The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1951, Image 1

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    House Investigates Low Convocation Attendance
Do you attend University con
vocations? You don't need to answer be
cause if you're like about 80 per
cent of everybody else, you don't.
What Chancellor R. G. Gus
tavson has been trying to decide
for several weeks is: Why?
Friday, Dr. Gustavson got part
of the answer in the form of a
letter from S. J. House, instruc
tor in political science and fac
ulty adviser for the Nebraska
University Council on World Af
fairs. House, who, like the Chancel
lor, has been concerned about the
lack of student attendance at
convocations and extra-curricular
lectures, went to the trouble
to query 226 students in arts and
science and agriculture.
House's Findings
His findings, boiled down,
amount to;
1. In the minds of some stu
dents, the really "socially smart"
students do not attend convoca
tions. Vol. 51-No. 105
ilf crtsoEi OHionip
Bob Watson was named Grand Champion Showman
at the annual Junior Ak-Sar-Ben show Saturday night.
He was chosen from five class champion showmen by Ed
Janike, state 4-H club leader.
Watson placed first in the beef showing and fitting
class which qualified him for grand champion showman
ship contest. His beef, "Bright a Lady 2nd," won him the
top honor given in the show. Watson's name will be en
graved on a trophy presented by the Nebraska Live Stock
Breeder's and Feeder's association.
Russell Schelkopf was honored
as Reserve Champion Showman,
having won first place in the
sheep showing and fitting class.
He showed a sheep named
'L. X.'s Flashy Perfection."
Other Grand Champions
Other class winners and com
petitors for the Grand Champion
Showman honor were Marvin
Hanson in hog showing and fit
tins and Charles Fredericks in
dairy showing and fitting.
Second place winners in each
class were Glen Nelson, sheep;
Rex Meyer, dairy; Bill Johnson,
beef; Ray Quackenbush, hogs,
and Bill Johnson, beef showing
and fitting.
Winners in the coed riding con
test were Virginia Baskin, first;
Gayle Gutherless, second. This
class wasn't judged in show
manship but entirely upon the
riding ability of the girls..
Clayton Yeutter was master of
-ceremonies for the show and
managed to keep the mike hot.
While everyone else was bothered
by the freezing weather in the
drafty old fairgrounds arena.
Show in Record Time
Show managers were Bob Raun
and Bob Radin. Between the two
of them, they managed to bring
the show forth in record time.
A jumping horse exhibit was
highlighted by the performance
of "Big Mo," ridden and owned
by Clyde Henson of Lincoln.
Because of icy road conditions,
many of the scheduled perform
ers in the American Saddle Horse
"classes as well as other events
could not get to Lincoln to per
form. "Pepper's Stepper," owned and
ridden by Patrice Hammond of
Lincoln, won the three-gaited
saddle horse class which was
judged 85 points on the rider and
15 points on the Jiorse.
Taking the spotlight in the spe
cialty acts were the trick and
dancing acts of Red Ace and
Red Ace, owned and ridden by
H. L. Oldfield of Elmwood, Nebr.,
performed his specialty, dancing
to "My Wild Irish Rose," a kick
ing conga and "Show Me the
Way to Go Home."
Tucson performed trustingly for
Johnny Rivers of Omaha, who did
several acts including trick rop
ing and the performance of his
high schooled pony. Tucson is a
double registered, Palomino
Quarter Horse stallion.
Specialty Acts
Another of the specialty acts
was Milt Freel of Rosalie, Nebr.
Milt is a renowned rodeo clown
and bull fighter who performed
with his craft mule, Jerry,
Some of the items on Jerry .
end Milt's repertoire were count-
Ing, walking on his hind feet,
pumping water from Jerry's tail
and a drunken act
Cornshucks Issue Gives
1951 Cornhusker Preview
Sneak preview today! tion. So you were disappointed.
That's right a first glance at So the Shucks staff had a
the 1951 Cornhusker t w o
months in advance. It's in the
Shucks today. ' :.
After many hours of delibera
tion and discussion, the Corn
Shucks staff finally figured
way to throw a little light on th
contents of the new annual with
out stealing any of its thunder.
How did they do it?
