The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 30, 1951, Image 1

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    Recently returned from a four.
day concert tour of western Ne.
braska, the 90-piece University
xtuiv, ympnonic Band will pre
sent its spring concert Sunday,
April 1, at 3 p.m., at the Coliseum.
Admission to the annual affair
is free.
During its western journey, the
band played to audiences in Kear
ney, Curtis, North Platte and Sid
ney. Traditional marches, familiar to
followers of the Cornhusker
marching band, will open r.nd
close the program. The major
portion of the concert, however,
consists of a variety of the best
available symphonic music, rant;-;
ing from the first movement ofi
Chief Judge C. Petrus Peter
eon will preside over the "World
Court" case Thursday, April 5.
The proceedings are in connec
tion with the International law
course at the University.
Judges assisting Peterson m
court are F. B. (Bill) Baylor, J.
Lee Rankin, Daniel Stubbs ana
Willard B. Cowles. The tnal is
a mock dispute of the Interna
tional Court of Justice.
Two teams of three students
each will represent the govern
ments of the fictitious countries,
Jury Finds
Three Guitly
Of Espionage
Two men and a woman were
found guilty of stealing Amer
ica's A-bomb secret in behalf of
communist Russia and faced the
death penalty.
The verdict was announced aft
er almost seven hours and 15
minutes of deliberation by a fed
eral court jury of 11 men and
one woman.
Foreman Vincent J. Lebonitte
pronounced the verdicts one by
"We the jury find Julius Ro
senburg guilty as charged."
"We the jury find Ethel Rosen
bury guilty as charged."
"We the jury find Morton So
bell guilty as charged."
The trio were pronounced guil
ty of conspiracy to commit espion
age in war-time which is punish
able by death or lesser penalty.
Federal Judge Irving R. Kaugman
will sentence them Thursday,
April 5.
The government put limits on
grocers' profits in a move which
will mean some food price Toll
backs and some increases. The
new OPA-type regulations put
price controls on about 60 per cent
of the -nation's $32 billion food
The regulations cover ten thou
sand wholesale food suppliers and
560 thousand retail food stores.
Price Stabilizer Michael Disalle
predicted that price rollbacks
would outweigh the increases.
The food order issued by the
office of price stabilization affects
grocers selling canned and frozen
fruits and vegetables, butter,
packaged cheese, baby foods, co
coa, breakfast cereals, coffee and
tea, flour, jams and jellies, lard,
mayonnaise and salad dressings,
shortenings, canned meats and
canned fish.
American tanks and infantry
men punched out a three and one
half mile gain on the west central
Korean front. South Koreans on
the east coast drove seven miles
deep into North Korea.
Thursday's biggest gain was
made by British, Australian and
Canadian troops who swept across
hills and torrents northwest of
Kapyong, on the main Seoul
Chunchon highway. They gained
three and one-half miles.
Cornhusker Boys', Girls' State Alums
To Meet Saturday at Joint Reunion
Cornhusker Boys' and Girls'
Staters will meet Saturday at the
Union ballroom at 8 p.m. for the
second annua reunion of both
The reunion Is unique in that
it is the only joint one of its kind
held in any state.
Pon Chinn, University student,
who was 1948 governor of Boys'
States, is chairman of the com
mittee sponsoring the get-together.
Cech to Cmcee
A program, featuring Henry
Cech as master of ceremonies,
will precede dancing to Aaron
Schmidt and his combo.
Cech will introduce Pat Patter
son, who will give the welcom
ing address to the group.
Following this, two skits,
"Staters' Static,' by Girls' State if
members and "Our Stte," by the j
Boys' State group, will be pre-
dented. Both will depict events
typical of the week spent In j!
Lincoln in the summer.
A humorous reading will be
given by Betty Lester, and Lois -5b
will sing "A Good Man's f
Hard to Find." If
Bud BJtnr will introduce the
cast governors, and also the offi- J
cials of the American Lepon and
American Legion Auxiliary. Gov
ernor Val Peteroon has also been
invited to attaend.
Refreshments will be served
during the dance.
Planning Committee
Members of the planning com-
i lie
Partly cloudy snd warmer Fri
day. Mostly cloudy Saturday and
turnlnc colder with showers in the
extreme southeast portion. Tileh
Friday 55 southwest to 45 northeast.
Dvorak's Symphony "From the
New World" to compositions by
contemporary American com
posers. Harp Solo 1
Highlights of the concert will
be a harp solo by Bonnie Weddell
and a trumpet octet.
