Thursday, February 22, 19511 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 Vv 1 i V i . -4 ' 1 5. , ft. ' ECmow Music Alt mm Not Forgotten ByWostbrook By Jane Randall Stacking the back seat of a car with books and taking off for a cabin in Colorado to read them that is Arthur E. West brook's idea of the way to spend a vacation. Westbrook is the Director of the School of Fine Arts and a professor of music. In spite of what he calls his "night and day" teaching posi tion, he likes to catch up on his reading during the interval be tween the summer session and the fall term. "There's nothing I enjoy doing more than curling up in a rock ing chair I love rocking chairs, and reading a good book," he said. "Odd Jobs" Hobby However, since he and Mrs. Westbrook have recently bought a house, he plans to make his "hobby" puttering around doing odd jobs there. Td like to do a few things like painting the back hallway that lawn is going to need some attention too, he reflected. Their house is a stucco one ul with an enormous lawn. humorously remembered that this combination had been con trary to their previous convic tions. Mr. Westbrook, as he terms it, has the green thumb in the family." Westbrook's office shows Signs of this inclination. On his desk there is a large ivy. Several small pots containing a rare breed of the plant grace an iron stand near one of the windows. . . Unusual Ivy Pointing to the more unusual type of ivy, the Director com mented, When the sun shines through the window in the late afternoon, it makes the most fascinating shadow design on the wall I often notice it as I sit at the piano. It takes my mind off things.1 The musician says that his wife is also gifted, At one lime, she did quite a bit of singing." he said, ""but now she has joined me in taking a great interest in the youngsters here in the school f music." He described the help she gave him with his work as invaluable." Teaches Voice, Instruments Although proficient in playing the piano, Westbrook teaches When Crib Waiters Start Wiping Tables, Time to Leave By Bernie Nelsos ' Have any f yon girls been wondering how to trap one oi' those elusive waiters in the Crib? : Well, live by these rules and you are bound to make an im-. pression. One of the best ways not to make a hit is to holler for ser vice during a rush and then be enable to make up your mind as to what you want to order. What Is even more maddening to the average waiter is continually ad ding to your order as he brings yon each part of it. Females Menoply I The weaker sex seems to have a monopoly on the habit of be ing unable to make up their mind. The girls like to let the miter get their order written down and then ask. him to change the entire order. One of the pet peeves of the waiters is the Tm the only one here" type of character. This species is not limited to .any sex. In the eyes of the waiter he is probably lower than the amoeba. This sterling character pav SaDy marches into the only open booth in the place and imme diately starts to raise a fuss. He keeps bothering the waiter until the poor man finally has to leave come other customers, thus mak ing them mad, to wait on this low-life. Take it "easy, people, hell get around to you when your turn comes. Buddy Running a close sem io the "only one here" character the ruy that 5s supposed to be the buddy of the waiter. This sad adk, who probably heads the waiter's list of -mortal enemies, expects special service because of his "friendship." The waiter may not even know his name. Another way to gain the .dis like of these men is to come in $ust before .closing time and stay Sor 15 minutes or so after clos ing. These people usually learn f the dislike for their type with in a short time. Among the several broad hints Reporter Pleas For Typewriter By Connie Gordon A typewriter A typewriter!! My Jrtngdom for a typewriter. This is the sad song of those who work down aft the Sag of flue these .days. The Journalism 2 jcHaases have invaded the home f The Daily KebraBkan. This invasion 'has resulted in a lack f both chairs and typewriers. The Journalism B2 students are working at the office en .. stead of a Tegular lab period and ads io alleviate a reporter short take. - liignt mow, members of the Jlag staff s(and reporters loo) are wondering which is worse -a lack .of reporters or a lack vf fypewriers and chairs. JCNU " I:Ct TsnecisJly for Ton. 2.39 i am Jockey's Jam Isoree. - ... : TromeBs Show.' :U Tin! Spurts 0i- Tun with Facts :C! "Elites and Boogie. nr Faculty v iiiiiiliiiiiiiinliiiiilitf'li in 's l "N I ' ARTHUR E. WESTBROOK As director of the School of Fine Arts and professor of music, he takes a great interest in his stu dents and alumni. They are one of his "hobbies." He also keeps in close touch with all graduates of the School of Music. voice and instrumentation, too. In speaking of the Nebraska music alumni, the Director boasted of having a complete file of all their graduates for the past 12 years. He, in his own mind, has kept track of a num- 1 . - .. . i i Dor oi pasi siuaenis wuu uvc taken teaching positions within the state. We have had some trouble," he stated, with our students having preconceived notions that they don't want to stay within their own state." He observed also that many have come to school with the "impractical idea" that they will reach the Metropolitan Opera sometime. Opportunities In Nebraska Our students some of then dont stop to realize that there is an opportunity for a music career wTaiting for them in some of these small towns in Nebras ka," he asserted. Yet, looking on the graduates with a fond smile, Westbrook re membered the stacks of Christ mas cards that he and his wife receive from them every year. There are so many that 'they cover the top of our grand piano," he reminisced. "The alumni sometimes include pic tures of their families their children. We my wife and I call them our grandchildren." He explained further that since they regarded the students as their children, their families given late-stayers are: 3, A flashing of the lights. 