. It's like this. Granted, there
have no doubt been many times.
that you have been all keyed up
for a sneak preview a two or
three months in advance affair
that turns out to be a ten or
twenty years in the past rendi-
The Weather
Monday will brine' to this vi
cinity a little warmer weather,
possibly 30 degrees or higher.
The day will be partly cloudy.
Final Week of Special Rate on
2. Many students consider con
vocations a part of the classroom
grind a part which can be
missed without penalty.
3. A great number of students
have decided that the faculty in
general has little Interest in con
vocations so why should the
Chancellor Gustavson has a
definite opinion about the oppor
tunity that convocations offer.
Important Education
"To me," he said, "good lec
tures and good convocations are
a very important part of a uni
versity. We have had some good
lectures and some good convo
cations on this campus. The fact
that there is little, interest in
them makes me wonder a little
about how interested our stu
dents are in getting an educa
tion." He recalled the recent appear
ance on the campus of 'Or. How
ard Hanson.
"Without question," the Chan
cellor said, "Dr. Hanson is one of
Ag Union Will
Television Next
Next week when you hear stu
dents saying: "Let's go over and
have a coke while' we watch tele
vision" they are headed for the
Ag Union.
A television set and a coke and
coffee vending machine are the
two new services scheduled as
additions to the Ag Union in the
very near future.
The 21"x28" screen (a com
mercial size) remotely controlled
television set will greet students
from the west end of the Union
The vending machine will be
parked by the Dell to allow stu
dents quicker service and a cut
in the Dell's labor expenses.
Last year, to. alleviate deficit
spending necessary to maintain
the Ag Union "Dell," the food
service was discontinued during
the evening hours.
Students raised to arms. And
according to Duane Lake, Union
director, students had a justifi
able complaint, but Ag just can't
support the extended service, he!
The way it stands now, Ag
coffee sippers will have the same
service but in a different form.
The installation of the self
service vending machine and its
use during these slack periods of
the day is designed to cut labor
costs, and by so doing remove the
red ink from the Ag Union ac
count book.
The coffee and coke venders
already have worked satisfactor
ily in five buildings on the city
If the Ag Union operated on
the same principles as the shops
down the street, he said, it would
But the Union is more than
just a commercial enterprise, he
The Kwik Kafe machine serves
600 cups of coca-cola and 450
cups of coffee at one setting. It is
completely automatic, with push
button selection of black coffee,
cream or sugar, or both.
In the Kwik Kafe type ma
chine, the coffee is made in
stantly from a frozen concentra
tion. According, instant
cof fee !
Student Pastors
In Program for
j An all campus candle light
service of meditation and cont
munion, sponsored by the Uni
versity YW-YM, will be held in
the Campus Chapel March 21, at
7:30 p.m.
i problem. However, by using pic-
tures begged, borrowed and sto
lenbut not from the Corn
husker they have converted
this fifth issue' from one what
sneak previews- are to what
they should be.
Aside from a peep at the booi;
that doesn't come out until May,
this humoc magazine is at it
1 again portraying life ' on the
, typical campus scene.
Care for unusual combina
tions? Raincoats, umbrellas and
bathing suits, maybe? Ah yes
it's an April shower in March
when Mary Mackie makes her
appearance as pin-up girl for
the month.
Shucks will be on sale in the
Union for 25 cents from noon
today on. It will be distributed to
houses and dorms during the afternoon.
the outstanding composers of our,
time. For his first lecture, the
library auditorium was about
half filled."
Next Convo Speaker
He added that Dr. Paul Weiss,
authority in the field of growth
and development, from the Uni
versity of Chi
cago, will be a
guest on this
campus, March
20 and 21.
"Dr. Weiss,"
me uuanceuui ,
sam, is one oi
the most imag
inative men I
have ever met
It will be in
teresting to see
how many sci
ence students C. C. House
appear to hear him speak.
Dr. Weiss will lecture at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Bessey hall auditori
um, and again at 8 p.m. Wednes
day in the same auditorium. At.
Chicago he is professor of zool-'
UN Delegates
Delegates to the model United
Nations political committee in
April named four student chair
men and vice chairmen at their
neeting Thursday.