In the symphony "From the
New World," a strong folk-song
flavor pervades in many of the
melodies that Dvorak uses. Said
the composer of this symphony, "I
tried only to write in the spirit of
national American melodies."
Nevertheless, the work is col
ored by a nostalgic longing for
his native Bohemia.
"Les Preludes," by Liszt, is built
& H Sap y
Katavia and Ionai. The repr
sentatives for the Katavian gov
ernment are Jack Wendstrom,
Dean L. Donohoe and Donald E
Morrow. Ionian representatives
are Robert C. Bosley, Wm. Fuhr
and Jack Solomon.
The Ionian representatives will
request that Katavia agree to the
settlement of the dispute 'by the
International Court of Jusice.
Stipulation of additional facts for
changes in factual detail may be
Dispute Between Kingdoms
The case centers around the
Great Southern Mining and Smel
ting company which is centered
in the ox-bow between the two
kingdoms. Dodge City of Katavia
and Cochran Park of Ionia are
located across the river from one
another. Cochran Park is twice
as far way from the smelting
works as Dodge City.
Ionian nationals own a con
trolling interest in the smelting
company. Other stock is owned
by persons in other nations. The
smelting company discharges j
many sulphur fumes and other j
gases that would be detrimental j
to inhabitants at Dodge City. The j
Katavian government has been
petitioning the Ionian government
to do something to remedy this
situation, but nothing has been
Bad Feeling
Bad feeling arises between the
two nations over this dispute. A
Katavian National joined a hunt
ing party of Ionians and Katav
ians. The group drank heavily
and the nationalist member ad
mitted to the Ionians that he
was a member of a sabotage
party. The Ionians turned him
over to their police and he was
convicted and sentenced for this
I EI ""A
Democracy Voc Ed Prof
Home is the basic unit of de
mocracy, yet scant attention has
been paid to making the "bal
ance" wheel of the family con
scious of Our democratic heritage.
So believes Miss Florence Cor
bin associate professor of voca
tional aducation. Says she:
"The balance wheel of the
family is the housewife. Yet our
educational system has not made
much of an effort to link her
household job with our heritage
of freedom."
Miss Corbin believes there is a
veiy vital link between the
housewife and not only attitudes
she develops toward our form of
government, but also her chil
dren. To help future housewives
develop a stronger relationship
between homemaking and a way
of life, the University vocational
education department has devel
oped a new course of instruction
to achieve this goal.
The course is offered Univer
sity women who will teach home
making courses in Nebraska high
To emphasize the point that a
denwratic nation develops only
by practicing democracy in daily
living, the course urges home
making teachers to:
REUNION "PLANNERS Discussing last-minute arrangements for
the Cornhusker Boys' and Girls' State reunion are L to r) Pon
Chinn, Bill Adams, Put Patterson and Eldon Schafer. This second
annual reunion, which Is the only joint one held in any state, will
begin Saturday evening. Chinn, governor of Boys' State in 1948,
is serving as chairman of the committee composed entirely of
University students.
mlttee besides Chinn are: Boys'
State Bill Adams, Bud Sltner,
Gene Plouwk, Jim Justice, Dave
Sjogren, Bod Harvey, Glen Ncl
on and Eldon Schafer; Girls'
State Pat Patersnn, Joan
KrufRer, Dorl Carlson, Ruth
Gibson !larilvn lVlancold and !
on one theme, which through
rhythmic changes and other modi
fications, creates the main moods
of the Work: namely, love as the
daybreak of life, the tempests of
life, pastoral life, and the martial
call to battle.
Composer Thomson
"A Solemn Music" by Virgil
Thomson, significant American
composer and critic for the New
York Herald Tribune, was first
performed in 1949 in New York
by the Goldman Band, for whom
it had been commissioned by the
League of Composers. Composer
Thomson has won many awards
for his works, including the Pulit
zer Prize for his musical score for
the film "Louisiana Story."
Harp soloist, Miss Weddell, will
play "La Rougette" by Bennett.
"The Miracle" by Humperdinck
will follow.
The trumpet octet will play
"Tournament of Trumpets" also
by Bennett. Participants are
Denny Schneider, Lewis Forney,
Herman Larsen, Tom Durm, Bob
Blue, John McElhaney, Jim Boett
cher and Bob Hinds.
"Italian Polka" by Rachmanin
off; "Tropical" by Morton Gould;
and "Stars and Stripes Forever"
by John Philip Sousa, will con
clude the concert.
Vol. 51 No. 109
Hospitality Plans ...
