PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Monday, April 30, 1951' Melodiers., Red Cross Trio, Furnishes Entertainment for Vets Hospital Patients By Donna Prescott Ever hear of the Melodiers? In casa you haven't they are jean Walker. Dolores Henrlchs. and Martha Hamilton. Their job la being disc jockeys t Veterans hospital. The pro gram Is under the sponsorship of ine ttea t-ross uouege unu. ineir program goes on three times a week, Monday and Wednesday afternoons at three and Friday afornoon at two. The Melodiers Interview the patients In the wards, finding out whnt'ar thir favorite tunes and to whom they want them dedi cated. The men seem to like such numbers as "Mocking Bird Hill, "Beautiful Brown Eyes" and "Tennessee Waltz. The men seem to go along with the num ber one tunes on the Hit Parade. Recordings Made After th visitor to th wards. the three girls wend their way to the studio, where tney oegin to pull the recordings and trans criptions from the files. In a few minutes, they go on the air. The whole show Is completely ad-lib except for the opening and clos ing Each show has a mystery mel ody which the patients try to Identify either the song or the artist. Sometimes the girls con fuse the patients by playing background music and singing themselves. One day they did this and the patients Identified them s the Dinning Sisters. Prizes for guessing the mystery melody are free cigarettes which are distributed by the Melodiers alter the show. No one knows what the Melo- Sign at KNUS States Their Philosophy, 'Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here By Connie Gordon A fiery horse like the speed of light, a cloud of dust, and a thundering, "My gawd, why didn't you tell me that my pro gram was scheduled for today"; KNUS rides again! The little saga of human life and emotions took place in the University's radio station, KNUS, when one lost soul didn't attend a KNUS staff meeting and there fore, this inside dope didn't get the inside dope concerning his radio show. This is one of the many inci dents that occur daily in the of fices of KNUS. KNUS Is located in the Base ment of the, Temple building. The main office of KNUS is located under a set of stairs that lead to the first floor of the building. Door to Hell The KNUS office room used to have a sign that was taken from Dante's "Inferno." Dante put the siw over the door to hell, but the KNUS put the sign in their office; it read, "Abandon all hooe, ye who enter here." Needless to say, after working at KNUS for a few months, many were ready to abandon hope. The sturdiest of the radio stu dents must have had a greater supply of fortitude and hope, for most of them paid little heed to the sign and'entered anyway. Being one of those who never pays attention to signs, I entered and saw the scenes behind the $cenes of KNUS in action. Ah, what color! What drama! What ! I was about to throw some scraps of paper on the office floor, when I glanced up and saw a sign printed in bright (unless I'm color-blind) red letters, tell ing me and everyone else who entered the KNUS premises to "Keep it clean, both KNUS and the language." The KNUS office is usually filled with those who are wait ing to use a typewriter, those who are waiting five minutes un til their program goes on the air, FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Laboratory classes meeting for several continuous hours on one or two days shall meet for examinations as follows: Classes meeting on Monday and Tuesday shall be examined on the date scheduled for the first hour of their laboratory meeting; Wednesday or Thursday classes on the second hour of their meeting; Friday or Saturday classes on the third hour. Unit examinations have been scheduled for all sections of the following subjects: (1) Business Organization 3, 4, 21, 141, 147, 190; (2 ) Civil Engineering 219; (3) Economics 11, 12, 115; (4) Education 61, 62; (5) Electrical Eng ineering 135, 198, 236, 237; (6) English B, 1, 2, 3, (7) French 11, 12, 13, 14; (8) Home Economics 41, 42; (9) Mathematics 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 41, 42, 105, 106, 107; (10) Mechanical Engineering 1,; (1 1) Psychology 70; (12) Spanish 52, 54. If stu dents have regularly scheduled examinations conflicting with the above specially arranged schedule, arrangements to take such specifically scheduled examinations at another time should be made with the department concerned on or b afore May 15. For example: If a student is scheduled for an examination which conflicts with a specifically scheduled examination in French, arrangements should be made with the French department to take such a French ex amination at another time. t . m. to 11 . m. Classes meetlnc at 4 p. m., Tun. aaa Tbaro., either one at these days. TUESDAY, MAX ft a. nw to 10 p. m. All sections la Mathematics 11, IS, 1, 10. (Coliseum). 