PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKA!? Editorial Comment The Rag Congratulates . . . AUF on reaching a new high in receipts which are destined for charity groups officially recog nized by the University as worthwhile." $4,500 was collected despite the fact that approximately 2000 students have dropped out of school since the deglnning of the drive. ROTC SYMPHONIC BAND on the completion of a successful four 'day outstate tour. Enthusiastic plaudits from audiences at Kearney, Curtis, North Platte and S'dney verified the sponsoring Rotarians' billing of the band: "The number one collegiate band in th? Midwest." These fine musicians are excellent SQ'csmen of our University. Special recognition is due Donald Lentz, director, who was instrumental in making possible the trip and the friendly com munities which played host to the bandsmen. NEW COED CANDIDATES who have been named to the election slates for Barb Activities Board for Women, Coed Counselors, Associated Women Stu dents and Womens Athletic association. Those eligible for positions were selected by board mem bers who have watched prospective leaders and noted their individual contributions to their re spective organizations. MAY QUEEN HOPEFULS -recently announced by Mortar Board society. All eleven candidates certainly are worthy of the honor of reigning over the traditional Ivy Day ceremonies. Each has exhibited an invaluable amount of enthusiasm in activities which have helped to benefit the University in many ways. JUNIOR AK-SAR-BEN PLANNERS for their excellent staging of a colorful exposition. Various acts and contests kept the audience's attention de pite the unruly weather which accompanied the festivities annually sponsored by the Block and Bridle club. MEN'S DORM REPRESENTATIVES for their hearty Interest shown at last Wednes day's Student Council meeting. Their pleas for representatives on the Council under the proposed constitution were supported by reasons such as new dorm programs in which each dorm resident may take part. BUILDERS for their welcoming of the high school visitors attending the prep bas ketball tourney held at the Coliseum. A schedule designed to acquaint the visitors with their Uni versity held an attraction for every interest be it Cribbing, campus touring, or cheerleading. STU DENT COUNCIL for their opening of filings for the '5l7'52 staff of the revised freshman handbook. Also Congrats to members of the NEW STUDENTS WEEK COMMITTEE on their pioneering plans for a completely revamped University fall orienta tion program which would permit an orientation week for the bewildered and confused newcomer. This event would aid the new student in adjusting more quickly to University life. It would also pro vide more time for faculty-student advisory ses sions. UNION DELEGATES on their appoint ment as representatives to the annual convention of the Association of College Unions to be held at East Lansing, Mich., April 24 through 28. These five Unionologists will pool their ideas with other Union leaders of the country and bring back help ful suggestions for improving Nebraska's program. UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA for an expert presentation of fine music. Directed by Emanuel Wishnow, the spring concert featured special numebrs by Dr. Howard Hanson, Nebraska born composer who is now director at the Eastman School of Music at Rochester, N. Y. UNIVERSITY THEATER DRAMATISTS for a masterpiece of excellent acting, producing and directing. Their presentation of "Caesar and Cleopatra," written by George Bernard Shaw, should serve as a measure of the University's fine dramatic talent. 8 "Sn -.-wwwt Week's News Ben Review A Reporter Says .... Try Cheating; Risk Losing Friends, Flunking Subjects By Ann GUHgan So you're going to cheat! After seriously debating whether to study for an extremely difficult exam, you spend a mere six or seven hours writing a complete set of crib notes. Your logical reasoning tells you that crib notes are really the best policy. After all, exams are taken merely to show the professor how many flourishes you can make in your handwriting! All right, go ahead and cheat! Maybe you'll succeed. Maybe you'll pull a five plus instead of the five you would normally re ceive by a few hours of hard studying. More likely you'll have an experience similar to the following true stories of poor "overworked" students who found it necessary to carry out that overused word, "cheating." The first case is a political science student. This student must have spent all night before his exam writing crib notes. At any rate, the student wasn't wide awake enough to hand in the right paper to the instructor. Instead of the test answers, the in structor found an elaborate set of crib notes with th student's name bravely peering out of the ri !it-hand corner. Upon being told of his mistake, the student could only comment, "Oh, my God!" An English student pulled this boner. The girl copied an essay from a not-too-widely unknown book on figurine painting. This time her luck was gainst her. The instructor recognized the source. He formerly had been a copyreader for a pub lishing company, and during this time had read the same book. One girl, when questioned about her paper came well