The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1951, Image 1

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o)Tn) fiTI
Vol. 51-No. 131
Thursday, May 3, t$Sl
Eyeing the Future . .
i.JRh Ix 1 p Sk
Council Seeks Finaj
CL ".3
Ittritai tetttfi l-rrf " "
fi n
57 Co
Beef Price
Ceilings Hit
By Senators
The senate agriculture com
mittee called on the office of
price stabilization Wednesday to
protest the ceiling prices on beef.
They declared that such ceilings
would result in a "meat famine"
and asked that they be removed
without delay.
The price order will become
effective a week from Wednes
day. The formal resolution said that
the OPS order has already re
sulted in the marketing of live
stock by producers before their
cattle reach their best market
able weights.
The committee said that the
net result will be a reduction in
meat production and a ".severe
meat famine in the United
Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper
(r.. la.) said that the new order,
rolling back the price of beef, is
resulting in a "glut on the
market now."
Lincoln Voters OK
School Bond Issue
Lincoln voters Tuesday ap
proved the board sponsored $6
million bond issue and re-elected,
bu substantial margins, Mrs. Ros
coe Hill and Robert C. Venner,
as members of the school board.
The bond issue brought out a
record number of Lincoln voters.
The "unofficial primary total was
18,874, an increase of 7,446. The
total vote exceeded estimates by
Another record vote was re
corded in the city council elec
tion Tuesday. Two new men
were elected to sit in on council
meetings Pat Ash and C. W.
D. Kinsey, both businessmen.
Rees Wilkinson received the
top number of votes with Pat
Ash his nearest competition.
The new council:
Holdover council members:
Tern Hubbard Orme, John H.
Comstock, Ray Sheaff.
New councilmen: Pat Ash, C.
W. D. Kinsey.
Newly elected but completing
a four year term: Reese Wilkinson.
Jr.-Sr. Class Day Scheduled
For Friday-Unless It Rains
If juniors or seniors would
like to receive a trophy on
Ivy Day, they must attend the
Junior-Senior competition day
it Pioneer Park, Friday, May 4,
at 2:30 p. according to Aaron
Schmidt, senior class president.
Forced to cancel their inter
'lasi competition two weeks in
row, the classes have scheduled
the event for Friday.
A Softball game between the
Innocents and junior men at
2;30 p. m. will open the com
petition. In the following game,
the senior women will play the
Junior women.
Each team will play four in
jiings. If enough students par
ticipate other fumes will be
Other events of the afternoon
''rw h nitoMwr In wrlfi. nf rter
9tltlllr4 "My MtMt Mforir.'ttHhli. Mtii
lnl." VmsVi rUr ' "I
4ii hp -ntportar tn " InntrucUir on tlihi
By Gerry Fell man
Have you ever beard of a eood
who would rather be with a horse
than a man?
Now, the question as to which
in more desirable is debatable.
Actually, though, 1 tiave beard
of few college girls who pre
ferred the former to the latter.
But one coed, who in this ar
ticle will be referred to us Gal,
did not eure for men ut least
in the first liulf of her college
ureer. Gul" Is the most unfor
gettable student of Curtis M. El
liot, associate vrt!tRnor of eco
nomies and 'Insurance.
In her freshman year here at
The Wco flier
Thunderstorm mostly In east! Mouth portions. Warmer
Tliur,;Jay. Ulitrh 70 to 75 west toj
1U aaat. 1
The Barb Activities Board for
Women will honor 57 coeds at
the annual Recognition tea Fri
day from 4:30 to 5:30 in Ellen
Smith hail.
A traveling plaque will be
given to the independent house
with the highest number of house
points. House points may be
earned by any activity which re
quires the cooperation of all
house members, such as, floats
and house decorations.
ine nonored coeds receive
pins in recognition of participa
tion in extra-curricular activi
ues. inis participation earns
points for the individual.
More Honored
Points may be earned by par
ticipation in Tassels, Builders,
any University publication or any
of the like.
This year the organization will
honor more than twice as many
as last.
Those to receive the pins:
Jane Abend, Stephanie Allen,
Frances Anderson, Pat Ball, Jane
Barrett, Eldean Breese, Dorothy
CappelL, ' Gitch Carey, Virginia
Carder Dorris Christensen, San
dra Dally, Marjorie Danly, Marge
Erickson. Eleanor Flanasrin.
