JUlTL Vol. 51 No. 106 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Wednesday, March 21, 1951 IForW Planners . ; - " - r-r 1 : vj . - "C " x i - v v 1 yf y - v v s f , T).' -: - !-:.-' . v, -;: i f Senate Links Political Deal With Costello vreturenS William Costello have a return engage ment with the Kefauver crime committee. The crime-probing tors were expected to pick up where they left off when Costello admitted he once pulled strings to put a mena ai ine neau i,braska student organization. Ne-i April 3, in the Union ballroom, j Korea, Bolivia, Spam and Swe Tammany Hall. Manhattan demo-s braska Urirvei-sttv Council on (Another Omaha student. Doris j den. cratic organization. World Affairs, presents its an-! Carlson, is general chairman fori Ali ,JnT Heiss is the chair- Costello's testimony came only a lew minutes after O'Dwyer said he probably got help from a Costello henchman in the 1945 campaign. The politician and gambler agreed that they met in 1942 at Costello's home. O'Dwyer added that he might have met with Cos- tello once more, but he said he j gapping a proposed settlement couldn't say for sure. He said his0f Korean political problems and j dealings with the gambler were . xtse - students, taking their cue j strictly in line with his duties as ; an army investigator. W COLUMNS DRIVE NEAR PARALLEL T'vo powerful United Notions columns drove within 12 to 14 j miles of Korea's 38th parallel and at least nine allied columns were i less han 17 miles from the old, communist frontier. The Eighth army also disclosed i Viat itc fwvvx: rjjntured virtually two days ago the great Chong- cvone reservoir and its hydro- j electric plant 24 rnfles northeast o! seoui ana 10 nuies wiu u EnmV troops were -reported j stringing barbed wire near Chor- i won, 15 miles north oi pariiei and possiDie ancnor oi mc communist line. MORE A-BOMB TESTS DIX AT E.MWETOK The atomic energy commission,; neynoias, inne w iu "- contett. Preparation for com pe riling that new A-bomb blast i mates and Bill Glassford were ! tjtjon foUows a practice round in are underway in the Pacific, said ; guests of the senate. The team-jthe falJ Names o the winners the tests will show how buHdmgs mates aU senw be inscribed on the Allen can wiihstand nuclear attacks. Charley Toogood, Guard Donj u The "testing season" at Eni- h"m. and Qrterback j " Jear the tw0 tvetok Irom the standpoint of Tan ftagje. which have not been eliminated the weather begins late in Glassford noted -We always ... comDpt in fjnas of thc March. RED LOSSES AKE C TO 1 . ... .4 .1.. tw.j Military anaiyti l'x w Nation, es-.n-.ated wa Kinr the Chinese reds en-i losses since me uunew rcu i 4j vlr tvlwiiit five IDODIOt teres ine war aooui ic """ !, ego. "r i.i.Kn. .mAfi and , j ... ion mm tnr s i r7.1:,. ' t, tltrt fr the ! t,t - vj,w,o rJ armed across the Yalu river in I October to turn the tide. Love Library Keeps Abreast of Latest; Offers Challenge to Energetic Students Why doem't the Don L. Love read for pleasure. i&re publications issued by gov library carry a subscription to To implement these objectives, eroments, federal and local, can Ace Comics' the University library concen- not be stressed too much because Whv does the Don L. Love tratei on developing iU 'jemurce, ff.he primary source material Library have but three of Kath leen Norris numerous works? Mhy rtJht.In.lhf. r!lld"fi fiction the Don L. Love Memo rial library docs not seem to be on a par with the Lincoln public library. Just wnat me luncuon 01 university norary; mwi c ODjecvives; , 1 Most SoDPort Curriculum Essentially a good university library ,l.d, 14 7M T volume, are! Sit ari'id-- t"e Uni proper study and referrnce ma-j Tch include XjerUi&. ltn" . , . icals, annuals, monographs, year- It must provide materials wthwA. continuations, are of pri- keep the faculty abreart of their roary impoTtance m that they ac- lields for teaching purposes. quaint the researcher with the It must provide materials for results of new investigations into research needed by advanced j theory and evidence. students and individual faculty 1 Cultural Keadinr members. It mm! encourage students to they are pubusnea too late to oe tmi k t I '' of immediate value to the scholar f Ilia V GO III f5 f' interested in the most recent de 8 TTWUIIIWI jvelopmenU in his field. Serials Partly cloudy and somewhat. alo help to strengthen the H- w;rmcr Wednwday. High 5 tojbrary's cultural reading collec- 40 can. Thursday, occasional ; tion. H&w flunics. i The value of documents, which NUCWA PLANNING University studer.ts. Jack Solomon, Doris Carlson and Joan Krueger make plans for a model United Na tions political committee. They will offer their plans for the set tlement of Korean political problems. The three-day model committee session will be staged on the University campus April 3 through 6. 