The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Wednesday, February 28, 1951
ones, jacoDs, ueaKer .Leading
Track Scorers Going Into Big 7
University of Nebraska's sen
sational sophomore runner, Hobe
Jones is the leading scorer on
Coach Ed Weir's indoor track
team with 39 Y points.
He has scored at least 5 points
in every dual meet with the ex
ception of the Nebraska-Missouri
His pet race has been the 88
yard run in which he set four
xiew records this year. However,
Re doubled up in both the 880
and the mile run against the
University of Oklahoma and set
new records in both races. He
has also won points in the 440.
Jones prepped at Lincoln High
where he was a standout in
track. He barely missed breaking
Bobby Ginn's state record in the
Ken Jacobs, junior from Min
den, is the number two Husker
scorer with 34 points. He won
most of his points as the leading
miler, but he also doubled up in
the 880 and two-mile runs to
add valuable points to the Ne
braska cause.
Indoor Meet
Weir currently preparing his
team for the Big Seven indoor
meet at Kansas City. His team
ended the dual-meet season on
the short end of a 54-50 score
with the Sooners.
But that meet was very close
and wasn't decided until the
broad jump had been finished.
In defeat his team showed It
packed strength in every event
except the shot put.
The Huskers h-we several
front-line performers who will
be challenging for individual
honors at the conference meet.
Don Cooper should bring home
a blue ribbon in the pole vault.
The string bean from York has
been smashing records continu
ously during the season. He has
been over 14 feet consistenly,
and on one occasion he barely
missed at 14 feet, 9-inches.
Jones will be in top contention
in the 880. The broad jump
twins, Glenn Beerline and Irving
Thode, have both been keeping
pace with the conference laders.
Dan Tolman won both hurdle
events against the Sooners and
turned in good times. Dick
Meissner, ace high jumper,
NU Griddcrs Begin
Workouts March 5
Spring football practice gets
tinder way at the University of
Nebraska, Monday, March 5.
Although 18 lettermen are re
turning Coach Bill Glassford and
his aids face the task of build
ing a new offensive line, from
tackle to tackle.
All of the starting line, With
the exception of the ends, were
Coach Glassford and his staff
will work witha group of new
comers for the first two weeks,
m,. nir mgH nf 83 will be
1 ItT- w4
brought together for the final J
lour weeKs or xne arm.
The spring drills will close
April 14 with a game between
the Varsity and the Alumni. This
contest will highlight an AH
Sports Day which also will fea
ture a track meet with the Uni
versity of Kansas and a baseball
game between the Cornhuskers
and Buena Vista College.
A general call for other foot
ball candidates will be issued
by Coach Glassford. These play
ers also will report on March 5
Cage Teams
To Provide
Own Officials
Beginning with contests slated
for Thursday, March 1, all com
peting teams in intramural bas
ketball are responsible for their
own officials.
The I-M department announced
today that all teams playing con
tests on this Thursday and there
after are responsible for obtain
ing the referees for their own
contests. .
The department Is doing this
primarily to avoid the argument
some of the teams may give if
they think their contests were not
officiated adequately.
To facilitate this, however, the
I-M department is putting their
entire taff of referees available
for duty. The two competing
teams must agree on the two of
ficials and then contact those two
men and e that they are ready
to work at least five minutes
before the game is scheduled to
Any two men may officiate the
contests that have been okayed
by the two competing teams.
The names, Bddresses and
phone numbers of the present
staff of I-M referees are posted
on the bulletin board in the Phys
ical Education building.
Will Be Paid
All officials will be paid by
the 1-M department lor au games,
which they work the same as
i M voinir done. The only
obligation that is thrown to the
competitors is i- "'w
agree on the officials and con
tact them. f
The department will continue
to arrange for officials for the
games of weanesaay, i cu.
TUB Frleld Service Appliance Center ran
opening for two 12 Part time ar-ltane.
salesmen. Car needed, eaeellent oppor
tunity for Hht men. Call Mr. Psrne
at S-JHll for apnotntmept. F'irW
lerrlre Appllsnra Center. 1447 V m.
Voire' trheroffers slnelng or jft"?
instruction hi eachenje for a arter
noon or erenlne of secrets Hal work
onee weealr. 2-ft31. llf-7-W).
l. C BmHh typewriter. Fseeiieni con
dition. a0. -12fl. 11" Wati.
V,-r,LZL. a th. atreet south I
from the Unlrerslty Ubrary. Inqulr
i2il ft street. 3-2304.