Jim Tomasek, from the Philip
pine delegation, was elected chair
man of the sub committee which
will take up the Korean prob
lem. Charles Gomon, head dele
gate from Great Britain, will
serve as vice chairman. Sigma
Nu will represent Great Britain.
The vice chairman will replace
the chairmen in the latter's ab
sence. Elected chairman of the sub
committee on admission of new
guarantees freshness.
Sanitation Plus
The machine is reported to be
completely sanitary with ultra
violet rays protecting the serving
tubes. A sliding plastic door cov
ers the cup-well.
The television set of a commer
cial nature has a 21" x 28" screen
remotely controlled. It is designed
to utilize minium floor space for
maximum picture size,
The viewing screen
mtion. It will
at a proper height
mum viewing distribution
rsrriSUSart.Will Present Two Lectures
higlucontrast type viewing scren
According to the information
sheet sent out by the North
American Philips Company, who
is supplying the machine, it is
equipped with high definition
picture with a wide contrast ra
tio, great luminosity, affording
satisfactory viewing at distances
up to 100 feet and more.
Hershey Introduces Plan
For Educational Deferments
Selective service director Lewis
B. Hershey disclosed a plan Fri
day for deferring high school and
university students who are able
to pass test of their knowledge.
Officials said that the num
ber of educational deferments
may increase if the plan is put
into effect.
First, second and third year
college men passing the tests with
a 70 or better would be deferred
to go ahead with another year of
College freshmen in the upper
half of their class would be al
lowed to continue in school.
Second-year college students
would have to be in the upper
two-thirds of their class to con
tinue. Juniors in the upper three
fourths of their class could finish
the last year.
Graduate and professional stu-
dents of medicine, dentistry, vet-
to Participate
Holy Week
The Communion service will
conclude the Religious Welfare
Council's program for Holy
Week. The service was initiated
two years ago by the Y Mand
YW in response to the desire of
the stuudents to worship together
without stressing denominational
Student pastors participating
in the candle light service are
Rex Knowles, Presby House;
Dick Nutt, Methodist Student
House; C. B. Howells, Baptist
Student House; O. L. Turner,
Christian Student Group. In
cluded in the program is a prayer
by Romain Rasmussen, scripture
read by Ned Conger, a solo by
Harriet Swanson and a reading,
"Disciples in Clay," given by
Audrey Flood and Neil Trabert.
"Disciples in Clay" is a sermon
given by Peter Marshall to his
: Washington congregation and in-
eluded in his book "Mister
Jones, Meet the Master." It has
been altered and rewritten in
part to fit the college situation
by Bob Shuler. It is a discussion
of the way in which the 12 apos
tles were chosen, with implica
tions for present day disciples.
Students not wishing to par-
take of the Communion may still a jj. frta lla tn Ctoff to operate and has complete In
participate in the service. Aaas Joan iewis io oiaii structions for operation on it. It is
The Campus Chapel at which Joan Lewis, former student of even hard to keep the radio in
the Candle light service will be the University, has been added operation because many of the
held is located at 15th and Ulto the continuity staff of televi-lpush buttons are pulled out.
streets, (The Emmanule Church). I sion station KMTV in Omaha. I This type of vandalism, Lake
ogy and director of the divisional
biology sequence.
Five Queries Presented
In attempting to solve the an
swer to why students are not in
terested in lectures and convo
cations, Mr. House asked five
general questions. The questions
and the results obtained from 226
students are as follows:
1. Why don't you attend con
vocations? Answers:' No inter
est, 120 students; too much class
work, too busy, 47; neglect, too
lazy, 23.
2. Would you prefer two con
vocations per "semester if this
would result in better speakers?
Answers: 226 yes. i
3. Do convocations receive
enough publicity? Answers: More
is needed, 183; Daily Nebraskan
publiciity sufficient, 43.
4. Would faculty encourage
ment help your attendance? Of
the 226 who answered, 171
thought it would.
5. Should classes be dismissed
for convocations?
Of the 226
Co? frTi nil
Elect Student Chairmen
members was Harold Peterson,
NUCWA president, and a mem
ber of the Indian delegation. In
dia is being represented by Delta
Sigma Phi. Joan Ktfueger, from
the United States delegation will
serve as vice chairman. Gamma
Phi Beta is -epresenting the
United States at the conference.