'Friendship Tea' Sponsors
Invite 150 Foreign Guests
Approximately 150 foreign stu -
dents will be guests at the
"Friendship Tea," Sunday, April
8 from 3 to 5 p.m. in Union Par
lors A, B and C.
Each foreign student will be
sponsored by an organization or
individual. Letters have been
sent to organized houses and or
ganizations. Any individual in
terested in sponsoring a student
and attending the tea should call
Alice Joy Heiss at 2-1107 or
leave a note in the Religious Wel
fare Council box In the Union
Faculty Invited
Faculty members are cordially
Must Embody
(1) Teach an appreciation of
the history and culture of our na
tion as well as the skills needed
by expert homemakers; (2) pre
pare boys, as well as girls, tdr
better family living; (3) help
homemakers understand the Im
portance of their place in the
family circle; (4) show home
makers the value of good rela
tionships between the home and
the school, community and
church; and (5) teach homemak
ers on the basis of real-life sit
uations. Scenery designers, and ar
tists, construction crew work
ers, property crew workers,
costume crew workers mre vi
tally needed in the Kosmet
Klub musical, "Good News-"
All students Interested in
the staffe -crews should report
at 7 p.m., Friday evening, to
room 203 Temple.
Also mil Kosmet Klub work
ers and members who did not
attend the Thursday evening
meeting: should attend this
meeting. Technical Director
William Ellis will assign duties
for all backstage work for the
University ntudents who at
tended the respective conventions
1., iup ,,ir,t.,A u- ,t
last year and were responsible
for the first one last April. The'camPus m im iaiA-
onlv other iolnt activity of both 1
groups is the Boys'-Glrls' State
dance while both arc In session
! '
SPECIAL FEATURE The University ROTC Symphonic band con
cert on Sunday, April 1 will feature the band's crack octet. Mem
bers are (back row, L to r.) James Boettcher, Robert Hinds, John
McElhaney, Herman Larsen, Thomas Durm and Lewis Forney.
1 invited to the tea. The purpose
of the affair is to acquaint for.
eign students with the hospital
ity of the University and the
United States in an informal way.
The tea precedes the Cosmopoli
tan club carnival and follows the
mock UN assembly meeting.
Piano selections will be played
continuously during the tea by
Ralph Hanneman, Audrey Schu
ler, Kathleen Newhouse and Jan
ice Fullerton.
Alice Joy Heiss is the chair
man of the special committee ji
the Religious Welfare council in
charge of the tea. Other mem
bers are Pat Wiedman, Gene
Wohlner and Father Jack Wei
gart. The council sponsors a spe
cial function each semester. The
"Friendship Dinner" was last se
mester's project.
Represents 42 Countries
The foreign students represent
42 different countries. These are:
Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Puerto
Rico, Cyprus, Estonia, Panama,
Germany, Iraq, Lithuania, Brit
ish West Indies, Canada, Rou
mania, Columbia, China, Iran,
Mexico, Denmark, Norway.
Hawaii, . Philippine Islands, Po
land, Japan, Ukrainia, Finland,
Malaya, India, Switzerland, Ry
ukyus, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Is
rael, Uruguay. France. Palestine.
Canal Zone, Austria, Turkey.
Hungary, Korea, Bolivia, Spain
and Sweden.
Farmers' Fair
Queen Election
Slated Today
Contrary to previous reporting,
election of the Goddess of Agri
culture will be held Friday,
March 30, in the Ag Union from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All Ag students
are urged to vote for the coed to
reign over the 1951 Farmers' Fair.
Candidates are senior women
enrolled in Ag college who have
been active in campus activities.
A scholastic average of 6.0 or
better is required of all contest
ants. It was announced that the giri
receiving the most votes will be
the Goddess of Agricultifre and
the four next higher her attend
ants. The Goddess and her four at
tendants are scheduled to be re
vealed during the Cotton and
Denim dance. It is scheduled on
Saturday, April 28, in the Col
iseum. At this time, the Whisker
King will be named also.
Seventeen girls from a class oi
45 are the highest ranking wom
en students on Ag campus in the
senior class of 1950-51.
The candidates are:
Marcia Adams, Dorothy Bow
man, Mary Chase. Mabel Cooper,
EiJeen Dereig. Doris Eberhart,
Jean Fenster, Ruth Fischer, Joyce
Fitz, Barbara GJock, Carolyn Hus
ton, Mary Frances Johnson Kath
erlne Rebbe, Beverly Reed, Pa
tricia Seiboid, Norma Spomer and
Annette Stoppkotte.
The Home Ec club is in charge
of the election.
Ag txec ooara 1
will help also.
