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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1951)
0) o Q)LAiUU rJ u EuaMtJ rttwi Vol. '51 No. 129 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, May.!, 1951 23 Students Enter Delta Sigma Rho Competition Twenty-three students have entered Delta Sigma Rho's an nual intramural extemporaneous epeecn contest to be held May 1 8. The entrants, from twelve cam pus houses, will compete In the 40.5 Billion Requested By Truman A 40 and one-half billion dol lar appropriation for military spending in the fiscal year 1952 was requested Monday by Presi dent Truman. The budget sub mitted to congress called for $61,104,254,390 in new taxes. However, $20 billion of this would not be spent immediately. The budget, Truman said, would help forestall "another and snore frightening global war." The president said that in the event of another war, the money requested would enable the arm ed forces to stop the enemy and strike at the centers of his power. No Trial Necessary To Fire Suspects Government workers suspected cf being disloyal may be fired without a trial, the Supreme Court decided by a 4 to 4 tie vote Monday, The decision was made in the case of Dorothy Bailey, an em ployee of the U. S. Employment service, fired because "reason able grounds existed" for think ing she might not be loyal to the United States. Secret FBI re ports were the basis of the report. By a 5 to 3 vote, the court decided that the decison did not concern the validity of the en tire loyalty program. Red Forces Massing For May Day Assault Red forces were reported mass ing for a possible May Day as sault on the ruined city that was once Seoul. United Nations forces were probing from the defense arc around the city against the reds. UN guns, airplanes and eight Inch batteries of the U. S. cruiser Toledo blasted the reds in an attempt to disrupt their prepar ations for attack. The reds were reported pour ing vast .reinforcements into the line around Seoul. Mae Investigation Ordered Secret The opening sessions of the eoneressional investigation o f General MacArthur's dismissal will be closed to the press. This was decided by the senate armed services and foreign re lations committees. Transcripts of the testimony will be available as soon as it has been read to insure that no military secrets ore contained. City to Elect OfficialsToday Lincoln's polls opened at 8 a.m. this morning in the city's gen eral election to choose candidates for mayor, councilmen and school board. Also on the ballot is a propo sition providing for raising six million dollars for the purchase of sites and erection of school houses and for building addi tions and repairs. Lincoln's election commissioner predicted that about 18,000 votes would be cast, if the weather is good. The polls close at 7 p.m. first round of the contest Tues day at 7 p.m. in the Temple. Second Round Half of them will speak again Thursday in the second round of the contest. Eight to ten entrants with the highest accumulative ratings in rounds one and two will compete in the finals. Each house is represented by two speakers in the contest. The winning house will receive an en graved golden gavel. The top ranking individual will receive a silver cup. Topics for the contest were drawn Monday evening. They are on the subject of current national and international events. Entrants The entrants are: Barbara Dur land and Marylou Luther, Gamma Phi Beta; Art Epstein and ficn Garfinkle, Sigma Alpha Mu; Rosanne McLauKhlln and Martha Lee Miller, Kappa Alpha Theta; Keith Skalla and Jack Warren, Delta Tau Delta: Janls Crillv and Sharon Frltzler, Delta Delta Delta; iJoris Hanson and Janet Zlomke, Kappa Delta; Jim Blschof, Corn husker Co-op; Edwina Hokanson and Tlsh Barry, Sigma Kappa: Virginia Cooper and Lennle Step- aneK, i-ni Beta Phi; Harris Carn- aby and Tom Larsen (Bill Dugan and Bill Huber). Sigma AlDha jLpsuon; Rosemary Amos and Beth Rohwer. Chi Omega: and Jack Paap and Edgar McCoy, Phi uamma Jjelta. pjiiie if eeeive OWShlDS Overseas Study Filing Open Graduating students wishing to spent next year in Switzerland should obtain an application form for consideration as an exchange student from Dr. Rosenlof, registrar. Nine outstanding students of the University department of chemistry and chemical engineer ing have received fellowships for the 1951-52 school year, Dr. C. S. Hamilton, department chairman. announced Monday, The fellowships, ranclntr in value from $1,200 to $2,100, have been awarded to James E. Roller, David B. Capps, John D. Scullv. Philip J. Vanderhorst, Joe R. Wlllard, Marjorle G. DeBrunner, Arthur B. Beindorff, Jr., Frank A. Bowen and David