0(k' Delegates to Cite SollltiOIlS tO j Students from the University, ) I "TrV-- t-b- fa lUiM-lAV'tn Pnfnnr onrl sena-jUnion ,1 n offer tneirj p,ans for gemement of Korean , litj . troubles, Anril 3. through 6 when the university of Ne- nual working model of a United j Nations organization. This vear. students from the s four schools will stage a three j class will present a working day simulated session of the j model of the World Court. United Nations General Assem- C. Petrus Peterson, Lincoln, bly's political committee. The 1 prominent Nebraska attorney General Assembly recently gave and former speaker of the legis its Dolitical committee the iob of lature. will preside a chief ius- Q TT Senate Hears University's Star Players The University presented its "best" witness to the Nebraska ,egislature as a whole Tuesday opening of the session that the University should call on its most famouS' young man, AU-Amcr- h RvnlHs in nresent the University's case to legisla- c' have a snow fctorm when spnng practice starts. Tat s good-it means moisture lor the crops. Aejnuias Reynolds expressed the hope ; tht w have as eooi fi& ?xJy j JOOt" 1 Strasheim, notmg thito ne ana ... '. . . .. ilast varsity footbaU game, hoped! "c wmei iwu iux ciajcu uicn . i ' i that "Reynolds tt Co. have a crood vear. T.ac mAxno it , his rn-et in th !-hr.iim in four years, expressed similar i hopes for the 1851 squad. j of books, serials, documents and .miscellaneous material such as i ,kA0AC MSnf MIMII.-r, e. nft 1 microfilm. i Bok Selectors Books at the University are 1 by both faculty and sub - jCCt specialist librarians, xhey are cnoscn wun trie view (or representing neias in wnicn courses 01 invruciiw are wing, offered. The collection J built up for . - 4( it. This function is rarely per- "formed by books since generally 10111 CRISIS from the real U.N., will work on 4-Via earn a nrArilomc Jack Solomon of Omaha, a law student, will serve as moderator for the committee sessions which will open at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday the event. as an aaaea ieaiure oi we,tne Religious Welfare council in session, the international law tice of the model court. The model court will convene at 7:30 P m. Thursday, April 5, in the Union. University students planning j tne general conierence include: i Sue Allen, Joan Krueger, Eugene Wohlner. Don Knotzen, Jean I , . , , r 5 i joues, ruun corensen ana Due Neuenswander, Summer J. House, j University political science in- structor, is serving as faculty i adviser. I 67 Frosh Law Students -Enter Moot Court Contest Sixty -seven freshman law stu- dents will compete in the annual moot court competition beginning Ma,r,rn 29- , . All first year students are re- quired to enter the moot court m w automatically elim- .t, , ,X,it, "' " ?'Z .. Iu " ..T "u wlll,9 ' J! wvsy 'a -vw w Like Suite Court -- ' t,p Nebraska Suoreme Court. - . , K-.i tn . nnor th nam of Alien court in nonor 01 1 nuumi Stinson Allen. A board of seven third-year men and seven second-year men compose the cses and assist Prof. James Lake, in charge of the that they provide. Congressional hearings, bills, .-.ia... agriculture, population; treatises jO0 foreign relations; information ; on uch topics as fleas, the man- 1 agement of a grocery store and !DDT constitute only a small Uample of the scope of govern- rnerjt publications. 