The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1951, Image 1

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    ("'Wr.lMlKIIII.J.-Hiil H nw
Officers Meet
j ' 5j ULuJU jlAJ Ju LrmJ U U
I Vol.
51 No. 123
Thursday, April ,19, 1951!
ROTO RECEPTION Maj. Gen. Edwin P. Parker, visiting the Uni
versity on an inspection trip, shakes hands with Jerry Desmond,
an ROTC student, at a reception held in the Union Monday.
Kopf to Head Corn Cobs,
Officers, Members Named
Del Kopf and Gene Robinson
were chosen by the Corn Cobs
Advisory board to lead the or
ganization for the coming year.
Kopf, president of the men's
pep organization, is a member of
'No Politics'
. "I have no political aspirations
This statement was made by
Gen. Douglas MacArthur as he
was cheered by half a million
persons in a thunderous welcome
home Wednesday morning in
San Francisco.
"I do not intend to run for any
political office and I hope that
my name Will never be used in
any political way," the general
With the address which he will
deliver to a joint meeting of con
gress today near completion,
MacArthur rode to a civic welcome--and
to the International
airport: to continue his dramatic
Tokyo-to-Washington flight.
The general left the St. Francis
hotel exactly on schedule at 9:45
.m. (p.s.t.)
The city gave the general a
mob-like hero's welcome Tues
day night which equalled any
thing in San Francisco's stormy
history, MacArthur, home after
14 years that changed the history
of the world, called it "over
whelming." The ousted five-star general
will speak on the national radio
networks and appear on televis
ion at 11:30 a.m. today.
Allied Troops
Advance .Steadily
Only in the vital Hwachon dam
area did the United Nations
troops find opposition in their
steady advance behind tank col
umns thrusting deep into com
munist lines.
In the Hwachon area allied
forces stormed across the Pukhan
river and attacked rearguard
reds holding hills around the
The allies crossed the Pukhan
in the four-mile stretch between
the town of Hwachon and the
dam itself. They charged into an
estimated 50 red troops holding
the hills there and forced them
to withdraw.
Allied patrols reached the dam
area Tuesday but were forced to
withdraw under communist ma
chine gun fire from the hills.
Floor Fight Planned
For Sales Tax Bill
A floor fight to resurrect the
sales tax bill killed Tuesday
afternoon by the legislature's re
venue committee, was being
mapped Wednesday by the mea
sure's principal sponsor, Sen.
Dwight Burney of Hartington.
At Formal Parable ...
Army, Navy, Air ROT
To Honor 16
Sixteen University ROTC stu
dents were presented awards
Weednesday afternoon for mili
tary and scholastic achievement
at a formal parade of the com
bined Army, Navy and Air Force
ROTC held on the campus.
The award winner:
Cadet 2nd Lt. Russell L.
Siders, the United States Infan
try. award presented by -the As
sociation of the United States
Army to the outstanding first
year advanced student in the in
fantry. Cadet 2nd Lt. Gladwyn A.
Youngs, the United States Artil
lery award presented by the As
sociation of the United States
Army to the outstanding first
year advanced student in the ar
tillery. Senior Awards
Cadet Lt. Col. Henry D. Kad-
avy, 1 the senior awara 01 ine
'American Military Engineers to
the outstanding senior engineer
ing student. ;
Cadet 2nd Lt. John D. Prien,
Jr., the junior award of the American-Military
Engineers to the
The Weather
Nebraska partly cloudy, some
What colder Thursday. Mostly
iouay west, wnn snow nurries,
west Thursday afternoon. High
Thursday 45 northeast to 55
southeast; high west portion In
60's, turning colder.
Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Zeta,
the livestock judging team and a
varsity baseball pitcher.
Robinson, vice president of the
Cobs, is a member of Farm
House, Alpha Zeta and is presi
dent of the University 4-H club.
Schantz, Johnson
George Schantz was elected
secretary and Gene Johnson is
the new treasurer.
Schantz is a member of Theta
Xi. Johnson is an assistant busi
ness manager of the Cornhusker,
treasurer of AUF and a member
of Beta Theta Pi.
At the annual Corn Cobs ban
quet where the new officers were
announced sixteen workers for
the organization were initiated.
