The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
Thursday, May 3, 19511 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Si) 1 v V 1 -4 u X w . ' ' f ,3 Editorial Comment Jusf Wait a While ... Sadat cXe. "If you don't like Nebraska's weather just wait while." Everybody who doesn't know this, learns it In short order upon coming to Nebraska. The juniors and seniors have found this out in their plans for a junior-senior class day. The first time the picnic was scheduled, it snowed the day day before. So the picnic was called off. Then, the next day turned out to be one of the sunshiniest of the year. The following week, was beautiful except for the day of the picnic, which brought forth a downpour. It's time some of the graduate students at the University got busy and figured out some way by which the weather could be controlled. After all, it is very disturbing to find one's plans completely upset by the elements. Think of all the picnics and athletic contests that have been cancelled because of the elements. University parking lots are especially delightful during rainy weather. Large mud puddles offer University coeds a place to soak their little tootsies. One disgusted coed remarked, "Three days in a row I brought my raincoat and carried the dern thing around with me. The next day I didn't bring it and got soaked." Such is , Nebraska weather. Rainy weather also delights coeds who go to formal dances. The hems of their sheer dresses drag through the mud, creating a lovely effect. The water squishes up in their toeless shoes, Ne braska's late spring failed to bring out the leaves on bushes and trees until only about a week ago. Lovers of beauty were denied the beauty of spring time, when everybody's fancy lightly turns. Such a difference the weather makes in the at tire. Everyone was wearing their dreary old win ter togs. Now, out come the colorful spring clothes. Dern such weather, anyway. t.r. High Frequency' KNUS Staff Back to Normal After Busy College Days By Art Epstien Fashion Parade . It's been a busy week around KNUS! . . . Broadcasting from 9:30 a.m. till 5 p.m. during College Days . . . painting part of the KNUS office a violent brick-red . . . watching KNUS staff heads, Lois Nelson, Dick Carson, Gay Marr, and Dutch Meyers wowing the packed houses at each performance of "Good News . . . Yep, it's been a busy week! But KNUS is back on schedule now, from three to five p.m. each weekday afternoon, at 710 on your radio dial. And the KNUS staffs wondering what you think of your University station, now that it's been on the air for a few weeks. You've Jiad a chance to listen, n' to look it over; so why don't you send a few of your comments, via campus mail, to KNUS co Gaylord Marr, Basement of the Temple building. No kidding, KNUS wants to hear from you! Now for a little news on today's Hne-up of shows. This Thursday afternoon is music, sports, and fashion afternoon; so get set for a full two hours on enjoyment plus! Here's the starting line-up: "Especially for You," "Disc Jockey's Jamboree" and "Johnny's Pop Shop" begin KNUS Thursday at 3, 3:15 and 3:30 p.m. respectively. That's forty five minutes of solid listening to tunes and lyrics which are all modern but all in different styles from the dreamy numbers that put you into one of those sweetly melancholy moods to the sophisti cated Kenton and Ellington-style discs that have you hopping up and down your dorm or house halls. Incidentally, the radio section's recent purchase of the complete Langworth record library gives you tunes from hot to sweet, from classical to up-to-the-minute jazz. And every style of KNUS mu sic, be it ricky-tick or smo-o-o-oth, is interspersed between another style just to keep you guessing n' listening! There's a 15-minute break from music at 4 p.m., when femmes fatale, Evvle Anderson and Jo Mel len, take over on "Fashion Spotlight," a show that's labelled "for women only" but which has a growing male audience as spring comes, and fashion news turns to thoughts of bathing suits. Following "Fashion Spotlight," it's the men's turn with "Final Sports Edition." KNUS is especially proud of this show, 'cuz it covers not only the im portant campus, but the national, sporting scene as well. What's more, some of the low-down comes from