imi na warns n wriiininiimnrwui ii'i r,ri jlMHBWwiHiwi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, March 30, 1 951 PAGE 4 'lulu "J Si i ' I i ' i : - k - ' t -"-1 , V i Duke Ellington and his band, who will present a concert at the Coliseum April 11, have earned a widespread reputation as jazz artists. Ellington's rendition of "Soli- tude" has won him the title of "king of the keyboard." One of the latest record re leases by the Ellington crew is "On the Sunny Side" and "Good "Woman Blues," Some of Ellington's contribu tions to the music world are "Mood Indigo," "Sophisticated Lady," "It Don't Mean a Thing If It Aain't Got That Swing," "I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good" and "Do No-thin Till You Hear From Me." Duke's more serious composi tions for the concert stage in clude "Black, Brown and Beige," "Deep South Suite," "Perfume Suite," "Bluetopia" and "Libe rian Suite." According to an Ellington re lease, the band's method of mak ing records is quite unique. At first, all is apparently confusion as the men warm up their instru ments. Duke plays the new theme or snatches of it. The jamming con tinues and the overtime mounts. Then Duke has the whole ar rangement clear In mind. The rehearsal starts. Ellington and his arrangers start writing and another Ellington record is waxed. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. and will cost 85 cents to students and faculty and $1.20 to the general public. KMJ 3::00 Music From Everywhere 3:15 Sweet and Lowdown 3:39 This Week On the Cam pas 3:45 Campos Classics 4:00 Music of the Masters 4:30 Great Short Stories 4:45 Bines and Boofie 5:00 Sign Off YW Schedules May Breakfast The annual May Morning breakfast will be Sunday, May 6, at 9 p.m. in the Union; parlors ABC. May Magis has been chosen as the theme for the breakfast. Tickets for the breakfast are 75 cents. They may be pur chased from any of the following people: Mary Maronde, Earlene Luff, Shirley Ledingham, Joy WacheL Sally Ainscow, Mary Gerhart, Marilyn Turnquist, Flora Schrier, Karma Kimball, Par Pat terson and Claire Riley. Others selling tickets are: Joyce Schneider, Marilyn Rose, Joan Keiling, Mary Ann Pasek, Mari lyn Miener, Sara Smith, Sally Johnson and Betty Brinkman. The YW is sponsoring the breakfast. Mary Hubka is the chairman. The breakfast is the annual freshman project for the mothers and daughters. j Ag Union Plans Movie, Picnic For Weekend The Ag Union has scheduled two main attractions for this weekend. "Saturday Cabaret," featuring a flicker night free movie and record dancing by- candelight, is scheduled for 8:15 p.m. Saturday, March 31, in the Ag Union. The specialty movie will lead the evening of entertainment and will be followed by the record dancing. The "Rec" room of the Ag Un ion is to be decorated and circled with tables where cokes will be served. Fred Hosterman and Don Leising are co-chairmen of the event, Sunday Picnic The Ag Union committee mem bers and workers picnic is sched uled Sunday, April 1, and has scheduled a host of games and interesting discussions. Students interested ia Unionology are asked to attend also. Cars will leave the Ag Union at 220 p.m. for Pioneer park. Students are asked to be dressed according to what the weather win allow and be at the Ag Un ion at 2:15 p.m. Part of the outdoor activities includes a sack race, a bat and ring relay, a Softball game and singing. Losing participants in the games will be asked to furnish the meal time entertainment. Lake te Speak Duane Lake, Union director, win speak during the informal discussion session. There will be an evaluation of the Ag Union's program, its plans for next year, the committee set-up and pos sible re-orsanization. Program chairman is Warren Monson; food, Jayne Carter; en tertainment ,Jean Holmes and Jean Vierk; and transportation, Dick Walsh. In case of bad weather, appro priate parlor games will be ar ranged in the Ag Union lounge, according to Vierk and Holmes. WANT ADS PPORTUWri for atxlifled omnwrettl nrnr fhw muni vynnMr. vnarmo lead miatesutm wsc. Prwioaa expert. omrre trrd. Cork Blsnwnd, rtarm C - r lntp Viler rwot Ifrriet, Ord. - tffantska. I Ifar ftaie )7 FonUM 4-door Stresm . (iiMT. Ocod ahiipa. d-8U. t lMM. ton RaT lre kttSMtwot roam, prfrate l-Kta soa miThnem, itit sort, vie V!nTna for fnnmtr students. AraU- oa Apgd I. St. lk)rr--:!5im iiktr. Ioitlala VHJL t iin-i'Tw;a porteola trr"itr with eomrtsc tooa eoodlUoa. Call arte. few' 't'tatUtt, Srett Wsifcon- mt Wo. ?'