These 16 University men will
be the Corn Cob actives for next
year. They are:
Dean Linscott, Don Noble,
Marty Lewis, Ira Epstein, Phil
Ostwald, Richard Hallek, Arn
old Stern, Stu Reynolds, Bob La
Shelle, Eldon Schafer, Dan Tol
man, Wayne White, Art Becker,
Jerry Stone, Larry Anderson and
Gene Wohlner.
The actives were chosen on
the basis of work done for the
University and attendance at
athletic events.
Work, Sales
Their selection was based on
the amount of work hours that
they did for the organization and
the sales each man accomplished.
Two days preceeding the in
itiation the Corn Cob pledges
wore their Cob sweaters and car
ried -corncobs around their weeks.
The initiation banquet was held
at the Lincoln hotel in the Gar
den room.
Colonel Frankfurter addressed
a speech to the Corn Cobs attend
ing the dinner.
Bob Parker is past president of
the organization. Dick Kuska has
been this year's vice president.
Addresses CO A
Brig. Gen. Guy N. Henninger,
adjutant general of the Nebraska
National Guard and head of Ne
braska's selective service was
guest speaker at a general assem
bly meeting and buffet supper of
Cadet Officers association
Wednesday evening.
Guests at the 6:30 banquet
were sophomore cadets. The
sophomores, as potential cadet of
ficers, observed the organization
at work at its business meeting
after the banquet.
Also attending the banquet as
guest of COA was Eileen Derieg,
ROTC Honorary Commandant.
Held at Parlors XYZ at the
Union, the banquet followed a
joint parade of the army, air
force and navy Wednesday after
noon. Banquet chairman was Darwin
McAfee, COA president.
outstanding junior engineering
Cadet 1st Lt. Robert J. Gil
more, the American Ordnance
Association award of the Ameri
can Ordnance association to the
outstanding first year student in
Cadet Lt.' Col. Charles M
Bressman, the Provost Marshal
General's plaque to the outstand
ing advanced student in ad
vanced Military Police.
Infantry .Award
Cadet 2nd Lt. Marion G. Reis,
the Frankforter Infantry award,
presented by Col. C. J. Frank
forter to the outstanding first
year advanced student in the in
fantry. Cadet Sgt. Verl I. Scott, the
Frankforter Infantry award of
Col. Frankforter to the outstand
ing second year basic student in
Cadet 1st Lt. Vincent Goeres,
Cadet 2nd Lts. John C. McEl
haney, Richard H. Jackson,
William Ash, and Cadet Sgt.
Donald Hamman, the Army Re
serve Officers association award,
for the highest scores attained in
rifle competition.
Cadet 1st Sgt. Lloyd E. Keller.
and Cadet TSgt. John Wirsig,
the Air Force Reserve Officers
association award for the out
standing second year basic stu-
rflH(it 1st r t v
res, the Richardson Rifle trophy,
tor tne highest average
score in all rifle matches
the past year in ROTC.
College Days ...
Alum Association, Union,
Women's Dorm Tell Plans
College Days plans have been
announced this week by several
University depart ments. The
Alumni Association, the Union
and the Women's Residence halls
have scheduled open houses, tours
and displays to take place during
the three-day celebration, April
20 TO ZB
The Alumni Association, under
tne direction of Fritz Daly, will
hold continuous open house in the
faculty lounge of the Union be
tween 2 and 5 p.m. Thursday,
April 26.
College Days visitors will be
greeted by Mr. Daly and will be
shown his office. They will also
see the architectural plans of the
Building and Grounds Committee.
Coffee will be served to all vis
itors. Alumni and their families
and friends are especially invited.
Union Facilities
The Union also has scheduled
activities for College Days visi
tors. The Union's food facilities,
including the crib, the Campus
Line and parlors ABC, will be
open at the regular hours. A dis -
play of Union drawings will be
set upon the walls of the main
Football movies will be shown
in the Union lounge Thursday
from 6 to 7 p.m., Friday from 12
noon until 1 p.m. and from 6 to
7 p.m. and Saturday from 12 noon
32 Law Students Honored
At Annual Association Banquet
Thirty-two University Law col
lege students were honored Wed
nesday night April 18. at the an
nual college law association ban
quet. Anan Raymond, of Chicago,
former president of the Nebras
ka Bar association and University
law graduate in 1913, was the
Raymond, who received his
bachelor and decorate degrees at
the University, is a member of
Phi Beta Kappa. At present he is
a member of Johnston, Thomp
son, Raymond and Mayer law
firm in Chicago.
