The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, April 24,. 1951
'. V, ,
1200 University Students
Students honored for high
cholarshif at the University of
Nebraska honors convocation in
the coliseum:
(Students In the upper 3 percent of the
law who have been on the honor lists
aach year sine they entered tne uni
srersitv.) Ralph . Barr, Cherokee, la., business
Leroy t. Beltt, Randolph, Pharmacy.
Ivan L. Burmelster, Louisville, engineer,
tilt, architecture.
Daiiae V. catanoff. Wisner. medicine
Robert J. Evans, Lincoln, arts and
Keith L. Fitch, Lincoln. A.S.
Audrey R. Flood, Lincoln, A. AS.
Tirill.Mt t alH1r Valla nttv Him tl
James P. Harkln, Billings, Mont., medl-
Donald D. Jensen, Lincoln, A. AS.
Janet K. Jensen, Osceola, teachers.
Nolan T. Jones, Gothenburg, engineer
Ins;, architecture.
Marilyn M. Karel, Howtlls, teachers.
Duslne C. Lane;. David City, teachers,
Mnrylou J, Luther, Cambridge, A.A8.,
Forrest S. Mozer. Lincoln. A. AS.
Leroy B. Nelson, Bertrand, agriculture,
jonn K. O'Neal, Columbus, A.s.
Robert L Raun. Mlnden. as-riculture.
Susan Reed, Deshler, A. AS., journalism.
Roberta J. Rice, Norfolk, nursing.
Willis W. Selk, Scotia, engineering,
re nnecrare.
Ta V ank r.iiAi ... .v..
Lorraine A. Strasheim, Lincoln, teachers
Roy E. Walker, Lincoln, engineering,
seniors recognized for
superior scholarship
(Students in the tipper 3 percent of the
ass or wno nave been on the honors lists
ach year since they entered the univer
sity. )
James A. Anderson, Wlnfleld, 8. D.
Maria L. Bade, Lincoln.
Eleanor L. Bancroft, Elsie.
Nancy J, Buck, Omaha.
Marilyn J. Campfield, Omaha.
Milton D. Clark, Pawnee City.
Thomas Drangsholt, Oslo, Norway,
Bart W. Dunning, Seattle, Wash.
Joyce M. Fits, Collins. Ia,
Glenn D. Fard, Madrid.
Fay B. Fuchser, Irwin.
Jean E. Hedstrom, Deadwood, S. D.
Earl C. Hultman, Sutton.
Joyce N. Bunsoote, Clarks.
Robert C. Rupert, Lincoln.
George I Johnson, Falrbury,
Harold A. Johnson, Craig.
Janette E. Johnson, York.
Henry D. Kadavy, Weston.
Edward E. Kiraeh, Sprrngrtew.
Dorothy A. Knrth, Lincoln,
Leland C. Lucke, Lincoln.
Gwsn E. McCormack, Lincoln.
John W. Mills, Osceola.
Richard. K. Mohler, RUsWn.
Nancy A. Noble, Lincoln.
Peter M. Peterson, Tarkio, Mo.
Frederick P. Picard, Geneva.
' Nancy M. Porter, Omaha.
Edward p. Redmond, Lincoln.
Daniel L. Richmond, Gordon.
Orral w. Rltchey, McCook.
Robert W. Rosenqulst, Lincoln.
Robert C. Rupert, Lincoln.
Willis M. Schmeeckle, Coiad.
Eugene H. Smith. David City.
Cynthia B. Tanderup, Arlington Hgts.,
John H."Thurber, Norfolk.
Dennis W. Vernon, David City.
John K. Weaver, Miller, 8. D.
John F, Wilkinson, Auburn.
Norman D, Williams, Hickman.
Delmar D. Wittier, Jensen.
James M. Wroth, Lincoln.
Herbert K. Weisel, Lincoln.
Marcla J. Adams, North Platte.
Vincent Adams, jr.. West Point.
Oeorge Alexander, Syracuse.
Shirley L. Allen, Tecumseh.
Clifford R. Anderson, Oakland.
Marilyn J. Auserod, Bartlett.
Maria L. Bade, Lincoln.
Joel Bailey. Omaha.
Eleanor L, Bancroft, Elsie.
Ralph E Barr. Cherokee, Ia.
Leroy D. Belts, Randolph.
Wallace N. Bender. Sutton.
Cherrte A. Pengtson. Ponca.
Warren L. Berggren. Aurora.
John W. BJorklun, Minden.
Lena L, Boschen, Tecumseh. ,
Molly D. Brlttenham, Brady.
Nancy J. Luck, Omaha.
Dean S. Bullla, Norfolk.
Duane N. Burham, Wauneta.
Ivan Lb Burmelster. Louisville.
Marilyn J. Campfield, Omaha,
Donald J, Carlyon. Kartell.
Janet M. Carr, Lincoln.
Berwyn B. Caswell. Bridgeport.
Margaret F. Chamberlln. Lincoln.
Milton D, Clark, Pawnee City.
Jerry 8 Clovd, Meadow Grove.
Menitt'C. Cushlng, Nebraska City.
Harold L. Davey, Malcolm.
Gordon R. Denker, Papillloa.
William S. Dill, Alexandria,
Earl W. Dunning. Seattle, Wash.
Melebat Emfrgll, Turkey.
Robert J. Evans, Lincoln.
John F. Farley. Lincoln.
Joan Flckllng. Plalnvlew,
Loyd K. Fisrher, Wakefield.
Keith 1; Fitch, Lincoln.
Joyce M. Fits, Collins, Ia.
Audrey D. Ford. Madrid.
Glenn D. Ford, Madrid.
Donald A. Forlnash, Hartington.
Fay E. Fuchser, Irwin.
Wlllard B. GelwicK. Falls City.
John R. Glllls, Lincoln
Jesse D. Graham. Brock.
Rosemary E. Graham, Lincoln.
Juanlt T. Hagartty, Beatrice.
Kai;h L. Hansen, Callaway.
Logan Hayeraft, jr., Brandenburg. Ky.
Homer Hays, Ueco.
Jean E. Hedstrom, Deadwood, 8. D.
Darrcll W. Helss, Page.
Lawrence R, Heunr, Mitchell.
Gertrude M. Hill, Stanton. Ia.
Virginia L. Hill. Lincoln.
Donald W. Hodder. Lincoln.
Robert H. Holder. Alnsworth.
Marvin E. Holsclaw, O'Neill.
James Q. Hosseck, Chambers.
Marjoria A, Hoesack, Omaha.
Karl C. Hultman. Sutton.
Joyce N. Hun soo te, Clarks.
Jack Hurlburt, Lincoln.
Amy G. Huston. Salem.
, Charles E. Hynek, Humboldt.
Robert C. Irwin, Hastings.
Donald D. Jensen, Lincoln.
Janet K. Jen.i, Osceola.
Marjori A, Jensen, Omahs.
George L. Johnson, Falrbury.
Harold A, Johnson, Craig.
Janette E, Johnson, York.
John G. Johnson, Norfolk.
3. Knox Jones, jr., Lincoln,
Nolan T, ones, Gothenburg.
Margaret A. Judd, Water bury,
Henry X, Xadavy, Weston,
Manly it Karel, Howells.
Normaa t. Kaufman, Lexington.
Peter L. Keen. Lincoln.
. , Pdward X, Klrsch, Springvisw,
Bert ft. Knapp, Table Rock.
porothy A. Kurth, Lincoln.
TMlalne C. Ijing, David City.
T'dward O. LebettU, Marshall, MlMI.
Kenneth A. Lsgg, Nantucket, Mass.
rrsnkila O. Lothrap, Creu.
Iceland C. Lncke, Lincoln.
Marylo J. IUiher, Cambridge.
John R, MeClurg, Jr., Omaha.
Owen T. McOormaiik, Lincoln,
James W. McOrnrell, Red Cloud.
- (lohard I, McNamss, Norfolk,
John O. Makmey, Laurel,
Vtward ft. Maunder, Lincoln.
yMlpto A, Miller, Omaha.
John W. Mills, Osceola.
jtiehard K, Mohler, Ruakln.
Forrest 8. M'iser, Lincoln.
LelanJ ft. Myrtte, Ht, Edward,
Pnif T. Nelson, He rt rand.
Ksnsy A, Nobis, Lincoln.
John R. O'Neal, Columbus,
fmy A, psretien, LinrJln.
Krina H, fimk, humboldt.
Mendyth K. Peters, Falrbury.
Peter M. Peterson. Tarkio, Mo.
Tenbert D. Phelps, Lincolo.
Frederick P. Picard, Jr., Geneva,
jvanoy a. Porter, Omaha.
Mary A, Randall, Omaha.
Hnbert L. Raun, Mloden.
ICKtherine W. Rebhe, Fremont.
r dwaM P. Redmond, Lincoln,
, Richard D. Heed, Lincoln.