P. Sheetz. Koller has been awarded a fel lowship from the Minnesota Min ing and Manufacturing company. He received his bachelor and master of science degrees from Crelghton university and Is seek ing a doctor's degree in physical chemistry at the University. The Samuel Avery Memorial fellowship has been awarded to Miss Marjorle G. DeBrunner. She received the bachelor of science degree at Kearney state teachers college and will receive her mas ter of science degree from the University In June. The DuPont Co. post-graduate fellowship has been awarded to Arthur B. Beindorff, jr., who will receive his doctor's degree in bio chemistry next year. He obtained the bachelor and master of sci ence degrees from the University. Frank A. Bowen has received the Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) fellowship. Previously a student at Hastings College, he will ob tain the master of science degree in June from the University. The Eastman Kodak fellowship has been awarded to David P. ...... . " ' : s I ' 'rxifkM far- i r Jam! B. KollMP I)vld p. Nhwli phllip T. Jo H, Willard LI 2Q T David n, pi MarJiirlK U. DrHrunnrr i 1113: FM Prank A. Ibiwrn Sheetz. He received his master's degree at the University and is now studying for a doctor's de gree in inorganic-physical chem istry. Parke Davis and Co. fellow ships have been awarded to four students Davtd B. Capps, John D. Scully, Philip J. Vanderhorst and Joe R. Willard. Capps, Scully and Vanderhorst received the master of science degree from the University in 1950, while Willard received it in January, 1951. John I). Hrully m Arthur R. Hrlndnrff, Jr. Student Council Will Hold Public Hearings On Constitution Questions, Possible Changes The Student. Council has set tion any part of the new consti aside its next meeting, May 2, for hearings on its new constitution. Any groups or individuals who wish to suggest changes or ques- Carnival Midway,Outdoor Film To Highlight Union's Birthday Dancing under the stars, a car nival midway and an outdoor movie all this entertainment will be found at the Union's "Topsy Turvy Inside Out" party. To usher in Ivy Day, the Union will Welfare Group To Meet May 3-5 Three nationally known speak ers will address the annual con ference of the Nebraska Wel fare association, May 3-5, on "Social Planning in a Troubled World" at the Cornhusker hotel. Band Banquet Key Awarding Set for May 3 Special band awards and new officers will be announced at the annual University ROTC band banquet Thursday, May 3. The banquet, beginning at 6:30 p.m., is to be held in parlors X, Y and Z of the Union. Members of Gamma Lambda, band service fraternity, are sponsoring the banquet and program, which will include several skits under their directorship. Band awards, in the form of "keys", will be presented to those members of the band who are de termined by vote to have dis played outstanding interest, ser vice and ability in band work. The outcome of both band key winners and band officers recent ly elected by members of the band, traditionally is kept secret until the banquet. All members of both the sym phonic band and the brass choir are urged to attend the event which terminates the band's ac tivities for the year. Members may come with or without dates. celebrate its thirteenth birthday with the party Friday evening from 8 to 12. Couples will dance to the music of Eddie Garner and his orches tra. A portable dance floor will be set up on the east lawn of the Union. A carnival midway, wjith, booths urmr prizes wtll'tnrr Set up Ufrthe lawn. The outdoor movie will be "Give My Regards to Broadway." Student entertainment will be featured during intermission. Henry Cech will emcee the show. The party Is free to all Uni versity students. It is sponsored by the Union special activities committee, Tom Snyder, chair man. Chuck Widmaier is sponsor or the party. The Union was born May 4, 1938. Its history began in 1930 with an initial drive. Ray Ram say, then alumni secretary, and Oscar Norling, editor of The Daily Nebraskan, pushed original ideas for a Union. Members of the Alumni coun cil, Innocents society and Stu dent Council took up the fight. There was much opposition and many difficulties arising from legal barriers. Petitions were cir culated among students to deter mine if they would be willing to pay a small fee to defray the cost of maintenance. Final plans were made and construction be gan in 1936. tion are invited to present their views before Ihe Council. The hearings will be held in room 315 of the Union at 4 p.m. Constitution Approved. The Council approved the con stitution, with a few minor changes in wording and con struction, as it was published in the April 18 