The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, May 1, 195!"
Know Your University
College Days Floats . . .
Serves NU
On 'inside7
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lllaillilll iRctail Counties,
WVWSS9WlSmm:i "MllmWm . r:iClty Named
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fcllll Y!gfelp Wtiiiil
HHi lllliiiiiil
jwswwwww")?? ,"jwi'W, r,v (i PARADE BEAUTIES Pic-
I - ' ',fv ' A N - j tured from top to bottom are
! - 't, - i ' """"u'-i -""'" Omaha
,"t Gamma Phi Beta floats. The rnacndln l9lana
If FarmHouse float shows five scottswufi
I McCook
I phases Of college life. It won Nebraska City
I. I first in the Ae division. Fremont
II Sweetheart of Sigm;. Chi
j Ramona Van Wyngarden and
si) y I attendants, Dorothy Elliott and
A . . Jo O'Brien, rode on the
V K "- t w , V "V V . Sigma Chi float which won
- "". . IK ' 1 . ,;, 1 , , - , ; honorable mention. The Gam-
'-" $ I ' ' f ' ma Beta float, first in worn-
" ; : r' ' J; en's division, featured "In the
; ' v! ' ' 'if- K ?,' college whirl is a Gamma Phi
; ,:J, sin-
i ; ... 'ste-Hi si; . 1
'Big Sisters' Plan Picnic At Ag May 10
Coed Counselors will hold their
annual spring picnic on Ag cam
pus, Thursday, May 10, starting
tit S p.m.
Mary Hubka, president of the
organization, said that the picnic
will conclude Coed Counselor's
activities this year and provide
get together for this year's
Coed Counselors and those se
lected this spring.
On tb picnic agenda will be
tours of Ag campus, a Softball
game and group singing, after
which the coeds will retire to the
lower Ag campus park for a pic
nic. Tickets for the picnic are ten
ents and may be purchased
from any Coed Counselor board
member. The tickets include
transportation to and from the
Ag campus and the evening
Coeds planning to attend the
picnic should be at Ellen Smith
Thela Sigma PM
To Honor New Fledges
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary
Journalism fraternity for wom
en, will have Its traditional Ivy
Day breakfcist Saturday at 7
a.m. The breakfast to honor the
new pledges will be held at Ellen I
Smith ti&M.
The women chosen by Theta
isma Phi will be notified Sat
urday morning before the break-pr-L
The names of the pledges
lie announced by the Ivy
I'wy fsrator.
ir i. u y L
hall at 5 p.m. Girls who can fur
nish transportation and those
who cannot leave at .5 p.m.
should contact Jean Loudon,
The critics ajrree:
OF THE YEAR. Scores a
new triumph!" o Mooo
"EXCELLENT! One of the
treasures of the cinema r-po
Blends its humor 2nd homicides
delightfully!" -wroM-nctw
l j
w w
n t .ti : J.A
u yh f;
i3 I y 4
(Courtesy of Journal-Star)
General chairmen lor the pic
nic are Susan Reinhardt and
Elizabeth Gass; tickets, Marge
Danley; transportation, Jean
Loudon and tours, Joan Folmer.
"Alec Guinness
plays 8 parts to perfection!"
life Mogorfeie
SPREE...sdntinating comedy!"
Guinness plays with devastating
wit and variety!"
$1 mm
Hastings was the top city, and
Grant and Hooker the top coun
ties, on the Nebraska retail sales
map in March, the University
business Administration college
Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer, head of
the college business research de
partment, said Hastings led eight
reporting cities with a 27.2 per
cent gain in sales over March,
1950 and 28.5 per cent gain over
February. The average of the re
porting cities for both compari
sons was 10 per cent increase.
Grant and Hooker, reporting
jointly, reported a sharp 72.2 per
cent retail sales gain in March
over the same month a year ago,
and 25.9 per cent above Febru
ary, 1951.
The complete list of cities re
porting March retail sales:
Above or Be- Above or Be-
City low Mar.. 'SU low jeD., -oi
The complete list of counties
reporting March retail sales
(Dodge county does not include
Above or Be- Above or Be-
low Mar., '60
low Feb., '61
j Kimball
I Pawnee
Other counties 21.6
Seventeen Named
To Pi Mu Epsilon
Seventeen studen ere elected
to membership recently in Pi Mu
Epsilon, honorary mathematics
Each student, in pledging to
the honorary, iromises to give
his best effort to improving his
scholarship in all studies and re
search work and especially in
Distinction in the study of
mathematics and completion of
courses invoicing integral and dif-
ferential calulus are the prere
quisites for membership.