Madelon Fruhling, Marge Garey,
Darlene Goading, Lorene Graver,
Arlene Gray, Marlelyn Grosse.
Donna Grueber, Phyllis Heat
on, Phyllis Heckt, Jan Hepperly,
Patty Herzog, Jo Hoff, Frances
Hulac, Delores Irwin, Cathy Jen
sen, Dons Kendle, Dorothy
ft-urin, Marceii Lamp, Lois Law
rence, Mary Lindholm, Marie
Mangold, Bonnie Dee McCoy,
Mary Jane McCullough, Harriet
Mortensen, Muriel Matycka,
Marilyn Myers, Arlene Neilson,
Kathryn Newhouse, Margaret
Rainforth, Carolee Ramey, Irene
Marilyn Rose, Shirley Ruff,
Audrey Schuller, Emmarie
Shramek, Aria Mae Salffermoser,
Margaret Thomas, Ruth Fraut
man, Mary Ann Vruland, Helen
Vitek, Mary Wright, Ina Yount
and Jeanette Mundhenke.
This year the pins have been
changed. Pearls and gold have
been added.
To Announce
1951 Key Men
Outstanding members of the
ROTC band will be awarded keys
at the annual University band
banquet Thursday night. The
banquet will be held in Parlors
X. Y. and Z of the Union at 6:30
Usually five members are
chosen to receive the key. The
Students are chosen by a vote
of the entire band personnel and
are considered on the basis of
outstanding Interest, service and
ability in band work,
The new officers of the band
and Gamma Lambda, band serv
ice fraternity, will also be re
vealed at the banquet. The elec
tions have already been held and
the results of both will be kept
secret until Thursday night
Members of Gamma Lambda,
who are sponsoring the banquet,
will present a program and skit.
All members of the symphonic
band and the brass choir are
urged to attend the banquet.
Members may come with or with
or without dates.
include sack races, egg throwing
and three legged races. At the
end of the competition points
will be totaled to determine the
winning class. The winner to be
announced on Ivy Day will be
presented with a trophy.
Any junior or senior coed in
terested in playing should eon
tuct Pat Wiedman, 6-2440. Ju
nior and senior men are to call
Hank Cech, 3-1800, if they wish
to play on a team.
Though the executive faculty
committee on student affairs bus
grunted approval for the junior
senior competition day, attend
ance is voluntary and no vtu
dent will be excused from
regularly scheduled elass work
or reuired examlnations.q
the University, Gal was very
shy. Elliot said that he would
practically die when a boy so
much as glanced her way. She
had an extremely difficult time
adjusting herself to college. Later
she was pledged to a sorority. El
liot remarked that this helped
her iuite a bit because be
learned how to get along with
Probably the main reason lot
her shyness at first was her back
ground. She had lived mtmt of
her life n a ranch and did not
mix with people often until she
came to schooL
But as ahp us Gal was, fihe
rated a big feuture story in the
Chicago Daily News. The article
told that although she was a fe
male, she nevertheless, was one
of the state's finest runchers. She
wus famous for her umBzlrig rid
ing skill uh well us her ability
to handle nearly everything on a
ranch. Ad Major
Once ia wlicgo, ahe jiiajored l
iiMwiwiwijniiiiiiiiMwni)ui.LW iiiiimw iiw mu iimmmmmmmm. r.iMwim.Atmim.'m
. : s. . v , A
If m rlllijlilllllf
....JhtA ,
TEA PLANNERS Elaine Gruntorad, Marilyn Vingers, Cecelia
Plnkerton and Artie Westcott make plans for. the annual Tassels
pledging tea which will be held Sunday 2:30 p. ny in the Kappa
Delta house. .
Tassels Will
Pledges at Tea Sunday
Tassel pledges' for the 1951-52
school year will be chosen after
the annual tea Sunday from 4
to 6 p.m. at the Kappa Delta
house, 405 University Terrace.
Twenty-eight girls will be
chosen on enthusiasm to work in
the organization, interest in it,
pep and poise. Voting by all pres
ent Tassel members immediately
after the tea will determine new
These girls will be notified the
following day and at the same time
will be invited to a picnic Mon
day evening. The picnic will be
Convention . . .