2. Soda jerks or kitchen men calling for the rest of the dishes. 3. Oeaning of the tables around the offending couple Yes, they usually come in pairs. As the tables are susoaUy cleaned with vinegar water each night, this method usually works. Who can enjoy eating or talking while the odor of vinegar permeates the air. Grin and Bear It If you succeed in staying through these and a number of other broad hints, the waiters just have to grin and hear it There are other ways to irri tate these gladiators of the Union, but most of them are confined to individual waiters. Of course, if you want the ser vice rather than the man, you can try any of several methods that work very well, but you won't be liked any better for your ef forts. N.U. Bulletin Thursday The ping pong tournament will be held in the Ag rec room at 12:15 p.m. . .Ag Union Public relations committee will meet at S pm. in the Ag music room. A meeting of the Borne Ec dab Council will be held at S p. m. in the Home c parlors. The Block and Bridle .club will not meet Thursday night. There win be a meeting of the Ak-Sar-Ben committee at S p.m. in 208 Animal Husbandry hall. Red Cross safety instructors interested in therapy work win meet at 5 pa in room 21Z, Union. The Inter-Varsity f lcwship weekly meeting will be held Thursday, at 7:30 jm, in room 215, Union. Friday Everyone interested in the Table Tennis club is invited to attend the meeting Triday at 7 pm. in room 316, Union. Sunday Free movie ""The Ghost and Mrs. MuiT" in the Ag Union lounge at 4 pm. Early Spring Fever Evidenced In Latest Campus Fashwns By Jean Fenster A sure sign that spring as here: The Phi Psis have come out of hiding to grace their front steps and watch the -".doILiet" Q by! A smattering of coeds and fel lows across campus have further indicated by their costume the advent of glorious spring. Have you seen: Bin Xagan in his most recent purchaae of a red, white and blue plaid west? flowers and flowers and mors flowers adorning collars and blouses of the most feminine of coeds? Jo Siorsworthy says she feels lite a ""breath of spring" with her (delicate bouquet Sheila Granger conservatively .added a large yellow collar and yellow rose to a black skirt and sweater to more ur less "'Elide into'' spring. Syona Fnchs and Ann Maukett and a lot of other coeds tuahering n '.'x 1 would be their grandchildren. "And," he added, "although I may have other hobbies, 1 feel that my greatest one is the rela tionship I share with my stu dents here in music school." Westbrook came to the Uni versity in 1939. Since then he has been director of the School of Fine Arts and a professor of music. He has also been the head of the music department at Boise, Ida. high school Direc tor of Music at Kansas State college at Manhattan and Dean of the School of Music at Illi nois Wesleyan university of Bloomington. He has received an Honorary Doctor of Music degree and an L.H.D. He is a member of the Music Educators National con ference, the executive committee of the Music Teachers National association, the scholarship fra ternity Phi Kappa Phi and gov ernor of the central province of Phi Mu Alpha of Sinfonia, pro fessional music fraternity. High Frequency By Art Enstien What would you do if you de cided to leave your wife, after twenty years of marriage. Au thors of the Ages production for todays broadcast relates the plight of such a man. "Wakefield, is the story of a man who leaves his wile so he may obtain her reactions to his move ments. Wakefield, ably portrayed by Jack Lange, iert ms wue as f f tended to be Epstien rone a week. Instead be departed for twenty years. Sort f a TUp Van Winkle." According to Wakefield, be is a man with bo sense of humor; and also a little strmare. Basicly the story In volves his strange sense cf humor. Suffering under the illusion that something terrible has hap pened to her husband is Lois Nelson, the cast as Mrs. Wake field. Other players in the cast are "Wayne Wells, Jan CriHy and Bob Eoss. AH of these people are old hands at acting for Authors. New members of Authors casts include Marilyn Martin, Charles Rob row and Bob Spearman. Compare the adventures of Wakefield to what you would have done on tonights produc tion of Authors of the Ages. You can hear this show wer 3CFOB at :D0. Dont forget that if you miss the program over KFOE yon can hear the show at 3 '3D Monday over Student talent supreme eould be the sunt uf either f Bob VHmer,s KXU radio shows. Bob himself as a very nimble fingered pianist who not niy plays well but is also a composer. Bob is the creator cf two of the stu dent's radio's sop shows. "Musically Yours" features Bob at the piano. Bob plays his own melodic interpations of semi clasBical and pop musical scores. Over the notes of the piano he tells listeners to listen for cer tain passages in the music that he plays. VollmeT's other show is "Cam pus Classics:" On this program, Bob invites some of the most talented students from the School of Music to play or sing some of the favorites of the college. For music at its best, by students at their best hear Bob Vollmer's two hit radio program over KNTL ConBuTl the -"Bag" 4or the times. Thats all. Paul spring an wjrii lUoe-trimmea white blouse adorned by jrows of tiny bay-iize touttane? . Siorma CWbbuiik in her Uav ender spring coat looking like a bit (of Paris? Art EpsfehrV i4l blue denim slacks