prepared. She immediately produced from her purse a two inch pile of kleenex and began what appeared would be a long weeping spelL But the most remarkable technique of cheating came to light in a philosophy class. The class, a course in logic, was made up of about 40 members mostly graduate students. The instructor gave a test and noticed that, although all 40 students were present during the test, one paper was missing. The instructor decided that he probably had mislaid one of the papers, but the same thing happened in a second test. He called the student whose paper was missing into his office. The stu dent insisted he had handed in a paper and backed his statement by showing the professor his paper. The Instructor was enlightened when, upon closely scrutinizing the paper, it became apparent that the original writer's name had been erased and another name put in its place. So you're still going to cheat! That's your privilege. No one is stopping you. Of course, if you're caught, you'll flunk the exam, and maybe the whole course. But what's so bad about flunking a course here and there. There are lots of courses you passed to balance those few flunks and anyway, the style now is to join the army or get married not graduate! And if you are caught cheating, your professor no doubt will excuse you if you tell him that you had to crib to make a fraternity average, or you're planning to cheat you way toward PBK. Profes sors are always thrown over by good excuses. One intelligent person thought of the excuse that "the purpose of the University is to encourage think ing," and flunking him because he cheated was "discouraging his thinking." Don't feel bad if cheating losses a few friends. Your friends are merely jealous that your cribbing, and copying of other people's papers gained you a higher grade than their own hard studying got them. Cheating is a good business. Try it and see what kind of returns you get! F. R. S. HENSON Oil Authority To Address NU Geologists Dr. F. R. S. Henson, research geologist of the Iraq Petroleum Company, will discuss the oil sit uation in the middle east Wed nesday evening at 8:00 in Morrill Hall auditorium. The title of the lecture is "Oil Occurrences in Relation to Geo logical History of the Middle East." Dr. Henson, whose home is in London, is an authority on the geology of the middle east. He is in charge of the Geological Re search center of Iraq Petroleum Company and technical supervi sor of all paleontologic and strati graphic work in the field labor atories of that company in mid dle eastern countries. Sponsored by Geologists He is making a lecture tour of the United States and Canada under the auspices of the Dis tinguished Lecture committee of the American Association of Pe troleum Geologists. His apearance in Lincoln is sponsored Jointly by the depart ment of geology and the Univer sity Research council. Dr. Henson was born in South Africa of British parents, his fa ther was a mining engineer and his mother a missionary teacher. He is under-graduate technical training and post-raduate degree were obtained at the Imperial uouege of bcience and Technol ogy, London. Dutch Degree In 19S0 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science by Leiden University, Holland, for a thesis on Middle eastern tertiary forminifera. In addition to membership in numerous geological societies, in cluding the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, he is a member of the Board of Advisors of the American Museum of Nat ural History. He is the author of some pub lications on geology and paleon tology of southwest Asian coun tries. American geologists who heard him speak at the Interna tional Geological Congress in London last year were favorably impressed with his extemporane ous discussions. His last visit to the United States was in 1945 when he made a tour of oil fields and geologi cal laboratories. Senate Probes Crime The senate crime committee in vestigated various questionable activities of Frank Costello, last week. In connection with their campaign to break up the na- tion's two main crime syndicates Monday, George Morton Levy told the committee that he had paid Costello. branded "czar" of one of the syndicates, $60,000 to rid the Roosevelt race track of bookmakers. Levy said that Costello had done a good job of getting rid of them but he had no idea of "how" he had done it. Tuesday, the suave, unsmiling Costello refused to tell crime probers the extent of his wealth. Confronted with the threat of de portation, the gambler complained about the inhuman treatment he had received from the commit tee. Wednesday, prompted by sug gestions that he might be subject to perjury charges, the gambler told investigators that he hnd about $55,000 in cash in a strong box at his home. He has admitted that he was connected with a plan to control Whitney distilleries in England and would have been exclusive distributor of these products in America. As distributor, he had planned to receive 5,000 pounds annually for expenses, and a five shilling commission for every case over 50,000 a year shipped to the United states. Friday, the gambler, pleading illness, again refused to, talk. A-Bomb Tests Hinted The atomic energy commission has hinted that now tests with U.S. atomic