Big Seven Pep
Group Elects
Robinson Head
Eugene Robinson, University
A college junior, was elected
president of the Big Seven pep
association at a convention held
at the University of Kansas last
Eugene Wohlner, sophomore
in pre-law from the University,
was elected secretary of the Big
Seven organization.
Robinson will direct activities
of the association until the next
annual meeting tentatively
scheduled for the same dates as
the Big Seven indoor track
Delegates from all Big Seven
schools met at KU for the first
pep convention in the confer
ence's history.
Corn Cob delegates from the
University were Jim Downey,
Robert La Shelie, Dan Tolman,
Robinson and Wohlner.
Questions discussed at the
convention were: service to the
University, finance, pep assem
blies, trick card stunts for foot
ball games, organization and
pledging rules.
Attempts were made to ac
tivate Pi Epsilon Pi and Phi
Sigma Chi, men's and women's
honorary per organizations.
The convention began with
an opening luncheon .and then
broke up into various groups to
discuss problems of the in
dividual clubs.
Hosts to the Big Seven dele
gates was the Kuku's, men's
pep group at KU. The conference
was held in the Kansas Me
morial Union building.
4Aida' Concerns
The University Choral Union
with cuest soloists will present
the opera "'Aida' at the Coli
seum at 3 p. m., Sunday, May 6.
"Aida" was written by Guis
ppi Verdi for the Khedive of
Egypt. The opera takes place in
Egypt in the time of the Pharo
ahs, and all its characters are
either Egyptian or Ethinpian.
The play opens with Egypt
and Ethiopia at war. Aida, the
daughter of Amonasro who is
King of Ethiopia, has been
captured and made a slave t
the couit of Egypt.
Most of the tory revolves
around the love of of Radames,
general-in-chJcf oi the Egyptian
in Business Administration be
cause she wanted to be able to
run a ranch even more effectively
and profitably. At firet, as I said
before, she had scholastic diffi
culties. But later she -developed
into a much better than average
student. She was a oonsciencious
But while she was paying at
tention to her books, many inen
wore paying ouite a bit of atten
tion to her. Intridontly, he was
considered to be 'darn good
looking." And since she was the
only gill in ome of her business
courses, she received plenty of
notice. Elliot remarked that he
used to like to make her blush
during class periods. Bat he had
a pood sense of humor and event
ually ueemed to ruther njoy be
ing tlie center oi attraction al
though she always stayed flujte
Men CialnTrentiB.
In her junior and senior years
she becume very popular unci, we
Select New
on the Ag picnic grounds, unless
it rains and then it will be in
Room 316 in the Union.
Two girls from each sorority
house apply for each vacancy in
their house. Any unattached girl
may apply. The number of Tas
sels in each other organized house
is determined by the number oi
girls in the house.
Charter Members
Three charter members were
presented for commemoration of
the 30th anniversary of Upsilon
chapter of Phi Mu Alpha, national
honorary music fraternity.
Ray Schaumberg, alumni sec
retary of the fraternity, reported
that Earnest Harrison, head of the
piano department at the Univers
ity; Carl F. Steckelberg, Lincoln,
Army, Navy, Air Force ROTC
Parade to Honor NU Cadets
Army, Navy and Air force
ROTC groups wil&hold joint
parade at 1 p.m. today as part
of the annual federal inspection
of University military facilities.
Seven ROTC cadets will be
honored and a battalion streamer
will be presented.
The awards and those honored
will be: John J. Pershing award,
James M. Wroth; Air Force as
sociation award, Lyle D. Altman;
United States Communication as
sociation awards, Willis M.
Schmeekle and Wendell C Bau
man: Forty and Eight award,
Jean J. Hunter; American Legion
Auxiliary award, Wesley Boswell;
COA scholarship, John G. Wirsig.
At 3 p.m. cadets and units se
lected at random will be tested
Ivy Day Golden Anniversary
To Initiate New
The Golden anniversary of Ivy
Day Saturday will not only ob
serve past traditions but initiate
new ones as well.
Only one of the events n the
first Ivy Day program the
planting of the Ivy 4s still ob
served. The presidents of the junior
and senior classes, who plant the
Slave Girl
armies for Aida, nd
Amneria, the daughter of
Egyptian King, who it to
with Radames. When Aida dis
covers Radames love for Am
iieris, she threatens to kill her
self. Her plan, however, is
thwarted oy her father.