issue of The Daily Nebraskan. Faculty members of the joint committee of Student Council representatives and members of the factulty-student affair com mittee which drew up the new constitution, will be on hand to answer questions. -; After the hearings, the student Doay will vote on the constitution in an all-campus election. The student-faculty committee AUF Position Filings Open With the resignation of Viginia Koehler; the position of sorority head was left open on the AUF solicitation board. . Filings may be submitted by Wednesday, May 2, for the posi tion. Applicants must be of sopho more standing next fall. They must have a weighted average of at least 5.0 and have had a year's experience in AUF work. Applications should be left in the AUF office, Union Room 306 between 1 and 5 p.m. Tuesday. At the time the application is filed the student may sign up for an interview. Interviews will be be gun at 3 p.m. Wednesday 'by the AUF executive board. originally planned to revise only the article in the old constitution dealing with Council representa tion, but careful study showed that the whole constitution need ed revision. Constitution 'Stronger' The committee, which has workedl on the constitution since September, feels that the revisens make this constitution stronger than the previous one nad makes better rules for election, publicity and general conduct. By-laws will be drawn up later so the whole may be submitted to the Board of Regents for last ap proval. The council urges all students to , study the new constitution thoroughly., and jrecoromend any. constructive changes. Anyone with recommendations may at tend the meeting where they will be considered by the student gov erning body and the faculty members. Visiting Officers To Review ROTC Facilities, Training Three-Man Team to Arrive For Federation Inspection Visiting officers will inspect University ROTC and Air Force ROTC facilities and training at the annual Federal Inspection, May 2, 3 and 4. Members of the ROTC inspecting team are: Col. James W. Lockett, infantry, professor of military science, Knox college, Galesburg, 111. ; Lt. Col. Woodford Nelson, Corps of engineers, Purdue university, Lafayette, Ind., and Capt. Robert Lee, artillery, University NU Delegates Tell Reports Of Union Meet For their money University students get as much as any and more than most out of their Union, according to information revealed to the University dele gation at the Association of College Union's annual conven tion in Lansing, Mich, last week. Other colleges have more elaborate unions, it was pointed out, but they charge regular prices for use of their facilities. Over 300 delegates represent ing 105 universities and colleges heard Gov. G. Mennen Williams of Michigan, welcome the con ferees. He spoke on the place of college unions in the univer sity system. The conference was divided into discussion groups which sought to arrive at some defi nite means of improving union systems and better future use of college unions. Bob Mosher was leader of one of the discussion groups. Duane Lake, Union director, was succeeded as national chair man by Kunckel of the Univer sity of Michigan. Lake was given a small silver gavel upon elec tion of the new officers. The conference moved to Mount Pleasant, Mich., to ob serve an example of a small union at Michigan Central college. The group was entertained by billiard expert, Charlie Peterson. A bowling exhibition was also staged, by a leading . Michigan bowler. Those attending the confer ence were Betty Roessler, Mari lyn Moomey, Bob Mosher, Gen ene Grimm, Duane Lake. Chuck Widmeier and Dick Walsh. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. The officers will conduct i.eir inspection Wednesday and Thurs day from 8 to 11 a.m. Cadets and units selected at random will be tested by the inspecting team at 3 p.m. Thursday. The army, navy and air font ROTC will participate in a pa rade at 1 p.m. Thursday. Officers inspecting air forte units will represent the 10th Air Force headquarters. They are: Col. Richard Gimble, director and comptroller, headquarters, ICtli air force; Lt. Col. Lynn R. Moore, professor of air science and tac tics, University of Kansas; and Maj. Thomas J. Hardy, 10th air force. The air force officers will in spect administration, facilities, and classroom exercises on Wed nesday and Thursday. They will be guests at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon Wednesday and at the University Club lun cheon on Thursday. The officers will give a critique of inspection Friday. Both inspecting teams will con fer with the Chancellor and Uni versity officials at 11 a.m. on Thursday. YM-YW Members Attend