The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1951, Image 1

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    50th Ivy Day Ceremonies Are Planned Saturday
Vol 51 No. 132
Friday, May 4, 1951
Lai' ' uhI
Li CSJluvS
Begins 9:15 AJ
Chimes from the Carillon
tower at 9:15 a.m. Saturday
Mall announce the 50th anni
versary of the University's
oldest and most colorful tra
ditional ceremony Ivy Day.
The formal regality of the
court procession, the annual
planting, of the ivy, harmo
nious voices in the fraternity
nd sorority sings and the sus
pense in the masking and tap
ping of the new Mortar , Boards
and Innocents blend together to
make Ivy Day a fitting climax
to end the year's activities.
All Saturday morning classes
will be dismissed for the cere
monies which will be held, ac
cording to tradition, north of the
Administration building. If the
weather is bad, the program will
be in the Coliseum.
History of Ivy Day
Master of ceremonies will be
Dick Carson. He will announce
the selections in the singing con
tests, the new Mortar Boards
' and Innocents as they are tapped
and read the history of Ivy Day.
Last year's emcee was Dutch
Following the -chimes, Don
Lentz will direct the University
band from 9:20 to 9:30 a.m. Then
Chancellor G-ustavson will give
his welcome address. Master of
Ceremonies, Dick Carson, will
Tead the history of Ivy Day at
9:35 a.m.
One hundred and six coeds
will enter at 9:45 a.m. carrying
the ivy and daisy chains. Ten
rave been selected by the Mortar
Boards to lead the chains which
will be on both sides of the
carpet leading to the queen's
throne. Suzanne Koehler will
sing the chain bearer's song over
the public address.
Procession Begins
At 10:05 a.m. the procession is
scheduled to begin. Leading the
Toyal party will be jesters, Ira
Epstein and Jerry Tubbs. They
will be followed by the two
freshman pages, two freshman
attendants, four sophomore and
lour junior attendants, maid of
honor, a crown bearer, two
flower girls and the May Queen.
After the May Queen is
crowned by the maid of honor,
the president of Innocents, Bob
Raun, and president of Mortar
Board, Nancy Porter will present
the first May Queen, Mrs. Louise
Barr Anderson with a bouquet
of roses.
After the procession the junior
end senior class presidents,
Charles Burmeister and Aaron
Schmidt will plant the Ivy. They
wili be aided by the alumni
presidents of the classes of 1901
and 1902, W. L. Hall and Fred
Deweese. Aaron Schmidt will
present a trophy to the class
winning the Junior-Senior Class
day competition.
Sorority Sine
The sorority sing is scheduled
to begin at 10:50 a.m. After the
court recessional there will be a
noon recess until the band con
cert starts the afternoon session
at 1 p.m.
The court will re-enter before
the fraternity signs begins at
1:15 p.m.
While the four judges choose
the sorority and fraternity sing
winners, Symphonia, national
men's music fraternity, will sing,
"Brothers, Sing On," "You'll
Never Walk Alone," and "Hail
Symphonia." The latter was writ
ten by member of Symphonia,
Gilbert Sullivan. Dennis Rohrs is
directing the Syrnphoia sings.
Tappings Commence
Following the court recessional,
the Mortar Boards will begin
looking for the new members.
Junior women will be expected
to be sitting near the front, near
the throne, during the afternoon.
After the Mortar Boards have
been masked, Col. C. J. Frank
sorter will introduce the alumni
and honorary Innocent members
present. The new Innocents will
then be tapped.
After the masking of the Mor
tar boards the new and old mem
bers are asked to stay for pic
tures. The admissions committee
of the University College of
Medicine will be on this cam
pus, May 9 and 10, to Inter
view 1952 applicants. All 1952
applicants who have not been
interviewed this spring by the
committee should Immediately
sign the schedule sheet at 806
Bessey hall.
The Weother
Partly cloudy Friday and Sat
urday with scattered afternoon
or evening thunderahowers In
uiuthwestern portion both days.
Cooler east portion. High Friday
90 to 75.
IVY DAT REHEARSAL Innocent President
Bob Raun sharpens up his tackling technique
at the expense of Bob Parker. At the left Gene
Berg and Bob Rogers survey the preceedings
Order of Ivy
Will Include
19 Fraternities
Nineteen fraternities will
gather north of the Administra
tion building at 1:15 p.m. Satur
day to compete in the annual Ivy
Day Sing.