weapons are in pros pect. Gordon Dean, chairman of the AEC, broadly hinted that tests will be given far out to sea or dropped from airplanes at places other than the testing sites usee, ud to now. 1 The commission has been In tentionally vague about details of tests and weapon developments in order to produce confusion in Dlaces. such as Russia, where it wanted to produce confusion. Saboteurs Blast Reds Saboteurs have struck at the heart of communist China. A 25,000 kilowatt generator in the capital city, Peking, has been smashed and fifty-nine streetcars set ablaze. The Chi nese communist news agency re ported that a large group of sab oteurs have been uncovered in Peking and several score were under arrest for smashing the generator. Meanwhile, the woman minis- Similar Religious Beliefs Needed for Marriages-White It is terribly dangerous to come to any kind of an agreement on marriage after the vows have been taken, according to a state ment . made by C. Vin White, while speaking before the first in a series of Ag Union discussions Wednesday on Religion in Mar- ralge. He continued; "Be very careful if keeping company with an athiest. Do not marry him (or her) unless you are an atheiest yourself." White stated that people de ciding to marry should agree on their philosphy of life while courting. As part of this, he said, they ought to be at one concern ing their religious belief. White spoke at the first of three discussions on marriage and courtship jointly by the Ag Union and Ag YMCA. The next informal forum will be Monday at 4:30 p.m. in the Ag Union lounge. Rex Knowles, student pastor, will give a brief summary and answer questions concerning the problem of a "Basis for Marriage." The final forum will be Wednesday. Lack of Prayer The minister of the First Pres byterian church of Lincoln said he is amazed at the lack of prayer on the part of young people future parents, who are making careful studies of economic prob lems, budgeting, furniture and employment. The hope of the world does not rest in the hands of the children of today, but in the hands of the parents of the children. Parents he stated, improve the children. Part of every day, the minister said, should be devoted to wor ship. The amount of this time must be based on the needs of the individual. Courting, he urged, should be Stolen Goods' Students With Distant Loves Run Up High Telphone Rill By Connie Gordon First Big Seven Newspaper Sent to Member Schools inclusive in the sense that it in cludes social parties and double dating. This is training for future years. We must not separate the family, he said, from the rest of society. There is a happy medium between exclusiveness and inclus iveness of the home that must be striven toward, he continued. Proper Attitude White cautioned against mar riages of mixed faiths. He said at times he has refused to marry couples who were of conflicting religious beliefs or who did not have the proper attitude toward the sacrament of matrimony. Upon question, the pastor listed several basic differences between the Protestant and Catholic be liefs. Among them were interpre tation of the .bible, child birth, ana relationship with God. Such basic difference between the belief of young people is apt to cause disruption in the home. he cautioned. Approximately 60 students at tended the meeting and many en tered into the discussion. Holmes Elected Home Ec Prexy Jean Holmes, Ag sophomore, was chosen last week as Nebras ka Home Ec club president. Miss Holmes succeeds An nette Wurdeman of Wayne State as leader of the seven Home Ec clubs located throughout the state. Program chairman of this year's state convention, Miss Holmes is also a member of tas sels, Ag Builders, YWCA, and Home Ec club council. Her new duties include following: Arrange the program for state convention next year. Set up goals and aims of col lege clubs during the year. President at the state officers and council meeting held twice a year. the the There aren't going to be any more long dis tance calls made in a certain fraternity on the University of Wisconsin campus. The frat in question asked the Wisconsin telephone company fix the phone so no long dis tance calls could be made. They refused. The boys just had to have their way, so they took their case to the state public service commission. Their complaint was that "they were worried about cer tain brothers who, when they are imbibing a lit tle too much beer and are enamored with some -" i & - . i 4 ,, : a. - Bwccmccut ui a uiiicieiu uuy, run up quue a large tool charge. Last year the house was stuck with $257 in uncollected bills. The defense rests. All-the-news-that's-fit-to-print dept Stolen from the Kansas State Collegian is the following article: Our journalism staff always tells would-be reporters the importance of writing stories that are interesting. " 'It means nothing to you readers,' they tell freshmen, 'When a dog bites a man. But when a man bites a dog, then you have news." The next day a story was handed in with the headline that read, "Hydrant Sprays Dog. A University of Texas student recently wrote a "sophomore's lament" that most of us have prob ably faced in more than one of our classes. He wrote and I quote: "Now I lay me down to sleep; The lecture is