(tinea Reed, Deshler.
Robert f. Rlee. Norfolk.
Tnlel L, Richmond, Gordon,
Janet M. Rlngler, Lincoln.
Orral W, RlU-.hy, MoCook.
Robert W. Roenulst, Lincoln.
Robert J, Rowley, Omaha.
pnnna F. Rudlsll, Pallasde.
Fobert G, Rupert, Lincoln-
Willis M, Kchmwlile. Coxed,
fivie R Scott, Hickman.
Willis W. sieIN, Sontia,
Robert W. Hhlvely, Lincoln.
Milton V. tiJtuey, Crab Orchard.
' jr.iigen H. Umlth, tavld City.
tn K. Smith, Valley
J-ibtt O, Snyrtee, Fremont. ,
tV!ii(t J5, icireneon, Fremont.
amw"e O. 8tnvi'ee, Llnmln.
, j.orxiiie A. m raeaeim, Lincoln,
ure $, Stindeen, Uaooln.
l yiitma B. Tanderup, Arlington Hrhts.
Jnhm H. Thurhsr, Norfolk.
J'Ufy V.. 1 er. Knee.
AU i. fully, Gmtiha,
, ! Klt T. Vnn Arsdoi, IJncoln.
Jtmnnis W. Vermrn. David City.
jnttcy B. Vogt, Stanberry, Mo.
" L. Voiltner, North Platte.
f"mt.! J. Welker, Alliance.
IH'iy E. Weiker, Lincoln,
J, wener, Weverly.
i"'ri?la C, Watson, North Bend,
J tC, Weaver, Miller, 8. I),
j'-nn f, Wfiifineiw, Aubirn.
Gorman t. Vlillasis, Jlifikman.
" "r' A. Wllsnam, 1-lncoio.
4 t"il M, W'n, Omaha.
f -'war f, V.i.iie, Jansen.
J-s M. Wo'li, I-liifiln.
vmi'i! J, 74irls, Lisbon, N, D,
ftiH wet. LiUAOlu,
rtentletry and Medicine
rts V. netenoff. T'lsner.
roid L. i'evle. mi he. I
hiutaam Drangstiolt, io, Nrwy.
James P. Harklns. Billings. Mont
Charles A. Jarratt, Brownsville, Tex.
John B. Kysar, Lincoln.
Harold N. Margolin, Omaha.
Ward C. Newcomb, Paxton.
Vlggo B. Olsrn, Omaha.
Robert C. Rosenlof, Lincoln.
Herbert K. Weisel, Lincoln.
Erwln Wltkin, Omaha'.
Juniors Recognised for High Scholarship
Nestor Acevado, Jr., Puerto Rico.
Lyle D. Altman, Sallna, Kas.
Maurice I. Ashland, Clear Lake, Ia.
Leila L. Baack, Hampton.
Josephine A. Barger, Lincoln.
William A. Barrett, jr., Grand Island.
Donna R. Barton, Gertng.
Nancy R. Benjamin, Lincoln.
Richard E. Bennett, Belgrade.
Marilyn M. Bergh, Omaha.
Robert R. Berke. Elwood.
Alfred W. Blessing, Ord.
Andrew P. Boris, Amsterdam, N. T.
Elmer H. BreJcha, Lincoln.
Marvin W. Bridges, Omaha.
Philip T. Chase, Schuyler.
Paul H. Chismar, Alexandria, Va.
Virginia M. Clark, Lincoln.
George B. Cobel, Lincoln.
Jack B. Cohen, Omaha.
Lawrence F. Collins, St. Edward.
Nanette F. Cowles, Stuart.
Rex E. Crom, Pawnee City.
Charles P. Curtiss, Geneva.
Richard Cutts, Lincoln.
Douglas R. Dale. Ord.
Donald H. DeCosta, Fessenden, N. D.
Harry R. Dick, Henderson.
James C. Downey, Scottsbluff.
William L. Drayer, Lincoln.
Ladd L. Duryea, Arcadia.
Steve A. Eberhart. Baasett.
Ralph B. Emmons, Lincoln.
Joanne EngelKemeler, Louisville.
Paul F. Engler, Bassett.
Donald C. Fiake, Lincoln.
Francis D. Flood, Grand Island.
Alice M. Framptdh, Lincoln.
Lois I. Frederick, Hay Springs.
Sharon L. Frltzler, Long Pine.
Sarah C. Fulton, Lincoln.
Hallet Gildersleeve. Lincoln.
Barbara J. Gllmore, Kearney.
Arley L. Goodenkauf, Table Rock.
Harold R. Goodwin. Genoa.
Marvin W. Greenstein, Jamtstown,
N. D.
Lois B. Griffith. Callaway.
Stanley E. Groothuis, Trenton.
Wayne T. Gustafson, Wahoo.
Ralph L. Hall, Elwood.
Marvin A. Hanson, Lincoln.
Harvey W. Head ley, Omaha.
Clinton D. Heine, Hooper.
Alice J. Helss, Gerlng.
Owen W. Hock. Smithfleld.
Richard E. Hoover, Battle Creek.
Jacquelyn E. Hons. Grand Island.
Joan P. Hoyt, McCook.
Jean J, Hunter, Wahoo.
Robert C. Ingram, Franklin.
John C. Jeffrey, Omaha.
Jeanne M. Kaln, Lexington.
Roland R. Kaspar, Prague.
Elisabeth A. Kelso, Lincoln.
Dale B. King, Lincoln.
Lloyd W. Knapp, Table Rock.
Marvin 8. Kohll, Omaha.
Theodore D. Kratt, Dearborn, Mich,
Robert 8. Krogh, Dannehrog.
Donald L. Kuxhausen, Scottsbluff.
Chris E. Kuyatt, Grand Island.
Arthur Lee Larson, Grand Island.
Edwin W. Laurinat, Grand Island,
Norman G. Llnd, Pilger.
John J. Lliteras, Hemlngford.
Jean E. Loomis, Omaha.
Richard R. Loucks, Falls City.
Annette K. Luebbers, Ft. Dodge, Ia.
Barbara J. McElwain, Sloan, Ia.
Clinton W. McNaught, Parks.
Barbara E. Mann, Lincoln.
Raymond G. Marvin, Enid, Oki.
Maria M. Marx, Lincoln.
William R. Mlchelson, Grand Island,
Shirley M. Miller, Papllllon.
Kenneth L. Minnick, Alliance.
Dennis E. Mltchem, Elwood.
Catherine E. Moodie, West Point.
Marilyn Moomey, Hastings.
Patricia M. Moore, Falls City.
Marilyn H. Morgan, McCook.
Margaret A. Mulvaney, Lincoln,
Jessie L. Murray, Alliance.
Richard B. Murray, Chadron.
Don J. Nelson, Pilger.
Elmer G. Nelson, Nevis, Minn.
Leon M. Novak, Bralnard.
Alfred J. Ostdiek, Lawrence.
Glen R, Ostdiek, Lawrence.
Robert E. Patterson, Lincoln.
David D. Peatrowsky, Omaha.
Arnold W. Peters, Rushviile.
Freddie L. Powell, Lincoln.
Susan Pryor, Sioux Falls, 8. D.
Richard T. Pusaterl. Lincoln.
Ronald R. Rader, Brunswick.
Larry D. Rallens. Big Springs.
Darwin E. Ransom, Stratton.
Joan E. Rasmussen, Lincoln.
Warren I. Rasmussen, Central City.
Don T. Reeves, Central City.
Robert R. Relchenbach, Lincoln.
Eugene E. Robinson, Oshkosh.
Robert F. Sand, Nehawka.
Blanche A. Sawyer. Lincoln.
Russell L, Schelkopf, 8htck!ey.
Jack C. Schols, Chadron.
John William Scott, Ashland.
Andrew T. Sheets, Edlnboro, Pa.
Mary Catherine Sidner, Lincoln.
Dorothy E. Smiley, Omaha.
Lester O. Smith, Lincoln.
Jacquelyn L. Sorensen, Lincoln.
Ruth C. Sorensen, Lincoln.
Charles W. Stuber, St. Michael.
Vernon E, Swanson, Shlckley.
Janice E. Teter, Bartley.
Donald E. Thackrey, Valentine.
James E. Thomas, Lincoln.
Margaret E. Thomsen, Valentine.
Carl L. Tipton, Valley.
Margaret A. Trimble, Lincoln.
Norval L, Utemark, Wakefield
L. Bonney Varney. Broken Bow.
Willis O. Vogel, Seward.
Mary A. Vreeland, Curtis.
Charlotte I. Warren, Omaha.
Marilyn Weber, Norfolk.
Robert H. Westfall, Lincoln.
Myrna P. Westgate, Lincoln.
Wltborn 8 .Whitehead, Beaver Crossing.
Miriam B. Whlley, Wlnnetka, II).
Clayton K. Yeutter, Eustls.
7errold M. Yos, Lincoln.