The competing groups will be
judged on general appearance,
presence and effect, choice, and
arrangeriient "of -'selection, "tone
balance, blending and intonation,
and attacks and releases by four
judges who will be announced
Kosmet Klub is. sponsoring the
interfraternity sing which is a
traditional part of the Ivy Day
ceremonies. Phi Gamma Delta
fraternity won the competition
last spring.
The groups will present their
numbers in this order: Beta Theta
Pi, Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma
Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kap
pa Psi, Farm House, Delta Tau
Delta, Delta Upsilon.
Sigma Chi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Kappa Sigma, Beta Sigma, Pi
Kappa Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon,
Phi Gamma Delta Alpha Gamma
Rho and Phi Rho.
Groups' Songs, Directors
1. Farm House: "Halls of Ivy,"
Wayne White.
2. Pi Kappa Phi: "The Desert
. Song" Butch Palmer.
3. Phi Rho: "Soon, Ah Will Be
One" Gordon Johnson.
4. Beta Sigma: "The Riff Song"
Harry Gieselman.
5. Sigma Chi: "Zeklel Saw Da
Wheel" Charles Curtiss.
6. Phi Delta Theta: "The
Drum" Dick Meissner.
7. Sigma Phi Epsilon: "YouH
Never Walk Alone" Gilbert
8. Zeta Beta Tau: "By the
Light of the Silvery Moon"
Aaron Schmidt.
9. Tau Kappi Epsilon: "You'll
(Continued on Pane 4)
real Union
"Aida," the story of an Egyp
tian slavq, girl, will be presented
by the University Choral union
at the Coliseum Sunday at 3 p.m.
Guests soloists, the 900 voice
choirus and the 70 piece orches
tra will combine their talents to
present the opera by Verdi.
In addition to the guest art
ists, University students will sing
leading roles. Jeanette Schwe
ser will sing the role of the
Egyptian high prietsess. She is
active in music events on the
campus as well as In the School
of Music.
Lloyd Lotspelch, bass, will sing
two roles, King of Egypt and the
high priest. He was a soloist in
the University "Messiah" produc
tion last December. Lotspeich is
president of Phi Mu Alpha, Sin
fonla, honorary music fraternity.
The part of the "messenger'
role will be sung by John Moran,
sophomore in the School of Mu
sic. He is a member of the ROTC
band in addition to his choral
Day Choruses
Ivy Day
9:15 a.m. Rinlng of bells
Carillon tower.
9:20 to 9:30 a.m. Band Con
cert. 9:30 a.m. Chancellor's wel
come address.
9:35 a.m. History of Ivy Day.
9:40 a.m. Entrance of Mortar
Boards and Inno
oents. 9:45 a.m. Entrance of 'ivy and
daisy chains.
10:05 a.m. Royal procession.
10:20 a.m. Presentation of the
first May Queen.
10:25 a.m. Planting; of the ivy
and presentation of
the Alumni class
presidents of 1901
and 1902.
10:35 a.m. Presentation of the
trophy to the class
winning the junior
senior class day
10:40 a.m. Recessional of
chains. Mortar
Boards, Innocents.
10:50 a.m. Sorority sine.
11:45a.m. Recessional of
Noon Recess
1:00 to 1:10 p.m. Band concert
1:10 p.m. Court Processional.
1:15 p.m. Fraternity sings.
2:30 p.m. Symphonia Sing's.
2:40 p.m. Announcement of
winners of sorority
and fraternity sines.
2:45 p.m. Presentation of
scholarship, activity
fraternity trophy.
Court Recessional.
Presentation of
Mortar Board's ad
2:50 p.m.
2:55 p.m.
3:00 p.m. Mortar Boards beg-in
3:15 p.m. Masking- of Mortar
3:30 p.m. Presentation of
alumni and honor
ary Innocents.
3:35 p.m. Tapping of new In
nocents. activities.
Guest soloists, Margaret Gold
smith and Lodema Poaster, will
sing the leading women's roles.