11 a. m. to 1 p. in. All sections la Mathematics 14, U, IT, 41, 106, 107. (CollMum). t p. m. to S p. m. Classes meeting at 8 a. m.. Toes., Than., Sat., or any oas ox two of then days. 1 p. m. to 5 p. at. Claims meeting at 5 P. m five or four days, or Hon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these day. p. so. to J p. m. CI aunts meeting at 8 p. m. Tues. and Thank, or any one of these two days. 1 p. m. to S p. m. Classes meeting at T p. m Mbn., Wed., Frl., or any one eV two of these two days. p. m. to t p. ra. Classes meeting at 1 p. oi. Toes., and Thure., or either one of these days. WEDNESDAY. MAY IS a. m. to IS m -Classes meeting at t a. m., five or four days, or Hon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. S p. m. to S p. m. Classes meeting at 1 p. m., Toes., and Thnrs., or either one of these days. THURSDAY. MAY U t a. m. to IS m. Classes meeting at IS m., five or fonr ' days, er Mon Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these ay. : 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. All sections In Business Organization 147. (Coliseum). 8 a. m. to 10 a. aw All sections In Edncatlon 1. 62. (Coliseum). 10 :M a. m. to U:S0 p. m. All sections In Psychology 70. (Collseami, '" 10 :S a, m. to lttSO p. ai An sections In Business Organisation 3, 4. (Coliseum). p. m. to p. m Classes meeting at 11 a. m five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these dare. FRIDAY, MAY tf a. m. to U nw Classes meeting at 8 a. m., five or fonr days, or Moo.,. Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these deyav ..... ' t fv-ttl. to ( P. m. Classes meeting at 10 a. m Tues., Thnrs., bat., or any one or two of these days. SATURDAY, MAY 16 ratiJ5CTirvn usvicn college qualification test MONDAY. MAY ?8 f m m. to It m. Classes meeting at 1 p. m.. flv or fonr stays or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these ays GIRL DISC JOCKEYS Jean Walker, Martha Hamilton and Do lores Henrichs (1. to r.) are at the turn tables and the control board ready to start their disc jockey show at the Veterans ad- 1 ministration hospital. They call themselves the Melodiers. Their program goes on the V-A radio Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Records are played by the request of the patients. The Melodiers are sponsored by the Red Cross College Unit. diers go through to' put their show on for the Vets unless you talk to them yourself. On Mon days and Wednesdays they have about three minutes to get to the studio from the bus. Many times they have gone on the air with a dead mike when they forgot to or those who are waiting to ask Gaylord Marr, KNUS manager, a question. No Voice Lois Nelson, program director, was there, but she wasn't too talkative. She had an excellent reason she lost her voice. So, in the midst of sign lan guage, banging typewriters, bits of various conversations, and the voice of KNUS blaring over the loud-speaker, I decided to leave quietly and go visit the radio studios of KNUS. I paid no heed to the signs that told me not to smoke and lit up, anyway. But, KNUS was one step ahead of me. As I entered the door that leads to the studios, I saw a sign glaring me madly in the face, that shouted, "Come on you read the sign" (how "did they know) "Take that Back Out!" The asterisk placed after the word "that" was explained a lit tle further down in the sign it named different . brands of cigarettes. I sheepishly put out my cig arette and proceeded into the studios. I heard choice bits of Bob Volmer's program, "Music ally Yours," plus bits of radio talk that meant nothing to me. All that I do know is that "On the Air" means on the air, and "Off the Air" means off the air. Conflicting Conflicts I waited a few minutes and then walked into the control