Dentistry and Medicine
John R. Flnkner, Adsms.
William B. Glantz, Culhertson.
Richard R. Hemphill, Oconto.
Kenneth C. Hoffman, Harvard.
Leo A. Hrnlcek, Lincoln.
Benjamin K. Karas. Lincoln.
Patricia J. Neeiy, Lincoln.
William J, O'Keefe. Bayard.
Ernest H. Price. Omaha.
Clayton M. Shors, Beemer.
Robert N. Smith, Omaha.
Beth Atden, Kimball.
Frank P. Allen II, Norfolk.
Gladys M. Andersen, Lincoln.
Larry W. Andersen, Grand Island.
Lucille I. Anderson, Lincoln.
Kathryn M. Baker, David City.
Jack A. Bale, Lodge Pole.
Charles W. Battey, Lincoln.
Arthur H. Becker, Albion.
Richard V. Blerman, Omaha.
John H. Blazek, Omaha.
Doris E. Bratt, Pawnee City.
Douglas D. Brsunsroth, Bloomfleld.
Barbara A. Bredthauer, Grand Island.
Philip H. Breslln, Ashland, Pa.
Donald E. Brlchscek, Howells.
Dean T. Buckingham, Lincoln.
Gertrude D. Carey, Overton.
Steven W. Carveth, Lincoln.
Scott O. Cast, Lincoln.
James Chrlstensen, Lincoln.
Simon Leroy Costman, Falrbury.
Samuel R, Congram, Newman Grove.
Roger D, Cook, Gregory, 8, D.
Adele M, Ooryell, Lincoln.
Jack D. Crook, Alnsworth.
Robert J. Crownover, Sargent.
Donald R. Cunningham, Tekamah,
Gale E. Demaree, Burwell.
Kathleen A. Dill, Alexandria.
Godfrey Dltter, Monroe.
Diane Downing, Superior,
Bonnalyn Ellers, Sterling.
Warren J. Ellison, Superior.
Norma J, Engle, Omaha.
Carl R. Kngstrom, Lincoln.
Barbara J. Farley, Battle Creek, Mich.
Carol R, Farmer, Ashland.
Marjorls L. Feary, Seward.
Janice A. Fuilerton, Alnsworth.
Dolores M. Gads, Ashland.
Marjorls R. Gads, Seward.
Ray A. Gard, Beaver Crossing.
Leland E. George, South Sioux City,
Francis L. Gowln, Chadron.
Thomas K. Graham, Lincoln.
Bernard B. Oreenherg, Omaha.
John T. Groer, Peru,
Marilyn J, Hammond. Stamford.
Donald C. Hanson, Klsle.
James R. Hsrklns, Hastings.
Rossnne S. Hedke, Lincoln.
Keith M. Helm, Dawson.
Barbara J. Hershberger, Seward.
Edwins i. Hokanson, Omaha.
Dick H. Holze, Lincoln.
Woodrow P, Jensen, Blair.
Jeanne A. Johnson. Red Cloud,
Phyllis M. Johnson, Lewellen.
Gladys H. Jones, Wymors.
Helen P. Jones, Lincoln.
James J, Justice, Central City.
Mary A. Kellogg, Lincoln,
Elizabeth L. Kennedy, Basin, Wyo.
Ralph W. KHb, Lincn n.
Virginia E. Koehl.-, .Geneva.
Marilyn E. Krunau, Bladen.
Vlvlta Krievs, IJncoln.
Gordon K. Krogh, So. Sioux City.
Joyce H, Kuehl, Omaha,
John F, Lange, Lincoln.
James R. Langner, Seward.
Ramona L. Imim, Geneva.
lry I. Lawrence, Scottsbluff.
Anita M. Lswson, Macedonia, Is.
1-ewls B, Lawson, Sliver City, la.
Tommy M, ledingham, Mitchell
Gerald LiesveKI, fllckmsn
Roger P. Llndgren, Hidrr
Ward Y. Llndlay, jr., Omaha
Rosooe M, l-odwig, jr., Omaha
Jean K. Ixtudon, Lincoln
Shirley A, Luntberd, Grand Island
Margaret A, Mctloy, Lincoln
Valjean H. McOtirdy, Tobias
John C. McKltianey, Lake Wilson, Minn.
Ross M. Micsluso, Lincoln
John A. Marks, Nebraska City
John L. Messeramlth, Alllsnce
Alice E, Meyers, North Loup
Rlrhern L, Monson, Saronville
Roland R. Morgan, Steele City
Hester E. Morrison, Beatrice
Mury J. Neely, Lincoln
l,vip rvnour niiwnt, ur.r
Gladv M, Novotnv, I'liirason
Dorrs nra OVienbtirg. Gordon
Linus J. Geuilek, Lawrence
Recognized for High Scholarship at Honors Convocation Today
Philip F. Oatwald, Omaha
Winnie M. Owen. LJneoin
Carrie A. Pederson, Berwyn
Alma C. Plnkerton, Beatrice
Harvey G. Rabbin, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Davoud Rafat. Tehran, Iran.
Norman D. Rasmussen, Central City
John O. Rawllngs, Central City
Donald L. Reeder, Lincoln
Philip L. Relland. Randolph
Caroline C. Rogers, Lincoln
Margaret R. Rohrs. Auburn
James L. Rose. Auburn
Glenn C. Rosenqulst, Lincoln
Donald F. Rosterman, Blair
Caroline Rothenberger, Beatrice
Joan V. Savage, Omaha
John 8. Savage. Omaha
Herbert A. Saxtnn, Lincoln
Paul R. Scott. North Bend
Marilyn J. Sherwood, Randolph
Eldon W. Shuey, Crab Orchard
John R. Sliull. Topeka, Kansas
Melvin R. Simpson. Orleans
Jerald E. Smith, Grand Island
Curtis E. Sorensen, Boelus
Conrad L. Stahly, Oshkosh
Jerrold L. Strasheim. Lincoln
Robert C. Tetft, Avoca
Dohn J. Theobald, Geneva
Donna D. Tlnkham, Johnstown
Robert J. Tockey, Boelus
William G. Umberger. Elwood
Glen R. Viehmeyer, North Platte
Olin J. Waddlll, Gordon
Joe B. Warner, McAllen. Texas
John T. Warren, Beatrice
Robert L. Watson, West Point
Walt F. Weaver, Lincoln
Robert L. Welch. Ashland
Richard A. Westcott. Burwell
John M. Whltlock, Lincoln
Donald L. Wtnkelman, Imperial
John G. Wirslg, Sargent
Glen A. Wood. Fairbury
Lester R. Woodward, Leigh
Barbara L. Young, Omaha
Phyllis A. Zelllnger, David City
Dentistry and Medicine
Clark D. Fobes, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Gordon F. Johnson, Wahoo.
James W. Landers, Norfolk.
Eugene R. McCleery, Denver, Colo.
Karl F. Niehaus, Omaha.
Tom S. Ochsner, Ycrk.
Vernon W. Rlnne, Pawnee City.
Darvin D. Schoemaker, Scotia.
Jcrold F. Steinhour. Quealy, Wyo.
Ronald E. Waggener, Cheyenne, Wyo,
Frederick Ware, Jr., Omaha.
Barbara J. Adams, North Platte.
Gerald L. Adcock, Bancroft.
Rolland W. Ahrens, Lincoln.
Vaietta G. Aklna, Lincoln.
Stephanie R. Allen, Corad.
Lois L. Anderson, Lincoln.
Arnis R. Aumalls, Lincoln.
William M. Baley, Omaha.
Dale G. Baker, Beatrice.
Vance C. Baker, Burton.
Robert G. Bartlzal, Lincoln.
Robert L. Baskins, North Platte.
Marvin C. Bean, Lincoln.
Ernest L. Behb, Omaha. i
John C. Becker, Waukon, Ia.
Albert J. Behmer, Ceresco.
Barbara L. Berggren, Aurora.
Geneva E. Berns, Bladen.
Jim R. Bischof, Nebraska City.
Martin H. Bohlmeyer, Fairbury.
John W. Boswell. Lincoln.
Edson L. Bridges. Omaha.
Edward A. Brong, Seward.
Deloris L. Brown, Long Pine.
Jane A. Calhoun, Lincoln.
Joan J. Carlson, Bumner.
Connie C. Clark, 8t. Edward.
Richard L. Claussen, North Platte.
Barbara Colwell, Pawnee City.
Sharon B. Cook, Lexington.
Lorraine L, Coryell, Lincoln.
Mark E. Crawford, Lincoln.
Edwin E. Cumberland, Auburn.
Muriel 3. Cutler, Onawa, Ia.
Clifford H. Dale, Falls City.
Sandra K, Daley, Anselmo.
Nancy A. Dark, Lincoln.
Jean C. Davis, Lincoln.
John C. Davis, Omaha.
Simon M. Delist, Lincoln.