Miss Goldsmith will sing the role
of Aida, the enslaved Ethiopian
princess. She attended the Uni
versity and did additional work
at Kansas university and in New
Amneris, jealous daughter of
the Egyptian king, will be sung
by Mrs. Poaster. She received
her musical education at East
man School of Music and Julllard
graduate school. She is now
teacher of "voice at Phillips uni
versity in Enid, Okla.
Tenor Part
J. Dalton Smith, former in
structor at the University, will
sing the tenor role of Rudames.
Radames is the man chosen by
the Egyptians to lead the army
against the Ethiopians. Smith is
now at Florida State university
where he is working toward a
doctor's degree in music educa
tion. I
Aides Syidoy
with the help of Mortar Boards . to r. in
background) Marilyn Campfield, Jean Fenster
and Ginny Guhin
Coed Vocalists
To Compete
In Morning
University women will take
part Saturday morning in the
annual Ivy Day sing sponsored
by AWS.
At 10:50 a. m., the University
women will congregate north of
the Administration building to
Ceowjptfte in the traditional vent.
Eighteen women's residence
halls and sororities on the cam
pus will sing numbers in the
program. They will be judged by
four unannounced persons.
A traveling trophy will be pre
sented to the first place winners
and permanent plaques will be
awarded to the first three place
The c"rter in which the groups
: will sing is: University Nurses,
Delta Delta Delta, Love hall,
Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Delta
Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Resi
dence halls, Pi Beta Phi, Alpha
Omicron Pi, Alpha Chi Omega,
Interational house, Rosa Bouton,
Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta,
Alpha Xi Delta and Sigma Kap
pa. Groups, P-nigs, Directors
1. Alpha Chi Omega: "Toast"
Nancy Button.
2. Alpha Omicron Pi: "Lovely
Girl of AOP" Virginia Nord
strom. 3. Alpha Phi: "Two Bright
Stars" Jan Schweser.
4. Alpha Xi Delta: "Someday"
Shirley Whitaker.
5. Chi Omega: "Oh, What a
Beautiful .Morning" Jo Ann
6. Delta Delta Delta: "Cres
cent Moon" Janice Fullerton.
7. Delta Gamma: "My DG
Love" Suzanne Koehler.
8. Gamma Phi Beta: "My
Gamma Phi Sweetheart" Bar
bara Young.
9. Kappa Alpha Theta: "Theta
Continued on Page 4)
Dale G. Ganz, baritone, will
take the role of Amonasro, lead
er of Ethiopian armies and la
ther of Aida. Ganz is -an instruc
tor of voice at the University, i
In addition, he is the director of
one of the University choruses.
"Aida" will be directed by Dr.
Arthur Westbrook, director of
the School of Fine Arts. The
University orchestra will be con
ducted by Emanuel Wishnow.
Union's Personnel
The University Choral union is
composed of the Ag college cho
rus, directed by Altlnas Tullis;
University Singers, Arthur West
brook, director; and the Univer
sity Choruses, David Foltz and
Dale Gang, directors.
Accompanists are Janice Ful
lerton, Marcella Schaeht and
Roberta Lewis. The women are
all music majors in the School
of Fine Arts.
Members of Tassels will usher
at the concert.
Final rehearsal will be Satur
day at 3:30 p.m. in the Coliseum.
At hast
Class Day
Begins Today
Today at last J unior-Senior
competition day is here.
After being cancelled for two
weeks in a row, interclass compe
tition will be held at 2:30 p.m. at
Pioneer Park, Aaron Schmidt,
senior class president, announced.
Activities will open with a soft
ball game between the Innocents
and junior men at 2:30 p.m. Fol
lowing the men's competition, the
senior women will play the ju
nior women.
Each game will last tour in
nings and if enough students par
ticipate, other games will be held.
Sack races, egg throwing con
tests and three legged races will
also be held during the afternoon.
Points will be totaled at the end
of the competition to determine
the winning class.
A trophy will be presented to
the winning class at the Ivy Day
festivities. The president of the
losing class will make the pre
sentation to the president of the
winning class.
Junior and senior coeds inter
ested in taking part in the games
should contact Pat Wiedman at
6-2440. Junior and senior men
should call Hank Cech, 3-1960,
if they wish to enter the compe
tition. The executive faculty commit
tee on student affairs has granted
approval of the junior-senior
competition day, but attendance
1s voluntary. No student will be'
excused from regularly scheduled
classes or required examinations.