Foreign Students Speak
In addition to the election,
NUCWA members and spring
conference delegates heard talks
by two foreign students, Ti Tien
from China and Suk-Soon Suh
from Korea.
Suh presented background in
formation on Korea and pointed
out various ways . be believed
world peace was possible. One
would be establishing a world
empire, he said, which of course
is not good. Another way, he
continued, was by establishing a
balance of power.
The talks Thursday evening
were a part oi ine pre-conier-
ence preparation to acquaint dele-
gates with the Korean situation
and the circumstances surround
ing the admission of new mem
bers. Conference Schedule
The conference will open Tues
day evening, April 3 at 7:30 p.m.,
Biology Expert
n J L
Dr. Paul A. Weiss outstanding
authority in the field of biology,
will give a series of lectures on
the University's Omaha and Lin
coln campuses this week.
On Monday Dr. Weiss will give
of Medicine in Omaha.
He will speak on the Lincoln
several lectures at the College
erinary medicine, osteopathy and
optrometry would be deferred
without taking any tests, provided
they are taking a scholastic re
quire ments leading to a degree.
High school graduates of draft
age passing the test with a 70
or better would be deferred to
enter college.
It is still to be decided whether
the proposed policies would be
binding on the local draft boards
or optional. General Hershey in
dicated that he wants it to be
AUF Installs
New Board
The new AUF board members
were installed at a special serv
ice Thursday evening in the AUF
Jo Lisher, former AUF presi-j
dent, installaled the new mem
bers beginning with the publicity
board. Each member was intro
duced individually and Miss
Lishes gave them their duties and
obligations to AUF.
The solication board was in
troduced as a group and pre -
sented their duties and obliga-
The executive board was then
installed by Miss Lisher. The in
stallation service concluded with
the new president, Sarah Fulton
congratulating the retiring presi
dent on her excellent job in
heading the most successful drive
in AUF history.
The new board members in
stalled were: Solications; Virginia
Koehler, Martin Lewis, Sue
Brownlee, Tom Larson, Lois
Gerelich, Jane Calhoun, Barbara
Bell,. Joan Fike and Rockford
Publicity: Sue Gorton, Mil-, books were taKen rrom ine book
dred Yeakley, Joan Holden, Jan 'Nook.
Steffen, Mary Ann Kellogg, and; Not only has there been thiev-,
Harriett Menke. jery, but much damage has been
Executive board; Sarah Fulton, done.
president; Ann Barger, vice-; Furniture is in constant needi
nrMiHanf in rhartfp of nnhliritv : .u fiu
Adele Coryell, vice-president in
charge of solications: Joan Han
son, secretary, Eugene Johnson,
treasurer. Stuart Reynolds will
serve as Johnson's assistant.
- o V
KMTV Television Station
Prairie Schooner $1.50. See a Corn Coh.
queried, 121 said they probably
would go to convocations if
classes were dismissed.
Typical Replies
In questioning freshmen about
their failures to attend convoca
tions Mr. House got these an
swers which he described as
"Went once and didn't like it."
"I never heard of them."
"I, have no time I'm an ath
lete." "I have never heard of any
faculty member encouraging at
tendance to a convocation."
Mr. House said that after he
prepared his summary on the 226
answers, he contacted ano'J'. ;r 40
students. These later interviews,
he said, confirmed his suspicion
that many social groups give
their new memberse the impres
sion that only creeps go to lec
tures and convocations.
"I'll admit," said Mr. House,
"that's a very silly notion, but
it's a real factor."
Monday, March 19,1951
in the Union ballroom with a
political committee meeting. The
following day, Wednesday, dele
gates will adjourn to the two sub
committee meetings for an after
noon and evening session.
Law college will present model
world court Thursday evening in
the Union. Winding up the con
ference will be a political com
mittee meeting as a whole Fri
day afternoon.
Moderator Jack Solomon will
preside at all political commit
tee meeings. The newly elected
chairmen and vice chairmen will
be in charge of the subcommittee
Chairman Doris Carlson an
nounced that mimeographed
copies of thhe schedule of the
conference will be available and
distributed at the next meeting,
Thursday, March 29.