District Meet at Kearney ' Refunds on Kosmet Klub show tickets will be made Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:30 to 5 p. m. in The Daily Nebraskan office. Yearbook Staff To Check Makeup Six members of the Cornhusker staff will leave Sunday, May 6 for Iowa City, la., where they will proofread the yearbook. Betty Green Kennedy, Jackie Hoss, Jackie Sorensen, Dick Bil lig, Dick Kuska and Jack Barn hart will check page makeup and proofread the Cornhusker which will be ready for distribu tion to students the first week of exams. - The staff will return Wednesday night. Selective Service Suggests Legal Draft Dodging Methods Sixteen University , members YMCA and YWCA members at tended a joint conference of the Nebraska district at Kearney last week. Rev. James Chubb of Grand Is land was the main speaker at the meeting which discussed leader ship and training in Y work. All Nebraska colleges had represent atives at the conference where several University students played an active part. Paul Fenske acted as chair man of the conference. Alice Anderson led a discus-1 sion of profession planning. She headed one of several Y commis sion groups. There is a way to dodge the draft legally! Yes, that's right. YOU can for get your draft board and enjoy yourself at the same time. How? Simple. Go abroad this sum mer. Local draft boards were re cently authorized to issue per mits to leave the United States to young men who wish to travel abroad this summer, according to word received by the Council on Student Travel from the Selective Service board. What was that remark about the high cost of traveling? Guest Soloists to Take Important Roles In Choral Union Presentation of 'Aida' 1VT Til A !J Never worry about money. You lilW X lull can go to Le Harve for as little I 1t m as $230! Round trip! (jallerV 1 OlirS Under the auspices of the Coun cil on Student Travel, student ships leave for Europe June 8, June 25 and July 6. Westbound sailing dates are August 25 and September 7; The trip across the Atlantic takes nine days, but you won't have to waste your time (if you count draft-dodging as wasting time) A shipboard orientation pro gram, consisting of movies, lan guages, lectures and discussions of European culture and prob lems, will be offered to student passengers. If that doern't sound like a summer heaven, you SHOULD be drafted, brother. "Gallery conversation, a new idea originated by Norman Geske, is intended to help the Sunday visitors to the University art gal lery get new enjoyment out of pictures and other artl works. Dave Cargo, University YM president, served as master of ceremonies at a banquet follow ing the conference. Doris Carlson, delegate to the national assembly in Oxford, O., reported on the national assem bly held during Christmas vaca tion. Coeds attending the confer ence were: Muriel Softley, Ge neva Berns, Alice Anderson, Donna Tinkham, Doris Carlson, Donna Fredrickson, Jean Davis, Charleen Colbert and Ruth Shinn YW director. Men attending the meet: Don I Reeves, Dave Cargo, Paul Fenske, I Bill Barnes, Bob Conover, Steve Eberhardt and Harold Tegler. May 1-8 Intramural con test. May 3 ROTC federal in spection, Band banquet. May 4 Orchesis, pre-Or-chesis annual spring concert, Student Union birthday party. May 5 Ivy Day. May 6 Tassels' Pledge Tea, Gulscppi Verdi's opera, "AMa," YWCA May Morn ing breakfast. Teachers' col lege tea, Film: "The Razor's Edge." May 7 Class schedules available, "Lord's Will," one act play. May 8 "Lord's Will," one act play, Student Union Birthday party. May 10 Home Economics Senior Tea. May 11 Starlight Terrace Ball at Ag Union. May 12 Student Union Birthday party. May 13 Theory recital in Union ballroom. May 14 Yugoslavia am bassador speaking at Univer sity convocation. May 14-16 Fall and sum mer registration. May 17 Symphonia con cert. May 20 Film: "Iron Cur tain." May 22 Final Eaminations begin. May 30 Memorial Day, no classes. Chess lessons and theory recitals every Wednesday. Young Demos to Organize Tonight Today Tuesday is Young Democrats' Day at the Univer sity. They will meet tonight at 7 p.m. in Parlor A, Union, to organize and elect temporary officers. The organization, the Young Democrats of the University, will have a four-point purpose: 1. To train leadership for the Democratic party in Nebraska. 2. To make students politically conscious. 3. To acquaint Democrats with each other. 