Lynda C. Donaly, Kearney.
William H. Doole, Lincoln.
Howard M. Doty, Lincoln.
Shirley A. Eckerson, Aurora.
Nolan E. Engel, Chanute, Kas,
Msrllyn M. Ersdn. Craig.
James F. Estes, Lincoln.
Bert W. Bishop, Geneva.
John Eule, Jr., Alnsworth,
OUy "V. Ferry, Holdrege.
John A. Fitzgerald, North Platte.
Mitzl Foster, Omaha.
Donna G. Frost, Lincoln.
Jack D. Gardner, Ansley.
Allan J. Garflnkle, Leavenworth, Kas.
Donald P. Geesaman, Ft. Calhoun.
Don R. Gerlach, Harvard.
John P. Gibbs, Custer, S. D.
Mildred Goodman, Hastings.
Mary S. Gorton. Tecumseh.
Faye A. Graham. Belleville, Kas.
Arlen G. Gray, Lincoln.
"Ruth E. Greer. Alvo.
Vance W. Hansen, Sioux City, Ia.
Lura A. Harden, Lincoln.
Mary E. Hartman, Omaha.
Virgil V. Hatch, Lexington.
Richard L. Heldenbrand, Lincoln.
Margaret L. Hinds, Davenport.
Helen D. Hinman, North Platte.
Joan P. Holden, Grand Island.
James B. Hoover, Lincoln.
Maj-llyn F. Housel, Madison.
Richard A. Huebner. Plattsmouth,
Phyllis J. Humphrey, Atkinson.
Charles H. Hunley, Rulo.
Don G. Johnson, Albion.
Robert B. Johnson. Council Bluffs. Ia.
Wayne D. Johpson, Lincoln.
Gary D. Jones, Hastings.
Marv G. Jones, Lincoln.
Shirley R. Kendie. Lincoln.
Mary E. Kinslnger, Lincoln.
Phyllis J. Kort, Blue Hill.
Beverly J. Kunc, Wllber.
Ferdinand O. Kuyatt, Grand Island.
Paul L. Laase, Lincoln.
Tom L. Larsen, Lincoln.
Marilyn E. Larson, Dakota City.
Donald E. Leonard, Madrid, la.
Betty A. Lester, Grand Island.
Raymond L. Llnder, Grand Island.
Phyllis J. Lyons, North Platte.
Shirley J. Lyslnger, Grand Island.
Edward M. McCabe, Chicago.
Richard J. MrKee, Bartley.
Mary K. Mackle, Omaha.
Clisrlotte L. Mason, Lincoln.
William A. Melville, Broken Bow.
Thomas L. Miller, Columbus.
Vaden T. Miller, Palisade.
Marjorle M. Moran, Lincoln
Mary A. Mulligan, David City.
Howard P. Nelson, Bertrand.
Maurice R. Norton, Elgin.
Constance R. Nye, Ogallala.
Dale A. Olson, York.
Eldon E. Park, Lincoln.
Katherlne B. Parkes, Lincoln.
Marilyn A. Pedersm, Lincoln.
Roy C. Peterson, Nebraska City.
William L. Pfeller. Lincoln.
James R. Pllhal, PHwnee City.
Margery Pollman, Bloomlngton.
Judith R. Pollock. Stanton.
George W. Prlclinrd. Tekamsh.
Darrel D. Puis, Elwood.
Nancy A. Pumphrey, Winner.
Verlln L. Rasmussen, St. Paul.
Barbara J. Raun. Denlson, la.
Beverly A. Reckeway, L'iicoln,
Susan Reinhardt, Scottsbluff.
Dale L. Reynolds, Pslmer.
Jon W. Rlepe, Arapahoe.
Marvlou Pliis. Omaha.
Joe Ron, Wahoo.
Victor J. Roh, Wahoo.
Kenneth F. Rystrom, Jr., Bayard.
Donald H. Sander, Creston.
Barbara J. Schoemaker, Scotia.
Donald S. Scott, Ashland.
Monte M. Scott, Ravenna.
Harold M. Weeberger, Hanover, Ks,
Robert J, Sharp. Lincoln.
Stanley A. Hippie, Nebraska City.
Msry E. Slagle, Lincoln.
Jean E. Speldel, Wilcox
Barbara A. Spllker, Mlnden,
Bernard Sprague, Red Cloud.
Jnnet L, Steffen Norfolk,
Shirley R, Stehllk, Wilher.
Herbert J. Stelzer, Seward.
Rose A. Stiff ler, Louisville.
Kenneth M. Stone, lyone.
Delores I. Swenson, Downers Grove, III.
James A, Tsngdall, Superior.
Barbers i, Temriletoo, Lincoln.
Dean i. Thackrey, Valentine.
John J. Thomas, Lincoln.
Fay L. Thoreson, Lincoln.
William O Tomek, Table Rock.
May Van Vorne, Pawnee City.
Lloyd D, Van Vleck, Clearwater,
Glenn E, Vest, Plessantnn,
Llla L. Wsnek, Wllber.
Shirley A. Wear, Friend.
James R. Weber, Funk.
Gerald M. Wlnhrrg, Ornuhs.
Ilerrletl G. Wenke, Lincoln.
Dnnsld A. tVens, Lincoln.
Elden Tl. Wesely, Cedsr Bluffs.
Nancy ?,. Whltmore, Mitchell,
Clementine Woster, Plattsmouth.
Msry V. Wright, Genoa,
Psul W, Wright, Alliance.
Gene A. Yost, Harvard.
Robert L, Young, Beatrice.
Mary A. Zlmrrman, Loomis.
Mexlne M, Zimmerman, Lincoln,
Thomas L. Holscher, Cssper, Wyo.
Robert G. Howard, Lincoln,
Robert B. Kelly, Wichita Falls, Tea,
Prizes and Awards
Alpha Mm Mdl (agriculture) i Krsncls
L, Oowln, Chadron.
Mnntee Robert Maker and George Vemon
Wonddlng Memorial award I (agriculture)
George W, Helehenhsnh, Lincoln
Norden agricultural srtutlarelilp award
(agriculture t : LeRoy Nelson, Bertrsnd.
Lincoln Cr-t i Bottling company
scholarship artcultr i Robert V, Radln,
Vero Beach, Kla.
farmer National eootpany schokarshlps,
(kgrlcultiirs): Warren G, Monsnn, Saron
ville; Arnold E. Nleveen, Adams.
Arnott Kolsom award (agriculture):
Vernon Swanson Shlckley.
Ella H. Friable scholarship, (agricul
ture i: James R. Weber, Funk.
The Mile M. Hallerk tnd l-mlty Halleck
memorial scholarship, (agriculture);
Msry 1. Barneil, BenRieman.
Robert E. Beck, Fremont.
Arthur H. Becker, Albion.
Dorothy J. Chsppell, Plattemnulh.
Sernard W. Costello, Omaha,
flx E. Crom, pawnee City,
1'scil P. Engler, Bassett.
Jean C, Harxleroad. TrkaJnaa.
Dsrrell W, Helss, Pegs.
Eugene M. Heuermann. Phillips.
Ralph P. Hlld. Plattsmouth.
Nola J. Holmes, Albion.
Earl C. .Hultman, Sutton.
Jerry J. Johnson. Red Cloud.
Doris Y. Kendie, Lincoln.
Adrian J. Kluna, Ord.
Georgia T. Lambert, Sliver Creek
Rex tl, MeRiNM'smi? i:. -Alliance.
Shirley I. Miles, Elwood.
Owen H. Owens, Carroll.
Alta M. "Relnke, Cheater.
Edward E. Rousck, Burwell.
Russell L. Schelkopf, Shlckley.
Richard J. Stava, Rushviile.
Philip J. Warner, Waverly.
Bonnie J. Warner, Newell, S. D.
Wayne A. Vhite, Auburn.
.luck F Wllaon w stolid.
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ren Scholarship
foundation, (agrlrcultttre) :
Alice M. Anderson, Wilsonvllle.
Richard L. Crom, Swanton.
Marilyn Doollttle, North Platte.
Steve A. Eberhart, Bassett.
Ruth V. Fischer, Wakefield.
Frederick W. Frost, Wolhach.
Dorothy E. Glssler, Osceola.
Wayne M. Hansen, Red Cloud.
Donald C. Hanson, Elsie.
George L. Johnson, Falrbury.
Mary F. Johnson, Falrbury.
Joyce H. Kuehl, Omaha.
Ramona L. Laun, Geneva,
Shirley A. Lumbard. Grand Island.
Richard Monson, Saronsville.
Robert L. Raun, Minden.
John O. Rawllngs, Central City.
Beverly J. Reed, Lincoln.
Don T. Reeves, Central City.
Bernadlne L. Robb, Lewellen.
.Tnnnn Rkuclua. Chester.
Charles W. Stuber, St. Michael.
Donna A. Tlnkham, Johnstown.
