The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, April 5, 1 951
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Editorial Comment
Student Plea . . .
V'v The fate of University appropriation is In good
hands. The budget committee of the Legislature,
.charmaned by Sen. Arthur Carmody, sat back
in their chairs and listened, sympathetically, to the(
plea of seven University students a plea for in
creased funds to build a better University.
The seven, representing a cross-section of the
student body, appeared before the group to speak
for the student, on their own incentive without
prompting from school officials. They presented
views of students from, different colleges agri
culture, engineering, business administration,
teachers, journalism and speech.
For approximately an hour and a half the -senators
heard such problems as instructor's wage
-ccic, icxsJequate facilities, poor buildings- and
and many others. To these problems the Solons
listened and punctuated each testimony with per
tinent questions relating to the certain department.
After being attentive to student questions con
cerning budget plans for some 90 minutes the
committee relaxed again to listen to a voflcerous
15 minute tirade aaginst the University, state gov
ernment and democracy. The life of a legislator
is not all a life of lobby parties, etc. Under the
public hearing ruling they must receive all who
wish to testify, whether student or a member of
a tax-payers league .
The general impression carried away by students
at the meeting was this: The members of the
budget committee are definitely interested in doing
the right thing for the University. So interested
that they ate willing to relinquish some of their
time to hear the gripes of the student. They seem
anxious to explore the problem from all levels
administrative and students ,
When the committee submits its bill for con
sideration by the Legislature we may be sure it
will cover the needs as seen honestly and sincerely
by the committee. J. w.
Underlying Benefits .
It would be startling news someday if the
USSR would suddenly agree with western pow
ers on important policy issues, with no stipula
tions. Unfortunately that news is not being made
even in the University's model United Nations
political committee or its two sub committees. The
USSR, the United States and Great Britain are
constantly at each others throat. The USSR and
Great Britain line up against the U. S., although
for different reasons, for admitting the People's
Republic of China to the UN. The U. S. and Great
Britain insist, although in diplomatic differing de
grees, upon branding Red China as aggressors in
Korea, despite Russia's protest.
It's all pretty much of a muddle. But to add
to glamour, the Arab-Asian block is following its
established party line of peace advocating, at any
means, which also throws a wrench in the works.
That block has quite a little voting power.
When one would look at the conference, the
first impression might be that the sole accomplish
ment was rehashing something already discussed
in the UN. The unique part of the conference,
however, is: first, new ideas are being introduced
and formed; and secondly, even if ideas have been
brought forth in the actual United Nations, this
maybe the first time University students have
"hashed" them in their minds. This may be a spark
which Ignites a more conscious interest in world
affairs. The UN conference .actually an educa
tional project, strives at discussion of two major
topics the admission of new members and the
Korean situation. Any delegate who speaks at the
conference must have spent some time, prior to
the meeting, studying backgrounds and facts on
the particular question. That's where the inside
value of the conference comes. To, speak intelli
gently about a country, as many nations have, the
delegate must have acquired background in some
manner. In this way, only, the conference may be
called successful.
The library at Love library was somewhat
perturbed before the conference because the Unit
ed Nations information on the table that had been
especially set up for the conference, had not been
used. She therefore saw no use in setting up the
table. Now that meetings have started and the
data has been read (for proof it no longer is in
neat stacks) perhaps it will .convince her that
University students are benefiting from the com
piled information.
A lot of preparation may be done at the last
minute, but it's better than going through an en
tire school year without any time being aware
of what happens in the international organization
for the maintenance of peace and security, the
United Nations. You know, many believe it to be
the only hope for lasting peace. j. k.
"High Frequency 1
Sweet, Hot, Dixieland Music
Included in Ellington Concert
By Art Epstien
Last Monday was the opening of the second
nine weeks of broadcasting at the University radio
station. To those of you who only listen to KNUS
it may mean nothing. However to the students and
the faculty at the studio it means a change of the
radio section staff. Every nine weeks the staff at
the station is changed so that all people who are
studying radio may get a chance to participate in
all phases of radio activity.
New program director for
the last nine weeks of this se
mester is Lois Nelson. Lois has'
been at the station so long that
her capability for the position
of program director is beyond
reproach. Assisting Nelson will
be Wayne Wells. Bob Asky is
the new chief announcer. Asky's
assistants are Dick Carlson and
Ev Anderson who will have
charge of all women shows.
Continuity head for the remain
der of the semester will be Jim
Riordan. Claire Evans and Bob
Ross will help Jim in the task of seeing that all of
the shows are written in a proper order.
One section head that did not change is the
music department. Once again Jan Crilly will
head this part of radio broadcasting.
Sports announcer will be Arv Christensen. Arv
is also a sports announcer for KFOR.
Promotion for shows that can be heard over
KNUS will be under the supervision of Don
Thackery and Nancy Porter. Nancy hinted that in
the future this section will have great news for
the entire campus. The section that is charged
with keeping the programs abreast with news will
be held by Jean Fenster arid Leonard Kehl.
Don't forget for program listening at its best
listen to your University radio station, KNUS.
This week's presentation by "Authors of the
Ages" will be Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Bot
tle Imp." This is one of Stevenson's famous story's
that is loaded with mystery and intrigue. It is the
story of a bottle. Who ever has the will have good
fortune all of his life. The bottle has music charms
that will grant the owner his every wish.
However, if one dies with the bottle in his po
session he will land in the wrong place after death.
Of course the way to relieve oneself of the bottle
is to sell it before death. It isn't the right thing to
do to make a profit on the bottle so it must be sold
for less than it was purchased for. The final blow
is when a man bought the bottle of one cent. It is
impossible to give the bottle to the next person,
it must be sold.
' What would you do in a case like that? Why
not tune toKFOR tonight at 9 p.m. and hear what
happens as "Authors of the Ages" present "The
Bottle Imp." Remember that if you can't hear the
program tonight, then you can hear it over KNUS
at 3:30 p.m. Monday.
That's all, Paul
Stolen Goods '
Missiles Greet Glasgow
Commencement Speakers
By Connie Gordon
MacArthur Defended
To the Editor:
if t mnv t umild like to differ
wife the Indian delegates in their
statement to the unuea nations
Pnlltirnl Committee and which
was printed. in the Daily Nebras
Iron '
While I agree that this is for
"vigorous, positive acuon io
enlvn that rnn flirt In a neaceful
manner," ' I take exception with
you on your statement or sen
tonra "A rfip-hurd American mil
itarist is a virtual dictator of
U. N. policies at the front, and by
his actions and ill-timed remarks
is, possibly unwittingly, suDvert
ine the stated aims and obieC'
tives of the peace loving United
Nations." I take this to mean
that you are referinng to General
Douglas MacArtnur.
First of all, you must remem
ber that you, as, as a represen
tative of your government
hnMrH tiw notion in Korea and
that General MaoArthur is one
of the greatest livung strategic
and tactical men. His leadership
in World War II, regardless of
how he was thought of as a per
son, was a masterpiece which no
arm chair general can understand
or criticize. He has carried this on
to the battle in Korea. When his
armies were retreating, orderly, I
might add, he was under heavy
criticism, yet when his armies
are advancing, no thought of
praise to him is given.
As to his "ill-timed remarks,"
one doesn't have to be a military
psychologist or a psychiatrist to
see what effect these remarks
have upon the' morale of the Chin
eca KnlHipr Rut throueh the bline-
ling of a few unthinking men, he
is receiving criticism irom tne
country as a whole, and the effect
is to nullify lus system of propa
ganda. Respectfully
Thomas G. Irwin
Turner Calls
Mass Meeting
All Independent students are
invited to a meeting of the Interim-Council
Monday, April 9
at 5 p.m. in Room 316 in the
Because of a lack of interest in
the Independent Student Asso
ciation the Interim-Council was
appointed by the Student Council j
to serve from the last ISA of-'
f icers meeting until sufficient in
terest in the organization was
shown to justify an election.
J. Bristol Turner was ap
pointed to head the committee.
At the meeting Monday they will
discuss plans for operating a car
pool for independents. Under the
plan a student going to another
city would leave his name on file
in the council office. A person
also wishing transportation to the
same place would have his name
on file too. The office would co
ordinate the two so that traveling
would be expidited.
A book pool may also be
worked out if sufficient interest
is aroused. In which case the
Interim office would only get a
prospective seller and buyers to
gether and advise them on exist
ing prices. i
Turner said that membership in
the ISA was not necessary tor at
tendance at the Council meeting.
He said a new organi7aUon will
probably be formed by the Coun
cil originating a purpose for or
ganization and not an organiza
tion for a purpose not definitely
Reading, Study Labs -
To Begin April 9
Students interested in enroiung
for remedial reading labs and
study habit labs should contact
Junior Division, Temporary A
before Monday, April 9.
The two laboratories will be
gin April 9. '
More Femininity Is Spring Prediction
For Coed Annarel; Skirts V Blouses
1 :
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SPRING FASHION Dody Newman models the latest in spring
attire. A crisp white blouse is accented by a bright red scarf.
The skirt is made of red farmer's handkerchief material and is
gathered in the broomstick style highlighting a small waist.
Other fashions in the news for spring are flowers scented with your
favorite perfumes and colognes. Footwear will feature the favorite
loafers and mocassins, but when the hot breezes start blowing
changes will be made to barefoot shoes with lots of sfraps and
By Donna Prescott
Once again spring is here, and
this time, we hope, for keeps. In
dications of the coming warm
days are the boys donning white
shoes, girls wearing bright colors
and flowers, the Phi JPsrs sunning
themselves on their front' porch
and the new candy passings.
Candy passings Monday night
included: Jayne Wade and Bill
Anderson, Betty Fletcher and
Arlan Beam, Donna Wetiel and
Don Maxey, Pat Sheldon and
Don Taylor, Mud Yeakley and
John Elwell, Bob Evans and
Irene Welch, Nanci BeBord and
Leon Pfeiffer.
The AlDha Phi seniors took
their skip Monday night. Seems
that Penny Parsons was captured
by the underclassmen, but four
DU'S, Kirk Iwis, Paul Fflaster
er, Louie Million and Howard
Dennis, came to her rescue, wnen
the seniors returned they were
welcomed with their mattresses
waiting for them in the living
The Sammy's had the silver an-
niverarv lormai at tne -urn-
huker Saturday evening. Dancing
to the music of Dave Haun were:
Leonard Bush and Ruth Ann Le
vine. Marvin Kohll and Charney
Taub, Sid Reuben and Esther Zor
insky, and Ken Sacka and Kene
Several University students are
making a journey to Omaha Sat
urday to take in the Ice Capades
Bob Hollock and Kathleen Wie
son, Al Johnson and Marie Man
srold, John Scharf and Doris Ken
die, Gordie Johnson and Marilyn
Clark, Shirley Coy and Jack Lou
don. FarmHouse had its annual din
ner dance at Cotner Terrace
Saturday night. Their dates re
ceived crested gold compacts and
lipsticks. Dates were: Jean Vierk
and Clayton Yeutter, Eleanor
Erickson and Bob Radin, Ann
Commings and Davy Jones, Butch
Popkins and Lola Banghart, Bar
bara Bredthauer and Jerome
New steadies: Sydna Fuchs and
Veryl Scott, Janet Beachler and
Dick Goll. Engagement: Mary
Ellen Lindholm and Jim Hill.
The N Club will hold its annual
dinner-dance in the Union ball
room Saturday. Albert Sorenson
and his orchestra will play and
at intermission time the Husker
athletes will provide entertainment.
By Mickey McKle
Because the sun's in our eyes
when the alarm goes off at seven,
because convertibles are shedding
their tops, because we've seen
lots of robins and green grass
and because fraternity fellows
are playing catch in the streets,
we've decided it's about time to
give you gals a preview of what
you're likely to be wearing this
spring, both for school and for
It seems that we gals have de
elded to forget that boyish look
that was so popular last year and
to come . Into our own with all
sorts of frills and froths which
will make us look truly feminine
this spring.
Skirts And Blouses.
Right now, when we still need
a coat for our eight o'clock's, tha
main stress is on skirts and
blouses but, hero too, we've added
something new. Blouses of every
shade in the sun are combined
with "left-over" winter skirts.
The retail stores grew a whole
meadow of spring flowers during
the early part of this year and
now these ire appearing at the
throats of crisp cotton blouses to
add a new and exciting touch of
When cotton dresses start doU
ting the campus, we predict our
young man's fancy will turn to
thoughts of love, and why not?
Skirts will be full and billowy
and waists' will be snug. ThQ
materials are irresistible sheers of
lawn, organdy and cool cottons
that don't look at all like cot
tons. Sun Backs Good
Sun backs are still good, but of
course, you'll be wearing tha
bolero's for a cover-up at school.
We've also seen a return ap
pearance of the good old stand
by, the golfer. These will be
seen with slight variations which
will add that feminine touch.
As far as color goes this spring,
it's up to you. The emphasis has
been placed, to a certain extent,
on lilac and burnt orange but
both pastels and dark colors are
good because the accessories you
will want will add the necessary
bit of contrast needed.
Shoes Bare For Dress
Shoes will definitely be bare
this spring with lots of straps and
buckles. You may want to wear
these for dress but we find you
still can't be without your steady
loafers and mocassins.
For strictly playtime wear
you'll be wanting shorts made of
denim and arrowhead material.
We've seen both long and short
shorts so take your choice and
wear what's best for you. Topper's
for shorts are delightful this year
and are inspired by the sea. Cot
ton knit shirts with turtle necks
and the big over-all jackets head
the parade. Speaking of heads,
be sure yours is covered with
one of those silly little concoc
tion which might well be worn by
a beachcomber. Or better yet,
wear your sorority hat at a crazy
Yes, clothes this spring are
just for the woman and, what
ever you choose we know you'll
have fun whether you stay in
class or cut a few for a picnic.
Invitation or Announcements
Printed, Embotted, Engraved
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
Say, fellow stoodents, have you ever thought of
throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes at your com
mencement speakers, but then decided it would not
be the proper thing to do?
If you ever have, then go to the University
of Glasgow in Scotland, where egg-throwing at
commencements is the proper thing to do.
Time magaiine states that "at the University
of Glasgow (founded in 1451), students have been
throwing things for generations, have made public
uproar an honored tradition."
When Glasgow's new rector began making his
acceptance speech during the last commencement
he was greeted with a shower of 'overripe toma
toes, firecrackers, toilet paper and bursting flour
Students added to the general hubbub of the
occasion by stretching a rope across the auditorium
and doing mid-air acrobatics during the com
mencement One student even ran across the stage
in a pair of long underwear while bearing a
After the commencement was all over, and
remnants of rotten eggs and tomatoes could still
be seen on the rector's robes, he commented, "One
of the liveliest installations I've ever seen."
When I first laid my eyes on the 'College Eye'
from the Iowa State Teachers college at Cedar
Falls, Iowa, I was nearly blinded. They had print
ed the April Fools issue of their newspaper on
blaring yellow paper.
I am wondering: is this what they mean by the
term "Yellow journalism"?
Speaking of the College Eye, here is a joke I
pilfered from that paper.
"Why are there more automobile accidents
than train wrecks?"
"Must be because the engineer isn't always
making love to the fireman."
Jim (bails cYbJ)hajJiarL
Mem ber
Intercollegiate Press
Tb Dally Nbratnan w imuund By tha itudenu ol tha Unlvaralty of Nebraaka aa axprtaalon ot atudentr newi and
ODlMwia only. According to Article U of tha By Lawa governing atudant publication and administered by tha Board
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torlai ceneorahlo on the part of the Board, or on tha part of any member of tha faculty of tha Unlveralty but membera of
the etaff of the Dally Nebraakan are personally responsible for what Ihey cay or do or cause to he primed
snbeertptwei rates are .uu prr Kmaicr, .m ir miinia i .r in, nniege year, M.oo mailed. Mlnrle
Pnhllnhrd dallj dnrlni the whnol year rxrapt ftaturdaye and Monday,, vacations and examination mrijtri.
msoo durlne the month of 4agust by the I nlvtralty of Nebraska under the supervision of the Committee on Stndent
aopy Se.
Pnhllcatlons. Kntered as tlecond Class Matter at the Post Office In Lincoln. Nebraska, under Art of Congress. March S.
17B, and at special rate of postage provided fo- In Section HAS. Act of Congress of October S, KIT. authorised September
tMitvt '. Jerry Warren
Unuin, Kdltors Joan K merer. Tom Rlarha
Hews Editors Kent Axtell, Jeanne Lamar, Sua Gorton, Kstb Eaymoud Don Pleper
Hanrta Kdltor BUI .Mundell
Assistant sports editor ...Bob Banks
reatu.-o Editor.... Jano Bsndall
Al Cditnr ....Dlek Walsh
nif)y . Ml tor .
Mtarapber .
. Bob Hherwood
ft l
" ' jgi ''' '' ' jj
rii .iha- ui
Durham, North CotM
In Durham, North Carolina, the
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Coca-Cola is the favorite drink.
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Ask for it either way . . . loth
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O 195 1, The Coca-Cola Company
(jneoln'i Bust
Ospstiment Stain
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and be lazy in
e e e or wear these '""f jpiy
shoes any place
you choose.
mmmM Shoet (lf5
. b. S0 Shown U)
a. Double cross straps In
beige elk. Style with
your leisure.
b. Wedgie strap with a
dressy air in red elk.
GOLD'S . . . Street Floor
c. Buckles and straps in
red, green and beige
PtMlnma Manager
,rt Business Managers. .
Circulation Manager
Might Hews Editor...
led Randolph
.Jack Cohen. Chuck Burmelster, Bob Kelchenbach
, , Al Blessing
.....m, Jcaa Lamar
b-TAfWnyMrff,s '- f aW-,-'m'