dry, the subject is deep, If he should quit before I wake, Someone kick me, for gosh sake!" Amen. The Michigan State News has made an in formal survey on the effect of the high cost of living on dating. Here are some of the results of their check: A guy buying a daily cup of coffee for him self and his "friend" would have spent $7.70 on coffee alone so far this semester. And if he and his date smoke Just two cigarettes a day, he would have to shell out another 80 cents. The first issue of the Big Seven newspaper has arrived at the University. The nine page mimeographed paper, published by the member schools, was printed at Boulder, Colo. A monthly copy is sent to each Big Seven school with re ports on activities and student body functions. The paper contains a condensed view of the news from each member school and compares the Jim, (Daihf VkfjhoAkarL M.mb.i Intercollegiate Press fORTl-KlUHTH fUS IDe Omuy Nebraska) M publisher by ttie student toe University of He ensue M expresaloa of Madcnu new ana opinion only. According to Article 11 Of u at Lwe covMiunt student publications and admlniatared by the Board M Putiitcfttiona. "It la trie declared policy of ttie Board that publication, under iu .unmiciioH anas am trmm rrom editorial eenaorablp on the put of the Hoard. r n uw pan M any amber ol Uie faculty of the Univemty but men) Den of w wu vi i urn wity nsorasaaa are oeraooauy reeponelbl for srhal they eay lo at eauae a to printed. , esmqan rates jar fiat aw ammeter. fl.M per aemeater mailed, or 18. M for . mmtm eopy ae. ramieiwid dally dorint the eebool f pwmwi ami meaaye, eacanona and eiamlmetloe perlode and one aww eanne ne iroBsa si aereei ay the University of Nebraska under the super Jlswj el tne mmto em Stndnrt Publication Cab-red a nerond fjlae Matter at the M Orfle tm Uneola. Nebnwka. under Art ml Cenaree. March S. 1870, and M sandal watt ml pmtxjto provided for ta Section 1101. Act of Contreee ol October a. ten. natHorra Bepwmae le. mi. . EDITORIAL t dltaf . . Jerry Warren t filter Mamm Knur. Tom Rl.rh. ewa aXiora Kent Axteil, Both Raymond, Jeanne tanr. ne Gorton Boorta a.-ter . mM Mundrll Am ! Sport Kditor Jim Kontal tearnre Editor Jane Randall At Editor nut, Walsh f Suitor. , nnna Prescott taofcea-rttiioer . Bob Rhrrwood BTTHINKNS . ffaslnee MaiMhire. ,.--.....,... . I rd Kanrtolph i t Business Maaaaera. ....Jack Cohen, Chuck Burmelster, Bob Rrlrhenbarh t iratitatloa Menacer Al Blessing ttlful Maws kditer Sua Gorton Bath Named As Farm Delegate Wayne Bath, University Ag col lege student, has been selected the local Nebraska International Form Youth Exchange delegate. The announcement was made Friday by Wes Antes, assistant state 4-H club leader at the Uni versity. Mr. Bath will be one of 50 del egates from this country to par ticipate in the European project. He will observe the agriculture and work on farms in Austria. He is to leave in mid-June and to return in late October, A junior at the University, Mr. Bath has been active in the 4-H club. He lives on a farm near Auburn, Nebraska has had a delegate for the project for the fourth year now. This trip will again be sponsored by NatHan Gold, Lin coln business man. Joan Skucius was the delegate last year. Experimental Corn Hybrids Receive Names Two experimental corn hy brids developed at the Univer sity Agricultural experiment sta tion have official names now. They are AES 802 and AES 803. The letters comprising a re gional name stand for Agricul tural experiment station and the number series are used to indi cate relative maturity of the corn. Dr. John lionnquist, asso ciate agronomist at the Univer sity, and corn breeder, says the new regional names have been selected as part of the co-operative corn breeding program of all experiment stations in the northcentral states. All new hybrids approved by the breeders on a reg onal basis from here on will carryMhe new designation to indicate that the breeding has been done co-operatively by land-grant college experiment stations. Only three such hybrids In cluding the two from Nebraska have been officially named thus far. The Nebraska hybrids formerly were called Nebraska experiment 893B and Nebraska experiment 1219B. The third hy brid getting a regional name is AES 801, a development from Iowa State college. The two Nebraska hybrids AES 802 and AES 803 have been tested in Nebraska for sev eral years. Their record of per formance earned for them the regional names. The hybrids are highly resistant to lodging and rate superior in yield. They are the result of a comprehensive corn breeding program carried on co-ODeratively by the Ne braska Agricultural experiment station and surrounding state experiment stations. The two hybrids are now be ing certified in Nebraska. Seed is available for 1951 planting. activities of the seven campuses. The Big Seven News pointed out that Nebraska and Colorado were the only schools sending re ports to Colorado on the question oi tne Universal Military train' ing. A poll of students at Ne braska showed 77.1 in favor and 22.9 opposed. Colorado stu dents voted 74.5 for, and 25.5 against the proposed issue. All Big Seven were supposed to send reports. Nebraska Council Under the heading of politics, the present interim council of Nebraska is in the process of re