Delmar D. Wittier, Jansen.
Rogers Memorial scholarships (agricul
ture): Gurney E. Burrows. Mitchell; John
F. Wilkinson, Auburn.
Sacra Roeruek, Foundation Agricultural
James L. Bourg, Roseland.
Kenneth W. Clement, Ord.
Harold B. Cornish. Oconto.
Gerald H. Ehlers, Wlsner.
Roger P. Essrran, Wllber.
Richard W. Hald, Cozad.
John E. Kuenzi. DuBois
Calvin J. Ku&ka, Omaha.
Carl W. Leising, Oxford.
Howard P. Nelson. Bertrand.
M-Jurice R. Norton, Elgin.
James H. Pollard. Nehawka.
Leon W. Dlepe, Arapahoe.
John J. Roh, Wahoo.
Frederick J Stastny. Lincoln.
Kenneth M. Stone, Lyons.
Lloy D, Thurman, Oconto.
Robert V. Van Camp. Rlverton.
Glen R. Viehmeyer. North Platte.
harles Stuart Memorial scholarships
(agriculture): John F. Wilkinson, Au-
hiirn. rinvtnn V Veutter EustlS.
Kenneth E. Wlrth Memorial scholar.
shin (agriculture): Adolph J. Dlouhy,
WNAX Agricultural scholarships:
Mary E. Chace, Pilger,
Eleanor L Erickson, Bancroft.
Loyd K. Fischer, Emerson.
Joan H. Meyer, Phillips.
'Nebraska Architects association award
ftnhrt W RnemiiRson. DeWitt.
Mrs. Sarah Ladd Woods scholarship
(art): Roscoe L. Shields, Jr., Lincoln.
Jane Sarah Welch sclMrtamhlp (bacteri
nlnvvl airinffv a. Ttnele. Butte.
Alpha Kappa TM Citizenship Award
(business administration): james m,
Wroth Trftnctln
Congdon, O'Hara and Becker scholar
ship In Accounting: Wlllard B. GelwicK,
Falls City.
William Gold Keys (business adminis
tration): -
Philip H Bresiin, Ashland, Pa.
Marilyn E. Kranau, Bladen.
Gordon E. Krogh, South Sioux City.
Tommy M. Ledingham, Mitchell.
Paul R. Scott. North Bend.
Lester G. Smith, Lincoln.
Howard E. Tracy, Aurora, 111.
Richard A. Westcott, Burwell.
Wllborn 8. Whitehead, Beaver Crossing.
, Donald L Kinkelmann. imperial.
O N. Mairee Memorial scholarship (bus
iness admtnisution) : Roger C. Noble.
Red Cloud.
Mlddlebronk scholarship (business ad
ministration): Paul R. Scott, North Bend.
Phi Chi Ttieta Key (business adminis
tration): Joan E. Rasmussen, Lincoln.
W. G. Langworthy Taylor tehoiarsnip.
(business administration): Joan E. Ras
mussen, Lincoln.
Edward R. Wells Memorial scholar
ship, (business administration): Richard
A. westcott, urwen.
George Borrowman scholarship, (chem
istry): Ted T. Okamoto, North Platte.
Phi Lambda L'pstlon freshman award,
(chemistry)": Ralph W. Kllb, Lincoln.
American Institute of Chemical En
gineers award, (chemical engineering):
Genres B. Cobel. Lincoln.
Andrew V. Anderttoa scholarship, (civil
engineering): ivan l uurmeiater, iouis
Alpha Omega Fraternity scholarship
awards, (dentistry): Thomas Drangsholt,
Oslo, Norway; Robert W. York, Wymore.
American Academy of Dental Medicine
ward, (dentistry) i Theodore A. Chu
man, Lincoln
American Society of Dentistry for Chil
dren, (dentistry): Thomas Drangsholt, Os
lo, Norway; Ward C. Newcomb, Paxton.
George A. Grubb awards, (dentistry):
Thomas Drangsholt, Oslo, Norway; Her
bert K. Weisel, Lincoln.
Omlcron Kappa Upsllon awards, '(den
tistry): Neil C. Allen, Oklahoma City,
Ok.; Lauren E. Spangler, Arlington; Jo
seph J. Beckner, Loveland, Colo.; Robert
W. York, Wymore; Edward J. Seewald,
Eta. Kappa Nn Junior scholarships
award, (electrical engineering): Don J.
Nelson, Pilger.
Drier Memorial scholarship, (engineer
ing): Marvin L. Garber, Scottsbluff.
O. J. Fee award, (engineering): Don
ald G. Cochran, Columbus.
W. H. saa-ver scholarship (engineer
ing): Chlsna 11. Fleming. Chadron.
Sigma Tau Senior scholarship award,
(engineering): Clarence V. Cunningham,
Sigma Tan freshman scholarship medal,
(engineering t: Amis R. Aumalls, Lincoln.
Katharine M. Mellrk scholarship, (Eng
lish i : Nancy M. Porter, Omaha,
Frederick A. Stuff scholarship, (Eng
gllsh): Alms P. Jnhansrn, North Platte.
William I;. Green me-mirial naleontol
ogy scholarship, (geology): Edward F.
Sftbatka, Omaha.
Borden home economics scholarship
ward: Joyce M. Fits, Lincoln.
e.ral Hcll Burr memorial scholar
ship, (home economics): Virginia A, Earl,
Vida V, Mrtzger srhirlarahlp, (home
economics): Jon L, Sharp. Lincoln.
Omlcron Nn Freshman Award, (home
economics): Shirley A. Lumbard, Grand
Hears Roebuck Foundation home eco
nomic rholarlilp :
Mildred Athev, Teksmah.
Ciirylyn E. Buss, Columbus.
Clara L. Gregcrscn, Norfolk,
Shlrlev R. Kendie, Lincoln,
Ils D. Kleekhafer, Plalnvlew.
Connie J. I.lndley, Anselmo,
Maxlne A. f'elerson, Amelia,
Ellen I. Wstklns, Lincoln.
Marie Talbot Smart memorial scholar
ship (home economics); Elizabeth A,
Kelso, Mlmitare.
Lincoln Newspapers journalism schol
arship beys:
Pstricla S. Bechan, North Platte.
J-ennra J, Krueger, Norfolk.
Richard V. Kuska, Omaha.
Jen E, Ioml Omaha.
Wlllard V.. Smith, Lexington.
Sigma Bella Chi award dournallsm):
Brt)"e M Kennedy, Basin, Wyo.
William it. Hamhel memorial scholar
ship (law): Theodore W. Vrans. Supe
rior. Lawyer.' scholarship! Ralph D. Dear
den. Hollands, Calif.
Thomas (:. Woods scholarship (lsw);
Robert R. Mornn, David City, j
11 Ma Epshon prises (msthemstlcs) :
Francis T). Flood, Grsnd Island; Chris
K. Kuvstt, Grsnd Island.
PI Tau Sigma aophomwre award (me-
ctinnicai engineering): Amen J. msseiy,
Beatrice deceased),
Jetur Rlgr Conkllng and Jennie Han
seom (onkllng scholarship (medicine) :
Frederick Ware, omha.
Mldney R. Kent fellowship 'medicine):
James P. Hsrkln, Billings, Mont.
John J. Pershing award (military scl
sncei: Osmes M, Wroth. Lincoln.
Delta Omlcron scholarship, (music);
Dorothy ,T. Bsuer, Culhertson.
Ruth Hill Memorial scholarship, (muele);
jHmes r, Stevenson, Fslrhitry.
Ma I'M Knslion scholarship, (music);
Elennor f. Klnnlgsn, Bsrtley.
Phi Mn Alpha Mnfonla scholarship,
(music t; John P. Moran, David City.
PI Kappa lambda award, (music);
Susnnns M. Pstergsrd, Fremont.
Theodore I'resser scholarshlfrs, (music);
Dorothy J, Bsuer, Culhertson, -
Kathleen M Burt, Rennet.
Oayle I. Henkal, Campbell.
r:wen E. McCormsck, Lincoln.
ROTC hand honorary key awards,
(music; Don A, Boyd, Supsrlnr; James
A, Welch, Lincoln. , . .
Mtrma Alnha lota scholarships, (music) ;
Oayle I. Henkel, Campbell; Gladys M.
Novotnv, Clnrkson,
AmeHean founds Hon for pharmaceutical
education scholarships,
Harold R. Goodwin, Genoa,
Lawrence R, Welser, Mitchell.
Rlrhnrd B. Murray, Chadron.
Jemes A, Stsnclk, Chlcnro.
Rlchsrd W Stlsgetms', Lincoln.
Jnnlcs E, Teter, Bartley.
Kappa Enslton sward. (phsrmscy) ;
Donna R, Winch. Pilger.
Kappa Psi award, (pharmacy); Lyl B,
HM, Gerlne.
Lincoln drug seholarshlps,
loy r, Belts, l,lncnln
James R, Cfrs, Suthertsnd.