Students honored were:
Nebraska Law Review
Theodore C. Sorensen, editor-in-chief
William F. Fuhr
John M. Gradwohl
"""Udhald H'"jtyy ' . '
Coeds to Meet
For Yell-Squad
Tryouts Today
Tryouts for coed cheerleaders
are being held today, Thursday,
at 7 p.m. in the Coliseum.
All applicants should be at the!
Coliseum promptly at 7 p.m. as
they will have to go at a fast rate
of speed to get through," said
Frank Piccolo, yell king for this
year's squad.
Girls who are participates of
"Good News" will be taken first
then, they will follow alphabet
ically. These tryouts are open to the
public. Anyone who is interested
is urged to attend.
The women will be judged on
general personality, crowd appeal,
grace of motions, voice and apt
ness in picking up the yells.
The Advisory board is made up
of six students and three faculty
members. They are: Nancy Por
ter, president of Mortar Board;
Bob Raun, president of Innocents;
Marilyn Vigners, 1 president of
Tassels: Bob Parker, president of
Corn Cobs; Frank Piccolo, this
year's yell king; Brick Paulson,
assistant yell king for this year's
squad; Don Lentz, band director;
Potsy Clark,' director of athletics;
and Jake Geier, gymnastics coach.
The Advisory board has made
dans to work out the problem
that has been brought up by the ,
addition of women to the squad,
Previous squads have been
trained in the Men's physical ed
ucation building. Arrangements
are being made to work out this
Puppet Expert
To Give Talk
Miss Marjorie Shanafelt, ' who
has recently returned from a
tour of Denmark, will talk to the
Home Economics club; Thursday
at 5 p.m.
Miss Shanafelt, assistant to the
director of the museum at Morrill
hall, will talk on the different
types of puppets and gave a per
formance at the National Scala
in Copenhagen.
In her talk, Miss Shanafelt will
include the construction of a
puppet, how they are worked,
and the future of puppets in
television. She will also give a
demonstration with her puppets.
The meeting will be held in
the Home Ec parlors.
Former Prof
Paul Spielberg, former instruc
tor of philosophy at the Univer
sity, was among the four teachers
released from Vassar college re
cently. The .reason for releasing
the teachers" was an extended
argument over whether the taach-
ing of Plato should be minimized
in philosophy courses.
Others released wer$ Prof.
until 1 p.m. '
Organ music will be featured
in the lounge from 4 until 6 n.m.
each evening of the three days of
couege JJays. Brownies and
punch will be served to all visi
tors between 4 and 6 p.m. and 8
arid 10 p.m. all three days.
The Union also plans to set up
an information booth in front of
the center door.
The Women's Residence halls,
including Love, Raymond and
Heppner halls will hold continu
ous open houses Thursday morn
ing afternoon and evening, Friday
morning and Saturday from 11
a.m. until 2 p.m.
Dorm Tours
Fifteen minute tours will be
conducted through the dormi
tories by dorm counselors. Ruth
Meierhenry and Katherine Parks,
in charge of the tours, plan to
show visitors where next year's
women students will be living
and what they should bring with
College Days visitors will he
1 taken through some part of every
hall, the basement, suites and of
fices of the housemothers and
part of the east lawn.
A well-furnished and vacant
room will be shown to all visitors
so that they may get some idea
of the decorating possibilities of
the rooms.
William E. Morrow
Lewis E. Pierce
Donald Ravenscrot't
Robert G. Scoville
Jack A. Solomon
Gayle E. Stahl
Russell R. Strom. Jr.
The Order of the Coif
Wallace Becker
Richard L. Berkheimer
Theodore Sorensen
Robert J. Willey
Mrs. Barbara Blackburn Kratz
Allen Competition Winners, 1951
tewis E. Pierce
Leonard Hammes
Robert D. Moodie
Gayle E. Stahl
Board of Advisers
Robert D. Modie, 1 chairman,
first semester
Robert E. Orshek, chairman,
tnenna semesten
William I. Bodtker .
Donald L. Brock
Edward F. Carter
Dean L, Donoho
John Gerlach, Jr.