55.009 Doetiments Yearly The university library receives in the vicinity 01 ao,ooo docu- merit, of all kinds and from all nations annually and is a partial depository for U.S. government publications. Other types of important re sources to be found in the uni versity library are theses, local and foreign; a sizable collection of maps; bound volumes of such newspapers as the New York Times, the London Times which make a primarily historical rec ord, and microfilms which make available in reproduced form blocks of materials otherwise unobtainable because of high cost or limitation in the number of copies in existence. There are, therefore, more than books from which to read assign ments in the University library. holds trials under the name ofjand jonannes Hospitality To Reign At NU Tea Religious Group Sponsors Event Handshakes and hellos will greet the foreign students attend ing the "Friendship Tea" spon sored by the Religious Welfare council in conjunction with NUCWA week. The tea will be Sunday, April 8 from 3 to 5 p.m., in Parlors A, B and C of the Union. It follows the mock UN general assembly meetings and precedes the Cos mopolitan club carnival. Letters have been sent to all organized houses, many organiza tion and individuals. The lettere explain the purpose of the tea, which is: to acquaint foreign stu dents in an informal manner with the hospitality of the United States and Cornhusker friendship. Campus Groups to Sponsor Organizations are asked to sponsor two foreign students. By sponsoring the students, it is ex- pected that two of the organiza tion's members will meet the stu dent prior to the tea and act as escorts and friends in addition to representing the organization. mm i . J I 1.. t.r. XT fiV .-1 i-lr 1 xne tea js suitu; i ncuima students. About 150 foreign stu- dents representing 42 countries attend the University. Countries represented are: Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Puerto Rico, Cyprus, Es tonia, Panama, Germany, Iraq, Lithuania, British West Indies, Canada, Roumania, Columbia, China, Iran. Representative Countries Mexico, Denmark, Norway, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Po land, Japan, Ukrainia, Finland, Malava, India, Switzerland, Ryuk vus, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Israel, Uruquay, France, rausune, vuicu ' Zone, Austria, Turkey, Hungary, roan 0f the special committee of charge of the tea. Other members are Pat Wiedman, Gene Wohlner and Father Jack Weigart, The council sponsors a special func tion each semester, last semes ter's project being the "Friend ship Dinner." Piano SlectioDS Incidental music will belayed throunhout the tea by pianists n , 1. 11 A..jw cv,,. . , t- . , . . .... i iiwiiuuiL zinc. AI115 is an, wsmrs ujj(mi i- Ralph Hanneman Audrey Schu-, deaUng with social conditions, es-j Gov Val peterson will conclude ing and maintaining national of ler, Katnieen ivewnouse, ana pecially as they concern tne(K i(,, orio hv ancu.'prin P Janice FuUerton. - . . . 1 1. . u ,1 iui v iJiw.vcw.M . " tea should call Alice Joy Heiss at 2-1107 or leave a note in the Religious Welfare box basement of the Union. in the Moot Court, in administering the contest. Lincoln attorneys act as judges. Robertson and Edee will argue the first case against Spangler and Baehr. Case Pairing. Other pairings and their times are: Wilson and Wise vs. Swihart and Svehla. March 29 at 1:30 p.m. Zinnerman and Burnett vs. Lichty vs. Lichty and O'Brien and Wood. March 30 at 330 p.m. Sawtell and Van Kirk vs. Kelly and Evans. April 2 at 1:30 p.m. Wellensiek and Wellensiek vs. Dunlap and Dunlap. April 2 at 3:30 p.m. Other Competitor. Young and Lammers vs. Kneifl April 3 at 7:30 p.m. Carson and Craven vs. Hansen and Robinson. April 4 at 1:30 p.m Harkson and Lee vs. Samuel- n and Caba. April 4 at 3:30 j son j.m. Johnson and Evans, B. vs. jier! and WolL April 4 at 7:30 p.m Dillman and Knapp vs. Hertiek j and Sherwood. April 5 at 1:30; p.m. Steininger, Tobler and McClan ahan vs. Kummer, Hooper and Ostermiller. April 5 at 30 p.m. Norton and Ford vs. Grant and Green. April 6 at 1:30 p.m. Camp and Curtiss vs. Thomp son and Peters. April 6 at 3:30 p.m. Final Marriage Talk Planned By Ag Groups The final "religious discussion sponsored jointly by the Ag Union and Ag YMCA is sched uled for today at 4:30 p.m., in the Ag Union lounge. Dr. Kenneth Cannon, instruc tor of Home Ec 181 (Marriage) will speak Wednesday on "War Marriages." It was