The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, May 1951'
M&sm Oeeu&GrSioii
By Jane Randall
Anyone still remember the
year 1945?
Or, is it a closed book, to be
opened only by history majors?
Many of us would recall the
rejomcing ana open nuaniy ex
pressed by people all over the
United States when the word
reached them that victory was
finally at hand. That was August
14. 1954 VJ Day.
In the midst of their merry
making, how many of the Amer
icans actually knew why they
were reccing? Sure the war
was over. The fighting was
ended. The men from the armed
services most of them would
be coming home.
Yet, in spite of all this, did
American people actually know
what war was like? Did they
ever see their homes bombed?
Did they ever have to fear the
Nazi, who shot many a mother,
brother, sister or father, and
stowed thousands more away in
concentration camps because
they had the courage to oppose
his beliefs?
The people in central Europe
were the ones to rejoice the most.
They had regained their inde
pendence their intellectual free
corn that had been torn limb
from limb by the Nazis ever
since 1939.
International Student Day
Hence, it was that November
17, 1939 became International
Student Day a day to comem
orate the Nazi supression of
European intellectual life.
The people of these ravaged
countries did not want to culti
vate the melancholy of the past.
They had to learn from that hor
rible experience to build a new
and better life.
At this point, a chapter in fin
ished. Another has already be-
The year 1945 brought these
people freedom, but not for long.
From here on, we have a first
hand report.
X, a DP student here at the
University, brings to us the pic
ture of people who have been
oppressed by communism their
intellectual ideals thwarted.
X still has a mother and sister
Jiving under the red regime. Out
of safety to their welfare and to
his the source of our informa
tion shall remain unnamed.
During World War II, X had J J
an active part in the passive re- IeillCQlCS LJiCU.
sistance ana m the forming ot a I
nCr For Problems
Ttus organization of intellec- j i i t-v
ui ioea romts
revolution came about through
illegaly armed members of the
workers militia.
Contmunlst Coup
In the countryside and in the
factories, the communist coup
was accomplished by the action
committees that' were formed
contrary to law, and with seem
ingly no sponsor.
Students again rose up. Ten
thousand of them gathered in
the capital city to assure the
president of their country of sup
port. Communist political police
Several of the students were
wounded and many were arrest
ed. In the schools the commu
nists started a purge of the edu
cational system.
As one of their leaders said,
"Those who are not with us are
against us. Those are the fas
cists and reactionaries."
Professors and students alike,
who opposed red ideals were
banned from the universities.
The new people appointed to
their places did not need any
qualification except that of faith
ful membership to the commu
nist party. As a result, educa
tion took on the spirit of Marx
Leninism. Students Flee
The students had no choice but
to flee through the heavily guard
ed border. Many of them paid
for it with their lives.
By necessity, the students
carried almost no luggage. Thus,
poverty prevailed. Many of
them had fled directly from
prisons or labor camps.
Germany became their new
home. They were political refu
gees, not DP's. For this reason, it
was not until the end of 1948
that the International Refugee
Organization took care of the
uhese students, according to
X, found that the conditions of
German economy under which
they had to live were no better
than their own. They could not
get passports or vizas, being a
homeless people.
In October, 1948, these students
in exile opened a university in
the DP camp at Ludwigsburg,
Germany, naming it after one of
their historically outstanding
democratic leaders.
"The Americans living
Germany," said X, "were
great help to us in leasing their
homes and giving us books,"
However, in February, 1950,
the university was closed. This
was done when the IRO ordered
that all national camps be closed
and unified.
Students in Exile.
At present, there are some 1,-
500 of these students in exile.For
many of them, immigration to
this country is virtually impos
Still, there is a constant stream
of refugees. X estimates that
there are from seven to ten peo
pie escaping every week.
"You see," stated X, "there is
no difference between our at
tempt to preserve democracy and
to oppose any kind of dictator
ship and the western enthusiasm
for liberty."
X does not believe in any kind
of communism. He says it does
not help any nation any man.
"The solution of social prob
lems," suggests X, "can much
better be found in democracy in
a free state and not behind the
door of a prison or in the labor
X said his country's problem of
political policy was well sum
marized by one of the great Eu
ropean philosophers, Thomas
Carigue Masaryk, when he said,
"Jesus not Caesar!"
Shall We Wade or Swim? . .
1 V
V X?: , )
Slliti . : -ISR :llKSiillii
t t
Innocents Society's
History Began in 1903
WHAT A MESS Sally Mallory points to a mudhole in a campus
parking lot and Janis Carter agrees that mudholes are messy
in parking lots.
' Junior Jitters' Invade Campus, Plague Activity
People; Only Cure in View Saturday, May 5
For 48 years, the University s
senior honorary for men, the In
nocents society, has occupied a
prominent place on the college
The society 01 mnocems was
founded April 24 1903, as a
senior men's honorary body to
serve the University by stimuia
tintf student spirit and loyalty,
oreaniziiuz constructive student
activities and promoting Corn
husker traditions.
Tradition and Prestige
The society is entirely Nebras-
kan in origin and character. Each
year since its beginning, except
for three of the war years dur
ing World war II, the society has
retained the traditions and pres
tige which one associates with
the Innocents.