Donald H. McArthur
John S. Miles
Orrin C. Osterholm
James W. Ponder, Jr.
Harold C. Prichard
Robert A. Skochdopole
Robert F. Wefso
Speech, Art, Music Departments Schedule
Plays, Lectures
The speech and art depart
ments are taking an active part
m the University Fine Arts Fes
tival for high school students to
he held Friday and Saturday.
Several activities are included
in the speech program in addition
to the one-act play contest which
started Monday. These ani dra
matic and humorous readings, in
terpretive and original oratory,
extemporaneous speaking, poetry
readings, radio news-casting, dis
cussion and debate.
Three hundred students from
85 Nebraska high schools are ex
pected for the speech events,
Registration will be from 9-12
Friday morning at the Union.
Speech activities will take place
Friday afternoon and evening
and Saturday morning. A fine
arts luncheon will climax the fes
tival. Art Department . Program
The art department has plan
ined a varied program for stu-
dents taking part in this phase of
tne festival, un naay morning
Jr.-Sr. Battle Scheduled Friday
Juniors will battle seniors Fri
day for possession of & trophy to
be presented the winning class
on Ivy Day.
Competition includes softball,
sack races, egg - throwing con
tests and three legged races. Pi
oneer Park in Lincoln will serve
as the battleground. First events
softball, Mortar Boards vs.
junior women, i Innocents vs.
junior men, will begin at 2:30 and
3 p. m. respectively, i
Any junior or senior coed in
terested in playing on class
teams is urged to contact Pat
Wiedman, 6-2440. Junior and
senior men wishing to play
should contact Hank Cech, 3-9160.
Each team wax play four in
nings. If enough students par
ticipate, other games between
juniors and seniors will be sched
uled. Though the executive faculty
Fired at Vassar
Lewis S. Feuer and instructors
Mary Mothtrsill, and Germone
Richfield, all of New York.
The philosophy faculty and the
student body of 1,400 had been
split for months over the argu
ment of whether or not the teach
ing of Plato had become "old
hat" and should be replaced with
emphasis on the philosophy of
Herbert Spencer.
f ''Etaa'
. f
Axtell Gives
Health Center
Study Report
A study of the Student Health
center conducted by the Student
Council campus improvements
committee' was reported on by
Kent Axtell at the Council's
weekly meeting Wednesday.
Specific complaints of the stu
dents regarding the service were
cited and answers to these com
plaints were given by Axtell.
The Council investigation
stemmed from an attempt to
seek an explanation for the va
rious "gripes."
According to Axtell, the com
mittee in charge of the study
conferred with Dr. Samuel I.
Fuenning, Student Health direc
tor, in order to determine what
the facilities, services, finances
and responsibilities of the center
are. The committee presented the
students' complaints at that time.
Answers to 'Gripes'
Following are some of the
"gripes" and the answers sub
mitted by Axtell:
1. Students desiring treatment
at the center have to spend too
much time waiting their turns.
Answer: There are times, ad
mittedly, when the student must
wait much longer than he wishes
to receive attention, but the same
situation exists at the office of
any doctor nowadays.
If the physical plant were larg
er and arranged more conveni
ently, efficiency could be im
proved. Future building plans
provide for such a plant, but the
temporary building will have to
suffice now.
2. Students are hospitalized too
often if they go to the center for
treatment and examination.
Answer: Any such fear on
the student's part results in large
part from an erroneous opinion
that may be formed by some
student who feels fte should "have
been released from his hospital
bed sooner.
Glandular Fever
A relative newcomer among
student diseases, glandular fever,
has few cures. Doctors take care
to see that the patient does not
po?ack-tAm'lliar lJaioor7AslJnioit- Plana TV
Often patients, impatient when
they are not released though
they "feel good," do not realize
that precaution is still necessary.
3. Students are dissatisfied
with diagnosis.
Answer: Such comments as
"They never do anything but give
me a pill and tell me to go to
bed" are the result of more er
(See Student Health, Fage 4)
for Fine Arts
there will be lectures under the
direction of art faculty members.
A demonstration of techniques
by art instructors is the program
for Friday afternoon. This will
be followed by a tea given by
Delta Phi Delta, art honorary.
Professor Laging will give a
gallery talk on Saturday morn
ing. Following the fine arts lun
cheon the art department will
show movies. The feature will be
Charles Laughton, "Rembrandt."