Miles J. Hllrtehrsnd, York.
Leland C. Lucke, J"slr.
Msrvln H. Melons, Fnlrbtiry.
Rnllln T). Mean, Lincoln.
Georre I plnnev. Ir,, Hastings,
Fv V, Whltls. Llnrntn.
"ho Chi easrd. (nhsrmy) : Gnle T.
riemsree, Burwell! Miles 3. Hlldebrsnd.
York. I
Jfhn E. Almy scholarshlns, (physics)
William A. Barrett. Grand Island; For
rest S. Mozer, Lincoln.
Long freshman debate award; Wayne
D. Johnson. Lincoln.
Herltcrt Browned memorial scholarships,
(teachers college); Herman Ernst Conrad.
McKeespnrt. Pa., Harold Arden John
son. Oratg.
national Alpha lambda Delta award;
Maria L. Bade. Lincoln.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia award, (music);
Eugene James, Sunriee,, Lincoln
American Association of I'nlverslry
Women scholarship : Oayle I. Henkel,
American Legion Auxiliary scholarship:
Elizabeth A. Rogers, Albuquerque, N, M,
C. W. Boncher memorial senior award:
Robert L. Raun, Minden.
C. W. Boucher senior ROTO award:
Donald D. Jensen. Lincoln.
Jefferson H. Brmady scholarship! David
D. Peatrowsky, Omaha.
Ceres 'club scholarship: Joanne En
gelkemeier. Louisville.
Chi Omega prize: Margaret C. Met
cslf, Wauneta.
J. A. Cobbey scholarship: Fritz P.
Picard, Geneva.
Delta Delta Delta scholarships: Joan
P. Holden. Grsnd Island; Mary F. Rob
inson, Holdrege.
Delta Kappa Gamma scholarship: Shir
ley I. Miles, Elwood.
Faculty Women's elub scholarship:
Bernadine L. Robb, Lewellen.
' William Hyte scholarships: Burt E.
Hyde, Boelus; Patricia L. Nelson, Lin
coln. Jones National bank scholarship: Willis
G. Vogel, Seward.
James G. and Mrs. Ada B. Kunz schol
arship: Milton W. Shuey, Crab Orchard.
Miller Paine scholarships:
John M. Dick, Fremont.
Bernard E. Greenberg, Omaha.
Lloyd E. Keller, Morse Bluff.
George J. Krleger, Lincoln.
Kenneth R. Melsinger, Louisville.
Earl H. Mitchell, Chadron.
Ted R. Nelson, Sutton.
Arnold N. Ostdiek, Lawrence.
Patty A. Peck, Fairfield.
Donald L. Plucknett, DeWitt.
Robert J. Tockey, Boelus.
Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic
sMsorlstion scholarship award: Herbert
E. Reese, Omaha.
Henry Monsky memorial scholarship!
Susan L. Allen. Pierce.
Gas Prestegaard scholarships:
Joan Follmer, Colorado Springs.
Phyllis M. Heeckt, uncoin.
Vlvlta Krievs, Lincoln.
Donald D. Mitchell, Lincoln,
Mary G. Sigler, Oscola.
Suzanne H. Tewell, Sidney.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Putney scholar
ships: Bonita M. Blanchard, Miller, S. D. ;
Edna M. Kniffen, Rock Rapids. Ia.
C. W. Boucher memorial senior ath
letic award: Robert D. Phelps, Lincoln.
Sarah J. Adams. Aurora.
Lyle D. Altman, Ballna, Kds.
Robert C. Asmus. Friend.
Joel E. Babcock, Humboldt.
Joel 1. Bitley. Omaha.
Kathryn M. Baker, David City.
Marilyn J. Bnmesherger, Hampton.
Eleanor L. Bancroft. Elsie.
Lola J. Banghart, Scottsbluff.
Charles H. eBatty. Holdrege.
Robert R. Beck, Adams.
Wallace Becker, Lincoln.
Narcy R. Benjamin, Lincoln.
Averil I Blerman, Holdrege.
Francis 'V. Biskup. Lincoln.
Yleen I. Black. Emerson.
Harold R. Bonness, Archer.
Andrew P. Boris, Amsterdam, N. Tt.
Lena L. Boschen. Tecumseh.
Larry L. Bosley. Holdrege.
Dorothy J. Bowman, Albion.
Doris E. Bratt. Pawnee City.
Marjori E. Bratt, Pawnee City
Barbara A. Bredthauer, Grand Island.
Lois M. Bryson. Callaway.
Nancy J. Buck. Omaha.
Dean T. Buckingham. Lincoln.
William H. Bunstock, McCook.
Charles J. Burmelster, Wahoo.
Chloe A. Calder, Wayne.
Marily 3. Campfield. Omaha.
Doris L Carlson, Omaha.
Karl E "Carson, Lincoln.
Frederick P. Chael, Kouts. lnd.
Phillip T. Chase, Schuyler.
James Chrlstensen. Lincoln.
Martha Chrlstensen, Miller.
Ruth E. Chrlstensen, Lincoln.
George B. Cobel, Lincoln.
Jack B. Cohen, Omaha.
Lawrence F. Collins, St. Edward.
Robert R Craig, Lincoln.
Robert J. Crownover. Sargent.
Donald R. Cunningham, Tekamah.
Merritt C. Cushlng, Nebraska City.
Richard Cutts. Lincoln.
Douglas R. Dale. Ord.
Harold L. Davey. Malcolm.
Galo E. Demaree. Burwell.
Kathleen Dill, Alexandria.
William 8. Dill. Alexandria.
Howard A, Dlnsdalf. Palmer.
Lynda C. Donaly, Kearney.
Thomas Drangsholt, Oslo. Norway.
William L. Drayer. Lincoln.
Ladd L. Duryea, Comstock.
Doris M. Eberhart. Bassett.
Shirley A. Ellenberger. Tekamah,
Dorothy J. Elliott, Scottsbluff.
Ralph B. Emmons, Lincoln.
Joanne Engelkemier, Louisville.
Frank E. Epperson, Denver.
Gustavo A. Erickson, Erlcson.
Bruce L. Evans, Lincoln.
Paul B. Fenske. Hosklns.
Donald M. Fitch, Omnha.
Keith L. Fitch, Lincoln.
Marlon J. Fltz, -Lincoln.
Audrey R. Flood, Lincoln.
Francis D. Flood, Grand Island.
Donald A. Forinaah, Hartington.
Lois 1. Frederick. Hay Springs.
Audrey C. Frederickson, Lincoln.
Ray A. Gard, Beaver Crossing.
Wlllard B. Gelwlck, Falls City.
Iceland E. Oeorge, So. Sioux City.
Richard G. Gere, Lincoln.
Hallet Gildersleeve, Lincoln.
Thomas J. Oorham, Franklin.
John M. Oradwohl, Lincoln.
Thomas E. Graham, Lincoln.
John T. Greer, Lincoln.
Donna M. Grueber, Lincoln.
Mary A. M. Grundman, Nebraska City.
Faye M. Haddlx. Central City.
Donald Carl Haldeen, Brule.
Sedley D. Hall. Pasadena, California.
Marilyn J. Hammond. Stamford.
Janice A. Hannford, Beatrice.
Ralph L. Hansen, Callaway.
Marilyn J. Harms, Lincoln.
H. Charles Hays, Llsco.
Keith M. Helm. Dawson.
Clinton Daniel Heine. Hooper.
Richard R. Hemphill. Oconto.
Donald L. Herzog, Lincoln.
Alfred J. J. Hoick, Lincoln.
Dick H. Holze, Lincoln.
Durrell D. Hull. Lincoln.
Joyce N. Hunscote. Clarks.
Jean J. Hunter. Wahoo.
Amy C. Huston. Shlem.
Dons Id E. Irwin, Lincoln.
Herbert L. Jackman, Grunt.
Donald D. Jensen, Holdrege.
Elizabeth A. Johnson. Craig.
Ernest K. Johnson. Holdrege.
Janette E. Johnson, York.
Richard W. Johnson, Lincoln,
Thomas E. Johnson, Alliance.
Phillip H. Jones, Central City.
Msrgsret A. Judd, Waterbury.
Robert S. Junge, Julesburg, Colo,
James J. Justice, Central City.
Roland R. Kaspsr, Prague,
peter L. Keene, Lincoln.
Rohort B. Kelly, Wichita Falls, Tex.
Janet L, Kepner, Osceola.
Ralph W. Kllk, Lincoln.
Pamela A. Klnne. Sidney,
Edward B. Klolhasa. Grsnd Island.
Alvln E. Kleltsch, Lincoln.
John D. Knapp. Ansley.
Nancy B. Koebler, Sidney.
Virginia E. Koebler, Geneva.
Theodore D. Kratt, Detroit.
Richard V, Kruska, Otnulw.
Wayne F. Lsrrabee, Norfolk.