WENDY COLE . . . Husker
hurdle may see action in the
Big Seven meet after an early
season injury.
missed out on first place against
Oklahoma, but he nevertheless
is a threat for the Huskers.
Tough Foes
But the NU cindermen will
still have plenty of competition
from other conference schools.
Bill McGuire, University of Mis
souri distance man, will be back
to lead the Tiger squad. He has
been turning in excellent times
this year.
The Kansas State Wildcats
offer two of the nation's best
jumpers in Herb Hoskins and
Virgil Severns. Hoskins spe
cializes in the broad jump while
Severns is a high jumper.
Herb Semper will lead the
University of Kansas attack. He
is one of the leading two milers
in the conference. Jack Green
wood is also a prominent cog in
the Jayhawk attack as a hurdler.
Clair Mayes, Sooner shot put
ter, rates a strong vote in his
event. He has been approaching
50 feet during the entire season.
The University of Colorado will
send Merwin Hodel in the
hurdles. He has been hampered
this year by a sore leg but should
and will be under the supervision
of Coach Ike Hanscom.
The spring roster lists the play
ers invited to report for the drills.
All class designations are based
on the player's status next fall.
The lads listed as sophomores will
not attain that academic stand
ing until the end "of this semester.
The roster:
PI aver Home Town C!a Age
Ntek Addoci. Chicago. III., Sr., 21
Clayton Curtis, Laurel, Jr., 19.
Cliff Hopp, Hastings, Jr., 21.
Dennis Emanuel. North Bend. Soph . 18.
Dill VnkU S-lun. I.Un anh 91
Ram Saretie. South Berwick. Me.'. Soph.,
21- .
Oon vo(rt, watertown, u. u.. nopn., iv.
Bill Wlngender, Omaha, Jr., 20.
Tom Carodine, Omaha. Soph., 22.
Ron Clark, Ravenna, Sr., 18.
Boh Decker, Omaha, Soph.. 18.
Dwane Oav, Beatrice, Soph., 18.
George Oohde, Lincoln, Soph., 18.
Neil Hoppena, Harvard, Soph., 18.
Wax Kennedy, Beatrice. Soph., 18.
Jack Ladda, Shenandoah, Iowa, Jr., V.
Bill Wilier. Bterlins. Colo., Soph., 1.
Revnolds, Bob, Grand Island. Jr., 1.
Jim Sommera, Lincoln, Jr., 1.
Tony Winey, Shelton, Jr., 20.
John Bordogne, Turtle Creek, Pa., Soph.,
1niis Lehman, El Paso. Texas, Jr., 19.
Don Norrfs, Omaha, Soph., IS.
Ray Novak (or F. B ), Omaha, Soph..
Bud Wenk, Madison. 8. D., Soph., 18.
George Bauer, Mlnatare. Soph., 18.
Ilck Duerr, Seward. Soph., 18.
Don Dutcher, Arapahoe, Soph., 18.
William Giles, Alliance, Soph., 18.
Bob Hssebroack, West Point, Soph., 18.
Ted James, Hopervlile. III., Soph., 18.
Jerry Paulson, Dell Rapids, 6. D., Sr.,
beorge Payn'ch, Del Plalnes, III., Jr.,
George Prochanka, Ulysses, Jr., 18.
Harold Robertson. Beatrice. Hoph., 17.
Jim Senkbell. Grand Island, Soph., IT.
Frank Simon, Burchard, Sr., 20.
Jerry Yeager, Hastings, Soph., 18.
Gerald Bingham, Lincoln, Soph., 19.
Don Boll, ftcrlhner, Jr., 23.
Don Carlson, Shenandoah, la., Soph.,
Clinton Clark, Sioux City, S. D., Soph.,
Hrmen Dlnklage, Wlsner, Jr., IS.
Harvey Goth, Lincoln, Soph., 17.
Wayne Handsha, JiolIwewL Call, Jr.,
James Jones, Turtle Crek, tPa., Soph.,
vi,in,.n Nh, riv Hnnh.. 18.
Keith Klaasmeyer, Dunbar, Sph., 1.
John Machisic. Turtle Creek, Pa., Soph,,
1 . . ...
Steve Wc'llll, omana. nopn.. jb.
Jerry Viinnirk, Camhrlde, Soph., 18.
'Robert Mullen, Connellnvllle, Pa., Sr.,
Kldon J"nc, j.incoin, ivjpn., ji.
Btan Sipple, Nebr. City, Soph,, 18.
Marvin Anderoon, Soph., 20.
Joe Bowman, Lincoln, Soph.. 20.
Carl Brim, Omaha, Jr., 1M.