the press-service wires, guaranteeing you accuracy and reliability. My gosh, it's 4:30 p.m. already and time for a generous half-hour of- "Platters from the Past." This is a show that brings back the oldies and puts you in a reminiscin' mood with nostalgic memories of the flapper era, the Charleston craze, and the good ol' days when Ma and Pa were young and 23-Skidooish! The strains of the old Paul Whiteman orchestra, Al Jolson's throaty "Mammy!" and the mellow tones of the famous Bix Bieder becke trumpet... I could rave on for hours, but why don't you listen for yourself this afternoon? Well, that's it for Thursday. Why not twist the old dial to 710 at 3 p.m. and give a listen to KNUS for a well-rounded day of music, fashion, music, sports, and you guessed it! music. And don't forget to drop that note to KNUS, via campus mail. We're waiting to hear from you! More news next time keep listening! JYb-?j:dDouofifteen tohuaisfast Dear Mom and Dad Exhausted Daughter Portrays Average 'Life Span' of Coeds Dear Mom and Dad: I further I got with it. It seemed Here I sit at 12:30 a.m. writ- as if I had been eating forever in? you a letter after a difficult but when I looked down at the night of studying. You would pie there was just a small dent think that a college with so many in the center. A small case of in activities that keep you busy, digestion followed several hours would let up on the assignments, j later and pevented me from go I'm so behind now I don't know ing to the Cotton Denim dance, if I'll be a second semester fresh- My date wasn't very pleased man or a first semester sopho- with this announcement but after more next year! College Days are over and it has left its scar. Blisters all over your poor daughter's fingers from putting paper through chicken wire and a lame foot from stepping on a nail while pounding one of the boards for the framework of the float After all that work and then we didn't even win first place. What did they want anyway??? Mother, you know how I detest lemon meringue pie! Well, yours truly" entered in the pie eating all I couldn't go when I looked so green in the face! Do you still love me? It seems like I haven't had any mail for so long I wonder if you still know you have a daughter go ing to school. Speaking of love, I tbink I have more troubles than any girl in this university. Pete, Tom and Dale all called me for the same night and nobody called me for Saturday night Here the year is almost over and I don't have a pin yet! Just because I welch 200 pounds, (by the by, contest that was part of Col- send me some of those chocolate I'-ee Days out on Ag campus They placed a pie in front of me alter tying my hands behind my back and what did I see but a lemon meringue pie! Well, "your Dht then before even attempt ing to the Cotton-Denim dance, tempt,' as that is about all the cookies) have buck teeth and thick glasses. Honestly, just no body loves met! Oh, the tricks they play on me when I do get a date. Dale and Gale, identical twins, dated Susie and I the other night. They wore red and black plaid shirts which didn't help the matter of telling them apart. Half way through the night they left us and when they returned, they switched dates. We didn't know till two days later that one of them took us to the picnic and the other one took us home. My arthritis ails me again but I hope that It doesn't mean more rain. With this weather my natur al straight hair doesn't help my looks any, and when I wear my crepe soled shoes the water squeezes out of them like a spponee. . .hint, hint for a new pair of shoes. Ivy Day is Saturday and the girls haven't even asked me to sing with them. I've been prac ticing like mad so I could be ready when they asked me to join them. The lists have been sent in by now so I know they aren't going to ask me. Do you know that I can sing two notes new? Therefore, I'm no longer a monotone! Education is helping me in some ways! As a clock I must wind it up for now. Do write and come down and see me soon. Your loving daughter, "Butch." lllllllllfci lilillf lliliil r y,V.:.'&-:;:f::: .:,: . ILi'-""'- - : ; v mmiwtdmtn rim nil ii.