estimated that around 75 student attended the marriage discussion Monday afternoon at which Rex Knowles, student pastor, outlined the things one says "yes" to when giving his marriage vows. Keeping ourselves as well groomed and physically at tractive a possible is number one on his list of eight musts. The married couple should join in a process of helping each ' other, he added. soring siuaenis aiiu biiciiuhis urcinuiouim v.uunura m muci -. , inicii ELo initio Unusually large initiation fees i with little being received in re have been charged by some hon-!turn by the individual member, oraries and professional groups As a result of the investiga on the Nebraska campus. tion, the committee has asked all The fact was revealed today honoraries and other professional in a report of the student ac-, tivities committee of the Student Council, recently investigating the problem. Council members were prompted to make inquiry after a routine check gave evidence that some organizations were charging exorbitant fees in com parison with the payments asked by other groups on campus. One group receives as much as $40 from new members. The preliminary investigation began on Feb. 7 under the direc tion of Betty Green Kennedy, chairman of the student activi ties committee. The information sought by the subcommittee, Sharon Fritzler in charge, was the amount received by the various groups for pledge fees, initiation fees and semester dues. National Office Receipts The investigation was concen trated after it was discovered that a very large portion oi tne ini tiation fees of several groups were assigned to the national offices' Red Threat q f ; W,oiiO KamilC 'Otyl ICO llCHlIiO O "Communism and American. pn Unsilon Omicron, home ee Business: Burden and Proof will f.s honorary Out of a $5 national be the topic of Dr. Maurice C. v.4 " fsk, initiation fee is received a life Latta's speech tonight at 8 p.m. 4. y, j subscription for a magazine which in Love Memorial Library audi- t lis issued twice a year. In addi- torium. T ' v jton, other national operating ex- Latta will be the first of a se- -is , , penses are paid. Once every three ries of five public lecturers who ' 4 years the groups get one way will speak on the general topic VZ?V, x lpaid for a delegate to a national "Communism Threat to the lz t Wv ' convention. This expense is taken American Economy" sponsored by O v from the $2 semester dues. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional Lambda Theta, teachers non business fraternity . i. orarv Out of a $5 national fee. Dr. Earl S. Fullbrook, dean of j ,4 , 'members receive a Quarterly the College ; of Business dminis- , IXlilSS tration,w,ll introduce the speaker j . ; , 'and have a convention. The $1 and sen-e as moder ator Jor the , f . Jf semester fee goes for this too. period following the speech when , A ; 1 . , Z , . questions may be asked by the fl S irm. Alpha Iota music pro audience I V 1 fessional A $3.50 national pledge Dr. Latta is at present, profes-j I . w or a songbook and a man- sor of economics at the Univer- 1 v, f "V,, uai. me $ib mmation goes xo sitv. He has previously taught so- I V V the national for a pin and sub ..ininFv nnlitiral science, history, t F scription for a quarterly, besides and mi'blic sneaking. Minister-Author tuJ rui uiuciliicu iiiiiiLaccri ui Lite : 1 Congregational Church. Dr. LattaJi;tlM, ThPnrv OT1j th Demfwratip'. , has written numerous articles! . church. His doctoral dissertation 1 " " v . . ; . . ... . .. "V, . . .Y.- ; AmA; He has published in separate form a pamphlet entitled "Reac-; tion to Socialism in American Protestantism." Dr. Latta's wide career includes , service in World War 1 and teach- j ing a course in Naval History. He now teaches a course in compara tive economic systems. His speech this evening will draw heavily on his past experi- . l ... 