Tassels to Fete
62 Candidate
Pledges at Tea
Approximately 62 girls will
attend the Tassel tea Sunday
from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Kappa
Delta house, 405 University
The candidates for Tassel
pledges from the organized
houses are: Alpha Chi Omega,
Mary Ann Zimmerman and Con
nie Clark; Alpha Omicron Pi,
Vicky Nedrow and Polly Nedrow;
and Polly Nedrow; cm umega,
Lura Ann Harden and Rose-
marie Castner; Delta Delta Delta,
Kathy McMullen and Tina
Wosteri Delta Gamma, Joy
Wachal and Susan Reinhardt.
Other Candidates
Gamma Phi Beta, Joan Holden
and Pat Patterson; Kappa Alpha
Theta, Martha Lee Miller and
Sue Holmes; Kappa Delta, Nela
O'Dell, Jackie Ulstrom, Marilyn
Lehr and Kathryn Melvin; Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Barbara Bell and
Saliy Hall; Pi Beta Phi, Nora
Devore and Betty Lester; Sigma
Kappa, Faye Graham and Betty
Heurn, and Love Memorial hall,
Virginia Barnes and Roseann
Howard hall, International
house and Wilson hall have not
announced their candidates.
Thirty-four unaffiliated girls
have submitted their names.
Organized Houses
Among organized houses, one
girl will be chosen from every
two girls to fill the vacancy.
Girls will be notified the day fol
lowing the tea and be invited to
a picnic Monday evening. The
girls will have the picnic at the
Ag picnic grounds if the weather
is nice. The picnic will be In
Room 316 of the Union if It rains.
The girls will be chosen on the
basis of enthusiasm to work
organization, interest in
Tassels, pep and poise. The
Tassel members will vote imme
diately after the tea to determine
the new pledges.
Filings Open
Applications are now available
for filing for a position on the
Corn Shucks, Cornhusker and
The Daily Nebraskan staffs.
Applications may be obtained
at the Administration annex, 1125
R street. The Information blanks
are to be filled in and returned
to the feme address before noon
Tuesday, May 15.
Applicants must have a 4.0
weighted average and be carry
ing 12 hours this semester.
us" Aclwitfies
Seven University students were taken into custody late
Wednesday night or early Thursday morning when Lincoln
and campus police discovered them and a number of com
panions engaged in "suspicious" activities.
According to Lincoln police Chief Joseph Carrol, the stu
dents were brought to the police I
station and held for "about four
hours" before they were turned
over to the dean of student af
fairs' office.
Chief Carroll said the students
were not formally charged by
the police.
No Statement Thompson
Dr. T. J. Thompson, dean of
student affairs, questioned the
students at length Thursday
morning but had no definite
statement to make concerning
the issue.
Sgt. John Furrow of the Uni
verity police said the students
had some "paint on their clothes"
when found by the police.
Disturbances Wednesday night
were noticed by many people on
the campus. Late in the evening
a resident of the men's dorms
saw "quite s large group" of
policemen converge on a gather
ing of boys, "supposedly stu
dents" and a chase foDowed. On
lookers believe that the police
chased the gathering in the di
rection of Bancroft school.
Girls Heard Disturbance
Earlier. Wedensday night mem
bers of a sorority near 16th and
S heard a disturbance in the
streets. Upon investigation they
found a group of boys in front
of the house. The girls were not
able to see what occurred and
the boys fled when police ap
proached. Thursday morning fresh
paint was discovered on the side
walk in front of the house.
Members of another sorority,
located near 16th and R streets,
noticed "four or five police cars"
gathered at the intersection
"about 5:30."
Dean Thompson's office said
Thursday ofternoon the boys had
been released but further ques
tioning would follow.
Union to Hold
Party; Lawn Dance Planned
"Topsy Turvy Inside Out.
With this theme for its party,
the Union will celebrate its thir
teenth birthday Friday evening.
The pre-Ivy Day event will be
held from 8 io 12 p.m. on the
east lawn of the Union.
Eddie Garner and his orchestra
will furnish music for the dance.
A large portable dance floor has
been set up on the lawn.
