The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1951, Image 1

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Vol. 51No. 118
Thursday, April 12, 1951
Imm III I III) J fci Tnrrnwul ii ...
- ..
Filings are open for the posi
tion of Summer Activities Co
ordinator, the Student Council
announced Wednesday.
The co-ordinator, whose job
Vill include the supervising of
all summer activity projects, will
Truman Act
Starts Furor
In Congress
General MacArthur's views on
his dismissal. Congressional talks
of impeachment, European and
Japanese views on the dismissal
and public opinion polls taken
from the man on the street filled
the headlines and the front pages
of the news Wednesday night.
President Truman relieved
General MacArthur of his posi
tion as supreme commander of
allied powers, UN commander in
chief, commander in chief of the
far east and commanding general
of the U. S. far eastern army be
cause the senior five-star general
"was unable to give his whole
hearted support to the policies of
the United States government
and of the United Nations in
matters pertaining to his official
Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway,
commander of the U. S. Eighth
army in Korea and MacArthur's
personal choice to succeed the
late Gen. Walton H. Walker, as
sumed all the titles by direction
of Defense Secretary Marshall.
A White House press confer
ence was called at 1 a. m. Wed
nesday. Over 50 reporters and
photographers crowded into the
office of Presidential Secretary
Joseph Short. At 1 a.m. behind
locked doors, he distributed the
president's order.
Mr. Truman's action appar
ently was a surprise to every
body in London except possibly
the highest-level officials. The
British, who have been urging a
negotiated peace in Korea, have
felt that MacArthur was jeopard
izing chances for it by his polit
ical utterances. They have been
making formal protests to Wash
ington for some time.
MacArthur To Speak
To Joint Session
Senator Wherry of Nebraska
and Representative Martin of
Massachusetts,, the- G.OJ floor
leaders, talked to MacArthur by
trans-Pacific telephone.
Foollowing this Martin an
nounced to the house:
"I am authorized to say that
General MacArthur would be de
lighted to have an invitation to
speak" to a joint session. He
added that MacArthur "can be
here in about three weeks."
Most of the capital hill split
over the MacArthur removal
was along party lines. For the
most part, the democrats were
quick to line up in support of Mr.
Truman s action.
Martin introduced a resolution
tilling for an invitation to Mac-.
Arthur to address congress.
Wherry, introducing an identi
cal one in the senate, asked
unanimous consent for a vote on
it. Senator McFarland of Ari
zona, the democratic leader, ob
jected. "'hn Martin was asked if the
.npeachment talks applied to
anyone in particular, he an
swered that it applies to anyone
who transgressed."
The implication was that Re'
publican leaders felt an impeach- 1
ment move might be warranted
against President Truman, Sec
retary of State Acheson and pos
sibly others in the democratic
British Support
Truman Move
British Foreign Secretary Her
bert Morrison praised Gen.
Douglas MacArthur as a 'bril
JiHnt soldier," but said the prin
ciple of subordination of the
military to political leaders was
The news of Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's removal from his
commands In the Far East took
the campus by surprise Wednes-
Students, some of them indig
nant, had much to say in a Daily
Neraskan poll.
Said one coed:
"I don't thin 1
MacArthur could have done any
thing so drastic to merit the ac
tion taken."
Taking another stand, Jim
Wam8ley believes that, although
MacArthur is a fine general, he
should know that it isn't his lob
to formulate American foreign
"Even MacArthur should real
ize that he occupies a subordinute
position." Wamsley said. "The
administration obviously had
their reasons."
Pat O'Brien believes that it
'was unfortunate for Truman to
relieve MacArthur in the middle
of the critical war situation.
However, there undoubtedly are
I lie
Tartly cloudy in the west por
tion. Cloudy with rain or snow
east portion Thursday, Friday
mostly cloudy with occasional
rain or snow. Strong northerly
winds Thursday, VrM twtr-'
tures Thursday, 35 east to 40
on F
work with a summer activities
board. The board will be made
up of representatives from each
of the activities or organizations
which have summer work to be
Requirements for applicants
for the summer position are the
1. The applicant, who may be
either a man or woman, must be
a sophomore or junior at the
present time.
2. He or she must be planning
to attend the University's 1951
summer school session.
3. The applicant must be very
familiar with and interested in
campus activities.
4. He must have a weiehted
average of at least 4.5, certified
by the registrar.