room just in time to see the "Janie and Jo" show going on the air. These two girls interview a campus celebrity each weeK. i thought it sounded rather easy to just talk for fifteen minutes. Janie and Jo told me that It was; tne hard part, they said, was finding someone to talk with each week. It seems that everyone has con flicting conflicts (redundant, isn't it). KNUS functions beautifully, In spite of the many obstacles that are cotninually being put in its way. It has all the color and tal ent of any radio station, and iriany times, just as much of the X p. m. to B p. m. All sections In English 1. X p. m. to 8 p. m. All sections la English S, 4. S p. m. to 6 p. m. All sections In Elcc. Engineering 1S8, 198, 236, 231. t p. m. to 6 p. m. All sections In Economics 115. TUESDAY. MAY 20 9 a. m. to 12 m. Classes meeting at a. m., Tues., Thnrs., Hat., or any one of two of these days. 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. All sections In English B, 1. (Coliseum). 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. All sections In Civil Engineering 210. 2 p. m. to ( p. m. All sections In Economics 11 and 12. (Coliseum). 2 p. m, to 8 p. m All sections In Business Organisa tion 100. WEDNESDAY. MAY SO MEMORIAL DAY. CLASSES DISMISSED THURSDAY, MAY 31 0 a. m. to 12 m. Clauses meeting at 8 p. m., Tues.. Thurs,. or either one of these days. 9 a. m. to 12 m. All sections In Mechanical Engineering 1. 1 i. m. to 11 m. All sections in Home Economics 41 and 42. 0 a. m. to 12 m. All sections In Business Organization 21. (Coliseum). 0 a. m. to 12 m. All sections In Business Organlsaton 141. (Colsenm). a. m. to 12 m. All sections In French 11, 12, IS, 14. (Coliseum). 0 a. m. to 12 m. All sections In Spanish S2 and 54. (Coliseum) . 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Class meeting at 10 a. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Fr., or any one or two of these d ys. FRIDAY, UNE 1 a. m. to 13 m. Classes meeting at 11 a. ni., Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any one or two of these days. 2 p. m. to 6 P. m. Classes meeting at 2 p. m five or four days, or Mon., .Wed,, Frl., or any one or two of these days. SATURDAY, JUNE t a. m. to 12 in. Classes meeting at 2 p. m Tues., s. m. to II ra. Classes meeting at I p. m., five or four days,' or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Classes meeting at 4 p. m. five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one of these days, and Thurs., or either one of these days. ' 1 jj turn it on in their haste to start the program. All this illustrates the fun and enthusiasm the Melo dicrs have in their volunteer service for the Red Cross College Unit. They work under the chair manship of Gladys Novotny, Rod Cross College Unit board member. confusion. But, confusion doesn't reign, In spite of romantic antics of one radio Romeo who has earned the reputation of being the greatest thing since Rin-Tin-Tin (typo graphical error) Rudolph Valen tino. 4-H Clubbers To Meet May 29 Four-H Club Week starts May 29 in Nebraska. Clubbers will come to the Uni versity College of Agriculture from every county of the state. More than half of the participants are winners of the coveted trip to club week through achievements in projects. In most cases the youths have been named county champions of a particular project. The College of Agriculture campus will be the center of ac tivities with the exception of one day when the boys and girls go on a sightseeing trip to Omaha. Features of the activities on the agricultural college campus will include the state public speaking contest; songs with Mrs. Altinas Tullis, Ag college choral director; a talk by W. E. Hall, professor of educational psychology at the University; tours of the campus and recreation. There will be a tour of the state capitol building, the fire depart ment, the Plymouth Congrega tional church and the city Uni versity campus. A picnic is plan ned for one evening. Another eve ning's program will feature a ban quet for the 4-H'ers sponsored by the Lincoln Junior Chamber of Commerce. Tassels Will Select New Pledges at Tea, May 6 Tassels will meet Sunday, May 6, from 2 to 5 p. m. for a tea at the Kappa Delta house. Prospective members will be entertained at the tea. New pledges will be selected at this time. YW