Committee Workers
j Needed by Union
All Union workers and com-
mittee members who are inter
ested in working on the commit
tee for the Duke Ellington con
cert April 11, should come to
a meeting in the Union, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 20.
to Visit NU;
campuses Tuesday. His lectures
are sponsored by the University
Research council.
Two free public lectures will
be given by Dr. Weiss. He will
speak both Tuesday and Wed
nesday evenings 8 p.m , in Bes
sey hall auditorium.
His lecture Tuesday evening is
entitled "Problems of Growth
and Differentiation."
Wednesday evening he will
speak on "The Central Versus
Peripheral Factors in the Devel
opment of Nervous Coordina
tion." This lecture will be illus
trated with movies.
Dr. Weiss, a native of Austria,
came to the United States in 1931.
He has been a member of the
University of Chicago since 1933.
He is now professor of zoology
! and director of the Divisional Bi
ology Sequence.
He is especially well known
for his investigations in the field
of erowth and development.
Dr. Weiss is a member of the
Society to Study Developmen
and Growth. He served as presi
dent in 1941. He also belongs to
the International Institute of
Embryology of which he is vice
V cmdiais
Vandalism has struck the
students are be-
lieved to be the culprits guilty
of defacing and damaging their
l f U " TUn
few nibnths.
Three fire axes, according to
Duane Lake, Student Union di
rector, have been stolen. This
theft is a federal offense and is
liable to federal law.
Forty records, some of which
cannot be replaced, have been
taken from the Carnegie library
by "souvenir hunters."
Furniture has been taken from
the women's lounge. One of the!
items named is an end table.
Even some of the sand urns in .
the halls have been "borrowed.".
!And last year. $174 worth of
I . Ul lCUdU. Ul tliC W1U JURC
boxes are out of order because
students kave willfully broken
The record machine in the mu-
sic room is out of order three-
fourths of the time, according to
Lake. It is a very simplified type
l "U"IC. i."1: is the students' own, he continues,
li',fen ntlCCd in th paSnd they have to pay for it.
A series of five public lectures on "Communism
Threat to the American Economy" will begin Wednesday
when Dr. Maurice C. Latta, professor of economics at the
University, speaks on the costs of communism to the
American economy.
The series being sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi, pro
fessional business fraternity, will include five lectures by
the following speakers: Rev. Philip Schug, Dr. Paul Mea
dows, Dr. Lane Lancaster and Gov. Val Peterson.
To Meet
Former Boys' and Girls' Staters
will meet Saturday, March 31 for
their second annual reunion.
Dancing, skits and a program
are on the agenda for the re
union which will begin at 8 p.m.
in the Union ballroom.
During the program former
governors of both Boys' and
Girls' State will be introduced.
Refreshments will be served dur
ing the dance. .
Pat Patterson, '48 Girls' Stater,
is in charge of the Girls' State
skit which will represent some
phase of the week spent in Lin
coln. Others working on the skit
are Janet Steffen, Marilyn Man
gold, Ruth Gibson and Sally
Eldon Shafer is directing the
Boys' State skit, Names of the
participants and his committee
will be announced later. .
Reunion Chairman
Chairman of the reunion is Pon
Chinn, governor of 1948 Boys'
State, who also served as chair
man last year. He is being as
sisted by Bill Adams, Bud Bitner
and Shafer. Girl Staters helping
with the reunion are Pat Patter
son, Joan Krueger, Doris Carlson
and Ruth Gibson.
Sponsored by the American Le
gion and the American Legion
auxiliary, the first reunion was
held last spring under direction
of 1948 Boys' and Girls' Staters,
attending the University. Mem
bers of the committee were Pon
China, Bill Adams, Bud Bitner,
Jim Justice and Dave Sjogren.
Coeds planning the reunion in
cluded Willa Hill, Sally Kjelson,
Janet Glock, Joan Krueger and
Doris Carlson.
More than 200 were present
for the dance and program. Five
past governors of the Cornhusker
states weore present: 1946, Gib
Eggen; 1947, Eleanor Erickson;
1948, Pon Chinn and Ann Fred
erick Boyce; and 1949, Jim Lan
caster. Letters to High Schools
- Letters have been sent to va
rious Nebraska high schools in
viting the 1950 Staters to the re
union. In addition invitations
have been sent to Girls' and
Boys' State officials who will be
introduced at the reunion.
