri-Fun
board and senior members of
the Farmers Fair board.
Wayne White and Dick YounglJa"t Ross
" j I hfi nan!
were named as the two men ana
JoAnn Knotts the woman repre
sentative to the Coll-Agri-Fun
They will serve with Jerry
Johnson, Janet Ross and Joyce
Shanner in sponsoring next year's
Coll-Agri-Fun show consisting of
skits and curtain acts. All organ
izations on Ag campus are eli
gible to compete.
Senior Farmers Fair board
members, three men and three
women, were selected from a
mere seven applicants.
The men are Rex Messersmith,
ii students
as University
tion of your wishes!
Ales Bebler .
At Final University Convo
Ales Bebler, Yugoslavian dele
gate to the United Nations, will
address an all University convo
cation Monday, May 14, at 10 a.m.
in the Union ballroom.
A communist party leader,
Bebler served as president of
the Security Council during No
vember, 1950. He was finance
minister of Yugoslavia from 1946
to 1949. He was appointed to the
Security Council in 1949 after a
successful campaign against
Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Uni
on's candidate.
Attracted Young;
Bebler developed his interest
in communism when he was fif-
Rosenlof. Mielenz, Rami
Nominated for Rag Awards
First three candidates to be
nominated for outstanding Ne
braskans of the semester are Dr.
George Rosenlof, Mary Mielenz
and Rob Raun .
The two faculty members and
Raun, past president of Inno
cents and Student Council, were
nominated for the award spon
sored each semester by The Daily
Nebraskan for "meritorious serv
ice" toward the University. Win
ners will be announced in the fi
nal edition of The Nebraskan this
semester Friday, May 18.
Dr. Rosenlof, director of admis
sions and registrar, was nominat
ed for his service toward Uni
versity students and especially
for his interest in foreign stu
dents. Graduate of Hastings College
A graduate of Hastings college
where he received his bachelor of
science degree, Dr. Rosenlof got
his masters degree from the Uni
versity and his Ph.D. from Colum
bia university. President of the
North Central Association of Uni
versities and Colleges, he is on
the Hastings college board of di-
The nominating letter pointed
out that Dr. Rosenlof has served
Rex Coffman and Frank Sibert.
All three were members of the
Fair Board this year
Three women are new to the
board's activities. They are: Mary
Ann Grundman, Lois Larson and
met Ross.
The new Farmers Fair board
will be responsible for conduct
ing the annual Farmers Fair,
which this year was held in con
junction with College Days.
The Fair annually includes a
rodeo that is co-sponsored with
the rodeo club, an open pit bar
becue, an ell Ag parade, depart
mental open houses and features:
the Cotton and Denim dance. j
; Sidelights to the Fair are tne.
jcotton and denim week, the pic
eating contest, the whisker king
j an(i tne presentation of the god-
idess of agriculture at the cotton
and denim dance.
riririini? the camnus of this cancerous
blight on its reputation .
leei sirungiy uuui .c
TNE not becoming exposed (and we think most
do) they can, individually or by groups, express
their demands to the Chancellor, Board of Re
gents, Dean Thompson or any member of the ad
ministration. The Daily Nebraskan would actively support
any letter campaign or circulation of petition ex
pressing these desires.
In order to help the faculty make such desicions j
and negotiations as are necessary in this case
which so vitally effects the student body, the stu
dents must take it upon themselves to make clear
opinions on the subject.
We must act now while the opportunity is at
hand. Now and possibly only now do we have a
chance to uncover Theta Nu Epsilon and remove
its stigma from the University. If the administra
tion must make deals we want to know what they
are and what they may entail. Evercise your rights
citizens and inform the administra-
elegate to
teen. Because of the domination
of Yugoslavia, he was attracted
to the Soviet Union's program
which provided for self-deter
mination for small nations
In 1925, Bebler enrolled at the
University of Fans to study law,
Four years later he joined the
communist party. After receiv
ing his doctorate in 1930, he was
warned that he would be arrested
if he returned to Yugoslavia.
Bebler traveled in Europe
working for the communist cause
until 1933. At that time, he was
assigned to make "life agreeable
for foreign specialists," particu
larly Americans. He also organ
ized cultural activities in Russia
students at the University in his
capacity as registrar far above
what duties of his office dictate.
He was honored Ivy Day by the
Innocents society when made an
honorary member.
Faculty Adviser
The second faculty member to
be nominated, Miss Mielenz serves
as adviser for four student or
ganizations, Builders, Student
Council, Mortar Board and Coed
Counselors. Supervisor of English
at Teachers college high school,
ishe has been cited for her out
standing interest in students at
the University both as an on
looker and as a participating
She is also a member of the
Teachers college advisory com
mittee and the faculty committee
on student affairs. Miss Mielenz
truly deserves the title of out
standing Nebraskan, the letter
explained, as recognition of serv
ice she has offered to students
not only this semester, but in
previous semesters.