Every Ivy Day, 13 junior men
are "tapped" or tackled tor
membership in Innocents. Selec
tion is made by the senior mem
bers of the society on the basis
of the candidates leadership,
scholarship, character and con
tribution to campus life.
The selections reflect the ini
tial purpose of Innocents: to
group outstanding campus men
into a single organization to
strengthen University spirit. In
tuals students and teachers
alike helped to preserve the
democratic ideals and teachings
which they so strongly believed
in. That period of their country's
history had left a deep imprint
on their lives. Dictatorship was
Now, with the World War
ended, they had to combat an
other warthe cold one.
It began with communist
coups in eastern Europe. When
the communist minority seized
power by force in his country,
X observed many resemblances
between the Nazi and commu
nist methods.
According to X, the commu
nists have combined their ex
perience from the fight against
the Germans with Asiatic meth
ods of torture.
The success of the communist
Solutions to the point system
problem appearing on various
campuses were offered at a re
cent College Government associ
ation meeting.
Suggestions offered by dele
gates were to divide the year
into two or three sections and
the points as well; to lower the
number of points for part-time
officers; to raise the scale of
points and give them for hours
spent in activities, giving them
to members as well as officers
Junior jitters, junior jitters,
junior jitters.
Every spring about this time
the campus is invaded with
mumbled and whispered com
ments about this mysterious ail
Junior jitters. What are they?
In order to explain fully just
what this elusive disease is, we
must give you the symptoms, re
sults, cures and persons whom it
And we do mean strikes! This
nervous disorder affects, as its
name implies, only those students
who have accumulated enough
hours to be classed by the regis
trar's office as juniors.
These people know that they
are afflicted with the ailment,
and go to great lengths to im
press people with their suffering
About this time every year
they become very exclusive.
They even go to the extent of
arranging parties just for per
sons that have publicly become
infected with the jitters.
To go on with a medical de
scription of this sickness.
The symptoms: bags under the
eyes from lack of sleep, hushed
conversations during the day and
night with confederates, long, im
portant phone conversations, per
petuai coughs from too many
cigarettes, suppers at the Union,
study hours late at night, note
books crammed with official
looking business and jolly smiles
directed towards everyone. We!l,
nearly everyone.
People who are not familiar
with juniors that have the jitters
might class them as "activity
people." This is a rather harsh
sounding phrase. To replace such
a phrase, we might say that they
are people who are vitally inter
ested in their University, inter
ested enough to put in long hours
slaving in organizations which
ultimately benefit the University.
Such philanthropic organiza
tions may be AUF, Cornhusker,
Rag, Cornshucks, Ag Exec board,
Union, YW and YM, Corn Cobs,
Kosmet Klub, Tassels, Coed
Counselors, Builders, 4-H, Corn
husker Countryman, Home Ec
club and many others.
Can junior jitters be cured?
Has any doctor discovered a
remedy for this spring-time mal-
Yes, this is a cure. But it has
not been discovered by a doctor
or through any medical research.
Thirteen senior men and any
number of senior women ranging
from five to 20 have presented
and applied a solution for the
ailment once each year.
The cure takes an entire day.
All are made well. But not all
recuperate. Certain of those
treated for the disease feel the
effects of the cure during their
senior year. Some people are
cured for good.
So there you have it! The
complete medical analysis of the
junior jitters.
Undoubtedly this nervous mal
ady will go on affecting juniors
as long as the University main
tains some f its traditions.
Saturday, May 5, has been set
as the date for this year's cure.
And the preceding Friday night
the juniors are getting together
to express the bond of their
common ailment.
Student Recital
12 Selections
The titles sound like spring on
the program for the student re
cital to be held in the Social Sci
ence auditorium today, May 2,
at 4 p.m. Twelve numbers will
be given.
Selections included are "li
lacs," a solo by Rachmaninoff,
sung by Peggy Neville; "The West
Wind," a piano selection by De
bussy, played by Don Brewer,
and "Transformation," vocal solo
by Watts, sung by Nancy Button.
Three French selections are on
the program. Harry Giesselman
will sing "Les Trois Prieres" by
Paladilhe, Everett Stone will play
Ravel's piano solo, "Jeux d'Eau,
and Lorraine Coats will sing "II
Est Doux" by Massanet.
Dorothy Armstrong will play
"Toccata," written for the piano
by Kachaturian. Janelle Mohr
and Jack Anderson will sing Mo
zart's "Nay Bid Me Not Resign."
Marcella Schacht will play the
piano selectinon, "Rhapsody 6,"
by Liszt.
A string quartet composed of
Charles Palmer, Richard Chris
tensen, Velda Stonecypher and
Robert Davis will play "Quartet
in G major," "Adagio," and
"Presto," by Mozart.
1903, a series of violent class
wars and fights led to the or
ganization of Innocents by Dr.
George E. Condra, state geolo
gist. Name, Ritual Origin
Colored by the number "13"
and the devils' head insignia, the
society's name and ritual were
suggested and created by Dr.