New mpmbers are: John Rob-
iert Anderson, Fay Bowerman,
Pichard Cutts, Willard Gaeddert.
i Marvin Greenstein, Charles A.
I Harvey, Jeon H. Herman, Myron
J. Holm, James E. Roller, Cheng-
; Chaun Lim, Norman Line, Don
i Jerome Nelson, James A. Nelson,
Victor Utgoff, Daniel Weitzel,
Norman Dale Williams and Kel
logg Wilson.
Main Features Start
State: "Only the Valiant," 1:17,
318, 5:19, 7:20, 9:23.
Varsity: "The Thing," 1:33, 3:33,
5:33, 7:33, 9:34.
Husker: "They Live By Night,"
221, 5:21, 8:21. "Night Raiders of
Montana," 1:00, 4;00, 7:00, 10:00.
While campus upkeep takes
care of repairs on the campus
grounds proper, the maintenance
and repair department keeps
things running smoothly inside
the buildings. One of its impor
tant duties is to krep electric cir
cuits in good working order.
One of the most essential sub
divisions of building and grounds,
but probably the one least no
ticed by the students is that of
utilities. However, they would
certainly notice it if their class
rooms were without heat or light
some dark winter morning. Other
utilities include air conditioning
and hot watr for showers in the
physical education departments.
Job Pool
The parasite of the department
of buildings and grounds is the
revolving department. It lives off
the needs of the other eight de
partments. It is composed of the
job pooL which keeps a flock of
skilled and unskilled laborers on
hand for use in other, depart
ments; the auto shop, which re
pairs the vehicles used in other
subdivisions; and the auto rental
pool, an accessory for use in busi
ness for the University. Anyone
who is a member of the faculty
or is a student at the University
can rent one of these automobiles
for business purposes and may
drive it to any spot in the coun
try, if needs be.
Havings been started only a
short time ago, this car rental
pool began with one Buick. Now
it has a host of vehicles to fa
cilitate business and class proj
ects for those affiliated with the
University. A nominal rate is
charged per mile.
Even though the department of
buildings and grounds performs
Amidst Pompous Ceremony,
Silently in Mud, Flower Pots,
By Amy Palmer
Ivy Day, University of Ne
braska's oldest tradition, has a
long history with a slow begin
ning. It all began some 54 years ago
in 1898 when they called it Sen
ior Class Days and only those so
honored were allowed to attend.
That first year the ivy was plant
ed accompanied by many long
and tiring speeches. In the con
fusion everyone forgot where
they planted the ivy and that
alone remains a secret.
By 1901 the Idea had become
accepted and the name was
changed to Ivy Day. That year
also saw a lot of changes.
There was the presentation of
the class orator, poet and gift
from the senior class. In a dra
matic ceremony, the president of
the senior class turned over the
ivy trowel to the junior class
First Tapping
In 1903 another addition came
as the tradition became more
firmly entrenched. The Innocents
had their first tapping and a May
pole dance was innovated. How
ever, this did not survive.
By 1905 the Mortar Boards had
started tapping prospective mem
bers. In that year a Schilling
Linden tree was planted in honor
of the German poet. This tree is
still on campus and is near the
spot where the ceremonies are
now held.
The ivy chain was first car
ried in 1910 by 50 girls who wan
dered around campus. They were
put to a better use in 1912 when
the first Ivy Day queen was
crowned. She made a dramatic
entrance riding in a poppy-covered
'rickshaw donated by Wil
liam Jennings Bryan. It was
pulled by the Mortar Boards, To
entertain the new royalty there
was a quartet and baseball game.
Service Flag
A service flag with stars rep
resenting University boys in serv
ice was presented during the
ceremonies in 1918. Ivy from the
Doughboys in France was plant
ed both then and the next year.
The Lord of May was presented
the year the war was over, but
this too was voted down. It em
barrassed the boys.
During the '20's all of thesing-
mum m
mm mm
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AUTO RENTAL POOL This mechanic, another of the many
employees in the vast organization of the department of build
ing and grounds, is repairing one of the many cars in the auto
rental pool, a service which has been set up for exclusive use
in business trips for the University.
a good many useful services, it,
receives its share of "boners" too.
Elephant Bones
Fowler rem'embers the time,
during the rush and uproar of a
game day, that one faculty mem
ber called him. The man wanted
to know what he should do with
the elephant bones in the base
ment of one of the old buildings
that was being torn down at 15th
and U streets.