Breakfast Scheduled May 6 The traditional May Mornln breakfast will, be held Sunday May 6, at 9 a.m. in the Union parlors ABC. The theme chosen by tl freshman girls, who are respoi sible for the breakfast, is th mysteriousMay Magic. Dletllnde Von Kuenssborg, li structor in the University scho of German languages, will be th speaker at the breakfast. , Any girl, whether a member v. VW or not. is invited to attcnr the banquet. Tickets may be obtained for 25 cents at Ellen Smith hHll. Broad Training Is Necessary Dean Green Enginecrinsr education should be concerned both with training young men as competent special ists and as good citizens of high moral character. So said Dean Roy M. Green of the University College of Engin eering and Architecture before the Saturday afternoon session of the Nebraska Engineering soci ety's twentieth annual roundup being held in Lincoln. Seven Principles Dean Green told the Society the college's educational program is built upon seven busic principles. They are: 1. Each student is treated ss an individual. 2. The educational process starts at the level where the student finds himself at the time of entrance. 3. The course of study aims at giving the student a foundation for a fruitful career, not simply to make him a specialist. 4. The training program Is geared at a rapid pace, requiring the student to exert himself if he is to successfully complete the course. 5. The course is comprehensive enough so the student may get a broad education about the laws of man and nature to enable him to analyze problems with strict fidelity and make competent judgements. 6. The graduate of the college should be able to promptly work effectively on his first job, and be a rapid and earger "learner." 7. The graduate should be ready and willing to cooperate with others in his profession and with citizens in other walks of life, in order to "protect and im prove the condtions necessary for a free society." Other speakers were Ralph E. Raikes of Ashland, and Earl Luff, Lincoln, society president. The Roundup ends Saturday evening at the annual banquet at which Dr. Jay Buchta of the University of Minnesota will speak. Faculy to Give Ed Seniors Spring Tea A turnabout version of that old saw, "An apple for the teacher," will take place Sunday afternoon when the Teachers college fac ulty entertains the college sen iors at their annual spring tea. All prospective June graduates of the college are invited to at tend the event. It will be held in the Student Union lounge from 3-5 p.m. Dean and Mrs. Frank E. Henz lik will greet student guests. All members of the Teachers college faculty will also be on hand to renew acquaintances with the seniors. A string quartette from the School of Music will play during the two-hour social gathering. Arrangements for the tea are being made by members of the student Teachers College Advis ory Committee to the Dean, with faculty assistance. Sue Koehler is chairman of the committee, made up of students from the various divisions of the Univer sity's largest college. Any senior who has not yet received an invitation to the event is urged to contact Dean Henzlik's office in person or by phone. Invitations were mailed out about a week ago. Ivy Day . . . Continued from Page 1 Nordstrom, Alpha Omicron Pi; Marilyn Parson, Alpha Phi; Christine Phillips, Sigma Kappa. Seniors Shirley Ruff, Terrace hall: Shirley Scheidt, Alpha Chi Omega; Barbara Schlecht, Wom en's Residence halls; Sora Lee Sokolof, Sigma Delta Tau; Jean Smith, Delta Gamma; Leanor Strain, Towne club; Jane Trap hagen, Kappa Alpha Theta: Helen Vitek, Adelphi; Frances Wallace, Alpha Chi Omega; and Patricia Watson, Delta Gamma. Four seniors members of the group have been selected to lead the Ivy chain. The Ivy and Daisy chains will begin their procession at 9:45 a.m. starting from the Pharmacy building. , While the chains chant the Ivy Day song, Miss Susan Koehler will sing it over the loud speaker. Ivy Day Song The following is the song: Ah. who shall bear the Ivy vine. Who shall bear the ivy? Leaf and tendril inter-twine, Who shall bear the ivyt Oh to crown the Quen o' May, We shall bear the Ivy? O'er her brow are blossoms gay, Here we bear the ivy. Who shall plant the ivy vine. Who shall plant the green IvyT In the rain or bright sunshine, Who shall plant the