The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 16, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    1 -,- -.-l-.r.,,.-,...IT., ,, ,,L L ,L. .,,,., -.w r--;,v. -MatJ Va . ,.,,..,.
Monday, April 16, 1951'
Attention . . .
KOTC REVIEWERS Shown above are . the
members of the reviewing group and guests of
honor at the recent ROTC Award ceremonies.
Among the guests of honor were ten Reserve
officers, recently retired under provisions of
Public Law 610. They are (1. to r.) Col. Clarence
J. Frankfort er, reviewing officer and NU chem
istry faculty member; Eileen Derieg, 1950-51
Honorary Commandant; Cadet Col. George Mc
Queen, Air force cadet colonel; Col. Marcus I.
Poteet, Col. Francis M. Swartwood, Col. Leon W.
Chase, Lt Col. Carl D. Glanz. Lt Col. Arthur G.
George, Lt. CoL Richard V. Koupal and Lt. Col.
Robert W. McConahouhby, Col. James H. Work
man, P MS & T and Lt Col. Alex C Jamieson,
PMS & T.
iGeneral Parker
Visits NU Today
Maj. Gen. Edwin P. Parker, j
'jr., Provost Marshal General of
! triA HAnfirfmMnt rf armv will rAV
i an ff iial visit tr the ITniversitv
Monday, Col. James H. Work
! man, professor of Military Science
;and Tactics, announced Friday.
! Gen. Parker will arrive in
' Lincoln Sunday afternoon. On
: Monday he will confer with Uni
jversity officials, and he will in
spect activities and students of
i the military police corps at the
i University's army R.O.T.C
Gen, Parker is best known as
the World War 11 commander of
the famed 78th (Lightning) In
fantry Division, which fought in
Central Europe. Following V-E
Day, General Parker assumed
command of the XXIII Corps in
February, 1946, General Parker
assumed temporary, command of
the Third army and later became
Inspector General of the Euro
pean Theater.
He returned to the U. S. in
1947 and wss appointed Provost '
Marshal General of the Depart
ment of the Army on April 10,
limoi'j Vow Feudality . . . ;
On V
isfts To Yd
Aimrd Winner
' i-
KNUS Schedule
: i Vnk From
3:15 ! Swet Amt
i Lmrm
I rams.
Far Yoa
j Martr Frma
' VVfTa ( ft
For Van
Aatanni tf
The Afn
3:46 ! AotHnr af
Tlx- Acts
I Srrrt Art
Janriwrre '. I alaa
! oers
I Shake Hands
With the
I WarM
Far Va
Far Yaa
N Jarkey
I JnaiHQ Faa
: latr f The I Pnwmamr ! Carta! CaB
Mulm s of The Wwfc !
4:1S i Manlr af The ! Final Sparta
I Maattm i Ealttaa
1 Carta hi Cal
Matrte Fram
Thh Wrek
I aa The
4 :3a Nocturne
4:44 i laa
' Faa With
! MrMy laa I NrMy laa
Final Sparta
I Ivallftoa
Fraaa ihe
f Ftattm
Freaa tap
I Paat
yi4r of
I The Masters
t Manic of
The Masters
I Ont Short
I Stertea
t Mrtody laa-
Pi Lambda Theta Initiates 51;
Moodie Elected New Prexy
MILITARY HONORS CoL James H. Workman, PMS & T of the
University ROTC, presents the Distinguished Military Award
to Leo L. Chandler. Other recipients of the award are Donald
Bever. left, and Donald Rohde. The award is presented for
academic proficiency and military and standing in ROTC
Horseplay, Songs, Hard Work
Fifty-one new members were
initiated into Pi Lambda Theta,
educational honorary, at the an
nual initiation banquet Wednes
day evening at the Union.
Nancy Noble, past president of
the organization, presided over
the meeting. Miriam Wil ley
played a flute solo accompanied
by Barbara Gilmore and Mrs. C.
J. Martensen addressed the group.
An election of officers was held
after the dinner. Elizabeth Moodie
was named president; Ann Lue
der, vice-president; Shirley Rans-
jdeil, recording secretary and
Marilyn Clark, corresponding sec
retary. New members are:
f T 1 I 1 J" T5 Ta I 1 JVma Anderson, Marilyn A use-
Included in Musical s neliearsal mii;,
j Ukk, m. aiiivm -'fClkJtJt AlCUnzlC
By Amy Palmer done in the Temple. With chairs Cowles, Marilyn Clark, Carolee
The best news on campus for blocking and imagination for i Cuthbertson, Doris Devereux,
right now is "Good News. It's props the cast has worked up a
the hilarious musical comedy j production that will be "the best
straight from the roarin' '20's that' thing on this campus since girls"
will be presented April 25, 26, arrived." j
M 27 the Nebraska ttieater. j Eeharsals are a lot of bard!
Rehearsals are being held every wol but tnere is time ofr a it.
night (including week-ends, from I tc quite often. with Patsy
7 until 10 and after. The entire Dutton and Bettv Lester in the I
cast is expected to be there ev- choTUS there just have to be jokes;
ery night and it's a long, hard now bnd lhen ;
After hearing just one night' Outstanding Couple ;
ci rehearsals, though, it is cjuite: Another outstanding couples
obvious that the final product will 'bo are likely to steal tbe show j
well worth all of the work be-! re Lois Nelson and Jack Chedes-
Ing done toy the cast and direc- Their songs are terrifice an1
tors. ; lines, though a bit corny at
Perfecticmism times, always leave the audience
Dallas Williams, director, is j,; weak from laughter.
perfectionist who insists that ev- So it goes at rehearsals
ery line and every note of the horseplay, songs and hard work,
songs be sung as directed. It is ! The cast has put iria lot of time
became of turn and his assistant, i and effort for "Good News" but
He's been around! Dr. Lane!
Lancaster, chairman of the polit
ical science department, has been
o x-icitiner wwif a? o V1a Ka
u . ..-I VII if, pivltNVI dl. a n vile i
university oi California ana the
University of Hawaii during his
two-year absence from the Uni
versity. "At Yale, an instructor is not
confronted with the problem of
flunking students," Lancaster
said, "but, whether to give the
student a 75 or TJO."
Students maintaining an 80
average, Lancaster explained,
have their name added to the
Dean's honor list. In order to en
roll at Yale, students must be
approved by the college board,
pass the entrance examination or
have attended certain recognized
prep schools, he said.
More Interest in Polities
"Much more interest in politics
and current affairs was shown
by the Yale students of junior or
senior level than is shown by
Nebraska students," Lancaster
said. "The students were more
i M t
I V?V f va -t
'I'tiHirTit-MiiMir-4"- -Mir
Be. C(5iS
a iew i..nuiese,
Koreans and
graduate - instructors - -dismissed
"It was difficult to get the stu
dents to discuss problems in
class," Lancaster said, "because
the Japanese home is under con
trol of the parents. The practice
of being seen but not heard was
canier over to the class' room,
"However they were very faith
ful in preparing assignments and
learning the material."
Good -Humored Students
"The students as I knew them
were very attractire peoplt,
good-humored and polite" he
Lancaster is the author of
"State Supervision of Municipal
Indebtedness," published in 1924,
and "Gox'erment in Rural Amer
ica," 1937. His most recent pub
lication, "Loosing Liberty by De
fault," appeared in the 1951 edi
tion of the Prairie Schooner.
Before joining the faculty of
the University in 1930, Lancaster
was assistant professor and as
sociate professor in the history
and government department at
aware of world affairs and read
more books than our students." jthe loyalty oath. jConn. In 1939. he was a member
i .t i r?5 "PProacnea Lancaster taught state and lo- of the executive council of the
take the loyalty oath at the Uni-!i rvmommont imna tK iQin tmu tjih;i Momva ad
versity of California, but refused I summer session at the University j sociation and a member of the
to take the oath or to sign the'of Hawaii at Honolulu. In the Grants-in-Airl onmmitiee of the-
compromise statement. Under the class of 42 students, 40 were ori- (Social Science research council
.wivmuac, iutdtier expiainea, erstal, the majority Japanese, and from 1936 to 1941.
instructors sign a statement each i . . .
year stating their loyalty instead? -
of taking the oath. A - 11 . TUll
Professors and instructors ob- mi TiilItl V X ill IV? All 111 I i III ,1
ciple of being sineled out as
those who were required to state ' J
their lovaltv. h saiA
Lancaster's Refusal 1 lne worKS OI artisxs nenry iaio, in. x. his f aim ana Mouse
t m. ,.-cl- , . . wi..-...;iaaiing irom comes irom a
re aiscussrxi ai ie secona in
sor, Lancaster stated, "and myifl s-riM i-.f art oniim ifliir atr
Barbara Durland, Harriet Ewihg.
Marjorie Garey, Patricia Gil
breath, Barbara Gilmore, Marilyn
GalL Mrs. Lois Griffiths, Joan
Hoty, Marjorie Hook, Honore
Kuse, Margaret Juda, Mrs. Man- air, A iqh y,. -,tv, a ''."'s""11' "c'u an cira"
lyn Larsen, Mary Ann LindBnr,l3SS7 V i IZ orehense retroToective exhlb - ,Liftcers ,or the comin8
Delores Lovegrove, Ann Leuder,
Maria Marx, Peggy Michels,
Shirley MiUer, Elizabeth Moodie,
Patricia Moore, Marilyn Morgan,
Jessie Lea Murray, Janet Nelson,
Mercedes Oberlander, Mrs. Edna
Peske, Mrs. Edel Peterson.
Shirley Ransdell, Mary RusselL
Mrs. Blanche Sawyer, Dorothy
Smiley, Mrs. Nina Spencer. Mrs.
Cynthia Tanderup, Margaret
Thomsen, Margaret Trimble, Mrs.
Alice Varney, Peggy Walter, Beth
WiUans, Kinam Willey,
Marjorie Wilson.
Moore, Sutherland Work Topic
i The works of artists Henry j falo, N. Y.
Moore and Graham Sutherland 1 -e
' a rio ,;t rt 0t taiir at ' Particularly important phase of
term was to expire soon, nothing j Morrill hall Sunday, April 22, atthe artist's career, following by
WThe fscu1ryUfrth r,sa,L" t 3:30 ' onl-v one ear the completion of a
of California have kenupon' Norman Geske, assistant direc- "Crucifixion" for the Church of
themselves a 2 per cent tax of tor of the galleries, will have as St Matthew at Northampton,
their salaries, he said, to aid the;J!s fVJi'f ff?" P0" j England, where a "Madonna and
i proiessors and numerous." 1 zlsJ -'. v i
: Mrs. Peter Worth. They will dis '" uwh iu
Home LX1611S1011 lecently been acquired for the
irranK m. nail couecxion. FllcrinprS FlfPt
! Sutherland and Moore have at- "t-,1"'- a lltrl
; tained international standing in T; lt 1 .
Miss Gerda Petersen, York the field of art. Moore is rep-1 riCIl I reMllCIll
county home extension agent for. resented by sculptures in eight society of American Mil
the past three years, has been , other American museums and in ita F.n, ' 5 hf.1H QB rnn
Ageut Appointed
TT 4? JTonilrA flcciota Ai-rm- tinn jit th C?hiayft Art Inctitntis
tor of the state extension service, ! The Museum of Modern Art in pn D- IVieT1 was - imed
said Miss Petersen's main job New York City and the San President of the organization:
will be working with girls and Francisco Museum of Art. ictor R. Sealacek, vice-presi-
their leaders in 4-H activties. ! The family group acquired by ? Hv? f1
Miss Petersen formerly taught! the University is one of the seven Don,ld Ma,tox' trtasurCT
school in rural communities in ! castings of this particular version After the election the group
Saline and Fillmore counties. She : of the subject. Others belong to discussed the displays for Col
was a supervisor for the Farm) the British Council and the Na-;,cEe Da's. Movies were shown
Security administration -for - a j tional Gallery of Victoria at Mel- that depicted the importance of
snort Time. The' new extension ; borne. Australia. j mniiary aircrarc ounng invasions
clothing specialist taught home Sutherland is represented in j Dd bombing attacks.
economics in high schools at i only two other American muse-i The next meetinc was sr-t for
Mrs. (Blair and York before becoming urns, the Museum of Modern Art! Thursday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. at
'a county home agent 'and the Albright Gallery in Buf-'the Military and Naval Science
JA Wendctrand that the "col
lege kids" in tbe show are slowly
"turning Into professional players.
So far all practicting has been
when you see the play any night
during College Days, youH agree
with the experts . . . that "Good
News" is tbe best news.
Indian Exchange Student
Gives Campus Impressions
"Nebraska where the climate , people and try to adjust your
bs cold, but the hearts arejgejf to their customs and ideas?
vun, ww aaui -Tejia vein ourri'
fcramiirthy, a University student!
Nella wondered and so she came
ttfaifci&al 1
afi Oaa j T Tfmi f FaarTai
Kara. ( jba Urtmr ftmy
ZJm "jjijmTti.n
-if I Ji jii m i i.iM
nJU L',t1lll1
m i m i.t ; in j mlTtm
loolufic u&Srtmm whea tint
&taM mO U Daily NebrMkas
ar'awS wii marred mount
from India. " this strange land the United
Have you ever wondered what States and Nebraska.
It i like to go across th waters August 4, 1650 was the me
to a foreign country to become imorabJe day that Nella came
uah-)ted vith tlie country' to the Unite State. She will
i stay h?re but one year; then she
viJl return to her husband in ,
India. .
Nutrition Major !
All of the University etudenti
have probably teen Nella on
campus and wondered jut wiry
she came Ivre. Sle came liere
to gain an education In nutrition,
so that she can help India devel
op into a great nation as the
United States.
Nella said that one of India'
main problems is that at nutri
tion. She was a social worker
before she came to the United
States and has seen the people j
of India die because of their '
Madras, India's great mer
chant center, Nella's hometown.
Tills town is located in the
southern part of India.
ine religions in that section
of India are mowtly HinSu, Mo
hammedanism, Christianity nd
Buddhism; although the follow
ers of Buddhbsm have decreased
Jn the lat years.
Nella said that communism Is
spreading throughout India
again because of the lack ofj
food. Tbe people desire to have'
plenty of food, and communism
promises that, after their hunger
has been fulfilled they will want
their freedom for individuality.
i&M i"nr (futrmin to urn nr amali Kriuv . L ,., ... "
t aiaxanta. CaU Vil batarta ami pTted, Said Nt'lJa. She did ttot
have uny fantastic ideas that
J-h, MaiM ifMm ia wt piMiM America v as a great land of
r --. ,. - parudifle where tbera arent any
mm-. 4-'jim. zo-tm, i problems.
L1UU U Lliyiiy iLtH) , ".:.t.'v;':-.".'vj
SAY: "When I apply the standard tobacco growers'
test to cigarettes I find Chesterfield is the one that
smells milder and smokes milder.1
ORGANIZATION REPORTS: "Chesterfield is the
only cigarette in which members of our taste panel
found no unpleasant after-taste."