Law Hopefuls'
Exam Scheduled
Aptitude examinations for en
try into the College of Law will
be given March 30 to 31, Dean scheduling the event at this time
O. Belshelm has announced. ! ot3f; . ,. 4V
... ... WJthin a few weeks, if the
The exams will be given March Jmm ure eornj)Jetd, time will be
30, 1:30-4:30 p.m. and March 21, taken in the Ag Exec board for
8:30-11:30 a.m. in Ttoom 202 of 1 writing in the scheduled times to
the Collepe of law he calendar and arranging for
iii j . ni M, t . , ' conflicting dates. A representative
A students planning to enter ;from h onfani!5Btion in o;ues
the College of Lw In 1 September, , tim m be wked ttend m6
ivoi, re v w w me ex-
lams. Dean Belsheim hat. suggest
'ed that students take the exam
even if they are uncertain
whether or not they will be on
Students desiring to enter lheiderson. reDrespntinc Ae Exec
ICollepe of Law must hwve -com-
I Dieted the minimum reaulremcnt ,
I Spring Co
prow fn (n fn)
The annual Junior-Senior prom
will be held Friday, April 13, in
the Union ballroom, according to
Aaron Schmidt, senior class pres
ident and chairman of the prom
Music for the evening will be
provided by Dave Haun and his
orchestra. The prom is open to
all students and is semi-formal.
Tickets for the prom go on sale
Monday. They may be pur
chased from any Tassel, Corn
Cob or Kosmet Klub worker for
Last week, all organized wom
en's houses were asked to submit
names and pictures of one junior j
and senior girl to be a candidate
for prom queen.
I Selection f Oueen
tj;,.,,t.,qc jt -fha fa-nAiAM iow
sent to a Chicago modeling firm
1951 Junior Senior Prom
Scheduled for April 13
which will select ten finalists vote of those attending, auvm
from the group. The finalists , ing must be completed by 10.30
will be announced five days be-' p.m. Presentation of the queen
: Green Praises
For 'Professional Competence
Nebraska young men who be
come professional engineers
were praised for "superior com
petence ' Monday by Dean fioy
M. Green of the University oisj0nal Engineers from so
Nebraska College of Engineer-1 1949 show that all University of
ing and Architecture. (Nebraska graduates who applied
Dean Green said a study of
living graduates of the college
shows "excellent educational
work done by Nebraska stu
dents" and subsequent high
standing among graduates of
other colleges and universities in
the nation.
Five Achievements
The study shows five principal
1) Freshman engineering stu
dents in the University won 18
awards, a record matched by
only one other college, in na
tional engineering drawing con
tests staged from 1934 to 1941
Group Seeks
Members of the newly formed
Ag Calendar committee, in a re
cent letter to Ag campus organi
zations and departments, outlined
tentative plans for a new co
ordinator of 3951-52 group activ
ities and meetings an Ag College
A lack of coordination of many
Ag campus events has been evi
dent for years, according to a
member of the committee. The
new group was originated in Feb
ruary. Ceasons Stated
"At times during the past, or
ganizations, when scheduling
events, have not taken Into con
sideration t:ie social events of
other groups," according to a
statement by the committee.
A representative of each Ag
organization is responsible for
submitting to his group the plan
at their nt-xt meeting and naming
ttitnttvi rlHt for the crouo's Bc-
tivities of next year.
The form which is to be filled
In triplicate two for the commit-
lee and one - for the organization
filling the forrn) is to be ued for
each event planned.
Sample Questions
Some of the questions asked
deal with the crowd expected to
attend and their reasons for
j) huve their say.
The -calendar committee was
formed when the Ag Union board
submitted the idea to the Ag Exec
attempt solution are: Alice An-
hoard; Trunk Sibert and Dick
Walsh, both from the Ac Union
(Front row, 1. to r) Robert Blue and Denny Schneider. The con
cert, which will be presented at 3 p. m. in the Coliseum, is free
and open to the public. Also included in the varied program are
marches, symphonic selections and a harp solo by Miss Bonnie
Weddel. (U. of N. photo.)
i ; -
fore the prom, Jschmidt said
i The oueen will be chosen the
(night of the prom by popular
Engine Grads
by the American Society of En
gineering Education.
IV) Records of the New York
Board of Examiners of Profes-
passed the proiessionai engineer.
jng exam, tiraauaies Trom m
other colleges match the Nebras
ka record.
(3) "Who's Who in Engineer
ing" show6 the names of 132
graduates which ranks Nebraska
25th in total names listed from
1362 colleges and schools repre-
' sen ted, and on the basis of the
numoer 01 graauaies jvetwuhita
ranks 17th.