Keith Coison, So. Sioux City, Jr., 18.
Cliff Dale, Palls City, Soph., 18.
Don Dunbar, McCook, Soph., lf.
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W inn a k
surpassed 23 feet this year in
his third event, the broad jump.
be in shape for the conference
Husker scoring for the indoor
dual season:
T.S. Colo. Km. Mo. K-8. Okl.
Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb.
Jones 6 10 H B 10 S
K. Jacobs 6 8 8 3 6 S4
Bedker 10 S 0 1 10 8 SS
Thode 6 5tt 6 6V4 f SO
Cooper 5 6 6 6 6 5 80
Tolman 4 5 4 8 6 27
Meiaaner 6 S 8 S 6 S 24
Kehl 4H 414 414 S S 8 21
Alexander 6 S 6 1 8 1 18
Beerline 6 8 6 1 8 18
Grimm 1 S 8 8 8 1 18
Krtiffer 8 6 0 0 5 0 18
Yelleen 1 4 1 1 1 2 10
Bajchua 414 414 114 0 1
Heln 8 114 1 0 0 1 814
Nlelson 8 1 0 0 8 7
Cathro S 0 0 0 1 1 8
Cole 0 8 0 0 0 0 8
Schnackel 1 8 0 O 1 0 8
Scovllle 114 114 114 0 0 0 S
Prochaaka 0 0 1 0 1 0 t
Whltaker 114O0OOO114
S. Jacobi 1 0. 0 0 0 0 1
Stanabury 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Ztegler 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Sand 0 0 0 0 0
Three-Legged Race
Should Be Event
By Shirley Murphy
K-State track coach, Ward Uaylett, who is plagued y lack
of indoor practice facilities for his trackmen, has come up with
a new wrinkle in conditioning exercises. On old or wet days,
the K-State thinclads are forced into the stadium locker room
for their workouts. A new muscle developer worked out by
Haylett, is the three legged race patterned after the perennial
county fair race. Two trackmen stand together, tie two legs to
gether, and then hobble to the end of the locker room and back.
Haylett says if it wasn't for his squad being able to use the
new fieldhouse next winter he would try to get the three-legged
race introduced as conference indoor event
"We might win that," he quipped.
"You've no idea bow we wanted those extra three-tenths
of a second," said Jack McGuire, ISC swim coach.
He was referring to the 8:28.7 minute time turned in by the
Cyclone relay in the 440-yard free style. That was the second
fastest time any college team has had for the event in a 20-yard
pooL However it lacked three-tenths of a second to better the
record set by Michigan State at Iowa last year.
The Cyclones closed their 1951 dual meet season with a rec
ord of nine wins and a single loss. This "record is the top for all
time at Iowa State.
Ernie Barrett gained all-American honors when he was in
cluded at a guard spot on the Sporting News' team. Barrett is
the first K-State rifleman to oreaic we zuu mar, ne iu
season string to 201 after the Oklahoma game.
Port Robertson, Sooner wrestling coach, will have three title
holders back when his squad defends its Big Seven Championship.
Three Oklahoma sophomores took home individual honors last
Tom Treet, Lincoln. Soph.. IS.
Ohartas Oasaon, Omaha, Jr., 21.
Richard Oolt, Tekamah Jr .,19.
Tom Harper, Omaha. Jr., .
Kd Husmann, Ogallala, Jr., 19.
Angelo Vaniltto, Omaha, Soph., IB.
Joe ponselgo, Chicago, Sr., 20.
Paul Stoddard, Ord, So Ph., 18.
ihek Thompson, Fremont, Soph., .
Jay Benedict, Jefferson, la.. Soph,, 18.
Jim Brown, Bteubenvllle. O., Soph., 19.
Bob Maclay, Lincoln. Boph., 23.
Carl Ofe, plattsmouth. Soph,, IS.
Jim Oliver, Shelton, Soph., IS.
Bud Proctor, Humboldt, Soph., 18.
Jim Oulnn, Omaha, Soph., 20.
Bill ehabaeker. Mlnden, Soph., 17.
Verl Scott, Mitchell, Jr., 1.
Ken sehroeder, Deshtar. Jr., 92.
Jim Tangdall, Superior, Soph., 18.
Denotes . lettermen.
mXlri HiAl 5 i Aii 1
. HHrfraVIl rTl A V HT
tTiTE' "The Underworld
Story," 1:59, 4:39, 7:19, 9:59. "Giri;
From San Lorenzo," i:uu, o.iu,
ctn a-nri
VARSITY: "Storm Warning,"!1
1:28, 5:29, 6:30, 7:81, 9;34.
