The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1951, Image 1

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    Mi's - hum red
-PrmWft fTTrDPT) fnl (TTi Rrl
Vol. 51 No. 126
Wednesday, April 25, 1951
One of Broadway's top plays
out of "Roaring Twenties" will
be presented by Kosmet Klub
tonight at the Nebraska theater.
Curtain time is 8 p.m. for the
premiere of the musical comedy,
"Good News," which will run
Thursday and Friday nights also.
For the first time since 1941,
- the Klub is presenting a spring
musical with real, "14-caret"
coeds. The play, directed by Dal
las Williams, features a cast of
19 coeds and 18 men. The usual
custom has been to spotlight a
fullback in a wig as the female
lead and to feature a pony chorus
with muscle-knotted calves.
Lead Roles
The 1951 Kosmet show leads,
Hal Sienknecht and Suzanne
Koehler fit into their roles a
combination of acting, singing
and dancing
Few reserved seats still re
main, according to Rob Raun,
however more are available for
the Wednesday presentation than
for Thursday or Friday evenings.
Reserved ducats are priced at
$1.50 and may be secured from
Walt music store, or ordered
through any Kosmet Klub work
er. Workers are also selling the
general admission tickets, priced
at $1.'20 and 90 cents.
Beauty Queen Presentation
A special attraction, the formal
presentation of the six new 1951
Cornhusker Beauty Queens will
take place tonight during the
Winners of this year's honors
tire Beth Alden, Janice Carter,
Nancy Dixon, Julie Johnson,
Jacquelyn Sorenson and Ramona
Van Wyngarden.
"Varsity Drag," "The Best
Things in Life are Free," "Lucky
In Love," "Good News" and
"Today's the Day" are a few of
the hit tunes that will be fea
tured in duets and chorus num
bers throughout the show.
Director Williams has been as-
sisced with Aaron Schmidt who
has directed the coed and men's
chorus rehearsals for the last
four weeks.
According to Schmidt, the
Mac to Speak
Before Senate
Group May 3
The- senate committee investi
gating the dismissal of Gen.
Douglas MacArthur will hear the
five-star general Thursday, May
Chairman Richard B. Russell,
(d Ga.) of the armed services
group, announced MacArthur's
agreement to appear as the star
witness in an inquiry expected to
reach into all aspects of his dis
pute with President Truman over
far eastern policy
Russel has expressed the belief
that the hearing should be in
closed session, but the committee
will comply if MacArthur wishes
it to be public.
Russel emphasized that national
security problems will be involved
in . the investigation, especially
when senators seek to get to the
bottom of military messages to
and from the ousted supreme
commander in the far east.
"There will remain many ques
tions which must be answered in
executive session," he told re
porters. 1
?lembers of the senate foreign
relations committee prbably will
si1 in on the hearing's.
Chinese Reds Surge
South of Parallel
40,000 Chinese communist forc
es "iave swarmed south in Korea
to points nearly ten miles below
the 38th parallel.
A ten-mile gap has been riped
Jn the allied lines. The red break
through threatened to cut the
vital Seoul-Chunchon supply high
way west of Chunchon, isolating
a'.lied forces on the east-central
Despite "terrible" comrmjnist
lessen, frontline commanders said
the situation was serious.
Intelligence officers said the
reds were throwing "everything
they have" into the breakthrough
n the central front, including
They said the gap developed
when South Korean forces broke
and fell back, allowing the enemy
to swarm through and attack
neighboring allied forces on the
Peterson Appoint New
Liiuor Board Member
Two Nebraskang have been ap
pointed by Gov. Val, Peterson to
succeed two others on the state
liquor control commission.
Gus Frcstegaard of Lincoln will
replace Marcus L. Poteet, effec
tive at the ending of Poteet's
present term of office on May 25.
G. H. Rydman of Omaha has
been named to succeed Blaine
Young, the discharged liquor com
mission who refuses to
office. This appointment will not
be effective until June 1, Peter
son says. The vacancy has existed
since Young was fired last Sat
urday. Governor Peterson said he was
announcing his appointments
"with a great deal of personal
patisf action 1- might say pride."
He said he "had been able to
draft' the two exceptionally suc
cessful men" althdugh they had
rot been attracted by the "dis
gracefully low" $4,000-a-year sal
aries. Flic Weather
Lig-ht rain and e a 1 1 e red
thunder showers will be on the
weather schedule for today. The
Wph tfrnneratiire will be In the
fourth and tnleht'f low is ex-1
pet ted to be 35.
EpoGidv.Gy SEiow
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GOOD NEWS? Maybe what Jack Chedester, playing the part of
Bobby, is asking of Jan Crill, who is portraying Marcia, will be
considered good news. At any rate the two students giving a pre
view of tonight's presentation of the Kosmet Klub production of
Bobby, is asking of Jan Crill, who is portraying Patricia will be
the first of three to be put on at the Nebraska Theater as part
of College Days.
musical numbers and accom
panying dances are taken from
an age during which "catchy"
tunes and jazz ruled much of the
entertainment world.
"There," said Schmidt, "a
vast wealth of musical talent in
our midst, and quite evident in
"Good News." This should prove
to be some of the best musical
entertainment that University
students have witnessed."
Plot of Show
The plot or action of the show
revolves about Tom Marlowe,
played by Hal Sienknecht, who
plays football for his beloved
Tait college." However, the thrill
of a lifetime scoring the win
ning point is almost out of reach
when Tom flunks his astronomy
The troubles with professors,
girl friends -and grid fans . de
velops into a concoction of music,
football, love, laughter and danc
ing. Demure Connie, played by
Suzanne Koehler, tries to tutor
Tom and a love interest begins.
Other members of the cast:
Richard Marra "Beef"
lack ChedeHter Bohhy Randall
Louis Meyera Bill Johnson
Jack Wenstrand Charles Kenyon
Patricia BinKham ...... Barbara Young
Bane O'Day Lots Nelson
Robert Swain Sylvester
Jack Moore Windy
Mary Mackie fcyille
Betty Ann Lester Flo
Robert Rupert , Jim
Olrlg' Cheerleader Joan Hinds
"Pooch" Kearney Dick Carson
In the boys' trio are Ned
Conger, Jack Moran and Joe
Feeney. In the girls' trio are
YW, BABW to Sponsor Three
Concession Stands for Visitors
The YWCA and BABW will
sponsor three concession stands
during College Days, April 26
to 28
The stands, which be placed
at convenient places on the cam
pus, will sell refreshments to
students and College Days
One booth will be set up be
tween Burnett and Andrews
halls, another on the mall in
front of the Coliseum and a third
west of Grant Memorial.
The booths will be open be
tween 2 and 10 p.m. Thursday;
Friday, the booths will open at
10 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.; they
will open at 10 a.m. Saturday,
and close at 5 p.m.
Soft drinks, candy, popcorn,
ice cream bars, doughnuts and
potato chips will be sold at the
stands. Copies of the College
Days souvenir booklets, which
includes a schedule of events,
pictures and information about
College Days displays, will also
NU Choral Union to Present 4Aida'
May 6: Guest
The University Choral Union
with guest soloists will present
the opera "Aida" May 6.
J. Dayton Smith, former Uni-
versity music instructor, will sing
the leading tenor role of Radarnes,
Aide's lover. Smith is now work
ing toward his doctor's degree in
music education at Florida State
university. He has been active
in sole performances and has
served a choral conductor in the
middle west.
Dale B. Ganz will take the lead
baritone role as Amonasro, father
of Aida. He is an instructor in
voice at the University. He is also
director of the University chorus
2 which will take part in the pro
gram. Women's Solists
MargaYet Goldsmith and Mrs.
Lode ma Poaster will sing the
leading women's roles. Miss Gold
smith will take the part of Aida,
the Egyptian slave girl. Amheris,
daughter of the Egyptian king,
will be sung by Mrs. Poaster.
Miss Goldsmith attended the
I University and has studied music
,- -M.-MfcHiiiniM-iiniiiM-ifiiM ni-in minniinii'- mm Jk
Barbara Adams, Nora Devore
and Patsy Dutton.
Men's Chorus
Jack Moran, Ned Conger, Rob
ert Ruppert, Joe Feeney, Randy
McEwen, Vaughn Janike, Don
Jefferies, Jeff Dalton, Lehman
Faber, Win Cady.
Girls' Chorus
Janice Wagner, Marion Mc
Cul lough, Pat Loder, Patsy Dut
ton, Barbara Adams, Nora De
vore, Joan Hinds, Jackie Orr,
Priscilla Jones, Kathryn Radaker,
Beverly George, Ruth Milligan,
Janelle Mohr, Emmarie Schramek,
Gwen Wiesner and Jan Sweser.
Members of the dancing cast
are Marilyn Lehr, Pat Healey,
Pegg? Wood, Anne Lear, Pat
Loder, Shirley Hamilton, Marty
Schuster, Jeannie Simmerman,
Nanci DeBord, Jo Berry, Ted
James, Bill Weber, Crrant Whit
ney and Scott Emerson.
The show will do takeoff s on
many of the dancing styles of
the latter Twenties. In order to
adequately produce the correct
atmosphere, Moore has used au
thentic dance notes on an old
fashioned kick routine for the
girls' chorus line, in which ten
coeds will participate.
Technical director for the show
is William Ellis, of the Univer
sity theater.
Four production crews and
their managers: Light and sound,
Dick Garretson; Props, Charles
Peterson; scenery, Mary Sigler
and Costumes, Ruth Ann Sand
stedt. be sold at the concession booths.
Co-chairman of arrangements
for the booths are Elizabeth
Gass, representing YWCA, and
Eldean Breese, representing
BABW. Other members of the
planning committee are Pat Mc
Ilnay, in charge of supplies; Ger
trude Carey, construction; Mar
jorie Feary, advertisement and
posters, and Miriam Willey, fi
nances. Ar college students will be
released from classes Friday
afternoon. Dean W. V. Lam
bert, who excused the stu
dents, hopes they will help
with the Farmers' Fair festivi
ties. Special permission to miss
classes this week will be
granted by instructors If they
desire and if the student can
prove that he will spend his
"school time" working with a
Fair committee.
Soloists Announced
at Kansas university and in New
York. Mrs. Poaster received her
musical education at the East
man School of Music and the Jul
liard Graduate school.
Students' Roles
Three University students
Lloyd Lotspech, Janice Schweser
and John Moran will have lead
ing roles. Lotspech will sing two
roles the King of Egypt and the
High Priest. The part of the High
Priestess will be taken by Miss
Schweser. Moran will sing the
tenor role of messenger. These
students have all been active In
music events on the campus.
The Choral Union is composed
of 500 singers and a 70-piece
orchestra. It includes the Agri
cultural college chorus directed by
Mrs. Altinas Tullls; the Univer
sity Singers led by Arthur West
brook; the University choruses di
rected by Dale Ganz and David
Wish now Directs
Emanuel Wlshnow will direct
the University orchestra. Accom
panists for the opera are Roberta
Campus Tradition . . ,
Ivy Ceremonies to Mark
Event's 50th
Ivy Day, the University's old
est tradition, will observe its
50th anniversary, Saturday, May
Mrs. Louise Barr Anderson of
Lincoln, the firtft May Queen
who reigned in 1912, will be
present at the mid-century cere
mony. Mrs. Anderson will be
presented to the Queen's court
following the procession.
W. L. Hall of Lincoln, alumni
president of the class of 1901 and
Fred M.. Deweese of Lincoln,
alumni president of the class of
1902, will be presented with the
1951-52 junior and senior class
presidents when they plant the
ivy .
Class Presidents
The junior anJ senior class
presidents of 1901-02, John S.
Swenson of Seattle, Wash., and
Fredrick K. Nielson, Washington,
D. C, are unable to attend Ivy
The procession will start at
10:15 a.m. this year from the
Pharmacy building rather than
Grant Memorial.
Acrobatic Jesters
Two acrobatic jesters, Jerry
Tubbs and Ira Epstein will lead
the procession. Following them is
the queen's court which constists
of two freshmen pages, two
freshmen attendants, four sopho
more, four junior and two senior
attendants, senior maid of hon
or and the May Queen for 1951.
The court attendants and
pages were selected by the Mor
tar Boards on the basis of their
scholastic and activity records.
The May Queen was elected by
junior and senior women at the
all-coed elections March 20. The
Cotton Denim
Have Deity, Royalty, Dancing
Bewhiskered gents and lovely
ladies in high-heeled boots and
ten-gallon toppers invade all or
ganized houses Monday night.
Objective: To see that no one
forgets the Cotton and Denim
dance, the big wind-up of College
Days week-end.
The dance, to be held Saturday
night , in the Coliseum, features
deity, royalty and dancing.
One of the five contenders for
the crown of Ceres will be pre
sented as the Goddess of Agricul
ture. The five coeds seeking the
title are Mary Chace, Eileen De
rieg, Ruth Fischer, Dorothy Bow
man and Mary Johnson.
Whisker King
Saturday night is the end of
the line for the men with hairy
faces. A faculty judging board
will stroke, measure and admire
the crop of beards. The man who
has best covered his face will be
proclaimed Whisker King.
Gals who have shivered through
a cool week in their summer cot
tons and fellows who have for
saken corduroy for denim will
dance to the Music of Lee Barron
and his orchestra. Barron lends
something different to his music
by letting students lead his band
and try to identify theme songs
and singing commercials.
Royalty Satire
A satirical review of Corn
husker royalty for 1950-5- will be
included in the entertainment.
The queens will be portrayed "as
only their sisters see them," says
6kit chairman Shirley Coy.
Photopraphers from Kappa
Bizad Honorary
Holds Luncheon
Phi Chi Theta, businesa admin
istration honorary for women,
met Thursday noon for a lunch
eon and business meeting at the
Lincoln Chamber of Commerce.
Six of the new pledges were
present to receive their pledge
pins. They were Roberta Niel
sen, Mary Cripe, Pat Rinker,
Marilyn Housel, Joan Holden and
Kay Sommers.
The next meeting of Phi cnii
Theta will be held Wednesday,
April 25 in Parlor Y of the Union, i
Pat Beck, president, presided at1
Thursday's meeting. j
Lewis, Janice Fullerton and Mar-
cella Schacht. The accompanists
are music majors in the Univer
sity School of Fine Arts.
Guiseppi Verdi composed the
opera "Aida" for the Khedive of
Egypt. The play lakes place in
Egypt during the times of the
Pharoha. War was raging be
tween Ethiopia and Egypt at that
Aida, daughter of the Ethoplan
king, is a slave of the Egyptian
princess Amneris. Both women
are in love with Radarnes, the
Egyptian military hero. Aide's
father is then captured by the
Egyptians. Amneris in her jeal
ousy accuses Radarnes of treach
ery. Radarnes is sentenced to die in
a dungeon below the Egyptian
temple. In the final scene, Aida
Joins him and together thev sing
the "Farewell to Earth" while the
chants of the priests are heard in
the distance.
The opera will be prewnted at
the University Coliseum at 3 p.m.,
Sunday, May 6.
runner-up serves as maid of hon
Jan Nuztman regined as the
1950 May Queen. Mary Helen
Mallory was her maid of honor.
Wiebe, Berry Coed Yell
Leaders; Calhoun Alternate
Judy Wiebe and Jo Berry were
chosen by the Advisory board to
be the coed cheerleaders for the
coming year.
Jane Calhoun was picked as the
Miss Wiebe is a freshman in the
College of Arts and Science, and
a member of Delta Gamma. Her
activities include YWCA and art
work for Builders and AUF.
Teachers College Freshmen
Miss Berry, freshman in Teach
ers College is a Red Cross board
member and a worker in AUF and
the Student Union. A member of
Gamma Phi Beta, she was one of
the freshman pepsters.
Miss Calhoun is a freshman in
Teachers College and a member
of Delta Gamma. Chosen a Coed
Counselor this spring, she is also
an AUF board member and an
assistant to a Builder's board
member. A Cornhusker worker,
she is also a member of YWCA
and WAA. Miss Calhoun is a
member of Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman women's scholastic hon
orary. She was one of the fresh
man pepsters.
The women, were judged on
Dance Will
Alpha Mu, honorary fraternity in
rhoto-pournalism, will be on hand
i-. take individual pictures for the
Tickets are available from any
Tassel at $1.80 per couple. The
money taken in at the dance will
go to finance College Days, 1952.
Com Shucks Blasts Campus
With Ivy Day
By Phyllis Chubbuck
The secret is out! The campus
was crushed by the fatal news!
An old tradition has ended and
all because of Corn Shucks.
Corn Shucks blasted the cam
pus with the Ivy day prevue of
the new Innocents and Mortar
Boards. Shucks ought to be
ashamed of themselves. First
they smear The Daily Nebraskan
and now they have told the jun
ior men and women the news
which bores them so much. -MB
The result of the Mortar Board
meeting on which Corn Shucks
commented was complete disillu
sionment for Norma Chubbuck.
Since the Black Masques failed
to accept her candidate, Gregory
Peck, Miss Chubbuck's only com
ment is "I hate Gregory Peck"
The records of this same meet
ing show what a talkative little
character Ginny Guhin really is.
The only comment that can be
made about the selection of the
new Innocents is the group is
certainly a versatile bunch of
Corn Shucks did make the one
real contribution of their history
in the April issue. The answer
of how to "cool" the final ex
ams coming up may be found on
pages 12 and 13.
Why This Secret?
Why have they kept these
mavels a secret for so long when
they spill information like the
new witches and devils so free
ly? This in" rmation may revo
lutionize the student's life, espe
cially that of the coed. Since
specimens of th? male race are
Writers Plan
College Days
Honor Banquet
The School of Journalism and
Sigma Delta Chi, professional
journalism fraternity, will spon
sor a luncheon Saturday noon as
part of the College Days activi
Silver keys will be awarded to
fifteen Nebraska high school stu
dents for the best news, features,
sports and editorial stories. The
schools were divided into four
classes, according to size. Awards
are given in each class for each
of the four types of stories.
Preliminaries judging was done
by Susan Reed of the Sigma Phi
and Ladd Duryea of Sigma Delta
Chi. Nathan BJumberg and Wil
liam Hice, Instructors in the
School of Journalism, were the
final judges of the stories.
Every effort Is being made to
contract a prominent journalist
to speak at the luncheon.
Tickets are $1.25 and may be
obtained from Don Pieper or at
the office of the School of Jour
nalism on the third floor ol Bur
nett hall. The luncheon will he at
the Chamber of Commerce at 12
noon. ,
Fscc!!iir Slca
Registration for both
1951 will be held May 14, 15 and 16, Dr. Hoover has an
nounced. If necessary, registration will be extended to
May 17.
One major change in registration procedure has been
announced by Dr. Hoover. There will be no registration
numbers to be picked up before registration begins. In
general personality, crowd appeal,
grace of motions, voice and apt
ness in picking up the yells.
' Members of the Advisory board
are: Nancy Porter, president of
Mortar Board; Bob Raun, presi
dent of Innocents; Marilyn Vin
gers, president of Tassels; Bob
Parker, president of Corn Cobs;
Frank Piccolo, this years yell
king; Brick Paulson, this year's
assistant to the yell king; Don
Lentz, band director; Potsy Clark,
director of athletics; and Jake
Geier, gymnastic coach.
Bizad Group
Tabs Scholars
Eleven outstanding scholars in
the University of Nebraska Busi
ness Administration college were
named members of Beta Gamma
Sigma, honorary society ofr busi
ness students, at ceremonies held
on the campus Tuesday evening.
One faculty member, Prof.
Richard M. Bourne, was also
elected to membership.
New student members, all
ranking scholastically in the up
per 1U per cent Ol tneir -ciass, are:
Milton ClarR
Alfred Ostdiek
Joan Rasmussen
Robert Shively
Allan Tully
John Pfann
Robert. Rogers
Milton Shuey
Keith Van Arsdol
Bert H. Knapp
Lamar Oaron
Dr. Eugene Anderson, Univer
sity history professor, was the
speaker. Prof. Forrest Blood was
toastmaster. Officers of the hon
orary society are: William E.
Sorensen, -Fremont, president;
Nancy Buck, Omaha, vice presi
dent, and Prof. J. O. Burnett,
Prevue Issue
becoming a novelty on the cam
pus, the machine providing the
coed with her choice of all, dark,
cute men with curly hair or crew
cuts should make a fortune.
Editor Frank Jacobs wrote thetne
best editorial comment of his ca
but time for 'Good News and
College Days."
For Fat Coeds
Girls, you can eat all you de
sire and still Jose weight! In the
upper left corner of page 22,
complete information may be
Male students were neglected
almost completely by Corn
Shucks. The morale-lifting cover
girl was omitted. If rumors are
correct, the April pin-up girl was
posted on the bulletin board of
the Corn Srucks' editorial staff.
With this last comment, ob
jects of every description began
flying from the Shucks office, so
I will take my trusty typewriter
and go into hiding until the next
issue of the humor (?) magazine.
Applications Open
For Noyes Award
Students Interested in the La
Verne Noyes scholarships which
supply about $65 per semester
toward tuition for blood descend
ants of World war I veterans
should apply now to the Dean of
Student Affairs in the Adminis
tration building.
Each year about 25 Noyes
scholarships are granted, about
18 of which go to students above
the freshman level. Lee W. Chat
field, assistant to the dean, said
that students who now hold
Noyes scholarships and who
wish the scholarships continued
must submit a new application
before the end of May.
The scholarships are granted
on the basis of need, character,
scholarship and establishment of
relationship to a World war I
veteran who served prior to Sept.
1, 1918.
Fifty-Four Floats to Represent
r our Divisions
Fifty-four floats, representing
various campus organizations and
groups, will compete in the Husk
er Holiday parade, a feature of
College Days.
Floats will be divided into four
divisions to be judged and plaques
will be awarded to the winners
Judging will be done by promi
nent Lincoln architects on these
qualifications: beauty and general
eye appeal, 40 per cent; educa
tional value. 35 per cent; origin
ality, 20 per cent and use of music
or noise, 5 per cent. Organizations
are urged by Dirk Kuska, chair
man of the parade, to begin work
ing on their floats immediately.
A color guard and the Univers
summer and fall sessions of
stead, the assignment committee
will consider the total number of
hours accumulated by the student
as of Feb. 1, 1951. This will be
the number of hours recorded on
the grade report for the first se
mester. The student must present this
grade report to the assignment
committee. No ID card is re
quired. Notices will be posted
See Exam
Schedule on Page 2
every hour stating the number of
hours necessary to register dur
ing that period. Students with.
125 or more hours will register
first, those with 123-124 will be
next and so on.
The reason .or the change,
Hoover says, is that students had
figured every possible angle to
beat the system of tickets. He
believes that the new system may
last two years before the stu
dents figure an angle to beat it.
Few Changes Planned
Except for this change the reg
istration procedure will remain
much the same. The four steps
in registration are outlined by
Hoover as follows:
First, sign the appointment
sheet on the door of your advis
er's office. These appointment
sheets have been mailed to the
advisers and should be available
now. Meet your adviser at the
appointed time to arrange a pro
gram of studies. If you have re
ceived a notice that you are out
of the junior division, go to the
dean of your college. He will
assign you another adviser.
Second, unless you are in the
College of Arts and Sciences,
you must hane the dean of your
college sign lyour work sheet
This step is hot required for stu
ents in arts and sciences.
Third, meet with the assign
ment committee in the Military
and Naval Science building. The
hours are 8 am. to 12 noon and
1 to 4:30 p.m.
Class Schedules
Copies of the class schedule
may be secured in the Military
and Naval Science building be
ginning May 7. Bizad students
may secure copies of the schedule
from Dean Fullbrook of the
Bizad college, Room 210 Andrews.
Ag students may get copies of
class schedule from Dr.
Hixon, Room
206 Plant Industry
A College Days souvenier
booklet will r on sale Wed
nesday at 6 p.m. and continue
throughout the three days of
of the event.
The booklets will contain a
complete schedule of College
Days and sell for 25 cents.
College Days
Will Include
JFafer Skiing
Yes. All that and more.
It's the water ski show to be
held Thursday at Oake lake be
tween 4 and 6 p.m. as a part of
College Days.
Exhibition skiing and clown
acts will geature the program,
according to Bob Howey, ski
show chairman. There will be
jumping, backward skiing and
other forms of water skiing sel
dom seen in Lincoln.
Howey emphasized that all
students in the exhibition are
amateurs and that they had
little time for practice. However,
he believes that it will be a show
that everyone will enjoy watch
ing. Students appearing in the ex
hibition will be: Adele Coryell,
Nancy Button, Stan Johnson, Bill
Pomeroy, Foster Woodruff, Jerry
Minnick, Mendell Archerd, San
dy Crawford and Bob Howey.
Dick Lease Will be driver of the
motor-boat .
Oak lake is only a five-minute
drive from the University
campus. The lake may be seen
as you drive north of the cam
pus on Tenth street .
m NU Parade
ity marching ROTC band will
lead the parade. Rodeo horses will
walk behind the band and they
will be followed by the floats.
The parade will start at about
8:45 a.m., at the Mall between
Morrill hall and the Coliseum and
will go east on Vine street to 16th.
It will travel south on 16th to R
street, then west on R to 10th,
south on 10th to O, east on O to
17th and north on 17th to R. The
parade will dissemble at 17th and
Preliminary judging will be
held before the parade while the
floats are on the MalL Final
judging will be done as they trav
el throuch the business district
ox Lincoln.