In the third act Radames is
accused of treachery and he is
tried in the fourth act. He ;s
found guilty and is eondemned
to die in a dungeon. As the sol
diers seal the dungeon, Aida
joins her lover there. They sing
"Farewell to Earth" for their
final number as they are left
sealed in their tomb awaiting
could say, she had boy friends
"all over the place.' Gal changed
her ways and ranked men Dum
ber one on her hit parade. Horses
stood a poor second.
But to change the subject a
bit, Gal was uJte an athlete. Not
only was she nearly (unbeatable
on horses, but she was also a
pood basketball player. She was
the tar of the girls intramural
Ai sidelight to her .athletic
prowess, Elliot suid that he once
aw her twinging in complete
circles Which 1 will aay if 1
might must have been pretty
Changing the subject a triple.
Gal was married as noon at ahe
rerelved her degree. Now, he
and her husband are running a
ranch of their own.
Which every way you look at
it, from a horses baik, a tudent'f
detik, or a swinging bar Gal
was .certainly unforgettable . . ;
On Revised Constitution
Student Body Vote
Slated for May 16
University students will go to
the polls May 16 to ratify the recently-adopted
constitution of the
Student Council.
At a meeting Wednesday aft
ernoon the Council members
heard various students' view on
the proposed constitution and
set the date for the first neces-
Exception Made
On Draft Tests
A special date has been set
aside by the Selective Service
board for those who because
of their religion cannot take
the aptitude test for defer
ment at the regular times.
The date for this special
examination is July 12, 1951.
Students whe are affected
by this should ret their card.
Form 106, from the local
draft board and at that time
have the clerk help with it
It is the same form as the
other men have but it should
be indicated on the card that
one wishes to take the test at
the special time.
Attend PMA Meet
and L. F. Vaughan, Lincoln, were
the only members of the charter
group able to attend the anniver
sary banquet.
Dr. A. E. Wesbrook, head of the
school of music at the University,
was an honored guest of the fra
ternity. -He recently was named
as an honorary member of nat
ional Phi Mu Alpha.
by the inspection teams.
Members of the team are Col.
James W. Lockett, infantry, from
Knox college; Lt CoL Woodford
Nelson, Corps of engineers, from
Purdue university; and Capt
Robert Lee, artillery, from the
University of Minnesota.
Officers inspecting air force
units, from 10th Air Force head-
ble, Lt. CoL Lynn R. Moore and
quarters are: Col. Richard Gim
Maj. Thomas J. Hardy.
The inspecting teams will give
a critique of inspection Friday.
At the parade, the field ar
tillery battalion, commanded by
Cadet Lt. CoL Edwni D. Pullen,
will receive the battalion stream
er as the honor battalion of the
Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC.
ivy, will have help this year from
two persons present at the first
ceremony. Aaron Schmidt, presi
dent of the 1851 senior class and
Charles Burmeister, president of
the junior class, will be assisted
by W. L .Hall and Fred De
weese, both of Lincoln.
Alumni President
HalL alumni president of the
class of 1801, will represent John
S wen son of Seattle and Deweese,
alumni president of the class of
1802, will represent Fred K.
Nielsen of Washington. D. C.
Swenson and Nielsen were the
original planters of the ivy.
Following this, Schmidt will
present the class winning the
junior-senior olass competition
with a trophy. This is the first
year this has been done. 1
Jan Nuteman, last year's May
Queen, will Inaugurate a new
tradition this year by present
ing the S3 May Queen with a
gift. Mrs. Lewis Burr Anderson,
the first coed to have been hon
ored by the May Queen title
will be present Saturday.
Court Jesters
For Hie first time, two men
will be in the royal court Jerry
Tubbs and Ira Epstein. The two
will be dressed as jesters In
black tights, tan corduroy jack
ets and jester caps. The acro
batic jesters wiH lead the proc
sirm. Through the years, many oth
er features have been added to
this all-University day frater
nity and aorority sings, pages,
attendants and band concerts.
The queen's attendants were
selected by the Mortar Boards
on the bams of scholarship and
activities. The Queen was De
lected by junior and senior
women at the all-coed election,
March 20. The candidate receiv
ing the aecond highest votes will
serve as maid of honor. j
French Otxh to Present
'Rallrt of lbe Pari Opera
French club wiu meet tonight
In Parlor Z in the Union at 7:80.