(4) University engineering
graduates taking advance work
in electrical engineering at Mas
sachusetts Institute of Technol
ogy have consistently ranked at
the top of their classes.
(5) In the number of gradu
ates elected by Eta Kappa Nu,
national honorary electrical en
gineering fraternity, as outstand
ing young electrical engineers of
the year, Nebraska ranks ninth
in number of awards among 35
institutions represented.
All University honorary or
ganizations desiring member
ship list included in the Hon
ors convocation April 24, must
have littts in by Monday, April
2 at Dean T. 3. Thompson's'
office. Each list must contain
Che names of ail members who
have been in the University
either the first or second sem
ester of the current year.
Also, groups conferring
awards or scholarships which
should "be listed in the pro
gram should send 1a she name
of the award or the scholarship
with the name or names of
this year's recipients to Destt
Thompson's office Ttry Monday,
April 2.
Filings Now Open for Positions
"VTT A..
Positions on the Union board
may be applied for beginning
Monday, April 2, announced Bet
ty Koessier, chairman of the plan
ning committee. Applications for
chairmen of committees and com
mittee members will also be ac
cepted after Monday.
Filings for the Board must be
completed by noon on Saturday,
April 7, but committee chairman
ship filings will be open until Sat
urday, April 14.
Membership on Union commit
tees, however, may be applied for
anytime during the rest of this
term and also nxt faJL
Worked for Year
Anyone eligible for a board po
sition that is, anyone who has
worked in Union activities for 8
year or more is tirped to apply-
Interviews lor innne seeKmg
board positions will he conducted
bv the precwit boHrd Sundwy,
if"""! ,)iv
Friday, March 30, 1951
and her court will be at 10:45
The queen, for the first time,
will receive a crown which is to
be a tra -eling trophy. On the
crown will be engraved the
queen's name, affiliation and
The three runners-up will be
princesses in the court. Each of
the three students will receive
a permanent plaque with her
name, affiliation and year. The
plaques will remcin in the at
attendants' houses.
Name Band Impossible
'"Junior and senior officers
realize that University students
would like to see the prom in a
large place with a name band.
Schmidt said, "but the circum-
i stances involved make it imivis-
sible to do this."
The reasons, given by Schmidt,
are: 1) to put on a dance of
this type, naturally involves quite
a large amount of money; (2)
the University hasn't any funds
be used for the specific rnar.
pose of the" Junior-Senior prora
and (3) neither class has money
in its treasury.
"The only solution of the prob
lem caused by this shortage of
funds," according to Schmidt, "is
: underwriting by individuals who
feel that the prom is a tradition
and shouldn't die.
Chairmen of the prom commit
tees are: Aaron Schmidt, gen
eral chairman; Charles Burmeis
ter, assistant general chairman;
Jack Cohen, tickets; Gene John
son, treasurer; Arlen Beam, dec
orations; Bob Pierce, publicity;
Bob Waters, stage; Gerald Matz
ke, program.
Members of these committees
will be announced in the future.
End Saturday
The General Scholarship
Awards committee announces
that scholarships and grants-in-aid
are available to undergradu
ates for 1951-52. Applications
must be completed and returned
to the chairman's office by noon,
March 81, 1951.
There will be approximately
275 scholarships and the grants-in-aid
which will total a value
of about $36,000.
An average grade of 7 or above
is necessary to be available for
the wards. In some circum
stances, awards may be given to
students with a lower average.
Students must possess St least 24
credits to be eligible.
Application forms may be ob
tained at the office of the Dean
of Women, in EJJen Smith hall,
or the office of the chairman of
the award committee, 104 Admin
istration building.
Comprehensive examinations
will be held Saturday morning,
April 14. Awards will be an
nounced before Aug. 1, 1951.
members will be announced April
Board members will be chosen
from their applications, their In
terviews and the amount of work
that they have done for the Union.
The amount of work is judged on
the basis of the Union evaluation
Chairmanships Open
Committee chairmanships which
are open to workers are the fol
lowing: Planning, dance, special Activ
ities, general entertainment, rec
reation, -convocations and hospi
tality, music, public relations and
New committee chairmen will,
be announced May 10 at the an
nual Union nwurds meeting. Kerb
Reese, special activities director,
has announced that a plclnc for
all board members, committee
chairmen and workers will ba
Janet Steffcn.
I in June.
I of 3 hours.
j April 8, from 2 until 4 p. m. ?4ew held May .