4. To discuss current party is sues. All interested University stu dents are invited to attend the meeting. AWS, KK to Sponsor Ivy Day Sing For Thirty-Seven Campus Organizations Coll-Agri Board 51 Lotspelch Goldsmith Guests soloists will take im portant roles in the performance of "Aida" by the University Choral Unioi., Sunday afternoon. J. Dayton Smith, tenor, a for mer University music instructor, will sing the role of Radames. He is now at the University of Flori da. Formerly a member of the St. Olaf choir, Smith is a well known midwestern soloist. The lead baritone role of Amonasro will be sung by Dale B. Ganz, baritone. A member of (Courtesy of Jouml-SUr) r the University faculty, Ganz islFffinQS Extended known as a soloist and choir di- O filings 5 p.m. Schweser Smith Gam Poaster rector. Margaret Goldsmith, soprano of Falls City, will sing the role of Aida. She has studied at the University and in Kansas and New York City. Lodema Poaster, mezzo-soprano, will sing the role of Amneris. A soloist with nationally-known symphony orchestras, she is now a voice teacher at Phillips university in Enid, Okla. University students, Lloyd Lotspeich and Jeanette Schwe ser, will sing the roles of King of Egypt and Egyptian High Princess, respectively. Lotspeich will also take the part of the Egyptian high priest. The concert will be directed by Dr. Arthur Westbrook, head of the University School of Fine Arts. Prof. Emanuel Wishnow north portion, today; cooler west will conduct the University sym- portion; Wednesday: partly phony orchestra. cloudy, -varmer in west; dimln- The opera will be presented at Ishing vinds Tuesday; high Tues- the Coliseum at 3 p.m. Sunday, day: 50, west, to 65, east. Coll-Agri Fun board have been extended to Wednesday. . Positions open include two men and one woman who must be juniors next year. Ag sophomores are eligible to apply. To date, only two men have filed for the positions. Application blanks may be se cured from the Dean's office in Ag hall. The Coll-Agri Fun board is made up of three juniors and three seniors. They are the ones responsible for planning the an nual Coll-Agri Fun Night, an all Ag affair. Occasional showers, Thirty-seven organizations will participate in the Ivy Day sing Saturday morning and afternoon. The inter-sorority sing spon sored by AWS will start at 10:50 a.m. Groups entering, their songs and directors are: 1. Alpha Chi Omega: "Toast" Nancy Button. 2. Alpha Omicron Pi: "Love ly Girl of AOP" Virginia Nord strom. 3. Alpha Phi: "Two Bright Stars" Jan Schweser. 4. Alpha Xi Delta: "Someday" Shirley Whitaker. 5. Chi Omega: "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" Jo Ann Hansen. 6. Delta Delta Delta: "Crescent Moon" Janice Fullerton. 7. Delta Gamma: "My DG Love" Suzanne Koehler. 8. Gamma Phi Beta: "My Gamma Phi Sweetheart" Bar bara Young. " 9. Kappa Alpha Theta:: "Theta Lips" Caroline Rogers. 10. Kappa Delta: "In My Kap pa Delt Garden of Dreams" Pam mostly Kinne. 11. Kappa Kappa Gamma: "In the Still of the Night" Phoebe Dempster. 12. Pi Beta Phi: "When Day Is Done" Nancy Norman. 13. Sigma Kappa: "The Halls of Ivy" Pat Olson. 14. Residence Halls for Wo men: "Be My Love" Helen Jean Utterback. 15. International House: Alo hana" Florentine Crawford. 16. Love Memorial hall: "In the Still of the Night" Jean Hargleroad. 17. University hospital nurses: "You'll Never Dalk Alone" Marilyn Maca. 18. Rosa Bouton hall: "Will You Remember" Darleen Fiscus. At 1:15 p.m. the inter-fraternity sing will begin. The group's songs and directors are: 1. Farm House: "Halls of Ivy" Wayne White. 2. Pi Kappa Phi: "The Desert Song" Butch Palmer. 3. Phi Rho: "Soon, Ah Will Be One" Gordon Johnson. Riff Song 4. Beta Sig: "The Riff Song" Harry Gieselman. 5. Sigma Chi: "Zekiel Saw Da Wheel" Charles Curtiss. 6. Phi Delta . Theta: "You and the Night and the Music" Dick Meissner. 7. Sigma Phi Epsilon: "You'll Never Walk Alone" Gilbert Benedict. 8. Zeta Beta Tau: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" Aaron Schmidt. 9. Tau Kappa Epsilon: "You'll Never Walk Alone" Bob Van Voorhis. 10. Delta Upsilon: , "Meadow lands" Bob Johnson. 11. Alpha Gamma Rho: "Mov ing Along" Ken Clement. 12. Alpha Tau Omega: "Po' Ole Lazarus" Win Cady. 13. Beta Theta Pi: "For the Staunchest" Hugh Follmer. 14. Phi Kappa Psi: "Clap Your Hands" Herb Jackman. 15. Kappa Sigma: "You'll Never Know" Jack Davis. 16. Delta Tau Delta: "The Good Fellow I've Been" Tom McVay. 17. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: "The Desert Song" Lee Keller. Alouette 18. Phi Gamma Delta: "Alou ette" Jerry Solomon. -9. Sigma Nu: "True Blue" Bob Russell. Kosmet Klub Is sponsoring the Ivy Day sing. A traveling trophy will be pre sented to the first place winners and permanent plaques will be awarded to the first three place winners. Following the inter-fraternity sings, Symphonia, national mens music fraternity, will present a number. The winners of the sing will be announced after the Sym phonia number.