A movie, "Ballet of the Paris
Opera, will be shown as the en
tertainment feature for the eve
ning. According to Carl Pond of
the French .department this is an
excellent movie of the French
Following the movie refresh
ments w'ili be aerved .
sary ratification of the body of
If the constitution is passed
by the student body, it will then
be sent to the faculty senate and
finally to the Board of Regents
for ultimate approval.
If the statute passes these
thiee elections, it will go into
effect next spring.
Voting booths will be set up
on both Ag and city campuses.
Bob Parker, Council head of
elections, will announce further
voting procedures.
Bill of Rights
The Council heard Delores
Lovegrove, Ruth Sorenson and
Kathryn Dill present a Bill of
Rights to be amended to the con
stitution. The three students proposed
the amendment as a result of a
conference on human rights
which they attended.
The specific articles of the Bill
of Rights which were suggested
as an addition to the proposed
constitution are:
1. Protection of all University
students from discrimination on
the basis of race, creed, color,
nationality, sex or religion.
2. Protection of all University
students from administrative fac
ulty or Student Council interfer
ence in matters not directly re
lated to the University or its
Individual Merit
3. Right of application for the
University based solely on indi
vidual merit.
4. Administration should pub
lish a report of specific limita
tions on the liberty of students.
5. Democrats methods of stu
dent government.
6. Right of every University
student to free study.
7. Right of every University
student to free press, speech and
8. Right of every University
student to defend himself.
9. Right to redress of griev
ances to every University stu
dent. 10.- Student Council is to act
as the protector of the rights of
all students.
It was brought out by various
Council members and faculty
members H. E. Smith, H. P. Da
vis and Miss Mary Mienz, that
the Bill of Rights would be repe
titions of nationaL state and city
documents similar to it and that
it would be usurping power
from the administrative persons
and bodies of the University in
matters regarding student con
duct, etc.
Sorenson's Ideas
Miss Sorenson emphasized that
she was interested in having the
Student Council use the Bill of
Rights as an amendment to their
constitution, recommended it to
the proper University authori
ties or proclaim that they are in
agreement with it.
Rob Raun, president of the stu
dent governing body, pointed out
that the Council has no jurisdic
tion over such a Bill of Rights.
He said, we are operating under
specified power from the Board
of Regents and as such, cannot
take it upon ourselves to enact
legislation of this sort."
The matter has been referred
to the present judiciary commit
tee, to be worked on by the new
judiciary committee. The group
will attempt to clarify to the
Council the specific University
policy In regard to the Rights set
forth in the bilL
Hold-Over Members
At their meeting next week.
Council members will elect six
hold-over members from the
juniors in their body, to serve
as Council members next year.
From these hold-over members
the new president, vice president
and judiciary committee chair
man will be elected at the next
meeting. Eleven Juniors are pre'
ent Council member.
Lutheran Choir Will Give
Annual Concert on Sunday
The Lutbern Student choir will
present its home concert on Sun-1
day. May 6 at the Firrt Lutheran
church, 17th and A. at 730 pm.1
Thirty-five students sing to the
choir, under the .direction oi
Dennis Rolirs, a music major,
Irene Roberts, also a music major.
accompanies the group.
The choir hat made two bun-
day tours this spring presenting
concerts ia Hooper, Millard
Swedeburg, GlenviL Euskin and
Cordova. It has also presented
concerts at the Veteran's hospital,
Tabithr home and the State hos
Third Annual cenaert
This will be the third concert
sponsored by the Lutheran Stu
dent foundation and Lutheran
Student association and repre
sents the National Lutheran
counciTs ministry to University
students, trader the leadership of
Rev. Alvin M. Petersen an his
iiSKistant, Miss Vicki Norstog.
The concert includes the follow
ing numbers:
IM tin I1 with OIfltun Vutn m-
swrhurit ljunUuuwt.
Hunt Ttaiiu Witt Known A le Tnntilirtm.
5 HiMtT TnrmM JTuvum-J-KtMr at JtiL-a.
9 W'h itlw JTrw tirfrnflr O'&itrH..
H Tlmu My Miliiti . Allmrt f'miNuin.
i iauiuta't Um MuUvili i'ni-WSiUJV
It Happened at NU
bvery once in awbile, in
structors like to be warned of a
few thinrs.