Hartley Burr Alexander, profes
sor of philosophy at the Univer
sity in 1903. The baldric and the
red rose are further accutre
ments of Innocents by Dr. Con
dra. In line with the purpose of
the society, the Innocents have
pursued, through the years, pro
grams fostering University loy
alty and spirit, male leadership
on the campus, exemplary char
acter and high scholarship. The
Innocents have traditionally
sponsored the annual Frosh Hop,
the Missouri-Nebraska victory
bell exchange, the freshman
sophomore tug-of-war, the
Homecoming house decoration
competition, Dads' Day and the
scholarship activities awards.
Other Activities
They have assisted at general
Homecoming f u n c t i ons, t'-e
Chancellors reception. Honors
Day Convocation and Ivy Day.
Their activities have included
the management of the yell
squad in line with the function
of coordinating Husker pep.
Innocents members represent
all phases of college life. Their
influence on the campus and in
later life has earned them the
reputation as the 13 men leaders .
at the University.
NU Bulletin
College Days Programs Check
1-5 Wednesday to Martin
Lewis, Gene Johnson at Corn
husker Office, basement, Union.
Innocents will hold sprinting
practice, usual time, usual place.
Intersorority son leaders for
Ivy Day will meet Wednesday 4
p.m. in room 316, Union. If lead
er cannot be present, sent a rep
resentative. Drawings for place
on the program will be held.
Kosmet Klub workers meeting
Wednesday, 5 p.m. All workers
must be there. If not, call Frank
Jacobs at 2-3094 between 12
noon and 1 p.m. Wednesday.
Cosmopolitan Club meeting
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Room 315,
Union. Talk by Juergen Herlist,
"A Foreign Student Looks at the
Alpha Zeta meetinir, Thursday
night, 7 p.m., crops lab. Election
of officers.
Warren Jones to Head IV CF
3:0 Music From Everywhere
3:15 Sweet and Low down
3:30 Your Sttuden Union
3:45 Shake Hands with the
4:00 Curtain Call.
4:15 Curtain Call.
4:30 Fun rrith Facts.
4:45 Melody Inn.
CoII-Agri Board
Deadline Today
Today at 5 p.m. Is the deadline
for Coll-Agri-Fun board positions
Application blanks can be ob
tained in Dean Lambert's office!
in Ag hall.
There are three positions ooen !
on the board for two men and
one woman who will be juniors
rext fall. They must also be en
rolled in the College of Agriculture.
Warren Jones, a junior in arts
and science college, wras elected
and to do away with the point president of Inter-Varsity Chris
system altogether.
A report of a survey made last
fall on the point system at
Wheaton college, Norton, Mass.,
emphasized the difficulty of del
egating points owing to the un
even distribution of work char
acteristic of some offices on that
campus. In some cases, accord
ing to the survey, the student
works an equal number of hours
throughout the year, while in
other cases the duties are grouped
into one or two periods.
A suggestion which was gen
erally favored by the student
council was that of adopting a
category system. Under this plan,
officers would be separated ac
cording to their general impor
tance and regulated according to
categories rather than points.
The committee was instructed to
work further on the comments
and suggestions given at the
The purpose of the organiza
tion, according to retiring presi
dent Bryan Johnson, is "to pro
tian Fellowship Thursday night, .'vide Christian fellowship for col
Other officers elected were: lege and university students
Ron Meyers, ag college junior, through prayer, Bible study and
vice-president; Joan Carlson, ag social activities and to bring be
college freshman, secretary; and : fore students the question of
Howard Nelson, ag sophomore, God's will and the call to serve
treasurer. Christ in every walk of life."
ine local inter-varsity cnap-1 inter - varsity meets every
ter is one of nearly 500 groups Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Room
in the United States. It is inter- 315, Union. Meetings were open
denominational. to students and faculty members.
Rag, Cornhusker to Play Softball
"We don't tolerate bookies when the two publications clash
around here especially year-lon tne softball diamond at their
bookies'" is a fwavorite boast ofian!Lpl?ic ceiebratio?,
tn,- r.., xru., -J. 'Rag" stalwarts reportedly are
ai.j. hcviumii uiii. """ lofjking for a shutout in their fa
reporters, in referring to their n-ivor at the traditional eomreti-
val counterparts of the 1951 j tion. Winners of last year's game
ornnusKer. were the "Rac Ramnaeers" led
However, Friday, things will be by competent Ditcher-editor. Fritz
different. The "year-bookies" in-: Simpson. The 1950 game was held
eluding Cornhusker staff mem- despite a Cornhusker attempt to
bers and workers will have a save face by declaring it was too
chance to show their true colors wet to play softball.
Sonr leaders for Ivr Day
Inter-fraternity ting meet in
Kosmet Klub room 307, Union,
Wednesday at 5 p.m.
Main Features Start
State? "Kind Hearts and Coro
nets," 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 7:25, 9:31.
Hunker: "Tall In The Saddle,"'
1:15, 4:03, 6:51, 9:36. "Southside
1-1000." 2:48, 538, 8:24.
Varsity: "The Thing," 1:33, 3:33.
6:33, 7:33, 9:34.
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