Between 60 and 70 students
are expected to take part in the
art events.
These Nebraska high schools
will be represented:
Towns Represented
Ashland, Bayard, Beatrice, Ce
dar Bluffs, Chadron, Davenport,
Endicott, Gering, Grand Island,
Hastings, Lincoln, McCook, North
Plat,te, Omaha, Primrose, Scotts
bluff, Wlber and Tecumseh.
David Foltz of the School of
Music is general chairman of the
Fine Arts Festival. Speech activ
ities are under the direction of
committee on student affairs has
granted approval for the junior
senior competition day, attend
ance is voluntary and no student
will be excused from regularly
scheduled class work or required
Ag College Triple Trio
To Sing for Feeders Day
The Ag college triple trio will
sing for Feeder's day on April 20.
Gilbert Karges, Robert Atchi
son, Tom Leisy, Lloyd Graff, Ro
lan Anderson, James Pollard,
Gary Lundeen, Carl Gerwick and
Lloyd Schepler will take part in
the festivities.
The group is under the direc
tion of Mrs. Altinas Tullis, ac
companied by Marcella Schacht.
At a monthly meeting, January
26, Professor Feuer, champion of
Spencer, engaged in a fist fight
with . Prof. Joseph Katz, who
favors Plato. Feuer and the three
others who "ided with him were
released the following week.
Spielberg was at the University
during the 1948-'49 school year.
i aic vaugiik emu CMUU uciuic
Jhe left for New York City.
flo Seek Soltrf Son
Delivers (Problem
R. G. Gustavson
To Speak Today
All male University students
are urged to attend a convoca
tion to be held tonight at 8
p.m. in the Coliseum.
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson
will speak on the latest de
velopments In the national
manpower situation.
Some of the major points of
the chancellor's talk will be:
provisions of the new draft
law; the tests which will be
offered college men for post
ponement of induction; and
University ROTC programs.
Dr. Gustavson has been In
Washington obtaining the lat
est infc matlon on the selec
tive service program.
Questions will be answered
from the floor.
Chief to Speak
On Near East
Richard D. Robinson, former
military government official in
Korea, will speak about the
situation in the near east at a
mass meeting of NUCWA Thurs
day at 7:30 p. m. in Parlor B
of the Union.
Robinson is now associated
with the Institute of World Af
fairs and is the consultant in
Turkey and the Black Sea basin.
He sends information of the
countries to interested groups in
the United States.
"These reports," according to
Robinson, "are somewhere be
tween newspaper accounts and
the comprehensive book form
which appears later."
Robinson lives with the people
of the near east, learning their
problems at the "grassroot's
jlevel,". This week. Robinson is
addressing University classes and
seminars on how to study for
eign areas.
Harold Peterson, president of
NUCWA, will preside at the
meeting . Announcements about
the election of new officers will
follow Robinson's speech.
Party, Square Dance
For an economical and enter
taining evening, it's the Ag Union
television party and Ag Country
Dancers square dance Friday
The square dance is scheduled
from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The tele
vision will be on all evening.
Cokes and brownies will be
Clarence Flick. Manfred Keiler
will supervise art events.
Details concerning the music
program for the festival will be
in the Friday issue of the Daily
AKP Series . . .
Idealism Veils
Plans Savs
The red threat that the U. S.
faces today is not a theoretical
communism but the old ruthless
imperialism of czarist Russia mas
querading in the trappings of an
idealistic faith.
Dr. Lane Lancaster, chairman
of the University political science
department, drove this point
home in the fourth of a series of
five lectures Wednesday evening
at Love Library auditorium.
The series is sponsored by Al
pha Kappa Psi, to focus atten
tion on communism as a threat
to the American economy. The
last in the series will be given
by Gov. Val Peterson at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, April 25.
Policy Unchanged
Red Russia's political policy,
Dr. Lancaster said, is the same
old czarist drive to expand im
perial territory, the same search
for warm water ports, the old
demand for control of the Dar
danelles, and the same desire to
create a ring of buffer states and
spheres of influence.