A carnival midway with prizes
will be another feature of the
party. Booths will have a for
tune teller, dart games, horse
shoes and baseball throws.
Outdoor Movie
"Give My Regards to Broad
way" will be shown as an out
door movie. The show will start
at 8 and will be run twice.
The cutting of the birthday
cake at 10:15 will start the in
termission entertainment. Henry
Cech will act as master of cere
James Wroth
With High ROTC Award
The Pershing award, top prize
of the University Army ROTC,
was presented Thursday after
noon to Cadet Colonel James M.
The presentation was made at
a review of the combined Army,
Navy and Air ROTC, which con
cluded the annual two-day fed-
Coed Counselors
Picnic Is May 10
Thursday, May 10 is the day
for the annual Coed Counselors'
The picnic is the year's final
activity for the Big Sister organ
ization, said Mary Hubka, presi
dent of the group, and it will
enable the new and old Coun
selors to get acquainted.
Th ninnie will be held an thp l
, . .,,
tHUPr Act nmntic tiurlt. nd will
. . . ,.
mciuae tours, a soxiDaii
tours, a Softball gams
and group singing.
Tickets may be purchased
from any Coed Counselor. The
cost is ten cents, Thirh includes
transportation and the meal.
Girls planning to attend the
event will meet at Ellen Smith
hall at 6 p. m. Those who need
transportation, and those who
cannot leave at 8 p. m. should
contact Jean Louden, 4-2021.
Dance Group
To Give Annual
Recital Tonislit
Orchesis in conjunction with
Pre-Orchesis will present their
annual spring recital Friday and
Saturday at 8:15 p.m. at Grant
The themes of the concert,
"Wild Bill Hickok," primitive
theme and "Nutcracker Suite"
will compose the modern dance
A speaking choir accompanies
the "Hickok" dance. Dancing is
to the rhythm of words.
Three of the introductory verses
in the "Hickok" theme were
written by Joan Park, a Univer
sity physical education instructor.
She will speak the lines herself
at the concert.
Tickets for the event may be
obtained from any Orchesis mem
ber or at the door that evening.
They will be sixty cents.
Three men will participate in
the dance numbers. They are
Dick Shubert, Bob Peters and
Gerald Ramsderr.
Helen Troy Martin is Orchesis
dance director and Lois Weaver
the Pre-Orchesis dance director.
William Miller will accompany
the boys groups and Mrs H. H.
Flood, the girls.
The concert is sponsored toy the
women $ P. E. department and by
the Women's Athletic association.
monies for the show, which will
feature student talent.
The party, sponsored by Union
special activities committee, is
free to all University students.
Chuck "Widmaier is sponsor and
Tom Synder is chairman of the
Union committee.
Began in 1930
May 4 is the actual birthday
date of the Union. It's history
began with an initial drive for
construction in 1930. Ray Ram
say, then alumni secretary, and
Oscar Norling, editor of The
Daily Nebraskan, pushed the
The Student Council, Innocents
society and members of the
alumni council took up the fight.
Students indicated their willing
ness to pay a small fee to defray
the cost of maintenance.
Final plans were made and
construction began in 1936.
eral inspection of the Army and
Air reserve officer training pro
grams. The Pershing award, given to
the outstanding member of th
National Society of Pershing Ri
fles on the basis of military
standing, soldierly bearing and
general military efficiency, was
presented by Chancellor R. G.
In the reviewing stand were
members of the federal inspec
tion team including: Air ROTC
Col. Richard Gimble, Director
of Comptroller, 10th Air Forea
headquaraters; Li CoL Lynn R.
Moore, professor of Air Science
and Tactics, University of Kan
sas; and Major Thomas J. Hardy,
10th Air Force headquarters;
Army ROTC CoL Woodford
Nelson, Purdue university; and
Capt. Robert Lee, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis.
ROTC Awards
Other awards presented ROTC
cadets were:
Air Forse association award
presented to Cadet id LL Lyle -D.
Altaian, as outstanding first
year advanced student in Air
United States Communication
awards presented to Cadet Lt.
Col. Wendell C. Bauman, and
Cadet 2nd Lt. Willis M. Schmee
kle, as the outstanding second
year and first year advanced
students, respectively. In JJx
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