-' n nr i - mr m f" ' Comely of 2m a WHAT'S NEW? Skirt and blouse fashions will make versatile spring and summer wearables for Nebraska coeds. Pictured is the favorite sleeveless blouse worn with both a cotton and a satin sheen skirt. College Fashion Trends More Feminine: Pastels. Lace Vogue$ t 1 ) In the spring a young mans fancy turns to love but there are a few repercussions heard from this sex. , . "What's your new girl s name: "I call her baseball." "Baseball? What do you call her that for?'! .. "She won't play without a dia mond." . . The Alpha Chi seniors took their sneak Monday night and brought confusion to the whole house Seems thev called a dance teacher from the Arthur Murray dance studios, a vacuum cieaner salesman and a professor to talk on morals, to the house to keep the rest of the girls entertained for the evening. Ever hear of passing bubble gum instead of candy? Norma Jean Meyers passed the gooey stuff to the DG sisters to an- pniinw her enaaeement to Gene 111 J ,1,1.1 J last Friday evening. At intermis sion time they presented the Typical Towne club Girl, Leanor Strain. Her attendants were Pat Conway and Jo Naatz. Dancing to the music of John Scheldnech I was Barbara Roland and Bob ' Ketterer, Henri Hagelberger and Jim Weldon, Wanda Bott and Bob Mercier, Betty Topleff and Bob Chennock, Gloria Sell and Lloyd Sherrard. Pinnings: Marilyn Smith and U Jim German, Mary H.ay xoinver and Bob Spearman, Jackie Hoss and Bob Rosenlof, Nancy Porter and Bill Long. Steadies: Kathy Corp and Jim and Ray Novak and Delta Gamma house party and scavenger hunt. Palladian picnic, Pioneer park. Union outdoor dance. Saturday IVCF banquet, Union. Zeta Beta Tau house party. Brown Palace dinner dance, Cotner Terrace. Phi Gamma Delta Fiji Island house party. ' Main Features Start State: "Kind Hearts and Coro nets," 1:10, 315, 5:20. ?:25, 9:31. Husker: "Tall in th Saddle," 1-15, 4:03, 6:51, 9:36. "Southside lllOOO," 2:48, 536, 8:24. Varsity: "The Thing," 1:00, 3:00. 5:00, 7:00, 9:54. Sneak Preview 8:26. By Ann Gilligan What's on the feminine sum mer fashion agenda around the nation's college :ampuses? At the University of Utan, Joe College will no doubt think his girl has lost her mind when it rains and she appears for their Saturday night date wearing a lace raincoat. Can you blame him? So much lace yardage is available this year that it is ap pearing in remarkable spots. And, of courses, college circles are the first to adopt the new designs. The lace raincoat, it may be explained, is heavy cot ton lace waterproofed and has a dash all its own. Beach Coat With Black Lace On the beach, the Utah trend is a white terry beach coat overlaid with black lace. And lace will also be worn on the head. One basic hat can be worn several ways using its lace over coat. At the University of St. Louis, in the heart of the world's j largest shoe business, footwear j will be given the spotlight. The male set will again prob- i ably have hallucinations when ; they see their girls in plain, U subdued dresses with flashy pumps of plaid, striped and j -checked ginghams, piques and j linen-like weaves. Colors like j v lavender, mauve, link and blue j ; will be popular as well as em broidered materials. Spectators Still Popular Brown and whi'j shoes will still be worn, but blended with brighter colors of 1'ue, wine, green and purple. ' Even silk, nylon mesh, lace j ; and grosgrain ribbon will con- tribute to the charm and impor- jv tance of footwear worn on cam pus in the St. Louis shoe king- dom. ! t Color will rank first in fash- '.'a ion at Boston university. Pink will be combined with . purple in splashy pattern de- -signs. Gold and yellow will be a favorite combination, and Tiger lily orange will not only be worn "as is," but also will be toned down to frosted apri cot, caramel, warm terra cotta and cocoa ''ones. Lavendar Favorite Color But the favorite color will be lavender. Tones of lavender will be combined with all other tones of lavenr'--, as well as other colors. Ar. J on our campus, attention is, and will be, focused on sleeveless blouses and satin sheen skirts. These blouses will be seen in all colors and will range from the dainty peter-pan type to the tailored broad collar style. Especially well-liked wi.l be the blouse with the oleated back. With these trends in mind, how would vou like a lace beach coat, a pair of mesh shoes or a splashy orange dress? Encasements: Marilyn Holm- quist