"The ancient game," he ex
plained, "is only being played for
higher stakes. For the old em
pires have gone the German, the
Turkish, the Austrian, the British
and Russia faces a single rival,
the United States. The real of
fense of which American Com
munists are guilty is not belief
in a strange creed, but simply
Sees -Little Danger
Dr. Lancaster said he sees lit
tle danger of Russia's red faith
winning many American converts.
"The real danger," he said, "is
that it will win so many among
the miserable and disadvantaged
elsewhere that we shall face alone
a world in arms.
"Our principal defenses are
two: First, we must exploit the
still unused revoluntionary possi
bilities of our democratic faith in
such a way as to give greater
reality here at home to the old
idea of liberty, equality, justice
and fair play. Second, we must
implement with vigor a foreign
j Distribution
Called 'Poor'
The Student Council Wednes
day passed a resolution, sug
i gested by George Coble, favoring
the investigation of The Daily
Nebraskan distribution.
It was decided that the campus
Improvements committee of the
Council, under the direction of
Mary Hubka, should make a
complete investigation of the
inadequate distribution.
Council members cited numer
ous examples of "poor distribu
tion." In some cases, it was
pointed out, certain buildings re
ceive no copies of The Daily Ne
braskan. In others too few papers
are available for both students
and faculty.
"Printing Delayed"
Kent Axtell, pointed out that
faculty distribution may not be
the fault of any student staff
members, but that printing often
is delayed. This, he said, often
makes it impossible to provide
proper distribution.
The Council agreed that some
thing should be done to remedy
the situation. "If The Daily Ne
braskan staff has distribution
problems," said Bob Raun, presi
dent, "perhaps the Council can
help them out."
The Student Council also de
cided to publish in the new
Freshman Handbook a list of all
honorary and professional fra
ternities, their initiation fees and
semester dues. Also to be in
cluded, if possible, is a list of
social sororities and fraternities
and their initiation and monthly
Should Publish Lists
It was also suggested that these
same lists be published in the
special edition of The Daily Ne
braskan which is to be sent to
prospective students during the
Next year's student migration
will be held Oct. 6, according to
plans made by the Student
Council. Tickets for the migration
to Manhattan, Kas., for the Kan
sas State football game, will be
less than $10. This cost will in
clude round-trip train fare and
game ticket.
A motion was made by Gene
Berg and passed by the Council
concerning the invewMgwWuwuf
the Panhellenic council. T.;e
Student Council, through the ju
diciary committee, will make a
complete investigation of the con
stitution, operations and policies
of the Panhellenic council.
Study 'Advisable'
"Since the Panhellenic council
is to be represented on the Stu
dent Council under the proposed
constitution," said Berg, "and
since the council has the power
to investigate campus organiza
tions, it would be advisable and
worthwhile to make such a
The Council also discussed
several points of the proposed
Student Council constitution,
which was published in the April
18 issue of The Daily Nebraskan.
The constitution will be pre
sented to the Faculty Senate and
(See Council, Page 4)
policy which can demostrate that
these ideals may be realized by
men everywhere," Dr. Lancaster
declared .
Citizens in Danger
Speaking about the first of
these defenses, Dr. Lancaster
found cause for concern about
"the present public temper"
which daily subjects citizens of
"the most transparent integrity
and unimpeachable patriotism" to
the danger of being labeled as
. "Unless there is a reassertion of
common sense," he said, "we
stand in danger of creating pre
cisely the situation which pre
ceded the seizure of power by the
Fascists and the Nazis. This would
mean, of course, the destruction of
all moderate groups and the set
tlement of all public issues by
As to the second defense, Dr.
Lancaster said "Our free institu
tions are the result of our wealth,
not the other way about."
We cannot expect the Chinese
and the Indian peasants to be
thrilled by listening to dis
courses on the beauties of free
enterprise while their main pre
occupation is their next meal, he
May Accept Reds
"But," he said, "it isn't hard to
understand how they might ac
cept (the red) gospel if, along
with it, come rice and fish and
new opportunities for themselves
and their children.
"We cannot buy friendship
with dollars," he said, "but we
can with money do a little to
create those prosperous condi
tions in which alone free institu
tions flourish.
"In this connection," Dr. Lan
caster said, "it seems little less
than scandalous that the pro
posal to supply "famine relief to
India should have been the sub
ject of debate. Wise policy would
have sent it direct to the White
House if we are as concerned
as we pretend to be over the
Russian threat,"