HITKKER: "Seven Sinners,"
2:10. 4:50. 7:30, 10:10. "Triple
Trouble.' 1:00, 8:40, 6:20, 9:00.
, f ,f g a
i 1
Spring Halts
Hockey Play
Mother Nature has apparently
delivered a final coup-de-grace to
the University's first intramural
ice hockey schedule. The death
blow to the foundling campus
sport came in the form of early
spring thaws and unfavorable
With the regular season neat
completion, participating teams
seemed to be eagerly awaiting the
post season playoffs. Strong con
tenders for the prospective crown
were the skaters of Alpha Tau
Omega and Phi Delta Theta.
Both teams combined good
skating with power-plus scor
ing punch, and both have a clean
slate of wins to date.
Also challenging for the league
title was Delta Tau Delta. The
Delts also turned in a record of
straight wins and finished at the
head of their division.
The standings at the thaw:
Team W L T Pts
Phi Delta Theta ..3 0 0 6
Delta Tau Delta ..3 0 0 6
Alpha Tau Omega 2 0 0 4
Theta Chi ........ 2 10 4
Theta Xi s.... ... 10 0 2
pm Delta . . 1 0 0 2
Phi Kappa Psi ... 1 1 0 2
Sigma Chi ........ 1 1 0 2
Beta Sigma Psi ... 1 2 0 2
Sig Alpha Epsilon ..0 1 1 1
Men's Dorm ...... 0 2 1 1
Delta Sigma Phi . . 0 10
Delta Upsilon 0 10 0
Sigma Phi Epsilon 0 2 0 0
Pioneer House .... 0 3 0 0
Methodist Group
To Meet Wednesday
Kappa Phi will meet at 7 p.m.,
Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the
Methodist student house.
This has been changed from
Tuesday, Feb. 27.
ws have fho
new pen sensction
dinary pen
'value by tbe
creators of tbe
famous Parker
51", Thew
l" It .Hjl
looks like pent at
' iteiet tbe price.
Ue -fist-drying
Surtrcbrmne or arry
ink. Mtrveloui 8
metal Octanium
point, 4 colors, eboiee
point tylm.
Kvrry Cimt fvun now
Vl I V
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HEAD FOR DENVER , s the Husker Gymnastic
team gathers while preparing for the All-College
Meet in Denver this Saturday. They are left to
right: Back row Jake Geier (coach), Eddie
Craren, Bob Yarwood, Al Dunavan (captain),
Wes$ "aw
By Marshall Knshner
Nebraska's gymnastic team is
preparing itself for its top tour
nament of the year. This Friday
the Cornhuskers depart for Den
ver where- they will compete in
the All College Invitational Meet
sponsored by the Denver univer
sity. Coach Geier indicated that
teams representing Nebraska uni
versity, Colorado university, Col
orado A and M, Colorado State
college, Denver university, and
Montana university are expected
to compete in the tournament.
Several other teams have showed
considerable interest in the tour
nament, but no official word has
been received about them accept
a great model.,,
in every respect
of smart freedom
in deep
k- LJ
It's greet ""drop" to -wear if yoa
want to give full expression to the
right idea that casual ease is smartest
style. And "when you select a Great
Drape Blue , you've a suit that
will serve you welL In single or double
breasted versions . - in worsted and
in gabardine. '
Blue Gabardine $60
Dine Worsted $S5
Exclutively . , , MAGEE'S Seeoni floor
ing the bids.
"'It appears to be a fight between
Colorado university and Nebras
ka," claimed Coach Geier. He
based his opinion on the past per
formances of the two squads. The
Cornhuskers have compiled an
even split in their first four tour
naments. Most Meaningful
This meet has always been
the most meaningful to the team
and the boys are primed to shoot
the works'." The tournament is
also one of the most lavish that
the Husker gymnasts will com
pete in. Trophies and medals are
awarded to individual and team
j ;
I 'Wl i i
" ' - ' '
S f i :, v
'X''' ' ';v " yi"i""': "
Phil Sprague (assistant coach). Middle row-Don
Yoder (manager), Bob Norton, Art Hillman,
Jerry Tubbs. Front row Paul Hughes, Bruce
Riley, Ira Epstein.
After this meet the Huskers
will take an eastern jaunt to
compete against Iowa university
in a dual meet on March 16th at
Iowa City. They will then travel
to Chicago for a dual meet with
the Illinois Naval Pier Branch on
March 17th.
"Flower Festival"
TVetcwst release of Xarcrom
Greeting Cwi. Come wee ihem
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