The reunion last year was the
first of its kind in the United
States. Although all 48 states now
hold both Boys' and Girls' State,
Nebraska was the first state to
organize a joint reunion of both
University students will also be
featured on the program. A tenta
tive schedule will be announced
later this week.
Cornhusker Boys' and Girls'
State are held in separate ses
sions each June on the Univer
sity city and Ag campuses. The
week session is aimed at teaching
high school junior, by practical
experience, how the state gov
ernment operates. The partici
pants elect their governor and
other state officials similar to the
vay actual elections are carried
i in Nebraska
Besides the joint reunion, the
only other combined session the
two groups hold is a Boys'-Girls'
State dance in June while both
are meeting in Lincoln.
s vr
i says, is "not smart." He believes,
nowever, mat u is nui -wuum
ironrla cm hlit that it 1C flnnP
on impulse.
ctllH.nt hv .ffprB' ThP Union
Last summer, Lake reports,
$2,300 was spent on reupholster-
I K:
i f
Fire A
UNION VANDALISM Jack Fisher points to one of the three
places where axes have been stolen from the Union. These miss
ing items, which are a federal offense liable to federal law, are
one of the many missing items from the Union.
Dr. Latta will speak Wednes-
day, March 21, at 8 p.m., in Love
Library auditorium. His topic
is "Communism and Ameriran
Business: Burden and Proof."
A native of Iowa, Dr. Latta
received his bachelor of arts de
gree from Simpson college,, his
mast' of arts at the University
of Iowa, and his Ph.D. at Ohio
State college. Now in his fifth
year at the University, Dr. Latta
has previously taught at Morn
inngside and Doane colleges.
An ordained minister, Dr.
Latta has had articles published
in Book Reviews, Church His
tory, Education and Mississippi
Valley Historical Review.
Moderator for the first lec
ture will be Dr. Earl S. Full
brook, dean of the College of
Business Administration. Dr.
Latta will serve as moderator
for the remainder of the series.
The second speaker in the se
ries is Rev. Schug of the Uni
tarian church in Lincoln who
will discuss "Communism and
Chrfstian Faith." Before coming
to Lincoln in 1947, he was an
instructor in the speech depart
ment at North Central college,
chaplain at Elgin State hospital,
Elgin, 111., and pastor at the Uni
tarian church, Urbana, 111.
Dr. Meadows, the third speak
er will consider the topic: "Com
munism as a World Force." A
Phi Beta Kappa, Dr. Meadows is
also a member of the American
Sociological society, and has had
articles published in more than a
dozen technical and general jour
nals. He is author of "The Cul
ture of Industrial Man," co-author
of "Social Problems and So
cial Policy" and author of "John
Wesley Powell: Frontiersman of
Political Theory
Delving into the political
theory of communism in the
fourth of the series will be Dr.
Lancaster, who will speak on the
topic: "Communist Political
Theory and the Democratic
Concluding the series will be
Governor Peterson who will an
swer the question "Do We Want
Communism?" Governor Peter
son is an honorary member of
Alpha Kappa Psi.
Following each lecture a ques
tion period will be held.
Dates for Law
Tests Named
Students who expect to enter
the College of Law next fall
should make arrangements now
to take their law aptitude ex
aminations. Application for the examina
tions may be made now at the of
fice of Dean E. O. Belsheim,
Room 208, in the College of Law.
The examinations will be given
at 1:30 p.m. Friday, March 30.
The examinations will require
a total of about seven hours and
will be given two periods in
Room 202 of college. The first
half will occupy Friday after
noon on March 30; the second
half will be given Saturday
morning, March 31.
Dean Belsheim explained that
all students who enter the col
lege next fall will be required to
take the examinations. Even
students who are uncertain as to
whether they will be on the
campus next fall should take the
examinations this spring, he sug
gested. The minimum require
ment for admission to the col
lege is completion of 63 hours of
undergraduate work.
i ing and refinishing the furnish
"If money must be used for re
placements and repairs," he
warns, "new additions cannot be
If such acts continue, he con
cludes, "we can't possibly go
ahead with Union expansion ac
cording to plan."
j ," f
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