Top Scholar
Raun was recognized at
j the annual Honors convocation as
the top scholar of his graduating
class with an 8.6 average. In ad
dition to his scholastic excellence,
the person nominating Raun stat
ed that he has carried his leader
ship ability to various campus
organizations of which he has
"ably served as president" in
cluding Student Council, Inno
cents, Ag Exec board and Alpha
Gamma Rho. He is a member of
Block and Bridle, Alpha Zeta and
the senior livestock judging team.
The letter pointed out that
Raun not only is outstanding in
quantity of activities, but in the
See Rag Awards, Page 4
Jerry Johnson Elected
New Kosmet Klub Prexy
Jerry Johnson will serve as
next year's president of Kosmet
This was announced following
elections of 1951-52 officers at
; Wednesday's meeting. Others
who received executive posts
are Gerald MatzKe. vice presi
dent; Charles Burmeister, busi
ness manager; and Dick Billig,
Innocents President.
Johnson, newly tapped presi
dent of Innocents society, is also
president of Ag Exec board and
past president of Alpha Gamma
Rho. He is also a member of
Corn Cobs. Tri-K. Alpha Zeta,
Coll-Agri Fun board, American
Society of Agronomy and New
' Students week
! Matzke is also vice president
of NUCWA and of the junior
ciass He is a member of In
nocents, the Committee on Stu
dent Publications, Candidate Of
ficers association, Theta Nu and
Phi Gamma Delta.
Burmeister, president of the
junior class, is also assistant
business manager of The Daily
Nebraskan, Corn Cobs and a
member of the University Build
ers board and vice president of
Delta 'Upsilon fraternity.
Billig, new secretary -of Inno
cents society, is also managing
editor of the Cornhusker and
was a member of the All Uni
versity Fund board. He is treas
urer of Phi Kappa Psi fratern
ity. Top Worker
Bill Adams was revealed as
the year's tbp Kosmet Klub
worker and subsequently will
assume the position of historian
of the University's dramatic so-
ciety for 1951.52,
A bizad sophomore, Adams is
At the outbreak of the Span
ish Civil war, Bebler joined the
International Brigade to fight
against Franco. He returned to
Yugoslavia after he was wound
ed. He surrendered to the police
and was imprisoned for a year
for organizing youth against the
As Partisan chief of staff, Beb
ler led resistance forces against
the Nazi invaders. He was elect
ed to the National Assembly of
Yugoslavia in 1945 when Mar
shall Tito came to power as
Prime Minister.
As deputy foreign minister of
the new Yugoslavian govern
ment, Bebler has represented his
country at almost every interna
tional conference. He worked
with Soviet delegates to demand
additions to Yugoslavian terri
tory. Bebler refused to join the com
munist bloc in the UN in 1948
after the Soviet Union's denun
ciation of Tito and the Yugo
slavian communists. The next
year, he charged "The existence
of a Soviet plot against the in
dependence of Yugoslavia."
Tito appointed Bebler to the
Security Council in 1949 after
successfully opposing the Soviet
Union's candidate. In April 1950,
Bebler became chairman of the
Council's Atomic Energy com
mission. According to Richard Witkin,
writing in This Week, Bebler
seeks to marshal public opinion
for Yugoslavia in its quarrel with
Russia, and to win economic and
political help from the West.
Bebler will hold an open dis
cussion period in the Union fac
ulty lounge at 2:30 p.m. Anyone
interested may attend.
Due Soon ...
Council Still
Awaits 7
Fee Replies
All but seven of the 24 Univer
sity honorary, professional and
scholastic organizations have re
plied to the Student Council in
quiry on their initiation fees and
Recently the Student Council
requested that sample letters of
invitation for affiliation- with
these organizations be submitted
by May 14.
The council also asked that a
statement of pledge fees, initia
tion fees, semester dues and oth
er incidental expenses, plus a re
port of benefits received in re
turn for the fees, be sent in at
the same time.
In doing this, the council hopes
to find an explanation for the
complaint that students were not
informed of high initiiation fees
when they were asked to join an
The organizations that have
not replied to the inquiry are
Alpha Epsilon Rho, Alpha Kappa
Psi, Alpha Zeta, Eta Kappa Nu,
Gamma Lambda, Kappa Epsilon
and Psi Chi.
The council also wrote to the
national offices of the organiza
tions asking for a specific report
of the amount of dues they re
ceived. The amount of funds
destined for the individual's own
welfare and the local chapter's
treasury was also questioned.
" "
1 ' -,
a past lieutenant governor of
Cornhusker Boys State. He is
now a member of Newman club
and Delta Tau Delta.
New Members
Nine other workers also were
named as new members of the
Klub at the Wednesday meeting.
They are John ElwelL Kent
Kelley, Arnie Stern, Don De
vries, Stewart Tully, Dick
Young, Eldon Schaffer, Glenn
Rodehorst and Jack Savage.
The new members will be in
itiated next Thursday evening
at a formal ceremony. The ten
men were selected for work
hour points accumulated for help
with the fall and spring shows.
Also, points were collected for
number of tickets sold, as well
i as work on special projects.