This one, however, didn't
aeera the least bit perturbed
when he walked Into his class
room to find that he was a stu
dent again. One of the sopho
more boys had taken over.
The boy, upon seeing the in
structor enter, embarrassedly
climbed down from his perch
on the desk In the front of the
"Oh no!" protested the in
structor. "Stay up there! I am
gratified when my students
show their self confidence,"
Even more embarrassed, the
student resumed his original
position. He made an announce
ment, pertinent to all the mem
bers of the class, and concluded
by saying that all assignments
in the course were cancelled to
the end of the year.
The last part was too much.
The instructor waved the pre
cocious sophomore to his seat,
sighing, "Oh. if it were only
Legal Sorority
Reactivated at
NU; 7 Initiated
Alpha Lambda chapter of Kap
pa Beta Pi., international legal
sorority, was reactivated on the
University campus, Saturday, Ap
ril 28, with the initiation of seven
new members.
Kappa Beta Pi was installed on
this campus in 1925, but became
inactive during the war years
when the law college was closed.
M. Fairlee Teagarden, Inde
pendence, Mo., grand dean of the
organization, and Mary R.
Grubbs, registrar of Theta chap
ter, Kansas City, conducted the
initiation ceremony.
Initiated were: Shirley Cling,
Barbara Kratz, Betty Nama, Vera
Larsen, Norma VerMaas, Jean
Caha and Natalie Samuelson.
Following initiation, a meeting
was called to elect officers.
Elected were: dean, Betty Nama;
associate dean. Norma VerMaas;
registrar, Vera Larsen; chancel
lor, Natalie Samuelson, and mar
shall, Jean Caha. Officers were
then installed by Dean Teagar
den. Union Plans
I3th Birtliday
The most tremendous party
the Union has ever had," accord
ing to Chuck Widmaier, sponsor
of the party, will be the Topsy
Turvy Inside Out" party Friday
The party, sponsored by the
Union special activities commit
tee, will be from 8 to 12 p.m. it
is free for all University students
who would like to help celebrate
the Union's thirteenth birthday.
The party which will usher- in
Ivy Day, will include dancing
"under the stars," acamival mid
way and an outdoor movie. Hav
ing the party outside is a new
innovation in Union parties.
Eddie Garner and his orchestra
will furnish the music for the
dance. A portable dance floor
will be set up cn the east lawn
of the Union.
A carnival midway with booths
and prizes will be held on the
lawn. The outdoor movie will be
"Give My Regards to Broadway."
Henry Cech will emcee a show
presented by the students during
The Tassel's annual tea for
pledres will be held Sunday
at the Kappa Delta house
from 4 to C, rather than
2 to S p.m. ss previously
AonUUk Fit tba Bn.tllc It Jrlch fiuhy
tint t(wn Servant -fjflep plTltul).
Oa Vol rr tram Mr, Oh dot Zur
HrwtwAi Pfmillcil S. V. ttmvuky.
Gloria to 8)iu!rlm W. A. JGouxt..
Bonedlmtluo fiua C Lutktu.
String Quartet
A string quartet composed of
Ruth Sorenson, Ruth Bergstraeo
ner, Cayle Romberg and Iren
Roberts will furnish taterludt
The members of the choir are:
Bertha Anderson, Don Anderson,
John Anderson, Bill Barrett, Art
Becker, Altaa Fruehltoje, Tom
Gramham, Phil Hain, Bob John
sun, Harold Johnson, Gil en John
son, Phyllis Johnson, Viki John
son, Vivian Johnson, Joyce KuehL
Del lind, Dan Lindquist, Runs
Ma dision, Gordon Maenusscsv
Carla Michelson.
Dick Mormon, Harriet Morten
sen, Rudy Nelson, Vicki ISoretog,
Janet Oaiikeson, Irene Roberts,
Dennis Rohrs, Gayle Boxberg,
Dean Soder, Alia Mae Solfer
moser, Mary Lou Solfermajw,
Lee Stauffer, Bonnie Lou Tank.
Pete Teisba-g, Mirge Van Cron
ingeix Walt Weiland and Lois
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