as an indication Saircaiy spring fever? Something new is in the air something you probably haven't seen around campus 3-et but that will be a common sight in a month or two. Shoe manufac turers have (deviated from the long-standing tradition of sober colors for footwear this spring and have put nearly every color of the rainbow into their pr&6 tucts. And here's a tip if you find it impractical to spend money for that off-shade of pink or green you'd love to own: Take last summer's yellowed linen pumps and ihive them dyed to match your spring costume they'll look like new! H edit Auditions Include Many Vocal Tryouts Vocalists dominated the list of tryouts at the Horace Heidt au ditions Tuesday, The winners in the auditions will appear on Horace Heidt's coast-to-coast broadcast Sunday night from the Coliseum. The broadcast is part of the two and a half hour program starring Heidt and his Youth Op portunity stars. Winners of the local try-outs will compete with other contest ants who have already won con tests in their locality and some have taken part in several later contests. I. The "Hub of Harmony" quar tet with guitar accompaniment as one of the groups participating at the auditions. Six other sing ers competed for a spot in the show. They were: Kathryn Rad aker, Carl Halker, Max Paulson, Ruth Ann Rakow and Nancy Widner. The latter sang "torch" songs and accompanied herself. Robert Rut auditioned on the piano, as did Jo Ann Jones. Hank Pedersen made his bid on the accordion. No winners have yet been an nounced by the Lions club or KFAB, The Lincoln Lions club is sponsoring the show with the proceeds going into a fund for the blind of the Lincoln Braille club. Us Belles Herb? & His Pals IVE SrECtlUZE 13 Supplier for Dresden Craft Textile Fmaiinf Other Haadaah items Ik out LnJ.0 ymt mdtk four tnraft prtAAtmi. DICK'S S 120B 3fi St '7KS VIST Fg eAira'VS?R03K." WE LEPmTJSS : ll- fYJji : f 7""- Model Assembly Bickerings and denunciations between Russia and her satellites and western nations enlivened last year's model United Nations general assembly. The assembly, sponsored by NUCWA the fourth week of March of 1950, met in committee meetings and plenary sessions. Hundreds of-University students participated, discussing such prob lems as an international police force and taking the views of the various countries which they rep resented. Chancellor R. G. Gustavson ad dressed the second plenary ses sion of the conference. Gustav son emphasized the importance of the atomic energy problem. "It is the most important in the world today," he said. Voting Followed Trend Questions both major and mi nor were discussed by the assem bly. Voting followed a general trend, the Western and Eastern nations rarely agreeing. At one period during the ses sions, Soviet delegates grabbed their brief cases and papers and staged a walk-out At the next "Session,-spectators noticed six delegates sitting in a row in the galleries. The six were members of the Russian delgation. They ate ice cream bars until the break came for them to rejoin the assembly. Biggest opposition to the Rus sians came from the united States section, where coeds kept the 'fire hot by heaping coals CHUCKLES Presented by Your Leading Businessmen WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY THURSDAY For Advertisements by LEADING LINCOLN CONCERNS unnn the Soviet delegation. In the final session, after a committee resolution which Rus sia opposed "went through," the Russians labeled the resolution "capitalistic and backed by big business and monopolies." Russians Promise Veto The Russians promised to veto the resolution in the Security Council. University delegates elected Sweden, Iraq and New Zealand as non-permanent members of the Security council. Dr. Frank Sorenson described to the assembly UNESCO's role in the struggle for world peace. The conference was patterned nn th workings of the actual United Nations assembly. Com mittee meetings were neia in "UN manner." Four committees were organ ized. Dealing with current ques tions such as uiMEsuu ana an novatinn of South West Africa. the committees threshed out ques tions beforehand ana men suo mittpd resolutions and recom mendations to the general as sembly. While other students enjoyed th sunshine and fair-weather in dicative of the week, interested students spent hours at Love library poring over pamphlets and books, thinking up new resolu tions and ideas to "stump" the opposition. Meetings in Bauroom General assembly meetings, held in the Union ballroom, were If 50 headed by assembly president Ted Sorensen. Fraternities, sororities and oth er campus organizations partici pated. Nearly every country had "first delegate," "second dele gate," and "third delegate," each prepared to take over the coun try's business if the opportunity came. Nebraska University Council for World Affairs carries out a spring project of this type each year. This year, the organization has chosen a model political com mittee meeting. Countries will be represented in the same way as previously with one exception. Interested students or groups of students not affiliated with a campus organi zation may take the part of a country and manage its business throughout the meetings. C. N. Interested United Nations headquarters at Lake Success has shown great in terest in the projects held each spring at the University. At last year's first session, William Agar, representative of the UN depart ment of public information gave the opening address. Other business taken care of at the first session was the oust ing of Nationalist China from its seat. The world situation has changed since NUCWTA's discussions last spring. By O'Brien By "Goth" Ihrphy w n..eiki ii noc A 931