green IvyT We shall plant the Ivy here, We who bear the Ivy; Oreen it Bhall be for many a year, Where we plant the Ivy. Here we bring our Ivy vine, To plant It all o' a May-day! ICver-more to be a sign, Telling of youth's hey-day! Let us sing our Ivy song,' Sing a song to the Ivy. We'll remember all I"e long May-day and our ivy! Teachers College . . mmtmsmim - lMfei iiiiiiimin.Miin.i.a .urminimnnn -tvtii nnmr imijn -i -n h r rus.iii sssssssasssiassasssawTiTsinwrr-n n OPEN HOUSE PLANNERS A making plans for College Days. University Choral Union to Present 6Aida' May 6, Guest Soloists to Highlight Program All the beauty and splendor of Guiseppl Verdi's opera, "Alda", will come to life May 6, when the University Choral Union along with guest soloists will present this musical masterpiece at 3 p.m. in the University Coliseum. The leading tenor of Rndames, Aida's lover will be sung by J. Dayton Smith, former University music instructor. Smith is now working at Florida State univer sity. He has been active in solo performances and has served as choral conductor in the middle west. Dale B. Ganz will take the lead baritone role as Amonasro, father of Aida. He is a voice instructor at the University. He is also di rector of the University chorus which will take part in the pro gram. Leading Roles The role of ,Aida, the Egyp tian slave girl will be sung by Margaret Goldsmith. Miss Gold smith attended the University and has studied music at Kansas university and New York. Amheris, . daughter of the Egyptian king, will be sung by Mrs. Lodema Poaster. Mrs. Poas ter received her musical educa tion at the Eastman School of Music and the Julliard Graduate school. Three University students, Llyod Lotspech, Janice Schweser and John Moran, will have lead ing roles. Lotspech will sing two roles in the opera. The roles are the King of Egypt and the High Priest. The part of the High Priestess will be sung by Miss Schweser. Moran will sing the tenor role x)f the messenger. These students have all been active in musical events on campus. Choral Union The Choral Union is composed of 500 singers and a 70 piece or chestra. It includes the Agricul tural college chorus directed by Mrs. Altinas Tullis and the Uni versity Singers led by Arthur Westbrook. The University chor uses are being Hi --'M by Dale Ganz and David Foltz. Eamnuel Wishnow will direct the University orchestra. Accom panists for the opera are Roberta Lewis, Janice Fullerton, Marcel la Schact. The accompanists are music majors in the University School of Fine Arts. The opera "Aida", was com posed by Guiseppl Verdi for the Khedive of Egypt. The opera Engineering Honorary Elects 36 Junior, Senior Memhers Sigma Tau, national honorary engineering fraternity, selected thirty-six new members accord ing to information received from assistant professor Ludwickson of the mechanical engineering department . Members of Sigma Tau are taken from the upper third of the junior and senior classes of en gineering on the basis of profes sional interest, practicality and sociability. Those chosen this year are: William Barker, Dale Caddy, Darrell Cast, Bewin Caswell, Phillip Chose, William Drayer, Francis Flood, Jesse Graham, Stanley Groothius, Robert Haight, Carlos Hansen, Allen Holm, Robert Holtz, Norman WANT ADS WHEN YOU WANT RESULTS USE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS CASH RATES No. ef dosTwo Thres i FosTTVlTe II . I iw i.m"i $i.oTuo "- I W I M 1.05 lTiTj i-g i m QJ i!s"j Oo i I -W I 1.1 I M6 l.Wj "Tfo !?:" )! J 1M I 1M I Include addresses when figur ing cost.' Bring ads to Daily Nebrasktn businest office, Student Union, or mall with correct amount and Insertions desired. NO ADS TAKEN BY PHONE MUSIC Jimmy Phillips' combo for for. iimm, nuune parties, o-ruf evenings FOR SALE 1949 Ford convertible, fully equipped, original owner. 