"I thought he was kidding,"
said Fowler. "However, he
seemed quite sincere. Even so, I
didn't know anything about it."
Among the more routine type
are those from people who are
ling and other details which are
so well known now were adaea,
including the Gothic arch throne.
The height of pomp and pag
eantry was reached in 1936 when
the queen followed her royal
court down a satin carpet. She
was attired in a white silk net
dress with a 12 foot train. The
high Medici collar covered her
short hair, in style today.
Jeweled Crown
A jeweled crown was given in
1938. It was then that all fes
tivities were combined into one.
Many visitors crowded the cam
pus for Farmers Fair, Engineers
Week and the grand opening of
the new Union. The poem that
year was later described as "a
dilly" and started:
"The ulnuoun roads were hravy to my
A livid ky hunir full of darken! fear.
Of farflunic hoppH dimly, remotely dear.
But in the air your Joyous songs were
By 1942 another war was dis
rupting things and the Daily Ne
braskan commented rather cyn
ically, "With this year's mess, the
Ag Scientists Begin Spring
Planting for Testing Projects
Farmers who didn't plant oats
because of unfavorable condi
tions this year will probably get
some measure of the yield they
would have received by keeping
tab on the University's outstate
testing projects.
August Dreier, in charge of the
institution's project, said all of
the oats and barley test plots
have been planted, with the ex
ception of the northeastern Ne
braska. Most of the small grain
plots east of Custer county were
planted last week.
The outstate testing project is
designed for getting data on vari
ous crops to find their adaption
to areas in the state in a wide
range of soil and climatic condi
tions. A total of 62 variety tests
will be made this year, according
to Mr. Dreier. They will include
old and new varieties of winter
wheat, winter barley, rye, spring
wheat,' oats, spring barley, hy
brid corn, safflower, soybeans,
alfalfa and grain sorghum. They
I V ' if
(Courtney of JoumaI-8tr)
locked out of buildings on cam
pus, from house mothers and
from people reporting a break-in.
Despite all these things, the de
partment of buildings and
grounds, not missed when it's
there but missed when it's not on
the job, performs a Heinz "57
Varieties" of tasks which, al
though necessary for student-faculty
operations, are sometimes
taken for granted.
Indeed, this wheel, with its
nine subdivisions as cogs, is one
of the most important in the cam
pus machinery when it comes to
cushioning the bumps for both
student and faculty members.
Poor Ivy Grew
Mortar Boards might have chosen
13 freshmen." Uniforms were the
order of the day as everyone
struggled through the state's well
known mud.
Not until 1945 was another Ivy
Day held. There was great cause
for celebration that day as it was
announced that Germany had
unconditionally surrendered.
'The Ivy Pot'
Innocent alums were present
to add color to the ceremony, but
no new members were chosen
until 1947. The event had to be
held in the Coliseum because of
a labor shortage. There the ivy
was planted in a flower pot. Pre
viously it had been placed near
one of the buildings to grow up
the walls. But a rather sarcastic
article in the newspaper stopped
that. The feature suggested that
the ivy was so thick, that once
it was removed, the tottering
structures would fall down.
To welcome back the Innocents
in 1947, the "Rag" started its rac
ing form with odds about the
are being made in 37 coi 4
Included in the outstate
ing project this year are two i.ew
varieties of oats, not yet named,
and two new barley varieties
Otis and Titan, which now are
classed as "acceptable" for plant
ing. Many fertilizer tests also are
in the making this year. They in
clude experiments on winter
wheat, spring wheat, oats, corn
and native meadow. Mr. Dreier
said the project this year is
stressing the use of nitrogen fer
tilizers other than ammonium ni
trate because of the shortage of
the latt4g There are three dif
ferent tests, for example, using
annydrous ammonia a liquid
nitrate fertilizer.
The application of phosphate
fertilizers on native meadows is
being tried in three locations this
year Morrill, Logan and Lin
coln counties. One test includes
the seeding of legumes in the
meadow and the application of
phosphate, nitrogen and potash.
Lneo4n' lu
Crease-Resistant Rayon
Orig. 22.95
to 35.00
These crease-resistant rayon
suits are smartly tailored
with neat little style
touches of the newest
fashions. Many of the
jackets are fully rayon
lined. Sizes 9 to 15 . . .
10 to 20 ... and 12
to 24.
Navy Gold
Brown Aqua
Beia Gray
GOLD'S . . . Second Floor