-'. rtyyna -U. Hfwm tat twin ", 11 a P" ooUl. w it V;ber has a char at the t -'-'"1 jev. xaa titrte otiica. eVH 1iirrit Ul statement at tbsi k,i-f iferai.aa buslasss oifica. f ... Artisfs So ive Show ii mi. I i . u I mm -Jm ,..... - , ,....,-, Jt.lL A JAZZ STYLINGS ARTIST Duke Ellington and his band will give a concert at the Coliseum April 11 under the auspices of the Union. The Ellington concert will begin at 8 p. m. and will cost 85 cents to students and faculty and $1.20 to the general public. Features of the jazz organization are claronetist Max Roach, drummer Jimmy Hamilton and Duke's piano and mandolin music. Lovegrove, Sorensen, Dill Attend Human Relations Meet Delores Lovegrove, Ruth Sor ensen, and Kathleen Dill left Wednesday afternoon for Rich mond, Ind., where they will at tend the National Student Con ference on Human Relations m Higher Education. The official delegation from the University will discuss prob lems of discrimination in admis sions, student organizations, eco nomic aid to students, housing and eating facilities, curriculum, athletics, recreation and health, legislation, graduate replacement and faculty employment. Transportation costs for the University delegation are being shared by the Student Council, YWCA and Presby house. The girls are riding to the conference with Ray Knutzman, delegate from Wesleyan university. Speakers for the March 29 to 31 conference are: Harold Taylor, Business College Students Eligible for Seven Awards Seven scholarships in the Col lege of Business Administration are offered for the 1951-52 school year. Applications must be filed in the office of the dean by April 1. Blanks may be secured in room 210 of the Social Science build ig. Sophomores to graduate stu dents are eligible for scholar ships ranging from $100 to $500 in value. The John E. Miller graduate fellowship will be awarded to the member of the 1950 senior class who has the highest scho lastic standing among applicants who wish to do graduate work in business administration in any university. The fellowship is worth $500. Research Grants Two Miller and Paine busi ness research fellowships are available to students undertak ing graduate work in business research next yejj The grants are valued at $375 each. Any student who has held a Regents' Scholarship in his freshman year, maintained a satisfactory scholastic record, and will be a sophomore next year is eligible for the O. N. Ma gee memorial scholarship worth $100. The Edward R. Wells memo rial scholarship will be awarded to a student who has completed one satisfactory academic year and is in need of financial as sistance for his sophomore year. The scholarship pays $100. A male student interested in the field of public accounting Makes a Man and a Woman sr ffli lib WJl t 4M I president of Sarah Lawrence col lege; Charles S. Johnson, presi-! dent of Fisk university; Floyd W. Reeves, chairman of the com-, mittee on discriminations in higher Education of the Amer ican Council of Education; and Francis J. Brown, staff associate on the American Council on Edu cation. The committee on Discrimina tions in Higher Education of the American Council on Education, sponsor for the meet, listed the purpose of the conference as follows: "To enable student leaders to study the problems of discrimina tion in higher education, and to encourage and promote the equalization and expansion of I opportunities for all persons to share in the experience of higher education without any restriction beyond that of individual capac ity." may receive the Congdon, O'Hara and Becker scholarship worth $250. He must have com pleted 18 hours of accountingj courses and enter the University as a senior next fall. The Lincoln Association of In surance Agents scholarship giv ing $150 to its owner will be awarded to a senior who will I graduate in June or July of 1 1952. He must have credit in i PWinnmirs 511 anH a hieh sfhn- lastic average. He should have a "definite interest in all fields of insurance except life insur ance." A CHICAGO COLLEGE of OPTOMETRY Hatiawillr AccrMUUd Kt. OnUUndinc College in a Splendid Profession Caimac rwruireiMfli I k i r I f fcaore M liMral Arte cr4its. - Advanced standiog granted let additional L. A, crdit. Next Osm Startt February 12 lasalWal clinirnl facilities. B. ' CTMitioiMd mad athletic actor ftiee. Dormitories on caiftpus. Approved lor Teteraae. 