2423 A. 3-1162. student-faculty committee for Their open house was- one of campus last week-end. takes place in ancient fcgypt dur dui ing the times of the Pharoah, War was raRlng between Ethio pia and Egypt at that time, Princess and Slave Alda, daughter of the Ethiopian king, is a slave of the Egyptian princess, Amheris. Both women are in love with Radames, the Egyptian military hero, Aida's father is then captured by the T. C. Counselors Pressing Frosh "Now tell me, do you have any pressing problems?" "As a matter of fact yes, Just last week ..." This isn't the Mary Worth or Mr, Anthony program, but Teacher's College answer to be wildered freshmen in that col lege. Under the direction og Drs. W E. Hall and W. K. Beggs, there is a freshman counseling service run by and for the University students in Teachers College. Under the present plan, juniors who plan on being teachers can enroll in Ede 153 which is the theory class preceding actual counseling. Of the students en rolled in this class, only the most Chatfield Named Laison Head Lee W, Chatfield, assistant dean of student affairs and Lt. Col in the army reserves, was appointed head of a committee by the Re serve Officers association to work in liaison with the University ROTC unit. The appointment came as a re sult of an ROA meeting in the Union Monday. Gerald S. Vit amvas, president of the Lincoln unit also appointed Capt. John Dier and Lt. Norman Vicek to aid on the committee. KNUS Monday 3:00 Especially For You 3:15 Sweet and Lowdown 3:30 Authors of the Ages 3:45 Authors of the Ages 4:00 Music of the Masters 4:15 Music of the Masters 4:30 Nocturnes 4:45 Melody Inn Kaufman, John Krogh, Robert Krogh, Robert Leibee. Charles Letch, Cletus Loren sen, Burdette Low, Edward Maunder, Don Nelson, Robert Nielson, Roger Norall, Ranch hoobhai Tatel, Blight Perkins, Don Peterson, Richard Phelps, Richard Pusateri, Orral Ritchey, Delbert Rowley, Vernon Sco ville, Fikri Sekerci, Robert Sun blade, Roy Walker, Rex Wiese. Orchesis, Pre-Orchesis To Give Concert May 4, 5 Orchesis and Pre-Orchesis and male dancers will present their annual spring concert Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5 at 8:15 p.m., in Grant Memorial. MP MISS OUR REFERENCE BOOK SALE? FOR YOUR BENEFIT ALL BOOKS IN BASEMENT WILL BE ON SALE THIS FINAL SALE WEEK. 'APRIL 30--MAY 5) AT LEAST 50 OFF EXCEPT A FEW OVERSTOCKS FROM RETAIL FLOOR )J7 S rrPT Teachers college open house it the many various open houses on Egyptians. Amheris in her jeaU ousy accuses Radames of treach ery. Because of this, Radames Is sentenced to die in a dungeon below the Egyptian temple. In the final scene, Aida joins him and together they sing the "Fare well to Earth" while the chants of the priests are heard in the distance. Answer Problems outstanding or those showing the most promise are invited to par ticipate in the counselling of fr.-v,men during their senior year. Two-fold Venture The idea behind the new ven ture is two-fold. It helps the freshman get acquainted with the many activities and traditions on campu and gives the coun selor exnericn?e in dividual con tact and keeping record of guid ance. The counselces are guided along five fields of planning: life and vocation goals, intellectual areas .social life, leadership, and development of creative instincts. The project was started five years ago, but this is the first year that it has been organized into a definite lab and lecture course. N. IT. a Leader It is the only course of its kind in the United States and as the project develops, it has shown shown great promise. Educators have, long insisted that in any school, the more advanced should be used to help guide the begin ners. Nebraska, a leader in pro gressive education, is helping to prove this theory. The course isn't all theory and work, however. The ron"':pUi"? sessions themselves are informal affairs where cl',r-!-"-term papers, activities, dating and cverv oth' c-.v-. , Hnc out of school are discussed. One of the prob!o,-. ,t was never solved, though, whs th;1t of a young f ., ' - 'madly in love' with her coun selor. Her heart was b .1 when she found out he wn.s pinned. The course wasn't in vain, however. She got a 7 out of the course and is now going steady with her counselor's brother. NU Graduate Receives Insurance Company Post Charles M. Larson, University graduate has been npointer' ns assistant actuary of Pacific Mu tual Life Insurance Company. Larson, a member of the So ciety of Actuaries, was fprmi-ly associated with the Unemploy ment Compensation Division of Nebraska and later with the Fed eral Social Security Board in Washington. He also attended George Washington university. MOTHER'S DAY CARDS Early th owing of Mother and Father ' Day Card Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street TOO?