1 : ences, as he attempts to bring to Dear me wnoie oi nis cu verse ex- periences in discussing the topic, j nnt croakine merely as an econo- i mist. r u "In inaugurating this series of i as Mr. Thompson, Sue Newen- An u semester dues charge speeches." stated Dr. Latta. "I dojswander as Mrs. Thompson,'! goes to tbe national for mainte not think of them as anti-corn-j Wayne Jostes as Waterman !nancc cf tne office, conventions, munist, but as pro-American. Holmes and Charles Peterson as anj au0Ws a member to attend Very often we do not realize the j Hiram Pratt. ;the convention with expense value of a known and familiars No admission will be charged. paid. thing until it is lost or in danger; ' ilnl,a v. rng iM71 COrUStllfpiltTIrCrpfl orarV-iATS challenge should arouse us to a OlUUClllh UmCU the national. In return is received new and ncher estimation of that O quart.rly newsletter, nothing SctaglnourAmencan To Purchase .. Series Continoe. Kappa Epsilon, women phar- The lecture series will be con- nCfZZr,! TJiairrc .PTor a $5 national tinued next Wednesday by Rev.'UlllCUU lVlllS 'initiation fee and $1.50 semester PhiUp Schug who will speak on. , . u. . . dues, a newsletter is received, "Communism and Christian! Student wishing to receive and one delegate receives a paid Faith" Dr Paul Meadows thesthelr cnoo ring before school trip to the national convention. third speaker will consider the. tonic "Communism as a worm Topic vominuinsiii 0 : Force." Dr. Lane Lancaster will Ka th fm.rfh nealter nn the too- i ic, speaking on "Communist Po- Tr frl flG? Yiliv - - ttlIUl13 X " Goddess of Ag J Slate Is Named: Election of the Goddess of Agri- of the ring shows the top of the culture will be held Thursday, ! state capitol and the other side March 29, in the Ag Union from I shows the University seaL An N 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All Ag students stands on the top of the ring is are eligible to vote for their j surrounded by the words, Uni choice who will reign over thejVersity of Nebraska. The date 1951 Farmers' Fair. j of the University's founding, 1869, Candidates are senior women jj inscribed on the bottom, enrolled in Ag college who have The ring is made of heavy gold been active in campus activities. 0f varvine colors. A student corn- In addition, contestants are re- j quired to have a scholastic aver- age of 6.0 or better. The girl receiving the highest! number of votes will be the God- j oess ana ine hjui ncv oe ner aiicnoams. ( The Godde.; and ner lour ai tendants will be revealed duriri v. pit, nH rwiim Dance 1 be held this year Saturday, April 28 in the coliseum. At this tim?, the Whisker King will be named also. Candidates scholastically are the highest ranking students in the senior class, 1950-51, of Ag college. There are 45 girls in the class. The candiates are; Marcia Adams, Dorothy Bow man, Mary Chase, Mabel Cooper, Eileen Dereig, Doris Eberhart, Jean Fenster, Ruth Fischer, Joyce Fitz, Barbara Glock, Carolyn Huston, Mary Frances Johnson, Katherine Rebbe, Beverly Reed, Patricia Seibold, Norma Spomer and Annette Stoppkotte. The Home Ec club is in charKP of election. Ag Exec help also. boa.d will ess m qqs 'To croups to include in their letters of invitation to prospective mem bers a full report of financial obligations that the pledge will be expected to fill if he desires membership to that organization. 24 Groups Listed Out of 156 campus organiza tions investigated (including ac tivity, service, honorary and pro fessional groups) 24 groups were listed with large national fees in comparison with those fees charged by other groups. Letters have been sent to the national offices of these groups asking for a precise report of the amount of funds that these na tional offices receive. Also, the amount of funds destined for the individuals own welfare and the local chanter's treasury will be itemized in an account that has! been asked by the Student Coun-j pledge fee, is received a monthly cil committee. Replies to these , publication. Out of a $2 initia letters are expected soon. jtion fee which also goes to na- Letters Sent Ont jtional, members receive a certifi- Letters to the local chapters cate, convention, and newsletters. have asked for a formal report j - 1 to Economy Tonight i I I IU, Ja ' ViM- , J MAURICE LATTA J;..- - : miestion "Do We" Want Com- ; miimcm , rri 1 PoV J-t5C14J A Unds loinghf Tonight is the last time to see the one-act tragedy, "Thompson's' Luck." It will begin at 7:30 in Room 201, Temple. leuwic. .'not paid. Each, coed member pays mis IS one 01 me Viy w:u6 produced m the Laboratory the - atpr. "Thnm mnns Luck" is un-:.. ater- . inompsons iuck is un - - " . I veiiuu uut. i supervisor. m. . . ... , -n 1 f . 