1851 H Larnbee St. Chicago 14, III. Love a Pipe Love a Man TV TbrwoajgUw'Cx! of Pipa Tobanooa Cboina wfrrM Barley inrrth nrl miM Lab Theater Will Present One Act Series A new series of one-act plays will be presented by the Labora tory Theater April 6 and 7 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 205, Temple building. The plays, directed by mem bers of Epeech 102, will feature Speech 14 class members in the casts. "The Conflict," written by Per cival Milde, will be directed by Jayne Wade. The cast includes: Mary Kay Tolliver, Emelie; Pat Farley, Bess; Martha Picard, Mother, and Nancy Park, Babs. The cast for "Sit Down to Sup per," in order of appearance, in cludes Ken Clement as George Hawkins; Rosanna Locke, Anna Hawkins; Jerry Young, Henry Christiansen, and Wayne Jostes, Bob Berry. Shirley McClain will direct the comedy. The third play, "Area da Capo," will be under the direction of Christine Phillips. Those in the cast are: Marian Uhe, Colum bine; Lucy Lawrence, Cothurnus; Mary Sidner. Cory don; Charles Rossow, Thyhsis, and Don Lewis, Pierrot. Directed by John Bjorklun, "One Room Apartment" will fea ture the following in its cast: Paul Laase as Tom Duggins; Glen Paulsen, Elmer Wright: An abel Mytholar, Mrs. Gee, and Marijo Housel, Mrs. Lewis VE SPECSILIZE Suppliei for Leather Carving Dresden Craft Textile Painting Other Handcraft Itnu Lrt ui help rou with your craft problem. DICK'S CRAFT 1209 N St. 2-8031 i .. i-t i i ii....-iurt . am.. i I , '-a mmmmm. a a tt -a v r Sua-sm. leeaMaewMaMaaiMMeaMeMM.w.wae.BeaaaiasMBeaBiBBaaMB 1 1 - I I MB ' to . Sr'jfj!j-J&- I 1 I i. t j I I i nil yvr.srrxiY- x&.v I u : J?r- ntiCK w2$ "i jtoc rm, tn- o&. iw x 1 F( hMM& I THIN? iVCfeEE P yErj. L?&HTN' MATCHES " , WH iCH' WAV pll) THEY 00 j 1VIII SI J lMy IBC I The Bumbles By O'Brien I PORCANl) VOtfRE BK3- 1 1 GO ASK YOVR M0THER.4- UMjT' YO) CAN ASK KUft 1 1 ' 'CM I HAVE MY J J Hcrby & His Pals By "Gosh" Murphy Kvfia wS?V itttaiLlF'? 1 ' (Or,fYJim rCAN YOU TEACH; ISN'T J HE'S A Vf Q " . !- ;i, ; - - - - - 7. 9 m mm in Temporary L Becomes Ignored Citadel Of University Lost, Found Possessions Temporary L, one of the lesser known beauty spots on campus, is almost deserted these days. Since the Engineers deserted it for Ferguson hall, only one room remains in use. And that room is filled with the most motley col lection of articles found since they tore down Univerjlty Hail. There are gloves, scarves, bill folds, purses and even some ID cards, probably false. (Well, did you ever know a 23 year old freshman whose name was Tom Jones?) Almost anything can be found there, but what you have lost. Very few of the possessions are ever claimed and so they are all given to the Salvation Army in the spring. One of the articles that was thrown away; however, was a sack lunch someone had brought in. The sack, very neatly wrapped, was kept on the shelves for a few days and thhen a very unpleasant odor started to drive all visitors from the room. It seems some foods, especially eggs, just don't last forever. Lost One Child Even though Nebraskans don't take advantage of this conses sion, there are some schools that do. Rumor has it that at one midwestern school a typical absent-minded professor had to bring his young son to school with him. After one of his classes, he noticed that the child was missing. After a frantic search through the building, he OPEN ALLEYS ANY TIME PUCK PINS Aro Easy to Bowl 1117 P St Upstairs 2-7872 lost his head and decided to go to the lost and found for the baby, not his head. .Terminal Incident An incident that happened in one of the larger bus terminals still has everyone laughing. A. younf lady was traveling with her two aunts, but somehow had lost them in the crowd. They had agreed to meet at the lost and found if they were separated. So the niece ran to the counter to wait. After about fifteen min utes, she began to look a little anxious. The clerk, trying to bc helpful, asked her if she had lost something. She muttered that she had lost her aunts and was waiting for them here. The clerk, however, misunder stood her and thought she had mentioned wearing apparel. He started back to his shelves and searched high and low while the nervous girl stood wringing her hands and saying, "But they were supposed to be here; I've got to take the 2 p.m. bus." The clerk kept looking and worrying about April Fool Cards Hare Fun! Send a Friend an April Fool Card Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St. i.Jr..A iJC... IIS- r the sweet young thing who seemed so worried. Scared Away Finally, he took out his billfold, gave her a dollar and told her, "Look honey, I know just how you feel. You take this money and get some more and have a good time on your trip." She didn't take the money, but she did take the trip a fast one away from the lost and found booth. So it goes when people lose their possessions or relatives. Sometimes they find them; some times they don't. But at least everyone should give it a try. x So, if you've iost anything, a good place to begin looking is at Temporary L, the house of lost articles at Nebraska University. SPRING SALE NOW ON HEBR. BOOKSTORE ... A PASTRY TREAT YOUXL WANT TO TRYI MEET MR. SPUDNUT At Ms New Laestiea 121 No. ISth OPEN 7 A.M.-9 P.M. SPECIAL PARTY RATES