Arthur L. Larsen, Grand Island.
Donald E. Lawson, Silver City, Is.
Edward C, Beau, Marshall, Minn.
Howard L. Leltel, Omaha.
Norman G. Llnd, Pilger.
Dean L. Llnarntt, Blue Springs.
Roscoe M. I,n!lwlg. Jr., Lincoln.
Jean K. Loudon, Lincoln.
Annette K. Luebbers, Fort Dodge, la,
Bernard L. Lunilberg, Lincoln.
Dsrrell J. McCsb. Mo. Valley, Ja.
Gwendolyn B. McCormack, Lincoln.
Margaret A. McCoy, Lincoln.
Richard T. McDonald, Wood River.
James W. McDowell, Red Cloud.
John C. McKlhanev, Luke Wll" n, Minn.
Mary I. McKenzle, Nebraska City.
Richard J. McNamee, Norfolk.
John K. Mcllevnoids. Ashland.
Bernsrd Msgld Omaha.
Janice M. Malnqulst, Wausa,
John C. Malnney, Laurel,
Barbara M. Msnn, Lincoln,
Richard P, Marshall, Lincoln,
Raymond G. Marvin, Lincoln,
Robert L. Mastln, Kearney,
rally Accredited
An Outstanding- College In a
Splendid Profession
Entrance requirement thirty
semester hours of credits in
specified courses. Advanced
standing granted for addi
tional L. A. ci edit in speci
fied course.
Registration Now Open
Excellent clinical facilities.
Recreational and athletic
activities. Dormitories on
campus. Approved for Vet
erans. 1845-K Larabec St.
Gerald B. Matzke. Lincoln
Georgia E. May, Lincoln,
Gerald G. Menefee, Tekamah.
Alice E. Meyers. North Loup.
Shirley M. Miller, Papllllon.
John Webster Mills. Osceola.
Kenneth L. Minnick. Alliance.
Dennis E. Mltchem, Elwood.
Patricia M. Moore, Fnlls City.
Hester E. Morrison, Beatrice.
Peggy A. Mlchels, FMirbury.
Mayer Moskovltz. Omnha.
Louise Mues, Arapahoe.
Jessie L. Murray, Alliance.
Matilyn J. Myers, York.
Betty J. Nelson, Lincoln.
Don J. Nelson, Pilger.
Herbert C, Q. Nelson, Potter.
Lyle W. Nilson. Aurora.
Gladys M. Novotny. Clarkson.
Wilfred W. Nuernberger, Omaha.
Dorrance Oldenburg, Gordon.
Alfred J. Ostdiek, Lawrence.
Glen R. Oatdlek, Lawrence.
Linus J. Ostdiek. Lawrence.
Amy J. Palmer. Steele City.
Robert E. Patterson, Lincoln. .
Mary A. Pedersen, Omaha.
Peter M. Peterson, Tsrklo. Mo.
John P. Pfann Nebraska City.
Lewis E. Pierce. Lincoln.
Alma C. Plnkerton, Beatrice.
Norman D. Rasmussen, Central City.
Warren I. Rasmussen,' Central City.
Joan E. Raun, Mlnden.
Donald R. Ravenscroft, Lincoln.
Robert R. Reichenbach. Lincoln.
Marvin B. Rhodes, Mason City.
Daniel L. Richmond, Gordon.
Vernon W. Rinne, Pawnee City.
Rex T. Rische, Lincoln.
Margaret E. Ritchie, Auburn.
Eugene E. Rbblnson. Oshkosh.
Dennis K. Rohrs, Auburn.
Glenn C. Rosenqulst, Lincoln.
Ralph R. Ruhter, Lincoln.
Edward F. Sabatka, Omaha.
Robert F. Sand. Nehawka.
Gloria R. Sandels, Fa.;bury
Robert M. Sandstedt, Lincoln.
Ruth A. Sandstedt. Lincoln.
Darvin D. Schoemaker, Scotia.
Jack V. Scholz, Chadron.
Willis W. Selk, Scotia.
Eldon W. Shuey, Crab Orchard.
John R. Shull, Topeka, Kas.
Herman Shyken, Omaha.
Mary C. Sidner. Lincoln.
Dorothy E. Smiley, Omaha,
Alice J. Smith. Lincoln.
Eugene H. Smith, Lincoln.
Wlllard E. Smith, Lexington.
Jack A. Solomon, Jr., Omaha.
Ruth C. Sorensen. Lincoln.
William E. Sorensen, Fremont,
Norma E. Spomer, Lincoln.
Gayle E. Stnhl, OmahH.
Donald L. Stern, Omaha.
Lois F. Stewart, Lynch.
Annette C. Stoppkotte, Grand Island.
Jerrold L. Strasheim, Lincoln.
Lorraine A. Strasheim, Lincoln.
Norman P. Sutton, North Platte.
Cynthia B. Tanderup. Lincoln.
Robert C. Tefft. Avoca.
Dohn J. Theobald, Geneva.
John H. Thurber. Norfolk.
Carl L. Tipton, Valley.
Jeanne L. Trabold, Omaha,
hov.urd E. Tracy. Aurora, 111
Joan L. Van Valkenburg, Omaha.
Ketih T. Van Orsdol, Lincoln.
Dennis W. Vernon, David City.
Helen A. Vltek, Schuyler.
Robert L Vollmer, North Platte.
Vernon V. Vrtlska, Pawnee City.
Twila F. Walker, Arlington, Va.
John T. Warren, Beatrice.
Marilyn Weber, Norfolk.
Nancy E. Weir, Galesburg, III.
Herbert K. Weisel, Lincoln.
Robert H. Westfall, Nebraska City.
Myrna P. Westgate, Lincoln.
Margaret P. Wledman, Lincoln.
Miriam S. Wllley. Winnetka, 111.
John G. Wirsig, Jr.. Ssrgent.
Warren R. Wise, Lincoln.
Glen A. Wood. Fairbury.
Ruth E. Wright, Genoa.
Jerrold M. Yos, Lincoln
William E. Ziegenbeln, Lincoln.
Ell Zietz. Lincoln.
Scottish Rite scholarships:
Douglas D. Brsunsroth. Bloom field.
Marcla A. Burklund, Saronville.
Emily L. Cloyd, Meadow Grove.
Darleen S. Flscus, Alma.
Ralph L. Hall. Elmwood.
nrlene E. Imlg. Lincoln.
Helen R. Kouns, Falls City.
Ruth E. Llnd. Ashland
Keith E. Versaw, Franklin.
Francis H. Wallace. Lincoln.
Senior class scholarship: Marvin r..
Holsclaw. O'Neill.
William K. Sharp scholarship: Lester D.
Bullcr, Fairbury.
Edward I-ang True scholarship: Richard
E. Bradley, Omaha.
I'nlverslty 4-tt cmn scnoiarsnip iik-wh,,..
(Senior medal), Robert L. Raun, Minden
(awarded permanently); (junior . medsli,
Charles W. Stuber. St. Michael; (sopho
more medal), Donald C. Hanson, Elsie;
(freshman medal), James R. Weber,
Nebraska Imw Review
Theodore C. Sorensen, Editor-in-Chief.
William F. Fuhr. Spencer.
John M. Gradwohl. Lincoln.
Donald H. Kelley, Wallace.
William E. Morrow, Jr., Alliance.
Lewis E. Pierce, Pacific Junction, Is,
Donald Ravenscroft, Kennedy.
Robert G. Scnvllle, Hartington.
Jack A. Solomon. Omaha.
Gavle E. Stahl. Omaha.
Russell R. Strom. Jr., Minneapolis.
Order of the Coll
Wallace Becker, Lincoln.
Richard L. Berkhelmer. Gordon.
Barbara Blackburn Kratz, Lincoln.
Theodore C. Sorensen. Lincoln.
Robert J. Wlllev. Lincoln.
Allen Competition winners, I DM)
Don A. Boyd. Superior.
Glen A. Fleblg, Loup City,
Hoard of Advisors
Robert D. Mondle, West Point, chftlr
msn, first semester.
Robert E. Orshek. Cedar Rapids, chair
mun. second semester.
Wlllard 1. Bodtker, Junction City, Ore.
Donald L. Brock. Mitchell.
Edward F. Carter, Lincoln.
Dean L. Donoho, Lincoln.
John Gerlach, Jr., Lincoln.
Donald H. McArthur. Lincoln.
John S. Miles. Lincoln.
Orrin C. Osterhnlm, Glenwood, la.
James W. Ponder. Jr.. Gerlng.
Harold C. Prlchsrd, Lincoln.
Robert A. Skochdopole, Ravenna.
Hubert F. Weiso, Ruslivllle.
I'll I Beta Kappa
Senior members:
Susan Allen Dorothv A. Kurth
Maria Lelpelt Bade Edward C. LeBesu
Joel I. Bailey Marylou J. Luther
Eleanor L. Bancroft Bernard Magid
Marilyn Campfield Richard T.
Elsie A. Clapp McDonald
Merritt C. fushlng John w. Mills
llsrnld L. Davey
Charles H. Mohr
William B.
Robert J, Evans
Keith L. Filch
Audrey R. Flood
Mayer Moskovltz
Forrest S. Mozer
Ila E. Nelson
Charles H.
Newell, Jr.
Donald A. F -'nashJohn R. O'Neal
Virginia L. Hill Robert D. Phelps
Albert E. I "n Petar M. Peterson
Iionnld D. Jensen Frederick P,
Janet K. Jensen Picard, III.
Susan Reed Nancy M. Porter
Daniel L. Richmond Eugene H. Smith
Robert B. Kellv Dorothy Williams
Sigma XI
Senior sssocate members:
Marls L. BBde Edward R. Maunder
Edward A. Bartunek Forrest s. Mozer
Ivan L. Burmcisler Louise Muss
Robert J. Evans Vigo B. Olsen ,
Glenn D. Ford Robert Rupert
Eugene Heuermann Herbert J. Singer
James K. Jones, Jr. Robert W. Waters
Nol 'n T Jones John F. Wilkinson
Leland C Lucke Norman D. Williams
James W. McDowell Jack H. Yelken
Raymond G. Marvin
(Members on Honor Lists)
Alpha lambda Delta
Marilvn J. Auserod Barbara E. Mann
Maria L. Bade Ma'la M. Mrr
Nancy R. Henlcmln Marilyn Moomey
Barbara Bredtouer l-au'cla M, Moore
Lynd.i ('. Doriai,, Hester E, Morrison
Diane Downing Jessie L. Murray
Bonnalyn Ellers Mary J, Neely
Joanne Engeikmeier Winnie M. Owen
Marjorle L. Feary Alma C. Plnkerton
Audrey R. Flood Nsncy M. Porter
l.tB urq rQTg-
Joan E. ijaHinuss-en
Marjorle R. Oade
Jacquelyn K. Hons
Joyce N, Hunacote
Janette E. Johnson
Virginia E. Koehler
Vlvlta Krievs
Joan V. V. Savage
Mary (.'. Sldn"i'
.lean R. Smith
Ruth C. Soreiiwn
Donna 1). Tlnkham
Marilyn Weber
Jean K. Loudon
Miriam S. Wtlley
Annette K. Luebbers Barbara L. Young
Shirley A. Lumbard
Barbara J. Adams Mary K. Mackie
Barbara L.
Charlotte L. Mason
Marjorle M. Moran
Mary A. Mulligan
Constance R. Nye -Judith
Nancy A, r,.nphrey
Su-an Relihsrdt
Barbara Ann
Janet L. Steffen
May Van Home
Shirley A. Wear
Harriett G. Wenke
Clementine Woster
Ms.T A.
Geneva E. Berns
Deloris L. Brown
Jane A. Calhoun
Connie C. Clark
Sharon B. Cook
Nancy A. Dark
Jean C. Davis
Mary Sue Gorton
Lura A. Harden
Helen D. Hinman
Joan P. Holden
Marilyn F. Housel
Mary E. Kln.Hnger
Bettv A. Lester
Phyllis J. Lyons
Gamma Sigma Delta
Robert E. Beck
Bernard W.
Richard J. Crom
Paul F. Engler
Loyd K. Fischer
Glenn D. Ford
Gervase H. Francke
Darreli W. Heiss
Eugene M.
Earl C. Hultman
George L. Johnson
Theodore King
Donald E. Lawson
Franklin C. Lothrop
Warren G. Monson
Leroy F. Nelson
Arnold E. Nleveen
Paul H. Pumphrey
Robert V. Radln
Robert L. Raun
George W.
E. Burnell Swanson
Billy M. Tucker
Phllrp J. Warner
Hubert W. Welton
John F. Wilkinson
Norman D.
Jack F. Wilson
Delmar D. Wittier
Beta Gamma Sigma
Bizad college seniors:
Ralph E. Barr Alfred J. Ostdiek
Nancy J. Buck John P. Pfann
Donald J. Carlyon Joan E. Rasmussen
Milton D. Clark Robert O. Rogers, Jr.
Richard W. norff Robert W. Shlvely
Lamar E. Garon Milton W. Shuey
Wlllard B. Gelwick Allen I. Tully
Bert H. Knapp K. T. Van Arsdol ,
Kenneth A. Legg James M. Wroth
Alpha Omega Alpha
Medical seniors:
James A. Anderson William C.
John M. Boulware Mannschreck
Dallas V. Clatanoff Harold N. Margolin
Harold L. Davis Robert C. Rosenlof
Donald A. Fuesler Herbert I. Singer
James C. P. Harkln Erwln Witkln
John E. Kysar Ernest A. Yeck
Margaret L.
Teachers College
Members on Honor Lists
Shirley L. , Allen .lane Linn
Marilvn J Auserod Maria M. Marx
Marilyn M. Bergh Shirley M. Miller
Molly D. Britten- Catherine E. Moo.
ham die
Marilyn J. Camp- Patricia M. Moora
field Marilyn H. Morgan
Janet M. Carr Jessie L. Murray
Margaret F. Cham- Nancy A. Noble
berlln Edna H. Pesek
Nanette F. Cowles Meredyth E. S. Pe.
Joan Fickling ters
Sharon L. Frltzler Janet M. Ringler
Barbara J. Gilmore Blanche A. Sawyer
Rosemary E. Urn- Dorothy E. Smiley
ham Jean R. Smith
Lois B. Griffith Lorraine A. Stras.
Jean E. Hedstrom hem
Gertrude M. Hill Cythla B. Tsnder.
Joan P. Noyt up
Joyce N. Hunscote Margaret E. Thorn
Janet K. Jensen sen
Marjory A. Jensen Margaret A. Trim
.lunette E. Johnson ble
Margaret A. Judd Patricia C. Watson
Marilvn M. Ka'"l Mlrlnm S. Wllley
Mc bpr - '"-tr tJsts.
Phi Lambda Kpsllon.
(Chemi.dry. )
Richard J. McNamee.
Pi Kanpa Lambda.
Gwen E. McCormack. Eugene J. 8undeen
Pi Mu Epsilnn.
Nester E. Acevedu, Hubert H. Holder
jr. Dick H. Holze
William A. Barrett, Robert C. Irwin
Jr. John C. Jolinron
Berwyn B. Caswell Peter L. Keene
Paul H. Chrismar Riilnh W. Kllh
Oeorge B. Cn'iel Edward E. Klrsch
Melshat Emlrglt Chris E. Kuyalt
Ralph B. Emmons Edward C I.eBeau
Francis iL Flooo Richard J.
Fay E. Fuchser McNam
Donald W. Hu'ider Andrew T. Sheets
Edward R. Maunder Willis W. Selk
Richard K. Mohler Robert L. Vollmer
Forrest 8. Mozer Jerrold M. Yos
Rlci ard T. Pusaterl Wlnfred C.
Robert C. Rupert ''"cnurlas
Harold R. Goodwin Inland C. Lucks
Lawrence R. Helser Janice E. Teter
Theta Nil
Clinton D. Heine John R. O'Neal -
Donald L.
David D.
Arthur L. Larsen
John W. Mills
Robert D. Phelps
Jack V. Scholz
Robert H. Westfall
Lyle W. Nilson
Mortar Board
(Senior Women)
Allen Nancy M. Porter
Joel 1. Bailey
Susa.i Reed
Annette C.
Marilyn J,
Janet M. Carr
Psi Chi
( Psychology )
Audrey R. Fiona Daniel L.
Donald D. Jensen Richmond
(Social Fraternity)
Arthur H. Becker
Dale L. Reynolds
Rex Crom
Steve A. tfherhart
Ray A. Gard
Ralph L. Hansen
Marvin A. Hunann
Don Gary Johnson
LrC.J. , e -.. ii .
Eugene E. Robinson
Kenneth M. Stone
Charles Vv. Stuber
Glen R. Vlehmever
Philip J. Warner
Robert L. Watson
James R. Weber
Elden D. Weselev
John L. Messersmlth John F, Wilkinson
John O. Rawllngs Delmar D. Whit tier
Don T. Reeves Clin ton K. Yeutter
Nancy R. Benjamin
Murilyn J. Campfield
Ludd L. Duryea
Jeun E. Loomis
Mary'ou J. Luther
Susan Heed
Main Features Slarl
State: "Oh Susanne," 1:00, 4:04,
7:08, 10:12. "Surrender," 2:30,
5:30, 8:38.
Husker: "Canyon Raiders," 1:00,
3:23, 5:46, 8:09, 10:32. "Hidden
City," 2:14, 4:37, 7:00, 9:29.
Varsity: "Only the Valiant,"
1:17, 3:13, 5:19, 7:20, 9:23.
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