1 : 1 me can mciuaes rxu. ojumi rf!. 7. "? :j. ' ' ,." . . cr; j, according to Aaron Schmidt, sen- or cuis The rings are expected to ar rive the first or second week in May. At present only rings for men are available. They are for sale to any student who has at tended the University or is en rolled at present. Tbe rings are not class rings, but school rings. The band of the ring is a corn husk . On either side of the corn husk is a corn cob. One side mittee designed the ring with the advice of the Balfour company 'which is producing the ring now. Orders should be placed at the Nebraska Book store. earlier Stresses Progress; 6 17 ,I , IT" "Education must be allowed to progress as it will." This is the warning given by Miss Mary V. Morris, national president of Classroom Teachers, when she spoke to about 75 Lin coln teacher Monday night in the Union. "Education of young AmerH can is this nation' first line of defense," she said. "The boy and girl of Amer ica are tht country's greatest re source and I feel we ought to conserve that resource." Furthermore Miss Morris ex pressed the hope that teachers of 'young Americans would be able ilo remain in their teaching posi roups m IClii on amounts charged for dues and fees. Also in the report must be included a resume of benefits received in return for the fees. Replies regarding such are due May 7. So far, information regarding such has been received from 13 of the 24 groups recognized as having exceptionally large na tional fees. Following is a cursory inven tory of fees charged by thest groups and benefits received. Alpha Zeta, agricultural hon orary Out of a $9 rational fee, they receive a quarterly maga zine. They also have conventions and a traveling secretary. Th president stated that the national secretary makes large investments in land out of the fund receipts. Members are rather curious themselves to know where all the money goes. Alpha Phi Omega, service group Out of an $8 national The president of the group echoed the Council desire to know where jthe money goes. Gamma Alpha Chi, women's j advertising honorary Out of a i $15 national initiation fee, mem jbers receive a pin. Out of a $2.50 national pledge fee, they get a monthly newspaper. National of ficers get a salary. th salaries for national officers. TheU Sigma Phi, women s ;journalism honorary $12 goes to - inH n tb. Arfiai-.fitfa. , :J ' : , , r . . : t j . . MUUdi flj ill iioMunm uux.o sional 55 m national dues u taken for a monthly magazine, while an additional $20 goes for a pin. Ma Phi Epsilon, music profes sional A $25 initiation fee goes to the national for a pm and a three -year subscription to a ; Quarterly. National officers are . VAap f rnnventinn lu n of whjch also helps ':.: 1 , t0 maintain tne national office. Alpha Kappa Psi, bizad pro- fessional A $20 pledge fee to the national allots a life membership . honorarv and a certificate. Ys to Give Holy Services Tonight Students of all denomination are invited to attend the all campus candle light service and communion at the Campus chapeL Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. This service, sponsored by the University YM YW, will conclude the program set up by the Re ligious Welfare council for Holy Week. The program will include a prayer by Romaine Rasmussen, a scripture read by Ned Conger, solo by Harriet Swanson and a reading, "Disciple in Clay" by Delore Lovegrove and Dorothy Speer. Kathleen Dill and Rudy Nelsoa are acting as co-chairmen. cf Trm ? I .1 n ' tions if another war should occur. An all-out draft of teachers and teacher prospects could be dis astrous to the U.S. educational system, she warned. Miss Morris pointed out that the organized attacks on public school are undoubtedly the work of red attempting to undermine the American way of life by at tacking the school, churche and government . Mis Morri, who ha been ac tive for many year in civic and educational affairs on both local and national levels, is an ele mentary teacher in Los Angela public schools. i It ft: c 5 I? t"; I ft- : - A At- $ -C!-: