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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1951)
Seven Students Appeal to Budget Committee for Higher Fund i&f "" 1 ' MWttMWMiw:! mi imrffumm m.ln.n....,ii-)i,1,). m i nm m i 1 i , t yt fV "Nt k : ?. v-Jr ft .V.J I Ml STUDENTS TESTIFY Seven University stu dents presented their 'views at a budget com mtitee hearing on higher University budget ap- Vol. 51 No. 113 'World Court' to Decide Mock Case As Part of NUCWA Week Activities A dispute between the mythical countries of Katavia and Ionia will be settled by a "World court" decision at 7:30 p. m. April 5 in the Union. The mock case will be argued by teams of University interna tional law students, and judged by a group of Lincoln attorneys. The two imaginary nations are involved in an argument over the jurisdiction of a piece of territory which they both claim. Facts for the case have been found in con nection with the Nebraska, Iowa dispute over the Carter lake area and points stemming from U.S., Canadian litigation. The laws used in the decision will be Nebraskan. The Katavian government will be represented by Jack Wend- Light Vote Cast in City Primaries A light vote was cast by Lin . coin residents Tuesday in the election candidacy races for mayor, school board and city council. For the position of mayor the names of Victor Anderson and Walter Vallis will appear on the May 1 election slate. Anderson topped his opponent Vallis almost 8 to 1, although both names will appear on the final ballot. Mrs. Roscoe S. Hill, Homer L. Wright. Mrs. Irma D. Laase and Robert C. Venner won the pri maries for positions on the school board. Two of the four primary candidates will be elected on May 1 Rees Wilkinson, council candi date, topped the other twelve candidates and outraced Pat Ash, No. 2, by -965 votes according to Unofficial totals. C. W. D. Kinsey. Bill De Vriendt. Ralph B. Smith and John Slothower, jr. fill out the other four city council slots. 1 nree of the six primary candidates uill be elected to the council on May 1. Republican Senators Renew Pact Army Drive Senate democratic leaders gave lip efforts to hurry the senators toward finally approving the sending of four more American divisions into the pact army. Consequently republicans sena tors renewed their drive to bring Western Germany, Spain and other non-communist coun tries into the Atlantic pact army. An amendment was offered by Sen. Joseph M. McCarthy (r. Wis.) urging that plans for the defense of Europe be revised "as soon as possible" to provide for use on a vountary basis of the military and other resources of both west ern Germany and Spain. A similar McCarthy resolution was beaten Tuesday on a 44 to 44 tie vote. Parallel Bridgehead Widened by Tanks . The U. N. bridgehead across the 38th parallel was widened from 10 to 15 miles with American tanks driving five and one-half miles deep into North Korea. Foot soldiers helped widen the bridgehead. A second American division was gent across the red frontier on the western front while a third U. S. division began stabbing across the parallel for the first time on the central front. The American tank thrust reached within 15 miles of Kum hwa, in the heart of the com munist build-up area, and ran Into the biggest guns the reds yet have used in the Korean war. Legislature Reports Out Uiuor 'Sill ""The legislature's banking com mittee late Tuesday reported out the Williams anti-monopoly liquor bill. L. B. 379, patterned after the Kansas law, is designed to pro hibit discrimination against dis tributors by manufacturers. The committee also sent out L. B. 328, permitting banks to take additional holidays, but these would be limited to Satur day. The Weather Mostly cloudy Thursday .and Friday with showers in west and south nortionn Thursday and inost of state Friday. High Thurs day, 55 to 60. strand, Dean, L. Dononoe and Donald E. Morrow. Robert C. Bosley, William Furth and JacT: Solomon' will be the Ionian coun sel. . C, Petrus Peterson, former speaker of the Nebraska legisla ture, will preside as chief justice. Other members of the court will be Daniel Stubbs, J. Lee Rankin and F. B. Baylor. While the states are make-believe, the points of law involved are real. The court following the exact procedure used by the World court, will receive briefs, hear arguments, but, unlike the real court, will give its decision immediately when the case is submitted. Model Court The court is a model of the International court of justice and is presented in conjunction with NUCWA week, ah effort to show University students how United Nations organizations work. A melting plant located in a State Supreme Of Final Moot The finals for the Allen Me-, j onoriat; competition will be , held April 8 at 7:30 p. m. in the chambers of the Nebraska Su preme Court In the state cap ital building. t The two competing teams are made up of juniors in law school who have not been eliminated in Moot Court competition in their first two years of law school. The competitors for this year have not been announced. Jr.-Sr. Class Day to Feature Picnic, Prom Friday, April 13 has been des ignated as junior-senior Class Day, according to Aaron Schmidt, president of the senior class and chairman of the . Junior-Senior prom committee. Activities will begin Friday aft ernoon with class competition. The competition will include soft ball games between senior Mortar Boards and junior women and senior Innocents and junior men. The upperclassmen will com pete in mixed contests of egg throwing, sack racing and three legged running. At the end of the day, the score of the juniors will be compared with the score of the seniors on the basis of the day's competition. Teams will get five points for first place, four for second and ,so on down tle line. The winner of the competition will be announced at the Junior Senior prom Friday evening. Besides" this announcement, the prom queen and her court will also be presented at the prom. The queen will be chosen from the ten girls chosen by a Chicago modeling firm. These names will be released April 9. The queen will receive a plaque with her name, the name of her organized house and the year on it. The plaque will be passed on to next year's prom queen. The three runners-up will be princesses in the court. Each of them will receive a permanent plaque with her name, the name of her house and the date. These- plaques will remain in tne gins houses. Ag Honorary Will Hold 'Rush' Smoker Alpha Zeta, . honorary men's agricultural fraternity, will hold a smoker for students who would like to be candidates for admis sion to the organization, in the Ag Union lounge at 7 p.m. Thursday. Men students are invited to come and get, acquainted with the members, the purposes, ac tivities and ideals of the fratern ity. The organization will be ex plained for prospective members at the meeting. A headline in yesterday's, paper said that the "Y's" were to sponsor a church vo cations conference. This is erroneous. The conference is to be sponsored by the Uni versity student houses and the l"s. in.i.. " " fti-r I1--H- r-i I propriations. (1. to r.) Wilcox, Dugan, Berg," Raun, Krueger, Warren, Chubbuck and Carn-aby. LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA region between two cities of the, nations is the cause of the trou ble. The Katavian city is closer to the plant and complained of constant sulphur fumes which an noys citizens and destroys their property. The Katavians made a peace ful appeal to the Ionians, whose nationalists own the controlling interest in the plant, but it brought no results. This gave birth to bad feelings between the two. The issue was culminated by the admition of a Katavian man of attempted sabotage of the plant. The Katavian was con victed by the Ionians for his con nection in the plot. As a result the Ionians re quested the Katavians to agree to a settlement by the United Na tions court. The case is then pre-, sented to the court. The student teams have been preparing their cases since Dec. 14, .... ,.,.., .,..r,.,i)s..-1,. -. Court Scene Court Hearings The case this year was drafted by Prof. James Lake of. the. Law college faculty. It concerns the income tax liability of a retired Jaw professor, William Erickson. The Allen Memorial competi tion was established as a memo rial to Thomas S. Allen, the first graduate of the Law college. The finances of the competition are covered by the Allen Memorial fund given to the Law college by the late Allen, The competition is an integrat ed part of the curriculum of the college designed to train law stu dents in the preparation of briefs and the oral argument of appel late court cases. Under the rules of the competition freshmen law students are divided into teams consisting of two students. Each team competes against another . student team with ope argument for each team being held every semester until in the final semester of the third year only two teams are left. These two teams are then paired to meet in the finals of the com petition. The winners are re warded with keys and their names are placed upon a bronze plaque situated on the first floor of the Law college building. This is the sixth .year of the competi tion. Farm Labor Pool Likely Under DP Plan The University Agricultural Extension service has been ad vised of the possiblity that there may be a large pool of farm labor in the displaced persons program which would bring workers into this country from Germany. The program operates under the Displaced 'Persons commis sion in Washington. A group of five American county extension agents is being sent to Germany to help screen the workers. They will certify only those displaced persons who have had actual ex perience on farms and who agree to accept agricultural employ ment in this country. About 5,000 farm families may be accepted. Under the program, a sponsor in this country agrees to five con ditions. '! ' They are: . 1, That he is a citizen of the United States. 2. That he can assure adequate 'housing without displacing an other person. 3. That he can assure a job at prevailing wages in the com munity 4. That he can assure that the displaced person will not be come a public charge. ' 5. That he can assure that the displaced person will not displace some other person from employ ment. ' 6. That he can provide trans portation from port of entry to place of resettlement. Nebraskans wishing more in formation on the program should write to Mr. A. W. Taylor, chair man of the Nebraska Committee on Resettlement of Displaced Persons, YMCA building, Lincoln. Seven University; students ap peared before the legislative bud get committee Wednesday after noon to plea for higher Univer sity budget appropriations for the biennlum. Students who" spoke were Rob Raun, George Wilcox, Gene Berg, Joan Krueger, Jerry Warren, Bill Dugan and Harris Carnaby. Rob Raun, acting as official spokesman for the group, opened the discussion by pointing out that in his work with the Big Seven' Association of Student Government, he found tuitions of other universities averaging $20 below the $80 tuition of the Uni versity. University Tuition High "Not only were tuitions of other universities in the conference lower, but better facilities were provided," Raun stated. Kansas State and Kansas university both are state operated schools and are able to provide "mote adequate i :::V:::v;:;;;::::W:;:-'. ISo f . v.;v;;; - p-::: ,::.;j5; . -: H Mm t,&&,.:mn::(.!sm a SSS S3 OPENING SESSION Sumner J. House, instructor in political sci ence, at, the. University. discusses the model United Nations con ference with C T. Miao, a member of the United Nations secretariat. Lincoln Firms For Leading NROTC Middies Ten outstanding NROTC mid shipmen at the University will re ceive awards for their achieve ments in various phases of naval science, Capt. T. A. Donovan, pro fessor of naval science at he University, announced Wednes day. The awards, donated by Lin coln merchants and firms, are as follows: Midshipman graduating at head of his class in naval science pocket watch from First National bank of Lincoln. ; Midshipman from state of Ne braska standing highest for course in naval science wrist watch from American Legion Post No. 3, Lincoln. (If he is also winner of first award, then this goes to next highest Nebraskan.) Midshipman of graduating class who has demonstrated outstand ing aptitude for naval service for four year course wriat watch from Elgin Watch company of Elgin, 111., Lincoln branch. Midshipman of graduating class at' head of class in Marine corps who has displayed greatest profi ciency in naval leadership for four year course wrist watch Section Editors Appointed by Leonard Bush The Appointment of section editors of the Freshman Hand book was announced by Leonard Bush, editor, at a special meeting Wednesday afternoon. , They are Barbara Adams, Ther esa Barnes, Ira Epstein, Mary Lou Flaherty, Ann Jane Hall, Julie Johnson, Ruthann Lavine, Hester Morrison, Nancy Pump hrey and Jane Randall. According to Bush, the hand book will include ten sections. Ten Sections In order, they are: The welcome by the Chancellor, deans and Student Council plus a brief his tory of the University; fees, ex penses, income; new student week, an outline of what will take place under the new program of freshman orientation; college home, including the dorms, stu dent nouses, fraternity and soror ity houses; classes, explaining the grading system, meaning of downs and how to find classes. There will be a section to let freshman know about University services, as Student Health and the Union; traditions will irclude pinnings, the Missouri victory bell, freshman beanies; activities will list the various types of ex tracurricular groups in which stu dents may participate; athletics will cover the intramurals, coed projects and freshman undertak ings; social life will show fresh man the types of diversion which the University offers. Songs, Yells At the end of the book, Univers ity songs and yells will be print ed. A calendar of the year's events will also be included. facilities" than Nebraska under its present budget. Sen. Arthur Carmody, chair map of the budget committee, added that he had discovered as a pember of a special legislative committee, that facilities of the University were below the level of neighboring states. "I feel," Raun said, "since Ne braska is one of the leading Mid west agricultural states, it should have a strong Ag college. Live stock provided for study at the University does not compare with that of other universities, he said. A , well developed animal hus bandry program gives students valuable knowledge and experi ence in developing good herds, Raun stated. Broad Tax Base In answer to the question "how more money could be obtained," asked by Sen. Dwight W. Bur ney, Raun ' suggested a broader tax base and possibly a sales tax Thursday, April 5, 1951 Donate Awards from Elgin Watch company of El gin, 111., Lincoln branch. Midshipman of graduating class U.S. Marine Corps dress sword by Schimmel Hotels company. Midshipman, any class, who has, by individual efforts, con tributed most to morale and esprit de corps of the NROTC unit wrist watch from Continental National bank of Lincoln. Midshipman of senior class who has displayed outstanding pro ficiency in naval engineering wrist watch from First Trust com pany of Lincoln. Junior Awards Midshipman of junior class who displayed outstanding proficiency in navigation Halliburton all metal 2-suiter from National Bank of Commerce, Lincoln. Midshipman of sophomore class who has displayed outstanding proficiency in naval weapons luggage from Ben Simon's. Midshipman of freshman class who has dsiplayed outstanding proficiency in naval orientation pen and pencil set from Miller and Paine, Inc. The awards will be presented at a dress parade in May. for Handbook These handbooks will not be sold. According to Bush, they will be given to freshman upon orien tation at the University. Managing editor for the hand book is Jacqueline Sorensen. Copy editors are Gerry Fellman and Shirley Murphy. Modern World Communism' Says Meadows Revolutionary liberalism can be a cure for communism. Such is the belief of Dr. Paul Meadows, professor of sociology at the University. Dr. Meadows spoke on "Com munism as a World Force" in Love Memorial Library auditor ium Wednesday evening. He was the third legturer sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraternity. At the present time, Dr. Meadows declared, the modern world is "a market-place, if not yet a battleground, for two revo luionary ideas, liberalism and communism." Communism a World Force Communism, he asserted, is clearly a world force. The source of communism strength, he sug gested, lies somewhere between the leadership ability of the com munist movement and certain so cial, economic and political condi tions. The communist party, he said, cannot be a conventional political party in any country. Communist politics, he claimed, is not in its usual form, but revolutionary in to cope with the University prob lem and other Nebraska needs. However, he emphasized that this was his personal opinion. Pointing out lack of facilities in the engineering college, Bill Dugan, senior in electrical engin eering, said that the University does not offer practical researcn offered in "high ranking" engin eering colleges. "A new building has been con structed, but equipment was pur chased in 1907," Dugan said; More light is all the money spent for the building has given the stu dents, he pointed out, while more instructors and an expanded cur riculum and equipment is needed. "The old question of attracting outstanding and qualified instruc tors occurs in all colleges at the University," Gene Berg said. There is a constant turnover of young progressive instructors leaving to accept higher paying jobs, he pointed out. Teachers college is overcrowd ed, including both high school and University students, Berg said. "It is discouraging to be taught modern progressive methods and be forced to use 1900 equipment," he said. The national average of each, intercollegiate debate is about $8, but because of lack of finances, the University uses $4 per debate, Red China Continued At the afternoon session of the model United Nations committee Wednesday the debate on whether red China should be admitted to the -UN was continued. The resolution by the Unions of Coviet Socialist republics is as follows: Whereas: The Chinese nation alist government no longer rep resents the Chinese people: Whereas: The People's Repub lic of China is the only existing and true government of, for and by the people of China; Whereas: The people of China should have true representation in the United Nations. The United Kingdom, which favors admission- of red China, submitted an amendment to the resolution to strike out the 'of and 'by' the people from the res olution. They took the stand that the communist government is for China but does not necessarily imply representation of the peo ple. In the amendment discussion Yugoslavia agreed with the United States throughout and West Argues Against East In UN Conference Opening Western and eastern powers took up verbals arms against each other at the opening of the 1951 United Nations conference, a model political committee, Tues day evening. Dealing the first blow as far as the United States was con cerned was the USSR and its major resolution to admit the People's Republic of China to the United Nations. Bob Dewes of the Russian delegation introduced the resolution stating that the "prolonged and persistent strug gles" of the Chinese people have been rewarded with the new gov ernment. Only Real Government Another member of the Russian delegation, Jim Wamsley, con fined the Soviet stand saying that the People's Republic was the only "real" government "for" the people. He said the People's Republic possesses the only re quirement for membership to the United Nations, that of being "peace loving." Speaking on the Korean situation, Wamsley ac cused the United States, in its "aggressive" action by forcing the Chinese to go to war. Also on the accusation list was that the U. S. was interfering with a civil war, which is op posed to the principles of the UN. Immediately answering the Russian proposal, Joan Krueger from the United States delega tion, insisted that, because of revolts against the communist government and because of purges that government must make to keep in power, it cer tainly cannot be the "people's" choice. Not Peace Loving Miss Krueger maintained that the Peoples Republic failed to meet membership requirements because China today was not "peace loving." In support she pointed, to Chinese aggression in Korea, he massing of troops on the Indo-China border and the action in Tibet. 'Market Place stead. The politics of their world revolution is patterned by mili tary strategies and tactics he maintained. Communism Term For Many "Communism is not only a more or less accurate term for the Rus sians," he" said. "It is a garment that fits perhaps none too snugly the Chinese, Czechs, Poles, Hungarians and a handful of Americans. . .Whatever com munism is, it is global." In the opinion of Dr. Meadows, the U. S. and other liberal coun tries cannot hope to stem the red tide by merely preaching over and over that those who join the communists lose personal free dom. Liberal must recognize that much of the world today is going through the agony of social and industrial revolutions. This, he indicated, is happening - to mil lions in India and China. Social Rights Revolution In the time of revolution, he said, the communists harp on the "social rights of revolution," whereas the liberals wrapped in the respectable robes of their own Joan Krueger brought to the a tention of the legislators. She compared the limited facili ties of the speech department her to other colleges oering exten sive facilities. Home Students, Not Attracted" Unless the University can com pare with ither universities in the region, home state itudents cannot be attracted, Jerry War ren stressed. "Deans of the colleges are not able to carry out their programs because adequate funds are not available," Warren said. Harris Carnaby told legislators that in his contact with Nebraska high school studentr, he found an appaling nOmber entering other universities. Their reason, Carna by said, was that Nebraska did not provide the facilities for the field they wished to enter. Al Messergadd, representing the League of Southwest taxpay ers, presented the opposition to the appropriation. Members of the budget com mittee are Arthur Carmody, chairman, Trenton; L. M. Shyltz, Rogers; Otto Liebers, Lincoln; George Syas, Omaha; Ralph W. Hill, Hebron; Harry L, Pizer, North Platte; Hal Bridenbaugh, Dakota City; Dwight W. Burney, Harnington; K. W. Peterson, Ser gent. Debate in UN there was constant conflict be tween the Russian and Yugoslav delegates. Not Peace-Loving The United States maintained that red China should not be ad mitted because it is not a peace loving nation and the only re quirement for United Nations membership is that the country be a peace-loving one. A vote was taken on the United Kingdom proposal but it was not valid because there was not a quorum present. A substitute resolution was proposed for the Indian plan which was given yesterday. The amendment was sponsored by the United Kingdom, Belgium, India and the Union of South Africa. The resolution maintained that there should be a cessation of hos tilities in Korea and withdrawal of non-Korean troops and that a UN commission should be set up for economic and political settle ment, to set up a representative government and carry out a re construction and unification pro gram. "If we admit the People's Re public," she maintained, "we will be legalizing a government r.ot actually representative of the people, nor one that is peace lov ing," Ruth Sorensen, representing Burma, supported Russia's stand on the basis that the communist regime was the government of the people. The United Kingdom's dele gate, Charles Gomon, favored recognition of Red China, but fcf reasons differing from the USSR's. Because the People's Republic is the one government in the coun try actually holding office and directing the country it should be seated, he maintained. He compared the nationalist government position on Formosa similar to one where the U. S. government would be trying to rule a country from the island of Hawaii. Elected Government Miriam Willey, Chinese nation alist delegate, defended her coun try's position in the United Na tions. Explaining that the Nation alist government was the only "true" government of the country, she said it also is the only "elect ed government." Simply because the govern ment is separated from its coun try because ot aggressive forces. Miss Willey said, does not muau that it should not be recognized. Delegates put an end to floor debate when a proposal to refer the matter to a committee com posed of all member nations, made by Joan Jones of the Bur ma delegation, was adopted. The sub-committee will meet and pre pare a resolution to be presented at Thursday's political commit tee session. Harold Peterson, of the Indian delegation, introduced the reso lution calling for withdrawal ot all non-Korean military forces from North and South Korea and cessation of hostilities and estab lishment of a 15 nation commis sion to study settlement. for Liberalism, in AKS Lecture historic revolutions, tre prepared to export everything. . .but the tradition of revolution itself. Since Liberalism has revolted against proletarian governments before, history, Dr. Meadows con ceded, is against communism. The unique characteristics, 'ie said, of liberalism in the past has been that It possesses a state ' by the people"; the heart of liberal ism has been its belief that the common man counts. Liberalism and Freedom Liberalism, he claimed, makes free men out of a society of na tional and class hatreds. Only the free common man, he said, can build an imperishable society. Dr. Earl S. Fullbrook, dean of the College of Business Adminis tration, introduced Dr. Meadows and acted as moderator tor the question period that followed the discussion. The next speaker in the series will be Dr. Lane Lancaster, Uni versity professor of political sci ence, who will speak on "Com munist Political Theory and the Democratic Tradition," Wednes day evening, April 18. ft,fc''rtwfihasa)aTW v"t..S(ft iisHiflMtWMWaWipMWllw