and Bill Kuehler, Pat Gil breath and Dave Manard. If you see any Sigma Kappas on the campus, ask them if they are intact. Their pledges had a so-called scavenger hunt Mon night and took a few of their unmentionables and hid them. Bev Mann is now available for phone calls, due to a put up job by her friends. Seems that a re port came in that she was going steady and it is totally erroneous. Party-line for this week-end. Friday Zeta Beta Tau formal, Cotner Terrace. mmm i LAW plus LATEST NEWS & CARTOON i FOR APPLICATION PICTURES THAT CLICK EDH0LM & BL0MGREN 318 So. 12 2-2520 REX ALLEN "THUNDER IN GOD'S COUNTRY" CO-FEA TV HE "HIGHWAY NO. 13" AT m.LLER'S' NU Produces Career Movie Two Professional Careers' is the title of a new movie produced by the University department of Audio-Visual instruction. The film will be shown Friday, Way 4, at 11 a.m. In Love Library auditorium. Two colleges, engineering and architecture, helped in the pro duction of the movie which shows the professional activities of men In the engineering and architectural fields and the train ing necessary for those professions. JIisl (Daily. ThLhaAkcuv Mombof Intercollegiate Press fOBTf-EHHITS) IUI Of Ott Br foments Uttwtf pubttmwm im mbiawwm vj mm bwv m pTf-ttri U Um laOuna poUo of tf Souo Uj fvMitatfcma. bdoot mm juxadictka mUMJt a frao fraa oattorlaj oraMHtrio oa Ow omit of On avmrtf. or m ch pmrl of aur aomnr of Cm fowftr of tt OaMwrattr tt maftort of t mmft of Tt DJT Potrruifcaa a ron1H rmotmttoi (or otol tfcov or w to or. ma mrm mm orr iilw. IIM on won mflftf, or for s u Mm Mil. tiHit wn roMtekxa "r owtu mmmt 44 at fmmmrwm. Mar A. IOT, im to HIM IIOI. Of wwi m vcwrr a Oil 111. oW floMploMCV Mof I U. IMS. CDITORJAL .. terry Winw IfMMlK Cottar ... ....... a mjmewa, torn lumvmm ffovt Milan. aarataa. Kaal AiU. Saa Cartas. Daa rtaaar wl JraoM Uow r... mm noaoni , , Sak VoBlu Jaaa ftuoall , IHr lal aVWl taarvj K4Mar . Krasne Named To AUF Position Sylvia Krasne was selected by the AUF executive voard to serve as the new sorority solicita tions director. Miss Krasne is president of Sigma Delta Tau, a Tassel and a member of YWCA. She will be In charge of so rority solicitations during the AUF drive next fall. Norwegian Prof Visits Ag College A Norwegian professor is ;' learning about modern ways of1, developing efficient use of ma chinery arid maintaining it at the University College of Agriculture" this week. He is Prof. Oivind Haugen, head of the institute of Agricultural En gineering at the state college of ', Norway in Vollebckk. The pro- i lessor lAum to visit a Uilnl of nine universities in a five-month Uiur of the United States under the auspices nl EC A. Prof. Haugen said the number of tractors in Norway is on the increase and is expected to triple within another year. He said the ' number has increased three times ' since World War II. gl j aj for F-STf &sk: i-i 'inn Li i BASICS BRIDES rritt iltiirv. wwmmmmmMmmmmtmmim nnounrlnm An Extended Sertirti fur IIAdett Proof onre again that VOU loitir firat at Miller'. In rmh of our Home Furninlilnu Dcpartnirnl CHINA and CRYSTAL on Fifth, HOI SIJWAHt; on Fifth, LIME.N.S and HLODINC on Fourth, and SILVFR on Fimt a clerk -counnrlor will hop with you and record your pattern, pref erenee; eolor M-lierne, elr., on our rmnpreliennlve, tip-to-f he minute ItRIDAL lUCGISIKATION ( HARTS (.krl.hrd almve). Or, ru mr give urh information l the liridal (tnultnt, at Iter ilenk on SentnA Floor. Through thit newly elenled aervire, your friend will find it eay to avoid ritoo-ins duplirale or mifit" aifl. Vour preferenre are tept on file for future referenre in year to rome! HEMN at Ihm REGINNING, NOW! SeUrt from our ulde variety of rerogntted famou'-hrandt In everything hatle to four better houn-keeplng. shouEE v 1 4 t he drafted? a ) Tletcl tfliat servicemen and veterans mj in May Mademoiselle tlie quality magazine for smart young women, 35c on tale at your newsstand now mil ft MAKE USE of thU very helpful Gift Registration Service at once . . , It 1$ available now I miLLEK PAofi f23k 3S0 f wi ii waaaaar .. . "'"' . . . - .i.m.I.Ii M . m. . . .. - a "J . . ... fcM HtfrW, Ife: JW W.' . a.. ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifciaiiaiiiiiiB i w oa maaaaw. .......... f .i iiitHiia MMam .... . hutrnt Mat aoaar