vising the constitution of the stu dent council, according to the paper. Colorado's new political group, the Barb, has recently re placed the Independent party and has consolidated with the Coali tion party. At Oklahoma university, a "Know Your Constitution" cam paign has been started. This is an attempt to create interest to wards a ratification vote on the question of whether or not the constitution of the student sen ate, recently revised in conven tion, is to br -:epted. Voting- Fee Considered The possibility of raising funds for Student Council by having a $2 voting fee has been under dis cussion at Nebraska. The fee will be payable at reg istration and will be refunded i after the student has voted. The remainder will be put into the Student Council fund. As yet, no action has been taken. Dramatists Ready One Act Play "The Giants' Star," a one-act play by Wilbur Daniel Steel, will be presented Tuesday and Wed nesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Laboratory theater, room 201, Temple building. The cast includes Betty Lester; Mrs. Weatherburn; Nancy Darle, Til Jessup and Ken Clements, Sheriff Bane. The 20-minute play is filled with suspense. The director and Jan Klone, production manager, invite University students and the general public to attend the pro duction free of charge. ter of justice, Hsuliang, has or dered mass executions to "punish the counter-revolutionaries." More than 500 trained women agents are uncovering dissident elements In factories, offices, and dance halls. In Kwangsi prov ince, communist troops eliminat ed 62,000 in January through death, capture, or "reform." Nationalist China forwarded a formal resolution to the UN. ask ing immediate sanctions against communist China's "inhuman" atrocities. The resolution stated the Peking regime was madly trying to exteminate 150 million people. State Bans Pinballs Atty. Gen. C. S. Beck, backed by Gov. Val Peterson, has deter mined pinball machines as ille gal in Nebraska, and has ordered an immediate removal of them. Investigators will be sent throughout the state to clean up these machines. Nebraska laws provide fine from $300 to $500 or two years or less imprisonment for anyone keeping gambling equipment. U.N. Troops March On Monday, communist resistance collapsed along the central Ko rean front. Reds fled along the 38th parallel and from the city of Seoul. Tuesday, 200,000 U.N. troops surged north in an unopposed general advance that outflanked Seoul, engulfed Changpyong and threatened Hongchon. Wednesday, South Korean 1 troops occupied the city of Seoul and reds fled north alone tha 140-mile Korean battlefront. Five strong South Korean na- trols began crossing the Han riv er in fishing boats at dawn. In northeast Korea, allies dropped 260 tons of bombs on important railroad bridges south of the Manchurian border. Thursday, U.N. troops captured the big communist supply base of Hongchong in central Korea, and sent tanks driving north toward Chunchon, eight miles south of the 38th parallel. Friday, tha American four-day advance was slowed by commu nist reinforcements. The Ameri cans threw 50 shells for every one the reds shot in a thundering artillery duel on the central front. A statement Saturday by the navy announced a naval bom bardment of a barracks area near Wonsan on North Korea's east coast that killed or wounded at least 6,000 communist troops. Another bombardment of an enemy troop concentration in the Singi area is reported to have in flicted 2,000 casualties. Saturday, red troops were building strong defenses along; some stretches of the 38th paral lel. The existence of these de- 1 fenses gives rise to speculation, that the communists would make a strong bid for peace when al lied forces again reach the pre war boundary between commu nist and republican Korea. Escapees' Trip Ends Twenty-one year old Dewey Battershaw was killed Thursday, and his younge rbrother, Clif ford, and Victor Sweet were im prisoned as the result of a wild west gun battle in St. Johns. Ariz. Dewey and Sweet escaped from the Douglas county jail last Sun day when Clifford, 17. entered the jail as a visitor, whipped out a gun and forced euards to re lease his brother and Sweet. They fled through eastern Ne braska, kidnaping and later re leasing four hostages, and eluded police traps in four states. Douglas county attorney Eu gene Fitzgerald said Friday that he would return the two to be ar raigned on charges of kidnaping, with life - or - death penalty, whether they waived extradition or not Truman Wuold Aid Tito The senate's top GOP foreign policy spokesman said Friday that if Russia attacks Yugoslavia, President Truman would no doubt aid Marshal Tito ard "con gress would Immediately back him up." "moire idn zl mhtln cf?cri j a fcv w -s i, Ml- 17 r 7 Hie Bad n Wear it Proudly! GIVE 0017 through Your RED CROSS Go Gryhound ... and make yoiu allowance) go farther! On 11 youi tripi-waekend vigitg, holidayg, raoaHona, (ports and school ctiY(tie you'll hay mow fun and say EXTRA dol. lari by Grayhound. Fraquant schadulea permit you to go and return whenever you wiih.Taka your next trip by Grayhound I .$3.05 NORFOLK .... OMAHA 1.25 NORTH PLATTE... 4.85 SIOUX CITY, IOWA 3.20 (ADD TAX) UNION BUS DEPOT 320 S. 13 Lincoln, Nebraska 2-7071