Deadline Tuesday
Letters of application should
be placed in the Student Council
mailbox in the basement of the
Union not later than 5 p.m.,
Tuesday, April 17.
The applicants .will be inter
viewed by the Council at the
meeting Wednesday, April 18.
The Summer Activities Co-ordinator
will be chosen by the
Council at that time.
George Cobel, council member,
announced at Wednesday's meet
ing that a student-faculty com
mittee meeting will be held Fri
day to discuss the campus park
ing problem.
The committee will talk over 'a,mpus , tradition are urging
ideas for improving the park- felow class members to partici
ing situation and will discuss the i m ?e iauaLclass dy'
possibilities of reserve faculty
Parkin? Survey
Cobel reported to the council
the results of B parking survey
taken last Wednesday morning by
Sgt. John Furrow. He said that
there are 1,461 parking places
on the campus and that at the
time of the survey there were
only 1,212 cars parked.
Cobel reported that the empty
spaces were mostly in the tenth
street lot across from the sta
dium, in the area around the
Military and Naval Science build
ing and in the two lots
Bancroft school.
The committee asked that any
University students who have
ideas concerning the parking
problem submit them before Fri
day to George -Cobel or Rex
Student Migration
The Council also discussed
and reported on by members of
the Council were class spirit,
faculty rating and the new Stu
dent Council constitution.
The Council passed a recom
mendation approving the setting
up of a system of class organ
ization for the purpose of im
proving class spirit.
AUF Solicitations
Dllf lMfYnrla V
The executive board of AUF
is selecting organizations fc:
which they will solicit funds dur
ing the fall term.
Any campus organization wish
ing to have AUF solicit for them
must send in their requests be
fore Monday, April 16 and meet
with the AUF executive
some time this month.
board i
The requests must include a
budget outlining specific needs
and expected receipts. It is
understood that the peiinission
to drive and the budget are sub
ject to the approval of the organ
izational heads and
The request should be sent to
sara ifuiton, AUf, union, Room !
APF will not drive for campus
organizations seeking increased
membership or funds for general
running expenses. Funds collected
for campus organizations must be
used for some all student project.
reasons for the changeover which
the American citizen now knows
nothing about, she said.
The firing of MacArthur was
a very wise move, said Don Se
cord. MacArthur went out of
bounds in some statements he
made, and due to the resulting
"ure, he was forced to be
Agreeing with Secord is War
ren Cole. "Though MacArthur
understands the Oriental people,
he succeeded in rubbing the Brit
ish the wrong way, and there
fore was fired he said.
"MacArthur is as qualified as
an 'on the spot' observer of far
eastern affairs as anyone in the
world today." says George Wil
cox. His record in the orient is
supoorted by 26 years of ex
perience. It is upfortunate that
he is in a political feud with i
Truman and certain Republican :
- Wilcox believes that Truman
has nulled his biggest political
boner in a long time.
i&acArthur has done a good
job, but he has overstepped his
authority, said Lynn Kunkel. But
things which happened were not
all his fault.
"Truman didn't cbnsult the
American people, and that In
bad," said Ted Holtgrews. "It
will hurt us in Japan."
, C'Jving another similar opinion
i was lied Weidner, who blames i
Budget ...
World-Herald Man Reports on Budget
Committee Appropriation
Harold Andersen of the Oma
ha World-Herald has figured out
the facts and figures of the latest
tentative decision of the budget
committee of the state legislature
in regard to University appropri
ations. The budget committee has de
cided tentatively to recommend to
the legislature that the Univer
sity get $1,500,000 more tax dol
lars than Governor Peterson pro
posed in his 1951-53 state bud
get. According to Andersen, that
would be an increase of $4,500,
000, or 56 per cent, over the Uni
versity's current appropriation
from the tax-supported state gen
eral fund.
$12,500,000 Budget
This would give the University
a tax dollar budget of $12,500,000
for the two years starting July 1.
This recommendation would be
a boost of $1,500,000, or about
13 per cent beyond Governor
Peterson's recommendation but
would be $1,182,639 less than the
University requested.
The University would have a
Juniors, Seniors Invited
To First Annual Class Day
Juniors and seniors with an
eye toward establishing a rfew
Friday, April 13 at 2:30 p.m., at
Pioneer park.
Aaron Schmidt, senior class
president and chairman of the
class day activities, stated that
all junior and senior men and
Junior, Senior
Prom Will Be
The junior-senior prom will be
! semi-formal this year. The ex-
; planation given by the prom com-
mittee of semi-formal is, "fel
lows in suits and girls in date
dresses "
The prom will be held in the
Union ballroom, Friday, April 13
at 9 tj.m. Tickets which may be
purchased from Tassels and Corn
Cobs, are $1.90.
The prom this year will feature
the presentation of a prom queen
and her court. They will be se
lected from the two candidates
submitted by each organized
women's house on campus.
The girl receiving the most
votes the night of the prom will
be this year's prom queen. She
will receive a plaque with her
name, the name of her house and
the date on it. This plaque will
be passed on to the queen next
The three runners-up will be
attendants in the queen's court.
??y wiU receive Piques with
V """"f' " ui men
houses and the
date. hese
plaques will stay
in the girls'
Currier, Ives
t-o uaaiuji idl
Currier and Ives prints, on ex
hibit in the Union main lounge
until Saturday, are the originals
of pictures used on Travelers In
surance calendars since 1836.
The collection, one of the finest
in the country, was broueht to
Lincoln by W. L. "Bill" Day,
Travelers local representative,
Currier and Ives prints, first
engraved in 1835 by Nathaniel
Currier, picture nearly every
event of national importance up
to 1886.
Growth of cities, inventions,
railroads, disasters, Civil War
and rual and urban scenes are a
few of the subjects depicted.
the Democratic administration
for having an indefinite foreign
"Truman is finished in the eyes
of the public," believes Jean
Simmerman. "The president is
overstepping his power. His ac
tion only provides more meat for
Russian propagandists."
, Bill Knudsen believes that this
is the wrong time to relieve
MacArthur. It will cause an up
roar and hard feelings, he said.
"I thought it was going to hap
pen," said Jerry Palmer. "There
has been friction between the
administration and MacArthur
for some time now."
May Shed New Light
Other University students,
though giving their opinions on
the question, believed that un
doubtedly there is other evidence
which, when it is disclosed, may
shed a whole new light on the
Most of the opinions, which
we, the American people, formu
late now may be wrong and we
should reserve our judgment un
til we know the whole situation,
they 6aid.
All, however, believed that the
MacArthur - Truman situation
was grave. There was little dis
pute over the fact that MacAr
thur is well-informed, and un
doubtedly has reasons supporting
his argument with the adrnmis
total operating budget for 1951
53 of about $23,700,000, including
money from all sources tax dol
lars, student fees, Federal funds
and "auxiliary enterprises" like
athletics and student cafeterias.
No Funds For Med. School
The committee reportedly de-
Fifty-Four Coeds Apply
For Yell Squad Positions
Fifty-four girls have applied i will select two coed cheerleaders
for the cheerleading positions on nnfJ two alternates. Members of
the 1951-52 yell squad.
Cheerleading practice will be
held Friday, April 13 from 3 to
5 p. m. in the Coliseum. Frank
Piccolo, Brick Paulson, Don De
vries and George Hancock will
lead the group.
Tryouts will be Thursday,
April 19. The exact time of
tryouts will be announced later.
The Advisory board members
women, are invited to take part
in class competition which will
begin with a Softball game be
tween the Mortar Boards and
junior coeds.
Innocents vi. Junior Men
Henry Cech, in charge of the
Softball game between the Inno
cents and junior men, said that
if enough students are interested
in participating, other Softball
games between the two classes
will be scheduled.
Those junior and senior men
interested in entering the Softball
competition should contact Cech
at 3-9160. All junior and senior
women who wish to play on
their class teams should contact
Pat Wiedman, 6-2440.
The junior coeds team will
meet the Mortar Boards at 2:30
p.m., in a four-inning game. The
Innocents vs. junior men game
willfollow at 3 p.m.
After the Softball competition,
other mixed games 'will be held.
Sack races, egg throwing and
three-legged"races' will be- -included.
Points Given for Scores
At the end of the day, scores
of both classes will be computed.
Five points will be awarded to
the winning team of each event,
4 points for second place, 3 points
for third, 2 points for fourth and
1 point for fifth.
The winning team will not be
announced until the Junior
Senior prom in the evening. On
Ivy Day, the losing class will
present the winner with a
ROTC Parade
Today to Honor
13 Servicemen
Ten retiring Nebraska officers
of the U. S. Army Reserve
corps- and three University dis
tinguished military students will
be honored at a parade of the
combined University Army, Navy
and Air Force ROTC cadets to
be held on the campus Thursday
at 5 p.m.
The reserve officers to be for
mally retired include: CoL C. J.
Frankforter. University chemis
try professor, who will also act
as reviewing officers for the
parade; Col. Marcus L. Poteet,
Col. Francis Swartwood, Col.
Leon W. Chase, Lt. Col. Earl B.
Brooks, Lt. Col. Archer L. Burn
ham, Lt. Col. Carl D. Ganz, Lt.
CoL Richard V. KoupaL and Lt.
CoL Walter W. McConnaughey.
Distinguished military students
awards, based on "military ef
ficiency, academic standing, apti
tude, and standing in ROTC will
be awarded to: Leo L. Chandler,
military police corps cadet; Don
ald L. Bever, ordinance cadet;
and Donald E. Rhode, ordnance
Eilieen Derieg, Hastings, Hon
orary Commandant, will present
Minute Man awards to outstand
ing cadets in behalf of the Lin
coln chapter of the Sons of the
American Revolution.
This will be the first review
at which all three branches of
the service will participate.
Big Sister Filings
To Close Friday
Filings for Coei Counselor
positions, numbering about 150,
are still open and applications
are available in Ellen Smith hall
on ( city . campus and 8t the Ag
Un'on and residence halls on Ac
, University women who will be
sophomores, juniors and seniors
next fall are eligible to be Big
Siriers. Both unaffiliated and af
filiated coeds may apply
The filings will bo open until
Friday, April 13 at S p.m. Inter
views will he held at the discre
tion of the board members ivho
are assigned to choose the Big
Sihters. The new Coed Counselors
will be notified by formal invi
tation after the Counselor board
At the next Coed Counselor
board meeting the officero will
also elect a secretary and treas
urer of the organization.
for University
cided against earmarking of funds
for the University's medical col
lege in Omaha.
This decision is tentative and
could be changed before the com
mittee sends its recommended
1951-53 state budget to the floor
of the legislature.
the board are Nancy Porter. Bob
Raun, Bob Parker, Frank Picco
lo, Brick Paulson, Don Lentz,
Potsy Clark and Jake Geier.
Frosh, Sophs Available
Freshman and sophomore girls
are eligible to try out. Girls who
have applied are: Pat Peck, !
uorotnv tiiiott, Marilyn Ogden,
Rose Mary Castner, Beth Roh
wer, Marilyn Preusse, Virginia
Poppe, Betty Lester, Barbara
Wylie, Jo Lamb, Corrinne Clore,
Bicky Nedrow, Polly Stratton,
Katy Walensky, Bonnie Eilers,
Adele Coryell.
Kathryn Haskell, Diane Smith,
Shirley Fries, Joann Miller, Jo
Berry, Dee Hopp, Dody Newman,
Marian McCulloch, Beverly Beal,
Martha Picard, Louise Wells,
Shirley Murphy, Pat Healey,
Kathy GrabiU, Myrna Walston,
Mary Pitterman, Marilyn Lehr,
Jackie Ulstrom.
Suzi Tewell
Suzi Tewell, Katy Coad, Don
na Folmer, Betty Stratton, Sue
Gorton, Ruth Raymond, Nancy
Beal, Susie Bothum, Jo Dusek,
Kathy McMullen, Susie Rein
hardt, Jane Calhoun, Patricia
Mayer, Dolly McQuistan, Jan
Beachler, Sally Stockstad, Shirley
Stehlik, Christine Pivonka, Phyl
lis Loudon and Judy Wiebe.
The girls will be judged on
general personality, crowd ap
peal, grace of motions, voice and
aptness in picking up the yells.
The board felt that one reason
men lack interest in cheerleading
is because the majority of state
high schools have girl cheer
leaders. Don Devries is the yell king
for next year and George Han
cock is his assistant. Ira vn.
stein and Jerry Tubbs are hold
over members from this year's
squad Dick Claussen and Jack
Chedester were appointed as new
MarshaUKu&s ".ffiOath Held Invalid
Museum Month
Begins April 15
University the i
The University state museum
is located in Morrill halL 14th
and U.
Selected natural history movies
in color will be shown the next
four Sundays at 3 and again at
4 p.m. in Morrill hall auditorium.
The movies are free and are open
to the public.
This Sunday visitors will also
have a chance to preview the new
habitat group and hall of Ne
braska wildlife, to open officially
Sunday, April 15.
At Banquet in Union Thursday
Twenty-six Tassel pledges will
be initiated at a banquet in Un
ion parlors A, B and C Thursday
at 6:30.
A plaque will be presented the
pledge with the most points.
Points are earned by distribution
of flash cards at football games,
selling of balloons, attendance of
rallies and games, work on home
coming activities and other cam
pus projects.
The pledges to be initiated are:
Jane Jackson, Marilyn MacDon
ald, Barbara Hershberger, Mary
Ann Kellogg, Cecelia Pinkerton,
Shirley Schonberg, Nancy Klein,
JoAnn Hanson, Jo O'Brien, Mary
Jean Neely, Julie Johnson, Lois
Gerlick, Sylvia Kranse, Norma
Engle, Artie Westcott, Jean
Holmes, Jane AbuaL Marlene
BelL Elain Gruntorad, Pat Peck,
Delores Sags, Aueril Bierman, De-
Varsity Dairy
Next Activity of Ag Judging
The next activity of the Agi
college "week of judging" is
sponsored by the Varsity Dairy
club and will be in the form of
an educational period at 4 p.m.
Thursday ir Room 204 of the
Dairy Industry building
The senior division of the an
nual Block and Bridle judging
contest finished last night.
The Dairy products contest is
schedulel lor 3 p.m. Friday and
will be followed Saturday morn
ing at 8 a.m. with a ten class
dairy cattle judging contest.
Junior Division Saturday
The junior division ol the
Block and Bridle judging contest
is scheduled for Saturday at 1
The Dairy products judging
contest will consist of butter, rre
cream and milk.
Earl Harvey, dairy club mem
ber, said students planning to
enter the dairy products con
lent Friday afternoon should at
tend the orientation class Thurs
day afternoon. i
oeiTggiu 'to Sped!!
At Cosiese Days-
1 1
Open House,
Tours Slated
At Morrill Hall
Continuous open 'house and 30
minute tours will be held at the
University campus in Morrill hall
during College Days, April 26
to 28.
Bertrand Schultz, who is in
charge of the museum's College
Days activities, has announced
that the purpose of the open
house and tours will be to ac
quaint visitors with all parts of
the museum.
Mr. Schultz has employed ad
ditional personnel to assist in
conducting tours of the Museum
and art exhibit. Special emphasis
during the tours will be on the
"Wildlife in Nebraska" exhibit!
and the dinosaur.
College Days visitors will also
be shown several Morrill hall
classrooms and will be told about
opportunities for employment as
curators, designers, collectors and
exhibitors at the museum.
Guides for the tours will an
swer any questions and point out
appropriate exhibits during each
At least six tours may be con
ducted through the museum at
the same time. Visitors will also
be given copies of a pamphlet en
titled "The Dinosaur."
California IVilltv
The State of California Appel
ate Court has held the University
ol California loyalty oath invalid.
Warning against the threat to
academic freedom, it ordered the
prof essors who refused to sign a
o crural v,rmm..: !.4
a special non-Communist pledge
as a condition to employment.
The decision came 14 months
after the board first told all uni
versity employes: take a non
Communist oatb or be fired.
The decision said, "we are al
so keenly aware that equal to
the danger of subversion from
without by means of force and
violence, is the danger of sub
version from within by the grad
ual whittling away and the re
sulting disintegration of the very
pillars of our freedom."
lores Gade, Doris Kendel, Doro
thy Cappell and Ardis Wester
hoff Tassels publicity committee
urges all barb women to attend
a tassels rush tea May 6.
Rush Tea
The organization is composed of
two women from each organized
women'6 house, two from Love
Memorial hall, one from Howard
hall, one from Wilson hall, one
from Rosa Bouton halL on - from
Terrace, one from Loomis hall,
fin from Tnt-prnntinnsil hmiRP 14 !
barb women at large, and six Agirritfay is Upen to All
barbs at large.
The women from the houses
are chosen by their respective
groups but the barbs at large
must come to the rush tea in or
der to get into Tassels.
Tassels is the women's campus
pep organization.
Club Will Sponsor
Professor P. A. Downs will
V '
judge the dairy products tontest.
Holland Ramsey, Seward county
danrym.iii, will officiate the dauy
cattle contest Saturday morning.
The two dairy contests are ope.,
to anyone according to Walt Cole,
president of the Varsity Dak
The Block and Bridle junior
division contest is open to all
students also. The only restric
tion is that contestants cannot
have taken tne advanced judging
Ribbons to Top Ten
Ribbons will be awarded to the
If p ten Individuals of all clashes
and the top ten wrlnners in the
cattle, hogs and sheep di vision.
Prof. M. A. Alexander and
Prof. Don Warner will be assis
ted by three or lour members of
the animal husbandry depart
ment in deciding the winners in
the Block and Bridle livestock
judging contest.
Students will judge lour clos
Ellsworth DuTeau, former sec
retary of the Nebraska Alumni
association, will be the principal
speaker at the opening ceremony
of College Days. The ceremony
will be held at 1:15 p.m., Thurs
day, April 26.
Chancellor Gustavson will pre
side at the ceremony, which will
probably be held at the base of
the Carillon Tower. If the
weather is not suitable for an
outdoor ceremony, the program
will be held in Love Library
Welcome Talk
Gene Berg, chairman of the
College Days committee, will
give a welcome talk on behalf of
the committee and workers.
Mayor Victor Anderson f Lin
coln and Nebraska Senator Ed
Hoyt will be guests at the cere
mony. They and other visitors
will be introduced after Bere's
A Carillon concert, played by
Gwen MeCormick, will take place
before the program. Between
1:15 and 1:30 p.m., the University
ROTC band will play several
numbers to open the program.
Engineer's Siren
After Mr. DuTeau's speech, at
2 p.m., the Engineer's siren,
which traditionally opens E
Week, will sound. This will of
ficially open College Days.
DuTeau, now sales manager of
DuTeau Chevrolet in Lincoln,
was secretary of the Alumni As
sociation from 1939 until 1946.
In 1938 he wrote a book entitled
"How to Succeed Through
A member of Sigma Alpha Ep
silon during his years at the Uni
versity, DuTeau graduated in
1927. He is now a member of
the Lions club in Lincoln.
Sigma Xi, PBK
Planning Joint
Dinner April 16
Sigma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa
societies will meet for an annual
joint dinner Monday, April 16,
at the Union.
New members elected to the
societies will be announced and
Dr. S. N. Stevens, president of
Grinnell college, will address the
joint meeting on -"The Golden
The scholarship honorary soci
eties have joined in promoting
the joint meeting since 1915 and
the dinners have been held to
gether since 1828.
Professor Leslie Jewes
read the names of the new Si j
Xi members and Clifford M.
Hicks will present the new Phi
Bet Kappa members.
President of the Phi Beta
Kappa chapter, Prof. Boyd
Carter, will preside over the
Dr. Stevens, guest speaker, has
been president of Grinnell college
since 1940 and has written num
erous articles in the field of
Among books which Dr. Stevens
has had published are 'The
ABC's of Sales Results," "Gen
eral Psychology" and "Religion
and Life Adjustments."
According to Prof. Clifford M.
Hicks, reservations must be made
promptly by calling or writing his
Slated for April 14
"Saturday Cabaret " featuring
a free movie and re- crd dancing
is scheduled for 8:15 p.m., Sat
urday, Aj-ril 14, in the Ag Union.
"Laury" starring Gcrt Tierney
will lead the evening ol free fun
and entertainment and be follow
ed by J,c record daiu ng.
The "Rec" room of the Ag
Union, recent home of the new
television set, will be decorated
and circled with tables where
cokes will be served.
Ag Country Dancer Mwt
An Ag Country Dancer meet
ing Friday night will be open t
all those who wish to come.
Square dancing, calling and
practicing of new square dances
and folk dances will be from 7:30
to 8:30 p.m. In the Ag College
Activities building.
es of each division of cattle,
sheep and hogs. Questions will
be asked the students phiJe they
are judging the individual class
es. Watch Donate
A watih has been donated fcr
the senior division prize by the
Elgin watch manufacturers. All
Block and Bridle awards will be
made at the club's honor banquet
April 20.
Robert Fossland, coach of th
dairy Judging team and faculty
advisor of the Dairy club is gen
eral manager of the dairy con
tests. He will be assisted by Walt
Cole, Kenneth Johnson, James
Haggart and John Anderson, all
members of last year's dairy
Judging team.
Over 120 ribbons, cupa,
plaques, prizes and subscriptions
are pegged for the top men in the
ten class dairy contest. Awards
will be given to winners at the
Varsity Dairy club banquet on
April 26, in the Foods and Nu
trition building.
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